Ringette Window Art - WordPress.com · “Stained Glass” Window Art You will need: - Scissors -...


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Tissue Paper

“Stained Glass” Window Art

You will need:

- Scissors

- Glue stick

- Tissue paper scrap pieces (roughly torn or cut into

triangle pieces seem to work well)


1. Print out the template you want to create

2. Cut out the white areas

3. Flip over the template and glue on the tissue paper

pieces on the back, overlapping other tissue pieces and

the template border.

4. When the areas are covered, you can trim any excess

that might be outside the template border

5. Tape to a sunny window and enjoy!

Tissue Paper

“Stained Glass”

Window Art

- cut out white areas

- glue tissue pieces on the back to cover

open area




Tissue Paper

“Stained Glass”

Window Art

cut out white areas

glue on tissue pieces on the back to cover

open areas

cut out this

area and

leave open

- cut out white areas

- glue on tissue pieces

open areas

cut out white areas

glue on tissue pieces on the back to cover

open areas

cut out this

area and

leave open

Tissue Paper

“Stained Glass”

Window Art

Tissue Paper

“Stained Glass”

Window Art

- cut out white areas

- glue on tissue pieces on the

back to cover open areas

Tissue Paper

“Stained Glass”

Window Art
