Rig Veda - Shakala Shaka [Product Brochure]



Rig Veda - Shakala Shaka [Product Brochure]

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Veda Prasar Samiti Presents


Traditional Chanting of Vedic Sanskrit Mantras 4 MP3 CDs Pack

Disc Mandala Basis

Mandala : Anuvaka : Sukta : Rik Ashtaka Basis

Ashtaka : Adhyaya : Varga : Rik Duration

1 1 : 01 : 01 : 01 to 3 : 02 : 29 : 16 1 : 01 : 01 : 01 to 3 : 01 : 34 : 16 10 Hrs. 17 Mins.

2 3 : 03 : 30 : 01 to 7 : 02 : 20 : 10 3 : 01 : 01 : 01 to 5 : 03 : 02 : 10 10 Hrs. 9 Mins.

3 7 : 02 : 21 : 01 to 9 : 05 : 86 : 25 5 : 03 : 03 : 01 to 7 : 03 : 16 : 25 10 Hrs. 23 Mins.

4 9 : 5 : 86 : 26 to 10 : 12 : 191 : 4 5 : 03 : 03 : 01 to 7 : 03 : 16 : 25 8 Hrs.

38 Mins.

Total: 39 Hrs.

27 Mins.

Re-Produced by

Celextel Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. A-1 Dev Apts. * 1-A Thiruveeti Amman Koil St.

Velachery * Chennai - 600042 * India

Phone: 4202 2172 / 2243 6653 www.celextel.com

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Disc-1 Track List

Track Mandala Text

1 1.1.1 to 1.23.15 1 (1) to 13 (3)

2 1.23 to 1.38.15 13 (4) to 27 (8)

3 1.39.1 to 1.60.5 27 (9) to 43 (6)

4 1.61.1 to 1.82.6 43 (7) to 57 (24)

5 1.84.1 to 1.100.19 58 (1) to 71 (26)

6 1.101.1 to 1.116.5 72 (1) to 85 (20)

7 1.116.6 to 1.128.8 85 (21) to 99 (27)

8 1.129.1 to 1.145.5 100 (1) to 114 (12)

9 1.146.1 to 1.164.46 114 (13) to 129 (4)

10 1.164.47 to 1.186.5 129 (5) to 144 (16)

11 1.186.6 to 2.13.13 144 (7) to 159 (16)

12 2.14.1 to 2.32.8 159 (17) to 174 (14)

13 2.33.1 to 3.4.11 174 (15) to 187 (23)

14 3.42 to 3.55 181 (1) to 203 (8)

Main Chart

Track Mandala Ashtakam Adhyayam Anuvakam Suktam Vargam Rik/Manthra

1 1 1 01 - 02 01 - 05 01 - 23 01 - 10 01 - 15

2 1 1 02 - 03 05 - 08 23 - 38 11 - 17 16 - 15

3 1 1 03 - 04 08 - 11 39 - 60 18 - 26 01 - 05

4 1 1 04 - 06 11 - 13 61 - 83 27 - 04 01 - 06

5 1 1 06 - 07 13 - 15 84 - 100 05 - 11 01 - 19

6 1 1 07 - 08 15 - 17 101 - 106 12 - 08 01 - 05

7 1 1 - 2 08 - 01 17 - 19 116 - 128 09 - 15 06 - 08

8 1 2 01 - 02 19 - 21 129 - 145 16 - 14 01 - 05

9 1 2 02 - 03 21 - 22 146 - 164 15 - 22 01 - 46

10 1 2 03 - 05 22 - 24 164 - 186 23 - 04 47 - 05

11 1 - 2 2 05 - 06 24 - 02 186 - 13 05 - 12 06 - 13

12 2 2 06 - 07 02 - 03 14 - 32 13 - 15 01 - 08

13 2 - 3 2 07 - 08 04 - 01 33 - 04 16 - 23 01 - 11

14 3 2 - 3 08 - 01 01 - 02 05 - 29 24 - 34 01 - 16

Display Chart


MANDALA BASIS Mandala : Anuvaka : Sukta : Rik

ASHTAKA BASIS Ashtaka : Adhyaya : Varga : Rik

1 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 to 1 : 5 : 23 : 15 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 to 1 : 2 : 10 : 15

