Risk Assessment


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Risk Assessment

Producer: Katie Norris Production Details: Filming for the Music Video ‘Medicine’

Types of Risk: Personal Injury / Health & Safety / Damage to equipment / Halting Production

Risk Type Details of Risk Ways to minimise risk Person(s) ResponsibleTripping over props or tripod legs(personal injury)

Due to using a camera that is on a tripod, actors and producer could trip on the tripod legs or any props which are placed on the floor.

Make sure that there is enough space around the tripod to move around it. Make sure everyone involved in filming is aware of props on the floor.


Damage to camera and equipment

I could drop equipment or it could just break due to technical faults. When filming outside wet weather can affect the equipment.

Make sure that all equipment is working before use to minimise risk of breaking whilst filming. Ensure I use the equipment correctly at all times.


Personal Health Over working with actors and myself can cause health problems.

Make sure actors do not over perform and act for a reasonable amount of time.

Katie/Producer + Actors

General injuries Smashing glass for a photo shoot is highly dangerous and could cut a person or blind them due to glass pieces.

Ensure that the area is clear of people, wear protective clothing such as gloves and goggles and clean glass up with dust pan and brush.


A certain persons medical condition

Many people may have specific health conditions such as asthma or diabetes.

Making sure people have the correct medication and they know how to use it effectively.

Katie/ + Actor

Outdoor Hazards Filming near roads could be dangerous. Possible risk of filming someone without their permission.

Ensure all public people that are filmed have given me permission or make sure no one else other than actors who have signed a release form is filmed. Caution should be taken at all times when filming in a public place or near a road.


Halting Production If I lose an SD card containing footage this could delay production and I would have to re-shoot.

Back up all of my footage and save it into more than once place.

