Richmond Times-Dispatch.(Richmond, Va) 1914-12-29 [p EIGHT]. · 2017. 12. 20. · Indications Arc...


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Indications Arc That Knrly Weeks of.\ow Vnir Will Sot* Greater



Itnying Orders From Pittsburgh forSteel Startle Shorts and <»lveI' Impetus for Advance.Shift¬ing of Speculative Interest.

ItY 11KOADAN WAl.l..Ni:w \i>!tl\ 1' '¦tnln-r at..Prices opened

.lull and . :m. Within a few minutes, a

hiving movement developed. unl advninP* -s

tanged !r n ! to J points I>uIIIH'.is!> tv Mii oceilfit l»y reiiownl no-

tlvity and a continuation <>t tlic upwardmovement I stocks about the"Pl?uving orders fr uit Pittsburgh for Steel.

Heading and other leaders startled the small. nn<l »:-'V0 sin-! impetus to the:ni\ litre.There wa.- feeling of relief as stork*

drew away from the "peK" prices Thoat 11«¦ ti ol Steel i-omnion w as watched closelynt key to the pr> sent Industrial situation.'I'l l* stock moved easily from 4* to w. and.after a flight hesitation, advanced to i;j.t'nlon Pa< i!i« r. points on small trans¬actions. South-T*': l'a* 'tii moved more slow¬ly while PeMisylv int.. recovered to 10P\.Speculative Interest shifts all round the

room '>tn |{ea t*.g ilway- manages to re¬

tain promln* e in the tidy's work It was

the b.idcr t' lay i:, point of activity, witha jr.nn of .'¦< la-high Vail. > Jumped 2:¦< Ints on the turnover of 1,000 shares. Thespeculative supply of this stock has beenmuch reduced, and quotations were about. point* jar: bet'A ecu t hi- bid and asked

t'.'Pp' --Iks v ere strong with an ad-v.itn ( in I tab to PS. !{... . nt reports stalethat tills .onipany lias reduced the cost ofpr -:ii' it":: . « t.-i-:> r ilv Amalgamated fop.I >-r itoni

.\Tnsk-t<> from '¦> <>n a re-vi\ of the rumor that right- will shortlyt > gt\ n stockholders. Meet Suga: advancedtoM K A- T dropped to »vj,. a new low.

on the < losing of stock held as collateralin a loan This enforced selling broke the1 spite r> e;;t good earnings. For¬th" we-U !n Pecember cross IncreasedJ4v jodd lot brokers found it difficult to fill

orders at anything like fair prices. Onslgr ¦: strength there Is a general can-

t: -i of sc.Mng orders, and trailers re-tu>-e t sup: y bids as Is the custom" In morea .. v>- marketsBonis w-re strong with the volume of bus-

Inc.-- good.Business is very near a turn for the bet-

Wall Street." remarked one of the>r Sto k ExohnnK' members to the

writer to--'ay "At least a dozen membershave signified their Intention of retiring fromthe brokerage business at the first oppor¬tunity. as they see no hope of a revivalin speculative interest."Th!« state of mind on the floor usually

marks the turn The writer has observedit i>n two oiher occasions

NEW. VOHK. December .The stocknark«t to-day recovered much of the sroumlost In last week's declining movement. Iin->rovement began at the outset and wasmaintained to the very end, nt which timethe day's best prices were recorded. Trail-ing was on :i larger scale than at almostany time site e the- resumption of open deal¬ings. with activity most pronounced In theinternatlonaal group. Net gains averagedalmost ; points with sharp recoveries Iromtheir minimum l>y such Importunt sharesas Cnlted states Steel and Southern I'udtie.The rlv> extended to a number of special¬ties. Including equipment stocks and Beth¬lehem Steel A few of the less active stocks,including Chicago and Northwestern andChesopeake and Ohio, fell to establishedprices.Much of to-day's buying came from the

short interest, but. according to reports,the rise was accelerated by Investment buy¬ing from out of town.Heaviness of Northwestern was associated

with the road statcmeent for November,which showed a net loss slightly in excess ofJtVX'.IOO. while the Southern Hallway suf-lered to a similar extent for the sumo pe¬riod.Foreign exchange declined to the bot¬

tom price ot the year, cables and sightdrafts on l.or.don being quoted at $4S5*i, and'v$l.ST>. respectively Time money also touchedthe minimum figures since January last.Vans from ninety days to six months be¬ing made at per cent. Mercantile paperof the letter quality was easier.Bonds were equally firm with the stock

lisl seme of the investment Issues showingmarked gainsITnlted Slates government bonds were un¬

changed . ii call.

NEW YORK. Deceinbur -Closing: Mer¬cantile paper. i'll'v; sterling exchange,steady; sixty-day bills, J IN.".*; for cables,$i for demand. $ 1.?53T» Bar silver. 4s-\Mexican dollars 37',. government bonds,steady. Railroad bonds, llrin.

