Review Article Overview of Hyperspectral Image Classification


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Review ArticleOverview of Hyperspectral Image Classification

Wenjing Lv and Xiaofei Wang

School of Electronic Engineering, Heilongjiang University, Harbin 150080, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Xiaofei Wang;

Received 14 January 2020; Revised 20 May 2020; Accepted 19 June 2020; Published 8 July 2020

Academic Editor: Egidio De Benedetto

Copyright © 2020 Wenjing Lv and Xiaofei Wang. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative CommonsAttribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original workis properly cited.

With the development of remote sensing technology, the application of hyperspectral images is becoming more and morewidespread. The accurate classification of ground features through hyperspectral images is an important research content andhas attracted widespread attention. Many methods have achieved good classification results in the classification of hyperspectralimages. This paper reviews the classification methods of hyperspectral images from three aspects: supervised classification,semisupervised classification, and unsupervised classification.

1. Introduction

In recent years, people have only begun to obtain hyperspec-tral remote sensing images with high spatial resolution andhigh spectral resolution relatively easily. Because hyperspec-tral images have strong resolving power for fine spectra, theyhave a wide range of applications in environmental [1], mil-itary [2], mining [3], and medical fields [4]. The acquisitionof hyperspectral images depends on imaging spectrometersinstalled in different spaces. The imaging spectrum wasestablished in the 1980s. It is used to image in the ultraviolet,visible, near-infrared, and mid-infrared regions of electro-magnetic waves. The imaging spectrometer can image inmany continuous and very narrow bands, so each pixel inthe used wavelength range can get a fully reflected or emittedspectrum. Therefore, hyperspectral images have the charac-teristics of high spectral resolution, many bands, and abun-dant information. The processing methods of hyperspectralremote sensing images mainly include image correction [5],noise reduction [6], transformation [7], dimensionalityreduction, and classification [8]. Unlike ordinary images,hyperspectral images are rich in spectral information, andthis spectral information can reflect the physical structureand chemical composition of the object of interest, which is

helpful for image classification. Hyperspectral image classifi-cation is the most active part of the research in the hyper-spectral field [9].

Computer classification of remote sensing images is toidentify and classify the information of the earth’s surfaceand its environment on the remote sensing images, so as toidentify the feature information corresponding to the imageinformation and extract the required feature information.Computer classification of remote sensing images is the spe-cific application of automatic pattern recognition technologyin the field of remote sensing. Moreover, with the furtherdevelopment of hyperspectral imaging systems, the informa-tion collected by hyperspectral images will be more detailedand richer. On the one hand, the spatial resolution will behigher; on the other hand, the spectral resolution will be sig-nificantly improved. With the further development of hyper-spectral imagers, the amount of information contained inhyperspectral images will become even greater, and the scopeof application of hyperspectral images will also be wider. Theapplication of different occasions and the increasing amountof data also put forward more complicated requirements forthe hyperspectral remote sensing ground observation tech-nology. Compared with multispectral images, the numberof imaging bands in hyperspectral images is greater, and

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the ability to resolve objects is stronger, that is, the higher thespectral resolution. However, due to the high-dimensionalcharacteristics of hyperspectral data, the similarity betweenthe spectra and the mixed pixels, the hyperspectral imageclassification technology still faces a series of challenges,mainly including the following problems that need to besolved [10, 11].

(1) The data of hyperspectral images have high dimen-sionality. Because hyperspectral images are obtainedby using spectral reflectance values collected by air-borne or space-borne imaging spectrometers in hun-dreds of bands, the corresponding spectralinformation dimension of hyperspectral images isalso up to hundreds of dimensions.

(2) Missing labeled samples. In practical applications, it isrelatively easy to collect hyperspectral image data, butit is extremely difficult to obtain image-like label infor-mation. Therefore, the lack of labeled samples is oftenfaced in the classification of hyperspectral images.

(3) Spatial variability of spectral information. Affected byfactors such as atmospheric conditions, sensors,composition and distribution of ground features,and surrounding environment, the spectral informa-tion of hyperspectral images changes in the spatialdimension, resulting in that the ground feature corre-sponding to each pixel is not single.

(4) Image quality. During the acquisition of hyperspec-tral images, the interference of noise and backgroundfactors seriously affects the quality of the collecteddata. The image quality directly affects the classifica-tion accuracy of hyperspectral images.

