rHE UNION CJOUNT'Y STANDARD - digifind-it.com · /rhe union cjount'y standard ... tf-ju...


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/rHE UNION CJOUNT'Y STANDARD \ Has the largest circulation of any Weekly Newspaper Published in Union County. !

=·· -·-· ·- -��·�·r.--=-�==== -·==========.:== vor ... xxm. No. 35 WES'l'FJEI,D, UNION COUNTY, N. J,, FRIDAY, MARCI-l 6, 1908. r 1.50 Per Year. = �� �BJECliONS OffERED. METROPOlllAN TAlENT TAKES lOCAL SHARKS IN MATCII CHAMPIONS OF DiffERENT SCHOOl mTES PRESENT THEI�


�t funllc Hearing on ew Twenty I rear Tele�11one Franchise ! Monoa� Nlg�t.

i Iii Bu��1t Fixed at $44,010, and Passed

on Final Reaulng-Stanley oval sewer

contract to E. W. Chamberlain.

'l'hn 11111JIIu hollt'illl-l llll Lltu Jli'Ol�Oii onliti•U'"" of tho Nuw Yorlc IUHI Now

l ,Jer�us 'l't\lo(•hur1u Company ful' ,n twon­

! ·onr frnnch'so w11� holt! nt tho rol!nlnr

1 :uvotlng of tho 'l'own Cmmoll lust !lion­

� tltll' night. N11nbjoollnnH wm•u rt•col_v�d

! either Ill wrililll-l ur hy ttltton

! 111111 nction will bo � rmmhtr meeting or

I wlli he on Murch I ropro�ontinl( '""'l'!''':luu,.:'.�u���·"".'> �� wns !tl'oscut nt

chl�o. 'l'hu lllX

ing tho um:trorn·muuo

p.t>totl onllnal

1Jtmtlon of o\'Ul'

Jnulgct ]li\SSCti utt'

the t'IIHt or Jmihlilll{ 1\'0il]<il't'IIIJ!Jy ""' thnt tltu l'l,UilllUIIIlf( ]lllKHIIj(U \l'tltlltl CIIHI· llt lt'IIHt foUl' ttiiiUI IlK IIIllCh IIH i.IW Hii iJ "" whldt It IH tu'o)tllHI'Il In Ut'CI't lltu l�om·tlt Wut'tl H"ltooll "' it wn.� K(n!t•tl by I hu llnnt'tlur l•;<lucul ou t.lmt thij CtlKC of thu t'OIIIIOUtiflll \VIllllt]]JO ubuut $ij,000,

'l'hu rupot t llllH houn sprund nltrontl by

DfESIDENT ClAft tt momh�r of tltU Jlonl'll nf l�thw11ti11n r K �llSWI RS MR. DAVIS t.ltnt twcortllu!! to my own e•ti11mto tho I plnllH t.hnt wuro snbmltte<l to tl1u !lonrtl

I j W Ill 1 1� 1 •1 M k I by 11 counulttoo of oltizuus of tho Fuut·th "n e ag On n0f810USC "50 8 8S f88 Wm•d, could not bo built lor $1lfi,OOO, lmt

r 8 lid, N S � I ho t1ooH nob •bnto tlmt tlto tu·oltitcot Of U lng BW CnOO on ff""''"utcos to build tho lmlltllug wllh

Wasll'rnnton 'ro"nds Westfield mochuuic•, fur tbut fll(uro.

� c u , Whou tho connulttoo wuttt to tho tromhlo or goHit1g np r•hutK, spocillen· Wts�flcltl, l\Inrch 2, 1008, tiuus, mul 1111 llPJtl'OXinmto osthnntt•, 'fo tho lltlitor of tho �tnndtml, wltlumt co,t 111 tho towu , wo got them

Sir: -'l'ho 't"< stluu of 11 compoto11t from 1111 nt'<dtitcut tltut · guu.wlttd to uwl sul!loiuut llCI o 11 ;ystolll itt 011r town hulltlllto builtlittg comttlutu, rently fm• (g ouo t.)tnt hilt rest; nil, lt concerns tho sobolnr� fnr tho mttouut stntc<l, nn•l 11ot ulonb St•lu:ul Bonrtl, Priuolll!U mut1 every hit of llt�tcri•ti to he of tho best of tonohor� !Jut.nlll p nil toWUBliiOII, llpr it its HO\'OrnlldtHl•, with lots of room for iB pf gtitlurnl 'mportnnoo whothot• tho' tho B0111'tl to lossou Uw cost without iu llrHt of ti111' sconlar last\t.utlon8 Is, or Is ntly wny lcRsoniuu lito strength, hcnnty nut, lll'O!tnl'otlto tlo gootl nll<l oflloiont or Ju�tillg quullty or tho hniltltug, warlt, b'romthis vi"Wl>Olnt tho 1},\\0ti· 'rho pll\llH wo1il gotto11 UJ>


lifi!IK of QOSI, situ 1111<1 lll'Uhitcot\\I'U nt'O 'tO tho suhoolltiWS 6�1VUl'lllllg tho • HOCOtllltll'l'o nut! will cooutiuno so 118 long of Mnssnchnsvtts, whiuh is ihu hnnnur us tho (Jultil·ntiou of itloM is of more Stnto of tho Union, ns to scltools nucl l'nlno thnu huiltlittgs nutl problems of luws gm·cruiug tho sumo, , mlucuLiou 'tmtw.lgh thosu uf coust.ruc· 'l'lw pltliiH cnutniu oight clnss tio11, Iti thu tliscnsslou ot tho question nml nu ussmqhly hnll tlint will sent tL� to situ !L wonltl Fuom tltnt thoso otltur tultl ovct'l' eml\'euiellco !'or tho tenobon;

li•t·"'"'"''"Ptl tuHllnr�;er quostious sltonloluot 1.� P.vor, n,ml sohulnrs, with fmtl' llll'go l'Ooms lu loolrctl. 1Iutlco<l wo iuny folicitnto onr. t.ho tltinl story thnt Ulllt l1u flnishc•l' m• scll·os t\Jnt hunrty ugroomout is cvitlollo· not, thnt conltl he n>ccl some tituu in tlw ml 1ts 'tu'�ystoutuntl tim!. it is ottly ou the SIIUHitlilli'Y IJUCStlOIIS tJmt tli(fol'OllUl'S hnvo arlseu. ·

Ouo of those <lill'o�ouces hns t•ofm·ouco to- lll'ijltitucturu. 'l'he Ulliniuu wns ex· prossocl nt tho Just School mootlug thnt tho Wnshlngton bnil<liug tlefcctil'u in· this respect. this to pet··

,IL blllll· correct In

Jllllj bo. I'OIIC]Ol'Otl its situlltiotl, llotil thll tuHl l'ro�pcot scltools nm

the sumo 6'0Ucrnl lnml of tho Pro<pccl, nu ohsoloto uniltl­

lltmirlccl detriment. wit!ost com·so wonlrl to soli both ltmd nn•l j ll I'Oi\1; tit (I llVHCCC<lK il\ II


The Piker Shoe_ Company

Single Copy 3c


Abnndon1 wutch Night Borvlcu, 'l FOR HER


CHIEF :$1,337,000,000

1'11o vlonl' or tho Jlllrl�h ohl\lllh II \WIIIllllhlli'lllillh, 1�11111111111, llll" ill'�'11 (lll'l'rrl Ill OIIIIIIIIIICU Jim\ !11111'11 Will 10

110 111111'0 Will I'll lllKht NOI'VIOI.'K lJI'!!IIIIAil I or lht' Jll'u��l1''" nr Hll 11\011:>' nlun tlllll WOI111'il In II �llll\1 IIIIIIL fill' tho Hnlultl ot•oaw

.Jull, lllll )llll'lll t\tll11l h)' I hl'll\ ,;o­

Il II! Jll'<'lllOI' thnn tho l!tlllll to 10


ll:v s. I(. 10 � tm '1'1111 olilut �hLII"III\ llliXhiiiH(y <•lnnll !'111' Jllll'hllliH tho lwunllutli

"llu Iiiio! lhr> luol1," llllllllli'UII llilllllkllll\ll'l' In hiH IIHHlH\1111L III II olil'lll tuno, "ur 11 1111111 who

Total Ins u •· an ce in

Januar·y I, 1908.

This Shows the Con1n1anding Place Life Insurance

held by

The Prudential

Pul Aw�y ldoa of Failure.

f 1'01'11 In H(ll'illl lhO liiiii!IIIIJIO ur 8\IC•

crH�. 'l'hlnlt »nnroHa. NeVIll' tnlk rnll·

lll'l' IJ<WIIIIKU (llf!UI'O )H llllthlni!-Hllll•

ply' tho IIU)IUIICO ur siiCCoaa. 'l'ho llllli'O

you lmow nbont tho wol'lol nntl ItA

J'l'll\liU Ihu 11\l!gol' ynn will ho hrl'll\11!11

,;ncnnsl'lously y1111 will nasllntll lho 1ll· monHtun� of that or which )'llll Mil n (llllt.

Purpose, nJ ( )'0\1 Ol'el' Jlom• of 11 1111111 W\10 lint\

stt·lv�n nil his lifo fulthlnll)' nnd Hln�l}' lt>WIII'll 1111 uhJcct nnd In uo nwnsm·u ol>Utlne<l ll? 11 n mnn cnnstnnlly ns· ph·ea is ho nut olovutml? Did ever

0 m�n (l'Y hol'ol"n, h•nlh, Hiltcet'IIY nnd lind timt thoro wna nu m!vnntn!lo In tlwm-lhnt IH wns 1\ 1'llln mlllcnvur? -11, JJ, 1'hlll'Cnll,


Know Vouroe)f, 'J'ho first step town ni knowing !Ito,

�111nvJng huslnl'ss nnd testing llte

\'!IIIIo of uJIJIIlrttmll)' Ia tu know Olll'·

•••ll'us. I�IIIIY UO Jlt'l' rent, of nil bnsl­

'"'"" cducntlon Is ohj�cllvo In ehlll'IIC· tor, It tlcnls with OI'OI'Y comlltlon In (\fe OXCC(Il the 0110 1110Sl illi!IUI'lnnt ractOJ'-onrecl res.

Admiration for the Rogue.

It Will ,.1·J,I<•nl 11n11 11111 )'tlllllg tnllll

Willi llo'I'JII)' ll'olllili<'tl. \\'hun IIIII flh·I'H

IIIOiht•l' hill( HI lllOIII nlnllll, Ill !UHI.,

llll sn\. ,111wn ut 111<1 plunn nnrl 1'1111 liiR i lllg<!I'H oVOI' ihu IJt')'K frll' II 1111111111111,

I h<lll �ol. n(l lind JIIWPiliiUI'VOII�lY lli'I'UHII

tho I'IJOIII. At lll•l hu \11111�•'11 In ft'llll

or I ill' !-lil'l, 1111d, \11)!111� uno Ill IJUI' Hllfl,

wh\tn Iwn!IH tonrlcrly In lila Jlllhll, h<t •IIlii:

"J.mdllo, 1 llnva HtllllO l'Ot'Y l11td nowB lo toll ;·uu. I hnl'u la•Pil Jnfol'llltlll thnl

11 mlno In wlll.eh 1 lnul lnvnHted nlllH,�

of Ill)' •nl'illl,tB hnH }'l'<li'Oil Wlll'lh)OH •• IIJ'IIl so Stli'I'Y, Ch:trlct:t," aho l'Opllod,

pultlll� h<'l' hnruiA U Jinn hiR shollltlet'B anti Jool!log tcndol' sym pnlhY Into his hnn<lBillliO file�; "It won!1l !111 1'0 been glm·Jou• If yolll' Iuvu•tmont hnrl been ;l JU'Oillii\J(U IIII I!, hill liS (Oil!! 118 \l }IllS

lm·nerl out tho othtJI' \I'll)' l<!t IIH nm\10 tho bost of It 111111 h'Y to Jwo(l )uul!lng

11\lnn the bright slue. You Iwow 1L

wlfu," 'l'uJi mlnlllllK 1111.111' tho oOico

llJIOI\011 tho dnm• In II HlouL lilll II HI•IIIHidll HIICII lllld II

"Well, nhn�·lou," Um 1111sllc1l 1111 to tho chlor chr1mrn11J• Hlll'llni!C yn\1 1\I'U l'lll\1\y ln \1\KO lunch."