BOND LISTA;lamb Coast Elite .E. anil N is... ST.'*Atlantic '.'oast l.lne cv. 4s tin Balti¬more ¦lidt S3

Chesapeake and Ohio conv. 4'ia 7i'«l.lgcetl and Myers .'.s !¦»Eiggett and Myers 7s tbldi !WEorlllurd Company as (bldl Mo1?l.orlliar.l Company 7s (bid)... lis'Norfolk anil Western conv 4's« hv,1-jS. aboard Air l.lne stamped Is (asked).. ~f,Seaboard Air l.ti.o :ulj 5m... i.'.'Southern I'.u lib- Company la SO1*Southern Hallway 4s 'ii»aSi.utii-in HallwayI'nlled States Steel. 2nd 5s1". S. Registered ;*../'V'..C. S. Registered 2s. Tit'.s bfd i i<\)Culled States I'alittnni* 3k bid .'¦l.jv ;: (M I i-I .. Hi >i !*<-rs -ct f.s (bid)....Va.-Car. Chemical 1st 5s :c*,

1 :. Company 7 s (a );e 1, ;i(Wabash deb 4sWabasli-Plt ts. Term 1st la (libit. 7

RICHMOND STOCK MARKET.By Caskle (7. llurch & Co.

. &;o<.l. a ml Bond Brokers, 1018 12. Main IKb hmoii.l Va.t December |

ST MT. M-.t TKITIES Bid. Akked.v'irglni; '.;*«. i)ln (¦. mil KVn. centuries .. c and K ».W MSTREET BY. STOCKS. Par.V.t. Hy and 1'misr Co.. pfd .!.'.> '.'HV a. R\ ;)< i". We* ( o. com ..':<>) C,BANK STO«' KS

lilchnioni i. :il. and Trust Co

(DTlilS MAIiKi'.l'S.Ni;\ YmI'.I;. 1' 'ember Cotton v. is. e.'tlt >11 <1e!iv rles making.v groun.i :. the movem* at on a fui (betiiK.ainn'.i investment d'.mmid and con-Inu< b> la . * 1 wi'h foreign lonnectlonsMay i ontrin th sold up to a.iw'i. <tr points'. Tlturs if. leg figures and more

i :. * ; ,i "Ve (lie r'- 'ent lowlevel.'] . idy and front .) to :ipoints net bid rTit'- marl;'* ..»*. to steady i.t advancof . to it \\ I'tr.-e: Westernforeign :*ii* Ti;> r*' appeared to i..*

vr. '

r - !.. :.».¦( t failurei*f the M» ' 1 eiige Hellingr n So'.ilii in .*- doiildie.*J unti llit t. !( i* .i * I. ,\ er« Tb"'.lit) k lit"1 >!..) reputlsimi't.. .*..tIt* marbet i.lso V.t "t the ..dvalice Therei;s .-elite nag ' t;t!*;*:le 11).. i.iy. ««(i pn ..< i-.'nis ! . t htgi.'T...atlt.K ft"l lli.'.t Willie th'*!ewax enough nil I c to check t1.'- atlvanceat tills leva1 mdhlliK l'l either' I,- tr; li: ; a'.w it.. thathigher prb altrHclIng Increased of*I «-r l*igs "i sp' ¦; in.

*..:. ..' .*.!.! .:.iig : ». ; f'.it,

iinua rvla re). .

M aydulyt tr!(.ljcr

l.lltv C«H

ni;w it.i.i \ v- iunnsu

''""Oil 'ii-In view oft ' . t h .i * * ;. *k i.iv period. Att it' ti.. ."be: \. asli:l" . '.* i'i' n.'Hit l.s »


dtlI ve I" i .. ' it tr : >1 t : <kli:g i n tbrf pi" i.. > iii Hie ifti-* .|oi,i. ti,. v ; ".nt,p to t Thfli.eiitge 11.I*) lr. t', In.-tin"* 11 ;i ¦*'' >te*l . ' amors

.by et|K', t,i* 11JI:ofI.- ivy rt 11.. t tl.'.i- ..'..> I-B« al ls li'l." ti' l'l t \

:.> '' ': ' It(..¦ hi pi .;. t lie .1 a lltsa » *. .' I.

"Ct ¦ !anil i!i

.. '¦¦¦ "g II.lost <1 v

P dnts up .1 ,..v ...

f apotsx gr--i

,f tin* bts .tl th' i

II.* t It fli'¦J bJ be

.. era <<(lite k-'.r. At '.lie -ii pr;i :r>'-'tnr to'vn;.. t" v.* amour.tul to.*¦ (, /I eotlon, et' iil> .a-s or. the fpo*. Cotton fut irer

'trig pi '-dle' li than

Jatiuary M r-h, 7. . \! nJay. V*!; i jctub- . . .

m:\v vobk ntoDi (i: makkpt,NEW YORK. Dernaher '.*. Raw M1. ,,

. .**atl> ; rool.i-m-h. * ?''.; tr;li.g .!, 4 ..Hut''! steady. Butter, brio, i bt-. se. steadySpot f offe'-*, tl'J et ; Rl'» ."*- i«Mtltt

l'i.|ln!l>tl d "II «.|* flrtll . ., t ,<lill,rd » t. 1 cotton but 'Int.' 1 ". I,,i tic.n In .1 a..i.utry ..i 'a. k ,t ..ilem . ti'l Kit a i price* wet. ainV; i;.- I t>4 point* r.< t lilt) 'i. Stilt - * :¦r r.. >

The luurket tiosod Bltudy. Spot, i.7»'uJ.C*S;




Sal«»» Stock.U.,PI,POO Alaska Gold 25Allls-ChalmersAllls-Chalmers, pfd.

14,500 Amalgamated Copper ..

Am. Aj;r. Chein., com..4,300 Amer. Hoot Sugar, com,1,200 American CanAmerican Can. pfdAiner. Car ami Kd rv. ..