The high dimensionality of hyperspectral image data andthe lack of labeled samples can lead to the Hughes phenom-enon [12]. Earlier in the research of hyperspectral image clas-sification, people often focused on spectral information,using only spectral information to achieve image classifica-tion, and developed many classification methods, such assupport vector machine (SVM) [13], random forest (RF),neural networks [14], and Polynomial logistic regression[15]. Dimension reduction methods such as feature extrac-tion and feature selection have also been proposed, such asprincipal component analysis (PCA) [16, 17], independentcomponent analysis (ICA) [18, 19], and linear discriminantanalysis (LDA) [20]. The other is a nonlinear feature extrac-tion method. For example, in 2000, the local linear embed-ding (LLE) [21] algorithm published by Science of Roweisand Saul in Science projects local high-dimensional datapoints into a low-dimensional coordinate system. The overallinformation is obtained by superimposing local neighbor-hoods, maintaining the same topological relationship, andretaining the overall geometric properties. At the same time,Tenenbaum et al. proposed (Isometric Feature Mapping,ISOMAP) [22] an algorithm based on the classic MDS [23].It uses geodesic distance to embed high-dimensional datainto low-dimensional coordinates. The neighborhood struc-ture between high-dimensional spatial data points is still

retained in low-dimensional coordinate space. Belki andNiyogi proposed a similar pull to LLE in 2001. LaplacianEigenmap (LE) [24, 25], also known as Spectral Clustering(SC); these nonlinear feature extraction methods are usedin classification for practical applications.

Because the spatial context information is not consid-ered, the above classification methods based on spatialinformation have not achieved good classification results.According to the research published in [26, 27], spatialcontext information plays an important role in the classi-fication of hyperspectral images and can effectively avoidthe phenomenon of homologous hyperspectral phenomena orhomologous heterogeneous phenomena caused by using onlyspectral information. In a certain spectral region, two differentfeatures may show the same spectral line characteristics. Thisis the same spectrum of foreign objects, and may also be thesame ground feature in different states, such as different relativeangles to sunlight, different densities, and different water con-tents, showing different spectral line characteristics. The same-spectrum heterospectrum phenomenon or the same-object het-erospectrum phenomenon has a certain effect on the classifica-tion effect, so spatial context information needs to be used inclassification. The combination of spatial information and spec-tral information is another hot area in hyperspectral image clas-sification. More andmore scholars are beginning to explore thisnew direction. In [28, 29], the extended morphological profile(EMP) method was used to extract the spatial information ofthe image. In addition, the joint sparse representation models[30, 31] can also mine spatial information.

It is worth noting that deep learning [32] has excellent capa-bilities in image processing. Especially in recent years, imageclassification, target detection, and other fields have set off awave of deep learning. Some deep learning network modelshave been used in remote sensing image processing, such asthe Convolutional neural network (CNN), deep belief network(DBN) [33], and recurrent neural network (RNN). Moreover,in order to solve the problem of poor classification results dueto the lack of training samples, a new tensor-based classificationmodel [34–36] was proposed. Experiments confirmed that thismethod is superior to support vector machines and deep learn-ing when the number of training samples is small.

Hyperspectral image classification methods are classifiedinto supervised classification [37–39], unsupervised classifi-cation [40, 41], and semisupervised classification [42, 43]according to whether the classification information of train-ing samples is used in the classification process.

2. Supervision Classification

The supervised classification method is a commonly usedhyperspectral image classification method. The basic processis first, determine the discriminant criteria based on theknown sample category and prior knowledge and calculatethe discriminant function; Commonly used supervised classi-fication methods include support vector machine method,artificial neural network classification method, decision treeclassification method, and maximum likelihood classificationmethod.

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2.1. Support Vector Machines. Support Vector Machine(SVM) [44] is a supervised classification method proposedby Boser et al. Based on statistical theory and based on theprinciple of minimizing structural risk, it solves a quadraticconstraint with inequality constraints. As a machine learningmethod, the support vector machine method plays a hugerole in image and signal processing and recognition. SVMapplies the structural risk minimization principle to a linearclassifier to find the optimal classification surface. It requiresthat the classification surface can not only separate the twotypes of sample points without error but also maximize theclassification gap between the two types. Suppose a hyper-spectral image X = fx1, x2,⋯xng,

xi = fxi1, xi2,⋯, xiDgT represents the spectral vector ofthe pixel i in the image, D represents the total number ofbands, and n is the total number of pixels. In addition, wedefine y = ðy1, y2,⋯, ynÞ the classification mark image, inthe formula yi ∈ ð−1, 1Þ. The mathematical process of a clas-sic SVM classifier is

yi = sgn 〠ln

j=1yiαi xTj ⋅ xi� �

+ b

!: ð1Þ

Among them, ln is recorded as the number of a priorimarks, and αi is a soft interval parameter. By setting b = 0,the optimal classification plane can pass the origin of thecoordinate system, thereby simplifying the calculation. Inpractical operations, the situations we encounter are not alllinearly separable, so we introduce slack variables, the math-ematical expression of the support vector machine afterintroducing the slack variable is

max 〠n

i−1αi −




j=1αiαjyiyj Χ

Ti Χj

� �s:t: 0 ≤ αi ≤ C, i = 1,⋯, n


i=1αiyi = 0:


Among them, C is a constant, called the penalty factor orregularization parameter.

