Revisiting the 1 malaysia brand


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Revisiting The 1Malaysia


Executive Summary

• Malaysia’s unique compositions that based on multi-racial, multi-religious, multi-cultural and multi-lingual as well as geographically divided has been identified as an obstacle to the construction of Bangsa Malaysia. Several efforts from Rukun Negara (national ideology), Bangsa Malaysia and the latest, 1Malaysia have been and are being made by the government in realizing the prospect.

• Is there HOPE for the nation-building program to dispose racial sentiments among the multiracial Malaysian?

• The concept of 1Malaysia is vital in the process of nation-building through the strategic orientation and rebuilding of (P.E.S.T.E.R) political, economic, social, technology, education and religious with the expected end results that aspire to develop an integrated society that share an ideal feeling of unity and solidarity.


•Towards achieving Vision 2020•To transform Malaysia into high income nation

GTP Government

Transformation Plan

• To evaluate Transformation Plan• Announced during “First 100 Days” on 11 July 2009• For reduction of crime rate, combating corruption, improving student outcomes, raising living standard of low-income households, improving rural development, improving urban public transport & addressing cost of living

NKRA National Key Result


•1Malaysia result of final NKRA7•To address main problem of national unity which is key development of a nation-state•Slogan ‘People First, Performance Now.’

1M One


• YAB Dato’ Seri Najib, who assumed office as the nation’s sixth Prime Minister on April 3, 2009, spearheads:

6 delivery exceed 100%

GTP AR 2012 annouced 19/3/2013


1Malaysia Slogan

2009 •Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan  (People First, Performance Now)

2010 •Menjana Transformasi  (Generating Transformation)

2011 •Transformasi Berjaya, Rakyat Sejahtera   (Transformation Successful, People Prosperous)

2012 •Janji Ditepati  (Promises Fulfilled)

8 Values of 1Malaysia

A Culture Of Excellence







to nurture understanding and respect between the ethnic communities.

1Malaysia 8 Values

1Malaysia Products

1Malaysia Definition• “… I didn’t define the concept very 

clearly but that was by design. I decided that there should be an element of strategic ambiguity so that once you introduce the concept like that, as time goes by, the definition could be defined by taking on board the views of people as we go along. And I think we’ve done exactly that and the concept of 1Malaysia is now clearly understood.” Najib Razak Interview with Malay Mail December 7th, 2012

1Malaysia is still work in progress but achievable

1Malaysia Agenda






• Najib also introduced Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for his ministers aimed at monitoring the performance of ministers and deputy ministers - Berita Nasional (BERNAMA). (2009b). ‘Public Feedback Will Determine Ministers’ KPI’. 30 April.

• The main objective of nation-building is in forming unity which can be channelled towards developing a country. (Ribeiro, 1971: 40-41)

5 Foundation Of A Nation

(Friedrich, 1963: 27). 




Organized Political



People’s Mandate

1Malaysia - Strength

• Agreeable to what people’s want i.e:• a clean and transparent government from

corruption and abuse of power, plus serving for the interests of the people

• Sincere effort to unite Malaysia• Safe Geographical location• Diverse rich cultural heritage

1Malaysia - Weakness

• Racial political background and tussle “racial comments can lead to tension between races or groups”

• Asian values that is non-confrontational

1Malaysia - Opportunity

• Cultural diversities provide creative exploration• Tolerance and adaptability provide avenues for interesting discoveries 

• Young nation• High percentage of literate, talents, skills and knowledge •  

1Malaysia - Threat

• Unity is still vague to the citizens, relationship among the major ethnics has maintained its status quo that has been inherited

• The Malays’ status as the natives of the land is still being questioned by the non-Malay community, especially regarding the Constitutional aspects of Malay Special Privilege (Article 153), Bahasa Melayu as the National Language (Article 152), and National Education Policy’s reinforcement.

• Politicized Agenda– The dominance of ethnic influence– Racial issues among the public– 1Malaysia concept rhetorical:

• already proposed by the previous leader• considered impossible mission

• Leaders are too greedy, systems that is not well planned, cronyism, power crazy and corruption that cause all this people to seek better and more fair opportunity else where.

