RFP for Public Improvement Standard Plans and Specifications


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REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Public Improvement Standard Plans and Specifications

Date Released: September 10, 2021

Proposals are due prior to 12:00 P.M., October 8, 2021


Department of Public Works and Planning 2220 Tulare Street, Suite 600 Fresno, CA 93721

OFFICE ADDRESS: Fresno County Plaza

2220 Tulare Street, Suite B Fresno, CA 93721

PACKAGES RECEIVED AFTER THE TIME AND DATE STATED ABOVE WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED TO THE CONSULTANT. Inquiries and Updates: Requests for clarification regarding this RFP must be submitted in writing via email to Erin Haagenson, Senior Staff Analyst, Department of Public Works and Planning at designservices@fresnocountyca.gov, and received by the Department no later than 12:00 p.m., October 1, 2021. Such information as is reasonably available and will facilitate preparation of responses hereto, requests for clarification and associated responses, and any addenda to this RFP will be posted at: http://www.co.fresno.ca.us/rfp.


Request for Proposals

Public Improvement Standard Plans and Specifications

Introduction ................................................................................................................... 3 Scope of Work ............................................................................................................... 4 Appendix A – Proposal Requirements .......................................................................... 6 Appendix B – Proposal Evaluation ................................................................................ 8 Appendix C – Conflict of Interest Resolution 07-525 Attachment 1 – Sample Contract Agreement Attachment 2 – Sample Cost Proposal Attachment 3 – Self-Dealing Transaction Form Attachment 4 – Existing Standards Attachment 5 – Draft Standards

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The County of Fresno (County) Department of Public Works and Planning (Department) is requesting Proposals from firms interested in preparing new and updated Public Improvement Standard Plans and Specifications (Improvement Standards). The Department intends to select and employ a single firm in this consulting capacity. The term of the agreement will be based on the project’s schedule. The Proposals submitted in response to this RFP will be used as a basis for selecting the Consultant. The Consultant’s proposal will be evaluated and ranked according to the criteria provided in Appendix B, “Evaluation Criteria,” of this RFP. Addenda to this RFP, if issued, will be posted on the County of Fresno’s website at: http://www.co.fresno.ca.us/rfp It shall be the Consultant’s responsibility to check the website to obtain any addenda that may be issued. The Consultant’s attention is directed to Appendix A, “Proposal Requirements.” Submit one (1) electronic copy of the proposal in PDF format. The electronic copy must be submitted via e-mail to DesignServices@fresnocountyca.gov. The fee proposal shall be included as a separate, password-protected document. The proposals must be received by the Department prior to 12:00 p.m., October 8, 2021. Proposals shall be submitted marked "RFP – IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS.” Proposals received after the time and date specified above will be considered nonresponsive and will be returned to the Consultant. Any proposals received prior to the time and date specified above may be withdrawn or modified by written request of the Contractor. To be considered, however, the modified Proposal must be received prior to prior to the time and date specified above. Unsigned proposals or proposals signed by an individual not authorized to bind the prospective Consultant will be considered nonresponsive and rejected. This RFP does not commit the County to award a contract, to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a proposal for this request, or to procure or contract for services. The County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Proposals received as a result of this request, to negotiate with any qualified Consultant, or to modify or cancel in part or in its entirety the RFP if it is in the best interests of the County to do so. The prospective Consultant is advised that should this RFP result in recommendation for award of a contract, the contract will not be in force until it is approved and fully executed by the County’s Purchasing Manager or Board of Supervisors. All products used or developed in the execution of any contract resulting from this RFP will remain in the public domain at the completion of the contract. The anticipated consultant selection schedule is as follows: Proposal review and evaluation: week of October 11, 2021 Negotiation with first ranked consultant: week of October 25, 2021 Contract Award: December 2021 or January 2022 Any questions related to this RFP shall be submitted in writing to the attention of Erin Haagenson, Senior Staff Analyst, via email at designservices@fresnocountyca.gov. Questions shall be submitted before 12:00 PM on October 1, 2021. No oral question or inquiry about this RFP will be accepted.

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The County of Fresno (County) is interested in contracting with a Consultant that will prepare new and updated Public Improvement Standard Plans and Specifications (Standards) for the County. The work shall comply with the requirements of all applicable federal, state and local laws, without limitation. The Consultant shall comply with all insurance requirements of the County, included in the sample contract in Attachment 1.