2 1 : 5 : 23 : 16 to 1 : 8 : 38 : 15 1 : 2 : 11 : 16 to 1 : 3 : 17 : 15

3 1 : 8 : 39 : 1 to 1 : 11 : 60 : 5 1 : 3 : 18 : 1 to 1 : 4 : 26 : 5

4 1 : 11 : 61 : 1 to 1 : 13 : 83 : 6 1 : 4 : 27 : 1 to 1 : 6 : 4 : 6

5 1 : 13 : 84 : 1 to 1 : 15 : 100 : 19 1 : 6 : 5 : 1 to 1 : 7 : 11 : 19

6 1 : 15 : 105 : 1 to 1 : 17 : 116 : 5 1 : 7 : 12 : 1 to 1 : 8 : 8 : 5

7 1 : 17 : 116 : 6 to 1 : 19 : 128 : 8 1 : 8 : 9 : 6 to 2 : 1 : 15 : 8

8 1 : 19 : 129 : 1 to 1 : 21 : 145 : 5 2 : 1 : 16 : 1 to 2 : 2 : 14 : 5

9 1 : 21 : 146: 1 to 1 : 22 : 164 : 46 2 : 2 : 15 : 1 to 2 : 3 : 22 : 46

10 1 : 22 : 164 : 47 to 1 : 24 : 186 : 5 2 : 3 : 23 : 47 to 2 : 5 : 4 : 5

11 1 : 24 : 186 : 6 to 2 : 2 : 13 : 13 2 : 5 : 5 : 6 to 2 : 6 : 12 : 13

12 2 : 2 : 14 : 1 to 2 : 3 : 32 : 8 2 : 6 : 13 : 1 to 2 : 7 : 15 : 8

13 2 : 4 : 33 : 1 to 3 : 1 : 4 : 11 2 : 7 : 16 : 1 to 2 : 8 : 23 : 11

14 3 ; 1 : 5 : 1 to 3 : 2 : 29 : 16 2 : 8 : 24 : 1 to 3 : 1 : 34 : 16

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Disc-2 Track List

Track Mandala Text 15 1.30.1 to 3.4.75 203 (9) to 217 (20)

16 3.48.1 to 4.1.15 217 (21) to 232 (2)

17 4.1.16 to 4.17.21 232 (3) to 245 (27)

18 4.18.1 to 4.34.11 246 (1) to 259 (16)

19 4.35.1 to 4.57.8 259 (17) to 273 (14)

20 4.58.1 to 5.26.9 273 (15) to 289 (23)

21 5.27.1 to 5.43.17 290 (1) to 304 (11)

22 5.44.1 to 5.61.19 304 (12) to 318 (21)

23 5.62.1 to 6.1.13 319 (1) to 332 (18)

24 6.2.1 to 6.20.5 332 (19) to 347 (6)

25 6.20.6 to 6.44.24 347 (7) to 363 (6)

26 6.45.1 to 6.52.17 363 (7) to 374 (18)

27 6.53.1 to 6.75.19 374 (19) to 389 (24)

28 7.1.1 to 7.20.10 390 (1) to 405 (2)

