Rizzi - Modeling and Simulating Aircraft Stability and Control


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  • 8/13/2019 Rizzi - Modeling and Simulating Aircraft Stability and Control


    Modeling and simulating aircraft stability and controlThe SimSAC project

    Arthur Rizzi

    Dept. of Aeronautical and Vehicle Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm 10044, Sweden

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Available online 26 October 2011


    Aircraft design


    Flight dynamics

    Flight control



    a b s t r a c t

    This paper overviews the SimSAC Project, Simulating Aircraft Stability And Control Characteristics for

    Use in Conceptual Design. It reports on the three major tasks: development of design software,

    validating the software on benchmark tests and applying the software to design exercises. CEASIOM,

    the Computerized Environment for Aircraft Synthesis and Integrated Optimization Methods, is a

    framework tool that integrates discipline-specific tools for conceptual design. At this early stage of the

    design it is very useful to be able to predict the flying and handling qualities of this design. In order to

    do this, the aerodynamic database needs to be computed for the configuration being studied, which

    then has to be coupled to the stability and control tools to carry out the analysis. The benchmarks for

    validation are the F12 windtunnel model of a generic long-range airliner and the TCR windtunnel

    model of a sonic-cruise passenger transport concept. The design, simulate and evaluate (DSE) exercise

    demonstrates how the software works as a design tool. The exercise begins with a design specification

    and uses conventional design methods to prescribe a baseline configuration. Then CEASIOM improves

    upon this baseline by analyzing its flying and handling qualities. Six such exercises are presented.

    & 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574

    1.1. The aircraft design process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5741.2. Conceptual design for stability and control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574

    2. CEASIOM software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576

    2.1. ACBuilder-sumo module to define configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577

    2.2. NeoCASS module for aero-structural sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578

    2.3. AMB-CFD module for aerodynamic table construction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579

    2.4. S&C analyzer/assessor modules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580

    3. Benchmarks to validate CEASIOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581

    3.1. DLR-F12 windtunnel model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581

    3.2. SimSAC-TCR wind-tunnel model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581

    4. Design, simulate and evaluate exercisesgallery of results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582

    4.1. Flying aircraft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583

    4.1.1. Ranger 2000 trainer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583

    4.1.2. B-747 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .583

    4.2. Existing configurations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584

    4.2.1. Alenia ERC-SMJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584

    4.2.2. Dassault SEJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .584

    4.3. New designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585

    4.3.1. GAV asymmetric Z-wing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585

    4.3.2. SAAB TCR TransCruiser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586

    5. Concluding remarks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588

    Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588

    References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588

    Further reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588

    Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect

    journal homepage: ww w.elsevier.com/locate/paerosci

    Progress in Aerospace Sciences

    0376-0421/$ - see front matter & 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    E-mail address: rizzi@kth.se

    Progress in Aerospace Sciences 47 (2011) 573588

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    1. Introduction

    1.1. The aircraft design process

    The design of aircraft is an extremely interdisciplinary activity

    produced by simultaneous consideration of complex, tightly

    coupled systems, functions and requirements. The design task is

    to achieve an optimal integration of all components into an

    efficient, robust and reliable aircraft with high performance that

    can be manufactured with low technical and financial risks, and

    has an affordable cost taking in consideration the whole lifetime

    of the aircraft. The aircraft design process (see Fig. 1(a)) is in

    general divided into three phases, which tend to overlap in astaggered fashion. In the conceptual design phase the aircraft is

    defined at a system level. Many variants are studied, and the

    design selected is the one that best fulfils the specifications of the

    market or a customer. This design then becomes a project and is

    studied further. In the preliminary design phase, the tentatively

    selected concept is refined until feasibility is established, i.e.

    extensive array of design sensitivities are generated, design

    margins, etc. About two-thirds of the way through this phase,

    the concept is frozen and no major changes are expected there-

    after unless serious problems arise. The final phase is the detailed

    design phase in which details of the product are elaborated,

    optimizations are made and data sets are generated. A large

    variety of tools are used in each phase of the design process,

    including empirical/handbook methods, wind tunnel testing,

    flight-testing and numerical simulation and optimization tools

    including NavierStokes solution methods. In general, low-fide-

    lity tools are supposed to be used in the conceptual design phase

    where many alternatives need to be analyzed in a short period,

    while high-fidelity tools are used in the other design phases since

    the concept evolves to an acceptable level of maturity. The term

    fidelity refers here to the representation of the aircraft geometry

    (and/or structure, where applicable) and of the physical modeling

    that determines the aircraft behavior and performance (aerody-

    namic stability and control and loads data bases). Today this is the

    existing practice for developing a new aircraft. SimSAC focuses on

    the modeling and simulation aspects in the design stages in the

    circle in Fig. 1(a), namely in conceptual design and the down-selecting of configurations for project studies in preliminary

    design. The reason that SimSAC focuses mainly on the conceptual

    design process is that 80% of the life-cycle cost of an aircraft is

    incurred by decisions taken during the conceptual design phase,

    seeFig. 1(b). Mistakes here must be avoided because they are very

    costly to remedy later and delay acceptance. Matters involving

    the interaction of aerodynamics with structures and controls are

    particularly prone to errors due to the low fidelity of the analysis

    methods traditionally used.

    1.2. Conceptual design for stability and control

    Present trends in aircraft design toward augmented-stability

    and expanded flight envelopes call for an accurate description of



    CL lift coefficient

    Cm pitching moment coefficient

    F forces acting on aircraft

    I moments of inertia

    Kn static margin

    L Euler angle rates

    M1 Mach number

    m mass

    M aerodynamic moments

    q pitch rate (rad/s)

    S surface Area

    ue elevator control signal

    xcg X-location of center of gravity

    U horizontal velocity

    V velocity of aircraft

    Greek letters

    a angle of attackb side slip angle

    d control surface deflection

    te elevator actuator lag timeH aircraft orientation angle

    x rotation rate of aircraft


    c chord length

    c canard

    c cruise

    e elevator

    w wing


    AC aerodynamic center

    ACBulder aircraft builder

    AMB aerodynamic model builderB-747 Boeing wide-body airliner

    CAD computer aided design

    CG center of gravity

    CEASIOM computerized environment for aircraft synthesis and

    integrated optimization methods

    CFD computational fluid dynamics

    DSE design simulate evaluate

    FCS flight control system

    FHQ flying handling qualities

    GAV general aviation vehicle

    MAC mean aerodynamic chord

    MTOW mean take-off weight

    NeoCASS next generation conceptual aero-structural sizing suite

    Ranger 2000 EADS military trainer aircraftSAS stability augmented system

    SDSA simulation and dynamic stability analysis

    SMJ Alenia 70-seat regional commuter jet concept

    SEJ supersonic executive jet

    SimSAC simulating aircraft stability and control characteristics

    S&C stability and control

    TCR Transonic Cruiser

    VLM vortex lattice method

    WB weights and balances

    WT wind tunnel

    Z-wing asymmetric wing planform

    A. Rizzi / Progress in Aerospace Sciences 47 (2011) 573588574

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    the flight-dynamic behavior of the aircraft in order to properly

    design the flight control system (FCS). Hence there is a need to

    increase knowledge about stability and control (S&C) as early as

    possible in the aircraft development process in order to be First-

    time-right with the FCS design architecture. The review paper by

    Vos et al.[1] describes these ideas in terms of the Virtual Aircraft

    and explains much of the background motivation for our

    work here.