Services to be Provided General services under this contract may include, but are not limited to:

• Preparation and filing of a Categorical Exclusion • Preparation of Plans in AutoCad Civil 3D for publication, size 8.5 x 11 or 11 x 17 • Preparation of Specifications in Word 2019 for publication, size 8.5 x 11 • Prepare presentations and conduct up to six (6) workshops with Public Works staff, one (1) with

the Planning Commission, and one (1) presentation to the Board of Supervisors, for review of Standards, revisions and additions. The cost of additional workshops/presentations should be specified in the consultant’s cost proposal.

Deliverables: Consultant shall provide electronic copies of the Standards and periodically meet with and solicit feedback from Public Works staff. Standards should address general requirements, plan preparation and submission requirements, a standard cover sheet and drawing sheet, and right of way/easement considerations across the following non-exclusive range of topics:

• General purpose and definitions

• Comprehensive CAD symbols library for the below-listed subjects

• Construction

• Grading

• Sanitary sewers, manholes, sewer lines, cleanouts, lift stations, water meters, wells, fire hydrants, blow offs, air vac, sample stations, storage tanks, booster pump stations, motor control centers, water mains, valves, hydro tanks, air compressors, service lines, meter boxes, valve boxes, etc.

• Street & roadway design typical cross section for different classifications

• Street intersections details

• Street and roadway pavement design, curb, gutter, sidewalk, ADA Standards, etc.

• Roadway signage

• Roadway barriers (i.e. guardrail)

• Dry and wet utilities

• Survey

• Hydrology, drainage, and flood control

• Surveying monuments

• Street lighting and spacing

• Parking lots

• Traffic

• Landscaping and irrigation, sprinklers, valves, clocks, PVC, HDPE, etc.

• Water system, backflow devices

• Septic systems

• Approved Trees

• Restrooms, shelters, play/shade structures, other park fixtures

• Fencing

• Encroachment permits

• Fiber infrastructure for County internal fiber

• Broadband initiative standards for fiber to homes and businesses

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Consultant will be allowed to use the City of Fresno Standard Drawings and Specifications as the basis for creating the new County Public Improvement Standards. However, consultant will be required to coordinate with the current County Improvement Standards, the City of Clovis Standards, the latest edition of the Caltrans Standard Plans and Specifications, and any other current regulatory standard such as Americans with Disability Act (ADA). Additional topics to be addressed within, or, supplemental to the Standards, include tentative and final subdivision map requirements, internal and external plan check lists, and bonding /construction security requirements with unit cost schedules for all public works improvement facilities. Conflict of Interest Requirements - The selected Consultant will be subject to the County’s Conflict of Interest Code and subject to any disclosure requirements as detailed in Appendix C. The Consultant shall also provide possible mitigation efforts, if any, to eliminate or avoid any actual or perceived conflicts of interest. If a Consultant discovers an actual or apparent conflict during the execution of an assigned task, the Consultant must immediately notify the County’s Contract Manager regarding the conflicts of interest. Failure by the Consultant to notify Contract Manager may be grounds for termination of the contract for default.

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These guidelines are provided for standardizing the preparation and submission of Proposal/Proposals by all Consultants. The intent of these guidelines is to assist Consultants in preparation of their proposals, to simplify the review process, and to help assure consistency in format and content. Proposals shall contain the following information in the order listed: 1. Introductory Letter The letter shall be on Consultant letterhead and include the Consultant’s contact name, mailing address, telephone number, facsimile number, and email address. The letter will address the Consultant’s understanding of the services being requested and any other pertinent information the Consultant believes should be included. All addendums received must be acknowledged in the transmittal letter. The letter shall be signed by the individual authorized to bind the Consultant to the proposal. 2. Executive Summary A concise summary of the Consultant’s Proposal that provides sufficient information to make an assessment without examining the rest of the Proposal. 3. Consultant Information, Proposals & Experience Submittals shall provide details of similar work that the firm has completed, sufficient to demonstrate the necessary experience. Details for selected projects should include the following:

1. Contracting agency 2. Contracting agency project manager 3. Contracting agency contact information 4. Contract amount 5. Funding source 6. Date of contract 7. Date of completion 8. Consultant project manager and contact information 9. Project objective 10. Project description 11. Project outcome

4. Organization and Approach

1. Describe the roles and organization of your proposed team for this project. Indicate the composition

of subcontractors and number of project staff, facilities available and experience of your team as it relates to this project.

2. Describe your project and management approach. Provide a detailed description of how the team and scope of work will be managed.

3. Describe the roles of key individuals on the team. Provide resumes and references for all key team members. Resumes shall show relevant experience, for the Project’s Scope of Work, as well as the length of employment with the proposing Consultant. Key members, especially the Project Manager, shall have significant demonstrated experience with this type of project, and should be committed to stay with the project for the duration of the project.

