RHEL6 Datasheet


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Red Hat® Eterprise Li® is a high-performig operatig system that has delivered ot-

stadig vale to IT eviromets for early a decade. As the world’s most trsted IT platform,

Red Hat Eterprise Li has bee deployed i missio-critical applicatios at global stock

exchanges, nancial institutions, leading telcos, and animation studios. It also powers the

websites of some of the most recogizable global retail brads.

Red Hat Eterprise Li:

• Delivers high performace, reliability, ad secrity

• Is certied by the leading hardware and software vendors

• Scales from workstatios, to servers, to maiframes

• Provides a cosistet applicatio eviromet across physical,

virtal, ad clod deploymets

Desiged to help orgaizatios make a seamless trasitio to emergig dataceter models that

iclde virtalizatio ad clod comptig, Red Hat Eterprise Li icldes spport for major

hardware architectres, hypervisors, ad clod providers, makig deploymets across physical

ad differet virtal eviromets predictable ad secre. Ehaced tools ad ew capabilities

in this release enable administrators to tailor the application environment to efciently monitor

ad maage compte resorces ad secrity.


Red Hat enteRpRise Linux 6

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Datasheet RED HAT EnTERPRISE LInux 6



Stable an truste platform

Red Hat Eterprise Li 6 is the sith geeratio of a log-term, predictable operatig plat-form. With the exibility to deploy on physical hardware, as a virtual host, as a virtual guest,

or i the clod, Red Hat Eterprise Li 6 is the ideal fodatio for et-geeratio data-

ceters. It esres log-term stability while cotiig to iovate ad deliver ehacemets —

deliverig the optimal combiatio of iovatio ad stability.

Key parterships across the idstry allow Red Hat to esre the stability of the platform

across the broad ecosystem of systems ad applicatios. With embedded egieerig ad

deep collaboratio, Red Hat is o the forefrot of the commercial matratio of techology.

Customers benet through the distribution of timely service packs and interim releases. The

modlar architectre of Red Hat Eterprise Li allows fctioality ehacemets that do

not effect application interfaces. Applications do not need to be rebuilt or recertied when they

are pdated becase the applicatio programmig ad biary iterfaces (API/ABI) remai the

same for the fll life of a Red Hat Eterprise Li release regardless of the physical, virtal, orcloud deployment model. This means that Red Hat’s rich ecosystem of thousands of certied

applicatios are kept available, avoidig delays that wold otherwise occr with epesive ad

time-cosmig retestig efforts every time a vedor pgrades its software.

Other featres esre that Red Hat Eterprise Li is both scalable ad trsted. Software

RAID, storage mltipath spport, ad etwork bodig provide resiliecy i etwork ad

storage areas. File-system capabilities sch as barriers ad TRIM spport allow for data safety

ad thi provisioig, while logical volme maagemet provides disk abstractio. These are

amog the few featres that have evolved to make Red Hat Eterprise Li oe of the most

stable ad trsted IT platforms.


Red Hat Eterprise Li offers cstomers a wide rage of optios for tailorig the operatig

system to their specic environments. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 includes new denitions of

featre compoet grops to allow easy featre selectio from a miimal istall for a basic

rtime eviromet, to a fll set of featre selectios icldig storage optios, systems ma-

agemet, graphical iterfaces, ad admiistrative tilities. I additio to spport for a breadth

of ifrastrctre optios, Red Hat Eterprise Li 6 also icldes a complete portfolio of ope

sorce applicatios. With spported applicatios ragig from web ifrastrctre to databases

ad developmet frameworks, Red Hat Eterprise Li 6 istallatios are sitable for a broad

rage of workloads.

In addition to feature exibility, Red Hat Enterprise Linux also offers deployment exibility,

with spport for a wide rage of hardware from idstry-stadard servers to maiframes,

ad ew sbscriptio optios for etedig its lifecycle with Eteded update Spport (EuS)

ad Eteded Lifecycle Spport (ELS).

Customers also get operational exibility through automated deployment features such as

the kickstart tools, atomatic system pdates, ad aditig capabilities of Red Hat network.

Red Hat network, ad its o-premise versio Red Hat network Satellite, helps orgaizatios

lower their per-system deploymet ad maagemet costs, redces plaed dowtime

by atomatig ad cetralizig rotie tasks, ad creates a cosistet eviromet.


