Revolutions. Protestant Reformation began as an effort to reform Catholic Church Martin Luther spoke...


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Protestant Reformation

• began as an effort to reform Catholic Church• Martin Luther spoke out against Church practices

– sale of indulgences – pardons that freed their owners from time in purgatory

• Church view– payments were a sign of repentance

• Luther view– salivation/forgiveness only through faith alone– posted 95 Theses on the door of Wittenberg castle

• Started the Protestant Reformation

• Results– Church makes

reforms– other churches

started– Europe is


Scientific Revolution

• new methods of research

• Renaissance scholars develop Scientific Method– step by step approach that emphasized

experimentation and observation

• relied on math

Great people

• Galileo Galilei– used telescope to look at the


• Nicolaus Copernicus– used math to prove Earth

revolved around the sun

• Isaac Newton• invented calculus to prove

gravity keeps plants within orbits

The Enlightenment

• also called Age of Reason

• natural laws govern human behavior

• an “enlightened” person could prefect themselves and society

• ideas become the basis for democratic nations today

What was advocated• Reason

– truth could be discovered through reason and logical thinking– was the absent intolerance, bigotry or prejudice

• Nature– what was natural was good– natural laws of economics and polities

• Happiness– live by natural laws one could be happy– wanted happiness on earth and thought it was possible

• Progress– society and humankind could be perfected

• Liberty– a free society– speech, religion, trade, personal travel

People of the Enlightenment

• John Locke– people had three natural rights

• life, liberty, and property

• point of gov is to protect these rights

• Francois Marie Arouet (Voltaire)– freedoms (speech and religion)

• Baron de Montesquieu– separation of powers

– his ideas lead to the idea of checks and balances as well

French Revolution

• unhappy with Absolute Monarchy– divine right of kings

• grew out of the Renaissance

• Enlightenment thinkers supported the idea of popular sovereignty

• John Lock – people had natural rights

France• serious economic trouble

– gov. bankrupt

• King Louis XVI wanted to raise taxes• called into session Estates-General• voting was not equal in the Estates-


first estate


didn’t pay taxes

had one vote

second estateclergy

didn’t pay taxes

had one vote

third estateeveryone else

paid all the taxes

had one vote

• people dissolved it and created the National Assembly– wrote a constitution– wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Man

• France was a limited monarchy• Revolution turns ugly

– did not make changes fast enough– did not go far enough for some

The French Republic

• was at war with other nations• Louis XVI was executed• Committee of Public Safety was set up

– headed by Maximilien Robespierre– Reign of Terror

• French people turn to one strong leaders• Napoleon Bonaparte

– absolute power– but did continue the revolution ideas– wanted to create an empire throughout all of Europe and

spread revolution ideas


• Ideas of liberty and quality spread throughout Europe

• constitution were written up that protected the people

• nationalism grew

Industrial Revolution

• Change from how goods were made– From cottages to factories

• The Factory System is introduced– Workers and machines are together under one

roof producing a product

Cottage Industry and Early Capitalism

• Cottage Industry– Merchants acted as coordinators

• Would buy cotton/wool• Take it to a rural carders who

combined the fibers so that it could be spun

• Collect it and take it to a rural worker who wove the thread into cloth

• Collect it and pass it on to be dyed• Collect it and sold it to the customer

Problems with Cottage Industry

Positive Negative

•Work out of home•Time/pace was theirs•Able to avoid starvation•Merchants did not need to buy equipment

•Merchants benefited the most

New Inventions• Spinning Jenny –

– Spin 16 threads at one time• Water frame

– Yard produced by this was stronger

– Too large to be used in a home– Thus began the factory system

• Power loom– Used steam power at all stages

of the weaving process• Cotton gin

Spinning Jenny

Rise of the Factory

• New machines were located in factories

• Which were located near power sources– Coal and water

• Workers were forced to leave their homes to go to work

Effects of Textile Factories

• Output increased / prices decreased

• Majority of villagers forced to leave home to find work

• No need for craftsmen

More improvement are made to help growth

• Steam is used as a power source

• Coal and iron industries develop

• Improvement in transportation– Roads, bridges and canals

• Improvement in communication– Telegraphy

• Bessemer steel

Britain takes the lead

• Natural resources– Coal and iron

• entrepreneurs

• Labor force

• Government support

• Improved transportation

• Markets

Results• Social changes

– New class structure• Urban poor• Middle class

– Women worked outside the home• Urbanization• New jobs were available• Wide variety of good at a

cheaper price• Child labor• New views of government

– socialism
