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Vaghari et al. Sustainable Chemical Processes 2013, 1:16

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Recent advances in application of chitosan infuel cellsHamideh Vaghari1, Hoda Jafarizadeh-Malmiri1*, Aydin Berenjian2 and Navideh Anarjan3


Fuel cells are electrochemical devices which convert chemical energy into electrical energy. Fuel cells have attractedattention due to their potential as a promising alternative to traditional power sources. More recently, efficient andenvironmentally benign biopolymer “chitosan” have been extensively investigated as a novel material for its applicationin fuel cells. This biopolymer can be used in both membrane electrolyte and electrode in various fuel cells such asalkaline polymer electrolyte fuel cells, direct methanol fuel cells and biofuel cells. This review provides an overview ofmain available fuel cells following by application of chitosan as novel biopolymer in fuel cells technology. Recentachievements are included and recommendations are also given for areas of future research.

Keywords: Fuel cell, Chitosan, Electrolyte membrane, Electrode, Polymer

IntroductionThe extensive use of fossil fuels has resulted to severepollutant emissions, including SOx, NOx, CO, and particu-lates which pose severe threat to the health of human be-ings [1]. In addition, a steady depletion of world’s limitedfossil fuel, reserves calls for efficient, benign and sustainabletechnologies for energy conversion and power generation.Fuel cells are among the most efficient and environmentalfriendly devices for energy conversion and power gener-ation due to their zero-emission power source [2]. Fuelcells have been identified as one of the most promisingand potent technologies which meet energy security,economic growth, and environmental sustainability require-ments [2]. Although fuel cell technology has matured sub-stantially over the past decades, technological barriers, suchas insufficient durability, cell life time and fuel cell compo-nent costs, still delay commercialization in many applica-tions [3]. There are different types of fuel cells that aregenerally characterized by electrolyte material. Among elec-trolyte material, solid polymer-based electrolyte membranesoffer advantages such as high efficiency and high energydensity [4]. However, polymer electrolyte membrane is themost expensive component of a polymer electrolyte-basedfuel cell [5]. Therefore, cost effective and eco-friendly

* Correspondence: of Chemical Engineering, Sahand University of Technology,Tabriz, IranFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2013 Vaghari et al.; licensee Chemistry CentCommons Attribution License (http://creativereproduction in any medium, provided the or

polymer electrolytes from renewable sources can become apromising substitute for synthetic polymers in fuel cells.Among natural polymers, polysaccharides are among thebest candidates due to their abundance in environment [5].Chitosan, as a derivative of chitin, is a naturally abundantand low-cost biopolymer which has attracted attention invarious scientific and engineering processes due to its excel-lent biocompatibility, non-toxicity and chemical and ther-mal stability [6-8]. The presence of amino groups in theglucosamine residue imparts an additional characteristicfeature to chitosan in comparison to these polysaccharides.The positive charge arising due to the highly protonatedamino functionalities enables chitosan to form polyelec-trolyte complexes spontaneously with a wide variety ofnegatively charged polyanions such as lipids, collagen,glycosaminoglycans, lignosulfonate, and alginate, as wellas charged synthetic polymers and DNA through elec-trostatic interaction [4,7]. The objectives of the presentreview are to investigate the current status of fuel cellsand advances in utilization of chitosan biopolymer forpolymer electrolyte membrane technologies.

Fuel cellsFuel cells-relevance and importanceFuel cells are environmental friendly devices for energyconversion, power generation, and one of the mostpromising candidates as zero-emission power sources [2].Fuel cells are electrochemical devices which convert the

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Vaghari et al. Sustainable Chemical Processes 2013, 1:16 Page 2 of 12

chemical energy obtained from a redox reaction directlyinto electrical energy [5]. These cells consist of an electro-lyte material that is packed between two thin electrodes(porous anode and cathode). The input fuel passes overthe anode and oxygen passes over the cathode where theyare dissociated catalytically into ions and electrons. Theelectrons pass through an external electrical circuit toprovide power while the ions move through the electrolytetoward the oppositely charged electrode [2,4].