5. Scope of Work

1. Include a detailed Scope of Work Statement describing all services to be provided. 2. Describe project deliverables for each phase of your work.

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3. Describe your cost control and budgeting methodology for this project. 6. Schedule of Work

Provide a detailed proposed schedule for all phases of the project and the proposing Consultant’s services, including time for reviews and approvals.

7. Conflict of Interest Statement

The proposing Consultant shall disclose any financial, business or other relationship with the County that may have an impact upon the outcome of the contract or the construction project. The Consultant shall also list current clients who may have a financial interest in the outcome of this contract or the construction project that will follow. The proposing Consultant shall disclose any financial interest or relationship with any construction company that might submit a bid on the construction project.

8. Contract Agreement

Indicate if the proposing Consultant requires any exceptions to the proposed contract agreement included as Attachment 1. The Consultant shall provide a brief statement affirming that the proposal terms shall remain in effect for ninety (90) days following the date proposal submittals are due.

9. Cost Proposal

The proposal shall include a detailed cost proposal for all services. Cost proposals shall be submitted in a password-protected pdf file. Cost proposals shall include the cost for the first 350 Standard Drawings and pertinent Standard Specifications. Consultant shall include in the cost proposal a cost per extra drawing beyond the initial 350 drawings, and an hourly cost rate for supplemental work that might be requested, as Other Direct Costs. A Sample Cost Proposal is provided as Attachment 2. The Sample Cost Proposal form is provided solely for the convenience of prospective proposers to help them outline their cost proposal submittals.

10. Additional Form - Self-Dealing Transaction Form Upon award the successful proposing Consultant will be required to complete and submit with the agreement a Self-Dealing Transaction Disclosure Form (if applicable) at the time of award. This form is provided for the proposer in Attachment 3.

Do not submit more information than requested in this RFQ.

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Evaluation Process All proposals will be evaluated by a Selection Committee (Committee) according to the County’s Policy on the Selection of Architectural and Engineering Consultants. The Committee may be composed of County staff and other parties that may have expertise or experience in the services described herein. The Committee will review the submittals and will rank the proposers. The evaluation of the proposals shall be within the sole judgment and discretion of the Committee. All contacts during the evaluation phase shall be through the County’s Contract Administrator/Project Manager only. Proposers shall neither contact nor lobby evaluators during the evaluation process. Attempts by Proposer to contact members of the Committee may jeopardize the integrity of the evaluation and selection process and risk possible disqualification of Proposer. The Committee will evaluate each proposal meeting the qualification requirements set forth in this RFP. Upon reviewing the proposals, the Department’s representative will rank the consultants based on their proposals and qualifications. Once the most qualified consultant is identified, the fee proposal will be opened and negotiated with the top ranked consultant. If negotiations are unsuccessful, the Department will discontinue negotiations with the top ranked consultant and begin negotiations with the second ranked consultant. Evaluation Criteria Proposals will be evaluated according to each Evaluation Criteria. A proposal with a high weighted total will be deemed of higher quality than a proposal with a lesser-weighted total.

1. Meets Minimum Requirements (Pass/Fail) a. Proposal complete - all sections included or acknowledged as “N/A” b. Proposal submitted before the deadline c. All addenda (if applicable) are acknowledged

2. Conflict of Interest Statement (Pass/Fail)

a. Discloses any financial, business or other relationship with the County that may have an impact upon the outcome of the contract or the construction project.

b. Lists current clients who may have a financial interest in the outcome of this contract or the construction project that will follow.

c. Discloses any financial interest or relationship with any construction company that might submit a bid on the construction project.

3. Content of Proposal (10 points) a. Responses to this RFP must be complete. Responses that do not include the proposal

content requirements identified within this RFP and subsequent addenda and do not address each of the items listed below will be considered incomplete, be rated a Fail in the Evaluation Criteria and will receive no further consideration. Responses that are rated a Fail and are not considered may be picked up at the delivery location within 14 calendar days of contract award and/or the completion of the competitive process.

4. Experience and Capacity (40 points) a. Proposal clearly presents the organization and proposed team. b. Demonstrates organizational reliability. c. Demonstrates firm’s knowledge and experience with similar types of work. d. Demonstrates an ability to meet the requirements of the County on this project.

5. Project Scope (20 points)

a. Detailed Scope of Services to be Provided b. Project Deliverables

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6. Schedule of Work (20 points)

a. Schedule shows completion of the work in a reasonable, achievable timeframe. b. The schedule serves as a project timeline, stating all major milestones and required steps. c. The schedule addresses all knowable phases of the project, in accordance with the general

requirements of this RFP.