American Cotton OH....Amer. Hide and l,cn., prAmerican Linseed Oil...400 American Locomotive .,

Amor. Malt Co., pfdCOO American Smelting ....

American Snuff, com....American Sugar

400 Amer. Tel. and Tel. Co..American Tobacco, com.

2O0 American Tobacco, pfd. 1031700 Anaconda Copper'.00 A tc.'ilsonA. C. L. x 24**,

S00 Baltimore and Ohio......2,800 Bethlehem Steel Co., tfoni-00 Bethlehem Steel Co., pfdBrirish-Amer. Tob. Co...800 Brooklyn Rapid Transit.

1.4O0 Central Leather, com...1,700 Canadian i'aciflcliOa California Petroleum ...

1,200 Chesapeake and Ohio...100 Chicago Great Western.

Chi. Oreat West., pfd...f'00 Chi., Mil. and St. Paul...2,300 Chino Copper

Colorado Fuel and Iron.100 Colorado ami Southern...sort Consolidated Gas200 Corn Products, com

I'en. and Hlo Gran., com.1,600 Krie800 Krie. 1st pfdlOOUeneral Klectric200 Goodrich, comfiOO.Orcat Northern, pfd

Great Northern Ore Ctfs.Illinois Central

100 Interboro-Met300 Interboro-Met-, pfd

Int. Harvester, corn200 Int. Mer. Marine, com...


off. Bid. Ajlted.25 274 27J

... J 84 934 4 3752

Open. '

COR 52^ 50433 420






11413924 J




103425 492


8537 8



22434 J

13'J24 4




23i 23i56

117R 1173 11741034


84837154 415 J40104

874 87j S74

20 J113

S42 i 834


1 13i



332 33425 R 268.S43 J::u

'?!22456 4

... 1 :ii>1013 1034117 3 11821 7 A 220J103 10425 j

894 5402084

23 i32564


6945881 784 S

92410269 44548917484j

37* 37415 iy 155315I 164



113 1133854


2 " 4344 343138 13923 4 24 3

1134 115214



503 5188 90

3 U

. Hankers mid Hrokers.


s«"rl< Open. HIkIi.100 Int. Paper 74 74Int. Paper, pfdKansas City So., com

200 Loh IKb Valley100 LlKKett and Myers, com.

Liggett and Myers, pfd.Lorillard Tobacco, com..Lorillard Tobacco, pfd..Louisville and Nashville.

1 00 Ma.wvell500 Miami Copper200 Mo., Kan. and Texas....f-00 Missouri J'aclftc100 National Biscuit xl$P'i....

1,500 New Haven2,600 New York Central100 N. Y., Out. ami Western.300 Norfolk anil Western...

1,700 Northern PacificPacific Mail

2,600 PennsylvaniaPeople's GasP. C. C. and St. L., com..

400 Pittsburgh Coal, com....300 Pressed Steel Car100 By. Steel Soring, com...

24,500 Beading200 Republic Iron and Steel.200 Republic I. and S., pfd...

3,200 Ray. ConsCOO Rock Island

Rock Island, pfd700 Seaboard Air Line, com.

Seaboard Air Line, pfd..St. Louis-Southw., com..Sloss-Sheff icld

1,800 Southern Pacific500 Southern Railway100 Southern Railway, pfd..126 Standard Oil of N. Y....600 Tcnn. Copper

Texas Pacific6,Son I'uioii Pacific

C. S. Cast I ron Pipe, com200 United Cigar StoreslOOl'nltttd States Rubber...

15,900 lTnlled States Steel500 I'uitcd Stales Steel, pfd.

1,300 Utah CopperVa.-Car. ChemicalVa.-Car. Chemical, pfd..

100 Western I'tiion .1Total sales for day.

Cloving.Low. Hid. Adkc<!

130 4207 J


12055383 399994104





1 30J207 4


1205 5 484899993


15434 423



114 114





1294207 4

1 4 fl17S494



3' ii

81 41458

20231 A

1143 1163 1143

52 349410144S2

9 452 348

10 1488





12054S3 42149899 4184





238241 4r>8





1312101151701 1 1115I4J174*4104




14 3 J19754158





5 8 & 5 8 £ 584130,800 shares.

December. January. 5.75«C.7S; Feb¬ruary. March. G.OSfrO.ll; April 6 SiftMay. li.3Cfc6.3S; .Juno 6.4f>(ff6M; July.


LOC.U. MARKLT QUOTATIONS.(Kurnlshed by Levy Commission Co.)

Richmond. V#. December IS, 1914.I.IVE POULTHT.

Chickens. choice, small, lb 13 ft 14Chickens, choice, medium, lb. ft jjChicken*, large, lb 12 $ ISlienB, per lb ftnKoosters. each Sa ft 40Geese. fiU, large, each 76 ® 90Geese. small, each 00 ft 75Ducka. large, young, lb 14 <w> 15Ducks. .-small. young, lb 12 ® 13Turkeys, lb ft iC

DRESSED POULTRY.( Hea<l and Feet Off. Undrawn.)