    Fig. 2 spells out the details in the early design steps in the

    circle shown in Fig. 1(a) for the definition of the virtual aero-

    servo-elastic aircraft. It illustrates two design loops in the

    conceptual design phase that follow the first-guess sizing (usually

    done by a spread-sheet) to obtain the initial layout of the

    configuration. The first one, the pre-design loop, is aimed at

    establishing a very quick (time-scale can be from one to a few

    weeks) yet technically consistent sized configuration with a

    predicted performance. The second one, the concept-design loop,

    is a protracted and labor intensive effort involving more advanced

    first-order trade studies to produce a refinement in defining the

    minimum goals of a candidate project. At the end of the

    conceptual design phase all the design layouts will have been

    analyzed, and the best one, or possibly two designs will be

    Fig. 1. SimSAC design: (a) aircraft design process from conceptual design to manufacturing and testing. SimSAC focuses on the Conceptual-to-Project phases in the circle;

    (b) contemporary product development contrasted against Virtual Aircraft approach.

    Fig. 2. Two design loops in the conceptual design phase process and the down-select to project study in preliminary design. CEASIOM focuses in particular on the S&C,

    structural-aeroelastic and performance characteristics of the aircraft (after an illustration by Daniel Raymer).

    A. Rizzi / Progress in Aerospace Sciences 47 (2011) 573 588 575

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    down-selected to the preliminary design phase. During the pre-

    liminary definition, project design is still undergoing a somewhat

    fluid process and indeed warrants some element of generalist-

    type thinking, but the minimum goals of the project have already

    been established during the conceptual definition phase and the

    aim is to meet these targets using methods with higher order than

    those used during the conceptual definition phase.

    The first stages of the design process of a new aircraft are

    related to the sizing of the main components. The designer refersto some stability and control characteristics as a guidance of the

    design process. Up to now, the aerodynamic data considered in

    these early design steps were mostly based on tabulated data,

    issued from previous experience and/or semi-empirical

    approaches. Although satisfactory when determining some high

    level parameters (e.g. areas and planforms of lifting surfaces),

    such simplified approaches can lead to errors in the sizing

    process, especially when used in final conceptual design steps

    (e.g. sizing or allocation of control surfaces), and do not offer

    sufficient fidelity. For example errors can be due to Reynolds

    number effects, configuration sensitivities, dynamic motion

    effects and related issues, and such errors generally can be

    detected only with a significant increase in the fidelity of the

    aerodynamic data base, for instance with wind-tunnel data or

    even flight test data. The later in the design process the error

    identified, the higher the cost of its correction.

    Traditionally, wind-tunnel measurements are used to fill look-

    up tables of forces and moments over the flight envelope but

    wind-tunnel models become available only later in the design

    cycle (see Fig. 3). To date, most engineering tools for aircraft

    design rely on handbook methods or linear fluid mechanics

    assumptions. The latter methods provide low-cost reliable aero-

    data that as long as it is a conventional configuration the aircraft

    remains well within the limits of its flight envelope. However,

    current trends in aircraft design toward unconventional designs

    with augmented-stability and expanded flight envelopes require

    an accurate description of the non-linear flight-dynamic behavior

    of the aircraft. The obvious option is to use Computational Fluid

    Dynamics (CFD) early in the design cycle to predict the aerodata,

    as indicated inFig. 3. Thus, an increase in the fidelity level of the

    aerodynamic database is needed at all the steps of the design

    process: this is one of the main objectives of the SimSAC project

    (Simulating Aircraft Stability And Control Characteristics for Use

    in Conceptual Design). This FP6 European project gathers a total

    of 17 partners and is coordinated by KTH (A. Rizzi) (www.

    simsacdesign.eu). This paper surveys the three main areas of

    project activities:

    construction of a new tool, called CEASIOM, dedicated to theconceptual and preliminary design and analysis of fixed-wing

    aircrafts, assessment and improvement of existing CFD tools for pre-dicting the stability and control dynamic derivatives,

    application of the CEASIOM software to two clean-sheet designstudies; a near-sonic large transport aircraft (TCR) and an

    unconventional Z-wing general aviation configuration (GAV);

    in addition existing designs are studied further, such as the

    Alenia regional commuter jet SMJ and the Dassault supersonic

    executive jet SEJ, and lastly real aircraft, Ranger 2000 military

    trainer and the B-747 are evaluated.

    CEASIOM is meant to support engineers in the conceptual

    design process of the aircraft, with emphasis on the improved

    prediction of stability and control properties achieved by higher-

    fidelity methods than found in contemporary aircraft design tools.

    Moreover CEASIOM integrates into one application the main

    design disciplines, aerodynamics, structures and flight dynamics,

    impacting on the aircrafts performance. It is thus a tri-disciplin-

    ary analysis brought to bear on the design of the aero-servo-

    elastic aircraft. CEASIOM does not however carry out the entire

    conceptual design process indicated inFigs. 2and3. It requires as

    input an initial layout as the baseline configuration sized to the

    mission profile (output of pre-design loop O(10) parameters).

    Then it refines this design (in concept-design loop O(100) para-

    meters) and outputs it as the revised layout for consideration in

    the down-select process (say O(1000) parameters). In doing all

    this, CEASIOM, through its simulation modules, generates signifi-

    cant knowledge about the design and thereby increases its

    fidelity. The information generated is sufficient input to a six

    Degrees of Freedom engineering flight simulator. It is also

    sufficient to construct a suitable wind-tunnel model, comparable

    in quality to the one used in the traditional approach to S&C

    design. In fact the design exercise TCR spans all these steps,

    starting with a baseline input and refining it all the way to flight

    simulation, WT model construction, testing and comparison-

    verification of the entire SimSAC concept.

    2. CEASIOM software

    CEASIOM is a framework tool that integrates discipline-spe-

    cific tools like CAD and mesh generation, CFD, stability and

    control analysis and structural analysis, all for the purpose of

    aircraft conceptual design [2]. The flight-dynamic equations foraircraft motion begin with Newtons Second Law and lead to the

    non-linear inertial expressions for translation, rotation and kine-

    matical relationships, written in symbolic form:

    Translation: m _VxmV FaeroFthrust FgravityRotation : I _xx Ix Maero

    Kinematics: _H L 1

    where F denotes aerodynamic (aero), propulsion (thrust) and

    gravity forces;M denotes aerodynamic (aero) moments;Vrepre-

    sents the velocity of the aircraft and x its rotation rate;mdenotes

    its mass andI moments of inertia;H is its orientation angle andL

    the Euler angle rates. The coupled expressions in Eq. (1) yield a

    system of ordinary differential equations that determine the

    instantaneous motion of a rigid aircraft. The aircraft is free to

    Fig. 3. With initial sizing as input CEASIOM advances the design to fidelity of

    wind-tunnel model by high-fidelity simulation (top) to enrich design parameters

    by two orders magnitude (bottom).