"Nn, 1 nm nut I'Ollt\Y to lake IIIllCh," hOI' HllOIIHU l'llJlllcll.lu 11 <'XIIKJIOI'IIllon, i!liii\Clll� 1\l U1e foJ' tho twenty·OrHt U111e.

''llul-" "Yes, I know; lmt I'vo lind no

thl\ll ll llltlll'l'U\11.10118 thl� nncl I lllllst d lot111o m y hofore 0110, 1'11o 1!\cllmor th1·co, You'll hnvo to stl wnll, llcro's 1\

· cllllh'; 'lliOI'liJII!l JliltiOr,"

"But you snhl -12," lnalstc,l In lUI nggrloved \uno, "And, 111\CI'I'\\IIllOUS," she nlllled\ should hnve aeon me this l'lrst lho butcher, then lllll then tho grocer on the jolly thnl wouldu'l jell to then the honsomnhl's !Inger \vhlch she htul eul 011 n ltliiiJ1 si.Y cnllers to Interview; tho tho Lndles' Clmrlluhlo guild yet I wns nhla ·to kceJI my mctlt, 1 dou't ece why you yom·s."

wns not rom· chance to ue�omo rich "Sit down m1d walt OLEYSHONfiANDnR :};;;�:::: FCures Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Thr�at in the • d C t 11 YELLOW PACKAOB and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia an onsump IO

If tho h·uth Js to !Je told I snJlJJOse we nil hnvo n snmlklng S)'lll!lllth;• fur tho rogue. The ulnck shcCJl o[ the fnmll)' Is al ways fit·st .fnyor\to with his mother nml his nnnts: tho heroes of Smiles' "Sclf·HOI!I" WIIJ 1 1CI'er iJc half so popular ns Hollin Jloou or Ilou Hoy. -London Header,

Education Is Expensive. There are In tho New Yurlt schools

OI'Cl' 37,000 tcachel'S nnd or these HO,. oss are womeu, nn� yet the Indies uo· grudge the men tho small nmount l2Je)' t'ccclvo mo1•o than themselves. l"Iu­cntiOII cost the stole of New Yoril last yenr $55,G00,000. Tonchcrs' salaries amounted to $26,522,399.

tlutl mnde mo en re fur you. will see," replied· her , "Yes, I know thnt, I.ucll1e, nml I np· grimly, ns. he·


preclato yom• nohlc willingness to mull on· his' desk. huve 1110 h1 spit e of n1)' Joss, but I stenogrll11h<ir. ·· .':"· "' could never nsl< yon to do thnt. I hnvo "Your fnvor of the come to glvo }'ou your freetlom, hoW· hand-" · " ·, ·.,,_,r ·: ever It may bent• me down to hnvo to ,Just then' ·n StlnJilsll' rellnqulsh tho llnpplness which I have ninn, his ·cu110 ·unowti. · dt·oamed or slnco the uever-to-!Je-ror· <lor sernpo fnshlou;' �;olton dny when you promised to uo "! J'eJH'csent llnron




Gale's Pharn1acy. Wealth for the Future.

Tamnulil>aS Is helieYed to contnln

gmnt mineral wen)th, !Jut litll� cx-11torntlou hns been dono. Cotl!J(Il'. Y.inc nud coal nrc known to exist, nnd some dny will bo cxtc!'sh•c()' mined.

oo To.oay's Things Well. • ·

Uncle Rooster,'

'fho fnrin jomunl sez yo. kin cure n coli' 0• Jdcldn' by kctcllh1'. holt o! her leg wh!lc In tho . net. Th'nt's right. An' ye kln cure n·l.Jce a' stlngln', too, ur ketchln' bolt of her sUng while Iu the uct.

On Being Too· Good,

The Philosopher of Fol !Y· ..

my wife." ll!ndrld," .ho snld •. "Tho. "Don't thlnl< of It ngnln, Chnrle)', concession. frot)l. ,the.

· dear. 1 Jove you just ns much ns I did mont uml lntc11< ls thc11, nnd I wouldn't cnre to lle awfully chino entirely. Ho wealthy, nn)•wny. l'cople who lmvo can usc many or them. Jots ol money are llnrdly ever illl[lJJY. do you think?" 'rhlnk how Jove!)• It wlll iJo for us to 'l'ho chief gave It up·

and have a cunning little lint where I shall spalrlngly nt hls' [Jilc· or·iuniV cot•io: nil the menls myself nml feel '"l'wenty.fivo thousand!" . . . thnt I tun rc:�lly cn1'ning the things "Wn11t to. place your, order' t1111t you ttre able to give me." "N·o·o·o, !Jut-" ·

He walked over to the wludow and "All r\gltt: when .. Prospect .street, Westfield, New Jerse}

The uest prcpnrnllon for the future is the !>resent ·.well seen to and the Iast,duty well done.-George i\Jncdon· ald.

Tho mnn who Is too careful about living so tbnt futm·e hlstorlnns . may Sill' nothing l1I of him Is IilteJy. to keep thom from saying nnrth lng eoucel'Jllng his achieYements.

"When nu old maid gels n letter, snys the Jihllosopher of foil)', "she glances rit It, looks around to see If her frlemls see her, tries to bl ush, nnd runs to bel' roont to !'end it. 'rhnt's to mnko [leople lhluk It's fron1 n lool<ed out for a moment, biting flcrcc- como In nnd sea us."

Jy nt his nuns. Then turning to \lie stenogrnvher: · gli-1 again ho snl<l: "You favor of the 'l-Ith

Estimates Cheerfully Fur­nished. , · . . · · ', Sinner's Confession •

Why Is This?

"Tho beautiful llicture you draw of 1 himd-" · · the lint with yon nn11 me nlonc In It The old Spanish don drew only mal<es It the harder for me t o shoulderli ·proudly and stalked have \o loll you that the delll" little flut tile office, ·muttering II


. ';.Avery real test of a man's Intrinsic lloucstr. comes when lie receives a let· to� _tllro_ugh ·_tho rnnils on which �he stmiJP. has.- not- been cunccll�d. 'I ho writer· of · this . par:JgTUJlh attends church ovorr Stmdll)'. but when he Is confronted wilh the nboYe lctntltntion

ho \r,,·m·\ahly removes tho s\al..np' nnd nst!s it n.gntn.-N. 1. 'l'imes.

"It seems st1·nnge/' remnrked th� OI.Jserv('r of EYcnts nnd 'rhlngs, "thnt no·- one hns fountl tile ·uortli pole and :\'et C\'et'l' one who l�a� .gone looking i·or It has been right UJ• ngnlust it.''

Newspaper Advertising the Best. Tho newspaper Is the bast ndvertls·

lng medium, nud the more we emi•Ioy thnt nnd .borcott I he other the !Jetter for the.connnunit)' . .. Ad\'Crtlslng .. dc·

.\'lees nntl the , bl\l-bonrd nre utterly hhlcous.-1'1'01. Zueblln, In n Lectlll'e nt Busto� .. �-.

too. Will ne\'Cl' be fOI' US, l fenr. 'l'ho "1'nlk n!Jout your castles in fact 'is: J,uc\IIe, liHil OUI' bank nnd an- If I had nil' tiJCt moner these other are going to consolidate, and the me1·chants peddle I would ue probnullllles nm that the, position I pur the Stnnd:�rd OJI line!" ha,'e will be abolishe d, so I shall have the chief as he went on with HOW Uounll _Germs.Mull\p_ly. , to start nt the bottom somewhere, tallon. Painting a· Bridge, � b So \':Jst Is the Fot·th urldgc thnt it When.}·on ht;vo'o. c�\ll, tho tuncmls pro nbly on n salnrr that would mni<O He lind to slop only seven

tnl<es 100,000 tJOnnds or t;nlnt to gh·e It mombrnno is infinme<l nml .tho llis�nsc it n!Jsulutely illiJIOssJ)Jio for me to limes In tho next ten minutes

Jluil,lings complelr!l in nlllll'lmches. Preventing Electrolysis, · 1 1 1 '· t · S\IIJJ10I'l 11 wife In· anything lllre the to Insurance sollellors, ehm·lty

Electrolysis ol \>IJ1CS Is now 11�1>- one cont. The urea �c:�It w 11 5 nuou germ� which yon brm1tho fiml lodge- st)'ic to which you ha l'e been. nccus- "feather dusters," "shoo l'enteol iJY ln•nlnllng: from tim gromul. 120 ncr!!s. meut nml mnliiply, cspcuinll,r the pnen- tome<!." matches," n Indy who . Office, Shops and Residence, corn�r South nnd Weslfl�ld Avenue;

·:L Westfield, N J.

'rhe pipl'�s nrt) cn,·c�·ed with tt E\lQci.n.Hy monitt germ . l?oley's Honey n.ml 'rnr "I'm so sorry, dear. Troubles never the '11hone just a minute" 11ropnrotl aslH.��tos pn.JlOI', coat�ll with Cost of Education In London. �outlws mttl heals tho iufflllucd air pm:;. come slnglr, they sar, nnrl renJJy tt who wanted to borrow n n W!\t�nn·uof \mmhliing compouu�l, and To ell\\C\\te Lmu\on ln tlle -lmblic sngc1 RtOtl!-i tho congh nncl expels tlw must be so. Hnt let us hope for tho 'rhen n dusty looking joints :1r� ma<lo light Ly stl'iP> :1nd In· day schools costs $35.000,000 n yenr. col<! from l'Olll' "'""tem. Utofn•e sub· best. Pet·haps they wiiJ not abolish wenr\ng the UI'Ond brim Teleuhono connection

( sult\ltng ct�me:ut. The tn·oh•tt:vu is 'l'h.crc arc i50,0UO \HWHs u.ull 20,000

stitntP�. Gnle's Phnnnncy. you I' }JosH ion, nntl even if they do ft west opened the doo!' and • clalmeLl to IJ:..• I''{·J'nL:un·nt.ly J;.1rabl�. I tenchel's. may be that you can step lnto some- tho chief. UU&L"H rEF.O"'-"'"'" __ ,.,_ .... ,_ • ..,.. __ IIiliii __ ...,_"''"""'" ·-----------��-------·"'--- thing else tlml will bo fairly good. I "Arc you the head or this -�-----·--· --============================::-=-======ii hcal'd Jl3\lll say onco lllat the I ucl<lest mcnt?" he nskcd.

i05 & 107 r .. 1ARKET ST.

C<lR, W.'\.SHINC.TON, NE.WARJI\. Removal Sale.

- thing llmt Cl'er hnp[,ened to him was "r' nm that unfortunate," �'0 105 &@107 �� ��.:J m � tLJi� � I �)jj<l� ��� \�J�r ·�a. "' !:I ·� A:.-; � ��<51

. · � MARKET �T. �..,.. NCOR. WASHINGTON, \�.¥1 . II EWAfi?K.