Main Chart

Track Mandala Ashtakam Adhyayam Anuvakam Suktam Vargam Rik/Manthra

15 3 3 01 - 03 03 - 04 30 - 47 01 - 11 01 - 05

16 3 - 4 3 03 - 04 04 - 01 48 - 01 12 - 14 01 - 15

17 4 3 04 - 05 01 - 02 01 - 17 15 - 24 16 - 21

18 4 3 05 - 07 02 - 04 18 - 34 25 - 04 01 - 11

19 4 3 07 - 08 04 - 05 35 - 57 05 - 09 01 - 08

20 4 - 5 3 - 4 08 - 01 05 - 02 58 - 26 10 - 20 01 - 09

21 5 4 01 - 02 02 - 03 27 - 43 21 - 22 01 - 17

22 5 4 02 - 03 03 - 05 44 - 61 23 - 29 01 - 19

23 5 - 6 4 03 - 04 05 - 01 62 - 01 30 - 36 01 - 13

24 6 4 05 - 06 01 - 02 02 - 20 01 - 09 01 - 05

25 6 4 06 - 07 02 - 03 20 - 44 10 - 20 06 - 24

26 6 4 07 - 08 03 - 05 45 - 52 21 - 16 01 - 17

27 6 4 - 5 08 - 01 05 - 06 53 - 75 17 - 22 01 - 19

28 7 5 01 - 03 01 - 02 01 - 20 23 - 02 01 - 10

Display Chart


MANDALA BASIS Mandala : Anuvaka : Sukta : Rik

ASHTAKA BASIS Ashtaka : Adhyaya : Varga : Rik

15 3 : 3 : 30 : 1 to 3 : 4 : 47 : 5 3 : 1 : 1 : 1 to 3 : 3 : 11 : 5

16 3 : 4 : 48 : 1 to 4 : 1 : 1 : 15 3 : 3 : 12 : 1 to 3 : 4 : 14 : 15

17 4 : 1 : 1 : 16 to 4 : 2 : 17 : 21 3 : 4 : 15 : 16 to 3 : 5 : 24 : 21

18 4 : 2 : 18 : 1 to 4 : 4 : 34 : 11 3 : 5 : 25 : 1 to 3 : 7 : 4 : 11

19 4 : 4 : 35 : 1 to 4 : 5 : 57 : 8 3 : 7 : 5 : 1 to 3 : 8 : 9 : 8

20 4 : 5 : 58 : 1 to 5 : 2 : 26 : 9 3 ; 8 : 10 : 1 to 4 : 1 : 20 : 9

21 5 : 2 : 27 : 1 to 5 : 3 : 43 : 17 4 : 1 : 21 : 1 to 4 : 2 : 22 : 17

22 5 : 3 : 44 : 1 to 5 : 5 : 61 : 19 4 : 2 : 23 : 1 to 4 : 3 : 29 : 19

23 5 : 5 : 62 : 1 to 6 : 1 : 1 : 1 4 : 3 : 30 : 1 to 4 : 4 : 36 : 13

24 6 : 1 : 2 : 1 to 6 : 2 : 20 : 5 4 : 5 : 1 : 1 to 4 : 6 : 9 : 5

25 6 : 2 : 20 : 6 to 6 : 3 : 44 : 24 4 : 6 : 10 : 6 to 4 : 7 : 20 : 24

26 6 : 3 : 45 : 1 to 6 : 5 : 52 : 17 4 : 7 : 21 : 1 to 4 : 8 : 16 : 17

27 6 : 5 : 53 : 1 to 6 : 6 : 75 : 19 4 : 8 : 17 : 1 to 5 : 1 : 22 : 19

28 7 : 1 : 1 : 1 to 7 : 2 : 20 : 10 5 : 1 : 23 : 1 to 5 : 3 : 2 : 10

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Disc-3 Track List

Track Mandala Text 29 7.21.1 to 7.40.7 405 (3) to 419 (6)

30 7.41.1 to 7.67.10 419 (7) to 434 (16)

31 7.68.1 to 7.94.12 434 (17) to 449 (15)

32 7.95.1 to 8.4.10 449 (13) to 464 (12)

33 8.4.11 to 8.13.33 464 (13) to 477 (23)

34 8.14.1 to 8.24.30 477 (24) to 491 (13)

35 8.25.1 to 8.39.5 491 (14) to 505 (16)

36 8.39.6 to 8.49.10 505 (7) to 517 (16)

37 8.50.1 to 8.69.19 517 (17) to 531 (20)

38 8.69.1 to 8.91.17 531 (21) to 545 (24)

39 8.92.1 to 9.2.10 546 (1) to 559 (10)

40 9.3.1 to 9.43.6 599 (11) to 573 (8)

41 9.44.1 to 9.67.32 574 (1) to 587 (2)

42 9.68.1 to 9.87.25 587 (3) to 599 (16)

