RG 003 0 en (Web Reference Guide)


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  • 8/3/2019 RG 003 0 en (Web Reference Guide)


    RG-003-0-EN-(Web Reference Guide) ver 1.1 eWON - 14/04/2010 - ACT'L sa

    eWON Family

    500, 2001, 2001CD, 4001, 4001CD, 2101, 2101CD, 4101, 4101CD,

    4002, 4102, 2104, 4104, 2005, 2005CD, 4005, 4005CD

    Web Reference Guide

    ver 1.1


  • 8/3/2019 RG 003 0 en (Web Reference Guide)


    Web Reference Guide

    RG-003-0-ENver 1.1 eWON - 14/04/2010 - ACT'L sa Page 2

    1 User defined Web Site ...........................................................................................................3

    1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................3

    1.2 SSI Syntax ..........................................................................................................................3

    1.2.1 HTML Page extension .....................................................................................................3

    1.2.2 Special eWON SSI Tags ..................................................................................................3 TagSSI HTML Tag ....................................................................................................... ParamSSI HTML Tag ...................................................................................................5 Web context indirection ................................................................................................5

    1.2.3 VarSSI HTML Tag ..........................................................................................................6

    1.2.4 ExeSSI HTML Tag ..........................................................................................................6

    1.3 bASP Syntax .......................................................................................................................6

    1.3.1 Building page content by using bASP .............................................................................6

    1.3.2 WEB context variables ....................................................................................................7 Web context variables for request parameters ..............................................................7 Web context variable directly inserted with SSI ..........................................................8 Improving WEB performance using Web context variables and bASP .......................8 Using Web context variables with FORMS ................................................................. Web context indirection ..............................................................................................10

    1.4 Special FORMS ................................................................................................................11

    1.4.1 Update Tag Value (and acknowledge) ..........................................................................11 Examples .....................................................................................................................12 Acknowledge Tags alarms ..........................................................................................13

    1.4.2 Produce an export data block .........................................................................................13

    1.4.3 Execute an eWON script ...............................................................................................14 Syntax .........................................................................................................................14 Examples .....................................................................................................................15

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  • 8/3/2019 RG 003 0 en (Web Reference Guide)


    Web Reference Guide

    RG-003-0-ENver 1.1 eWON - 14/04/2010 - ACT'L sa Page 4 TagSSI HTML TagThe TagSSI is used to insert the current value of a Tag into the page:

    TagName is the name of the Tag that must be inserted.


    Do not insert any space in the TagSSI: TagSSI is case sensistive:

    Below is the example of an user webpage named TEMP_page.shtm which displays the current value from the Tag TEMP::

    Last Value of TEMP: >

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    Web Reference Guide

    RG-003-0-ENver 1.1 eWON - 14/04/2010 - ACT'L sa Page 5 ParamSSI HTML TagThe ParamSSI is used to insert the content of an export block into the page (See also chapter Export Block Descriptor in the General

    User Guide).

    "Parameter" follows the "Export Block Descriptor" syntax described in this manual. The resulting output is directly inserted into the HTML

    page returned. This format is useful to return HTML Tables into the page or return Script expression ($dtSE) into the page.

    With this method, the exported data is inserted directly into the page. If what you need is a hyperlink to an exported data, the ParamFormdescribed in chapter Produce an export data block on page 13 should be used: Web context indirectionWith the ParamSSI and Web context variables, you can display the content of an Export Bloc Descriptor inline a web page (shtm).

    See Web context indirection on page 10

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    Web Reference Guide

    RG-003-0-ENver 1.1 eWON - 14/04/2010 - ACT'L sa Page 6

    1.2.3 VarSSI HTML Tag


    Web context variable directly inserted with SSI on page 8"

    1.2.4 ExeSSI HTML Tag


    Building page content by using bASP on page 6"

    1.3 bASP Syntax

    The bASP allows to insert BASIC blocks in the WEB page in order to build the page on the fly while the page is transmitted to the client's

    web browser.

    The big advantages of this technique are:

    It can generate pure HTML, compatible with any WEB client (not even javascript enabled).