Turkeys, choice, per lb lj ft y)Turkeys, poor or thin 16 17Kowis, choice «« yChickens, choice 1415Ducks, choice IS ft 17Geese 12 ft M

EGGS.Crataa.Iti crotes. near-by, freah. doz. ft 32In tiatea. other sections. doz. 3! ft 33

BUTTER.Kindly, choice, fresh, lb 13 ft 25Merchants', fair, per lb ft»

LIVE STOCK.Veals. choice to fancy, lb 9 © 10Veal*, poor to fair, lb k ft tCalves, runners. per lb 6 ft 7-heep. per ID 4 ftsl.ambs. spring, lb 7 8Cattle, fair to prime, per lb... G & 7Hops, lb 7 ® t

COUNTRY-CURED BACOX.Hams, well smoked, small, lb. 22 ft fjHams, well smoked, large, lb. ft 20Sides, well smoked, per lb 16 ft 17Shoulders, well smoked, lb 16 4J> 17

HIDES.IOry Hint, lh ft 24Dry salt, lb ft 22Green, halt, per lb ft 17

.Green, lb 15Green, damaged, per lb 10 9 11Tallow ft gHeeswax ft 23

M A It K ET COXD ITIONS.There Is practically no demand for anyof r.bove produce, except turkeys, eggs, but-

'.e: and hides.

CHICAGO GltAIN MARKET.| I'll 1CAGO, December IS..Heavy protlt-tak-tiiR by large holders. Including a widelyknown speculator, save the wheat marketa sharp setback. lifter n decided advance, to¬day. The selling was Influenced to someextent by fear that Argentina offeringswould be 1111 Impottunt factor In the nearfuture. The market Hosed unsettled :it adecline of to lV'/Uj, net. Corn, llnlshcd<4 II 1\ to !*» oft ; oats, down 1; to .jfrV andprovisions unchanged to a drop of 24.leading futures ranged as follows:

V'HEATOpen. High. Low. Closa.

December 12S 12S*< K'fii; 12CI1,V«yi«»i IS!', i2S*i :-:s\

Juiy_121'i 112 11J>I4 j;«««-,December »I7 i;7T» CO'*M»y 74U "IS. 73 73

July 7i",»i 7fi»j 7171I i. Vl'S.I'er bushel.

December 49", ¦*.>) 4914 4111May r.4', ;.4i4 .-.3*1 r,:n.,

:i s f. >lt K-I'er hid.December 10 S7January IS 71 IS 77 IS 62 :HIMay :«. f. 19 45 19 20 !!. ?)

.I' -IIT W» ih.<January ;o ft) 10 Uj 10 42 10 4*»

May 1.1 70 10 77. 10 «2 !<> 06<>KT Kl HS- I'er 100 lbs.

January M :7 10 sr. ;o 30 10 ;-2May 1') Oi 10 67 !0 57 1) SO

<"i sh grain: Wheat. Xo. 2 red 126V&1I9; No.hard. i:'h\'<i 123V«. Corn. Xo. 2 yellow. 071-

Oats, standard 50\i<ft<KBi.RICHMOND GRAIN MARKET.

Hichmond. Vs., December 2$, 19! I.Wlfol.KSAl.K QUOTATIONS O.N .CHANGE,V HRAT- . ar lots.

Xo 2 red. Western ft I 2aXo. 2 red. Virginia fi,, 1 v>

Xo. 3 red 1 |0 ft~

Virginia, lots 1 it r. j ]f,< >KX. Cur lots

No. white 74 ftXo. :i v liltt- 78 r#No mixed rfci -»Xo. .1 mixed ru 72Vir»:!rln, bag lots, white 73 in 75Corn on tlm oh.



7U 73OATS- i'.it tots.

Xo. mlx«d ft E3Xo. 3 mixed 62 HN >. 2 white $.No :: white (,j ^A inter seed lots no 4/! rsItVK- Cur loty

- ry' V i 10.>" < rv-. 1 ft« «-\ iri;lnia, bag lots 1 03 r,f ; oj

!tl( HMOND IIAV MARKET.ltl'-hmond. Deceniher 2?, 1914

Following arc the <iuota«lona on th« Rich-<ond Hay Exchange:No 1 timothy ft, u soNo. 2 :1 mot hi. W 18 MN'.v '< timothy W 15 W'.Ight " lover. tttlxAd H 60 ft

h>\ 1 r. mlxe'i f,( u fN)V". .. clover, mixed 14 inNo. ! .-lover 57 00 ft

1 lover ... 14 0) ft1 :>> h.iv noiutnal

STRAW Comprc8S)i<l 10 W ftl.o pressed, large bales ft H 50III CKS Coinpr<»K*eii 1? oft

presses. Iatg>- bales II V)M I l.l.KEED.

Shipst aft. w inter ft 27 »Hi in. winter 25 M <jrShlpHtulf. spring 25 50 ^llran, spring '«,»»)

( IIK A(.4> I.IVE STOCK MAHUET.IIICAGm l»f "inl . llogii unset

" ) $:.:*.*«*: r:.. :iKiit. **k- <( f7s; -'.if:'", heavv. $.{ ?.r,'<|$7.»; rough'I>lgs r> ..little. ,l.o|e...i.i, ..I- »v« ak\v. steers t-.

5 - W.-stern. I.'. 0". <.(»v.'s and li.df.Ts,¦¦ ...'.«¦. 1 live... 5. II Sli.'Cf). Mil..1,1;She.-.p V »: yarlliiRs, 'f. VI v, »- v,lan.b *.''ii'.

RICHMOND 1,1VK STOC.'K MARKKT.. Side. :;t Criioii Stock Yards.)