For nonlinear cases, that is, cases where the data is non-linearly separable due to the hyperspectral data itself or theexternal environment. At this time, the classic support vectormachine classification method can no longer meet the classi-fication requirements, and the kernel function [45] came intobeing. After introducing the concept of a kernel function, thebasic idea of SVM can be summarized as simple: firstly trans-form the input space to a high-dimensional space by nonlin-ear transformation, and then find the optimal linearclassification surface in this new space, and this nonlineartransformation is achieved by defining the appropriate innerproduct function. The more commonly used kernel functionsinclude linear kernel functions, polynomial kernel functions,and Gaussian kernel functions. Figure 1 is a schematic dia-gram of a kernel function support vector machine.

There is xTi xj in the above formula, Order kernel function

kðxi, xjÞ = xTi xj

max 〠n

i−1αi −




j=1αiαjyiyj Χ

Ti Χj

� �s:t: 0 ≤ αi ≤ C, i = 1,⋯, n


i=1αiyi = 0:


2.2. Minimum Distance Classification. Minimum distanceclassifier (MDC) is a supervised classification based on thedistance of pixels in the feature space as a classification basis.It is generally considered that in the feature space; featurepoints belonging to the same class are clustered in space.The mean vector determined by these feature points is usedas the center of the category, and the covariance matrix isused to describe the dispersion of surrounding points. Pointsare similarly measured with each category. The basicassumption of the similarity measure is if the feature differ-ences between the two modes are below a set threshold, thetwo modes are said to be similar. It uses the area formed bythe collection of various training sample points to represent


Figure 1: Kernel function support vector machine diagram.

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various decision-making regions and uses distance as themain basis for measuring the similarity of samples. Thereare many forms of distance calculation, including Ming’s dis-tance, Mahalanobis distance, absolute value distance, Euclid-ean distance, Che’s distance, and Barth’s distance. Amongthem, the Mahalanobis distance and the Barth-Parametricdistance not only consider the class means vector, but alsoconsider the distribution of each feature point around thecenter of the class, so it has a more effective classificationresult than other distance criteria, but the calculationamount, it is larger than several other criteria.

The minimum distance method matching method: ①select a feature type from the spectral library; ② calculatethe distance between the feature in the spectral library andthe feature to be matched;③ set a threshold for classification.He is one of the earliest applied methods for image classifica-tion research. Due to its advantages such as intuitiveness andsimple calculation, it is still widely used today. For some clas-sifications with insufficient training sample points, it canobtain better classification results than other complex classi-fiers. Figure 2 is a flowchart of the minimum distance classi-fication method.

2.3. Maximum Likelihood Classification. Maximum Likeli-hood Classifier (MLC) is a classification method based onthe Bayesian criterion. The maximum likelihood of discrim-ination classification is a nonlinear classification method.The statistical feature values of each type of training samplesare calculated during classification. Establish a classificationdiscriminant function, use the discriminant function to findthe probability that each pixel in the hyperspectral remotesensing image belongs to various types, and classify the testsample into the category with the highest probability. Eachcategory in the remote sensing image has a projection ineither direction of the feature space, but when the projectionsof these different directions are difficult to distinguish, itmeans that the method of linear discrimination is also notideal. This requires the establishment of a nonlinear. It is pos-sible to obtain better results with classification boundaries.Due to a large amount of data in the hyperspectral remotesensing image, the covariance matrix generated will be verylarge, and it will be more difficult to calculate when using thiscovariance matrix. Therefore, the maximum likelihood dis-crimination classification method can generally obtain betterresults. When the training samples are normally distributed,the classification method obtained by the maximum likeli-hood classification method is better. A remote sensingground feature image can use its spectral feature vector Xas a measure to find a corresponding feature point in thespectral feature space: and each feature point from a similarfeature will form a cluster of a certain probability in the fea-ture space. The conditional probability Pðωi ∣ XÞ of a featurepoint ðXÞ falling into a certain cluster ðωiÞ can be used as acomponent category decision function, which is called a like-lihood decision function. Assuming that giðxÞ is a discrimi-nant function, the probability pðωi ∣ xÞ that a pixel xbelongs to class ωi can be expressed as

gi xð Þ = p ωi ∣ xð Þ: ð4Þ

According to the Bayesian formula, there is

gi xð Þ = p ωi ∣ xð Þ = p x ∣ ωið Þp ωið Þ/p xð Þ, ð5Þ

where pðx ∣ ωiÞ is the conditional probability that x belongs toωi, pðωiÞ is the prior probability, and pðxÞ is the probabilitywhen x has nothing to do with the category. Maximum like-lihood classification assumes normal distribution of hyper-spectral data, and the discriminant formula is

gi xð Þ = p ωi ∣ xð Þ = p ωið Þ

= p ωið Þ2πð ÞK/2 ∑ij j1/2

exp −12 x − uið ÞT 〠



x − uið Þ" #


where i is the number of classes, K is the number of features,∑i is the covariance matrix of the i-th class, j∑ij is the deter-minant of the matrix ∑i, and ui is the mean vector.

