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  • Research ArticleRIPTE: Runtime Integrity Protection Based on TrustedExecution for IoT Device

    Yu Qin , Jingbin Liu, Shijun Zhao, Dengguo Feng, and Wei Feng

    Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

    Correspondence should be addressed to Yu Qin;

    Received 28 March 2019; Revised 26 August 2020; Accepted 4 September 2020; Published 23 September 2020

    Academic Editor: Prosanta Gope

    Copyright © 2020 Yu Qin et al.+is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, whichpermits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

    Software attacks like worm, botnet, and DDoS are the increasingly serious problems in IoT, which had caused large-scale cyberattack and even breakdown of important information infrastructure. Software measurement and attestation are general methodsto detect software integrity and their executing states in IoT. However, they cannot resist TOCTOU attack due to their staticfeatures and seldom verify correctness of control flow integrity. In this paper, we propose a novel and practical scheme for softwaretrusted execution based on lightweight trust. Our scheme RIPTE combines dynamic measurement and control flow integrity withPUF device binding key. +rough encrypting return address of program function by PUF key, RIPTE can protect softwareintegrity at runtime on IoTdevice, enabling to prevent the code reuse attacks. +e results of our prototype’s experiment show thatit only increases a small size TCB and has a tiny overhead in IoTdevices under the constraint on function calling. In sum, RIPTE issecure and efficient in IoT device protection at runtime.

    1. Introduction

    1.1. Background. Internet of things and embedded systemspread quickly and widely in daily life, which is deployed inintelligent traffic, unmanned aerial vehicle, remote medical,environment monitoring, intelligent home, smart city,factory, etc. Cloud infrastructure extends the capabilities ofcomputing and storage for IoT, and development ofLPWAN (Low Power WAN) strengthens IoT’s communi-cations, interconnects devices with Internet or mobile In-ternet conveniently, and also provides rich applications forintelligent hardware in IoT. Statistics from Gartner showthat global IoTdevices reach 20.8 billion in 2020. IoTsecurityincidents occur frequently. Hackers intruded a large scale ofIP cameras, video cameras, and routers in 2016 and con-ducted DDoS attack to interrupt more than 1200 web serverincluding Twitter and Netflix.

    Generally speaking, IoT is vulnerable to malicious at-tacks, due to lack of security mechanisms on devices. It is acritical problem how to verify remote IoT devices with theexpected states. Various schemes are presented to build trustarchitecture in IoT devices. SMART [1] was an efficient and

    secure method for establishing a dynamical root of trust inremote IoT device. Intel Lab proposed TrustLite [2] securityarchitecture for trusted execution-based hardware-enforcedisolation by lightweight MMU and verified its security ca-pabilities in FPGA prototype for low-cost IoTdevices. Tytan[3] improved TrustLite architecture based on MPU(Memory Protection Unit) by TUD, Germany. It startedFreeRTOS real time OS on strong isolation provided bysecurity hardware and achieved great performance im-provement in real time.

    PUFs (Physical Unclonable Functions) [4, 5] are anotherlightweight method to establish device trust. +ey have thecharacteristics of both high robustness and uniqueness,widely applied in device identification and authenticationetc. +ere are many types of PUFs, e.g., SRAM PUF [6, 7],optical PUF [8], Ring Oscillator PUF [9], Flash memory-based PUF [10]. So far, SRAM PUF is the most mature PUFtechnique in practice. It extracts the unique and reliabledevice key to build embedded trust by applying fuzzy ex-tractor [11]. Zhao et al. [12] proposed a lightweight root oftrust scheme based on SRAM PUF in Trustzone environ-ment, and built the trust architecture from root of trust in an

    HindawiSecurity and Communication NetworksVolume 2020, Article ID 8957641, 14 pages

  • embedded system. PUF is a convenient and efficient methodto construct lightweight trust. It has two obvious advantages:first it can provide a unique device key derived fromhardware fingerprint without any storage; second, PUF canbind the system critical data with hardware platform, whichreduces the attack surface so that we can use PUF to protectthe runtime execution environment for IoT device.

    +e latest Cortex-M chips such as Cortex-M23/33support Trustzone technology (called TZ-M [13]) to enhanceterminal security. TZ-M can be used to protect firmware,flash image, and peripheral, and support secure boot, trustedexecution, and code update for embedded system andsoftware. ARM TrustZone divides platform’s computingenvironment into secure world and normal world based onCPU security extension. Samsung provides Knox [14] forsmartphones, which utilizes TZ security features to supportbusiness and personal system co-existed in one smartphone.In addition, Samsung released several smartphone productsincluding Galaxy S4, S5, S6, S7, Galaxy Note 3, etc. Knoxdevices are equipped with root certificates signed by gov-ernment or enterprise, and what is more, each firmware orsoftware image must be checked by certificates during secureboot. TIMA (Trustzone-based Integrity Measurement Ar-chitecture) in Knox measures and monitors kernel integrityat system runtime. Furthermore, TZ is used in fingerprintidentification and mobile payment, e.g., Apple’s TouchID,Qualcomm Secure Execution Environment, and Huaweismartphone.

    Intel presented TXT [15] to establish isolation envi-ronment based on CPU security extension, which ensuressoftware integrity and data confidentiality. Flicker [16]utilizes TXT to isolate sensitive codes to untrust os andespecially provides fine-grained remote attestation of iso-lated codes. Its TCB is also very small. Later, a series ofschemes [17∼20] like TrustVisor advance the research fromidea of Flicker. TrustVisor [18] is a solution of virtualmachine monitor based on VT feature, realizes the securityprotection of sensitive codes in isolation environment, andonly decreases performance by 7% than the normal system.In cloud computing, Intel SGX (Software Guard Extensions)[21] protects memory codes and data and implements rootof trust, remote attestation, and data sealing. Dynamicmemory management inside enclave [22] is proposed toextend the SGX instruction set, facilitates memory allocationin enclave initialization for software developers. +e ap-proach of isolated OS kernel with Intel SGX [23] is alsopresented on cloud platform. It is obvious that Intel SGX isgradually improved and quickly advanced.