It!. Iiriionl. Yh . lie. ..uilicr l:>:iIS* t st..:- . to s, nisdl'iu: to good.

I'oinn.oli tr. v ' l.ept h'-lfof:t>. 'A*, medium t>. go..«i 1 j to common

nf 1 v i" l est >v ¦¦ 14 I«. ti medium»*oo I. P. to ..iniii',!) »., fi,ut 3 4

hent oxen, c to' common to fair, 4 to ,'.i^:!. r. 4'v to v.-.i li . to dicks, 5 to .,"vs flI.l .[Ives, 1.. «./J; I,est h.,;s,


!.. ,'4; sown and fitag. «i7 to |m.m'"t'. to t-., 11,e.Hum g..oi|, 41^ jo ,j'-4im .n to fi tr. !ti-j to 4',; lambs, 7 to S

W I'd El.I, \ N E4H S MARKETS.navTT stiiiti.a.

SAVAN'NAII. <;a December 2». Turpen-''.'",,i. 1; sales o. < asks; receipts 33asks. shipments 2V. .isks. stocks Jj 32?, l:o>ln irm; sal-s, Vtf, harreia; re' ' 'I'," ' j..barrels; shipments, 410 barrels;'lo. kf U, barrels ynote. A., ||. 3 ;o.

DRV GOODSN EW YOKK December 2.» Itaw a|iu ad-1 ed to -lay from 714 c,..ts to !0 centh per1." ..

N"11"- u,"t received from Englandj ,l",. ">ens wear for fall would be"" an earlier period than lart

i- ir ..iton goods arid yarns were oulet:inti Mr.iily.

I'KTKltsHCiit; I'EANUT MARKETI.'V-'il'.Kodgers. I'li.mmer A Co.. Inc.)I l.l l.ltSlu ip; VA. December 2JI. .Bpan-I .inner? stock .StHrket ijttlel nt 30

I ' . per l.u^hni^ irglnias; l armera' stock.Market. Arm.

Fancy Jumbo. 3Vt cents per pound: fancyhandplcked. 3*4 cents per pound; extra prime,3 cents to SV* ce:its per pound; shellingstock. JVi cents to 2\ cents per pound.

Hester'* Weekly Cotton Statement.Comparisons are to actual dates. not to

close of corresponding weeks:In .sight for week Muling December 2S.c:0.0» bales; In sight same seven days last

year. 5M.OOO bales; In sight for the month,2.163,000 bales; In sight same date last year,2.024,000 bales: In sight for season, 7.3S-.'.X?0bales; In sight same date last year. 10.O1S.OWbales.l'ort receipts for season, 4.340.0W) bales; port Ireceipts for Heason same date last year. 6.P72.-(O) bales.Overland to mills and Canada for season.429.000 bales; overland to mills and Canadafor season same date last yeur, 614.C0Q bales.Southern mill taking for season. 1.44S.OOObales; Southern mill takings for season samedate last year, 1.&61.000 bales.Interior stocks in exepss of August 1, 1.130,-0X> bales; Interior storks In excess of August1 last year. 72U,0<V> bales.Foreign exports for vve<»k. 2S7.0)0 bales: |foreign exports for name seven days last iyear. L'43.«XV bales; foreign exports for season, j2.327,<0t) bales; foreign exports for season

same date last year. S.096.'>>) balesNorthern spinners' takings and Canada forweek, bales; Northern spinners' takingsand Canada for same seven (lays last year. I1W,0X> bales; Northern spinners' takings andCanada for season. 1.I42.CO) bales; foreignspinners' takings and Canada .for seasons.ime (lav; last year. l.;<37,000 bales.


[Special to The Times-Dispatch.]CHICAGO, I.H'iember 2.s..James A.Fatten, known the world over as thewheat king, scld a line of possibly500,000 bushels of the May future to¬day in order to secure a handsomepioflt. The fact that this big specula¬tor was liquidating a part of his hold-lugs spread over the wheat pit in afew moment.s, and the selling soon be¬came general. The market was in noct nidtion to absorb the offerings asrapidly as they came forward, and theresult was price declines of 1 1-8 to1 7-X cents for the day. In additionto the .selling by longs, short lineswere also put out. The selling byfatten was doubtless the result of acablegram received from Huenos Aires,,which stated that the best authoritiesplace Argentina's exportable surplusof wheat at 130,000,000 bushels, andthat their offerings would be more ofa factor in the near future. In caseArgentine wheat should come out inlarger quantities, it will affect thefreights and the Mediterranean de-maud, and it is more than likely tokeep Liverpool under pressure and pre¬vent any sharp advances in that mar-ket.The expori business in wheat to¬day was smaller at 180,000 bushels.There was a further decrease in thevisible supply in the United States forthe week of l,:ifil,000 bushels. It isgenerally believed that this decreasewill continue, and that this will provea bullish help.Corn closed with losses of 1 1-4 to1 :i-S cents. There was further strengthearly on a promise of unsettled weath-

er, but with the weakness in wheatcorn sold off rapidly.Oats were 1-4 to f»-S cent lower forthe day, and the volume of trade wasmoderate. The country is sellinggrain in large quantities, and the situ¬ation at the moment looks heavy.Provisions were unusually active,and the market was sharply higherearly on the light hog receipts and the1 51-cent advance in that market. Onthe advancs there was heavy realizingand the market closed easy.