    The BASIC code is inserted directly in the WEB page, so it can be created at the same time the rest of the page layout is


    It is very flexible.

    1.3.1 Building page content by using bASP

    The page created will contain special Tags with BASIC block embedded.


    In this example the page actually generated by the eWON will be:

    If a(1)=10, a(2)=20, a(3)=30.

    The following remarks can be made about this example:

    The syntax for the bASP inclusion is:

    (Basic block can span multiple lines)

    PRINT #0,xxx is an extended syntax of the PRINT command that will route printed data to the client WEB page. As for the

    common PRINT command, if the sequence of data to print does not ends with a ";", a
    is added to the data to force a

    new line.

    SSI Demo


    Array of data:

    SSI Demo

    Time:05/06/2002 14:09:57

    Array of data:

    TData(1) 10
    TData(2) 20
    TData(3) 30

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    Web Reference Guide

    RG-003-0-ENver 1.1 eWON - 14/04/2010 - ACT'L sa Page 7

    The execution of the blocks occurs as the page is sent to the user. The blocks nearer from the top of page are executed


    The user will never see the Basic Block, he will only see the content of its execution.


    The bASP syntax is:

    When the block contains multiple BASIC lines, the leading space are not trimed, they are part of the line submitted to the BASIC

    interpreter and should be avoided.

    1.3.2 WEB context variables

    When the client submits a WEB request to the eWON web server:

    Then the web server will create a context to send a response to the client. This context will live until whole data in the index.shtm page

    have been sent to the client. This context can be used by the BASIC bASP to save temporary data and the access the FORMS and

    REQUEST parameters.

    SYNTAX:The context variable in basic are ending with a "!", a context variable must always be in lowercase. The context variables are always

    STRING variables (like A$). Web context variables for request parametersWEB servers support the syntax where client passes parameters to the server in the URL. In this syntax, each parameter is separated by

    a &, the first parameter is separated from the file URL by a ? and each parameter has the format param_name=param_value

    (param_name in lowercase).


    Requests the index.shtm page with:param1=1234


    The context variables param1 and param2 will automatically be created. This means that any bASP program block in the index.shtm

    page will have access to the 2 basic variables param1! and param2!


    In this example we print the 2 parameters to the WEB client. The resulting output would be (for the request above):

    GET /usr/index.shtm

    SSI Demo


    SSI Demo



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    Web Reference Guide

    RG-003-0-ENver 1.1 eWON - 14/04/2010 - ACT'L sa Page 8 Web context variable directly inserted with SSIThere is another syntax for inserting Web context variables in the cl ient web page. A special SSI Tag called VarSSI can be used:

    Where variable_name is the Web context variable (without the ending "!").

    In the second syntax, you can have a default value (usefull in case of Form parameters).

    The previous example can be written differently like follows:

    The output is exactly the same, yet there is a strong performance issue between these two implementations:

    In the first implementation using ExeSSI, we have 2 bASP blocks that are posted to the eWON basic queue. It means that the current

    execution of the program will have to be interrupted twice; the blocks must be inserted in the BASIC program and executed before the

    output is available to the client.

    In the second implementation using VarSSI, the Web context variable are directly read from the context, there is no intervention of the

    eWON BASIC in that operation. It is much faster. Improving WEB performance using Web context variables and bASPThe example above introduces how the WEB performance can be improved.

    Suppose to following example:

    In this example, we print the config Name and Description fields for a Tag called "Tag1". There are 2 bASP blocks and we call SETSYS

    TAG,"load" twice because at the end of the first bASP block there may be a context switch with another BASIC request loading the TAG

    edition area with another Tag value (depending of the rest of the application, but let's take the worst case).These 2 SETSYS TAG,"load" take some time and we have 2 BASIC context switch to generate the page.