    1.2. Contribution. In sum, TEE (Trusted Execution Envi-ronment) technology is quite universal in IoT. In order toprotect IoT software runtime integrity, we propose a noveland practical scheme of software trusted execution in thispaper. It measures and verifies the embedded program codeintegrity dynamically and enables to prevent common codereuse attacks. Taking advantage of ARMTrustzone and PUF-based lightweight trust, it can efficiently ensure integrity ofcode execution and security of code distribution.

    (1) It enables binding software and IoTdevice with PUFkey. While only software is released and distributedfrom IoTserver, it can be correctly executed on targetdevice, which implies that the binding relationship isauthenticated between codes and device. Eventhough the control flow integrity of software codes iscracked and bypassed by hacker on one device, thesame version software deployed on the other devicescannot be attacked in IoT network, so that it canprevent the worm botnet from infecting IoTnetwork.

    (2) It measures function codes of software dynamicallyduring its execution and further ensures the wholesoftware runtime integrity on device. It also elimi-nates security risk of TOCTOU (Time of Check,Time of Use) [24] attack by reducing time intervalsignificantly between measurement and executionand thus prevents the dynamic-link library hijackingthrough detecting integrity of software’s functioncodes.

    (3) It can prevent code reuse attack such as ROP(Return-Oriented Programming) and JOP (Jump-Oriented Programming). +e function return ad-dress is encrypted under the PUF key. When thecontrol flow is hijacked through modifying functionreturn address on stack, error return address willcause faults for function return.

    (4) It presents a comprehensive evaluation of RIPTEunder Mibench, a universal benchmark suite ofembedded applications for IoT. We also give outperformance optimization for return address de-cryption, and it can be improved 24.5% by pre-computing in decryption.

    2. Threat Model and Architecture

    Attackers attempt to instrument the malicious codes, tamperthe execution environment of trusted software codes, andfurther control IoT devices and network. According toDolov-Yao security model [?]3, we consider the followingadversaries: network intruder, device cracker, and softwarecode attacker. On one hand, adversaries in our scheme aimto tamper the static firmware or software when the device isupgrading software, so that the device installs the vulnerablesoftware with attacker’s malicious codes. On the other hand,they seek to dynamically execute the malicious code orbehavior reusing code gadget. And the physical attack, DDoSattack, is beyond our discussion in our threat model.

    2.1. System BootKit Attack. +e firmware/software in IoTdevice mostly do not have a code signature, so that theattacker can reverse engineer code, modify it, and fuse ar-bitrary malicious code to IoT device. Due to the authenti-cation with a weak password or no password, the attackercan easily inject the bootkit into the IoT embedded system.+e attacker may tamper the integrity of firmware andsoftware in memory at system bootstrap. In order to pass theverification of memory checksum, the attacker start bootkit

    2 Security and Communication Networks

  • to complete memory copy, substitution, or memory com-pression to hide the malicious codes in unused memoryregion. +e root of trust and secure bootstrap can preventthis kind of attack by the trusted chain establishment.

    2.2. Code Reuse Attack. +e attackers’ objective is to exploitCode Reuse Attack (CRA) vulnerability to execute maliciousbehavior and obtain the system privileged rights. +e at-tacker can completely control stack memory regions andreuse the existing codes in the system to construct a set ofcode gadgets running with malicious behaviors. +is attackdoes not inject any extra malicious codes inside the system,so it is difficult to detect and prevent CRA. In recent years,CRA can bypass secure boot and code signature verificationin IOS device to achieve system jailbreak and softwareunlocking. +e common CRA includes ROP, JOP, JITSpraying, etc.

    2.3. Device Compromising Attack. When one IoT device iscompromised, its device key is exposed to the intruder. +eintruder using the compromised device may distributemalicious code to other devices or servers with the validdevice key. Even worse, he may compromise a large numberof devices, form a IoT botnet to carry out a large-scale cyberattack.

    2.4. Network Communication Attack. +e intruder mayeavesdrop, intercept, and modify the communicationmessages between devices. Due to lack of security protectionmechanism, the intruder may tamper and replay the mes-sages to reinstall software of the malicious version or oldvulnerable version. But this kind of intrusion must com-promise the distribution protocol on software upgrading forIoT device firstly.

    Our scheme needs some hardware security extensions tosupport our security architecture. In order to prevent aboveadversaries, we assume that our system has the followingsecurity features:

    (i) A tiny trust anchor is embedded in the device. (1) Itestablishes the static trust chain from device bootand thus guarantees the integrity and security ofrich OS and secure OS. (2) It dynamically measuresintegrity of software codes at runtime on IoTdevice.Furthermore, it can attest the trustworthiness ofsoftware codes to administrator server with freshnonce. (3) It can derive encryption key from tinyanchor (e.g., SRAM PUF) [12] to protect the returnaddress and indirect jump address in runtimememory.

    (ii) Trusted execution environment provided by ARMTrustZone is assumed to protect secure os and itstrusted services such as measurement engine, ad-dress checking module, etc. Because device key isderived from trust anchor, it does not need auxiliarysecure storage to protect key’s sensitive data in TEE.

    (iii) DEP (Data Execution Prevention) is open to pro-vide system-level memory protection, and it pre-vents the code injection attack and other maliciouscode executed from data pages such as the defaultheap, stacks, and memory pools.

    Against these security threats, we design secure execu-tion architecture (shown in Figure 1) which utilizes the ARMTrustZone to protect the integrity and security of the codeexecution. +e tiny anchor SRAM PUF provides securedevice key and random source as lightweight root of trust inthe hardware layer. In the system layer, TEE-based Trust-zone protects the secure OS, cryptographic service module,and program address validation module, which ensures thetarget codes trust execution. +e target to be protected runsin the normal world where attacker can intrude the virus,trojan horse, and other malicious codes to steal sensitivedata, promote privileged rights, even completely control IoTdevice. +e Adminstration Server is responsible for vali-dating, distributing, and installing the trustworthy codes toIoT devices.

    TrustZone divides environment into normal world andsecure world, and main security service modules are locatedin a secure world. ME (Measurement Engine) measures thepieces of software codes at runtime. ACM (AddressChecking Module) is responsible to decrypt the returnaddress and verify its correctness according to control flowintegrity. It can optimize the performance of decryption andverification with the support of target CFI table. AS (At-testation Service) signs the measurement log and attestscurrent softwares’ running states. In normal world, thesoftware execution is hooked by client kernel module aboveTrustZone Driver, and Softwre upgrade module is used toverify and install the instrumented software when Admin-istrator Server distributes it securely.