WU:.II�E OUJt :SJ;:\\' Bl11.'i.J11Sn AT �7�70 .\1.\Hiii-!T STH.Etn• IS IH�l:-iU CU:S6"l'RUC'l.'1':D

being discharger! !Jy a hardware lll'nt pe1·son addressed. lie when he was n ruung mnn. He got stouogt'aJJhet· not to Into the dry goods business nlmost "I represent the Nevada imme<llntely 1m1l In a yen1· was higher c ompany and we want your than he could e\'el' hnve got Jn the If the Jlricc Is right. My hnrtlwnre l ine if hc_llndremnlned fn·ft 'l\fnchlnoi'Y D1·Jvcs 1\Ion,' nil his life." last got tho company to Iool< unut things ";GI'O diffei'Cnt wJicn my wny.u , . )'Olll' father was n young mnu ft·om "F hn1·c n clleck here for whnt they arc uo1i·. If 1 should Jose chuse -of. the ·ni:JChine•

i Dependable l�urniture and Carpets From a Responsible Firm m�· present position ) dourt kriow 'l>resfdenl of the company whnt l eniild turii"to. And ·lltm·c's nn·· to catch .the nine o'clock other thing ·I :·nm comtu31le<l to· fell' to-ni gilt, but l'rl 11\w to see you. ·A cousin of mhio lms been 'rir- of,lho town before I go." restecflu New Mexico for · ho,·se "stenl: 1'hc chief glunced at the ",. �early n quarter century's rt·put:llion for hot���r�1l1le ancl ort\1ndnx L1;1,sine�s methods shnuiJ app<'al to every prospective purchaser, The Ktr�h pohcy 111:1)' b� summ:tnz�d m tour word> (no,\ or l!bd� GooJ. It s worth llltlch to len ow that the firm that sells you goods is lt\g, I· feel the disgmce ,·er)' •Jtcrinly ar.' "IV hat do you think or �1oth able n��tl williug lo give YO II a �quare Cl<':ll. ��·erythin:r. r.:d�c�d from �4 toY.!. In no instance Jess thnn !4 off and in many cases. 1t e>:ccctls ''off. Not thnt much less thtlll th� pr1ces prcymlmg 1n other stor�s. but that�

.less·than our regular low prices,

and could not thin!< or asl<lng. you tr. telegraphed ,:npWiy, 3IJUI'e It wllll. me." · , ' · '· 'Pho booi<keeper's "IVIiy, denr, I don;l sec ,;111·. rom: i;h·e It up.·. COUSin's. mlst\OetlS ShOUld . t:elJ;,Ct' OIJ •'''l'!Je Chief. looked fill•lli'Pil•OII!<I )'OU In an)' WflY. I nm nfrnlu nil of us his wife: '!'hen he crossed have comins who nre not models of. and mut lei'Cd In hel' enl': virtue. .Don't let that. htlerfe1·c. with .,, .'' �Frnld r . can't llcep thnt )'Ottr 1\Rillllness. ] Shull neve1• thlnJ< .engtlgement, n flU!' all, I'll

Velvet Carpet. We h.we taken four patterns

from our regular stocl; that sold at $1.25 and marl;ed 89

, them, including sewing, C laying and padding . . .. . . Ingrain Carpet.

Fnur patterns, all 1\'ool, that nlways soltl nt 90c., 69 made, lu!d nnd line,!, C I ��� s;�c;����·���·;�ocker I

Same as cut.

We have but 18

O:tl;and 10 Ma· hog any left, reg,

price �3.50, while

th<'y 13st


Collapsible Go=Cart. Snme ns cut.

Brass Beds. We must ha�·e the right klnJ. The cnthusl­nsm with which these teJs :tre being snappeJ up is suflkient cvldente. A z�inc.h Post ne .. l at

COUCHES (Snme ns Cut)

of lt for n· monmnt. I love viJli: for' In�.� qtati .fello�w around, i rou�,owu true W(•rlh nnd not ior �ny.' Ho .· mn;·· bo. the goods $9.98 THINK IT OVER,

thing lhat rom· !ninlly Is!' ...... · .. · doiisil't' Iook'fL" · ·· · ' Mter he had nm ltis fingers over l]1e "W 11 1 �, piano keys ngaln for .8: Ilttle : ,vhlle be· ·,., . .. ?. , , :n



" hegn

n . returned towh<ll'a the llllll�on sat niui 'grOI)'hlgJed'ns•[L turkey • A. ! said: • . .:· .. · . . . . i" :'B,u(I fwtis·:._.golng to l ... "Oh 11

. . · ' ., ,·.· . .: rnilled·,lhc:chief, .,, I Velour or ".-enuinn ell', se leother, • we •· confound ·.:'it,:. I! :_,y'oi,;,:c · · • · · ' .. ' " - 1 b d t 1 wnnf,'!b · go 'uptown· .:i;,.,.� solid oak, polished frame, open I

oun ° mv.:. me,_ I s,uppose i niny as e 1 If·· • . ·. . I . \Veil siva m;· Go''nlleachiiul· set .tho . .r!n ne.mu ·;you _ve' been _spnnl!conslnlction, reg. $9 50 . day to sult,yonrsolf, 'so)long:::.••:":' �: \ ·

. price SH.OO, sale price • il -Chicago Recor�·llet��;.'t mlnu•me.'� ''t�:A��IYno\v,'".:It� salt! :to =======!:========= =-"'--:'�==-=-- - �=, /' _ ' .1 , ,keeper .whon his wlfo had

� 'd' C h 'E • - · "' t' ·I ---:--- " her '•fih'ger 's'uddenly rO! tng ouc I ' xtenston Tables •,, mmenoe Profit to Postoffice;. me$50." "·� • ' II As showing !he enorni' - 't"'".. .-. ,; '"' ·'�" '" T\\o dlslinct couches can i'c useJ when plocej I .. , - , · . ·lnken' In I 1 l ous ntcrest , Answer what you can· of . $" 98 I shle by slue as a full;,. ted, and by sll,ling �� regulnr sn.so Golden U.ll<, ' llr!Ush JO • merck� competitions, the he' Cl!lled oviir 'his should sredal at.............. ..... ......... iJ, 'ono under the other cnn: •'uscd•n••n s•p•.,t• !42 mch Round Top T·1ble $8., .. 62, I , · 1 ... stmns!cr:oenerai stales thnt slenographel' ns he ti'Ottcd With leather hoo-.\ <t 75 e· Ira I couch. Nntlon•l SJ'I'i� .. I ! 9'•t- .$. 4' -2' 's" ' tit' , - •

• . .. during A,ugtls( Septombor 'nod ociob'er tile "IIi·osiie'C"t" In tow N .1 1 • ' d: ' tr��s� tm�d"2 boiSte�iS.� ReguJ{fr-�._ ,.. i".P ' h•··· :�·� --·":;:..1-l!t�,;;�;:.�:�;�Kw:;:t�,.J�.}' � 1�f;.:_J��t';)_'e�r .. ;;.!l!��tEtnJ , llUDlbel' 'of·�sfX;'I' i't�The"7.mornin" nfto �� o mm or P 10ne or ers. rnce ;B, ""'Y sp<elal at.......... . .. � . . .. , . . . Sl:.,. Goldet\ Oa!; 44. inch pe�uy postnl orders sold. ·'' 4 • . o r, le .. ·. ,_,, , " ., .. , ... , c .. ,-, ... n ... ' ,.,,R ..... d'•-'· r·· ·; .. ,._p ·yf·'·'·�·:·'':'· '·••· -.. ' 'Inthe'cOl;r . . .. ,, was,3U,OOO. -Into the office, showing �..,':::", ·'.

·' ; ;:.;.:,_;;y:;,,_, � . ;" '·

_1 ·· _ ·,9-U·.·.

n '·






. pP.:.,_ .. p IS.le.· .

tl;,q: ..

'. :j. _F'2

_ 5. ,·_. .

this )·cn'r Ut�s�0·l!. _41_l!� . � tbt·ce. mou.tlls _or_ ;II Turkish bath scrubbing, No. i 6old �ledal ��-:.;. -�'.;;::,. , .,. ,1ab�e at . .. .... ,:•'·:···:'.,;;.-::-,�oj}:·�-,:!. . , ''18-tlniei''ris n�� ��ber,w.ns 5,772,000, or the. booklmo pe r a check 16.18 -��""" - )I

_?�Q,,Golden.,_9a_I(Jabfes .

. ;;; .SIJ.O_ 0. _mcnse 1,r_o

_ fit __ to_ f1· Th.I_s.mea_�.



.. m


• .r_w_n·J.

the Nevada S1Jve1· llllne Ranges . •·"''"'"� .. ' :·. ;<· , .. ... _ .,,:'·' ,, . ··� ·-:;.";"."""· .. . ,,.. ., .... ", """ - " . "� ���·t?ffice •.. ::>··.,. nnd. drOPIJed tho order for rS3QGolacn Oal< Tnble3; . .. . �22.50 · . . "'-';;!'::•·,;::: chhtcry into tho hold·u1, tile I 1 •·Hf·. · · ., ·: .. ,. · · · · · Increase ln · H bit' b · · · ""''·'·•·!· · · · · Ask the woman who uses one . . . . . _ .. ,· .. .. ... . ... , . . ... , . . . _

i_· ·_?!\0. !_Ci9lde!)'Oal< Tal,)lcal:·;:.SJ.O:OO. q Slnco 1902,. wiJ a tl

• l_e Land.:· " ,;; • .'�he boolck_eeuer looked 11t ================; . ,

··�·'·"···· _.., •. �' ' ,_ ... ., -��·:;,.," 'niatio·na6t' �as

en Jefederal.,recln· S,CCilUenlly nnd·wns not

smBsoARos � oFr i Parlor Suits � O�!Jthi���; .. ��iit�i-.�_3_�-- .•·-·o+_:


. ��};'r���;��tl;j�9����:�e_c�t .1 E:¥UJ1Ef{.{!���af�E ::;f�f,f.;@l�l:;· �;';���;;���;;������;;=�����;;;,������g���� . . . . . · . �t .. Y,enr ·111nl�e: an· In· of nn envelope. •rwo Items ., ___________________ . -·- · crease of more tlJnn.12,000,000·a 'cr'· . . " ''}·f�.�tr:': ;,, :' .•Y"?'�;��¥:�i'l."·:i,o/.fl,::�'"''�";�''d:':'?!;"'(''''' ,.> .. ·. .. , tit� country's h��J����J,;��.��'i;J?i:�; �; -����� .. muff, $97.00. and


Pr����·���������m���cc�to����--T1rooHE�B�IR�D�noFF �WE�sffmiE�Lo.=[r�;;�::���=========��:====�--�========== 1 , Jl& (ll l f1 1, 1NH1 A t•ullltt•t•(, -tlun•d l'll•• l lul' THE NEW � • • l oiuul•••·t'"' "1"1 1"�""""''· '111 N"11 ' A Paper H1ad Balore lh• 111oma,•'s �lub ol ..