Fuel cells classification and engineeringFuel cells are generally characterized by the type ofelectrolyte material. These cells are mainly consistedof: Alkaline Fuel Cell (AFC), Molten Carbonate FuelCell (MCFC), Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell (PAFC), ProtonExchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC), Solid Oxide FuelCell (SOFC), and Biofuel Cell [9,10]. Figure 1, comparesand illustrates the prominent features of these cells [4].In the all mentioned fuel cells hydrogen has an importantrole in anode and these fuel cells are known as H2 fuels.While, in non-H2 fuel cells including Direct-ethanol fuelcells (DEFCs), Direct-methanol fuel cells (DMFCs), Re-formed Methanol Fuel Cell (RMFC) and Direct-formic acidfuel cells (DFAFCs) other chemical compounds such asethanol, methanol and formic acid act as electron donor inanode [11,12]. Fuel cells offer many advantages such ashigh efficiency, high energy density, quiet operation, andenvironmental friendliness [4]. Following parts aim todescribe some of fuel cell types in more details.

Alkaline fuel cell (AFC)AFCs are the first and the only type of cells to have reachedsuccessful routine applications mainly in space explorationssuch as space shuttle mission in the United States [2].As illustrated in Figure 2, AFCs use liquid electrolytesolution of potassium hydroxide (KOH) due to its highalkaline hydroxide conductibility [9]. The AFCs generate

Figure 1 Comparison of the six types of fuel cells [10].

electricity from hydrogen in which hydroxyl ion (OH−)from potassium hydroxide migrates from the cathodeto the anode. At the anode, hydrogen gas reacts withthe OH− ions to produce water and release electrons[11,12]. The overall reactions are given as below:

Anode 2H2 þ 4OH− → 4H2O þ 4e−

Cathode O2 þ 2H2O þ 4e− → 4OH−

Overall cell reaction:

2H2 þ O2 → 2H2O þ electrical energy þ heat

AFCs offer some advantages over other fuel cells, mainlyrelatively low operating temperature. High-temperatureAFCs operate at temperatures between 100°C and 250°C.However, newer AFC designs operate at much lower tem-peratures ranging from 23°C to 70°C. Another advantageis that higher reaction kinetics at the electrodes results inhigher cell voltages. This high electrical efficiency permitsthe use of lower quantities of a noble expensive metalcatalyst like platinum [9]. AFCs produce potable water inaddition to electricity. Therefore, they have been a logicalchoice for spacecrafts. Most of the AFCs have beendesigned for transport applications [13]. One of the majordrawbacks of the AFCs is that alkaline cells need very purefuels [9]. It is related to the use of the liquid electrolyte[14,15]. The KOH solution is very sensitive to the pres-ence of CO2. When air is used instead of oxygen, the hy-droxyl ions may react with CO2 contained in the air andan unwanted chemical reaction forms a solid K2CO3

that interferes with the other chemical reactions insidethe cell [14,16,17]. Another disadvantage is related tothe amount of liquid electrolyte. If the liquid is higheror below the required level, it can lead to electrodeflooding or electrode drying [9].

Figure 2 Schematic representation of an alkaline fuel cell (AFC) [2].

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Molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC)As shown in Figure 3, MCFCs are high-temperature fuelcells that use an electrolyte composed of a molten carbon-ate salt mixture (salt of sodium or magnesium carbonate)suspended in a porous, chemically inert ceramic lithiumaluminum oxide (LiAlO2) matrix. In MCFCs the electro-lytes are heated to 650°C, and the salts melt and conduct

Figure 3 Schematic representation of a molten carbonate fuelcell (MCFC) [2].

carbonate ions (CO32-) from the cathode to the anode [18].

At the anode, hydrogen oxidation reaction combines withcarbonate ions producing water and carbon dioxide andreleasing electrons to the external circuit. At the cathode,oxygen is reduced to carbonate ions by combining withcarbon dioxide and electrons from the external circuit,therefore, electrochemical reactions are as below [2]:

Anode H2 þ CO32− → H2O þ CO2 þ 2e−

Cathode 1=2O2 þ CO2 þ 2e− → CO32−

Overall cell reaction:

H2 þ 1=2 O2 → H2O þ electrical energy þ heat

The high operating temperature of these cells limits dam-age from the carbon monoxide poisoning of the cells andwaste heat can also be recycled to make additional electri-city [19,20]. The primary disadvantage of current MCFCtechnology is durability. High operating temperatures andthe use of corrosive electrolytes accelerates componentbreakdown and cell life. Scientists are currently exploringcorrosion-resistant materials for components as well as fuelcell designs that can increase cell life without decreasingtheir performance [2].