Capital, Surplus,$1,000,000 SI,000,000Old DominionTrust Company,

Richmond, Ya.Acts as.

Executor,Administrator,Guardian,Trustee,Receives Deposits.

8% on Savings Accounts.The Strong Trust Co.¦BHHBIWjBMIMuu*H.B


Holiday and Weather ConditionsCombine to I)ela>


Agents Look for General Uesuinp-tion of Trading in City and Sub¬urban Real Kstate After First ofYear.

Realty transactions recorded yes¬terday were of a liv;hl order. Thenircn ts in the main are optimistic overthe prospects for the coininn year.Business for the past several days hashern iiuht due to the. weather condi-tions, which have prevented the agentsfrom showing property to prospective Ipurchasers. Inclement weather pre¬vented the holding; of several auctionsales that were scheduled for yester-d:.y. .

t'll A XCEIIV TltA.XSI'r.llS.

N'lnr DcciIm of Unreal" nml Snlf,A iiioun 11 riK to Slt.Miri.UT.

r> 1 r..Stuart Howe, trustee, to *BrueeBowe, »I0x 14 r» feet at the northwestcorner of <J race and Shepherd Streets.December 23. 11)14, equltv onlv conveved. ?2.430.31.

' 510.Mary L. Gales et als. to .Taints I15. Scott, 11> 1-2x77 feet west line St.Peter Street, ninety-seven feet south of.Calhoun Street. November «0, 1014,'tax. $1 ; $1.r.17.Rebecca Scott et als.. to same,!

same property as described next above..November 10, 1««14. tax, $1; $10.

519.City of Richmond to tlie TaxTitle Company of Richmond, tax <ieod,17 1-2x170 feet east line North Road,between Itaeon Quarter Branch andPc«r Street. December 26. 1914, $11.52.520.Same, to same, 32xSO feet north

lino X Street. 100 feet east of Thirty-second Street. December 20, 1014,$33.4-1.

.121.William W. Old. Jr.. specialcommissioner to Thomas T. Atkins, lot1!* in block 12 In the plan of HighlandPark. December IS, 1914. $250.525.L. II. Drew, trustee, et als.. to

Henry lleckstoffer, Jr., 50x132 feet east

PayRichmond, Va. Dec. 1. 1914.


,\Kc, and EVERY person keeping houseor doing business in th# city, is as¬sessed for personal taxes. Those whonave not paid any city laxr.s during theyear are tinned to call and nettle, s-o aato avoid being posted as delinquentsVIVE PER CENT will be added tolast hall if not paid on or before DE¬CEMBER 31.

Interest at SIX PER CENT alsoattaches to all bills as soon as reporteddelinquent.Particular attention Is called to theabove, as under the city ordinance therj

can be no avoid.»n- * of tlie penalty.GRADING, PAVING AND SEWER 1CONNECTION BILLS are also duo andpayable. K1VE PER CENT penaltywill be added to all 1914 grading?, pav- iing and sower connection bills NOTPAID BY JANUARY 31, 1915.SOUTH RICHMOND TAXES, ETC.,must be paid at the oflicc of DEPUTYCOLLECTOR, Tenth and Hull Streets,Town Taxes for Highland Park.North Richmond, Barton Heights anJGinter Park also payable in Decemberat this office. Five per cent penaltyat'ded after December 21, 1914.

H. L. Hulce,City Collector. City of Richmond.

Philosopher made the following- observation,which we believe is true:.

"Remember, my son, that people are notnearly so much interested in hearing you tellahout your affairs and your successes as youthink they are."

But our stockholders, at any rate, will beinterested when we tell them that the year1914 has been a prosperous year for


Virginia Trust Co

lino Twenty-ninth Street, 26S 1-2 feetr.orth of V Street; also 50x132 foot castlino Twenty-ninth Street, 218 1-2 feetnorth of V Street. December 20. 1914,51,725.524.L. F. I'lcot to O. N. Skelton,

50x132 feet east line Twenty-ninthStreet, 218 1-2 feet north of U Street.)June 3, 1914, half Intercut conveyed,lax. 50 cents; $10.527.D. H. Creocy, Jr., et als.. to M.M. Plercy, lots 14. 15 and 16 In block3 In the plan of Hurwell's Addition.December 1, 1914, $425.

HUSTINGS Tit AN SKIS IIS.Two l)rril* of llnrK'il" and Sale, 1AuiountlDK to48.W. W. Morton et ux., et als.. toWillie Morris, lots 25, 26. 36 and 37 inblock 3 In the plan of Fifteenth StreetAddition. December 7, 1914, 5400.40.1<\ \V. et als. to Anee Chil¬dress et al., 31x120 feet west line Twen¬tieth Street thirty-one feet south ofStonewall Street. December 1, 1914,tax, $2.50; $10.

ICllANCKItY DKICIIS OF TIIUST.One Pcfil of TriiNt, Amounting toynsu.518.James D. Scott et ux to F.Slttcrdlng et al., trustees, 16 1-2x77feet west line St. Peter Street, ninety-seven feet south of Calhoun Street. De- Icomber 22, 1914, $550. '

urs'i'iN<;s dioiods of trust.On I)eril of TrtiMt, Amounting to

94041.47.Carrie A. Wilson to I*. A. Green.22 1-2x116 feet on Nineteenth Street(No. 314), 142 1-2 feet north of MauryStreet. October I, 1914, $400.