    3. RIPTE Design

    3.1. Lightweight Trust Establishment. +e static environmentafter device starts up is guaranteed by lightweight trust chainrooted from SRAM PUF. PUF is used as lightweight trustanchor bound with hardware device, which provides trustdevice identity of hardware fingerprint, secure environmentbuilt on device key. PUF is a standard security component,and now it is gradually becoming a commercial application.In our system, we bind PUF and software together to identifythe device and protect software’s integrity andconfidentiality.

    +e primitive key is essential to protect software exe-cution, which is derived from primary seed (pufSeed)generated by PUF. +ere are two kinds of keys IdentityKeyand EncryptionKey bound with device in our scheme.IdentityKey is used to attest device identity and its softwarestates. EncryptionKey is used to protect the sensitive memorydata. +e function KDF adopts NISTs recommendation [25]and key derivation is as follows:

    IdentityKey: � KDFa(ALG ECC 256, pufSeed,“IDENTITY,”NULL, NULL, 256)

    Security and Communication Networks 3

  • EncryptionKey: � KDFa(ALGAES 256, pufSeed, “ENCRYPTION, ”NULL,NULL, 256)

    +e IoT device starts up from bootloader and thenmeasures each component’s integrity, verifying its codesignature one by one. +is process will build the initial trustenvironment. As Figure 1 shows, the establishment of statictrust chain can be divided into 4 stages.

    (1) +e device identity key and encryption key arederived from SRAM PUF fingerprint by fuzzyextraction algorithm after the device starts up.+en device measures integrity of bootloader andverifies measurement values according to its codecertificate.

    (2) +e bootloader measures the Secure OS, verifies itsimage signature by certificate and then extends theintegrity measurement event to system log. If thesignature verification fails, Secure OS will halt untilthe image is repaired. +en Secure OS starts trustservices such as algorithms of Measure, Attest, andCode_upgrade, which are executed in TEE protectedby ARM TrustZone.

    (3) Secure OS measures the Normal OS and verifies itsimage signature by OS certificate, so that the trustedchain will be established from hardware PUF,bootloader, Secure OS to Normal OS.

    (4) Normal OS measures software integrity and extendsmeasurement event to system log. Due to the varietyof subs, integrity verification is not mandatory.Multiple software will simultaneously run in un-protected normal world, and virus, worm, etc. canintrude the system by exploiting system vulnera-bilities. Consequently, it is extremely important toprotect runtime integrity of software.

    +e core algorithms to protect softwares runtime in-tegrity are provided by trusted service modules located in an

    isolated execution environment based on TrustZone. +emain algorithms include the following.

    3.1.1. Measure. It measures the code fragments of functionlevel at runtime and returns the measurement results toattestation service and other trusted services.+e SHA1 hashalgorithm is used to calculate the digest of code fragments.+e measurement algorithm is activated before the codefragments execute at runtime.

    3.1.2. Attest. It reports the proofs on information flow in-tegrity and codes integrity, signs the proofs by deviceidentity key, and sends the attestation data to the remoteverifier to prove its trustworthiness. +e device identity keyis derived from hardware PUF fingerprint by fuzzy ex-traction algorithm.

    3.1.3. Code Upgrade. It is the trusted upgrade algorithm offirmware and software in IoT device. +e certificatecert(pkS) is used to verify the code signature on distributedsoftware from administrator server. +e monotonic counterc is used to prevent replay attack and version rollback attackon software distribution. When the software version isupgraded, the counter will increase one.+e device upgradessoftware according to codes binding with device key derivedfrom PUF.+e invalid codes will be rejected during softwareupgrading.

    3.2. Runtime Integrity Protection. +e integrity check en-sures security of the initial environment before softwareruns. However, attackers can breach software’s runtimeintegrity by exploiting vulnerabilities to inject maliciouscode or reuse the system codes. For example, ROP reuses theshort instruction sequences (called gadgets) that end with retinstruction, overwrites the stack return address with gadgetsaddress, and changes the execution flow of programs.

    Task SW [2]

    Task SW [1]

    Normal OSSecure boot

    Counter c: vcert (pks)

    Code_upgrade ()


    Attest ()

    Measure () 

    Secure OSPUF key




    Hardware platform



    On‐chip SRAM PUF

    mi = Measure (task SW[i])Extend (mi)

    m3 = Measure (normal OS) RSAVerify (m2, signature) 

    Extend (m3)

    m2 = Measure (secure OS)RSAVerify (m2, signature) 

    Extend (m2)

    m = Measure (bootloader)RSAVerify (m1, signature) 

    Extend (m1)

    TrustZone secure world

    Address checkingmodule

    Crypto lib

    Secure OSDevice key


    Measurement engine



    GP TEE client APIRich OS


    Stub upgarde

    Normal world


    Figure 1: RIPTE architecture and its secure boot based on TEE.

    4 Security and Communication Networks

  • We utilize the memory security mechanism DEP toprevent illegal execution by injecting malicious codes instack and data segments. Hackers can inject malicious codesin memory pages such as stack, heap, and memory poolmarked as nonexecutable, but these injected codes areprevented from executing by DEP. +e method of runtimeintegrity protection is associated with DEP in TEE archi-tecture in our scheme. It mainly includes three aspects: (1)runtime integrity of code block; (2) correctness of codereturn address; and (3) validity checking of indirect jumpaddress of code. +e integrity protection on code block andreturn address is implemented implicitly by decryptingreturn memory address (cf. Figure 2).

    3.2.1. Software Code Runtime Measurement. +e generalmethod of measuring codes is static measurement in IMA[26] when the executable codes are loading into the memory,which effectively guarantees codes integrity at loadtime. Weare expected to protect codes runtime integrity further. +esoftware is divided into function blocks denoted byfn block[i] according to the granularity of function slices.Before the function is called during program execution, codeblock of this function must be measured at runtime, and itsintegrity is checked indirectly when function return addressis decrypted.