Phosphoric acid fuel cell (PAFC)PAFCs are considered as the first generation of modernfuel cells. They are the most mature cell types and thefirst used commercially. Unlike the AFCs which wereprimarily developed for space applications, the PAFCswere targeted initially for terrestrial commercial applica-tions with CO2 containing air as the oxidant gas and hy-drocarbons (natural gas in particular) as the primary fuelfor power generation. As the name implies, the PAFCsuse the phosphoric acid (H3PO4) in highly concentratedform (>95%) as its electrolyte and porous carbon electrodescontaining platinum catalyst which significantly increasesthe cost of the cell [2,21]. Internal parts of PAFCs must beable to withstand the corrosive acids [22]. The electrolyte isoften immobilized in a porous silicon carbid (SiC) matrixby capillary action. Pure hydrogen or hydrogen–rich gasescan be used as fuel and air is almost invariably used as oxi-dant. PAFCs normally operate at temperatures between170°C to 210°C. Because the acid electrolyte is tolerant tothe presence of CO2 in the reactant gas streams, hydrogenproduced by steam reforming of organic fuels, such as hy-drocarbons (typically natural gas or methane) and alcohols(mainly methanol or ethanol) are often used as the anodicreactant (Figure 4) [2]. These cells are more efficient (80%)when used for the co-generation of electricity and heatas compared to generating electricity alone (40–50%)[22,23]. Moreover, PAFCs can tolerate a carbon mon-oxide concentration of about 1.5%, which broadens thechoice of their use [22].

Figure 4 Schematic representation of a phosphoric acid fuelcell (PAFC) [2].

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Proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC)Proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) also knownas Polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells areconsisted of a proton conducting cast in solid polymerform. Electrodes are porous carbon containing a platinumor ruthenium catalyst. PEMFCs deliver high-power densityand offer the advantages of low weight and volume, no freecorrosive liquid and hence longer cell lifetime compared toother fuel cells [2]. Schematic representation of a PEMFC isshown in Figure 5. There are two types of proton exchangemembrane fuel cells, namely: hydrogen fuel cells and directmethanol fuel cells (DMFC), both of which utilize protonexchange membrane to transfer protons [13]. In hydrogenfuel cells at the anode, hydrogen is oxidized to liberate twoelectrons and two protons [24]. The protons are conductedfrom the catalyst layer through the proton exchangemembrane and the electrons travel through the electroniccircuits. At the cathode, oxygen is reduced to water. Theoverall reactions are given by:

Anode H2 → 2Hþ þ 2e−

Cathode 1=2O2 þ 2Hþ þ 2e−→ H2OOverall H2 þ 1=2 O2→ H2O

In direct methanol fuel cells, the solution of methanoland water is fed to the anode where it is internally reformedby the catalyst and oxidized to liberate electrons andprotons. The cathode reaction for DMFC is similar to ahydrogen fuel cell [25]. The overall reactions for thistype of cells are given as below:

Anode CH3OH þ H2O → CO2 þ 6Hþ þ 6e−

Cathode 3=2O2 þ 6H þ 6e− → 3H2OOverall CH3OH þ 3=2 O2 → CO2 þ 2H2O

Compared to hydrogen fuel cells, DMFC is furtheradvantageous for its ease of fuel delivery, storage, oper-ation at low temperature and lack of humidification re-quirements, as well as its reduced design complexity andhigh power density [26]. Despite these advantages limitedoperating temperatures, susceptibility to osmotic swelling,methanol crossover and high costs are among the factorshindering the commercialization of DMFC [27].

Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC)Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are best suited for large-scalestationary power generators that are able to provide electri-city for factories and towns [11,28]. SOFCs, as shown inFigure 6, mainly use a hard ceramic compound of metal,such as calcium oxide or zirconium oxide as the electrolyte[29]. Hydrogen and carbon monoxide can be used as thereactive fuels in SOFCs [30]. SOFCs are expected to bearound 50%–60% efficient at converting fuel to electricity.In applications designed to capture and utilize the system’swaste heat (co-generation), overall fuel use efficienciescould be up to 80–85%. Solid oxide fuel cells operate atvery high temperatures of 1000°C. The oxygen is supplied,usually from air at the cathode. At these high temperatures,oxygen ions (with a negative charge) migrate through thecrystal lattice. When a fuel gas containing hydrogen passesover the anode, a flow of negatively charged oxygen ionsmove across the electrolyte to oxidize the fuel [31]. Whenhydrogen is used as the fuel the reactions c [30]:

Anode H2 þ O2− → H2O þ 2e−

H2 þ 1=2 O2 → H2 O þ electrical energy þ heat

And when carbon monoxide is the fuel the reactions are:

Anode CO þ O2− → CO2 þ 2e−

Cathode 1=2 O2 þ 2e− → O2−

Overall CO þ 1=2 O2 → CO2

High-temperature operation removes the need forprecious-metal catalyst, thereby reducing the cost.However, the high temperature limits applications ofSOFCs units and they tend to be rather large, whilesolid electrolytes cannot leak, they can crack [32].

Figure 5 Schematic representation of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) [4].

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Biofuel cellMicroorganisms are able to convert enormous amountsof energy from an incomparable range of chemical sub-strates [33]. Biofuel cells are a subset of fuel cells thatemploy biocatalysts such as a microbe, enzyme or even

Figure 6 Schematic representation of a solid oxide fuel cell(SOFC) [2].

organelle interacting with an electrode surface [34,35]. Themain types of biofuel cells are defined by the type of biocat-alyst. Microbial fuel cells employ living cells to catalyze theoxidation of the fuel, whereas enzymatic fuel cells use en-zymes for this purpose [36]. These types of catalysts offergreat benefits in catalytic activity, specificity and cost. How-ever, development and full evaluation of these dynamic andoften sensitive bioelectrochemical systems require a diverserange of expertise [33]. Biofuel cells like other ones requireporous anode and cathode structures that support fueltransport to the catalyst reaction sites [36]. Either apolymer electrolyte membrane or a salt bridge can sep-arate the electrodes. The two main application areasthat are being considered for enzymatic biofuel cells arein vivo, implantable power supplies for sensors andpacemakers and ex-vivo power supplies for small port-able power devices (wireless sensor networks, portableelectronics, etc.) [33].

Enzymatic fuel cell (EFC)Enzymatic fuel cells (EFCs) which replace expensive metalcatalysts with cheap enzymes are still in an early stage oftheir development [33]. A conventional EFC is shown inFigure 7. Enzymes have the advantage of specificity whichcan eliminate the use of a membrane separator. EFCs typ-ically possess orders of magnitude higher power densities(although still lower than conventional fuel cells), but havelimited lifetime (typically 7–10 days) due to the fragilenature of the enzyme and have low efficiency as only asingle type of enzyme is employed and can only partially

Figure 7 Schematic representation of an enzymatic fuel cell(EFC) [36].

Figure 8 Schematic representation of a microbial fuel cell(MFC) [44].

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oxidize the fuel [37,38]. This is in contrast to living cellsthat multistep enzymatic cycles (i.e. Kreb’s cycle) andpathways (i.e. glycolysis) can completely oxidize biofuels(e.g. ethanol, lactate and glucose) to carbon dioxide andwater [36]. There are a number of strategies for solvingthese problems. Firstly, in terms of maximizing powerdensity biofuel cell, anodes should poss multidimensionaland multidirectional pore structures [39]. They should beable to optimize the need for surface area. Secondly,the successful immobilization of multienzyme systemsthat can completely oxidize the fuel to carbon dioxideis needed [40,41]. Finally, the anode must support effi-cient charge transfer mechanisms whether it is director mediated and balance electron transfer with protontransfer [36]. Several enzymes such as glucose oxidase,alcohol dehydrogenase, formate dehydrogenase, lacticdehydrogenase, glucose dehydrogenase and formaldehydedehydrogenase were successfully immobilized and used inEFCs to date [42].