Main Chart

Track Mandala Ashtakam Adhyayam Anuvakam Suktam Vargam Rik/Manthra

29 7 5 3 - 4 2 - 3 21 - 40 03 - 07 01 - 07

30 7 5 4 - 5 3 - 4 41 - 67 08 - 13 01 - 10

31 7 5 5 - 6 4 - 6 68 - 94 14 - 18 01 - 12

32 7 - 8 5 6 - 7 6 - 1 95 - 04 19 - 31 01 - 10

33 8 5 - 6 7 - 1 1 - 3 04 - 13 32 - 13 11 - 33

34 8 6 1 - 2 3 - 4 14 - 24 14 - 20 01 - 30

35 8 6 2 - 3 4 - 5 25 - 39 21 - 22 01 - 05

36 8 6 3 - 4 5 - 6 39 - 49 23 - 15 06 - 10

37 8 6 4 - 5 6 - 7 50 - 68 16 - 04 01 - 19

38 8 6 5 - 6 7 - 9 69 - 91 05 - 14 01 - 07

39 8 - 9 6 6 - 7 9 - 1 92 - 02 15 - 19 01 - 10

40 9 6 7 - 8 1 - 2 03 - 43 20 - 33 01 - 06

41 9 7 1 - 2 2 - 3 44 - 67 01 - 18 01 - 32

42 9 7 2 - 3 4 - 5 68 - 86 19 - 16 01 - 25

Display Chart


MANDALA BASIS Mandala : Anuvaka : Sukta : Rik

ASHTAKA BASIS Ashtaka : Adhyaya : Varga : Rik

29 7 : 2 : 21 : 01 to 7 : 3 : 40 : 07 5 : 3 : 03 : 01 to 5 : 4 : 07 : 07

30 7 : 3 : 41 : 01 to 7 : 4 : 67 : 10 5 : 4 : 08 : 01 to 5 : 5 : 13 : 10

31 7 : 4 : 68 : 01 to 7 : 6 : 94 : 12 5 : 5 : 14 : 01 to 5 : 6 : 18 : 12

32 7 : 6 : 95 : 01 to 8 : 1 : 04 : 10 5 : 6 : 19 : 01 to 5 : 7 : 31 : 10

33 8 : 1 : 04 : 11 to 8 : 3 : 13 : 33 5 : 7 : 32 : 11 to 6 : 1 : 13 : 33

34 8 : 3 : 14 : 01 to 8 : 4 : 24 : 30 6 : 1 : 14 ; 01 to 6 : 2 : 20 : 30

35 8 : 4 : 25 : 01 to 8 : 5 : 39 : 05 6 ; 2 : 21 : 01 to 6 : 3 : 22 : 05

36 8 : 5 : 39 : 06 to 8 : 6 : 49 : 10 6 ; 3 : 23 : 06 to 6 : 4 : 15 : 10

37 8 : 6 : 50 : 01 to 8 : 7 : 68 : 19 6 : 4 : 16 : 01 to 6 : 5 : 04 : 19

38 8 : 7 : 69 : 01 to 8 : 9 : 91 : 07 6 : 5 : 05 : 01 to 6 : 6 : 16 : 07

39 8 : 9 : 92 : 01 to 9 : 1 : 02 : 10 6 : 6 : 15 : 01 to 6 : 7 : 19 : 10

40 9 : 1 : 03 : 01 to 9 : 2 : 43 : 06 6 : 7 : 20 : 01 to 6 : 8 : 33 : 06

41 9 : 2 : 44 : 01 to 9 : 3 : 67 : 32 7 : 1 : 01 : 01 to 7 : 2 : 18 : 03

42 9 : 4 : 68 : 01 to 9 : 5 : 86 : 25 7 : 2 : 19 : 01 to 7 : 3 : 16 : 25

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Track 42 actually starts with the 18th KHILA (Pavamana Suktam) for 4 Mins. 38 Secs. and then proceeds with Sukta 68.

Disc-4 Track List

Track Mandala Text 43 9.86.26 to 9.98.12 599 (17) to 613 (10)

44 9.99.1 to 10.5.7 613 (11) to 628 (4)

45 10.6.1 to 10.23.7 628 (5) to 643 (20)

46 10.24.1 to 10.39.5 643 (21) to 658 (2)

47 10.39.6 to 10.57.6 658 (3) to 672 (12)

48 10.58.1 to 10.69.12 672 (3) to 685 (20)

49 10.70.1 to 10.86.10 685 (21) to 700 (20)

50 10.86.11 to 10.96.13 701 (1) to 715 (4)

51 10.97.1 to 10.112.5 715 (5) to 730 (6)

52 10.112.6 to 10.128.9 730 (7) to 741 (16)

53 10.129.1 to 10.154.5 741 (17) to 755 (10)