    +e runtime measurement checks integrity of each codeblock, so it can prevent dynamic-link library hijacking tochange the function invocation. +e measurement occurs atthe time of function calling. Obviously, it reduces the in-terval between check and execution of code integrity andlowers the security risk of TOCTOU attack. +e frequenttriggers of runtime measurement may affect performance inthe general terminal platform like PCs and smartphones, butit is suitable for IoTapplication of fixed and fewer codes. Weconsider the measurement engine must be located in a se-cure execution environment based on TrustZone, so hackerscannot attack the measurement engine and disable or bypassthe runtime measurement.

    +e measurement engine must trace the function callingwith software code execution (Algorithm 1). +e detailedmeasurement algorithm is shown as follows.

    3.2.2. Function Return Address Protection. +e code reuseattack like ROP cannot tamper the software code itself, but itmodifies the function return address in stack and jumps tothe existing gadgets in system libraries ended with ret in-struction. In order to ensure the runtime integrity, we designthe encryption of return address to protect codes correct calland return and prevent illegal jump to ROP gadgets. +eencryption does not protect the integrity of code instructionsin memory code segment, but ensures the correctness offunction return address. Any exceptional modification onencrypted return address in stack must cause invalidfunction return at final.

    +e encryption on return address followsretaddrj′ � EncK(retaddrj, mj), where K is the device en-cryption key derived from PUF, and mj is the measurementvalue of code block on function fj. We recommend the AES

    encryption algorithm to protect return address, which hasenough security strength to resist differential attack. In aword, the return address is bound with function measure-ment and encrypted with device PUF key.

    In our scheme, measurement engine measures thecalling target function, and the address checking moduleencrypts or decrypts the return address. Figure 2 describesthe encryption process on return address, and decryption is asimilar process in reverse. Its concrete method is givenbelow:

    (1) When function calling occurs, measurement enginehooks call and pushes operation on function calling,e.g., bl 0x11524, push fp, lr in ARM devices. Itpasses binary instructions currently executed oncode segment to address checking module.

    (2) Address checking module parses the return addressof function calling, uses the device key to encrypt theaddress, and then pushes the encrypted address intostack.

    (3) +e function executes normally until the functionreturns. +e data except the return address have nochange on stack, and only the function return ad-dress is encrypted. +e attacker can modify all thedata on stack for code reuse attack.

    (4) Measure engine hooks pop operation before functionreturn, e.g., pop fp, pc , and then passes binaryinstruction currently executed to address checkingmodule.

    (5) Address checking module fetches the encryptedaddress, and decrypts it with device key. +e originalreturn address is popped to the instruction pointerregister. Finally the function returns as usual.

    We should note that the first function block 0 is notnecessary to return. +erefore, the first function is onlymeasured, but not encrypted. Because the return address inencrypted with measurement of function codes, the de-cryption implies the check of function measurement. +emeasurement must be correct; otherwise, the decryptionmay cause memory crash because of an invalid returnaddress.

    3.2.3. Indirect Jump Address Checking. +e address jump offunction calling is protected by return address encryption inthe above subsection, but the indirect jump may violatecontrol flow integrity inside function, which can cause JOPattack. So we use the address checking policy to preventillegal indirect jump with the support of information flowintegrity. Measurement engine hooks the indirect jumpinstruction, and check address module verifies the targetaddress based on function calling table in TEE. If it conformsto address checking policy, normal jump is allowed; oth-erwise, exceptional jump is rejected.

    Figure 3 depicts the address checking process accordingto security policy. Take IoT devices of ARM instruction setfor example, measurement engine hooks jump instructionsuch as b, bl, bx, blx, and bxj and passes the binary

    Security and Communication Networks 5

  • instruction to check address module (please refer to returnaddress protection above on checking process of returninstruction). +en check address module parses the targetaddress from the jump instruction and checks whether thejump target address is limited in function scope according tofunction calling table. If target address is inside the function,jump instruction is allowed; otherwise, check addressmodule determines whether the target address is not theentry address of other function. If yes, jump instruction isallowed, and if no, it is refused because the target addressmay be the codes of JOP gadget.

    3.3. Software Package Distribution. +e instrumented soft-ware codes cannot be executed directly on device in ourscheme, so a centralized server must rewrite software binarycode bound with assigned device and distribute software to

    the device. In stub distribution, the server must authenticatethe device identity and ensure the trustworthiness of dis-tributed software code to IoT device. +e security mecha-nism such as integrity checksum and code signature will beapplied to software code distribution. As for software’s OTA(over the air) update or incremental update, they are notconsidered in our scheme beyond the security. Identity keysof server, sample device, and target device are predeployedbefore software distribution. In our system, only authorizeddevice or device group can install distributed software fromserver, and the attacker cannot forge software codes fromcompromised device or rollback software version to cheatdevice through the distribution protocol. After softwareinstallation, secure boot ensures the loading and executionof a correct and trustworthy software.

    +e distribution protocol participants include adminstra-tion server, sample device (called initiator), and target device.

    Program codesegment

    FN_block [0]

    FN_block [1]

    FN_block [2]

    FN_block [3]

    FN_block [n]













    Measurement Jumpaddress


    f1 return address

    f2 return address

    f3 return address

    fn return address

    PUF keyextraction K

    Helperdata w

    Figure 2: +e encryption and decryption method on program return address.

    Input: code blocks of software: fnblock[j], j � 0, . . . , nOutput: measurement results and log: χ, log

    (1) +e code blocks are loaded into memory with each block’s virtual address ranged from fnblock[j].start to fnblock[j].end;(2) Device X measures SW at runtime.(3) (1) Initialize SW measurement log as log : �{}, aggregated measurement fingerprint as χ: � 0;(4) 2) +e first function: f0 � fn block[0]. Device readsand measures it, s0: � Read(SW, f0.start, f0.end), m0: � HASH(s0);(5) (3) +e measurement is recursively triggered with function calling. And its algorithm measure(f0)(6) for f in function call table(f0) do(7) (a) Reads code block sj of function f, sj: � Read(SW, f.start, f.end), measures it and obtain fingerprint mj: � HASH(sj);(8) b) Record measurement log for sj, log : � log ∪ (descj, mj) , where descj is the description information of code block, e.g.

    function name, type;(9) (c) Aggregate fingerprints for SW, χ: � HASH(mj‖χ);(10) (d) measure(f);(11) end(12) (4) Device X stores χ, log of every code block execution for future attestation.(13) return χ, log

    ALGORITHM 1: Measurement algorithm of software codes.