Microbial fuel cell (MFC)Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) employ living cells [36].MFCs are obtained when catalyst layer used into classicalfuel cells (polymer electrolyte fuel cell) is replaced withelectrogenic bacteria [43]. Figure 8 represents a schematicof MFCs. As clearly observed in this figure, the substances(organics represented as chemical oxygen demand) are oxi-dized to CO2 by microorganisms, which transfer the gainedelectrons to the anode. At the cathode, the electrons areused to reduce oxygen abiotically or biotically to producewater. To maintain electro neutrality within the system,positive charges have to migrate from the anode to thecathode through an ion-permeable separator (for ex-ample a cation exchange membrane) [44]. The currentadvantages of MFCs are that they have long lifetimes(up to five years) and are capable of completely oxidiz-ing simple sugars to carbon dioxide [45-47]. However,they deliver low power densities owing to slow transportacross cellular membranes [48]. MFCs are a promisingtechnology for efficient wastewater treatment and gen-erating energy as direct electricity for onsite remote ap-plication [43].

Polymer membranes for fuel cellsInterest in some kinds of fuel cell technologies droppedowing to economic factors, material problems, and certaininadequacies in the operation of electrochemical devices[49]. One of the main drawbacks of the fuel cells is relatedto the use of the liquid electrolyte. Using a polymer mem-brane as an electrolyte can solve some limiting require-ments of fuel cells. For instance the essentially need forusing pure fuels in AFCs have been overcome by usinga polymer membrane as an electrolyte [14,15]. Fuel cellmembranes must meet several desired properties suchas high proton conductivity, low electronic conductivity,

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impermeability to fuel gas or liquid, good mechanicaltoughness in both the dry and hydrated states, andhigh oxidative and hydrolytic stability in the actualfuel cell environment [4]. These properties are relatedto properties such as ion exchange capacity, morph-ology and water uptake that must be assessed aswell when characterizing potential of a new fuel cellmembrane [9].

Recent development of proton exchange membranesThe first polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) used in afuel cell system was sulfonated polystyrene membrane. Itwas developed by General Electric for NASA in the early1960s, as on-board power source in the Apollo flightspace mission [50]. However, this material was found tohave several major weaknesses such as lack of stabilityand limited power density [51]. Currently, most com-mercially available membranes for fuel cells are basedon perfluorosulfonic acid (PFSA) polymer membranes(e.g., Nafion, Flemion and Acipex) [4].Commercial PEMs have many advantages such as high

proton conductivities at moderate operating temperaturesand wide range of relative humidities as well as goodphysical and chemical stabilities. There are, however,several drawbacks which have limited PFSA’s applicationincluding its high cost, high methanol permeability andenvironmental incompatibility with other materials [27].To overcome these obstacles, extensive efforts have beenmade to develop alternative low-cost membranes as po-tential PEMs. Most current development strategies haveused modified PFSA polymers (partially fluorinated), acidfunctionalized aromatic hydrocarbon-based polymers or anumber of sulfonated aromatic polymers and compositemembranes. Composite membrane incorporates inorganicmaterials, acids or other polymers into a polymer matrix[4]. The modification efforts of PFSA membrane have beenfocused on minimizing the methanol crossover which isparticularly serious in the DMFC system. Aromatic fluori-nated polymers have been emphasized not only due to thehigh cost of PFSA but also other fuel cell associated char-acteristics such as high mechanical and thermal stability,chemicals, acids and bases, good resistance to oxidationand very interesting surface properties [52]. Most alterna-tive polymer membranes are summarized in Table 1.

Recent development of anion exchange membranesIn the solid AFC, the Anion Exchange membrane (AEM)is one of the core components. In order to improve fuelcell performance, the membrane must possess certainproperties. The role of the membrane is carrier for ion(ionic conductor) and a barrier for gas and electrons(electronic insulator). The most important advantage ofusing a solid anion exchange membrane instead of a liquidelectrolyte in AFCs is to eliminate the negative effects of

CO2. The conducting species is now in a fixed solid poly-mer, therefore, there will be some carbonates due to thereaction of the OH– with CO2 but because there are nomobile cations (K+), solid crystals of metal carbonate willnot be formed to block the gas diffusion electrodes. Themain idea behind employing an anion exchange membrane(AEM) in an AFC is to improve the AFC’s efficiency andlife (slow down performance degradation with time) [9].Important challenges for the preparation of an efficientAEM are ionic conductivity and mechanical stability.Table 2 offers an overview of the various polymeric mate-rials that are or can be used in AFCs.