IIKNim o DKKDS OK TIIUSTOne Dcril of Trust, Amounting to

113.W. C. Smith to O. K. Parrlsh.trustee, 60x140 feet west line Cedar jAvenue. 120 feet north of Myrtle Street. !July 20, 1914, $300.

CHAXCEHY HICMCASIC DKKDS.Three ll*lfniif Drriln, Amounting to

31,401.514.W. P. lledd, trustee, to GeorgeO. Bowyer et als., 180x135 feet west jline fJarland Avenue, between Rogersanil Hooper Streets. December 21, 1914.$986.525.Capital Building and l>oan As- |soclation to l^ewls A. Patterson, 30x110feet at the northwest corner of M andThlrtv-ltrat Streets. November 25,1914. $500.526.Mrs. Anna Skelton ot al to jHenry Heckstofter, Jr., 50x132 feet eastline Twenty-ninth Street. 218 1-2 feetnorth of V Street; also 50x132 feet east j

lino Twenty-ninth Street, .218 1-2 feetnorth of V Street. December 24, lt)14,55.


Marriage licenses were Issued by theclerk of the Hustings Court yesterday:»u follows:

r II. Hannlster and Nellie 13.Phelps.Tuckcrman C. Fuqun and Olfva T.

HoilllillK.William Wilson and LiUi© Whitlow.Kdwin Lumpkin and Clara Glaase.Anthony ,Frank Ileck and Apnea Le¬

vi nh <mulicit..lames (}. Clayton and Alice VirginiaRobertson.Charles C5. M. Fink and Lovely C.

Smith.lK-nJamln II. Itodford and (Jertie May


A jury In the Hustings Court. PartII., yesterday returned a vordlct for$500 In favor of Page H. Moore againstthe Virginia Hallway and Power Com¬pany and (till llrothers.The suit was for flO.OOQ. and the

result of a collision between a streetcar and a wagon owned by GUI llroth¬ers at the corner of Seventh and IlyrdStreets. Moore, who was a passengeron the car, wus injured.

KiiiK itncoiin.

721 North Fifth Street, rear, framostable owned by W. S. Peyton, value.$475; insurance, $100; loss. $lf»0. Causeunknown. B:22 P. M.

GOO West Franklin Street, three-storybrick dwelling owned and occupied byK. H. Lindsay, value. $36,800: insur¬ance. $21,500; loss, $10. Thawing outfrozen pipes. 4:30 P. M.

S2H West Franklin Street, three-storybrick dwelling owned and occupied byK. 11. Williams, value, $30,000: insur¬ance, $24,000; loss, $15. Overheatedfurnace pipes. 10:05 A. M.


Permits wer» Issued by tho Electrl-cal Department yesterday ns follows:Winston Electric Co.. for Union Hank,Eleventh and Main Streets, one fixture.W. H. Jenks, for Murphy's Hotel,

fifty-six fixtures.Same for 11. II. Melton, 1025 Chaflln

Street, three fixtures.


A permit was issued by tho Plumbing Inspector yesterday to John 15.Hose & Co., for W. E. Johnson. 926 St.Paul Street.

Curt) TtmIIdi la Dull.NEW YOHK, December 28.--Trading on (liecurb \va« dull excepting In one or two of theleaders. United Profit Sharing wan active,ami sold up to I7»<i United Cigar Stores

wan In Rood demand at a fractional ad¬vance Bonds wore quiet and Arm.

Make Your Dollar Produce Morein a New York City Hotel




A pleasant room with private bath,facing large open court,

(Not dm room. Gut ou# hundredAn excellent roombath, facing street,posure.

(Net on* pn^ bat elfbtF-a*raa'of

with private.outhern ex*

Also attractive Room without Bath $1.50 per day. Theliestanrant prices are most moderate.


600Rooms400 Baths

One ntleata frea 6 of tbm lai(torn.

Fire mtntrtaa' walk frmm II nhUpd d»itrw.

WttWn a block of tte« Fifth irmtM aht^ptag db*tr*etBh-ary lino of transportation yanta doe*.Fifth. Avenue 'Boa lines and principal ra»

face llaea.Tim Itedooa TvbM term tho atratLElevated Railroad Station acroae tfeftSulrway SfUioo thro« nalnntaa mway.Grind Oeatzal Station irlttalu seven ml»at*«.Panu)1ranb Rattroad tkatlon Jrurt oneWock owojrPmr eoweewlaaee .«


All Baggage Traiurfe*red Free toand from Peonsylvtuili 8tatioi.

THE HOTEL MARTINIQUEOn Broadway, 32d to 33d Street, New York.



Piace Your January DividendsIn One or More of Our

SIX. PER CENT. CERTIFICATESIssued in Denominations of j

$50.00, $100.00, $500.00 and $1,000.00Interest January and July.

FidelityLoanand SavingsCo.(Incorporated)

Chamber of Commerce Building.

CAPITAL $100,000.00RESOURCES .$427,000.00

Member American Bankers' Association.

First National BankMAIN AND NINTH.

Capital and Surplus . . $ 3,000,000Deposits . . > . 13,375,000Resources Over . . > . 20,000,000

Established 1865.

*'rr*l,|PWt Wilson Narrow. ».

J ¦£«. ««. mmn l'>*r Men.