\'l•ll(lll, If ���� o lll h' � l l',f t'tt J'il l'th'f r g " II " �==:===-·--·-T Wastlleldl Fe�ruary lOth, 1908, by TYPEWRITER 'WWI!liOI\1) tlot tccl), J. William lloyd. GIRL �J.Iilil ri;t•i ,l l'i �( I I IGN t l )•; - 1•'11''1• l'lttt t•uh "1' 1 '/'/tl, '•1/•o'l ll•ill l• o' /WMillud '•'liolll,l• ill llll { lh t'I"L l'4••lt•llllltl, llt•uurllt'll, Nt•w .Jm•"m)' , ,.

tll'l h A \'t• lntu n••d I•!••Hi u••m Ht t·••�>l. �''I'""'•·•· .�t.w.l.u,/ . .\',•,·mid imt,,llmmt. 1 II�================W Hllllllll)' l l n. ttl . l \YtultiP!IIt lnyt•\'t•ttlttlt tot U l1l luulc A1t 1l l l t lr'l l I \"1111111 t.t•ll ,l'tlll l llllt lltl o; Ht ndllllol' I'IIUIII I I JII•II dllll>' • Jl) 1\o lllo I l l � lllo l \\ltllt'l l l l l l c�hl'ltil lnn t'inh•lll'll lllt•rntut·n lll\11 hu 141 lttly IN IIIIJI'tl lll\!11�' IJI' UII IVUI'I'IIllly Jtt 114· ulolllilll'<l, All 111'11 1"''""11"'• HI !tin ln nl� I I Ili rtlliKn ui' Nntmnl l(l�llll'y, (J-11lN;i lllr.liA•i;j, jj;j,.ii;{;Jiiiiiiiu <W liii ii iK'l'. I t IH lll'tllllli!Jii l,l' u}nm lu nil. I�Vllll 111 "''''• l f••tn•.v II. Uu••J'tl!ht,Y, l 'n�r�lut•, Um·. t hu u t i''" t l lnt'H Ill''' hh'IIH, In Ull l' HUll· 11\1111'14 n. l>t1nrul'l h, IJ. u., l 't�ln!• l�uu•rllnH, Ill' I IIlii low IIH IIIII)' II I'll 11\'ni'Y )'Hill' I IIHI'n �:::::1:�� ��·��:�::\'\':r �����·{,\','���� n�llll���·,'.�:l t':;.uy':,',� I I I I I IU'I'UII/4, 1�\'1111 thu hUtl•l'hhlott, fl' 1 1 1111\1.111� IV"hll•"'ln,l· 11\'lllli llK ��� H II• 111• A ilhln lu lnnl< lllll. ul' 1\' l lltlUII'o nmy KI IIIIY 1111111'1.\' wultlltitlll '" nil, l.lwm, 'l'u Hillll,l' I hu rnul!K !IIIII t'uUMI. uil 1,1111�'1' 1 1.\ i''l'l�'l' U I I IJI!ll ll , WoHIIlulol, fol,l . llllnl!l, 'l'o Hlll<ly lhu lluwnrH !.1111 �/IIIlO, JJ ltuv, (I, .f, U l't'Nli\'Unl , A. lit., JIIUil lll 'l'o Ht tuly t.hu HIUI'/'4 you tnnHt. l'nh yon•· '"�����:\·,��· u.� .. 1�):!,',�:····1··�.·1Yl'l' )lt•I•Lhl 10 Ut lllo HlllU)t. Hnt with UI!JlOI'IllUit\' U llll I� l'rmll'ltlnK lll.lll n. "' ' litttuln)' tlnh"ni1� o'ul<k•lr, l l l lht UIUJOIII'III{Illllllllt. l h11 bi i'IIH, Ill 11111Uh Yuun� L'unplu'H 1 11'11YII I'�h·lltltl� ll.·ln p.no.l 't'1 '1111h· u! I huh• t tniiVll w!hlur�H 111111 nll llwh· hii:C 7.·11i ••• Ill· Mit! Wt!ult lll'IIYIII' llll!ldtn.c, Wtd lllltl\'u lJormt)'o wlll l!llii\U tn )'ntl, ri11111· nu�tliiY. ti \1. 111, \' lilt IU'u lllll'tllnlly tm•ltrnl lu Ill• tutu! uti t '""" ""rvlm�. ___ 1 1 1111' 111111 wlntul', ul!;hl. n111l olny, hy louul

llllll HUll, llwv lllltY ltn Kilui!Uil, A lUI nl· M.



11�,1.C iii,�.��.t�ti!J. I, JIJ,����!�lK,\�:��. WIIYH thuy ohool' yon bumnsu Hll full n! " ' ' 1 H t 10 IR llfll llllli Vfi{OI', �::11,':��,, Pln��im�11}11'�'?ian�:\'.11'1:1t'" nu:::�� u�hml11l 1 hOJIO you ltlllloi'Htntul �hut, in J.{lvJug

Hl'.'uJUJ I1t1!1o1'J'1,.?1t1o.otUitlt1¥y��.Iu��jf1��.1tl,•,.ff1��Yul�t\������·t�l' 1 1 10 " 'l'ho Hh1l� nl' \Vl•HI lluhl " I'm• n. l!.u �·' " W 1 1 Kllhjnct )'oll lllLI'O glvou 1110 t1 VUI'Y iiii'AU ��:�1A':,��·�,tl���·n�:·;'�l��;\!�u�11�������·u·u ��.���� ��Y m·dm• lud(.)Pil, Jr J r·ottfl lu you t'ot• twu

\Vo u.duntl l'Uil n hu•u•ty woluonm tu tluun• hoUtM1 UIHl gn\'B IJttt 1\. frnui Jtnt nr II Hurvlt1111'4. J r lt•'.t. !llunLIIIPtl with uuy uthul' nuu luluutu tu Pnch 1Jil'cl , 1 conhl do 1111 IHuru :faf1�;:��(�:11.w�u��������1\l1t��;u11t�11;1�141.�uc\0 c���ltl���� tlutll mention nil tho 1Jinht that uro, ur htvltu yutt tu umlm thht ohtn'fJh Yllltl' homo, IIIHY 1m, fntiud horo, mul tho wholn

S�'l'. l'.l lJI/H l'ltO'J'IlS'VAN'l' ICI'IHUOl'A!. t.l tln g Wollltl uu !m� lil.tlu IUUl'O luiUI'OHt• Ul ull. 1 s 1 u I�·<� hot· lug thnn ll ealnloguo. !�or thnt Rtll't uf

�m·t�tflru�tll:llt·v�t7\v:Jl1�111:t N.':l�'i�b:urvluml � tltlng, HlliHl to the Omntor or tho Nllt· r.',W;��u;��.,�i:�:lh�·.�ll�tV:J�'Yil�u·::;ltl�ll��t."i� N: :::: nl'lll 1 [tHtory Mml•mm, in Now Yorlc, t'm· llt'" Hlllllllly Ill JUilllth nl I I II. "'' Huty diiYH Ollll\lHIIIU'H List or tho llirl18 1'0111111 u.uJ "· '"· Htuui"Y Soltoul U.llol "· "'' wlthlu r.o nliloH nf Now Yurlt, Jll'lco lr. [:)tuC::i"iJYTI�IUAN UUUHUII-Ituv, 1'{, I· C!llltH I f!Htlllg 11·18 Hlll'CIUS, Of CIIUI'<Il

�tenmt o. o., l'll'itm· t'lut•dmm ; Humluy IIIII flY ot' tlwtro nro H'Cn·bil'dRj not fmuul JU.IIII 11, m. M.OO Jl• 111. �uulnl M••uthtK<-W�'I.In"" lulnntl , lmt. I OHtlmato lho !J I'IIHof W•••l­d ty Pru�·tn• .l\IeoLiug8.UO JJ. m.; Httntltty. \ uung llulcl UH ILtJ}Il'OX:iltlntiu�-; 200 i l l llllllibtlr, �:�'"!{�l.l·��1[:;t����I:�,l;;.,:.i'�;t�.·��·����� �r.�::����� 1rnr llm�lcto thtl wmnl hlrrl!� thoro m·n mllilo to fcol uL hmnu, rm·o mul occutdnnnl ones which mutdi nut

1o4'oea nnll tratCl'I1Itl l$ll'lle rs

LOY AT, ASSOUIA'riON', Union Uonuollc No . : ,fr;, mllot.'l thu thlt"tl 'l'hnr:nlll)• cnuh mpntll

ArllUIItuU Hull, S'tJ. lll, Jt. 1.�. Vul'VI)I)rt, Lonn clllor• IJ. H. J{yhl1 HL'COJ'dm•, Nut tho l U'I/I!HI but 1.1:0 sll'f)IIIJt»d rm.lul'llnl n.'t'l()tlliLLiun.

L'ICATION OF Fl�ll ALA�M HOXllS 1 , , ,, 1['1, WllS'I'F'IELI> • .

· 2'01-Su.;;n�it �nd Pm·k st1·oo.t.

322-0ornor High lnml aml Moun tam Avonnos. 40n-Jmm sti'Oet. n ml Kimlmll nvonno.

ft70-lk0iul nud 11Ii1ltlosex stJ·oots. , u:m -Oillllberlnml St. mul Sonth Avo. 7:\H-Oornnr Olllrk nml Ohnrlos Sts. 8!!!1-l•'ire Dopurtmont house. 93-0ornor of Nortil nud Fourth Avo·

unos. , ACtor suml ing in llll nh1rm stnud nonr

tim cull l!ox until owrivnl or avt>tLmtus.

bo omitte!l. I hnvo never Roun tho inowflnlm hero tho I lonrnml to lovo h 1m in Vormonl , nor tho Cl'O>!Buill, tho L lmow him lu 'l'cuneHsoo, nor lhu red· pol l ; yol nil thoRo !Jhds OllHht to 1•islt Westtlol1l, tnul Jlroilahly lio, nt limes. Nor h111'o I soon tho tnn·plo finch hm·o. Jlnt u luon hllli huon I'O!IOrtoll from tho Dnok Pawl, on tho fm·m uf llh'. Miller, mul bluo ct·anos hni'O oftuu lmon suun lu Olll' lnku11 !Lilli llllli'Hhus. As " boy I klllml nn nrctic m· 11110\I'Y owl , on tho tnonntnin, 1111 <1 1 lloliovo lhnt lJ1·, Kinch lutH 11 Ht.nll'ud HJiucimou tltnt wns ldllml huro. ''" · n' IJoy, too, I olon.r!y ulon tlllutl n htthl onglu on tho orlgo of tho Big Woo1l11, llbni'O my. homo, A1nl •ory recontly I saw 11 turlroy bnz .. u·ll sailing i n mnguiflccnt cimlos oror tlw rap of tho mountnin . Bt1t ovon otlr common birds CllllUOt nil bo rlono justice to, itt 11 JlllflOl' liko l.llie, 1t1tll tllor••l'oi'IJ I huvo <locidc1l to con:ino mysulf mostly to tltoso lull'll lo hlenti!y.

llttt fit·st ftll' " wou1 on our " urt." �·o lrnnw blrtl.i woll yon must follow

thom llllold nml l'Oillll the woo<ls null ;bores. Yon CUll lwow Hinch or them without this, hnt this is tho huppiest, liS woll lls tlto most sncccssful wn.y to thul thom ont. - no sm·o yon� tnkc n. gooil "lnss witl1 ynn. l\lysui F I tnlrc t11·o, nml titi� J would tLI.·m ml\•iso yon. .An OJIOI'll­glnss wll.h 11 Im·gu oyc-jticco .J'm·, bird.< uunt· all, htuul, or rc:itlm;� ol' lllotiou, u.ncl " fioltl-glttss, or to!Mcopc, for bini� rlls· towt o1· stn�ioumy. I luwo " sumll tole­scope .whieh I llwl vory sntisfnctory. •rho tlold is Slllnll, but powot'fnl, n1u1 n birtl so fttr1 oil' thnt ho cnunot IJu toll! !'rom n lonf m· n nest l1y the nuked can he Ul'onght so closons to be iustnu I lrl uutif!m\, , 'l'his 1lMn.nt obsm·vntio!l doos not llistnrb tho !Jirtl, tuul ho IS USUILlly cntil'oly UllCOilfiUiOUS of. YO!lf esvinl. 'l1hm·o i,qgruntrul

_vnntu.go 111 tlu�,

tlS yon nnJRt soo, !'or ho ts . <]mto nt ·Ins onso nmj nuturnl • . Alwnys lnko " nato­hook with yoa nuil noto · your oh;urvn· tions, right then nml Lhm·o. �rhoy aro twice ns ncmu·ato ItS _thoso mn:lo .from momory, null tho momontyon bogm· to rouor<l yonr ob:4br\'ltLious, in thnt tHO·

1 boHin to rc1dizo how impor·· foot nut! to lind out whm·o next Mmo. Yon

t.n'"""''''"'''' I'_ lll111Cil

'l'l1u uuw t > )lull'l' l lol' Hll'l, ilulloi'M In With 11 ilriJ�hL Hlllllo, 111111 II ol100rru1 "llmul lll<lllllll!f," (tl l ll� tllll het"'l ft'CJIII hill' m lwh lnu 111111 Huts 1lnwn with n l'hl tiOI', IIIII! ltjtUnK hOI' lllltlllh Whunco CCJIHod;

"'l'horu, lhnt. hom! nlwnys hnn�s lim! way, I llun't lmnw what mnl<os lt. I'm f\III'I'Y· 0, 11 you don't mllul, I'm MIII'U I llnn't, I hnvon' l nny IIOI'VCS) IIOYI!I' llld hnvo•nny: n CI'VOS1 1 My shitul' snya sho mivtcs hns IIOrVCH) she'll JUIIIJI If YOII hu1•, IJousn't mnlw nny whcthor you'1·o )Jieusan\ Ol' !IIIII IlB just the snme. · ' OJ t•ontly, IIcon I'Ondy IVoHdolotl why )'ou 11

"0, do�1·1 Dcnrl · No, nothing's oxnctly wrong, 11Jtelletl onthnslnsm with tm tho louglnulng don't you "l'wonltl ho nil l'lght If l'tl ut the eml. Wonld YOit ml nlug nsnln nt the word em•nn•m.sm '!'bare! 'l'het•e's that lnLerroo:nuon. uolnt ugnln coming In whm·o mn ough t to bel It mu\tea look so funny, tlon't you !mow. 'l'ck I I' do wish the thfug llliiiBl'\!1 nt all.