Chitosan biopolymer for fuel cell applicationsChitosan, as a natural polymer, is one of the promisingmembrane materials and has been studied widely. Asshown in Figure 9, it is the N-deacetylated derivative ofchitin which is naturally abundant polysaccharide andthe supporting material of crustaceans, insects, etc.Chitin is easily obtained from crabs or shrimp shellsand fungal mycelia. Chitosan is inert, hydrophilic andis insoluble in water, alkali and organic solvents. Itssolubility in dilute organic acids allows for gel formationin various configurations. Chitosan has been studied asmembrane material for ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis,pervarporation, and lithium batteries [8]. The removal ofproteins in chitin by heat treatment causes its deacetylationsimultaneously. Free amine and hydroxyl functional groupson the chitosan’s backbone enable various chemical modi-fication of chitosan to tailor it for specific applicationssuch as polymer electrolyte membrane for the separationof metal ions, amino acids and protein by adsorption,ultrafiltration, electro-ultrafiltration, fuel cell applicationand pervaporation [83]. Utilization of a chitosan biopoly-mer for fuel cell technologies is novel and challengingwhere biological products are usually considered as waste,non-hazardous, low cost and environmentally benign [84].Chitosan-based membranes are easily formed and havehigh hydrophilicity, good chemical and thermal stability[4]. Chitosan, as a natural abundant biopolymer is re-ceiving great interest as materials for both membraneelectrolyte and electrode in various fuel cells such aspolymer electrolyte-based fuel cell including alkalinepolymer electrolyte fuel cells, direct methanol fuel cellsand biofuel cells [5].

Current advances in application of chitosan biopolymeras electrolyte membrane in fuel cellsMembrane is the core component of PEMFCs. Consideringthat polymer membrane electrolyte is the most expensivecomponent of a polymer electrolyte-based fuel cell, the useof low-cost chitosan-based membrane might bring downthe cost of a fuel cell [5]. Chitosan-based membrane elec-trolyte is being studied as alternative candidate for polymer

Table 1 Alternative polymer membranes used in fuel cell

Alternative polymer membranes References Alternative polymer membranes References

The depositing of thin plasma polymerized barrierfilms on NafionW membrane

[53] sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone) (SPEEK) [54]

NafionW/silicon oxide [55] Poly methyl methacrylate (MAA) [4]

NafionW/Pd [56] PVA [4]

Nafion/Pd-Ag alloy [57] Poly vinyl sulfonic acid (PVS) [4]

plasma-etched membrane, [58] Sulfonated poly(arylene ether sulfone) (BPSH) [59]

Pd-sputtered membrane,

plasma etched and Pd-sputtered membrane

NafionW with montmorillonite (MMT) and MMT containingdodecylamine (m-MMT) membranes

[60] Poly p-Styrene carboxylic (SCA) [4]

NafionW/polypyrrole [61] Dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate (DMAEMA) [4]

NafionW/polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) [62] Polyphosphazene (PPh) [63,64]

NafionW/phosphotungstic acid-impregnated silicondioxide (SiO2/PWA),

[65,66] Polybenzimidazole (PBI) [67,68]


NafionW/alumina (b-Al2O3)

NafionW/zirconium phosphate (ZrP) [69] Sulfonated poly(phthalazinone ether ketone) (SPPEK) [70]

α,β,β-trifluorostyrene (TFS) [71] PVA/PWA [72]

TFS/styrene [73] PVA/PWA and silica [74]

TFS/vinyl fluoro monomers [75] SPEEK/Synthetic non-spherical silicates [76]

polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) [77] SPEEK/Zirconia (ZrO2) [78]

Poly (ethylene glycol) (PEG) [4] PVA/Polystyrene sulfonic acid (PSSA) [79]

Poly (ethylene-alt tetrafluoroethylene) (ETFE) [77] PBI/Sulfonated polysulfone (SPf) [80]

Sulfonated polyimides (SPI) [81] Polysulfone (PSf)/PEG [82]

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electrolyte membrane application to possibly produceeconomical fuel cells [5]. To achieve high efficiency,membrane must possess as mentioned before some de-sirable properties [83]. Modification of chitosan such assulfonation, phosphorylation, quaternization, chemicalcross-linking makes it cost-effective polymer electrolytemembrane with low methanol permeability and suitableion conductivity especially at high temperature [3].