54 10.155.1 to 10.191.4 755 (11) to 767

Main Chart

Track Mandala Ashtakam Adhyayam Anuvakam Suktam Vargam Rik/Manthra

43 9 7 3 - 4 5 - 6 86 - 98 17 - 24 26 - 12

44 9 - 10 7 4 - 5 6 - 1 99 - 05 25 - 33 01 - 07

45 10 7 6 - 7 1 - 2 06 - 23 01 - 09 07 - 07

46 10 7 7 - 8 2 - 3 24 - 39 10 - 15 01 - 05

47 10 7 - 8 8 - 1 3 - 4 39 - 57 16 - 19 06 - 06

48 10 8 1 - 2 4 - 6 58 - 69 20 - 20 01 - 12

49 10 8 2 - 4 6 - 7 70 - 86 21 - 02 01 - 10

50 10 8 4 - 5 7 - 8 86 - 96 03 - 07 11 - 13

51 10 8 5 - 6 8 - 9 97 - 112 08 - 12 01 - 05

52 10 8 6 - 7 9 - 10 112 - 128 13 - 16 06 - 09

53 10 8 7 - 8 11 - 12 129 - 154 17 - 12 01 - 05

54 10 8 8 12 155 - 191 13 - 49 01 - 04

Display Chart


MANDALA BASIS Mandala : Anuvaka : Sukta : Rik

ASHTAKA BASIS Ashtaka : Adhyaya : Varga : Rik

43 9 : 5 : 86 : 26 to 9 : 6 : 98 : 12 7 : 3 : 07 : 26 to 7 : 4 : 24 : 12

44 9 : 6 : 99 : 01 to 10 : 1 : 5 : 07 7 : 4 : 25 : 01 to 7 : 5 : 33 : 07

45 10 : 1 : 6 : 07 to 10 : 2 : 23 : 07 7 : 6 : 01 : 07 to 7 : 7 : 09 : 07

46 10 : 2 : 24 : 01 to 10 : 3 : 39 : 05 7 : 7 : 10 : 01 to 7 : 8 : 15 : 05

47 10 : 3 : 39 : 06 to 10 : 4 : 57 : 06 7 : 8 : 16 : 06 to 8 : 1 : 19 : 06

48 10 : 4 : 58 : 01 to 10 : 6 : 69 : 12 8 : 1 : 20 : 01 to 8 : 2 : 20 : 12

49 10 : 6 : 70 : 01 to 10 : 7 : 86 : 10 8 : 2 : 21 : 01 to 8 : 4 : 02 : 10

50 10 : 7 : 86 : 11 to 10 : 8 : 96 : 13 8 : 4 : 03 : 11 to 8 : 5 : 07 : 13

51 10 : 8 : 97 : 01 to 10 : 9 : 112 : 05 8 : 5 : 08 : 01 to 8 : 6 : 12 : 05

52 10 : 9 :112 : 06 to 10 : 10 : 128 : 09 8 : 6 : 13 : 06 to 8 : 7 : 16 : 09

53 10 : 11 :129 : 01 to 10 : 12 : 154 : 05 8 : 7 : 17 : 01 to 8 : 8 : 12 : 05

54 10 : 12 :155 : 01 to 10 : 12 : 191 : 04 8 : 8 : 13 : 01 to 8 : 8 : 49 : 04

Track 53 actually starts with KHILA 27 & 28 from time 00:00 to 02 Mins. 58 Secs. Then starts Track 53 with Sukta 129. Track 54 ends with KHILA 36 from 32 Mins. 11 Secs. to 35 Mins. 25 Secs.

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Khila Tracking KHILA




At the end of Varga

At the end of Sukta

Track No.

Track Timing Min - Sec

No of Riks in the Khila Remarks

1 1 1 4 8 50 3 - - - - 3 Not Recited

2 1 2 5 16 191 11 11:55 - 13:36

10 Anti-snake bite

poison-snake fear

3 2 2 7 15 32 12 - - - - 8 Not Recited

4 2 2 8 12 43 13 26:11 - 27:22 6 Good Oman/Anti-Oman

5 5 4 2 25 44 22 03:58 - 04:15 1

6 5 4 3 3 49 22 13:38 - 14:00 2

7 5 4 3 7 51 22 17:38 - 18:14 2

8 5 4 4 29 84 23 30:22 - 30:38 1

9 5 4 4 34 87 23 - - - - 5 Not Recited

10 5 4 4 34 87 23 - - - - 5 Not Recited

11 5 4 4 34 87 23 36:20 - 41:37 29 Shree Suktam

12 6 4 7 20 44 25 42:28 - 43:15 3

13 6 4 8 4 48 26 22:12 - 22:43 2

14 7 5 3 30 35 29 33:27 - 34:46 6 Blessings

15 7 5 4 22 55 30 16:41 - 18:28 12 For Good Progeny

16 7 5 6 20 96 32 - - - - 1 Not Recited

17 7 5 7 4 103 32 15:52 - 16:04 1

18 9 6 7 20 3, 5th Rik 40 - - - - 3 Not Recited

19 9 7 2 18 67 42 00:06 - 04:36 21 Pavamana Suktam

20 9 7 5 28 114 44 31:26 - 32:35 6

21 10 7 6 5 9 45 07:10 - 07:21 1

22 10 8 3 6 75-5th Rik 49 12:49 - 13:04 1

23 10 8 3 28 85 49 39:32 - 40:44

6 Aaseer Vachanas /


24 10 8 5 23 103 51 21:59 -22:30 2

25 10 8 6 2 106 51 30:19 - 30:37 1

26 10 8 7 14 127 52 33:57 - 39:52 25 Raathri Suktam

27 10 8 7 16 128 53 00:06 - 02:38 11

28 10 8 7 16 128 53 02:38 - 02:53 1

29 10 8 7 16 128 53 - - - -

48 Not Recited - Prathyangira

30 10 8 7 30 142 53 - - - - 13 Not Recited

31 10 8 8 9 151 53 39:12 - 41:24 11 Medhaa Suktam

32 10 8 8 19 161 54 - - - - 1 Not Recited

33 10 8 8 24 166 54 - - - - 26 Not Recited

34 10 8 8 42 184 54 27:33 - 28:15 3

35 10 8 8 45 187 54 29:47 - 29:57 1

36 10 8 8 49 191 54 32:11 - 35:18 15

36 KHILAS contain 293 Riks - out of this 96 Riks are traditionally not recited. Manthras are termed as “Rik” in Rig Veda and Saama Veda. VAALAKHILYA RIKS: The Vaalakhilya Riks are also additional hymns, but forms integral part of RIG VEDA. Vaalakhilyas are rishis in dwarf form (thumb size) travelling along with SUN and always facing HIM. They are 60,000 in number and always chant GAYATHRI before SUN GOD. Their specialprayers are called ‘Vaalakhilya Suktas’ in Rig Veda. They are found in Mandala 8, Ashtaka 6, Adhyaya 4, Varga 14 to 31, Anuvaka 6 and from Suktas 49 to 59 (11 Suktas in 18 vargas with 80 Riks).

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Locating Vaalakhilya Riks in tracks: Track 36 - Track timing 41.36 to 44.04 (the last 49th Sukta of Mandala 8) - This is the first Vaalakhilya Suktam. Track 37 - track timing 00.00 to 16.04 ( Sukta 50 to 59 of Mandala 8) - This is the second and subsequent 10 Vaalakhilya Suktas.

Important Suktas [Other than Khila Suktas]

Ashtaka Basis





Track No.