2.4. Neural Network Classification. Artificial Neural Net-works (Artificial Neural Networks, ANN) is the most popularartificial intelligence classification method at present. It ischaracterized by simulating the processing and processingof information by human neurons. It has been widely usedin intelligent control, information processing, and combina-torial optimization. However, artificial neural networks alsohave their own weaknesses, such as the need for a largeamount of training data, slower operation speed, and diffi-culty in obtaining decision surfaces in the feature space. Neu-ron classification methods are commonly used in BP neuralnetworks [46], radial basis neural networks [47], and waveletneural networks [48]. Among them, the BP neural networkmodel (feedforward network model) is currently the most



Calculate classtraining sample


Calculate the distance fromthe test sample to the class

mean vector

The minimum distance isthe category to which the

best sample belongs


Figure 2: Schematic diagram of minimum distance classification.

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widely used neural network model. It consists of an inputlayer, a hidden layer, and an output layer. When an inputmode is given, the input signal is from the input layer tothe transmission of the output layer is a forward propagationprocess. If there is an error between the output signal and thedesired signal, the error is transferred to the backward prop-agation process, and the weight of each layer is adjustedaccording to the magnitude of the error of each layer.

The implementation process of BP neural network classi-fication mainly includes two stages: the first stage is the net-work self-learning of the sample data to obtain anoptimized connection weight matrix. The main steps includethe determination of the network system, the input of sampledata and control parameters, initialize the weights, and adjustthe connection weights of each layer. The second stage is touse the learning results to classify the entire image data. Afterinputting multispectral images, the network uses the connec-tion weight matrix of the network obtained during the learn-ing process to the image data is calculated. According to thecomparison between the output result and the expected valueof each type, each pixel is classified as the one with the smal-lest error.

SVM is a novel small sample learning method with a solidtheoretical foundation, so it does not require a large numberof training samples. However, it also has defects when deal-ing with large-scale samples, and it cannot solve the multi-classification problem well. The principle of the minimumdistance classification method is simple; the classificationaccuracy is not high, but the calculation speed is fast; it canbe used in a quick overview of the classification. In practicalapplication, the maximum likelihood method, the minimumdistance method, and the neural network method can beused, but strict and precise supervision by humans isrequired to ensure that the accuracy meets certainrequirements.

3. Deep Learning

In recent years, hyperspectral image classification methodshave introduced spatial information of hyperspectralimages. This type of method is simply referred to ashyperspectral image classification methods based onspatial-spectral joint features. Deep learning originatesfrom artificial neural networks. Compared with artificialneural networks, deep learning has a stronger pumpingability. Deep learning models have deeper layers, whichalso helps to extract feature information. This sectionmainly introduces convolutional neural networks (CNN)in deep learning [49, 50], deep belief network (DBN),and stacked autoencoder (SAE).

3.1. CNN. Classification method based on spectral features:Hyperspectral images have very rich spectral informationand extremely high spectral resolution. Each pixel can extractone-dimensional spectral vectors. These vectors are com-posed of spectral information. Classification using onlyone-dimensional spectral vectors is called a classificationmethod based on spectral information. In the classificationmethod based on spectral information, generally, the pixel

is used to extract spectral information or to obtain certainspecific features from spectral information through featureextraction to classify. Using CNN to classify spectral featuresof hyperspectral images is to use one-dimensional CNN (1D-CNN) to extract spectral features and classify them. The pro-cess is shown in Figure 3.

The specific process is: input labeled data in hyper-spectral data into 1-DCNN, train 1-DCNN with classlabels, and then iteratively update network weightsthrough algorithms such as SGD, and finally use thetrained 1-DCNN for each Pixel classification results inclassification results. The one-dimensional convolutionoperation uses a one-dimensional convolution kernel toperform a convolution operation on a one-dimensionalfeature vector. Its expression is

vxl,j = f 〠m



x+hð Þl−1ð Þ,m + bl,j

!: ð7Þ

Among them, khl,j,m represents the specific value of thel-th convolution kernel in the j-th layer at h, and the con-volution kernel is connected to the m-th feature vector inthe (l-1) layer network. Hi represents the length of theone-dimensional convolution kernel. bl,j represents the off-

set of the j-th feature map of the l-th layer. vðx+hÞðl−1Þ,m repre-

sents the specific value of the m-th feature map at theðx + h, y +wÞ position in the l-1th layer.

Classification method based on spatial features: spatialinformation, that is, context information. When classifyingbased on spatial information, instead of using the spectralinformation extracted from a certain pixel, the spatial infor-mation extracted from the neighborhood of the pixel is usedinstead. Due to the high latitude of hyperspectral data, theusual method for extracting spatial information is to firstcompress the data set, then use two-dimensional convolu-tional neural networks (2D-CNN) to extract deeper spatialinformation, and then use spatial information to classify.The specific process is shown in Figure 4.