There is a big psh withi Citi to

drive IT optimizatio ad co-sistecy. By deliverig a com-

mo global Li bild across

the enterprise, the rm has

bee able to retire a mber of

oe-off ifrastrctre software

prodcts ad their associated

costs. I the process, it has bee

able to egotiate eterprise-level

agreemets for a redced m-

ber of third-party prodcts that

ca be leveraged across both

hardware platforms.

Additioally, virtalizatio has

prove to be a sccessfl strat-

egy for optimizig hardware

tilizatio. IBM maiframes

have a log traditio of deliver-

ig virtalizatio ad perform

especially well for workloads

that reqire heavy ipt/otpt,

whereas the vale propositio

for virtalizatio o 86 maily

comes from the low cost of etry

ad the ability to scale ot mas-

sively. With a commo Red HatEterprise Li bild, Citi is able

to choose the virtalizatio that

best meets its reqiremets.




By deliverig a commo

global Li bild across

the eterprise that ca be

leveraged across both 86

ad IBM maiframe platforms,

Citi has bee able to retire a

mber of oe-off ifrastrc-

tre software prodcts ad their

associated costs.




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Datasheet RED HAT EnTERPRISE LInux 6


Red Hat Eterprise Li

powers may of the

world’s most demadig

nancial institutions

“ Our technology

 partnership with

Red Hat is key to us

staying competitive

in the market. We

look to Red Hat for

technology leadership

through updates and

support that help us to

improve our tuning so

that we can give our

customers the best

 possible experience.

Joe Panl,

maagig director of

Eterprise Techology Services

at CME Grop



Integrate virtualization

Red Hat is a drivig force behid the developmet of ope sorce virtalizatio techology.

Red Hat’s approach to virtalizatio is easy to adopt becase it is delivered as a itegralpart of the Red Hat Eterprise Li platform. Based po kerel-based virtal machie (KVM)

techology, Red Hat’s virtalizatio capabilities are itegrated ito Red Hat Eterprise Li

ad leverage the latest hardware virtalizatio capabilities provided by Itel® ad AMD® 

processor platforms. The modlar desig of Red Hat Eterprise Li allows cstomers to

choose when and where to use virtualization. For additional exibility, customers can deploy

both Red Hat Eterprise Li ad Microsoft® Widows® as flly spported gests i a Red Hat

Eterprise Li virtalized eviromet. Red Hat Eterprise Li also spports mltiple

virtalizatio se cases, from hardware abstractio for eistig software stacks, to dataceter

cosolidatio, to virtalized clsters ad private clods.

Beyod core virtalizatio, Red Hat Eterprise Li offers leadig spport for advaced

virtalized I/O capabilities throgh SR-IOV ad nPIV stadards. A stadard virtalizatio

maagemet ifrastrctre, libvirt, developed by Red Hat ad adopted by other operatig

systems, provides a exible interface for dening, managing, and monitoring virtual machines.

Scalability an performance

Red Hat Eterprise Li 6 has bee desiged to deliver performace ad scalability withot

sacricing data integrity. It allows scaling to 4,096 CPUs and 64 terabytes of RAM, providing

a solid fodatio for spportig pcomig geeratios of hardware. Withi this broad frame-

work, Red Hat Eterprise Li 6 provides spport for a variety of etworkig ifrastrctres,

such as Inniband and Ethernet, and for storage infrastructures, such as FCoE and iSCSI, as

well as for traditioal nAS, SAn, ad DAS devices.

Red Hat Eterprise Li also offers high performace ad scales from desktops to worksta-

tios, from blades to rack eviromets, from sigle CPu systems to the largest SMP servers

ad maiframes. As hardware pgrades cotie to offer additioal processig ad storagecapabilities, Red Hat Eterprise Li allows cstomers to take advatage of those advaces

by selectig those scale-p ad scale-ot strategies ad platform architectres that meet their

bsiess reqiremets.

Red Hat coties to collaborate with its parters to deliver advaced fctioality to cstom-

ers. For eample, improvemets i virtalizatio performace make it practical to deploy ay

applicatio workload, eve I/O-bod applicatios, o the Red Hat Eterprise Li 6 platform.

The most dramatic improvemets i recet virtal machie performace are made possible by

I/O optimizatios, icldig spport for ew hardware capabilities, sch as 10-gigabit SR-IOV

adapters and NPIV. These have reduced overhead for I/O-bound environments to less than ve

percet, which opes the door to a whole ew class of applicatios, sch as database, trasac-

tion processing, and le servers.