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    move under the influence of the aerodynamic forces and

    moments while the instantaneous state of the flow field sur-

    rounding the aircraft is influenced by its prior states. CEASIOM

    addresses the task of solving Eq. (1).

    The classical approach to analyzing system (1) is to linearize it

    through a perturbation analysis that effectively decouples the

    system. This approach yields the so-called stability and control

    parameters to characterize aircraft flight dynamics upon which a

    large knowledge base has been built to help designers do theirwork. The system is de-coupled by a local linearization procedure

    where the forces and moments are expanded in a Taylor series

    yielding the static and dynamic stability derivatives, exemplified

    by the time dependent pitching moment:

    The task then is to compute these derivatives by CFD and use

    them for solving Eqs. (1), the S&C task. Dynamic stability para-

    meters (derivatives), in particular, provide information about the

    stiffness and damping attributes of the dynamic system. For

    example, the so-calleddamping derivativecharacterizes the varia-

    tion of forces and moments with respect to angular rates. The S&Cmodule in CEASIOM analyzes and evaluates the dynamical system

    (1) for suitable flight handling qualities using such parameters.

    Showing aspects of its functionality, process and dataflow,

    Fig. 4 presents an overview of how the CEASIOM software goes

    about solving Eq. (1).

    Significant features are developed and integrated in CEASIOM

    as modules:

    1. Geometry module Geo-sumo

    A customized geometry construction system to define the

    aircraft configuration coupled to surface and volume grid

    generators; Port to CAD via IGES.

    2. Aerodynamic module AMB-CFD

    A replacement of and complement to current handbook aero-dynamic methods with new adaptable-fidelity modules

    referred to as (a) Tier I, (b) Tier I and (c) Tier II:

    a. Steady and unsteady TORNADO vortex-lattice code (VLM)

    for low-speed aerodynamics and aero-elasticity.

    b. Inviscid Edge CFD code for high-speed aerodynamics and


    c. RANS (Reynolds Averaged NavierStokes) flow simulator

    for high-fidelity analysis of extreme flight conditions.

    3. Stability and Control module S&C

    A simulation and dynamic stability and control analyzer and

    flying-quality assessor. Six Degrees of Freedom test flight

    simulation, performance prediction, including human pilot

    model, Stability Augmentation System (SAS) and a LQR basedflight control system (FCS), or J2 Universal Tool-Kit, the

    commercially available industrial grade engineering analysis

    tool for assessment and visualization of aircraft in flight. (see


    4. Aeroelastic module NeoCASS

    Quasi-analytical structural analysis methods that support

    aero-elastic problem formulation and solution.

    5. Flight Control System design module FCSDT

    A designer toolkit for flight control-law formulation, simula-

    tion and technical decision support, permitting flight control

    system design philosophy and architecture to be coupled early

    in the conceptual design phase.

    6. Decision Support System module DSS

    An explicit DSS functionality, including issues such as fault

    tolerance and failure tree analysis.

    2.1. ACBuilder-sumo module to define configuration

    The task is to build a tabular model for the aerodynamic forces

    and moments on the airframe by simulation. The geometry

    should be represented in a way to be parameterized by a small

    number, say O(100), of parameters with intuitive interpretation.

    Fig. 5(b) presents an overview of the main components in

    ACBuilder-sumo and their functionality [7]. ACBuilder provides

    basic parametrization, which sumo then enhances to produce

    surface and volume grids for Euler simulation as well as a bone

    fide IGES file that is meshable (watertight). The meshable modelcan subsequently be used directly as input by the Tier I or II

    solvers of the Aerodynamic module AMB-CFD.

    The tools for managing the geometry modeling are described

    below with comments on the workflow, in particular on the

    Fig. 4. CEASIOM Software for analyzing Eq. (1): core modules ACBuilder-sumo, AMB-CFD, NeoCASS and S&C (SDSA, J2 and FCSDT) in the CEASIOM software.

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    degree of automation achievable while preserving the engineers

    accountability for the quality of the data compiled. The challenge

    is to approach automatic volume mesh generation for Tier I ,

    with geometries including control surface deflections.

    The geo.xml file defines the geometry with sufficient details

    for the Tier I computations. The lifting surfaces are assembled

    from quadrilateral planforms, twist, dihedral, etc., and airfoil

    definitions. Body, booms, cockpits, etc. are described by only a

    few key parameters, for the VLM the slender body approximation

    provides a rough estimate of the body influence on the downwash

    on lifting surfaces. Control surface deflections are simple because

    the lifting surfaces are modeled as lamina, and can be effected by

    actually changing the geometry or by just manipulating surface

    normals in the numerical flow tangency conditions.

    The geo.xml file is edited by the ACBuilder GUI, which gives

    visual feed-back of not only external geometry as needed for

    aerodynamics but also data necessary for weights and balance

    estimates. In addition to geo.xml, VLM requires a few solver

    parameters, such as lattice densities, wake relaxation scheme, etc.

    These parameters can easily be set by the engineer and have

    default values based on past experience.

    Panel methods and Euler simulations require much higher

    fidelity geometry, in particular a closed surface, smooth enough to

    support a surface grid with proper refinements at critical places

    like leading and trailing wing edges, wing tips, etc. But also the

    surfaces on body (booms, fairings, etc.) must be well-rounded not

    to create spurious pressure peaks or troughs.

    The sumo package builds an aircraft model from a set of closed

    spline surfaces and provides a proper GUI for designing the

    shapes from cross sections and control points. Sumo calculates

    the intersections and can perform local smoothings and closure of

    features such as un-closed wing tips, as necessary, to make asingle closed surface. It can proceed to generate a triangular

    surface mesh with density controlled by radii of curvature, etc.,

    from a small set of user parameters.

    The geo.xmlsumo interface provides most of the data neces-

    sary, but user interaction is required when the xml geometry is

    inadequate. Typically, components such as vertical and horizontal

    tails and the rear fuselage may not intersect properly; sumo will

    then attempt repair with default parameter settings and issue

    error messages; the response called for is to change the geometry

    using ACBuilder. Control surface deflections can be done by actual

    geometry deformation before mesh generation, or by manipula-

    tion of surface normals. The surface deformation currently fills

    the gaps that are created; details of multi-element high-lift

    systems are not supported.

    The step from surface mesh to volume mesh is taken by the

    TetGen package, which needs only a few user parameters to fill

    the volume between exterior of aircraft and the far-field sphere

    by a tetrahedral mesh. The quality of the surface mesh is crucial.

    Inadequate surface meshes are often caused by surface irregula-

    rities, and call for geometry repair by the engineer.

