Richmond Hill Public Library Board · RICHMOND HILL PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD 2016 Draft Operating...


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225 East Beaver Creek Road, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P4 T 905 771 8800

Richmond Hill Public Library

Board 2016 Operating Budget

Budget Committee of the Whole


2016 Draft Operating Budget


1. Budget Narrative 1 - 6

2. 2016 Draft Operating Budget Overall Summary 7

3. 2016 Draft Operating Budget Detail 8

4. Business Case

• Digital Librarian – Oak Ridges Library 9 - 11

• Library Systems Specialist 12 - 14

Richmond Hill Public Library Board

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2016 RICHMOND HILL PUBLIC LIBRARY BUSINESS PLAN Overview Richmond Hill Public Library is a modern library system with four convenient locations to serve residents with both traditional and virtual access to library materials relating to individual enrichment, self-education, culture and recreation. The Library is also seen as a community hub, a place for social interaction as well as the provider of materials and information. It is regarded as an integral place in the community to introduce newcomers to the community and children to early literacy and the love of reading. RHPL operates under the direction of a ten member Library Board appointed by the Town of Richmond Hill Council. The Board is governed by the Public Libraries Act and other relevant legislation and has the authority of full management and control of Richmond Hill Public Library. It assumes with that authority, the duty to develop policies related to the framework, governance and operation of the Library. In June 2013, the Richmond Hill Public Library Board approved a strategic plan. Guided by what they heard from the community and staff, a new purpose was defined, a vision was created, values were clarified and strategies were identified. Our Purpose is Sure: We are your library. Your knowledge centre. When you need to solve a problem, make a decision, learn, read, enjoy or explore an issue, we integrate the sources with the expertise to help you build your life and build your community. Our Vision is Clear:

Enriching Your Connections, Choices and Community

We will enrich your choices, your connections, and your community in ways you’ve never imagined. As our community changes dramatically, we are determined to know you better and to continuously improve the sources, services and spaces you deserve from your library. We will be recognized as being aligned with Town initiatives and as an integral part of the community network, catalyzing conversations within the community and among individuals. We will be your know-how, enjoy-that space for discovery, and experimenting. You’ll know us, not just as the place that loans books, but as the library staff who touch your diverse lives in positive and impactful ways.


Richmond Hill Public Library Board

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Our Values are Strong: Accessibility Diversity Intellectual Freedom Innovation Respect Literacy and Lifelong Learning Accountability In 2015, the Library’s organization structure was reviewed and realigned to increase capacity to achieve the new vision and strategic directions. Services That We Provide

The Library provides its activities and support to the public through five key functions: customer experiences, community connections, technologies, content, and administration.

• Customer Experiences o Customer and welcoming services o Borrowing services o Information services o Library branch services o System-wide coordination of services o Planning, design, development and evaluation of customer experiences

service interactions

• Community Connections o Community partnership development o Corporate marketing, communications and corporate relations services o Program design and delivery o Planning, design, development and evaluation of community connections

and collaboration

• Technologies o Public computing services and support services o Virtual branch and virtual services o Digitization services o Planning, design, development and evaluation of technology infrastructure

• Content

o Content development services o Curation services of locally-created and published sources unique to

Richmond Hill o Database services o Content support services o Planning, design, development and evaluation of content services


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• Administration

o Library Board liaison and support o Corporate leadership and support (policy, planning and management) o Business management o Staffing strategies o Effective administration of the corporation

Collectively these functions provide a wide range of associated materials, programs and services including:

• in-depth collections including print, audio visual and electronic

• information and readers advisory services

• access to online authoritative databases

• public computers and internet access including wireless

• programs for children, youth and adults

• community outreach and engagement

• partnership development and collaboration

• community information

• newcomer information

• visiting library service for the homebound

• adaptive technology and accessible collections

• world language collections, programs and services

• self-services including check-in, check-out and holds pick up

• joint facility partnership with the York Region District School Board

• web-based services for renewals, account and hold information, library catalogue and online database searching, and current events and program information and registration

• social media connections through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube


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Key Objectives for 2016 To realize the new vision the Richmond Hill Public Library Strategic Plan 2013 focuses on four strategies:

• Strengthen your connections • Contribute vibrant spaces • Enrich your choices • Reinforce our capabilities

The following supports the Richmond Hill Public Library Strategic Plan and the four strategies identified:

Strengthen Your Connections

We will focus on strengthening your connections with the sources and people that answer your questions, inspire your thinking, expand your explorations, and drive your aspirations.

• Collaborate with community partners and organizations

o Co-create and deliver programs for youth-at-risk

• Expand community-centric conversations and events o Develop programming strategy to explore topical social issues

• Curate content and information resources

o Develop strategy for content curation o Assist local organizations in building their content and host in our virtual


• Position and market the Library as the connecting knowledge centre o Digitize and display digitized local history images

Contribute Vibrant Spaces

We will contribute vibrant spaces and places, physically and virtually, throughout Richmond Hill that are easily integrated into your daily life.