The main difference between the two-dimensional con-volution operation and the one-dimensional convolutionoperation is the dimensions of the convolution layer andthe pooling layer. The two-dimensional convolution





Figure 3: Schematic diagram of 1D-CNN.

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operation uses a two-dimensional convolution kernel to per-form a convolution operation on two-dimensional data:

mapx,yl,j = f 〠m



w=0kh,wl,j,mmap x+hð Þ y,wð Þ

l−1ð Þ,m + bl,j

!: ð8Þ

Among them, kh,wl,j,m represents the value of the j-th convo-lution kernel in the l-th layer at ðh,wÞ, and this convolutionkernel is connected to the m-th feature map in the l-1 layer.Hl and Wl, respectively, represent the height and width ofthe convolution kernel, and bl,j represents the offset of the j-th feature map of the l-th layer. mapðx+hÞ,ðy+wÞðl−1Þ,m representsthe specific value of the m-th feature map at the ðx + h, y +wÞ position in the l-1th layer, and mapx,yl,j represents the out-put data of the j-th feature map at the l-th layer at ðx, yÞ.

Classification method based on spectral-spatial features:In traditional hyperspectral image classification, only spectralinformation is often used. However, the same ground fea-tures will show different spectral curves due to the influenceof the external environment. Different ground objects mayalso exhibit the same spectral curve, which is the so-calledsame-object heterospectrum and foreign-object same-spectrum phenomenon. For example, some pixels connectedin space are classified as parking lots, so the pixels whosespectral information appears very similar to the metal spec-tral information are likely to be cars. If many pixels arounda pixel are grass, the pixels in the middle are likely to be grasstoo. Hyperspectral data presents a three-dimensional struc-ture, containing both one-dimensional spectral informationand two-dimensional spatial information. A three-dimensional convolutional neural network (3D-CNN) cansimultaneously extract spectral information and spatialinformation. The specific process is shown in Figure 5.

3.2. DBN. The realization of a deep belief network (DBN) isbased on restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM). DBN is anetwork model constructed by multiple RBMs layer by layer.A classic DBN network is composed of several RBMs and alayer of BP. The structure diagram is shown in Figure 6.

During training, a layer-by-layer unsupervised method isused to learn parameters. First, take the data and the first hid-

den layer as an RBM, train the parameters of this RBM, thenfix the parameters of this RBM, treat the first hidden layer asa visible vector, and the second hidden layer as a hidden vec-tor, train the second RBM, get its parameters, then fix theseparameters, and loop according to this method. The specificsteps are

First, separately and unsupervisedly train each layer ofRBM network to ensure that feature vectors retain as muchfeature information as possible when they are mapped to dif-ferent feature spaces;

Second, set up the BP network in the last layer of theDBN, receive the RBM output feature vector as its input fea-ture vector, and supervise the training of the entity relation-ship classifier. Moreover, each layer of the RBM networkcan only ensure that the weights in its own layer and the layerfeature vector mapping is optimal, and it is not optimal forthe entire DBN feature vector mapping, so the backpropaga-tion network also propagates error information from top tobottom to each layer of RBM, and fine-tunes the DBN net-work and RBM network training model. The process can beseen as the initialization of the weight parameters of a deepBP network, so that the DBN overcomes the shortcomingsof the BP network that is easy to fall into local optimizationand long training time due to the random initialization ofthe weight parameters.

When using DBN to classify the spectral features ofhyperspectral images, the main method is to use DBN toextract the deeper features of the spectral information col-lected from the positions of the pixels to be classified, andthen use the deep features to complete the classification. Spa-tial features of hyperspectral images based on DBN, the clas-sification method is very similar to the SAE-basedhyperspectral image spatial feature classification method. In[51], Li et al. first used PCA to compress the original hyper-spectral image, retain the first 3 principal components, andthen extract the data in the 7 × 7 neighborhood. As input,use the DBN network for feature extraction and classifica-tion. Literature [52] uses DBN to separately extract spectralfeatures and spatial features, and then connect the spectralfeatures and spatial features to form a spatial spectrum fea-ture, and then complete the classification based on the spatialspectrum feature. The overall framework of the task and clas-sification is basically the same as the framework in [53], andthe method in [54] introduces sparse restrictions, Gaussian





Dimension reduction

Figure 4: Schematic diagram of 2D-CNN.

Hyperspectralimage 3D data block



Figure 5: Schematic diagram of 3D-CNN.

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noise, etc. in the training process of DBN. Figure 7 shows theflowchart of using DBN to classify hyperspectral images.

3.3. SAE. The SAE network structure is similar to the DBN,and it is also trained in an unsupervised form. Dependingon the specific training method, the stacked SAE will alsohave different performance aspects. The hyperspectral imageclassification method based on the SAE network can alsogenerally be used. It is divided into classification methodsbased on spectral features, classification methods based onspatial features, and classification methods based on spatialspectrum combined features.