    The Tier II geometry models require high-quality surfaces with

    all relevant details. Such high-quality geometry models can be

    created by sumo and sent as IGES file to fully-fledged mesh

    generator systems such as ICEM/CFD. A CAD model often exists

    for existing aircraft, and data may be available for validation

    experiments and modification exercises. The approximation of a

    given CAD geometry by the geo.xml format is not a well-defined

    task and currently must be done manually by the engineer, by

    extracting cross sections, etc., as native sumo input, or with even

    more radical shape approximation, by adapting the O(100) para-

    meters of geo.xml to the best fit.

    2.2. NeoCASS module for aero-structural sizing

    The NeoCASS (Next generation Aero Structural Sizing) module

    combines state of the art computational, analytical and semi-

    empirical methods to tackle all the aspects of the aerostructural

    analysis of a design layout at the conceptual design stage [8]. It

    gives a global understanding of the problem at hand without

    neglecting any aspect of it: aerodynamic, structural and aeroelastic

    analysis from low to high speed regimes, buffet onset, divergence,

    flutter analysis and determination of trimmed condition and

    stability derivatives both for rigid and deformable aircraft.

    Similar to the aerodynamic module, structural models of

    increasing accuracy and computational cost provide consistent

    structural representation of the aircraft from the early conceptualdefinition until the late detailed definition (see Fig. 6). Prelimin-

    ary analysis is focused on determining and representing a reason-

    able structural/nonstructural mass and stiffness distribution,

    which satisfies strength, stiffness and stability requirements. A

    few structural elements capable of giving equivalent structural

    behavior are available, such as a linear equivalent plate and a

    linear/nonlinear equivalent beam to introduce geometry non-

    linear effects. These models lead to low-order algebraic problems,

    keeping the computational cost very low and allowing several

    configurations to be examined quickly.

    Two classic lifting surface methods are implemented. The

    Vortex Lattice Method (VLM) is used for subsonic steady aero-

    dynamic and aeroelastic calculations, and the Doublet Lattice

    Method (DLM) for subsonic flutter analysis and prediction of

    Fig. 5. Shape Definition Module ACBuilder-sumo. (a) ACBuilder visual feedback. (b) ACBuilder-sumo software chain: from sketch to CFD grids.

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    harmonic stability derivatives. For higher fidelity and higher

    Mach number CEASIOM uses the inviscid version of the CFD code

    Edge. Aero-elastic analyses and control surface deflections are

    carried out by the transpiration boundary-condition method,

    which accounts for structural motion and deformation by speci-

    fying the velocity direction at the wall. This method avoids

    complex and time-consuming remeshing as well as sliding mesh

    techniques and the meshing of narrow gaps.

    Flutter analyses are carried out by Reduced-Order Models

    (ROM) constructed by the DLM and Edge solvers. Indeed, the

    aerodynamic ROM is determined through a numerical perturba-

    tion to the system starting from an equilibrium condition. The

    determination of the trimmed steady state of the aircraft flying a

    frozen manoeuvre is an important sub-problem in most analyses,

    to determine pressureload distribution and structural deflec-

    tions/twists and to assess flutter instability. With non-linear

    models an iterative process is required to determine this condi-

    tion. NeoCASS uses a Jacobian-Free NewtonKrylov (JFNK)

    method, which does not need the Jacobian of the system.

    Coupling of structural and aerodynamic models is accomplished

    by a meshless radial basis function scheme, which allows any

    combination of them. With the structural model so specified, the

    aeroelastic stability coefficients, the so-called eta values can be


    2.3. AMB-CFD module for aerodynamic table construction

    A prerequisite for realistic prediction of the S&C behavior and

    sizing of the FCS is the availability of complete and accurate

    aerodata (i.e. the S&C database). The aerodata is represented by

    an multidimensional array of dimensionless coefficients of aero-

    dynamic forces and moments, stored as a function of the state

    vector and control-surface deflections. The aerodynamic tables in

    AMB-CFD have the following format for the stability coefficients,for the control coefficients and for the unsteady coefficients,

    wherea is the angle of attack, Mis the Mach number and b theside slip angle,q,p and rare the three rotations in pitch, roll and

    yaw. The three control surfaces that can be deflected are the

    elevator (de), the rudder (dr) and the aileron (da). TheTable 1is

    linearized and build up from 7 three-dimensional tables with a,Mand a third parameter (b, q, p and r,de,dr orda). The coefficients

    must be computed for each of these three parameters throughout

    the flight envelope, hence the computational cost is problematic,

    particularly if done by brute force: a calculation for every entry in

    table. The total entries can number in tens of thousands, or even

    more in late design stages. Fortunately methods are available that

    can reduce the computational cost.

    There are essentially three issues, see Fig. 7(a).

    Fig. 6. Architecture, function and process of NeoCASS.

















































































































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    Firstly, a spectrum of computational tools available, from

    RANS to potential flow models and semi-empirical methods. Each

    of the tools has a range of validity which can be exploited to keep

    the computational cost down. For the preliminary design of the

    aircraft and its FCS and as long as the flight attitude remains well

    within the limits of the flight envelope in the range of low-speed

    aerodynamics, Tier I computational methods can provide the

    aerodata. For a refined design of the FCS or for flight attitudes

    close to the border of the flight envelope, the linear or inviscid

    methods used in the Tier I tools fail to predict the proper

    aerodynamic behavior and also Tier II RANS methods will be used

    selectively. Then results from all these different sources, with low

    fidelity/low-cost data indicating trends and a small number of

    high-fidelity/high-cost simulations correcting the values, can be

    fused into a single database [16].

    Secondly, mesh-free interpolation methods can significantly

    reduce the number of data points which actually need to be

    computed to fill the table. Some studies[1517] of using kriging

    for the generation of aerodynamic data have been published using

    the software package DACE (Design and Analysis of Computer

    Experiments), a Matlab toolbox for working with kriging approx-

    imations to computer models. Here the states of the aircraft are

    set to be the inputand the aerodynamic coefficients are set to be

    the response of the computer model. The aim is to use this

    approximation model as a surrogate for the computer model.

    Thirdly, the identification of parameter regions where the

    aerodynamics is nonlinear, and hence where Tier II fidelity is

    needed, is a samplingproblem. Therefore the AMB-CFD module

    develops with these three elements [6].

    The Tier II CFD tools are currently loosely coupled to CEASIOM

    because users are mainly interested in coupling their own RANS

    CFD tools. However, standard interfaces and file formats are

    defined in CEASIOM to which different RANS solvers have been

    coupled with MATLAB and Python scripts to perform sequences ofruns and collect results.

    2.4. S&C analyzer/assessor modules

    CEASIOM offers its user three distinct modules: SDSA, J2 and

    FCSDT for analyzing and assessing the flight characteristics of the

    design configuration, i.e. they solve 1rewritten here symbolically,

    as part of their flight simulator


    dt A1Fg FaFt 2


    s fu,





    rg 3

    andFahas been determined by AMB-CFD and Fgby NeoCASS-WB.