"Is thnt so? Did c·r·o c·l·tJ.I.!-o? Well, I Wtts thinking, My that when I'm thlnltlng 1 1 lhlug.' Croc·l·dlle! look funny! Why, yes, I'm to go on. Did ·you rica? Plense suell It! • '!'hare, that lnten·ogatlon ' Imlnt nguln; •lmu·!

"JJI11 ' ! )lilt a comma between sontll' nmt South Amm·lcn 'Well, I thought thnt you were talldng about tho south,' tho southol'll states you !mow • . , cnn'L nlwnys tell �vhm� 1 you wunt n comma.' Yes, I lmow you lold me not to lllll In nny IJUnctuallon mnrlts hut to leave It �o you, but I 'got so used to llllttlng them Itt that It seems ns If I must.

't you tlilnlt thnt when you get used to doing anything you kee1J right

'on doing It? N-o·u or n-o-w for JlUCU· monln? Why, yes, It does bcght wltll a '11,' doesn't It? I forgot nil about It, S[lelllng is funny, Isn't It? ' CniJital C fo1• conchology? Well , I dhln't !mow, but I'm willing to learn, Conchol-IR the next letter 'u' or 'a?' Dill I spell o•·nlthology, orlntllology.? ;Well, I think ' you've glveii me 'tho foro I've learned It now. dous J t nol? 0, 'g-g-y:' lcm•n ! · I shnll know nc· xr·unlK' I'<nnc K·a-n-o? �'ho one ,yuo>i.lUIIO•U:Jtu<>!'�' don't want to how ym1 Hitell hIs one In tho ,hRIIS ' ho

BtJying By Mail

Dry Goods or 'Phone.

DON'T forego the tremendous advantages of shopping with a great store like this because you happeu to be located at a distance. Orders by mail from any place within fifty

miles will reach us In a few hours, and will be filled so quickly that you will be surprised to find the goods delivered to you by wagon or mail, often lhe same day you write,

We have beltered our Mail Order service year by year so as to make it wholly satisfactOJY lo !hose people out of town who don't find it convenient to visit the store frequently.

You can feel when you send your orders here by mail, .. 'phone Ol' lclegraph that they will be filled in the most lntelll­. gent way by experienced shoppers; who will Cltrefully ii1lerpret

your wishes, and you will get the goods speedily by 'mail, ex-press or freight, as YOU elect, ) ' c·' • • : ,

Thank your stars if you have a 'phone at'your 'elbow, for

' then you cim explain fully what you wish aM. we cah act on •, . your ordm inst:tnlly.

If you desire to talk with any head of a department or sales person just call "3460, Newn.rk. "

HAHNE &. CO. T he Gre�t State Store.

Broad. New 6. Halsey Sts .• Newark. N. J.

\ - \\ J . Sa I RVI NG C0.,1 '\

l< l l, :

•, Women Poor law Guardians. '"'rri England iind Wales nearly a thou· �and 'wOmeri nre serving on the boards of JlOOr lnw gunrilhtns-organlzntlons slml lnr to the ovcrseel's of the poor of tbls countr�.

A Narrow Escape. Mnny pcot•lo bnvo a ll!ll'l'OW cscnpo

fl'Om }mou.moni11 nnrl consumption ns 1t result of n col<1 that bangs on. Foley's Honey nm1 'far cures coughs nurl colds no matter !tow tleop seated nml prevents tmcummJia mul consutn}1tion. Rcfnso suustitutcs. Gnlc's Phnrmnoy.


Coal, Lumber, \ Building Materials, Mouldings and Kindling Wood, Fertiliz�\

• -=-nr Lnv:n, Carden and Flold.. _ Office and Yard.--Central AYC.1 near R. R. Crossing, Westfield llrcoivc Prompt Attention.



Special Accommodations for Board ing Horses. '!30ARDING AND LIVERY STABLES

. The Big Ba t·ga� n Sa e. The One J\t\ost Ta lked Of. G lasses== THAT FIT.


VAIL .. Old Stand, •'03 ParK Ave nue,

4·--- --------------- ----�--L-


ill , .. f!�f .


\�f�trleld, N. J , Ur•nch Ollie•

" r. N, aun�um, ' ,[! 79� Uruod Sl., NoworkoN,.J, .f�BIIIK l!111 .. �·nriiiHill'l

Pro�rams ol service for several Denominations During Com·

l�g Wee� .

. Baptist Church.

Our W a re rooms a re fu l l of W e l l M a d e a nd N e atly D e s i gn e d

F U R N I T U I� E C a l l a n d S e e O u r Stock.

,: We have confidence in ·our ability to please.

>Rowl ison & Jones, : i · .'l..:I_O .. J !'i l 1!:. l?ll.ON"'l, ��[' .• . l' 1.4 .\... I N 1<'� J E L. l> .


and Summer

. .. : . .. • Nn·rra-N" '"rr••rl l•••nu•nl. fill' Uti• '"''"\"" 61\1� !111 U\IWII tnl' 1"\it l imn '''�' 111'111�. IH"'I, "1 �: IIIJLitltiiii iU 1!1•11111 Jill I' llnu,

Announoomont, No u hwtiHcnrcnlH tnllcu

lclctrlwhc fur lhiH culnmn.


uvcr the i\11 UtlH,

rlwri..rfiili'Miri-=ii'ifi,j.;�HT,;:;,L, ··-

()ANNJU. iiiiAI:"I·,;iiiltmATICI'I ANI1Jiiiiic PrJAtm, 'J'ntl u Ht·u"'' WtttU!oltl; N, ,J,

· WHY ? I

Assuming the population of Westfield to be 6,000,

If each one would save on an average, ltm tmu iH JIM' tlttll It would amount, in the course of one Not ll�e Ol�er Houses,

hut l'ofluutlug �·uut• owu luollvlol '1'1mt IH whut yuu WIUit. YUill' I . !Jo, J!Knmluo our Ktuuk o! WiLli $2 1 9000,00. porK umJ llnht•ltJ lluuglugK 111111 lot' HllggcKt udgfuuf 1\lltl llol'l'l \\'IISH·.

· ... . . whtch thoy mny !Ju ntlll?.col In ·

·. P�oples National Bank of Westfield wE �L:'c''tt''s R 0 s. /Jt'/llll'lmtm f /til' l'lm•/1 A 1:t:olluiH. - .

11'H& l"JJt,\U'l'ICAJ, PA!N'fJUUi �0� ll•·utul Sl•·out 'l'ulot•hono l l l·.T.

Executor's Settlement· Nntlt!u ls lwl'tll?.• Jfh•t!ll, t1111� tho IICJtjtJ\I I I t

:�!��������:;��11ll;�·.�����i¥:�t:�,':{ �����:�r ,�·,:��� · 16 E LM S T R E ET. l't1J;"IIl!!1 Ull!} l't!JIUI'tt•Ll ful' HOU(l'lllt•llt �0 01·plum� UourL or t im Uunuty ur Unluu1 nn \\'L'I.llle:!tlltj"1 thtH![t!\'t!lllh tluy uf .1\IUI'IJII nuxt. ------ ------ -- � . --- --------- - -- ------------·

.l!'llt:llKIIIllK A, l{INCU. · ' '

News About People ol Wesllleld and Its Suburbs ... ·Other Items

or Interest

It's Up To The Tax Pager. ·.To the l�tlitor of tho Shuulnr<l . . Dcl\r Hir :-ff pl\rty who mnilerl .me

Iotter Fo!Jrntu·y 2!1th, sig11iug hi mself n , ;' 2ml ·: . . 'Y••tfiehl taxpaym· will be mnn enough • i' •nil . · recer<liug tuthur to �ign 01' givo mo his ltl11ll0, . cn:r '

r I will iuve�Mgnte hiH complnint. Other- Hyslip ; corrcspoll! mg wi•c tho pmpcr place for · hiH Iutter ' gonut Bush ; trunsurct•, would !Jb in the wnsto.!Jnslwt. ·' stein. Aftor t•efrcshmouts were

Y0ors rc•pcctlully, 1 1�1111 n fow gn.mcs phq•ed the H. ll'. 1Iom��s1 ErN, _ 1 • Oh<lirman �'ire Committee. n<lJOUl'ttetl. I

'!:!!.!•l ·T·�"llll')' "i•t, ruuH. ·. There A re Several Reaso ns W�y ' '';'}.

.':'· · ·.. IK IIII osuollon� �imu to luwo wall pnporlng, ' lntm;lor runnishiug �;d··; : . tlo�omtlng llunll. J,l\•ing ll llll'u i n l h u houso �hiLn out dom'H, you Julv<i:· ·

111oro UJII'OI'Iut tit.y J'or lhu on.io,l'lltent fur wlmt is 1lunu, mul a l(l'l'Uter iuceJi· · to attollll to tho •lui nil• '"""'""'"'' with it. Wtlh tho Now Yenr, como· ' l>llt.l.llrliH tlltol styles in wnll JIIt llur 111111 whnt. wo hnl'o nlrendy •oeu ,"

nt tmctil'o. Ontsiolu work lJOing l�t�•goly c11t off wo nre not so '"'" !'t:ol 11ssnrcol t.lmlo MJfliuiunJ, J i mu will !Jo given to your

lw Illt1HSI.'d In hm•n ,\'on t•nll in onr show room to tulle nud O\'ttl', 'flw I'osnlt will suroly In� plmtsiug to you, It is sur·. feW tll'lflu•.i Hpent 1111 II I'Oulll will do.

The. Moder,n Shop Co. Mod ern .Shop Bui

Phone :z88-J N. L,

& SON ry, Boa rd i n g and Sale Stabl

- - 4 9 E l m Street, • • Phone

· Tunison ®. Co., to M e n

IO Broad St., Elizabeth, N. ] . , Dix Building., ,

�el. �ii3 W. F. R. HERRIMAN, Principal.

Night School now in session. Enter at any time.


MAitKET. HALSEY e BANK 1,. --���· .... ,.._--;.�.·�;;;..;,;;;;��;.:;;_-;;.; .;;· .. � '

!!· ···-·-·· ' . � .


Beds and Bedding�



co. ,

����*�������f ���������������� �Established 1 860. Tel. 59.

I w. \tV. CON NOLY co.