When performing spectral feature classification of hyper-spectral images based on SAE, the spectral vector extractedfrom the position of the pixel to be classified is usually usedas the input data of the network, and SAE is used to extractdeeper and more abstract depth spectral features, and thencomplete the classification task based on the depth spectralfeatures.

When performing spatial feature classification of hyper-spectral images based on SAE, the main method is to firstreduce the dimensionality of the hyperspectral image andthen extract all the information in the neighborhood withthe pixels to be classified as the center, and pull the extracted

information into a vector as SAE input data. SAE cannotdirectly process data blocks with a two-dimensional structurein space. In order to meet SAE’s input format requirements,the data needs to be stretched into a one-dimensional vector,which is different from the spatial feature classification ofhyperspectral images based on CNN. The method differsgreatly.

When SAE-based hyperspectral image spatial spectrumjoint classification, the common practice is to separatelyextract spatial information and spectral information, andfinally merge to obtain spatial spectrum joint information.The spectral vector extracted from the spatial position ofthe pixel to be classified is compressed in the hyperspectralimage, extract spatial information from the neighborhoodon the map and pull the spatial information into a vector,and merge the spectral vector and the vector drawn fromthe spatial information. Enter the merged information intothe SAE, use the SAE to extract deep spatial-spectral features,and complete the classification.

It can be found through statistics that it can be found thatthe hyperspectral image classification methods based on SAEand DBN have developed earlier, and various hyperspectralimage classification methods based on CNN have been pro-posed later. Spectral image classification methods have devel-oped the fastest and have the largest number of papers.Overall, the classification results are better than the hyper-spectral image classification based on SAE and DBN.

4. Unsupervised Classification

The unsupervised classification method refers to the classifi-cation based on the spectral similarity of the hyperspectraldata, that is, the clustering method without any prior knowl-edge. Because no prior knowledge is used, unsupervised clas-sification can only assume initial parameters, form clustersthrough preclassification processing, and then iterate tomake the relevant parameters reach the allowable range.

4.1. K-Means Classification. The classification idea of the K-means clustering method is that the sum of the squares ofthe distances from all the pixels in each class to the centerpoint of the class is the smallest. At the beginning of the clus-tering, the center point of the initial clustering is randomlyselected, and other pixels to be classified are classified intoone of the categories according to the prescribed principlesto complete the initial clustering. Then recalculate the clus-tering center point of each class, modify the clustering centerpoint, and classify again, so iterate until the position of theclustering center points no longer changes, find the best clus-tering center, and get the best Cluster results and stop theiteration. Figure 8 shows the algorithm flow of K-means clus-tering. During K-means clustering, the number of selectedcategories cannot be changed during the calculation process,and the position of the initial cluster center point initiallyselected will also affect the clustering result, so each timeyou may get a difference. Large experimental results, this isthe disadvantage of K-means clustering. This kind of defectscan help to find a better initial clustering center with some

Input data



Output data

BP Backpropagation






Figure 6: Classic DBN structure diagram.

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auxiliary methods, thereby improving the accuracy ofclassification.

4.2. Iterative Self-Organizing Method. ISODATA algorithm isalso a commonly used clustering algorithm. The ISODATAalgorithm is similar to the K-means classification algorithm.It is a method based on K-means classification improvement.Compared with K-means clustering, the ISODATA algo-rithm has more obvious advantages in classification. First,when clustering, there is no need to continuously adjust thecluster center during the calculation process, but all catego-ries are calculated and then the samples are adjusted uni-formly. Second, a big difference from K-means clustering isthat when clustering the algorithm, the number of categories

can be automatically adjusted according to the actual situa-tion, so that a reasonable clustering result can be obtained.

The main advantages of these two classification methods:there is no need to have a broad understanding of the classi-fication area, only a certain amount of knowledge is requiredto explain the classified cluster groups; the chance of humanerror is reduced, and the initial parameters that need to beinput are less; the clusters with small but unique spectralcharacteristics are more homogeneous than the supervisedclassification; the unique and small coverage categories canbe identified. Main shortcomings: A lot of analysis and post-processing is required to obtain reliable classification results;the clusters and land categories that are classified may or maynot correspond, plus the common “same spectrum” and “for-eign material”. The phenomenon of “same spectrum” makesthe matching of cluster groups and categories difficult.Because the spectral characteristics of each category changewith time and terrain, the spectral cluster groups between dif-ferent images cannot maintain their continuity and are diffi-cult to compare.

5. Semisupervised Classification

The main disadvantage of the supervised method is that theclassification model and classification accuracy mainlydepend on the number of training data sets of label points,and obtaining a large number of hyperspectral image classlabels is a time-consuming and cost-intensive task. Althoughunsupervised methods are not sensitive to labeled samples,due to the lack of prior knowledge, the relationship betweenclustering categories and real categories is uncertain [55].Semisupervised classification uses both labeled and unlabeleddata to train the classifier. It makes up for the lack of unsu-pervised and supervised learning. This classification methodis based on the same type of labeled and unlabeled sampleson the feature space. Closer assumptions, since a large num-ber of unlabeled samples can more fully describe the overallcharacteristics of the data, the classifier trained using thesetwo samples has better generalization.