    6 Security and Communication Networks

  • Server is responsible for releasing software package by re-writing binary codes according to device key. It verifies devicesidentity and distributes trusted software stub to device. Initiatormay be a simulation device or a real device in IoT network. Itassists server to extract sample software and ensures the subsintegrity and trustworthiness. Target device is the targetplatform on which distributed software is installed and exe-cuted. Figure 4 shows whole distribution protocol, which canbe divided into 2 sub protocols: extraction and distribution.

    3.3.1. Extraction

    (1) Initiator executes the sample software and measuresand attests its integrity. Initiator signs the mea-surement aggregation of the software with device keyderived from PUF. +e signature issig � HMAC(K,Hash(χ‖nonce‖ti‖v)).

    (2) Initiator sends integrity proof and signature (sig, log)to server with for device attestation. Server verifies thesignature and measurement according to log.

    (3) Server rewrites software using device key K of initi-ator, that is to say, Server encrypts the software returnaddress with device key and measurement. Servergenerates the signature for the rewritten software andreturns software package with signature to Initiator.

    (4) Initiator verifies software integrity by servers sig-nature, installs or upgrades the distributed sub, andruns testing software correctness.

    3.3.2. Distribution

    (1) Target device encrypts its device key with Server’spublic key and requests software’s upgrade or installwith the current counter

    (2) Server decrypts device’s key and rewrites new soft-ware based on it. +en Server signs the software anddevice counter by its private key and distributesoftware with its signature.

    (3) Device verifies the nonce, counter, and signature.+en if verification is passed, Device upgradessoftware, and also increases counter.

    From the above protocol figure, we consider thatsoftware integrity is ensured by servers’ signature, andthe rewritten software are different from each devicebecause of different PUF device keys so that the distri-bution protocol mainly focuses on distributingsame version software but different code copy to all IoTdevices. Device identity must be verified before serverdistributes software for device. In order to prevent therollback of old version software, devices must verify thecounter bounded with software before installing orupgrading.

    4. Security Evaluation

    4.1. Bootkit and Firmware Tampering. +e illegal firmwaretampers the correct one on the device and injects mali-cious codes at the system initialization. +is is the basicsecurity problem in IoT devices. +e Bootkit is a kernel-mode rootkit variant at boot stage, and it may copy,substitute, and compress the memory containing mali-cious codes so as to bypass checksum verification insystem secure boot. +e lightweight trust establishment isemployed to achieve secure boot from PUF hardware. +eattackers cannot intrude the trust root in secure world ofTrustZone, so they cannot bypass verification on boot-loader, os kernel, and other softwares, which is efficient toprevent Bootkit.

    Calling functionMeasure function

    body codes

    Yes/inside Check whether targetaddress is inside function


    Decrypt the return address

    No Check whether it is function entry

    YesYesValid return address



    Indirect jump


    Segment error


    Figure 3: +e process to determine validity of function return address.

    Security and Communication Networks 7

  • 4.2. Code Reuse Attack. +e return address encryption isimplemented to prevent code reuse attack like ROP and JOPin our scheme. As DEP is enabled, our systemwill reject codeinjection. But CRA modifies the return address in stack,jump tomalicious gadgets in system library, and executes themalicious behaviors. For example, ROP gadget is a piece ofcode located in the existing program and shared library code,which typically ends in a return instruction. +e returnaddress is encrypted with checksum of function codes byPUF key in our system. +erefore, any tampering of returnaddress will be checked while decrypting return address, andCRA can be prevented by address checking modules residedin TrustZone secure world.

    4.3. Dynamic-Link Library Hijacking. +e attacker mayexploit system vulnerabilities to tamper the dynamic-linklibrary (dll) as a system service. +ough the applicationsoftware is healthy, it triggers the execution of maliciouscodes when invoking dynamic-link library hijacked by at-tacker. In our scheme, measurement engine (ME) willmeasure the target function defined in dll while control flowtransfers to dll and verify the integrity of target function. If itis the same one according to the digest of function codes, thedll’s invocation will be terminated immediately. Owing tothe enforcement in function level, the dynamic measure-ment and verification can prevent this kind of attack effi-ciently in our scheme.

    4.4. TOCTOU Attack. TOCTOU attack is a time intervalattack to bypass security checking mechanism. +e threat is

    relatively high under the traditional static measurement andchecking at software loading time. Our dynamic measure-ment can reduce the security risk significantly throughshortening the time interval between measurement andchecksum. Although periodic monitor of codes’ integritycan mitigate this attack, the performance will be obviouslyaffected. +e function codes are checked while it is called;thus, TOCTOU attack is prevented with high probabilitiesby measuring the integrity of the current running codes atruntime.

    4.5. Network Replay & MITM Attack. +e software distri-bution protocol uses monotonic counter to prevent replayattack and version rollback attack. Besides counters, thedevices and server both use fresh random number andmessage signature to ensure message integrity and identityauthentication. +ese security mechanisms can efficientlyprevent resist replay, man-in-the-middle, and impersona-tion attacks.