Timing Min./Sec.


Kadrudraya 1 3 26 to 27 01 - 09 3 06:21 to 07:41

Imarudraya 1 8 05 to 06 01 to 11 6 37:31 to 40:28

Aathe Pithar 2 7 16 to 18 01 to 15 13 00:06 to 03:58

Somaa Rudra 5 1 18 01 to 04 27 38:33 to 39:37

Imaa Rudraya 5 4 13 01 to 04 30 07:00 to 07:59

Asme Rudra 6 4 43 12 37 29:18 to 29:35

Thvamagne Rudro 2 5 18 06 11 14:46 to 15:00

Aavo Rajaana 3 4 20 01 17 06:22 to 06:36

Thava Shriye 3 8 16 03 20 09:53 to 10:08

Bhuvanasya Pithara 4 8 6 10 26 25:09 to 25:23

Thamushtuhi 4 2 19 11 21 36:21 to 36:35

Ayam Me Hastho 8 1 25 12 48 06:44 to 06:54

Thrayambakam 5 4 30 12 30 28:29 to 28:41

Purusha Suktam

8 4 17 to 19 01 to 16 50 17:46 to 21:00

Rig Veda has two major portions, which are integral part of each other, Mandala & Ashtaka. Mandala consists of Anuvka, Suktas and Rik or Manthras. Ashtaka consists of Adhyaya, Varga and Rik or Manthras. 36 numbers of Khila Suktas/Riks are also available. Khila is defined as additional portions, traditionally chanted or not chanted after a particular Varga. For the benefit of our sincere aspirants we have brought out the 2 categories of Mandala and Ashtaka together in a combined display chart and numbered the contents. The Khila Suktas/Riks are separately shown in a chart. In addition, the Rig Veda has special Suktas called Vaalakhilya Suktas. They are also identified and shown in a separate chart. This Veda contains 10 Madalas, 8 Ashtakas, 64 Adhyayas, 84 Anuvakas, 1028 Suktas (inclusive of 11 Valakhilya Suktas), 2024 Vargas (inclusive of 18 Valakhilya Vargas) and 10552 Riks or Manthras (inclusive of 80 Valakhilya Riks). Total Aksharaas (letters) amount to 3,97,265 (inclusive of Valakhilaya Aksharaas 3044).

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Vedas “The Vedas (knowledge) are a large body of texts originating in ancient India. Composed in Vedic Sanskrit, the texts constitute the oldest layer of Sanskrit literature and the oldest scriptures of Hinduism. The class of "Vedic texts" is aggregated around the four canonical Samhitas or Vedas proper (turiya), of which the first three (traya) are related to the performance of yajna (sacrifice) in historical Vedic religion: The Rigveda, containing hymns to be recited by the hotr; The Yajurveda, containing formulas to be recited by the adhvaryu or officiating priest; The Samaveda, containing formulas to be sung by the udgatr. The fourth is the Atharvaveda, a collection of spells and incantations, apotropaic charms and speculative hymns. The Rig Veda manuscripts have been selected for inscription in UNESCO's "Memory of the World" Register 2007. According to Hindu tradition, the Vedas are apauruseya "not of human agency", are supposed to have been directly revealed, and thus are called sruti ("what is heard"). The Vedas are said to be written down by Ved Vyas during Dvapara Yuga, about 5,300 years years ago. The four Samhitas are metrical (with the exception of prose commentary interspersed in the Krishna Yajurveda). The term samhita literally means "composition, compilation". The individual verses contained in these compilations are known as mantras. Some selected Vedic mantras are still recited at prayers, religious functions and other auspicious occasions in contemporary Hinduism. The various Indian philosophies and sects have taken differing positions on the Vedas. Schools of Indian philosophy which cite the Vedas as their scriptural authority are classified as "orthodox" (astika). Other traditions, notably Buddhism and Jainism, which did not regard the Vedas as authorities are referred to by traditional Hindu texts as "heterodox" or "non-orthodox" (nastika) schools. In addition to Buddhism and Jainism, Sikhism and Brahmoism, many non-Brahmin Hindus in South India do not accept the authority of the Vedas. Certain South Indian Brahmin communities such as Iyengars consider the Tamil Divya Prabandham or writing of the Alvar saints as equivalent to the Vedas. In most Iyengar temples in South India the Divya Prabandham is recited daily along with Vedic Hymns. In English, the term Veda is often used loosely to refer to the Samhitas (collection of mantras, or chants) of the four canonical Vedas (Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda). The Sanskrit term veda as a common noun means "knowledge", but can also be used to refer to fields of study unrelated to liturgy or ritual, e.g. in agada-veda "medical science", sasya-veda "science of agriculture" or sarpa-veda "science of snakes" (already found in the early Upanishads); durveda means "with evil knowledge, ignorant". The Vedas are among the oldest sacred texts. The Samhitas date to roughly 1500-1000 BCE, and the "circum-Vedic" texts, as well as the redaction of the Samhitas, date to c. 1000-500 BCE, resulting in a Vedic period, spanning the mid 2nd to mid 1st millennium BCE, or the Late Bronze Age and the Iron Age. Transmission of texts in the Vedic period was by oral tradition alone, preserved with precision with the help of elaborate mnemonic techniques. A literary tradition set in only in post-Vedic times, after the rise of Buddhism in the Maurya period, perhaps earliest in the Kanva recension of the Yajurveda about the 1st century BCE; however oral tradition predominated until c. 1000 CE.” - Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vedas