    The stability analysis requires deriving the linear set of equations

    by calculation of the Jacobian B for the defined state of the flight;


    dt Bs 4


    B @F i,j@sj

    ( ) 5

    Now the eigenvalue problem can be formulated as

    A1BIls 0 6

    The solution of the eigenvalue problem gives directly the

    frequency and damping coefficients. The eigenvector problem is

    also solved to identify the motion modes. Solving the nonlinear

    equation system for the equilibrium state

    Fs,t 0 7

    determines the trim conditions. The SDSA module (Simulationand Dynamic Stability Analyzer) provides the following function-


    1. Stability analysis:

    a. eigenvalue analysis of linearized model,

    b. time history identification (nonlinear model).

    2. Six Degrees of Freedom flight simulation:

    a. test flights, including trim response,

    b. turbulence.

    3. Flight Control System:

    a. human pilot model,

    b. stability augmentation system,

    c. FCS based on Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) theory.

    4. Performance prediction5. Miscellaneous (data review, results review, cross plots, etc.)

    Fig. 7(b) illustrates the structure and functionality of this

    module. SDSA solves the nonlinear model of the aircraft motion

    Eq. (1) for all its functions. For the eigenvalue analysis, the model

    is linearized numerically around the equilibrium (trim) point.

    Eigenvalue and eigenvector analyses allow automatic recognition

    of the typical modes of motion and their parameters. The flight

    simulation module can be used to perform test flights and record

    flight parameters in real-time. The recorded data can be used for

    identification of the typical modes of motions and their para-

    meters (period, damping coefficient, phase shift). The stability

    analysis results are presented as figures of merits based on JAR/

    FAR, ICAO and MIL regulations. The SDSA embedded flight control

    Fig. 7. AMB-CFD and S&C Modules: (a) architecture of the Aerodynamic Dataset Generator AMB-CFD; (b) SDSA structure and functionality.

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    system allows a pilot in the loop, and SAS and FCS based on a

    LQR approach. The LQR-FCS module allows computing and saving

    control matrices for simulations over the whole envelope. In this

    way, SDSA includes the FCS for stability characteristics and in-

    flight simulation for the closed loop case. The performance

    option is designed to compute basic performance parameters:

    flight envelope (Vmin and Vmax versus altitude of flight), selected

    manoeuvres (e.g. regular turn), range and endurance character-

    istics. For all mentioned functionalities the starting point is thecomputation of the trimmed state with sufficient initial condi-

    tions. The test flight settings include initial state, disturbances,

    and single/double step controls. SDSA is a stand-alone application

    integrated into CEASIOM. As a module of CEASIOM, it receives all

    the necessary data (aerodynamics, mass, inertia, available thrust),

    when available, without special prompting.

    The necessary data can be delivered to SDSA as an XML file or

    as a set of plain text files. The second option is useful e.g. for

    experimental data. The data set contains aerodynamic coefficients

    or/and stability derivatives tables, mass and inertia data, propul-

    sion data, control derivatives and reference dimensions. The

    control and propulsion data can be completed and edited using

    special options of SDSA. SDSA accepts aerodynamic data as tables

    of stability derivatives as a function of angle of attack and Mach

    number. SDSA also accepts as a multidimensional array of force

    and moment coefficients versus six state parameters (angle of

    attack, Mach number, sideslip angle and rotational velocity

    components). A similar array is defined for control derivatives

    and stability derivatives versus selected accelerations (i.e. alpha

    dot derivatives). All aerodynamic data (derivatives) can be

    reviewed and are checked by comparison with typical values

    (Fig. 8).

    The functionalies of the J2 and FCSDT modules are similar to

    SDSA. Commercially available, J2 is a stand-alone system that has

    been coupled to CEASIOM, see www.j2aircraft.com for further

    details about J2. The Flight Control System design module FCSDT

    is a designer toolkit for flight control-law formulation, simulation

    and technical decision support. The companion paper [23]in this

    issue describes this module in more detail.

    3. Benchmarks to validate CEASIOM

    Two benchmarks [5] have been used in SimSAC to validate

    CEASIOM. The first is DLRs wind-tunnel model F12, a generic

    long-range airliner. The model has no defined control surfaces.

    The second one, the TCR TransCruiser, originates from one of the

    SimSACs DSE exercises which designed, built and tested the final

    configuration. It has one control surface for longitudinal control,

    an all-moving canard.

    3.1. DLR-F12 windtunnel model

    The DLR-F12 model used is a typical geometry of a generic

    transport aircraft and was constructed specifically for dynamic

    tests. Such a model must meet different design criteria than

    conventional wind tunnel models. The mass of a dynamic wind-tunnel model as well as its moments of inertia must be as low as

    possible to achieve a favorable ratio between the aerodynamic

    forces of interest and the additional acting forces from mass. On

    the other hand, the elastic deformation has to be as small as

    possible. Furthermore, the first Eigenfrequency of the model

    should be one order of magnitude above the excitation frequency,

    at least 15 Hz, to avoid the excitation of the models higher

    harmonics. The best material to meet all these requirements

    proves to be carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP). Using CFRP-

    Sandwich structure as is used in building full-size gliders, the

    DLR-F12 model has a weight of 12 kg. The model was manufac-

    tured by the DLR plastics workshop in Braunschweig. In order to

    evaluate the influence of individual components of the tested

    airplane configurations, such as winglets, vertical or horizontalstabilizers, nacelles, on the dynamic derivatives the models are

    designed in a modular way so that every component of interest

    can be added to the model. The DLR-F12 model not only allow the

    measurement of unsteady forces and moments but also unsteady

    pressure distributions using pressure taps at specific chordwise

    stations on the wing and horizontal and vertical stabilizers.

    A variety of computed aerodynamic coefficients versus angle

    of attack are compared with the experimental data in Fig. 9. The

    lift coefficient is well predicted by CFD tools with a lift over-

    estimation by Euler methods for the highest angles of attack.

    A shift in the pitching moment of about 0.03 exists between

    experimental and computational data and is likely to come from

    the model support effect (ventral sting), not taken into account in

    the computations. As far as the VLM tools are concerned, thediscrepancy of the results is large, probably coming from differ-

    ences in the geometries and/or meshes. This benchmark case is in

    the linear range of the flight envelope 51rar81.

    3.2. SimSAC-TCR wind-tunnel model

    A wind-tunnel model, without engines, of the TCR-C15 canard

    configuration, the final design of the DSE-TCR exercise, has been

    built by Politecnico di Milano and the model has been tested in

    the TsAGI T103 wind tunnel at a speed of 40 m/s. This is the wind

    Fig. 8. Windtunnel measurements of F12. (a) DLR-F12 model on the MPM, (b) axis-system for force coefficients.

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    tunnel of continuous type of action with open working section

    (elliptical cross section of 2.33 4.0 m). The static test in the wind

    tunnel campaign includes a variation of pitch and slide-slip anglesfrom 101 to 401 with step of 21 and of the canard deflection

    angle of incidence from 151 to 151 with a step of 51. The

    campaign also includes dynamic tests of low and high amplitude

    oscillations for pitch, roll and yaw at selected frequencies. The

    length of the model is 1.5 m, which corresponds to a scaling factor

    of 1:40 to the real aircraft. The wind tunnel campaign will be

    reported in a separate publication [5]. A variety of computed

    aerodynamic coefficients versus angle of attack is compared with

    the experimental data inFig. 10. Compared to the F-12 case, the

    flight envelope here is larger, 51rar81, and includes thenonlinear range. The pitch moment versus a curve can be calledpiece-wise linear, with several break-points between linear sec-

    tions. The flight control system must take these break-points into

    account, and so they must be represented in the computed aero-

    database of coefficients and derivatives. This topic has been

    investigated by Eliasson et al. [12]and they give a flow-physics

    explanation for these breakpoints along with the computationalrequirements to resolve them.