    4.6. Device Compromising Attack. +e same hardware andsoftware configuration are deployed commonly in IoTnetwork, especially in swarm devices. If one device is affectedby worm and virus, other devices will be attacked soon, sothat the hackers will intrude and control whole IoTnetwork.What is worse, the attackers will manipulate all device nodesto conduct large-scale botnet attack. In our scheme, everydevice has a unique PUF key and the instrumentation codeon each device has difference on the return address. Con-sequently, the other software is immune to the same kind of

    Ki = Decsks (K′i)K′i = Encpks (Ki)

    si = Signsks (stub′i , ni1, ni2, vi)

    stub′i = Rewrite_stub (stub, Ki)

    stub′′′i, ni2, si

    stub′′j, nj2, sj

    ni1, counter ni, stub

    K′′j, nj1, counter vj, stub

    VerifyKi ((sig, log), stub)(sig, log), K′i

    choose random ni2 verify nonce ni1, ni2verify counter viverifypks (si, (stub′′i, ni1, ni2, vi))

    Kj = Decsks (K′j)

    sj = Signsks (stub′′j , nj1, nj2, vj)

    stub′j = Rewrite_stub (stub, Kj)

    choose random nj2


    (Sig, log) = Attest (Ki, stub, nonce)

    K′j = Encpks (Kj)

    choose random ni1, read counter vi

    choose random nj1, read counter vj

    Upgrade_stub (stub′′i)increase counter to vi +1

    verify nonce nj1, nj2verify counter vjVerifypks (sj, (stub′′j, nj1, nj2, vj))Upgrade_stub (stub′′j)increase counter to vj +1



    ServerSample device i (initiator) General device j

    cert (pks)cert (pks)








    Figure 4: Distribution protocol for device software in IoT.

    8 Security and Communication Networks

  • attack without knowing its device PUF key, although onedevice is compromised and its PUF key is exposed to at-tacker. +e attacker can obtain the function measurementand original return address from the compromised device,but he cannot crack software return address on other devicewithout device PUF key and construct the dedicated shellcodes for the code injection, buffer overflow, and code reuseattack like ROP and JOP. +is efficiently reduces securityrisk for the reason that the same kind of software attack isspread to IoT network by compromised device.

    5. Implementation andPerformance Evaluation

    Following the above method, we implement RIPTE proto-type based on lightweight trust architecture. In this section, asimple example is given out to illustrate the implementationprinciple; then, we summarize the performance results fromthe experiments of test evaluation.

    5.1. System Implementation. +e original software must berewritten to target one on specified IoT device by networkadministrator. After that, the program can run with integrityprotection on the target device. First of all, the deviceregisters its valid identity with device key derived from PUFand server allows the device to join the IoT network. +enadministrator prepares the original software to instrumenttarget one by rewriting tools. +e tools analyze binary codes,especially function calling in program, add the codes ofmeasurement function, and insert hook modules with hookinstruction and encrytion/decrytion. When target programexecutes, the function return address will be encrypted withthe device key and measurement value. Moreover, consid-ering the binding relationship between target software andIoT device, instrumented software can only be executedcorrectly on the specified device. Finally the instrumentedprograms are distributed to designated device and installedon it. As a result, the target program can execute on thespecified device with integrity protection at runtime, pre-venting the code tampering, and code reuse attack.

    Figure 5 illustrates the secure execution principle of asimple program within our scheme in ARM platform. +econtrol flow of original binary codes may be hijacked bycodes tampering or code reuse attack like ROP and JOP.+efunction return address is in the form of plaintext in thestack at program runtime, such as “00032468.” Instrumentedbinary codes by rewriting tools has 2 kinds of hook functions(entry hook and exit hook), which intercept the specialinstructions about function jumping, stack push/pop. In thesimple example, entry hook is function hook bl and exithook is hook pop fp pc. Entry hook first measures codesintegrity of called function, then uses device key to encryptfunction return address, next outputs encrypted address to lrregister, and pushes it in stack. At the moment, the functionreturn address is in the form of ciphertext in the stack, suchas “A1B1E7BC.” Exit hook first pops the cihpertext of returnaddress to lr register and decrypts lr with function mea-surement using device key and then outputs plaintext of

    function return address to lr. After that, the regular returnwill be transferred without any change.

    5.1.1. Considerations in Implementation. +e choice of en-cryption algorithm is a tradeoff between security and effi-ciency. We implement AES as encryption algorithms in oursystem. And we also test two other candidate algorithmsXOR and RC4, respectively. XOR is just a simple and ef-ficient algorithm in address encryption, which requires lesspower and fewer codes. Its problem is that the encryptionstrength is not high and the key may be analyzed by dif-ferential attack. RC5 can work well as lightweight algorithmin wireless sensor network, which generally performs on 16/32/64 bits messages. But RC5 is also vulnerable to differentialattack. AES is a usual algorithm in IoTapplication, especiallybuilt-in implementation in COAP application layer. +ehardware accelerations of AES algorithm are supported invarious CPU like Intel AES-NI instruction set. So we rec-ommend AES to implement our scheme. In general, thespecified application scenarios and security requirementsdetermine the concrete algorithm choice in IoT network.

    +e function return address on stack is 32 bits in ARM32 bits platform. Since enough security strength is providedin our scheme, we implement address encryption by 128 bitskey with the algorithms of AES and RC5.+e push operationon stack limited the ciphertext lengths, so we consider al-ternative method which truncates the address ciphertext intotwo parts. +e first part is 32 bits pushed on stack, and theremainder with size of 96 bits is stored in shared memoriesas a lookup table, which index is first part’s contents. Whilefunction is called, the plaintext of function return address isencrypted, then the first part of ciphertext is pushed intostack, and the remainder of ciphertext is stored into a hashtable. While called function returns, address checkingmodule fetches the ciphertext on stack, lookups the wholeciphpertext of return address in a hash table, decrypts it, andpops the correct address to the instruction pointer register.

    +e performance can be greatly influenced because offrequent encryption/decryption during function calling andreturning, such that we consider the optimization calcula-tion by precomputing encryption address to improve per-formance. +e IoTsoftware is relatively simple, in which thetarget jumping address can be easily deduced beforeinstrumenting codes. +e function measurement is specificvalue, and the encryption key is known to server in safemode before server rewrites software codes. +e server canprecompute encryption return address according to abovedefinite values and store it into a function address table.While the program is executed on the device, checkingaddress module does not need to encrypt the return addressand directly search the ciphertext of return address from thefunction address table. It pushes the ciphertext on the stackwhen entering function. Furthermore, the decryption ofreturn address can be similarly done in function addresstable according to the method of encryption. +rough an-alyzing the sample programs in an embedded system, wefind out that function pointers are seldom used in program,so that almost all the return address can be precomputed

    Security and Communication Networks 9

  • before instrumenting codes. It greatly improves the per-formance while precomputing on address encryption anddecryption, especially in the program of frequent functioncalling.