IUndertakers and Embahners � ED WARD N. BROWN, Manager. �Oflice Elm Street, Westfield, N, J, ��������������*!���������m

Laces, Em broideries and New S h i rt \Vaists

-- AT -- '

L . . A. P I K ER,

R. F. tl ohen.stein Deal� . in Flour, F,eed, , Grairi, Straw, Shavings and J>eat , Blankets'ancl · . · ·

and a full lin� ;:trospect Stre:et,

HIS ADVICE ---·------------------�

""""' 11 1·• · y<HI llxotl hHiny, tlnch• , I I I I I ','" IIHit••tl I ho hl'l�ht. )'OIIIIK ' 1111111. " j lp )'1111 thllllt )'llll l'OIIhl Hllllld f<ll' II IIHh t h11W h '/"

"I 'm liii i'I'Y to �II)' t hnt T r-onhlll'l," l'<'lilh•d I ho Vlllurllll. '"l'hiW 1110110)' Hll'llll!l'lil1)' h1111 111Tl'I'IU1) 1110 (U HOJllU OX• llllll . I IIIII KOI'I')' Ill HUll !hill )'Oit 111'6 llt�•lll ll� IIIOiil')' llf!lti ll , JL HOUIIIH to 1110 I IIILI II )'UIIII!l-"

"llh'HS J'tlll l 1 '111 not IIOCIJIIII! mmw,\'1 .. an !II tho yotllll-\' mnn, : ohoul'• fully, "l l.'a tnlu l hnt I lnwon't ' 1111)' !ll'lllll 1111101111\ hlld bY flll' I IIVOK(II\0111 ns y<�t, hut I hnvo suntclout to cUI'I')' 1110 nlung IIIHI sUIIRfy Ill)' fl'lll!lll \l'tllllH, I'm KtliTY to hun1• thnt you lll'o roollug JIDYorty'o pluch. l'm nfrul•l tlmt,yon III'CII'I ul teutllng to �nslllUHH dill• gc .. nlly."


"Wiutt !" snspcd tho sontor, . ' · "JIIlS!Ut'KH Is II t\1111!! tlmt nO\JDll)' rnn uffnr•l to neglect," snltl the lwlght

youu,; 1111111, "You've got to wntch , It or IL's llonml to get uwny fi'OIII you. 'Keep th�· shOJI 1\lld tl1y shOJI •.Will keoro the�.' lntlnatry Is tho Ita)' to sue· cess. You J1111Y smllo, IJut you : iimy J ive to fttal that thoro Ia tJ·uth ht·wlmt l nm sn�·lng.u

"You don't tell mo thnt ! " sold' Uio cltlol' mun, sn•·cnsllcnll)•, · ,.· '"l'hnt's lnduiJttaiJiy wlmt," aaltl' Uic. ln•lght young mntt. "l know thatacimo· tlnica It'" hn•·<l to overcome n ··nntumJ·. lu<lolcnco or diS]IO�Itlou, IJut It cnu 'bo dono. A llttlo solf.donhtl umr iL'· IIttJe · effort will do wou<lera null. you'll soon . see tlto rcfln lts," '. , :.; ):�·_;i\'::.

"'l'hls is cdlfylng-extroniely," i'snl� the yoten�n. . .

. , • .�'�t,;li:.;'

''Of emn·sa, I llon't me[\n to lec.lttre,•r snitl the IJright young mnn .. .. ,:A'ti'tl�f cnn mulw nllownnces. It's· I'Ol'Y.'!IIens; nut to lie uiJetl In the mot1lliui''n•ltl then mosey <Jowu to.· lite ; umca\ .. ·ii( about ten o'clock and go out to htncll nt one �tnd stny till tht•ee and ' then !mock off nt ram·. I lmow · how tl•al Is myself. All the sumo, 3•oil111 ·tfnd


that when yon want n thing .done' you· must attend to It yourself .•and .tiot. leaye It to n suiJordlnnte.

· hours nre for wurlciug ond ltmfirig. Get thi'Ottgh with your nnd then )'OU may fntlnlgo In n hnrm le�:�s recreation with a cl ear �clence nml wHit nctnnl benefit:. work and no I;luy makes Jack . boy/ but all pluy and no worlt , Jack's IJusluess Into tho !muds· or .

receh•m·. . You've got to hustle!" · rcmcm!Jcr that nothing worth · wns ever gained w!thont e!Torl."

''Js · th is costing you much effort?" nskcll th� senior. . .

"1 am <Jttlto willing to make · lnrncd the bt·igbt young


Just tnlklng for· )'Ottl' · !Jccmtso I llko to lnllr, nntura1ly resm�yctl; Rs t11o same time, I reel It wm•n ·)'OU against the evils nntl e;.:.travngnncc. 1'\•c ·got. termed n 'Jnmcll' \\ml YO]t lng more money Umn yott · will say; vcrhaps, that it's,· lmslness If you nrc. 'J'ha lake lssuo with yon. . I ! into•·cst In anybody It ts,deooltl•edl.y;:o•ti'r.: l

MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. com ] I Jllnq Llsl of neoo11t Purchms by

Westllold Public Library. ·' '''"'1'•1111 l liWIIII llurw' lil1i 1JdP

l i<•llnlll,l' lloll>lll l llnlhu•h On111 ln•l l

lllin \•ln Vlnr w lll i tl'ul'll Coch·, H� 1�:c1 , Ul'nlll l i l i l l.lnlllll llok llll\\'>llll IJoylu IJ�tllhlll' liiii'IO

business to speak. · on occitslons- when wP' fo•o\'.·tli'it·cotim•''l'

· need lt." · ·

"l.Jon't npolo�ize. · · 1'You'\'C, got· to remcintiCr ,, , ···· ·• " .. --"

pte don't' think any · niore :of·. you · tln·owllig nwny: momiy,''·'snid l.lle young �nun. ' · : u'l'here's .' n ; snyiug:' thnt · roo Is ·make feasts and. \vlse tiwn ·. cat' theni:• ·I rloit't mMu to hnpl)· thuf )•oti are a fool, Uncle Jlui;. J llilnkyau· (itive a· strcalt ·or gain! · hi ' yo\1 ·siitiieivhcre; llut you nilght consltlet• the Jll'o\•oi;b just tho snmo. ' Another . thing, to re­member .Is . that ,It's·. the. small Uilngs that count . . . 'lllony n ·. mlckle . makes a muckle.'- yot(knm\· .. · ' �'rrike ' cri.ro of tho Jlcnnlcs umr the p(mmls · wlii"take cn1·e · 'of ·llt'omselves.> .. jr; 2u cents: don't !s1ietid ':8o . .

· · · ,ll·itrlln;}·onr

nlor· piece of ron:nnn•.'·' '' .. "That Is

just bought ,,. trimmed· · let." .

"What's tbf� ?;, ·: ' �'Thnt"'s Allee blmi." ' . .

. •Jollnson recov'ercd' slowly, 'but" . .

gnme for another: effort.· • · " .... · · "What would you can thls ?;;. ·

asked, ·,

"NUe green." "And all these yenrs we

they were red, blue, and

· .,�no!!crll(S WMlln � ��CIDrrtS Tfu�fr· V ©Ill r8I&nW@ f�mMJln ilnn :

Hm clhlcs o! rctalllnlf luiVo chnnl(erl vnatly

In rcccut ycurB, •lcspltc tho storcu 111111 fitlll ,

cllnl( to old rncthodfl, '.!'Ito writer well rcmcmbcrH tho flnt nx·

1om o! n�lcamm1ahlp cxprcr.Bcd to hlrn

twcnty•two ycm·a ngo when he wns bohlg Initiated Into commcrclnl Jllo, II wiiil·

·to�, hy ono wh� h11 Jlchlovcc.l n l.ullo mcnRure oi'riu·c�.· ·

l!o then oxr�reasccl tho hll(hcsi !deaf ' 1110 �a1esnmmuup ol lhnl dny ln thcHo words 1 11ArryloriJy

she ll'llnts-thc n�uarl anlcsmnn crln . 't wnnt."

IIRY:JUIS p:lq�c�u by, '!'he modern store hna rovel'!ltlG; .. , , · 'l;oc.l:ll' tho shrewd rc tnllcr lollowa · · Instcncl ol buying whatever merch:mdlse. •

: nnu,tiCptmtllng on smart salesmanship to ({Ct rid of ft, . , that exists most lully nt WANAMAKER'S� '

�w��llnlillil� frllnoofr Jfl®®!PJll® \Y\1/munr ',''; ' :,: • ( ' : ( ' •

' , > c. , _

1 t)� thc.stpdy o f every buyer lor WANAMAKER'S tJ keep in · closest touch·. with the things . the

keep stocks. lull nt nll times. Our ambition :

· : able· to hand' you the exact thh1g n5ked lor� :· !lOt �) WC hlVC other merchandise for the same· b1o1v to \le better, or better value. · · • · :·. ·

· · one of the great merits of · n stor� . th�t one wants to buy year alter year: th� .. old:

so:nc1:mttg newer nml better is obtnin:\ble: ·�. ·:But:· in the store, it may seem safe� i�' buy ·

. thing than the unknown bette� thing::' . . ·.. :

" '

.shop at WANAMAKER'S your purchase i� s�� judgment of .the most expert merchandise


Not a line of merchandise, not nn article· skill has selected it lor

. its price n�tl purpose ..


· . ACCI DENT ' . R�LAR V . �' ��;�, � \E: LOANS ON . liiOU'fGAGH .

Sleam]arble and Granite Worls . . lo'ENOING FOR OEMETERY.PI,OTS, Variety of Oranl e �·· numentt : ��eumatlc Tool& for Ldterlnl and CarYina.'

f.� . . L • . MANNING 6c SON .. ·.Front 8t, Cor, Centrai'A••k . . � •. .F;LAINFIELD, N • .1.


A O�tlnty Bath l.:!Lhut• ! 1 1 c•olt l ll'l'llt.ltm• ot• 11'111'111,

nolh i lll! !!11.11 cnlltpnt•o with Li to ox­i llln t·ulllll! c•IYc•uL o! tho tllllly h11Lh.

J l, I� tho lniiiiii 11Liou u! IJOOII hmlth. 'l'o mulco lt unjnynhlo tho tU!I!tlHHnt·leH

llliiHL ho plonHIII lt Utiii iiJll'f'f'llhlo, I r ,I'Oill' lmth· t'onut IH unt juHL nH ,Vnll \1'11\lltl htl\'ll li., h•t II� l\lllktl I t Mil,

:1\�1:. :tJ•.J=f,..t�.Z l'i113J, '.l'11luphouu 2/i.l,,

J. W .. Manhattan DEALER I N

Al l Ki iuls of BLUE STONE. Residence s o Ulm !•lace, Plalnfleltl, N, J .

Flaa[ina, Gur�inal Sills and Copina. ,\11 WOI'lc tlnno UlltiCI' ITIY )lCI'Hillllli HllllCI'I'iHinn lllld !lll:\l'lllli.Cl'll.

**** * ******'*************

T UT.rLE BRO�. : *

Coal & Lumber. ; *

W tf• d LONC DISTANCE * \'ards- es ae avenue, TELIPHOMl * Spring and Broad Sts., Westfield. *

****** * ***#********* *• **

• • . . THE . . . . · GUARANTEE MORTGAGE


CMm GA PIT.\J, PAID IN $ 2 5 0 , 0 0 0

TH :�,.�usn� J\���!,';i'���t!��� ���.�,����H!�!����:��� un hun!l and mm•t.gngu, mul JuUI lllnt·t· -1-{ll!Jt� fur smlu, Jll'fnuiJJtll mul lntuJ'l'til gnnJ'­Ilntut'(l, lWlUug tJm iU\'tlS(.ur 6 }UH' CIJJ\t wJl.hllut CIU'u H!i tu t.u:tJH, limmmnuo, eto

OFFICERS! ANnrttm" MoT�nMl - - - - - Preslch•nt flt:ouoB P. llU:i'l' - VlcuPr�. mul C�nnsel ,

[uformatiou clworfnlly furnished by 2��!;�!:)s:·��g�;�� - _ - . - _ ·_ '�����\\!'�� Paul Q. Oliver, ft.ui� .. ��\�;r��������N . • A�<ttsim;{t.�!�c?t.����-�!�

Jlcprcscutiug 'l'bo Gnnmntoo Mort;ii•go mul 'fitlo Insnrnnco Company BAN K B U I L.C I N G

T>·:I,&J•no:m: No. J J J .J, W E S 'i' �' I JU,D, N. ,J.