Met"Wilson °»xpJ2fJC"'QbCr L'8 .Pro8.Senate this W(lli ; J9* sond to thai

K«.gj,,r,a ^rr8!r. °f

,u wnu said .t the u^u ,n.0r8-

,ln> that while |,p h.House to-

chose,, the commission , "°u nt,a,,Vrowed l.fM or"n°\ he. ha<1 nar-

;3«0 to a few Ln e,'K,b,e« d°"n from

!«S5 "TV" ,,,K. Itevf.. were:

Corporations; formir W.'!! <"°ncr ofThomas s. Feldnr .T# « ney''General

?.OV®",or Ansel, of S^uuf°rK'a,:, 'orinet-bort D. Norton! » H( ln i?,rolln,l: A|-forme, Progressivecind

' 'nw>0r "ndornor of Missouri- ??"f,,,lato for Gov-presldent of the |L 'n? J- WaltersJura, College. OoorK "VtnJl0 A*rl.«-'-Now ^ ohk banker .,!i , Poabody. .

fcdward N. Hurloy n»an:dent of tljn 1111ni

'ft. prenf

»:ocla11on, and ai ifx"ntUrfaCtUr#rf *.'trade, partlculnrlv in ,or«lRn jGovernor West of SPS uth A."|£;ornor Hodges, of KanSaf0"' and Gov-1

At'TU>X"-'IKS-T(;.l).7^High Constable's Sale

auction ..

Type wr11er, iJ,..^5 A.ands: Iron SsfVTERMS: Cash

"* Cab,"«t. ofeW . **. WVATT, JR.(


. .._lil!"s~"*UtUre Days.


"ANKRL'PT STnf'J ^ 8ALE of

L'NE.\|'IHKI; l?2e nfpURES ANDE.vA tor. c \TERpn ?f ° e- guv-

TIONER. CORNeA J; CON'EEC- |grace streets

,th and

&ru°a,ntt!- Wtf6 P'«n«°n thenri?hKldnCv off nV,rK,n'®' Enteredhlnkn,atter "f V;eOrV."1 'jSr> I

m thUp1, 1 w'll sen at illim. verna tor.

!!',1,5 Premises. No fcni i aucUon.

sir/'! *corner EighthEast Gruce

otrcvts), on'-ifcuth and Grace

\S,H'the stock r.f /-

1UCK A. M.

""'l^hoijanyPiatt kIj.s* shelv«.« Jwi 1,1 (ase. with

pBS'-feS £."Bp*.'SSsGfcltlntlne Elect rl»< ii?,nna. GhoJrs, r.Indow Shades ri H ~z l*ans, lariro

Ice Grinder T°f' Uesk. Oas

ijf'li Glasses and II, pandy Jars.»»< Sundae Holders «"vorr»lntedfountain accessories.

other soda

prom l'sefl'h °u-h i'ch *^1/^ ,en*o on thewI'l ho offered. very rt>asonAblu.

'[he Pnxture8Wwiiibeb®0'dJn only.,Ie,n» and as ; whoje OrTf r0d b«t>' in

.Sa,° "0""«ve. Terms, cash.heath J. rawlet

the valentine auctioncT6-..-.


ln viRGI\IA auction^ CO616 Last Broad Street.

"hone ^fadlnon HHS1,

"AN'krupt auction sale

JO,ST a»m^.OER!,"latter of C M r^f . 'r^'nla. In the

bankrupt, dulyMen,e?^rt A"Ina

for sale, y entered. w0 will offer

turn up 4 °lnchAnon»r" Inches longby 1-4 ?nch ^ron?" made of 1^

from 2xs'to 4JJ^erer8- assorted slies.

virginia auction CO..Auctioneers.

Receiver nr.*r- fl°rance,

* Co ' Inc.. Rankrup't.0' M Llphart


B.W. Smith& Co.IncorporatedBANKRUPT,

1306 East Main Street.Pursuant to an order of 'the Dis¬

trict Court of tho United States for theEastern District of Virginia, entered011 the 14th day of February, 1914, in Ithe matter of the B. W. Smith & Co.,Inc.. Bankrupt, I will sell on thopremises, No. 1306 East Main Street.

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29. 1914,.beginning at 10:30 o'clock A. M.,

tiie slock of New Refrigerators, Ranges,Butchers' supplies and Store Fixtures,consisting of 20 Ideal, modorn anddouble Kitchen Ranges. Rofrigorators.Show caso, Olass and Marble top MeatDisplay Counter, Steel Top CookroomT<u>le, Double and Single OlocklorKitchen Sinks, Gas Broiler, CharcoalBroiler, Large and Small Sausage Stuf-fors, Opalitc Glnss Top RoataurantTables, Lard Press, Vertical FilingCabinet, Largo Iron Safe. Ico CreamCabinet, 3 small size Steam Tables,Poultry Rack, Bin Display Counter.Boneless Ham Cookers. Lot Copper andStf-ol Cooking Vessels, Dot Meat TooIh.'J Vegetable Peelers, Garme and FlohIce lfox. Grocers' Refrigerators, FamilySize Refrigerators, Florist Refrlgora-tor. Flat Ice Box, 1 Emory ThompsonAutomatic Ico Cream Freezing Machlno,etc.All of theso goods are new and inpractically perfect condition. Salepositive.TERMS: Cash.


. Auctioneer*.


Handsome Ginter (

Park HomeA bargain to a quick purchaser!