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Rig Veda

“The Rigveda (a compound of ṛc praise, verse and veda knowledge) is an ancient Indian sacred collection of Vedic Sanskrit hymns. It is counted among the four canonical sacred texts (śruti) of Hinduism known as the Vedas. Some of its verses are still recited as Hindu prayers, at religious functions and other occasions, putting these among the world's oldest religious texts in continued use. The Rigveda contains several mythological and poetical accounts of the origin of the world, hymns praising the gods, and ancient prayers for life, prosperity, etc. It is one of the oldest extant texts in any Indo-European language. Philological and linguistic evidence indicate that the Rigveda was composed in the north-western region of the Indian subcontinent, roughly between 1700-1100 BC (the early Vedic period). The text is organized in 10 books, known as Mandalas, of varying age and length. The major Rigvedic shakha (branch, i. e. recension) that has survived is that of Śākalya. Another shakha that may have survived is the Bāskala, although this is uncertain. The surviving padapatha version of the Rigveda text is ascribed to Śākalya.The Śākala recension has 1017 regular hymns, and an appendix of 11 vālakhilya hymns which are now customarily included in the 8th mandala (as 8.49-8.59), for a total of 1028 hymns. The Bāskala recension includes 8 of these vālakhilya hymns among its regular hymns, making a total of 1025 regular hymns for this śākhā. In addition, the Bāskala recension has its own appendix of 98 hymns, the Khilani. The Rigvedic hymns are dedicated to various deities, chief of whom are Indra, a heroic god praised for having slain his enemy Vrtra; Agni, the sacrificial fire; and Soma, the sacred potion or the plant it is made from. Equally prominent gods are the Adityas or Asura gods Mitra-Varuna and Ushas (the dawn). Also invoked are Savitr, Vishnu, Rudra, Pushan, Brihaspati or Brahmanaspati, as well as deified natural phenomena such as Dyaus Pita (the shining sky, Father Heaven), Prithivi (the earth, Mother Earth), Surya (the sun god), Vayu or Vata (the wind), Apas (the waters), Parjanya (the thunder and rain), Vac (the word), many rivers (notably the Sapta Sindhu, and the Sarasvati River). The Adityas, Vasus, Rudras, Sadhyas, Ashvins, Maruts, Rbhus, and the Vishvadevas (all-gods) as well as the thirty-three gods are the groups of deities mentioned.

Mandala 1 comprises 191 hymns. Hymn 1.1 is addressed to Agni, and his name is the first word of the Rigveda. The remaining hymns are mainly addressed to Agni and Indra, as well as Varuna, Mitra, the Ashvins, the Maruts, Usas, Surya, Rbhus, Rudra, Vayu, Brhaspati, Visnu, Heaven and Earth, and all the Gods.

Mandala 2 comprises 43 hymns, mainly to Agni and Indra. It is chiefly attributed to the Rishi grtsamada śaunahotra.

Mandala 3 comprises 62 hymns, mainly to Agni and Indra and the Vishvedevas. The verse 3.62.10 has great importance in Hinduism as the Gayatri Mantra. Most hymns in this book are attributed to viśvāmitra gāthinah.

Mandala 4 comprises 58 hymns, mainly to Agni and Indra as well as the Rbhus, Ashvins, Brhaspati, Vayu, Usas, etc. Most hymns in this book are attributed to vāmadeva gautama.

Mandala 5 comprises 87 hymns, mainly to Agni and Indra, the Visvedevas (all the gods), the Maruts, the twin-deity Mitra-Varuna and the Asvins. Two hymns each are dedicated to Ushas (the dawn) and to Savitr. Most hymns in this book are attributed to the atri clan.

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Mandala 6 comprises 75 hymns, mainly to Agni and Indra, all the gods, Pusan, Ashvin, Usas, etc. Most hymns in this book are attributed to the bārhaspatya family of Angirasas.

Mandala 7 comprises 104 hymns, to Agni, Indra, the Visvadevas, the Maruts, Mitra-Varuna, the Asvins, Ushas, Indra-Varuna, Varuna, Vayu (the wind), two each to Sarasvati (ancient river/goddess of learning) and Vishnu, and to others. Most hymns in this book are attributed to vasistha maitravaruni.