This classification method is widely used in hyperspectralimage classification. Typical semisupervised classificationmethods include model generation algorithms, semisuper-vised support vector machines, graph-based semisupervisedalgorithms, and self-training, collaborative training, and tri-ple training.


Dimensionalityreduction data






Figure 7: Flow chart of hyperspectral image classification based on DBN.


Select minitial cluster


All pixels are divided into m pixel centers

Calculate a newcluster center

Does the cluster centerremain the same

Output clusteringresults



Modifycluster center

Figure 8: Schematic of K-means algorithm.

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Based on the above problems, this paper reviews a semi-supervised classification method. Semisupervised learninghas attracted much attention from researchers in hyperspec-tral image classification because it only requires a small num-ber of labeled samples [56]. Semisupervised learningcombines labeled data with unlabeled data to improve classi-fication accuracy.

5.1. Laplace Support Vector Machine. Laplacian support vec-tor machine (Laplacian Support Victor Machine, LapSVM) isproposed on the basis of traditional SVM. By adding mani-fold regularization terms, the geometric information of unla-beled samples and labeled samples are fully utilized toconstruct a classifier. LapSVM can predict the labels of futuretest samples. And LapVM has the characteristics of strongadaptability and global optimization.

Given labeled samples and unlabeled samples fxigl+ui=l+1,xi ∈ Rm, and yi ∈ f−1,+1g, the decision function is f . The

L = 1l〠l

i=1V xi, yi, fð Þ + γL fk k2H + γM fk k2M: ð9Þ

Among them, V represents the mis-segmentation costfunction of labeled samples, γL controls the complexity ofthe function f in Hilbert space, and γM controls the complex-ity of the geometric characteristics of the data distributionwithin the maximum distance of f . The structure of LapSVMis described in detail below. First, LapSVM uses the same lossfunction as traditional SVM:

V xi, yi, fð Þ =max 0, 1 − yi f xið Þf g: ð10Þ

Among them, f represents the classification decisionfunction f ðxÞ = hw, φðxÞi + b of the selected classifier, whereφð⋅Þ represents a nonlinear mapping function from a low-dimensional space to a high-dimensional Hilbert space,where

w = 〠l+N

i=1αiφ xið Þ =Φα,Φ = φ x1ð Þ,⋯, φ xl+uð Þ½ �T , ð11Þ

α = ½α1,⋯, αl+u�, is a decision function after finishing:

f xð Þ = 〠l+u

i=lαiK xi, xð Þ + b: ð12Þ

Here, K represents the kernel function, and differentlearner functions are realized by selecting different kernelfunctions, so there are

fk k2H = wk k2 = Φαð ÞT Φαð Þ = αTKα: ð13Þ

LapSVM algorithm simulates the geometric distributionof data by constructing a graph using labeled samples andunlabeled samples. Using the smoothing assumption to nor-malize the graph, the fast-changing part of the penalty classi-fication function is

fk k2H = 1l + uð Þ2


i,j=1Wij f xið Þ − f xj

� �� �2 = f TLf : ð14Þ

Substituting the above formula into

minξi∈Rl ,α∈R1+M


i=lξi + γLα

TKα + γMl + uð Þ2 α


( )

s:t: yi 〠l+u

i,j=1αiK xi, xj� �

+ b

!≥ 1 − ξi

ξi ≥ 0, i = 1,⋯, l,ð15Þ

where ξi represents the relaxation factor of the labeledsample.

LapSVM algorithm fully reflects the role of unlabeledsamples in the classification process through the geometriccharacteristics of the data, but often requires a large compu-tational cost.

5.2. Self-Training. Self-training is a commonly used semisu-pervised classification algorithm. In the implementation ofthe algorithm, a classifier is first trained with labeled samples,and then a large number of unlabeled samples are labeledwith this classifier. Data with high confidence are selectedfrom the labeled samples, and these data are added to the ini-tial training set together with their labels to retrain the classi-fier. Repeat this process until the end condition is met. Thegeneral process of self-training is as follows:

(1) Use the initial labeled sample set to train the classifier

(2) Use the classifier to label the data in the set of unla-beled samples, and select the samples with the highestconfidence, and record as

(3) Retrain the classifier using the new sample set

(4) Repeat steps 2) and 3) until the end condition is met

Self-training algorithms have been widely used. This clas-sification method is simple and convenient. However,because the number of initial training samples is generallylimited, it is difficult to train a classifier with good generaliza-tion performance and high accuracy. When unlabeled sam-ples are labeled, a large number of mislabeled samples willbe generated. Such samples will always exist as noise sampleswhen they are added to the original training set. With theiterative loop, errors accumulate, which will inevitably causethe classification performance of the classifier to decline.