• Rethink and retool our physical spaces including:

o Initiate construction of the new Oak Ridges Library in partnership with the Town of Richmond Hill

o Transform the customer experience by expanding self–serve check out technologies


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o Enhance usability of meeting spaces by acquiring presentation equipment for each facility

o Repair and replace physical assets to enhance a warm and welcoming

environment and strengthen service delivery capabilities:

• update user discovery workstations and early literacy stations and peripherals

• replace integrated library system (ILS) platform • replace telephone system

• Implement virtual services plan

o plan website renewal and implement to reshape as a virtual space synergistic and complementary of physical spaces

Enrich Your Choices

We will enrich the choices you have to build your individual life and build your community with quality services and programs.

• Contribute to skill development that ready people to pursue their educational,

career and personal interests by expanding digital literacy initiatives such as design and development of makerspaces, and science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and robotic programming by adding a new position, Digital Librarian

• Create collections that meet the specific needs of the Richmond Hill community through analytical development

o due to population growth and the expanded new Oak Ridges Library

Reinforce Our Capabilities We will reinforce our many capabilities that bring our services and programs to life. Our organization, technologies, and funding will be the infrastructure for launching and realizing our vision.

• Implement the revised organization structure to better position the Library to implement the Strategic Plan

• Identify and model behaviours that reflect our values

• Enable staff to have the competencies and confidence to contribute to the realization of the vision

o develop strategies that align staff resources with new functions by adding an additional Library Systems Specialist position


Richmond Hill Public Library Board

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Human Resources Complement

2015 2016 Approved Proposed Positions Complement Complement


Full-time 42 44 Part-time 104 104

Total Permanent 146 148 2016 Budget Highlights Expenditures

The Library’s budget assumes maintenance of 2015 service levels including annualization of Board approved 2015 service level changes, salary grid adjustments, two new staff positions and a contribution to the Town of Richmond Hill Reserve to fund replacement of library materials. Salaries and benefits increased due to base pressures including step rate progression for applicable staff and corporate increases for salary grid adjustments; and committed annualized costs. Total other expenditures have increased to accommodate business increases in materials, supplies, and services; additional operating costs coming online from previous capital projects and full year dedicated building maintenance and repair support.


Opportunities to earn revenue are limited by the Public Libraries Act. Fees and service charges are applied where allowable. Fines and fees were reviewed with applicable increases effective in July 2015.

Library services are well used by the community. In 2014 over 1,029,184 in-person visits were made to the four library locations and an additional

1,652,248 visits were made electronically. Library materials were borrowed 2,288,866 times.

(as of December 31, 2014)


Actuals Preliminary 2015 2016 Variance

as of Actual Approved Draft Unfavourable

31-Dec-14 30-Nov-15 Budget Budget (Favourable) %

Personnel Cost 6,352,362$ 5,598,473$ 6,740,100$ 6,949,200$ 209,100$ 3.1

Collection Development 1,198,462 1,285,329 1,158,000 1,182,400 24,400 2.1

Other Expenditures 803,913 749,456 922,600 932,500 9,900 1.1

Transfer to R&R Reserve Fund 653,526 557,334 585,300 597,000 11,700 2.0

Total Expenditure 9,008,263$ 8,190,593$ 9,406,000$ 9,661,100$ 255,100$ 2.7

Provincial & Special Grants (122,199) (40,137) (122,200) (122,200) - 0.0

From R&R Reserve Fund (1,113,100) (1,037,117) (1,131,400) (1,155,300) (23,900) (2.1)

Fees & Other Revenues (339,510) (270,403) (339,600) (339,600) - 0.0

Richmond Green YRDSB Expenses (221,800) (224,400) (224,400) (235,800) (11,400) (5.1)

Total Revenue (1,796,609) (1,572,056) (1,817,600) (1,852,900) (35,300) (1.9)

Base Budget 7,211,654$ 6,618,536$ 7,588,400$ 7,808,200$ 219,800$ 2.9

Council Approved Service Level Changes (CASLC)

Building Maintenance & Repair Service Contract 17,600 36,100 18,500

Total Council Approved Service Level Changes 17,600 36,100 18,500

New Items

Digital Librarian FT - Starting July 2016 40,900 40,900

Library Systems Specialist FT SY

- Starting July 2016 39,300 39,300

Total New Items 80,200 80,200

Net Budget 7,211,654$ 6,618,536$ 7,606,000$ 7,924,500$ 318,500$ 4.2

2016 Draft Operating Budget


Overall Summary


Budget Variance Explanation

Department: Richmond Hill Public Library Board

Budget Change Explanations (2016/2015) 2015 2016

Budget Budget$

% Change

Over Prior


2015 Net Budget 7,606,000$


Full Time Salaries, Part Time Wages,

Benefits and Consulting Costs

6,740,100 6,949,200 209,100 3.1%

Collection Development 1,158,000 1,182,400 24,400 2.1%

Other Expenditure:

Inventory Control 417,600 408,500 (9,100) (2.2%)

Supporting Services 268,200 284,000 15,800 5.9%

General Expenses 236,800 240,000 3,200 1.4%

Transfer to R & R Reserve Fund 585,300 597,000 11,700 2.0%

Total Expenditure 255,100 2.7%


From Town Repair & Replacement Reserve


(1,131,400) (1,155,300) (23,900) (2.1%)

Richmond Green YRDSB Expenses (224,400) (235,800) (11,400) (5.1%)

General Revenue:

Fines (156,600) (149,000) 7,600 4.9%

Fees (112,200) (113,100) (900) (0.8%)

Sales (65,800) (72,500) (6,700) (10.2%)

Total Revenue (35,300) (1.9%)

Base Budget 219,800 2.9%

Council Approved Service Level Changes (CASLC)

Building Maintenance & Repair Service


17,600 36,100 18,500

Total Council Approved Service Level Changes 18,500

New Items

Digital Librarian FT 40,900 40,900

Library Systems Specialist FT SY 39,300 39,300

Total New Items 80,200

Incremental Increase 318,500

Net Budget 7,924,500$ 4.2%

2016 Draft Operating Budget


Projected commissions and used materials sales

YRDSB 33.3% of shared operating expense increase

Projected fines decreases



Incremental Changes Explanation

Operating Budget Detail

Starting July 2016

Step rate increases, benefits and adjustments

Starting July 2016

Cost efficiencies

Cost of business increases



Richmond Hill Public Library

Customer Experiences

2016 Business Case – New Staff Request Digital Librarian – Oak Ridges Library

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Background Planning for the new Oak Ridges Branch is well underway, with opening anticipated in the fourth quarter of 2017. During community consultations to determine residents’ expectations for service at this new library, a clear demand was expressed for a “Makerspace”. This is reflective of trends in public libraries across the continent. In his recent report on Libraries and the Informational Future: Some Notes, Lorcan Dempsey of The Online Computer Library Centre (OCLC) noted, “space is being reconfigured around broader education and research needs, and less around the management of print collection. In effect, space is shifting from infrastructure to engagement.” Nothing represents this emerging trend more than the recent growth of makerspaces within libraries.

One of the traditional roles of the public library is facilitating the creation of knowledge in the communities. This objective is expressed in Richmond Hill Public Library’s Strategic Plan 2013 as “Enrich Your Choices”: the library is committed to delivering “skill development programs that ready people at various ages and stages of their lives to pursue their educational, career and personal interests in the realities of the 21st century”.

Promoting literacy through instruction has long been a part of the library’s role in the community. Today, the concept of literacy encompasses much more than just reading and writing; it is now the ability to read, write and interact across a range of platforms and formats. As new technologies emerge in the community, library customers turn to libraries and librarians for instruction in the use of new technologies, for help and troubleshooting, and in some cases as their only means of access to those technologies. RHPL has, for over 15 years now, provided public access computers and instruction to support computer literacy. A makerspace is, in a sense, a new stage in the evolution of library service: providing access to new technologies and instruction to support new literacies, where residents can come together to share resources and knowledge to build and make things.


Richmond Hill Public Library

Customer Experiences

2016 Business Case – New Staff Request Digital Librarian – Oak Ridges Library

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Adding the Digital Librarian position in July, 2016, provides an opportunity to work with resources at Central Library, such as the 3D printer, as well as staff who are familiar with this technology, to design and equip the space at Oak Ridges to serve as the RHPL’s first physical makerspace. The timing will also enable staff to design and develop programming in this area at both sites. This will enhance service and programs at Central Library, as well as ensure that the new Oak Ridges Library meets community expectations upon opening. Project Description Add an additional professional staff member to help design makerspace programming and equipment for all ages at both Central and Oak Ridges Libraries, and to assume full time duties with the Oak Ridges Library when it opens in Fall 2017. It is highly desirable to have in place a permanent staff member with training and expertise in makerspace design and programming to assist in this emerging aspect of library service.

Strategic Alignment Richmond Hill Public Library’s Strategic Plan 2013 promises to “Enrich Your Choices” – the library is committed to delivering “skill development programs that ready people at various ages and stages of their lives to pursue their educational, career and personal interests in the realities of the 21st century”.

Comparative Analysis Toronto, Aurora, Markham Newmarket, and Vaughan Public Libraries currently provide makerspaces for their community at selected branches.