    5.2. Performance Evaluation. In order to evaluate the per-formance of our RIPTE prototype implementation (sourcecode is available at, wechoose the benchmark suite MiBench [27] as overall per-formance for commercial embedded softwares and cubealgorithm in basicmath of MiBench as single and loopperformance test.

    All benchmarks are executed on embedded developmentboards HiKey, CPUARMCortex-A53 1.2GHz with 8 Cores,SOC HiSilicon Kirin 620, RAM 2GB. +e code size of themain modules in our system are summarized in Table 1,which indicates that just a few codes (1075 LOC) newlyadded are instrumented to protect software except PUF andsecure boot (2170 LOC). PUF and secure boot are the basicbuilding blocks executing once to establish trust while thesystem starts up and the total size of increasing TCB is313.8 kB. We choose SRAM PUF to develop terminal systemwhich meets robustness and uniqueness the most importantproperties of PUF. We use the noise present in the SRAMstart-up value to accumulate entropy for the secure randomseed. For FE.Gen and FE.Rec operations on PUF, we adoptthe code-offset mechanism using BCH code [28] basedencryption/decryption. +ese properties guarantee that er-rors between the generate and reproduce procedures of PUFcan be corrected by the BCH code; thus, the device key canbe correctly derived from PUF key extraction. Table 2 showsthe scale of test samples on an embedded device and

    performance comparison with/without code instrumenta-tion. +e time cost per function is less than 1ms under thestress test of more than 100 thousands function calling. Andthe main performance cost is the overhead of trustzonecontext switch, so that it has less performance impact undercondition of great security improvement.

    Our system implements AES algorithm and also tests theother two encryption algorithms, XOR and RC4. +eirperformance evaluation is shown in Figure 6 on decryptionprocedure. +e encryption of the return address is finishedby the administrator before software distribution; thus, onlythe decryption may influence the software’s runtime per-formance. +e test results show that XOR algorithm is themost efficient among three algorithms, RC4 comes second,and AES costs 1.628 s in 10000 function callings. But AES ismore secure than other two algorithms, and the cost of AESdecryption is not expensive in high-end IoT device.

    Precomputing is the most important method to optimizeruntime performance in our implementation. +e spendingtime is 86.2ms with precomputation in 100 function calling,as shown in Figure 7. Most of the function calling can bepredicated according to CFG (control flow graph), partic-ularly in IoT software, so ACM (Address Checking Module)in our system can precompute the return address of targetfunction. +e average performance improvement is 24.5%by precomputing optimization from statistics of experimentresults. Figure 8 shows performance of encryption, de-cryption, and measurement in multiple loop testing. Withthe increase of the loop time, the performance of encryptionand decryption has minimal time growth, almost littlechange. But the performance of measurement becomeslinear increase. +e more the functions are calling, the morethe measurement time is spent during runtime execution.

    int testdiv(){int a = 6, b = 3, x;x = div2 (a, b);if (x == –1)printf (″division error!\n″);

    elseprintf ("%d\n", x);

    return 0;}

    Dump of assembler code for function testdiv:0x00032440: push {r11, lr}0x00032444: add r11, sp, #4......0x00032460: ldr r0, [r11, #–8]0x00032464: bl 0x323e4 0x00032468: str r0, [r11, #–16]0x0003246c: ldr r3, [r11, #–16]......0x000324a4: pop {r11, pc}

    Dump of assembler code for function testdiv:0x00032440: push {r11, lr}0x00032444: add r11, sp, #4......0x00032460: ldr r0, [r11, #-8]0x00032464: bl 0x118fc 0x00032468: str r0, [r11, #–16]0x0003246c: ldr r3, [r11, #–16]......0x000324a4: pop {r11, pc}

    int div2 (int x, int y){

    if (y == 0 || x < 0 || y < 0)return –1;

    return x/y;}

    EIP: 0x0323e4

    EIP: 0x032468

    ...encrypt lr {0x32468->0xa1b1e7bc}...b 0x323e4

    …pop lrdecrypt lr {0xa1b1e7bc->0x32468}...bx lr

    Dump of assembler code for function div2:0x000323e4: push {r11, lr}0x000323e8: add r11, sp, #40x000323ec: sub sp, sp, #8......0x00032438: sub sp, r11, #40x0003243c: pop {r11, pc}

    Dump of assembler code for function div2:0x000323e4: push {r11, lr}0x000323e8: add r11, sp, #40x000323ec: sub sp, sp, #8......0x00032438: sub sp, r11, #40x0003243c: bl 0x11aa4

    Source codes Source codes





    hook_bl: EIP: 0x118fc

    hook_pop_fp_pc: EIP: 0x11aa4





    00 00 00 0300 00 00 0600 03 24 68FF FF DF 00



    Ret addr

    Enc ret addr

    00 00 00 0300 00 00 06A1 B1 E7 BCFF FF DF 00

    Figure 5: Control flow transferring in simple example with/without RIPTE.

    10 Security and Communication Networks

  • 6. Related Work

    6.1. Integrity Measurement. +e most typical scheme ofintegrity protection is IMA [26] (Integrity MeasurementArchitecture) in Trusted Computing, which uses TPM tomeasure integrity of kernel and executable memory imagesat loading time. PRIMA [29] scheme is an improvementcombining the static measurement with access controlmodel on information flow, and it reduces measurementrange and promotes the efficiency. Afterwards, schemes ofLKIM, HIMA, HyperSentry, etc. ([30∼33]) were presentedto extend IMA to other application systems. In brief, theseschemes are static integrity measurement, and it is not

    suitable to protect the runtime integrity for a single appli-cation in IoT device.

    6.2. Software Attestation. Software attestation is a well-known and popular technique to verify security states of IoTdevices under the resource constraints [34]. It prevents theattacks like software tampering and malicious code injectionby verifying software checksum. +e concept of softwareattestation was firstly presented in SWATT [35] for em-bedded system, i.e., checksum on the whole memory. +etypical scheme in early study is CMU’s Pioneer [36], inwhich the remote verifier can check software integrity ofembedded system by challenge-response protocol on soft-ware attestation. Following the thought of Pioneer, manysoftware attestation schemes ([37∼39]) were designed based

    Table 1: Module size in RIPTE implementation.