    4. Design, simulate and evaluate exercisesgallery of results

    A major undertaking in SimSAC is the design, simulate and

    evaluate (DSE) exercise. The endeavor begins with a design speci-

    fication and uses conventional design methods to prescribe a

    baseline configuration. Then CEASIOM improves upon this base-

    line by analyzing its flying and handling qualities. This section

    presents a gallery of results for the DSE exercises.

    Three different types of exercises were undertaken. The first

    one studied real aircraft in order to bring in very practical aspects,

    e.g. loss of the aircraft during flight. The second one applied

    Fig. 9. Evolution of lift and pitching moment coefficients with angle of attack.

    Fig. 10. Comparison of computed normal force and pitch moment with data measured in the TsAGI windtunnel. (a) Breakpoints in normal and moment curves. (b) Model

    in TsAGI tunnel.

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    CEASIOM to existing configurations that are still on the devel-

    opers drawing boards. The third one presents clean-sheet designs

    resulting from CEASIOM where the specifications were drawn up

    in SimSAC.

    4.1. Flying aircraft

    4.1.1. Ranger 2000 trainer

    The Ranger 2000 aircraft, Fig. 11, is a mid-wing, tandem seat

    military training aircraft with a turbofan engine. The wing and

    fuselage are manufactured of composite material and the empen-

    nage is a metal T-tail design. The control surfaces are manually

    operated elevator and rudder, hydraulically assisted ailerons, a belly

    mounted speed-brake and electrically operated split flaps[9].

    One issue that was discovered with the Ranger 2000 was the

    rudder free effects at low altitude and low speed with the Speed

    Brake out when the aircraft was hit by a lateral gust. This was

    discovered through the aircraft crashing on approach. As such the

    question was asked as to whether the crash could be modeled in

    the J2 module flight simulatorFig. 11(c).

    Taking the original model and adding a slight modification

    to help to drive the rudder through the aircraft sideslip, a new

    manoeuvre was created where the aircraft was hit by a lateral

    gust that caused an initial yaw rate disturbance, and the rudder

    was left to be deflected by the ensuing sideslip. From the results

    shown above, it can be seen inFig. 11(d) that the Yaw Rate never

    manages to damp out despite the oscillations of the Rudder and

    the Sideslip (increasing in magnitude each oscillation). The result

    is that the aircraft rolls inverted and continually loses altitude.

    The end result is a crash. The same manoeuvre was also

    attempted at a higher speed to see if speed had any effect. Whatwas discovered was that increasing the speed on the aircraft

    resulted in a stable reaction.

    4.1.2. B-747

    The goal here is to analyze a real aircraft, with realistic control

    surfaces and channels (Fig.12). The aircraft analyzed is the B-747,

    a widebody commercial airliner, with all the control surfaces

    modeled in CEASIOM[13].

    The control system consists of Krueger flaps, a movable

    stabilizer with four elevator segments for longitudinal control,

    five spoiler panels, an inboard aileron and an outboard aileron for

    lateral control and a two-segment rudder for directional control.

    Several Stability and Control qualities are analyzed, from simple

    Fig. 11. Overview of DSE results for Ranger 2000. (a) Ranger 2000 Military Training Aircraft. (b) Pressure computed on the surface. (c) Ranger crash studied in J2 flight

    simulator. (d) Rudder deflection & yaw rate time histories from flight simulator.

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    trim calculations over control law design to complete nonlinear

    simulations. For the next step in the fidelity staircase CEASIOM

    uses CFD calculations in Euler mode, on grids adapted to geo-

    metric features only. The sumo surface modeler constructs a

    water-tight solid model from the individual surfaces which

    describe the aircraft components. A triangular surface mesh is

    generated on the outer surface of the solid, controlled by

    geometric properties such as curvature of the surface. A tetra-

    hedral grid suitable for Euler flow models is subsequently

    generated by the TetGen software [20]. For RANS modeling it

    may be desirable to resolve the trailing edges of lifting surfaces

    properly. But for inviscid flow models and CFD flow solvers in

    Euler mode, sharp trailing edges are appropriate, so in the interest

    of grid economy, sumo knows about sharp trailing edges of lifting

    surfaces. A detailed RANS model requires resolution of the open-

    ing gaps and exposed edges of a deflected control device. For

    potential-flow modeling, CEASIOM/sumo provides data for a

    transpiration-law model where the mesh is left undisturbed and

    only the surface normals are rotated. The sumo-generated surface

    mesh on the tail are shown inFig. 12(a). The surface mesh does

    notconform to hinge lines, but it knows which surface elements

    are affected by the deflection, and those are colored. The pressure

    field computed in the Edge Euler-simulation for straight and level

    M1 0:8 flight with angle of attack a 11 after a 101 rudderdeflection is shown in Fig. 12(b). Fig. 12(c) presents the short-

    period analysis by SDSA illustrated against the ICAO recommen-

    dations for undamped natural frequency.

    4.2. Existing configurations

    The objective of the task was to analyze the characteristics

    of several aircraft configurations, existing on the companys

    drawing boards, making use of the CEASIOM tools. The baseline

    configuration was then modified/optimized in order to make an

    improvement to their S&C characteristics, as determined by

    CEASIOM[14]. The configurations under study were

    1. Alenia Executive/Regional Commuter (SMJ), analyzed by

    Alenia Aeronautica

    2. Dassault supersonic executive jet (SEJ), analyzed by Dassault


    4.2.1. Alenia ERC-SMJ

    Alenia analyzed the 70-seat Regional Commuter SMJ config-

    uration, especially as weight and S&C characteristics are

    concerned. Some deficiencies were found in S&C properties that

    have been corrected by appropriate configurational changes.

    SDSA analysis indicated non-optimal performance of the baseline

    configuration with respect to Dutch Roll and elevator deflection.

    At higher speed and altitude the aircraft is not compliant with JAR

    23 rules for Dutch Roll characteristics. Another problem found

    was the elevator deflections required for trim were too high and

    also the originally designed horizontal tail presented problems.

    This analysis suggested changing some details in the configura-

    tion in order to improve the S&C characteristics, namely:

    1. vary wing dihedral angle;

    2. vary wing position;

    3. vary the horizontal tail dihedral angle;

    4. vary incidence of the horizontal tail.

    Several different configurations, with variations of the above

    parameters, have been defined and analyzed, and the optimized

    layout found featuring the best S&C characteristics. The defined

    changes are as follows:

    1. reduced wing dihedral from 7.251to 3.01;

    2. wing position moved ahead, 2% of fuselage length;

    3. reduced horizontal tail dihedral from 6.01to 01;

    4. increased incidence of horizontal tail from 01to 31.