Richmond Hill Public Library

Customer Experiences

2016 Business Case – New Staff Request Digital Librarian – Oak Ridges Library

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Innisfil Public Library, just north of York Region, was an innovator in this concept and provides a wide variety of “maker” equipment including a 3D printer and laser cutter in a very popular service. York Region, recognizing the value of this emerging technology, hosts a committee of libraries to develop these services across the region.

Cost & Benefit Analysis It is highly desirable to have in place a permanent staff member with training and expertise in makerspace design and programming to assist in this emerging aspect of library service. The timing will enable staff to design and develop programming in this area at both sites. This will enhance service and programs at Central Library, as well as ensure that the new Oak Ridges Library meets community expectations upon opening. Total costs are based upon a July 1, 2016 start date for this position at $40,900. The annualized estimate for 2017 is $93,300.

Current Year Full Year (2016) Impact (2017) Impact Start Date 01-Jul-16 Full Time or Part Time Full Time Full Time Annual Salary $32,900 $72,000 Annual Benefits $ 8,000 $21,300 Total: $40,900 $93,300

Conclusion If the position is not provided a failure to meet the community’s expressed and desired service standard could result.


Richmond Hill Public Library


2016 Business Case – New Staff Request Library Systems Specialist

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Background The Library’s Technologies Department is responsible for all public and staff computer hardware systems and software applications used by the Library which includes the Integrated Library System (ILS), material security system, third party services and applications, network and Internet services and support, server support, wireless networking services, telecommunications, meeting room presentation equipment, website, inventory tracking and help desk support. Two full-time and one part-time Library Systems Specialist staff are responsible for supporting the daily operation, maintenance, installation, staff training, testing and troubleshooting of all applications. At the four library sites the Library Systems Specialists support and maintain: over 240 computers, laptops and iPads, 60 telephones and a telephone system at each site, 26 mobile phones, 15 self check stations, wireless network services, 7 security gates and an automated sortation system. The support that a Technologies Department provides is unique. It is a dual support for both the public applications used by the Library’s customers and the applications used by the Library staff.

Project Description An additional full-time Library Systems Specialist position is required to provide additional assistance to the current staff complement. Duties for this new position would include: help desk support, inventory tracking and management, telephone and telecommunications support, network service support, staff training, project assistance, website administration and digitization support. The new staff member would also assist in the preparation for the expansion and configuration of systems required for the new Oak Ridges Library with additional 30 computers, 5 self-check kiosks, an automated return and sortation system, 3D printer, and web and graphic design equipment.


Richmond Hill Public Library


2016 Business Case – New Staff Request Library Systems Specialist

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With the growth of mobile devices and maker space technology and the increase in the public’s expectations of the Library as a technology leader an additional Library Systems Specialist staff member is required to support both the public and staff technologies. Strategic Alignment The addition of the Library Systems Specialist position will support one of the key strategies in the Library’s Strategic Plan: ‘Reinforce Our Capabilities’ by “reinforcing our capabilities that bring our services and programs to life. Systems staff plays a key role in providing information technology expertise and support to both Library customers and Library staff. The position also enriches our customer choices as we continue to explore and expand technologies in the delivery of library services to the community. The Library plays a unique role in providing resources that bridge the digital divide, introduce technology, and develop skill sets.

Comparative Analysis A survey conducted by a human resources consulting firm and the Information Technology Assiciation of America shows that the typical Information Technology (IT) staffing ratio (the number of employees supported by each IT worker) is 1:27. Based on this ratio the Library should have 5.5 IT staff to support staff applications alone. The Library currently has 2.5 IT staff which is well below the industry standard. An additional Library Systems Specialist postion would bring the Library up to a 3:5 ratio which is still below the industry standard and thus indicating the great need for an additional position to provide the much needed assistance to the current staff complement. This ratio does not capture the impact on staff resources required to support a complex public computing environment as well.


Richmond Hill Public Library


2016 Business Case – New Staff Request Library Systems Specialist

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Cost & Benefit Analysis The Library Systems Specialist position is required to assist in the on-going support of library computer hardware and software applications. This includes support for both the Library’s public computer and technology systems and the Library’s staff computer and technology systems. Every service that the Library offers and every work process that the Library uses requires technology. The support function that the current Library System Specialists provide is essential to the daily operation of the Library. Total cost is based on a July 1, 2016 start date for this position at $39,300. The 2017 annualized estimate is $87,700.

Current Year Full Year (2016) Impact (2017) Impact Start Date 01-Jul-16 Full Time or Part Time Full Time Full Time Annual Salary $32,000 $70,700 Annual Benefits $ 7,300 $17,900 Total: $39,300 $87,700

Conclusion An additional full-time position is needed to bring us closer to the level of technology that Library customers now expect from their Library.

