Rifaximin Therapy for Patients With Irritable


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Presentan :Melisa Karima Amalia, S.KedNRP : 0810221072Pembimbing : dr. Eny Ambarwati, Sp.PD, FINASIM

Rifaximin Therapy for Patients with Irritable

Bowel Syndrome without Constipation

The New England Journal of Medicine, 364;1, January 6, 2011




Latar belakangBukti-bukti menunjukan bahwa flora normal

usus memiliki peranan penting dalam patofisiologi dari irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Pada penelitian ini dievaluasi rifaximin, antibiotik dengan kadar serap minimal, sebagai pengobatan untuk IBS.

Kriteria Inklusi Kriteria Eksklusi

• usia minimal 18 tahun; • telah menjalani

pemeriksaan kolonoskopi dalam 2 tahun;

• telah didiagnosis dan memiliki gejala IBS (dinilai berdasarkan kriteria diagnostik Roma II untuk IBS), khususnya, gejala nyeri dan rasa tidak nyaman pada abdomen;

• dan memiliki gejala-gejala global IBS serta perut kembung yang terkait dengan IBS pada saat skrining dan waktu pengambilan sampel secara acak

• pasien dengan konstipasi-predominant IBS (menurut definisi dalam kriteria Roma II),

• riwayat inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes,

• penyakit tiroid yang tidak stabil, sebelumnya memiliki riwayat operasi di perut (selain kolekistektomi atau apendektomi),

• infeksi HIV,• dan penyakit ginjal atau hati.

Metode• In two identically designed, phase 3, double-blind, placebo-

controlled trials(TARGET 1 and TARGET 2), patients who had IBS without

constipation were randomly assigned to either rifaximin at a dose of 550 mg or placebo, three times daily for 2 weeks, and were followed for an additional 10 weeks. The primary end point, the proportion of patients who had adequate relief of global IBS symptoms, and the key secondary end point, the proportion of patients who had adequate relief of IBS-related bloating, were assessed weekly. Adequate relief was defined as selfreported relief of symptoms for at least 2 of the first 4 weeks after treatment.

Other secondary end points included the percentage of patients who had a response to treatment as assessed by daily self-ratings of global IBS symptoms and individual symptoms of bloating, abdominal pain, and stool consistency during the 4 weeks after treatment and during the entire 3 months of the study.

Results• Significantly more patients in the rifaximin group than

in the placebo group hadadequate relief of global IBS symptoms during the first 4 weeks after treatment (40.8% vs. 31.2%, P = 0.01, in TARGET 1; 40.6% vs. 32.2%, P = 0.03, in TARGET 2; 40.7% vs. 31.7%, P<0.001, in the two studies combined).

• Similarly, more patients in the rifaximin group than in the placebo group had adequate relief of bloating (39.5% vs. 28.7%, P = 0.005, in TARGET 1; 41.0% vs. 31.9%, P = 0.02, in TARGET 2; 40.2% vs. 30.3%, P<0.001, in the two studies combined).

• In addition, significantly more patients in the rifaximin group had a response to treatment as assessed by daily ratings of IBS symptoms, bloating, abdominal pain, and stool consistency.

• The incidence of adverse events was similar in the two groups.

ConclusionsAmong patients who had IBS without

constipation, treatment with rifaximin for 2 weeks provided significant relief of IBS symptoms, bloating, abdominal pain, and loose or watery stools.

(Funded by Salix Pharmaceuticals; ClinicalTrials.gov numbers, NCT00731679 and NCT00724126.)

