Review Article Etiological Role of Environmental Toxicants


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International Journal of Research & Review ( 533 Vol.6; Issue: 8; August 2019

International Journal of Research and Review E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

Review Article

Etiological Role of Environmental Toxicants in

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Dr. Roya Rozati1, Dr. Sumaya Fatima


1M.D (A.I.I.M.S), F.R.C.O.G (London), Medical & Research Director, Maternal Health Research Trust,

Road #3, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad-34. 2Pharm-D, Department of Pharmacy Practice; Clinical Pharmacist, Basavatarakam Indo-American Cancer

Hospital and Research Institute, Road number- 10, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana 500034.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Sumaya Fatima


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is termed as the most common and complex reproductive and

metabolic disorder, marked by increased androgen levels, irregularities in the menstrual cycle, and/ or small cysts on either or both the ovaries. About4%–8% women in the age of child-bearing are most

commonly affected by PCOS, as per the prevalence estimates of NIH/NICHD criteria. Obesity,

amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea, hirsutism, and most frequently infertility are the clinical manifestations included. Type-1 Diabetes Mellitus, Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus, and gestational

Diabetes Mellitus are the risk factors for adults with PCOS. Both environmental and genetic changes

give rise to PCOS. Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) intrude with the action of hormones which

further disturbs homeostasis, resulting in revamping of the physiology during the whole lifetime of an individual, from fetal development to adulthood. Chemicals recognized as endocrine disruptors are

diethylstilbestrol, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxin and its analogues,

Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), and few other pesticides. Lifestyle factors associated with PCOS are: Increased body mass index, nutrition and diet as well as health care utilization. Modifying

those behaviors can mitigate or prevent excess disease in such populations and should be taken into

consideration in order to reduce human exposure to protect current and future generations from their

adverse health effects, which will ultimately prevent or alleviate the severe metabolic sequelae of PCOS.

Keywords: PCOS, Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC’s), Exposure, Environmental toxins, Lifestyle.


One of the most common and

complex reproductive and metabolic

disorder, marked by elevated androgen

levels, menstrual irregularities, and/or small

cysts on either or both the ovaries is termed

as Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) [1]


reported in modern medical literature by

Stein and Leventhal in 1935. [2]


underlying pathophysiology and variable

phenotypes, of this condition is not yet

completely understood. [3]

About 4%–8% women of

reproductive age are most commonly

affected by PCOS, as per the prevalence

estimates of NIH/NICHD criteria. Obesity,

amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea, hirsutism,

and most frequently infertility are the

clinical manifestations included. Type-1

Diabetes Mellitus, Type-2 Diabetes

Mellitus, and gestational Diabetes Mellitus

are the risk factors for adults with PCOS. [4]

In vitro, overexpression of a protein

resulted in reproduction of PCOS

Roya Rozati Etiological Role of Environmental Toxicants in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

International Journal of Research & Review ( 534 Vol.6; Issue: 8; August 2019

phenotype, which is differentially expressed

in both normal and carcinogenic

development cells, which is identified by

genome-wide association screening.

Commonly associated metabolic

disturbances such as obesity, insulin

resistance, dyslipidemia, and hypertension

may serve as clues in the diagnosis of

PCOS. [5]

In about half of PCOS’ patients,

either obesity related or intrinsic insulin

resistance related or both obesity related and

intrinsic insulin resistance related metabolic

syndrome occurs whereas tissue-selective

effects are observed in compensatory

hyperinsulinism, which may result in the

aggravation of hyperandrogenism. By the

interlikage of diverse environmental and

genetic factors, a complex trait in PCOS is

observed. The genetic studies of PCOS have

been outlined by phenotypic confusion.

Although several gene loci including

CYP11A gene, the insulin gene, a region

nearby insulin receptor and the follistatin

gene are expected as PCOS genes, the

evidence approving linkage is not

overwhelming. [6]

Polycystic ovarian morphology

(PCOM), high levels of androgens in

females (hyperandrogenemia), insulin

secretory defects, and insulin resistance are

the heritable factors involved, whereas

environmental factors includes poor fetal

growth and prenatal androgen exposure,

acquired obesity is one of the major

postnatal factor. The association of a

various pathways and lack of common

thread provides a clear evidence of the

diversity of the syndrome and its

multifactorial nature. [7]

Both genetic and environmental

changes contribute to PCOS. Obesity,

provoked by poor dietary choices and

physical inactivity, worsens PCOS in prone

individuals. The role of additional

environmental modifiers such as

environmental toxins or infectious agents is

hypothetical. [8]