• Assimilation process is a very slow 

1Malaysia - Threat

ISSUES AND PROBLEMS• “Generation Y” defines those in the

tech-savvy age group, born between the 1980s (<33) and 2000 (>13)

• 40 per cent of the country's population, Malaysians aged 30 and below are the ones who will shape the country's social, economic and political landscape in the future

Not enough being done by government:

• 1M4U, Youth Parliament & most political parties youth wings do not follow UN Youth definition below 40 years old





23% - Says that it promotes unity between the various races

18% - Thinks it is about fairness and equality among races

Poll conducted by the Merdeka Centre for Opinion Research pertaining to the Prime Minister’s 100 days in office.


1Malaysia Elephant - A plethora of meanings to different quarters of the society.


Perpetuating ethnic Dichotomies

• Vested interest with a stake in perpetuating ethnic dichotomies that are inimical to national unity.

• Among the Malay’s and Bumiputeras, there are groups who abuse the Special Position embodied in the Constitution and in certain public policies to advance their own interests.

• The alienate not only a vast majority of non-Malays but also a significant segment of the Malay and Bumiputera populace.

Partisan Politics

• Some individuals  and groups within the political opposition view 1Malaysia as a propaganda  tool of Barisan Nasional.

• They ignore the fact that 1Malaysia was presented to the people as a national mission.

• This negative attitude of some politician,  has  had a certain impact upon a portion of the populace.


Religious Sentiments

• Some influential elements in the religious establishment do not realize that their narrow, bigoted interpretations of rules and regulations undermine that universal, inclusive spirit of a religion which reinforces the notion of common humanity that 1Malaysia envisages.

Communal Pronouncement

• Ethnic distortions or misconceptions which are ventilated more frequently in the public square.

• Unity –  Words such as ‘Pendatang’ and ‘Penumpang’ directed at fellow non-Malay citizens are demeaning, degrading and utterly reprehensible from the quest for breaking racial boundaries

• Growing social problems.

Recap: The Building Blocks of 1M

•Towards achieving Vision 2020•To transform Malaysia into high income nation

GTP Government

Transformation Plan

• To evaluate Transformation Plan• Announced during “First 100 Days” on 11 July 2009• For reduction of crime rate, combating corruption, improving student outcomes, raising living standard of low-income households, improving rural development, improving urban public transport & addressing cost of living

NKRA National Key Result


•1Malaysia result of final NKRA7•To address main problem of national unity which is key development of a nation-state•Slogan ‘People First, Performance Now.’

1M One


6 delivery exceed 100%

GTP AR 2012 annouced 19/3/2013


Recap: 1M Slogans to Support the 1M Building Blocks

2009 •Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan  (People First, Performance Now)

2010 •Menjana Transformasi  (Generating Transformation)

2011 •Transformasi Berjaya, Rakyat Sejahtera   (Transformation Successful, People Prosperous)

2012 •Janji Ditepati  (Promises Fulfilled)

1M Products – How Many Can Be Recalled

1. Too many products 2. Like P&G, eventually focus is

lost if not already “half-baked”3. Which among them can be

grouped, serve the same objectives and carry one powerful message

4. It appears the purposes of each of these products are “giving out a fish and not teaching how to fish”

5. Some are probably one-off for a special reason

6. Unclear of long term impact when these are over.

360 Change for 1Malaysia• ‘Unity In Diversity’:

– not a government sponsored

programme in which to dilute

our beautiful background of

variations and create a

singular hegemonic society

– to appreciate the plurality

that is Malaysia and work

together as one nation

towards a better future

1M Agenda is Great






This National Agenda ultimately means integration and fairness for all

1MalaysiaPoint of Difference

• Issues & Challenges


• State/Federal



• Rukun Negara


• Performance

Unity in Diversity

• Social Contract


• Spirit Give and Take


• Integrity

1M Agenda is Great But….True Quality Leadership & Unity for Nation Building is

• Not fancy slogans• Not fancy charts, figures and flash results• Not rallies and promises• Not short term cash hand-outs• Not performance only• Meaningless and Questionable if NOT built on Transparency and Trust 

• If Integrity is Always being Questioned

Rebranding based on Critical Core Value

• One of the 1M 8 Values concerns Integrity• Integrity is the most important core value which must easily recalled

• Malaysia is reportedly as the world champion in corruption (see following slides)

• Unless this real or perception is adequately addressed, the 1M brand will be consistently viewed with suspicions even when government acted in the peoples’ interests