    Module LOC Binary size (kB)HOOK 905 5.7Encryption 25 58.9Decryption 58 60.9ME 12 58.6ACM 75 95.2PUF 1747 10.7Secure boot 423 23.8Total 3245 313.8

    100006000 80002000 40000Decryption times (times)










    Figure 6: Decryption time for different algorithms.

    Table 2: Performance comparison with/without instrumentation on different types of embedded programs.

    Category Program Func Func call Binsize (kB) Org time/func (ms) Instr time/func (ms)Automotive Basicmath 5 140481 12.5 0.088881 0.723067Consumer JPEG 552 18017 1 232.4 0.002962 0.849559Network Dijkstra 6 273610 7.1 0.031748 0.557701Office Stringsearch 10 2781 44.3 0.014717 0.137495Security Sha 8 111681 5.2 0.015941 0.518042Telecomm crc32 3 3 3 2172.80 2774.55

    w/o preprocessingw preprocessing







    Func10 Func50 Func100 Func200 Func500Func1Function samples











    n (m







    Figure 7: Performance optimization with precomputation.

    Security and Communication Networks 11

  • on different constructions of checksum function, in whichdesigner considered the factors such as pseudorandommemory traversal, antireplay attack, memory detection withminor change, and low network delay. Software attestationcan be categorized into time-based attestation and memory-based attestation as usual [40]. +e former checks responsetiming to identify compromised software; the later fillsmemory with randomness to prevent malicious software inthe attestation. +e software attestation for peripherals waspresented to prove the firmware integrity of peripheral in2010 [41], which can prevent malicious code injection duringfirmware update. Asokan et al. proposed SEDA scheme [42]for IoT cluster devices and constructed attestation tree fromthe initial device to check all cluster devices in IoTnetwork.Asokan et al. [43] designed and implemented a control flowattestation for embedded device through logging branchpath of simple program execution. +e scheme overcomesthe shortages of static measurement and attestation, whichcan efficiently prevent control flow hijacking attacks.

    With deep development on software attestation, theresearchers found out some disadvantages of embeddedsoftware attestation. For example, many schemes of softwareattestation cannot prevent code substitution and ROP attack[44, 45]; time-based attestation cannot resist the TOCTOU(Time of Check, Time of Use) attack [46]. +erefore, weattempt to solve these security issues of software attestationfrom the point of code integrity protection based on trustestablishment.

    6.3. Control Flow Integrity. One key challenge is the vul-nerability of IoT devices to malware. Hacker often exploitsbuffer overflow vulnerability to inject malicious code, whilesimultaneously rewriting the function return address andjump the entry address of injected codes [47, 48]. Controlflow integrity [49] is an important security method toguarantee software trust execution in IoT device. +e keyidea of CFI is to enforce the control flow at runtime

    according to control flow graph (CFG), which includeshardware-based CFI and software-based CFI. Many CFIresearch works follow the ID-based scheme presented byAbadi et al. [49]. And its method assigns a label to eachindirect control flow transfer or potential target in theprogram. G-Free [50] is a compiler-based approach toeliminate ROP attack by protecting free-branch instructionsin binary executable. G-Free can be applied in compilingGNU libc and many real-world applications. Recent workfrom Google [51] and Microsoft [52] has moved beyond theID-based schemes to optimize set checks. Data executionprevention (DEP) assisting CFI can efficiently prevent codesfrom injection attack for stack or data ([53, 54]). +e re-search trend of CFI [55] is to improve analysis and en-forcement algorithms and to extend protection scope such asjust-in-time code, os kernel code. In embedded system, CFIcan be applied to prevent code injection attack and codereuse attack like ROP and JOP. Because IoTenvironment hassmall amount of code, the program can easily be examinedby CFG. But CFI enforcement certainly affects systemperformance owing to its limited resource.

    6.4. Secure Code Updates. Besides protection of softwareruntime execution, secure code update is the importantaspect in software trust execution and software attestation inIoT. Secure code update in an embedded system is referredto software update, firmware update, over the air update(OTA), software attestation, and so on. It must ensure theintegrity and authenticity of code updates before installationand prove the integrity of newly installed software on IoTdevice. PoSE-based (Proofs of Secure Erasure) methods([39, 56, 57]) are applied widely in commodity devices, withthe strong assumption that attacker cannot communicatewith IoT device during software attestation. Perito andTsudik [40] used PoSE to propose a practical approach tosecure erasure and code update in embedded devices andevaluated the scheme’s feasibility in commodity sensors.Kohnhauser and Katzenbeisser [58] presented a code updatescheme which verifier can enforce the correct distributionand installation of code updates on all devices in the net-work. Especially the scheme allowed the administrator toprovide secure code updates for a group of devices.

    7. Conclusion and Outlook

    +e IoT devices currently have many known and unknownvulnerabilities, which cause a large-scale swarm, botnet, andDDoS attack targeting IoT. We propose RIPTE, a novel andpractical scheme for software trusted execution in IoTdevicerelying on secure hardware PUF and trust architecture. +elightweight trust is established by PUF and secure boot.Software codes and IoTdevice are bound together to preventsoftware tampering and version rollback. It eliminates dy-namic-link library hijacking and TOCTOU attack by run-time measurement in granularity of function. Encryptionprotection of return address prevents the code reuse attacklike ROP and JOP. +e test results of our prototype indicatethat the runtime execution protection is efficiently applied to

    1 10 50 100Loop










    Figure 8: Performance on measurement, encryption, decryption.

    12 Security and Communication Networks

  • IoT software. +e hardware cryptographic support is con-sidered to enhance our scheme in future work. In ourscheme, TEE with TrustZone is utilized to assure trustservice executing in secure world with high isolation se-curity. +e TEE context switch between normal world andsecure world is the important performance factor, so we willresearch the architecture and performance optimization asthe future work.

    Data Availability

    +e data used to support the findings of this study are in-cluded within the article.

    Conflicts of Interest

    +e authors declare that there are no conflicts of interestregarding the publication of this paper.


    +e research presented in this paper was supported byNational Key R&D Program of China (2018YFB0904903 and2020YFE0200600) andNational Natural Science Foundationof China (Nos. 61872343 and 61802375).


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    14 Security and Communication Networks