    The following implementation returns the same result with a significantly improved performance:

    SSI Demo


    SSI Demo

    Tag Name:Tag Desc:

    SSI Demo

    Tag Name:
    Tag Desc:

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    Web Reference Guide

    RG-003-0-ENver 1.1 eWON - 14/04/2010 - ACT'L sa Page 9

    In this case Tag1 is loaded only once in the edition area and we generate only one BASIC context switch to execute the only bASP block. Using Web context variables with FORMSThe Web context variables provide the easiest way to use FORM fields when the FORM is posted.

    As described below, there is a special form call ExeScriptForm that allows to request execution of a script command.


    When the form is posted, the "goto UseForm" request is posted in the BASIC queue.

    If other fields are added in this form, there content can be accessed using Web context variables.


    And the BASIC contains the following code at UseForm label:


    All Web context variables must be lowercase.

    UseForm:REM save Edit1 parameterA$ = edit1!PRINT "Edit1 value entered was:";A$END

  • 8/3/2019 RG 003 0 en (Web Reference Guide)


    Web Reference Guide

    RG-003-0-ENver 1.1 eWON - 14/04/2010 - ACT'L sa Page 10 Web context indirectionThe Web context variables can be used to display the content of an Export Bloc Descriptor inline a web page (shtm).

    The syntax is the following:

    Where WebParam is the Web context parameter which is passed to the shtm form.


    Place the in a page /usr/Page1.shtm on your eWON.

    If you type the following request in your Internet Browser:

    will generate an output like this:

    Start of Export Bloc

    End of Export Bloc$dtEV$ftH

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    Web Reference Guide

    RG-003-0-ENver 1.1 eWON - 14/04/2010 - ACT'L sa Page 11

    1.4 Special FORMS

    Some special forms are handled by the eWON to allow:

    Update of eWON Tag values

    Hyperlink to Graph, Text or HTML table

    Execute Script action

    Acknowledge Alarm

    1.4.1 Update Tag Value (and acknowledge)

    The purpose of this form is to:

    Update the value of a Tag.

    Acknowledge a Tag alarm.


    Form name: UpdateTagForm

    Form fields name:











    The first field name syntax can be used to update only 1 Tag per form, while the second syntax can be used if it is required to update

    more than one Tag at the time. With the second syntax, the number of Tags that may be updated with one FORM is not limited. The

    eWON will check items with an increment of 1 until not found.


    If TagName1, TagName2 and TagName4 are defined, only TagName1 and TagName2 will be updated because TagName3

    is missing.


    The "ResultPageOk" URL must be specified from the eWON root: i.e.: /usr/xxxx

    TagName Is a form field that will define the name of the Tag to update. Usually it will be a hidden field.

    TagValueIs a field that will hold the new value of the Tag. This may be a list box or a text edit field or any other type, and its

    initial value may be filled with a TagSSI (see examples), or maybe with a TagSSI and Java Script in case of list box.

    ResultPageOkIs a field that is also usually hidden. This field is optional and defines the page to show when the update has been


    Table 1: Tags to update fields

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    Web Reference Guide

    RG-003-0-ENver 1.1 eWON - 14/04/2010 - ACT'L sa Page 12 Examples

    Single Tag update

    This example shows how to update one Tag called Pressure. There is one hidden form field for the Tag name and its value is

    "Pressure" which is the name of the Tag to update.

    There is another form field called TagValue, it is a text edit field where the user can enter the new value of the Tag. When the form is

    shown, the initial value of the TagValue field is empty.

    Single Tag update with initial value

    The only difference between this example and the previous one is the initial value of the TagValue form field. In this case a TagSSI as

    been placed in the "value" attribute of the text field. The eWON will replace this placeholder with the current value of the pressure field

    when the page is displayed.

    Single Tag update with no-default result page

    Again, this is the same example as the first one, here an additional field has be inserted to define which page to show when the FORM

    update has been executed correctly. The additional field is hidden, its name is ResultPageOk and its value is the page to display in case of

    update success.

    Multiple Tags update

    This example shows the syntax for updating more than one Tag at the time. For each TagNameX there must be a corresponding

    TagValueX. The first field must have index 1, then the next must follow with an increment of 1.