    The new configuration is presented inFig. 13.

    4.2.2. Dassault SEJ

    The Supersonic Executive Jet SEJ is a prototype proposed by

    Dassault Aviation for a civil supersonic jet (Fig. 14). It is part of the

    HISAC project (www.hisacproject.com), which aims at establish-

    ing the technical feasibility of an environmentally compliant

    small size supersonic transport aircraft. Objectives mainly dealwith reduction of the external noise and NOx emissions and range

    at least transatlantic. SEJ is the low noise configuration, which is

    based on the following design drivers:

    delta wing and nose canard; three high by-pass ratio CVC engines; main landing gears attached on the wing structure; a vertical fin attached on the rear fuselage; design cruise speed M1.6 and the cruise altitude 14,600 m; nominal payload: eight passengers; approximate take-off weight: 50,200 kg.

    The aerodynamic coefficients in low speed have been calculated

    using the Tier I method Tornado v.135 (VLM). Using the aerodata

    Fig. 12. The B-747-100 airliner modeled in CEASIOM with Edge Euler solution, M1 0:8, a 11, rudder deflection dr 101. (a) Control surfaces: stabilizer, inboard andoutboard ailerons, and two-segment rudder. (b) Pressure coefficient. (c) Short period characteristics predicted in SDSA.

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    obtained, the stability and control module SDSA calculates the trim

    characteristics (Fig. 14(b) and (c)). The baseline configuration has

    been developed by Dassault using in-house methods (Fig. 14(a)).

    Ailerons and rudder are used together for lateral control. Flaps and

    slats are used as high-lift devices. Fig. 14(b) and (c) presents the

    longitudinal trim analysis results from SDSA. Notice that the static

    margin is negative ( 5.5% fora 01), which means that the aircraft

    is unstable. Today, fly-by-wire systems allow such a configuration(although the authorities do not yet) and increase aircraft perfor-

    mance. This value fits quite well with the Dassault predicted one.

    Some conclusions can be drawn from the results. For maximum

    approach speed (TAS 80 m/s), angle of attack at landing is a little

    bit too high and exceeds the tolerance (151), which may disturb pilot

    visibility. However elevator deflection angle is within the tolerance

    interval.Fig. 14(d) shows that dynamic stability for Phugod motion

    is satisfied.

    4.3. New designs

    Two clean-sheet designs originating in the SimSAC project are

    presented. The GAV is a very light jet with a novel asymmetric

    Z-wing design comparable in size and mission to the Eclipse 500.

    The TCR TransCruiser is a sonicairliner of 200 passengers.

    4.3.1. GAV asymmetric Z-wing

    The objectives of this DSE exercise were to design an unconven-

    tional (Z-configuration) general aviation aircraft and to explore what

    type of manual flight-control system would be required to make itfly[10]. The Z-configuration has one side of the main wing moved

    back to the empennage position giving it a Z looking layout from top

    view. It is done to be able to generate direct lift. But this configura-

    tion poses some interesting lateral/directional flying characteristics.

    Thus it is a good exercise to quantify the added-value of the

    enhanced S&C analyzer/assessor for predicting FHQs.

    The starting point is the Eclipse 500 Very Light Jet, a conven-

    tional T-tail configuration. It carries 6 PAX with a 1300-mile range

    at 370 kt max speed (Fig. 15(a)). The idea is to use CEASIOM to

    determine whether drag savings can be achieved through uncon-

    ventional design, and to propose a controller to handle its coupled

    modes of motion.

    The Tier 1 work carried out for the Z-wing has started

    investigating some of the peculiarities of asymmetric aircraft,

    Fig. 13. Comparison of optimized and baseline configurations obtained with CEASIOM for SMJ. (a) SMJ modeled in CEASIOM. (b) Plan view. (c) Front view.

    Fig. 14. CEASIOM analysis of the existing SEJ configurationlow speed. (a) SEJ layout (left) and modeled in ACBuilder (right). (b) SDSA predicted angle of attack for trim.

    (c) SDSA predicted elevator deflection for trim. (d) SDSA predicted phugoid characteristics against ICAO recommendations.

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    including its aerodynamic characteristics, the multiple trim set-

    tings and the strong coupling between longitudinal and lateral

    motions. The configuration analyzed was designed to be statically

    unstable longitudinally, which needed to be accounted for by the

    control system (Fig. 15(c)).

    Two control techniques were used to design controllers for the

    Z-wing aircraft. The first uses eigenstructure assignment to design

    a state-feedback controller to stabilize and decouple the aircrafts

    motions. A simulation of a stabilized non-linear model of the

    aircraft showed that applying a pulse doublet to the flaperons

    resulted primarily in a rolling motion, with the pitching motion

    being smaller in magnitude (Fig.15(d) and (e)). Using Eigenstruc-

    ture Assignment to design a state feedback controller it was

    possible to significantly decouple the modes with comparatively

    low gains of 1.08 or less. Potential benefits of the Z-configuration

    include a reduction in drag due to absence of horizontal tail.

    4.3.2. SAAB TCR TransCruiser

    The objective of this DSE was to stress the CEASIOM software

    in the nonlinear transonic flight regime [11]. Thus the specifica-

    tion called for a 200 passenger airliner cruising at M1 0:97 and

    high altitude. The baseline configuration that SAAB proposed

    using its in-house design methods consisted of a conventional

    mid-to-low-winged T-tail configuration with two wing mounted

    engines. Ailerons and rudder are used together with an

    all-moving horizontal tail for control. Flaps and slats are used as

    high-lift devices. The landing gear is a conventional tri-cycle type

    where the main gears are mounted in the wing. This baseline has

    been analyzed and improved using the CEASIOM software. Poor

    trim characteristics as well as a T-tail prone to flutter were

    identified as problems on the original configuration. Thus, a

    redesign to a canard configuration was undertaken. This resulted

    in an all moving canard configuration. As discussed inSection 3.2,

    a wind tunnel TCR model without engines was designed and built

    by Politecnico di Milano. The model specifications were defined in

    accordance with the dynamic testing in the T103 wind tunnel in

    TsAGI. A 1:40 scale, ability to receive an internal balance, weight

    constraint, interface with the wind tunnel were the main con-

    straints put on the model design. The main geometrical para-

    meters of the TCR model are as follows:

    1. reference area: S 0:3056 m2;

    2. wing span: b 1.12 m;

    3. mean aerodynamic chord: c0.2943 m;

    4. position of the center of gravity from the fuselage apex:

    xCG 0:87475 m.

    The most interesting quantity for the stability and control is

    the pitching moment. The experimental results show that thereare two breaks in the pitch moment curve (Fig. 16). The first break

    occurs at about a 81 and results in an increased slope of thecurve. The second break occurs at about a 201where the pitchmoment suddenly drops and then continues to grow again with

    about the same slope. The VLM TORNADO does not pick up the

    first break and change of slope in the pitch moment. The Edge

    Euler results predict a change of slope but at a too high incidence.