Chitosan membrane for AFCsRecently, derivatives of chitosan were created to serveas novel polyelectrolytes for AFCs. N-[(2-Hydroxy-3-trimethylammonium) propyl] chitosan chloride was syn-thesized, followed by cross-linking with glutaraldehyde[85]. Crosslinked quaternized-PVA has a low mechanicalstrength; therefore, Xiong et al. blended this polymer withchitosan to improve their performance [86]. The obtainedcomposite membranes have more compact structure andgood mechanical strength. Wan et al. examined the ionicconductivity of different chitosan membranes, such as purechitosan membranes with different degree of deacetylationand molecular weight, di-o-butyrylchitosan, epichlorohy-drin or glutaraldehyde cross-linked chitosan and proposedthat they are suitable for use in alkaline fuel cells [87-90].

Polystyrene (PS) was introduced to form an interpenetratingnetwork with quaternized chitosan. Polystyrene is morehydrophobic than quaternized chitosan and has goodmechanical strength. It was found that introduction of PSimproves tensile strength, and yet reduces elongation.The addition of PS enabled the quaternary ammonia-basedmembranes to have a higher tolerance to bases. However,the membranes with a higher PS exhibit lower ionic con-ductivity due to the PS are a nonionic conductor [91].

Chitosan membrane for DMFCFor application in a DMFC, polymer electrolyte membraneneeds to have a low methanol crossover. The commonlyused Nafion membrane has relatively high methanol per-meability. Chitosan has been employed as a promisingpolymeric matrix for DMFC application considering its lowcost, desirable alcohol barrier property and proton conduct-ivity as well as adequate thermal stability after cross-linking[26,92]. In its dry state, chitosan has a very low electricalconductivity. The addition of salts leads to the formationof complex between salts and chitosan matrix, and alsoenhancement of its amorphous nature [93]. Plasticizationis able to increase the amorphous content and thus im-proves the conductivity of a solid polymer electrolyte

Table 2 Anion exchange membranes used in AFCs [9]

Anion exchange membranes

PVA/TiO2 cross-linked Tetra alkyl ammonium Functionalized polyethylene

PVA/KOH PVA/poly(1,3-diethyl-1 vinyl imidazolium bromide)

PVA/PEO/KOH Cationic poly (phenylene)

PVA/PECH/KOH Quaternized/cross-linked PVA-chitosan

PVA/TEAC/KOH PSU/trimethyl ammonium

PVA/PAA Carboxylic Nafion 117

PVA-poly(acrylonitrile-co −2-dimethylaminoethylmethacrylate) Sulfonic Nafion

PBI/KOH Chitosan

PEO–[Si(OCH3)3 2(+) N-[(2-hydroxy-3trimethylammonium)propyl] chitosan

PVA–[Si(OCH3)3 2(+) Poly(methyl methacrylate-co-butyl-acrylate-co-vinyl benzyl

Alkoxysilane/acrylate or epoxy alkoxysilane Crosslinked ionic liquid

Tetra alkyl ammonium functionalized cyclooctene Quaternary ammonia polysulfone

Poly(methyl methacrylate-co butyl-acrylate-co-vinyl benzyl Polyarylene sulfonium membrane

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[94]. Cross-linking is proposed to reduce crystallinityof chitosan membrane and simultaneously enhance theionic transport [95]. Chitosan is hydrophilic and conse-quently has a high degree of swelling. An excessivelyhigh level of water uptake increases the fragility of themembrane and makes it less durable in fuel cells.To overcome the disadvantage of loss in mechanicalstrength in the wet state, chitosan is blended with toughpolymers such as polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) [96]. Mat,et al. fabricated a polymer electrolyte composite mem-brane that comprises of chitosan, PVA and calciumoxide (CaO). These results indicate that chitosan-PVA-CaO composite membranes have excellent methanolbarrier properties which in turn make them feasible forDMFC applications [3].

Figure 9 Chemical structure of chitin (a) chitosan (b) [8].