Alexander Hunt, Wilcox & Pope, Painter and Decorator.


Theo. A. Pope

Latoat rl ctign in \Vull p11por al' WIIJS 00 hfUJ!].

£m and Quimby Streets, Ohcorfnlly Furuiahccl,

.Jobloing Promptly Attouclttl to . WeoUield, N. J.

..... A GAS RANGE Is Someth i ng that ev.:ry H ou!'E'holder should have

MO DI RT, H E A: T O'R ftSH E S $ 1 4.0 0 to $28. 0 !>

The Cra�ford G�ts Light Co. 196 BROAD STR E ET, WESTF I E LD, N J ...


J n :lhe " Standard "

THE DAMSEL IN Standard's C�ec�ers I DISTRESS an� Chess Column. '

·� Morooo Zollnre

I lmd hoon I'OI I tllng ntnl'lllH In tho Wo<lklh!H nhout hln�u nlull mun I!OI III! !01•th In tho Htruola nllfl thu I!UI'kH u! l>l'<lflt olltuR hmlflll!l I'll!' Hll'\1111!11 llllVOII• llii'OH. In nil lhuHo Hlfll'luH, ovon In thu lllOHt CIJnllllflll l lhiCO lllli'IR O[ t110 city, atlv�l\l\1\'o 111111 l'ol\\nuco IIIVI\1'111· hly Jll l!ll't'l 'llll i\IHI HI'Ot•lud lhoHO lnU�· urn ll!llgbtH orrnut.

Aflor \'CI\Illllll HUVornl nf thORO IPIOS or n�vonliii'U I IIOCIIIIIO cuuvlucml thllt tho llllOXIlOCtotl llWUitcfl Oil UVOI'Y COl'• 1101' Ulld In UVOI'Y [UI!•CUnt IIIIIUIII'OUIU or the oily, All thnt wus ncotll'ul WllR to 110011 ono'a uyl!a OI!OII,

All or I hcao II etlan 1101'008 WOI'O lich, blnsu clnlmwn, llOBHuHslnu gubtl loolta, "lu11nncnlato clollloH," nnd tlmo to burn If ll�lY wlnhed to dispose •1! It In thnt wny, My IJUaltlon In lifo Ia dlllor£>nt, In fact. lilY IJOBitlon Is that of clark nt tho ahll't connto1' of 11 do11nrt· mont atm·o, llnt 1 111n cnllotl n "swell <l1•oswr" I>Y tho glrlR of my· ncqnnlnt· nnco, althm1gh I hnvo not ncqlllrod tho distinction of being "hnmncu.htlely garherl," On Sunday night I nm . na lolstu•oly ns tho ltlleal or tho ldle·rlch, and I hnvc Invested In a . euno, �r rnthor, 11 walking stick, I would 'nl!ect even n monocle lf . r wore .not ufral tl that I might run acro2s somo ul iny friends, · ' · · .. · .· . '

Oue Snnday night, . therefore/: I anlled ont . ln sent·eh or ndventi1ro, · ·rn tho most BJllll·oved knlght'ermnt style I wnn�ercd nhnlessly nnlll ubout• tim o'clock before. n chance ·1n·osentool It· sell for daring deeds. or gallnnt rea· CUOB. I WIIB iJeglmilng to . think ' LIJUt J>erlmps I lmd· 'mttho w•·oug colot•etl Ua nr muybo I tlld : not'. look' sniTiclently hored, . whon I si•lti<l • •i' lonely mnldon: She was lllllo nnd pho · lmd, an nppcul; lug iliHI . llllth�lloJook ·as · she ·durte� hnst)' glnnces UJJ nnd dOII'n th� �tr�etl

Catching , sight. or. me, she · lll!rrlet\ townrd mo with n rellovcd. cxp\·esslori; "Oh,. ulcnse, won't . ym1 Wl\lk · wtt\1 nic a· little way 1" sho .. said, '.'I : nm frlgh toned. I .lm·got my pn i'BO rind. had· to walk homo nnd that ., big · .colored man ncross tho street hns boeii' foi! lowing mo. I think he's n rublio"r;'i. I'm torl'lbly ft•lghtimed. I sto(iped • ui>der the light here,. for I was tif1·nld to·• go on Into tho tlnrk streets." . . . . .

Now In selttng out In sqarch of··a�: venture I did not .hnvo n . definlto.ldoa or the ways and ·means. of mnkhig : n gallmit rescue o! n. distressed diurisel.' I had a vaguo ld.ea that, i \Vould snyi' "llnck, you CUI', Take thnt ancr tbnt'.' -"that" being n right swing' to tlai point or tho Jaw. Wheroupon;ihe low: urctl scoundrel would· "sltnk· a\'my dis: comO led and mullorlng .curses.'! · ·

I looked across the street . nt ih� big negi'O, and, lo, thoro was the villain tho piece nil r!ght, . Ho :Joolcotl ·,. tlio part, but 110 did "!lOt '' lOok'• as.'W'··Juj would "back" 01' ''tnlui ·umt nnd . · wltiJOut generonsly '•·etiu·nlng the ent. l thought porhntui discretion the betlm· part or: valor; and .tlmt

,hade · n1o t•cnutln ·by l11o '· sl<lo ·of maldmdn Ol'dor to allay

t .tolcl her. that. I 'would· on. the cornoi:;itiltiHhe .. .

would : ilae · that ' • She'

CII I!CKI!�S, 1'hu Whlll�r.

Vni'hil·lun Nu. �. 1 1 -lli, �ll- 1 11, 11-1 1 , UJI - 1 7, 7 · I I , �li ·· ��l, li II, 1 1'-J:I, (It) 1 1 - 1 11, �� -11, 1 11-�11, �11--1 11, H , I I , :m-2n, {It) ·I H, �7 - Ull, Jr, - I H, II� �r. I 1 1 - l li, 2 1 -�11, lli-�·1 , UR-10, �-7, 1111-211, H - 1 1 , Ill-IIi, lll -111, 17 - I ll, 11 - l li, �11-li, 1 11-2 1, I ll 0, 2 1 -UH, 27-2:1, Iii ­Ill, Ull-1 !1, 12-!111 11-U, (\V wuultl lnso II IIIIIII IIIIYWIIy, Ill Ill ho J]ol'H \\'Oil In Jn;o It, I IUI'Il, I IIIII HO fi'OO ltiH Ill ILl l ilt li,) I -· I ll, r,-t, 1 11-2·1, :J 1...: 1 7, us.:..11u, 17-tn, ���­us, Ill II, Ill � J .l, II O, 21 • 27, 11 1 -· 2 1 , �8-111, 11 - 2, 1·1-'18, 1 -tl, 1 8:-211, �II 22, 211 211, 25 · 21 , 211-llll, ��-17, IJ0-�1!, 1 7 - 1 4, 21J-21J, l � -11, 111-lfl, Dt·nwn.

(ll) 11-7 (IOHOH)1 22 '- !7, 1 1-!11, 20-2.;, i n �21l, 211-:710; 7- 1 1 , 27 - 2:1, l l -! 11, �·1 20,' Jli._2·1, 28.:-JIJ, 1-l'i, 20-- 1 1 , R--2.J , �5�1l2, ·:H--�8, 22- .. 18, 12-IU, 18-lli, 10 �211, 1 7 - 1 , 0-l.J ' II0-211, ·1 -8, 1 -11, 2--11,'111- U, 8�12 11-2, 111:...10, 2:1-lfl, 12-111; ' 2-:-:"• 14..:..1s, t1...:.1o, t8-22, lll-ln, l 0.:..211, 10��18, '. W 1\'ft!Ro •

... -���) .u_:_s; ��0.�0H)�·!J7--22, !-Inn to n� tiwlut· (11), ' W wlus; · '

·safely. , · . · · · · , . ,, , .... · ·-·'·' " '

Finally . .., ..• "''-'·"· .'"'""'"" sight'• tho tho rlgh

�I II I I o )l' 'l'c l c:pUmnc 1/)I'&! CrN

Dress Goods Sale. This i s the sort o f a snit: one m ight expect a t a

season ' s �nd , not nt tht! beginn i ng, wheir stocks are Clllllp!etc, goods ar� hesh 1111tl. hiight,:'niHI}he .retailer' s best time fo( pr.oJit�,;�\2\ft: . int�n;i ,fb�cgofng aU the nd­vn 11 ta ges the ti i;1e;_�ll:�J::cirs\1Jl���a1'!2�s.''g@)i�';', . and gi I'C our patrons �,:t'qJii)i{¥: to illill-tli:isc'"tli�fr; �J rcss · goods

wa nts at 1·ccl l{�c'�F�'ff��5'';�'t.;m62tti'li��· �1Hi��r lil0st want them. , ' / \:C� ·.�·;;:( .... : L '>' ,, · · .,J; · ; ,:;f''

I ,.,, ' ' i> :,... '-' �«'.�.:.::· C hcc k cd. S��g��·:� lti���;lU·II>oh�.�\it�'�: '�(;(J�to�f"Ju\ tiugs

In ln,l'l(ll rnul.stllnll chucltA, ,u•·oou r�•H) ,hlno,·��·,>,�l�l.


·�·gu'.Pr liOu ' ulno ro� ._t��IA P.��-�� onl� . _' .. ' . \ � • . _ ·; . . : ·:; :.<�-; ' .. �r?: ., � �r;' �/ �·- ,' ,' � _. , .- • •

aM· Inrh Frendt Sural! Serge and 11enrlettns-SirMJr nil wool, iu nil J.lw It•!!< IIIlA' HhiuluH, reuui•UO:·l'rlco· Cillo, fur this 1;rdo . . • , , , .·. , • • • , , , ; :. , ." . • , . • • : • • , • • • ·,· . . ·. , : -� • • � .- . : , , , . . . , •. ,

Nt": S11rlng SuHiug . fill l nehcs ,,;Jrlti, 11'1 �� hcnul if.nl l luo f\r funuy BheokJ.;,· mn:m· oll'mf!tl Uy uuy hon!io, fm· lnR� thu n oun clulhtt' 11 ,yn•·•l, for tina sulo vo•·y HJmcutl nl . • , , , , , ; , • • • , , , , , , , • , , •

. Custom Cl11ths-fiO inch�.· wltln, RtrfuLly ;;u \\'o�l; Hntiu

lluiHhetl ulut.h, Hnitnlolo fur tnllorml HllllA; o\'ery wnnto<l Hpring Rluulo 1111<1 hlnck, ro;;. prlco HOu yd. , for thiB s!llo only;,·, . , , , , , , , ,

3 9c 49c 59c 6 9c

Tourist Suttlng-u l:in: I�ugilsh �i;i(i,{g, ' l ight 'sluulos ouly, in siJ'i!>O<l tt

. 1111 "

.·lwclcu •. 1 oll.'ectsl h

.. l lliortetl t.fi


lJo ·so.ltl ".t l .fill tt ynr


cl, 7 5 c " J'uw sinnplo piouus soonre< to ounblo ns to soli tholn for this Fnlu nt oul r. • . . . . . . • . . : . . " . : . . . . " ' · � • . . . . . . • • · ,., · " • · . . • . . · · · " ·

Sl;ndow Strlp�d n�d Check�tl nr�.5s Uoods-AI;n tho rn�,hionu��lo Hcl'l'iii_AhUIIO SC)rgos in 0\'0I'Y· nmv Kprillg ·shmlo mul IJinck, 40

. . 1lllll ·18 in, wiclu, rog. in·lcu J.2ii,f�r tl�is �alu only , , . 89c

98c . ·

Chlfion ik�ndcl�th-52-in: \yitlu; nn'o twillc<i h;1uk, ln ' l·l llUW R!)('illfl colorings !Ul<l.blncf<;:rognhll' 'lll'ico: J.!JO;· for this

salo, nncl_ no clmrgo !'or ti������ug, n�! • . <· .- , , . . - ;. , ._· • • •

.• • -. . • . • . • • .