Mandala 8 comprises 103 hymns to various gods. Hymns 8.49 to 8.59 are the apocryphal vālakhilya. Hymns 1-48 and 60-66 are attributed to the kānva clan, the rest to other (Angirasa) poets.

Mandala 9 comprises 114 hymns, entirely devoted to Soma Pavamana, the cleansing of the sacred potion of the Vedic religion.

Mandala 10 comprises additional 191 hymns, frequently in later language, addressed to Agni, Indra and various other deities. It contains the Nadistuti sukta which is in praise of rivers and is important for the reconstruction of the geography of the Vedic civilization and the Purusha sukta which has great significance in Hindu social tradition. It also contains the Nasadiya sukta (10.129), probably the most celebrated hymn in the west, which deals with creation. The marriage hymns (10.85) and the death hymns (10.10-18) still are of great importance in the performance of the corresponding Grhya rituals.

The Rigveda's core is accepted to date to the late Bronze Age, making it one of the few examples with an unbroken tradition. Its composition is usually dated to roughly between 1700-1100 BC. The Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture (s.v. Indo-Iranian languages, p. 306) gives 1500-1000. Being composed in an early Indo-Aryan language, the hymns must post-date the Indo-Iranian separation, dated to roughly 2000 BC. A reasonable date close to that of the composition of the core of the Rigveda is that of the Indo-Aryan Mitanni documents of c. 1400 BC. Other evidence also points to a composition close to 1400 BC.

The Rigveda is far more archaic than any other Indo-Aryan text. For this reason, it was in the center of attention of western scholarship from the times of Max Müller and Rudolf Roth onwards. The Rigveda records an early stage of Vedic religion. There are strong linguistic and cultural similarities with the early Iranian Avesta, deriving from the Proto-Indo-Iranian times, often associated with the early Andronovo culture of ca. 2000 BC.

Writing appears in India around the 3rd century BC in the form of the Brahmi script, but texts of the length of the Rigveda were likely not written down until much later, the oldest surviving Rigvedic manuscript dating to the 14th century.[dubious - discuss] While written manuscripts were used for teaching in medieval times, they were written on birch bark or palm leaves, which decompose fairly quickly in the tropical climate, until the advent of the printing press from the 16th[dubious - discuss] century. Some Rigveda commentaries may date from the second half of the first millennium CE. The hymns were thus preserved by oral tradition for up to a millennium from the time of their composition until the redaction of the Rigveda, and the entire Rigveda was preserved in shakhas for another 2,500 years from the time of its redaction until the editio princeps by Rosen, Aufrecht and Max Müller. According to Hindu tradition, the Rigvedic hymns were collected by Paila under the guidance of Vyāsa, who formed the Rigveda Samhita as we know it. According to the Śatapatha Brāhmana, the number of syllables in the Rigveda is 432,000, equalling the number of muhurtas (1 day = 30 muhurtas) in forty years. This statement stresses the underlying philosophy of the Vedic books that there is a connection (bandhu) between the astronomical, the physiological, and the spiritual.” - Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rigveda

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On Vedas

“The Vedic sacrificial altar was the origin of Geometry. The invocation of the Devas, or bright ones, was the basis of worship. The idea is that one invoked is helped and helps. Hymns are not only words of praise but words of power, being pronounced with the right attitude of mind. Heavens are only other states of existence with added senses and heightened powers. All higher bodies also are subject to disintegration as is the physical. Death comes to all forms of bodies in this and other lives. Devas are also mortal and can only give enjoyment. Behind all Devas there is the Unit Being - God, as behind this body there is something higher that feels and sees. The powers of creation, preservation, and destruction of the Universe, and the attributes, such as omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence, make God of gods. On earth we die. In heaven we die. In the highest heaven we die. It is only when we reach God that we attain life and become immortal. The Vedas contain not only the means how to obtain Bhakti but also the means for obtaining any earthly good or evil. Take whatever you want. The minds of the people from whom the Vedas came were intent upon following principles, discovering principles. They had no time to work upon details or to wait for them; they wanted to go deep into the heart of things. Something beyond was calling them, as it were, and they could not wait. Scattered through the Upanishads, we find that the details of subjects which we now call modern sciences are often very erroneous, but, at the same time, their principles are correct. For instance, the idea of ether, which is one of the latest theories of modern science, is to be found in our ancient literature in forms much more developed than is the modern scientific theory of ether today, but it was in principle. When they tried to demonstrate the workings of that principle, they made many mistakes. The theory of the all-pervading life principle, of which all life in this universe is but a differing manifestation, was understood in Vedic times; it is found in the Brâhmanas. There is a long hymn in the Samhitâs in praise of Prâna of which all life is but a manifestation. By the by, it may interest some of you to know that there are theories in the Vedic philosophy about the origin of life on this earth very similar to those which have been advanced by some modern European scientists.” - Swami Vivekananda


Rig Veda - Vedanta Spiritual Library Rig Veda Samhita - Kashyap and Sadagopan

Rig Veda - Maharishi University of Management

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