Red Hat, i cooperatio with its hardware parters, is eablig reliability, availability, service-ability (RAS), ad scalability featres that have bee recetly itrodced to maistream archi-

tectres, ad which miimize dow time, icrease availability, ad protect data.

Red Hat Eterprise Li-powered systems have achieved leadig reslts o idstry-

stadard bechmarks as diverse as SpecWeb, which measres web servig; TPC-H for large-

scale data warehoses; ad SpecVirt for server cosolidatio. Red Hat Eterprise Li 6 is

a fodatio for gettig the most from ew server hardware o diverse workloads ad across

the IT ifrastrctre.

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Datasheet RED HAT EnTERPRISE LInux 6



Secrity for Red Hat Eterprise Li begis with a core featre kow as Secrity-Ehaced

Li (SELi). Co-developed betwee Red Hat ad the u.S. govermet’s natioal Secrity

Agency (NSA), SELinux delivers a strong and exible MAC framework to enforce role-basedaccess cotrol ad mlti-level secrity. SELi spport has bee wove ito all parts of the

platform, icldig virtalizatio, to provide critical gest separatio regardless of the gest

operatig system. With etesive applicatio policies ad a complete review of system privi-

leges, Red Hat Eterprise Li 6 makes sig SELi easier tha ever.

In addition to SELinux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux includes system rewalls, audit capabilities,

and system package and le integrity verication tools for a complete security architecture

that covers deploymet models ragig from Iteret-facig servers to trsted compters.

Backig p the core techology is the Red Hat Secrity Respose Team, recogized as idstry

leaders for addressig secrity vlerabilities. I smmary, Red Hat Eterprise Li provides

a matched secrity eviromet for cstomers ad their applicatios.

Agility across physical, virtual, an clou

Red Hat Eterprise Li 6 allows bsiesses to deploy physical, virtal, ad clod comptig

withi their dataceters. With KVM itegrated directly ito the kerel, Red Hat Eterprise

Linux 6 technologies span all environments, reducing complexity, increasing efciency, and

miimizig admiistratio overhead while leveragig operatig platform skills. Itegrated vir-

tualization enables interoperable physical and virtual deployments, while ne-grained control

of compte resorces (CPu, memory, etworkig, ad I/O) allow bsiesses to maage applica-

tio or gest service-level agreemets (SLAs). I additio, power maagemet ehacemets

redce system carbo footprits.

Re Hat Enterprise Linu A-Ons

Add-Os to Red Hat Eterprise Li allow yo to tailor yor applicatio eviromet

with workload etesios to sit yor particlar comptig reqiremets.


• High Availability Add-O: Provides a ifrastrctre for improvig applicatio availability

• Resilient Storage Add-On: Provides support for cache-coherent clustered le systems

ad icldes the High Availability Add-O

• Load Balancer Add-On: Supports TCP and UDP trafc balancing


• Scalable File System Add-On: Provides support for le systems up to 100 terabytes

• High Performace network Add-O: Spports RDMA operatios over 10-gigabit Etheret,

also kow as RoCE


• Smart Maagemet Add-O: Offers Red Hat network maagemet ad provisioig


Lifecycle management

• Eteded update Spport Add-O: Eteds the spport period of a pdate for 18 moths

and delivers overlapping release support to give enterprise customers more exibility

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With Red Hat Eterprise Li, yo receive:

• The applications you neeThousands of certied applications from independent software vendors (ISVs).


• Your choice of harare platforms

Hundreds of certied hardware systems and peripherals from leading original equipment

mafactrer (OEM) vedors ad idepedet hardware vedors (IHVs) spaig mltiple

processor architectres. Spport for the latest hardware architectres ad stadards.


• The leaing operating system

Ecellet performace, secrity, scalability, ad availability, with adited idstry


• A stable platform built for the long term

Every major versio provides stable applicatio iterfaces ad seve years of prodct

spport, with a optio for p to 10 years of lifecycle spport.

• Interoperability

A prodct family that eables seamless iteroperability of systems from the laptop, to

the dataceter, to the maiframe, ad iteroperability with eistig unIx ad Microsoft

Widows deploymets.

• Comprehensive service offerings

Up to 24x7 support with one-hour response time available from Red Hat and selected ISV

ad OEM parters.


• Re Hat Consulting

Red Hat Cosltig will maimize cost savigs ad overall retr o ivestmet (ROI) ad

help yo pla ad eecte sccessfl IT iitiatives. Red Hat Cosltig has a prove track

record of helpig cstomers flly tilize the vale of their Red Hat Eterprise Li ivest-

met across iqe ad varyig eviromets.