• . Prunel lns-ii�·ill, iiii!J�I't�c\ J'i'liuollll ·slii t.in'g, OliO of the·

lulllrl· sotnc�t plnin clJ·c�s !'l:n1l't.: lllllllt�, colm·:; nro wino', gnlc!on lu·own, ' 1 9 J..'lll'llct., tuhtu.:co, 11:1\',\", IIIJl'Lio null Ulm:lr, solei- rcgnlarly nt J.au, for this sttlu HliiJOinl nt , , , , . . . . . . . , , , • . , • , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I

TH E D A V I D S T R A U S C O. .;. N E W :A' R K. N . J . +



· ·" '''"·'·<'•'

es ·and Ran ges . · Oi . h Fit1e Ct.it

For Infants and Children.

The Kind You Have Always Bought

Bears the Signature


tn � ; ;U$'.e :

For ·ov:er , . ' ' Th irt.Y. ?Ye� rs. l

�cASTORIA: ,.HI OINrA.UR oaNf.A.Nf, 'N�:'w ;,o�ll crn./��,,;�;%J Jc� ' • �.,.,._..,..,..,,�"-\;.

. ,' :!;<::'}'.!; /��j';.J . : . . ;,;_,\"·' . . tlw )'0111' , .

·, ii'i'l'ho llnnrd or J•:tfllt'llilllll huh1 1tH l'l'llll • llo u. ot'illll tUHI hi' lito Outlll!ltl '-' :'l iu• tnonthly lllUittl l lll lll�t ,111'1rlll)' l l1Jiht 'l'uwn nr "'""l lluhl, lit lito Oouut,l'

... · ''!'Ito t·u•IJ!Illlllllll nr MIMHollllllllll u, Bt'll\1' 11 l}nluu, 11 1111- t hUI'O Hhll l l ho llHHvmul, 1111• · ---� • 1 1 • 1 j ''"Jll'lntvll1 miKo<l !Jy tttxnthm un<l uol· .-�n� lt•!luhvr ur t ho hmt·t t ura1 " wn• l l'111 uutu•l fen' tltu llllt't'oiH )'I'll I' tho follow! nil

' tuicl nnuuirtuc1, MI<K llt�twn wlll ltu tllt• HllttiK uf llllll lt\1' fill' ihu tmfllOHt•N hurohJ• 111o:. to'. tutwh n ttur tho th·�t nr ,\pt·ll n[tlll' uxpt'''""t'tl, tu witt • ·. ·· Til' to Ill honlth. 'l'ho 111rt.or Mayor l•nr ll11htlnK thu �tt·uot� or tho·

· · · · · 1 8 1 1 I ll • ,011• town, t ho Nlllll llf, . . . . " . . " fii,OOO,OO 1�• IO) to P ttKI • mtr� • 1 tlnt• lltll HliJlJturt uf tho Jiolluu · , of lll'o<llt)'•flllll' Volllllll'� Ill Htllllll• 11olllll'lllllllll1 tho Hlllll llf,; , , , · 01000,00 · '11,- wnH rot•nlnxl nn•l thu ll•llll'l1 lim• thu nmlul�tulllt'O of tho, · ··

otfor of thnllh� ho HUitt tO tho fh•u e1oplll'llllOlltj tho 8lllll llfo . I '' . tt " I t I •I ·t 1 �'Ul' I'UJilllnthtll, o onnl1111 111111 10. I Mlt' II 0 t•l l l'O)lOI 01 lll'OJihll! ht l'llJIIIh' thO KI I'Oill� , hnllll uf $�HSI.UII, Olrnh•nmn 111111 hluhwny�, tho Rlllll of, , Y,9 .... ; of , thq tmU<1hJK commltloo t'o· Jlot' tho roll of of tho JI()QI', tho

rJo<ltlint tho' OOittllllttoo 110\V Jtn1\ thtt Klll l l of, " " • " • " " . ii(luul "llooltl:ntlotM fnt• thu uuw 111l• 11'::;�;·,•:1�f f);!�,,

tlon to tho ,TollorHilll t;ohoul 111111 thnt �·01• tho pnrmont ·(i,tot( clnYH Kllllt•inl n01h•o coultl. hu urx•u tho clobt of. . ''on·· for tho KJtl1ohtl ·Rohool mrutiiiU, tho """ of • • • • • • • • , , i ' . ·, , ,

'- · .. I I 1 1 1 · • t tl !•'or tho u;o of t.!Lo llotlrcl of l�,c'lll'O l trot OKI IIlii rH I lU OQti,, 0 10 lh�tllh, thu K\llll of ,', , . ; , . ,' Jl0Hilc1 nliolltluu nt $l ll,ooo. Pro•h1<'tr t I'm· tho ""\'port ntul uKo of tho . .-. , , nshbiiru Klntod thnt tlw llonrrl coul<l frt'O tll!ll l(l llllrtu·y, tho HUIII ·

:.;i-;o .. 'libt;riilll n �i1eolnl uiooth111 ttlltll tho of . . . . . " . . . . " ' . . . . " " . • •-::c,<•· ---·:·- · · 1 • 1 1 lo'm• lho slu1du� fn11d n•qnlrorl , 'i:l'; t•lnu� .luul uouo to t 10 i:ltntt• Bonn IIIII to bo tni>ctl, tho snlll 'of • • , , _.f'Jhnt!'Jlotml 1mt1 t·ecoll'tu1 csUmntcs uu For ih u mnlntommcu uf ttn\Jllo · ;:;��\hu,� W.?�k, �I r. 1\'nshhurn n1so Knl<l pnrl1s, tim s�1111 of • . , . • , • ; , ,,,�thnt tho nrchlt1•o•t of thu orl�-:lnn1 ,Telfor- ll'ot• tho gmwuel ouul lucl1lon· " 'r''" , ·<'1'· · 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tnl "'I'"""''" of tho town, In· ;�ct��!t po mol '"' •••thunl<•< t mt t 0011 1 clu1lluJ,C j•riutiug, puiJliun· · .�.ftlio,\Jntlt for $10,000! lmt thnt It luul cusl- tiou of m Illites of Connel l , . 1::}-Jho ·:Bonr<1 $15,000 \Jofuro It wo• com. ortllun��co•, uwl such ot!lUI'. · ;"C:;p1ctec1. , I!o cx11ros!ml 11 ft•nr thnt tho mnltot•, rcqutrotl by l<m, to . · ,.-•,... " ' · : 1 1 1 1 1 · 1 ho l"'hhshmt , tho S\llll of.·. , '', -:�o�mo_.,m stn to m g •t llll'J'Oll n "'"'01" Tlr s ur111tuutco shull tu1to . :• _t.lmo,:., Mr; Kntly movctl thut tho schools uwtllnto1�·. · ·:closu for ouo tlow to nllow tho !t•nchcr• Pi1sscd nml n<1optocl illlll'Cll 2llll


Woolfleld Mon Eleoled Treasurer ol Nallonal Commercial and Industrial Lee�ue.

Mt•, ,Johu Jl, nJnulc, nl' �unl h 11\'llll ltll, 1\'ltll JH Jll'l'MictLilll- lllltl JtUlllti'IIJ ll l lllllltfUr of thu l'llllillu Uonl 111111 · •J.'11lii�JIIll'tnlh1u 0<llllJIItl l,l', ur Nliii' Ytll'h, lu111 nnnlhtw ltl!lll ltnllm' uonfurt·�tl 111Mllt ' him ln>l woolc whuu hu wn� l ll 1Jllllutu<l tn tho

ll'Lltl�lli'CI' or . thu NuiiO!inl Otrtnnt!n•oolul nml huiit�tl'lnl T.UIIKIIO of

111111 Now Ycwlc,_· JJ'h11 J,cltJ1llll ··�oo,ooo nruutb�I:H whu ·oro, fut· Jltll'.t, oomntoi•ulnl tl'lli•olut·� 111111


wnnlrl nnt hu \'n�•lhlo tn luii'U II JII'IlJWrly 11r111h•rl �nhttn l thnt t ltu ''"'t of wnhr· tnlnnnuu wonlt lru 1111'11''''• nl•n t il•• lnltl r l l t•o�l fe•r thu l(ronnil whluh wonlel lurl'et 111 lut hniiNht If t ho' 1111\1' hn\l t1 i l lll \I'll" L•t'L'I'IVII I•INIII\'lllll'll Ulll"it10 tlf I hu 1\'n•h· hrtttllll �1!)11111) lll'olltii!H, Jt. IIIIIHI hn Ill'• lwuwl•"'llo•l thnt. nl nt thn"' i"'hll• hull' t huh• lllllt'llH, IJihul' I hln11• 111111 111 e•tt lllll no 1lon1Jt1 11 JII'Ueluel �uhool-hnH nll lllh'tlll· 1111111 QI'UI' IL IIOII•I!t'llilt•ll KUhnnl hut. I f tht t tt•nohut' !IIIli thnt Ml100llll 11lft1 t�ldll llllt] lutollolllllltllty t o t•u•l ly hntun·� lcuowl· '"'"" to thu /'Ill'"" t hoy will In "'"'" unuh•1l wohuo H Ill' nut, nyHh•mntlnnll,\' 11rnrh•tl •uhno1w Mllllllltlmn• nlCUtll ln h•nt'll• 1111/ thuoo of 111'1111011 MohnoiH.

J.ut nK hnlt1l tho 11ow Kt•hno1". wllh n \'lUll' of IIIOI'I111Hillll t1w I'OIIIfort 111111 1'0• tlnulnll thu hut�l•hll'" of tlru t•h' hll•ott Ill thuontt,1·ht� r!IRtl'iotH IIM wvll IlK In tllll rvKt of tho town,

YoUt'H \'o,ry tt•nl,\'1 l• n•siC .r,

BlOCKADED. Every Household In Weslfleld Should .·

How to Resist II.

To [ver� ru � l ic �� i ri le� [il ize� � Westfie lD ! ! . �llenl io� ! !

'to llln1<o II !<til; of iuspeut,lou of thO •uiotiui11s of other schools uenrlty, Pl'iu·. oiJml Up11�·lco's ·,·oport sl10wml nu enroll •

. lllOUt"or J.IO pupils 111irtng Follt'lmr�;, ..__"--:..-�_;,...;.:...,�_:;:��? plili(Ciltudton';' 'l'riiiJit(jiJ}'N 'l'ho Borough C,;;tlloll hol<l its rogtt1m•

meetiu'g lust 'l'i1!lsdny night nt Bol'Ongh · ' ·' to $:103.81 woro

'Street CoJ:nulssloner

thut, thu cost of trhii· _Iho romo1•nl of · suow

in all its forms. - Get our ' estimate on any affair large or small, from M.r: Newberger at our Eliza· beth Store� · ·

�� ��!�,��o'=•E}� :g3 � Broad St oppos!te • ·

, .,. '·' L . , 'l f'ostofflce, , , ;,+ : :ELI,i:ABJ;;TH .


DVERTISE · -the " Standard


Don't Miss It ! . . .'fHE . u

Musical Treat .. ;OF THE . .. · ··

.._OPERATIC . cQN�ER.T-.1 ' ' : - ' , ,



: , ! - , ;:,.... .... . . - ·

: : �-� � ��- : ..: � ... l ' ._ •