    The NSMB Euler results predict the first break very well, which

    probably indicates that the Edge grid is not sufficiently resolved.

    All RANS Tier II results predict this phenomenon well. The RANS

    results differ in the vicinity of the second break though. Edge does

    not predict the break at all, NSMB seems to predict it a bit early.

    The best experimental agreement is obtained from the PMB

    calculations. Figure also displays the x-component of the

    Fig. 15. Stabilizing the asymmetric Z-wing configuration GAV. (a) Eclipse 500. (b) Eclipse 500 modeled in ACBuilder. (c) Plan view of Eclipse morphing to GAV. (d) Euler-

    computed surface pressure on GAV. (e) Pitch, roll and yaw response to flaperon doublet input.

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    skin-friction distribution from EDGE in which a blue color denotes

    negative values and flow separation. The flow separation on the

    canard starts at its tip and leading edge and the separated area

    grows with the increasing incidence. The onset of separation

    occurs at an angle of attack where the normal force stops to grow,

    at about a 221. There is a massive separation at a 261. Themain wing has mostly attached flow except for a small spot at

    inboard span that reduces in size with increasing angle of attack.

    There is a small leading edge separation at the outer part of the

    wing that seems fairly constant with the angle of attack.

    All of these Tier-II CFD results were put into the aerodynamic

    database and analyzed in SDSA for its S&C characteristics. The

    flight simulator in SDSA was used to check the stability of the TCR

    flying in trimmed transonic cruise and then subjected to a wind

    gust of large amplitude that alters its angle of attack by 3 1.Fig. 17

    shows the flight simulation of the TCR. With stick fixed and no

    augmentation the TCR responds by pitching up somewhat, but the

    time histories of the oscillations in y and a do not damp out,instead they grow and the aircraft departs from controlled


    a nonlinear instability that must be handled. Adding

    Fig. 16. Integrated normal force CN(top-left) and pitch momentCm (top-right) from RANS solutions by NSMB/CFS and EDGE/FOI for TCR TransCruiser; bottom: surface

    skin-friction (x-component) distribution from NSMB, blue denotes reversed flow, M1 0:115, b 01, d 01. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure

    legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

    Fig. 17. Nonlinear stability analysis in SDSA flight simulator, response to wind gust.

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    stability augmentation to the flight control produces the time

    histories shown in right half ofFig. 17that shows with augmen-

    ted stability the oscillations in y and a are now damped and theTCR is stable to this nonlinear disturbance.

    5. Concluding remarks

    The paper has surveyed developments in the SimSAC Project and

    the achievements reached at its termination. The CEASIOM software

    enables the S&C analysis of the aerodynamic dataset generated

    using the full range of its adaptive-fidelity modules for geometry,

    aero-structural sizing and CFD tools appropriate for both low-speed

    and high-speed flights. The stability-analysis results obtained from

    its S&C modules offer an assessment of the computational methods

    ability to compute the stability coefficients and derivatives to

    sufficient accuracy for conceptual design. Six such DSE exercises

    have demonstrated the functionality and utility of CEASIOM as a

    tool for aircraft conceptual design. While the four individual modules

    within CEASIOM may not represent any major advancement in their

    respective discipline, it is the chaining of these modules into an

    integrateddesign system of adaptable fidelity that is the new and

    significant contribution of CEASIOM.

    The SimSAC Project is now terminated, but the CEASIOMsoftware lives on. The software developers and stake-holders

    are determined to continue developing and testing CEASIOM

    through a coupled community-of-users approach that welcomes

    outsiders to pitch in. More information is given on the website

    www.ceasiom.com where even data like the TCR benchmark is

    planned to be uploaded. So come join us for an exciting future.


    The financial support by the European Commission through

    co-funding of the FP6 project SimSAC is gratefully acknowledged.

    Dr. Stefan Hitzel of EADS-MAS graciously provided the Ranger

    2000 data in accessible form.


    [1] Vos JB, Rizzi A, Darracq D, Hirschel EH. NavierStokes solvers in Europeanaircraft design. Progress in Aerospace Sciences 2002;38.

    [2] von Kaenel R, Rizzi A, Oppelstrup J, Goetzendorf-Grabowski T, Ghoreyshi M,Cavagna L, et al. CEASIOM: simulating stability & control with CFD/CSM inaircraft conceptual design, Paper 061. In: 26th Intl Congress of the Aero-nautical Sciences, Anchorage, Alaska, September 2008.

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    [6] Da Ronch A, Ghoreyshi M, Badcock KJ. Generation of aerodynamic tables forflight dynamics using computational fluid dynamics. Progress in AerospaceScience, this issue [see also AIAA Paper No. 2010-8239].

    [7] Oppelstrup J, Eller D, Tomac MM, Rizzi A. From geometry to CFD gridsanautomated approach for conceptual design. In: Special session AIAA AFMconference, Toronto, 2010.

    [8] Ricci S, Cavagna L, Travaglini L. NeoCASS: an integrated tool for structuralsizing, aeroelastic analysis and MDO at conceptual design level. In: Special

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    [10] Richardson TS, McFarlane C, Beaverstock C, Isikveren A. Comparison ofconventional and Z-wing VLJ designs using CEASIOM. In: Special sessionAIAA AFM conference, Toronto, 2010.

    [11] Rizzi A, Eliasson P, Goetzendorf-Grabowski T, Vos JB, Zhang M, Richardson T.Design of a canard configured transcruiser using CEASIOM. Progress in

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    [14] Larsson R. Final reporting of WP6. SimSAC deliverable report D6.4-8. Stock-holm: Royal Institute of Technology; 2010.

    [15] Tang CY, Gee K, Lawrence S. Generation of aerodynamic data using a designof experiment and data fusion approach. In: 43rd AIAA aerospace sciences

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    [23] Richardson T, Beaverstock C, Lowenberg M. Flight control system caseanalysis of the 747 using CEASIOM. Progress in Aerospace Science, this issue.

    Further reading

    [1] Isikveren A. Quasi-analytical modeling and optimisation techniques for trans-port aircraft design. Doctoral thesis report 2002-13. Stockholm: Department ofAeronautics, Royal Institute of Technology; 2002.

    [2] Raymer DP. Aircraft design: a conceptual approach.4th ed Reston, VA: AIAAEducation Series; 2006.

    [3] Goetzendorf-Grabowski T. Influence of stability derivatives on a quality ofsimulation (supersonic flow). Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics1994;32(4):77391. Warsaw.

    [4] Eller D. Mesh generation using sumo and tetgen. SimSAC Delivery report 2.3-5.Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology; 2010.

    [5] DASA-TN-R-R-002-M-0011RANGER 2000 FR06/RP01 aerodynamic datasetrelease 1.1, 1994.

    [6] Goetzendorf-Grabowski T, Vos JB, Sanchi S, Molitor P, Tomac M, Rizzi A.

    Coupling adaptive-fidelity CFD with S&C analysis to predict flying qualities.In: AIAA Paper 2009-3630, 2009.

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