7. References (10 points) a. Provide as reference the name of at least three (3) agencies you currently or have

previously consulted for in the past three (3) years.

The Evaluation Criteria Summary and their respective weights are as follows:

No. Evaluation Criteria Weight

1 Meets Minimum Requirements Pass/Fail

2 Conflict of Interest Statement Pass/Fail

3 Content of Proposal 10

4 Experience and Capacity 40

5 Project Scope 20

6 Schedule of Work 20

7 References 10

Total: 100

County of FresnoPublic Improvement Standard Plans and Specifications

RFQ Appendix C

County of FresnoPublic Improvement Standard Plans and Specifications

RFQ Appendix C



Classification Category

Accountant I / II 2

Architect 1

Assistant Director of Public Works & Planning 1

Assistant Real Property Agent 1

Associate Real Property Agent 1

Building Inspector I / II 1

Building Plans Engineer 1

Business Systems Analyst I / II / III 2

Chief Building Inspector 1

Chief of Field Surveys 1

Consultant *

Deputy Director of Public Works 1

Development Services & Capital Projects Manager 1

Director of Public Works and Planning 1

Disposal Site Supervisor 2

Engineer I / II / III 1

Field Survey Supervisor 3

Financial Analyst I / II / III 1

Housing Rehabilitation Specialist I / II 1

Information Technology Analyst I / II / III / IV 2

Landfill Operations Manager 1

Planner I / II / III 1

Principal Accountant 1

Principal Planner 1

Principal Staff Analyst 1

Public Works and Planning Business Manager 1

Public Works and Planning Information Technology Manager 2

Public Works Division Engineer 1

Resources Division Manager 1

Right-of-Way Agent II / III 1

Road Maintenance & Operations Division Manager 1

Road Maintenance Supervisor 1

Road Superintendent 1

Senior Accountant 2

Senior Engineer 1

Senior Engineering Technician 2

Senior Information Technology Analyst 2

Senior Planner 1

County of FresnoPublic Improvement Standard Plans and Specifications

RFQ Appendix C

Classification Category

Senior Business Systems Analyst 2

Senior Staff Analyst 1

Staff Analyst I / II / III 1

Supervising Accountant 1

Supervising Building Inspector 1

Supervising Engineer 1

Supervising Water/Wastewater Specialist 1

Systems and Procedures Manager 2

Traffic Maintenance Supervisor 2 Water & Natural Resources Manager 1

* Consultants shall be included in the list of designated employees and shall disclosepursuant to the broadest disclosure category in the code subject to the followinglimitation: The Director of Public Works and Planning may determine in writing that aparticular consultant, although a “designated position”, is hired to perform a range ofduties that is limited in scope and thus is not required to fully comply with thedisclosure requirements in this section. Such written determination shall include adescription of the consultant’s duties and, based upon that description, a statement ofthe extent of disclosure requirements. The Director of Public Works and Planning’sdetermination is a public record and shall be retained for public inspection in the samemanner and location as this conflict of interest code.

County of FresnoPublic Improvement Standard Plans and Specifications

RFQ Appendix C



1. Persons in this category shall disclose all reportable investments, interests in realproperty, sources of income (including gifts), and business positions. Financialinterests (other than gifts) are reportable only if located within or subject to thejurisdiction of Fresno County, or if the business entity is doing business or planning todo business in the jurisdiction, or has done business within the jurisdiction at any timeduring the two years prior to the filing of the statement. Real property shall be deemedto be within the jurisdiction of the County if the property or any part of it is locatedwithin or not more than two miles outside the boundaries of the County (including itsincorporated cities) or within two miles of any land owned or used by the County.

2. Persons in this category shall disclose all reportable investments in, income from(including gifts), and business positions with any business entity which, within the lasttwo years, has contracted or in the future foreseeably may contract with FresnoCounty through its Public Works and Planning Department, Solid Waste Commissionswithin the jurisdiction, or to any other joint powers agency which Fresno County is amember to provide services, supplies, materials, machinery, or equipment to theCounty.

3. Persons in this category shall disclose all interests in real property within thejurisdiction of Fresno County. Real Property shall be deemed to be within thejurisdiction if the property or any part of it is located within or not more than two milesoutside the boundaries of Fresno County (including its incorporated cities) or withintwo miles of any land owned or used by the County.

County of FresnoPublic Improvement Standard Plans and Specifications

RFQ Appendix C