• Re Hat Training

Red Hat offers a variety of learning styles, delivery methods, certications,

savigs programs, ad cstomized soltios to maimize retr o yor Red Hat

Eterprise Li ivestmet.


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Datasheet RED HAT EnTERPRISE LInux 6



• Red Hat Eterprise Li


• Red Hat Eterprise Li

Server (p to 1 gest)

• Red Hat Eterprise Li

Server (up to 4 guests)

• Red Hat Eterprise Li

Server (limited gests)

• Red Hat Eterprise Li for

IBM System z

• Red Hat Eterprise Li for


• Red Hat Eterprise Li for

HPC Compte nodes

• Red Hat Eterprise Li for

HPC Head nodes

• Red Hat Eterprise Li for

SAP applicatios


• Red Hat Eterprise Li


• Red Hat Eterprise Li



Feature Re Hat Enterprise Linu 6

Architectre x86, x86-64, IBM Power, IBM System Z

Storage spport FC, FCoE, iSCSI, nAS, SATA, SAS, SCSI

network spport 10M/100M/1G/10G Ethernet, Inniband

Virtalizatio Itegrated

ISV certications ISV application certications are val id for virtualized and non-

virtalized deploymets

High availability Sbscriptio Add-Os

Resiliet storage Sbscriptio Add-Os

Scalable le system Sbscriptio Add-Os

Load balacer Sbscriptio Add-Os

Smart maagemet Sbscriptio Add-Os

High-performace etwork Sbscriptio Add-Os

Eteded pdate spport Sbscriptio Add-Os


Architecture CPU Memory

86 32 16GB

x86_64 128/4096 2TB/64TB

Power 128 2TB

System z 64 3TB

FileSystems (ma lesystem size)

et3 16TB

ext4 16TB

xFS® 100TB

GFS2 100TB

Please coslt

Hardware Catalog for

spported systems

For details:


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Datasheet RED HAT EnTERPRISE LInux 6




To obtai the maimm vale from their Red Hat Eterprise Li sbscriptios, cstomers se

Red Hat Network Satellite to update, congure, and provision their systems. Red Hat NetworkSatellite is a easy-to-se systems maagemet platform that provides lifecycle maagemet

for small, medim, ad large ifrastrctres. It provides powerfl systems admiistratio capa-

bilities, such as update management, conguration management, provisioning, and monitor-

ig for all deploymets. It ca maage all Red Hat Eterprise Li systems, whether they are

physical or virtual, from its web-based interface. Red Hat Network Satellite provides efcient

maagemet of Red Hat Eterprise Li, maagig a thosad systems as easily as oe. For

third-party maagemet frameworks, there is etesive spport for web-based eterprise ma-

agemet (WBEM).


Choosing Red Hat as the standard for applications is the rst step in moving toward a service-

orieted IT model that icldes clod capabilities. As a host or a gest, Red Hat Eterprise Lidelivers the core techologies to deploy both private ad pblic clods. The applicatio ma-

agemet, tig, ad secrity eviromet is cosistet whether the workload is deployed o

a physical system, as a virtal gest o ay of the leadig hypervisors, or with a pblic clod

provider. I shared ad virtalized eviromets alike, the featres ad capabilities of Red Hat

Eterprise Li make it the ideal host ad gest operatig system.


The Red Hat Eterprise Li referece architectre library icldes comprehesive soltios

that help cstomers get the most ot of their Red Hat Eterprise Li-based eviromets.

These referece architectres eplai the capabilities of a give soltio ad provide istrc-

tions for implementing best practices for such things as provisioning, management, congura -

tio, ad performace tig. They also iclde iformatio abot iteroperability with otherprodcts. Fid the soltio that best sits yor eviromet by visitig


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Copyright © 2010 Red Hat, Ic. Red Hat, Red Hat Eterprise Li, the Shadowma logo, JBoss, MetaMatri, ad RHCE are trademarks ofRed Hat, Ic., registered i the u.S. ad other cotries. Li® is the registered trademark of Lis Torvalds i the u.S. ad other cotries.



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Red Hat was founded in 1993 and is headquartered in Raleigh, NC. Today, with more than

60 ofces around the world, Red Hat is the largest publicly traded technology company

flly committed to ope sorce. That commitmet has paid off over time, for s ad or

cstomers, provig the vale of ope sorce software ad establishig a viable bsiessmodel bilt arod the ope sorce way.