1M Unity Builds on Transparency & Trust

• Transparency removes doubts and destructive criticisms on both sides of parliament

• Transparency builds trust, preserves and ensure effective use of our Nation’s resources 

• Trust promotes understanding, tolerance, and hence unity

• Unity promotes stability and healthy growth of a Nation

• More wealth can be distributed in many forms – world class infrastructure, education 

Unity -People

Trust- People & 


Transparency - Government

# 1 Real or Perception?

# 2 Real or Perception?

Our Country Lost a staggering RM1.08 trillion in illicit outflows which is the 4th HIGHEST in the developing world

Annual Illicit outflows of

RM218 Bper year

Idris Jala predicted Malaysia Bankruptcy by 2009

 # 3 Real or Perception?

Can more can be distributed if corruption is reduced?

Is this temporary or sustainable?

Is this perceived as election sweeteners?


Is this temporary or permanent?

How  measured and by who?

How many % of the population and which part of the Nation is still under poverty?

What is the eradication target?

Is quality of teachers addressed and if so, how?

Is the education system sound and consistent?

Why traffic jams and pot holes are still felt everyday and many areas?

How many households still do not have access to clean and treated water and  electricity and when they expect to have access?

Can the government take actions and assure no further increase in rates for the next 5, 10 or more years?

• Ask the man on the street

• If personal incomes have improved, why do they need hand-outs

• Self esteem builds on self earnings and advancement 

• How are these achievements translated to better lives

• Indeed impressive but unclear whether signed only or already commenced

• What about outflow of investments

• What are the critical industries or segment of the economies been pursued

• Lanas Project?

This job creation record is far better than Obama’s record in the USA

How  many % of the 800K jobs  created  came  from the public sector? Is it adding to the already bloated civil servant: population, one of the highest in the world

In which industries is the 3.3M jobs  to be created

What income bracket is targeted

The rich just becomes richer

Landed Value becomes floating Values

Short term at the expense of long term

Transparency – Answers Required

1. During Dr M’s leadership 4th PM, from 1981 to 2003 (ie 22 years), our economy grew average 7%, unemployment was averaging 3%, and yet subsidies were not taken away.

2. After terminating the subsidies, government now hand-outs, based on improved economy (3.1% in 2011 and projected __% in 2012-2013).

3. If subsidies are not terminated, Malaysia go bankrupt. Confusing or scare tactics?

4. Government yet explain all leakages from economy

5. Reported that low income people are out of poverty. Is this based on independent survey or just claims made by politicians

6. Government has yet to explain claims of fraud or corruption on major purchases

Transparency – Answers Required

7. Is our Education policy subject to further confusing changes?

8. Tax payers money and resources belong to Malaysians. How management of all these will be different  from previous BN management.

9. Why cabinet meetings should not be open and transparent and telecast?

10. Rakyat can send written queries to Ministers for them to explain. Can key issues and resolutions be published in a weekly section called “Minister Answers to Issues Affecting People” in major newspaper in all three languages.

Transparency – Answers Required

11. How transparent are tenders conducted and bidders selected and awarded?

12. How will government address social problems when retirement funds are insufficient?

13. How will government finance pension funds increasing YoY? 14. How is productivity and transparency measured in respective 

Ministries?  Malaysia has one of the highest government employees  to population ratios in the world hence heavy civil servant cost

15. Can the government counter opposition criticism constructively and openly

16. Is the focus on PM alone as the 1Malaysia brand the right thing to do?

Promote a Branded Education System

1. Do we recall our Education Vision and Mission easily and clearly?

2. Constant improvement in quality of education delivery system to keep talent, reduce outflow of funds  etc. 

3. Independent audit of education standards –too many As and yet local graduates are finding tough performing their daily work or find jobs. Is quality compromised for the sake of happy families?

4. Job creation – what jobs and how aligned with graduates. Parents do not know what their children should pursue. 

5. Places in varsity are allocated by Ministry- not always according to qualifications. Is this constrained by number of places available, number of qualified lecturers. Students lost interest. 

Conclusion1Malaysia key success factors:• Educating the people

on the importance of unity that is racial integration is vital retaining various ethic cultures

• Transparent Performance of Government Agencies

• Meritocracy in education and employment
