Ridgefield Riding Academy January 2015 Newsletter


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  • 8/10/2019 Ridgefield Riding Academy January 2015 Newsletter


    Check out all the fun things happening at Ridgefield Riding

    Academy this month.

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    Upcoming Events

    January 14th: Horsey Happy Hour during lessons. We will

    supply the beverages, you may bring a snack to share.

    January 15th: Show Girl Meeting. If you're thinking aboutshowing or already showing regularly, you won't want to missthis meeting. We will review the 2015 show schedule and allthe fun details on what do you need to show at Ridgefield andaway shows.

    January 19th - January 23rd: Ridgefield Riding Academy

  • 8/10/2019 Ridgefield Riding Academy January 2015 Newsletter


    Schooling Show week. We will have our schooling show duringnormal lessons. Please let your instructor know if you do notwant to participate.

    January 24th: Both MOHJO and MHSA Banquets are on thisday. We are working on coordinating schedules to determinewho will attend which banquet.

    January 31st - February 1st: Irish Fox Show at the NEC.Look for signup sheet in the boarder tack room.

    Our sincere thanks toall the families whoshowered the entireRidgefield Staff withChristmas presents.Your thoughtfulnessand generosity areoverwhelming.

    With our love and appreciation, Richardand Karen Gentry, Tracey Gentry Ryan,

    Annie Vibbert, Mary Gardner, Russell

    Fowler, Bob Russell, Flo Anne Krampe,

    Nancy Finch, Kelley Dufour and Jenni


    Congratulations to Cassandra and

    the Gallardo Family on the

    purchase of Rolay. Welcome to

    Ridgefield Rolay!

  • 8/10/2019 Ridgefield Riding Academy January 2015 Newsletter


    Our annual "Show Girl Meeting" will

    be held on Thursday, January 15th

    at 8:00pm in the lounge. Everyone

    who will be showing, is thinking

    about showing or just wants to

    know what is involved to

    participate in horse shows shouldattend.

    Ready for that nextstep beyond lessons?

    Now is a great time to talk with your

    trainer about leasing a horse. We

    have several options available. Annie

    Congratulations to Lily and theCarothers Family on the purchase

    of Mario!

    Congratulations to Madeline and theRyan Family on the purchase ofDuncan!

  • 8/10/2019 Ridgefield Riding Academy January 2015 Newsletter


    and Mary would love to sit down with

    you to discuss your child's riding goals

    and if leasing is right for you.

    January 2015 Lesson Calendar

    Thank you all our families who came toour Christmas Party and a special thank

    you to all who participated in the SilentAuction. With your help, we raisedover $1600 for Rescue RenaissanceRanch. This will feed the ~70 horsesfor 1 week.

    Congratulations to Sarah Ferguson onwinning the Ugly Sweater Contest at ourChristmas Party. Special thanks to

    Kelley Dufour for organizing thecontest.

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    February 2015 Lesson Calendar

    Holiday Campers.Thank you to all our camperswho participated in our HolidayCamp with Mary, Marie andPaityn. Everyone had a greattime!

    Lesson PackagesJanuary Lessons

    Mondays: 5, 12, 19, 26 - $140.00

    Tuesdays: 6, 13, 20,27 - $140.00

    Wednesdays: 7, 14, 21, 28, - $140.00

    Thursdays: 8, 15, 22, 29 - $140.00

    Fridays: 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 - $175.00

    Note: Our Schooling Show is the

    week of January 19th - 23rd during

    lessons. If you are not planning on

    attending, let your instructor know

    and we will adjust your monthly

    statement. Additional fees will apply

    to schooling show above the

    package rate.

    February Lessons

    Mondays: 2, 9, 16, 23 - $140.00

    Tuesdays: 3, 10, 17, 24 - $140.00

    Wednesdays: 4, 11, 18, 25 - $140.00

    Thursdays: 5, 12, 19, 26 - $140.00

  • 8/10/2019 Ridgefield Riding Academy January 2015 Newsletter


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