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    Web Reference Guide

    RG-003-0-ENver 1.1 eWON - 14/04/2010 - ACT'L sa Page 13 Acknowledge Tags alarmsThe same FORM can be used to acknowledge a Tag alarm; the syntax is exactly the same as for Tag update, the only difference if for the

    content of the TagValue.

    For Tag alarm acknowledgement, the TagValue field will contain the keyword "ack" optionally followed by the ",UserName" who will be

    logged in alarm history.


    This example shows a hidden field used to request the acknowledgement of the Tag by the Admin user ("adm"):

    Would yield to the same result because the default user is the Administrator (if none is specified for acknowledgement).

    1.4.2 Produce an export data block

    Using a , it is possible to insert an export data in a page. But sometimes what is needed is a hyperlink to an exportedblock, for example:

    Hyperlink to the event file

    Hyperlink to a Real time graph picture (will appear as a picture in the page).

    Inserting a picture in a page is not possible with the , because the binary content of the picture would be included in

    the page. A picture in a page is an hyperlink to the file of that picture. Instead of pointing to a file, we can point to a FORM that provides

    the picture data.

    The syntax for the export form hyperlink source is the following:



    (ParamForm is case sensitive).

    Where XXXXXXXXX is the Export Block Descriptor (Please refer to chapter Export Block Descriptor in the General User Guide). The

    URL source can be used anywhere an URL is required, the MIME type of the data returned will match the actual type: PNG, HTML orPLAIN TEXT.


    Real time graph hyperlink

    Hyperlink to a text file containing real time data

    Upload Text file

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    Web Reference Guide

    RG-003-0-ENver 1.1 eWON - 14/04/2010 - ACT'L sa Page 14

    1.4.3 Execute an eWON script

    The purpose of this form is to execute an eWON script command line by posting a FORM from the web server. Using this feature, you

    can have a button in the Web page that starts execution of a script section.

    The form allows executing a sequence of one or more script commands. Each command is executed as if it was typed and executed from

    the Script Controlwindow. If more than one command is specified, they are executed in sequence.

    The length of the command line is limited to 250 chars. Syntax

    Form name: ExeScriptForm(case sensitive)

    Form fields name









    If there is only one script command to execute, the first syntax can be used. If more than one command must be issued, the second

    syntax applies. The second syntax requires that the CommandX fields starts with Command1 and goes on by increment of 1.


    If Command1, Command2 and Command4 are defined, only Command1 and Command2 will be executed because

    Command3 is missing.

    ResultPageOk is a field that is also usually hidden. This field is optional and defines the page to show when the update has been



    The page URL must be specified from the eWON root: i.e.: /usr/xxxx

    As for execution of command directly from the Script Window, and when the program is running, the command is executed between 2

    sections executions. This means that the command will NEVER be executed between 2 lines of instructions inside a script.

    For example, the commands will be executed between 2 executions of a cyclic section, or after the complete execution of an OnTimersection. In other words, the commands are always executed after a script END command of a section being executed.

    When the FORM is posted, the result page returned by the eWON web server is not sent after execution of the command. The command

    is actually posted for execution but there is a queue of commands that can be more or less filled, and a section execution may be in

    progress also. This means that if your result page contains fields that should be updated by your command, it is normal that these fields

    are not yet updated at the time the response page is sent by the eWON web server.

    Any script command can be issued with this form, including Goto commands (Do not use Gosub because the rest of the line after Gosub

    is not executed).

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    Web Reference Guide

    RG-003-0-ENver 1.1 eWON - 14/04/2010 - ACT'L sa Page 15 Examples Single command execution:


    Please note the use of the (a$=close) single quote instead of the common a$="close" syntax that would conflict with the

    HTML quotes.

    Single command execution with no-default result page

    Compared to the previous example, the page displayed after execution is the user page x.shtm.

    Multiple commands execution:

    In this example the same commands are executed as in the first example. One of the main differences is that in the first example, the 2

    commands (a$=close and MyTag@=1) are executed together (no instruction can be inserted between these 2 instructions). In the

    second case, another command or another section may be executed between the 2 commands.