6. Evaluation of Classification Results

After classification processing of hyperspectral remote sens-ing images, we need to judge the quality of the classificationresults, and then evaluate the performance of the classifier.Some evaluation criteria are used to evaluate the degree ofagreement between the classification results and the real

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features, that is, the classification accuracy is calculated tovisually show the feasibility of the proposed algorithm isfollowed by a comparative analysis of other classificationalgorithms, and further improvements based on their short-comings. Commonly used evaluation indicators are confu-sion matrix, producer accuracy, user accuracy, Kappacoefficient, overall classification accuracy, etc. [57], and itsimplementation principle will be briefly introduced below.

6.1. ConfusionMatrix. The confusion matrix is also called theerror matrix [58], which is mainly used to compare whetherthe classification result is the same as the actual ground cover.Various other evaluation criteria are based on this. Assumethat the confusion matrix of order c∗c is

X =

x11 x12 ⋯ x1c

x21 x22 ⋯ x2c

⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮

xc1 xc2 ⋯ xcc


3777775, ð16Þ

where c is the number of categories, and xij, ði, j = 1, 2,⋯cÞ isthe number of samples of the i-th category divided into the j-th category, and the element xii on the diagonal representsthe number of sample points that were correctly divided.Where n is the total number, and the total number of samplepoints is calculated as

n = 〠c


j=1xij: ð17Þ

6.2. Overall Accuracy. The overall accuracy refers to the ratioof the number of sample points that are correctly divided intothe total number of samples. The calculation formula is

POA = ∑ci=1xii



: ð18Þ

6.3. Kappa Coefficient. The Kappa coefficient can compre-hensively evaluate the division results of images. The Kappacoefficient comprehensively considers the number of samplepoints that are correctly divided and the number of incorrectdivisions to evaluate the classification results, which is veryconvincing [59]. Based on the confusion matrix, the follow-ing formula can be used:

PKC = n∑ci=1xii − n∑c

i=1 xi+xi+ð Þn2 − ∑c

i=1 xi+xi+ð Þ , ð19Þ

where n is total and xi+ is the sum of the elements of eachrow, defined as follows:

xi+ = 〠c

i=1xij: ð20Þ

x+i represents the sum of the elements in each columnand is defined as follows:

x+i = 〠c

i=1xij: ð21Þ

Table 1 gives several classification methods of supervisedclassification; the data comes from Pavia University. Itshould be noted that percentages are added after the valuesof OA and AA.

For the above methods, the SVM training time is longerbut the classification speed is fast; the RF training speed isfast, the implementation is simple but it is prone to overfit-ting; the BP algorithm has fault tolerance and strong self-learning ability, but the convergence speed is slow and thetraining time is long; 1D-CNN can handle high-dimensional data but requires a large number of samplesand it is best to use a GPU for training.

Table 2 gives several classificationmethods based on deeplearning. Similarly, the data also comes from Pavia Univer-sity and gives a comparison table of the classification effectsof each method using spectral information, spatial informa-tion, and spatial-spectral information.

Comparing Tables 1 and 2, it can be seen that the classi-fication effect of the deep learning method is superior to theordinary classification method, especially after combiningspatial information and spectral information, the classifica-tion performance has been greatly improved. However, thedeep learning method requires a large number of trainingsamples for classification, and the training time is long. Ifthere are enough training samples, the deep learning methodis a good choice. If there are no training samples, then SVM,etc. can also be used for classification.

7. Conclusion

Classification and recognition of hyperspectral images areimportant content of hyperspectral image processing. Thispaper discusses several methods of hyperspectral image clas-sification, including supervised and unsupervised classifica-tion and semisupervised classification. Although thesupervised and unsupervised classification methodsdescribed in this article have their respective advantages tovarying degrees, there are limitations in the application ofvarious methods. For example, supervised classificationrequires a certain number of prior conditions, and humanfactors will affect the classification results have an impact.Therefore, based on different application requirements, com-bined with the acquisition of hyperspectral images with mas-sive information, multiple methods need to be combined

Table 1: Comparison table of classification results.


OA 78.0 71.5 80.5 78.0

AA 86.8 82.0 82.3 81.0

KAPPA 73.3 65.0 76.6 77.9

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with each other in order to achieve the desired classificationeffect. With the development of hyperspectral image technol-ogy, hyperspectral image classification has been widely used.Existing theories and methods still have certain limitationsfor more complicated hyperspectral image classification.Therefore, researching more targeted hyperspectral imageclassification methods will be an important research direc-tion in the future.

Data Availability

Data are available on request. Please contact Xiaofei Wang torequest the data.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.


This work is supported by the National Natural ScienceFoundations of China (61871150) and the National KeyR&D Program of China (2016YFB0502502).


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