Current advances in application of chitosan biopolymeras electrode in fuel cellsAn electrode in a polymer electrolyte-based fuel cellusually consists of supported or unsupported catalystwith or without binder loaded on an electrode sub-strate or a gas diffusion layer. Polymeric materials areoften employed as binder to bond catalyst particles andalso provide ionic conduction [5]. Nafion material isalso used as electrode binder which facilitates ionicconduction that provides mechanical support for catalystparticles and enhances dispersion of catalyst particlesin the catalyst layer. Nafion possesses many desirableproperties as a polymer electrolyte, and yet it is veryexpensive and loses ionic conductivity if not suffi-ciently hydrated [5]. The chitosan binder exhibitedbetter performance than a Nafion binder especially atelevated cell temperatures, ascribed to the hydrophilicnature and water retention characteristics of chitosan.In addition, the amount of required chitosan binderfor making electrode is much less than that of Nafionbinder [97]. Klotzbach et al. modified chitosan withbutanal, hexanal, octanal or decanal aldehydes to preparea biocompatible and biodegradable hydrophobic chitosanmembrane that can replace Nafion for electrode coat-ings in both sensor and fuel cell applications [98,99].Functionalization of carbon nanotube by chitosan intro-duces positively charged functional groups on the surfaceof carbon nanotube which serves as a medium to stabilizeand anchor metal nanoparticles through electrostaticself-assembly and also provides proton path for methanolelectrooxidation reactions [100]. Wang et al. reported thatchitosan/tungstophosphoric acid modified Pt/C catalystdemonstrated higher utilization efficiency as compared topristine Pt/C catalyst [101].

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Chitosan for biofuel cellsTo develop a stable enzymatic biofuel cell, a matrix forenzyme immobilization is critical to retain the activity ofenzyme in a long period [102]. Carboxyl and amine sidegroups of chitosan can serve as protein-binding ligandsfor enzyme immobilization [103-105]. Three-dimensionalelectrodes possessing multidimensional and multidirec-tional pore structures are possible solution to improveperformance of a biofuel cell. Chitosan scaffold was usedto fabricate enzymatic electrode that oxidizes glucose andproduce electrical current more effectively than the sameelectrode made of a chitosan film [106]. The large poresize of chitosan scaffold enables it to support bacterialcolonization of internal pores without increasing flowresistance [107]. It was reported that carbon nanotube/chitosan nanocomposite bioelectrode enhanced theelectricity generation of microbial fuel cells [108-110].

Conclusion and perspectiveFuel cells are often regarded as one of the advanced energytechnologies for the future. However, commercialization offuel cells is still a subject of the ongoing research. Thedevelopment of PEMFC power system has been accel-erated for vehicular and home-use applications. Purehydrogen fuel appears likely to be the appropriatechoice for vehicle applications. Although fuel cell technol-ogy has matured substantially over the past decades,special attention has to be given to composite techniquesin developing electrolyte membrane since these tech-niques have proven their effectiveness. It is necessaryto develop alternative membranes that have high ionicconductivity and have sufficient mechanical strengthand chemical stability to be made as thin as possible.Recently, many efforts have been made in utilization ofchitosan with improved properties for being used as apolymer electrolyte membrane and electrode in fuelcells. These chitosan based membranes generally donot offer significant advantages over traditional Nafionmembrane as far as proton conductivity is concernedand as a result the corresponding power density of relatedfuel cells is also lower than Nafion-based ones. The intrinsicionic conductivity of chitosan-based membrane, therefore,needs to be further improved for fuel cell application.The mechanical strength and shelf life of chitosan alsoneed further enhancements which have not been givenextensive attention to date. Efforts have been made toimprove properties of chitosan membrane, includingchemical modification such as sulfonation, phosphorylation,quaternization and formation of chitosan composite. Thesemethods improve some properties of chitosan with orwithout sacrificing the others. Application of chitosancomposite membranes has been proved to be effectiveapproach in reducing their cost as well as improvingtheir operating reliability.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors’ contributionsHV, HJM, AB and NA have contributed mainly to the study of application ofchitosan in fuel cells, participated in the sequence alignment and drafted themanuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Author details1Department of Chemical Engineering, Sahand University of Technology,Tabriz, Iran. 2School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, TheUniversity of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. 3Department of Engineering, Scienceand Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.

Received: 25 March 2013 Accepted: 7 August 2013Published: 11 September 2013

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doi:10.1186/2043-7129-1-16Cite this article as: Vaghari et al.: Recent advances in application ofchitosan in fuel cells. Sustainable Chemical Processes 2013 1:16.

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