Despite evidence from human

studies is inadequate regarding potential

prenatal environmental factors, there is

further documentation that postnatal

exposure to environmental risk factors are

associated to PCOS. Unhealthy lifestyle

factors, including obesity and lack of

physical activity have been suggested as

potential environmental risk factors

associated with the metabolic conditions

related to PCOS. [9]

As diverseness of its

features is observed within ethnic races,

families and geographic location indicates

that environment and lifestyle are of prime

value. [10]

Hence in the present review we

therefore aim to have a look on the ongoing

research on environmental toxins for this

syndrome in the pathogenesis of PCOS so

as to reduce human exposure to protect

current and upcoming generations from

their unfavourable health effects.

Environmental factors: The throwbacks

of modernization

Endocrine disrupting chemicals

(EDCs) intrude with the action of hormones,

disturb homeostasis, and may revamp

physiology during the whole lifetime of an

individual, from fetal development to

adulthood. [11]

In order to gain a clear image

of the etiology of hormone-related diseases,

understanding how EDCs affect

physiological processes and initiate

pathophysiology is necessary. At

environmentally relevant doses, some

EDC’s attach to hormone receptors and act

as either agonists or antagonists, thus

enhancing, dampening, or blocking the

action of hormones. They also modify the

number of hormone receptors in distinct cell

types and the concentration of circulating

hormones. [12,13]

These effects generate alternative

phenotypes, depending on time and

exposure of the dose, which may result in

increased disease susceptibility. If exposure

changes hormone actions during

ontogenesis, the effects are generally

permanent and can affect organ growth and

activity. Furthermore, these effects could

have lifetime consequences that are both

complex and difficult to predict. [14]

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Pathophysiology describing an endocrine disruptor which, when taken up by the body, can

increase or decrease normal levels of the hormones (left), imitate the body’s natural

hormones (middle), or make changes in the natural generation of hormones (right).; Source:

Image from National Institute of Health Sciences (NIH) article on Endocrine Disruptors.

There are tremendous uncertainties

in estimating what might be a safe level of

exposure to hazardous man‐made chemicals,

especially when they retain in the body for

longer duration. This is in due as a result of

a lack of exposure data and toxicity data for

an ample majority of chemicals people are

exposed to. It is challenging to propose that

exposure to a certain chemical at a certain

concentration will cause a peculiar adverse

effect. The optimum way to counter this

continuing chemical contamination and the

menace to future generations is to avoid the

manufacture and use of chemicals that are

found in higher concentration in body fluids

like blood and breast milk. [15]

Endocrine Disruptors:

Among the environmental pollutants

suggested to be linked to such hormonal

disorders are the polychlorinated aromatic

hydrocarbons (PHAH), a group of

ubiquitous environmental contaminants

which include dibenzofurans (PCDFs),

polychlorinated di benzoicp-dioxins

(PCDDs), and biphenyls (PCBs). [16]

A broad and varied range of

substances are thought to induce endocrine

disruption including bisphenol A,

phthalates, polybrominated flame retardants,

some organochlorines, perfluorinated

substances, alkylphenols, solvents,

polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and

some domestic products including some

sanitation products, air fresheners,

cosmetics, hair dyes, and sunscreens. Along

with the above mentioned some metals also

mimicked endocrine-disrupting properties.


Known endocrine disrupting

chemicals include diethylstilbestrol,

polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxin

and its analogues, DDT, and few other


Bisphenol A(BPA)

BPA is an elevated-concentration

organic synthetic chemical, observed in

plastic and the epoxy resins which are used

mostly in food packaging containers that

store food and beverages, such as water

bottles. Thereby, food is believed to be a

major source of BPA intake. [18]


prevailing exposure to BPA has provoked

the search for alternatives for use of BPA in

polycarbonate baby bottles [19]

and for food

companies to remove BPA from canned

foods. Lakind and Birnbaum [20]


the problems with coated cans for food by

focusing on caution that alternate chemicals

for BPA canned foods which could pose

issues on their own. Lakind [21]

in 2009 also

reports Campbell’s announcement of the

removal of BPA in its soup products.

In 2008, the NTP center evaluated

for risks of BPA inhuman reproduction and

expressed that there are affects observed on

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the brain, prostate gland of fetus and

behavior in both infants and children. [22]

In women observed with PCOS,

there was an association between

environmental exposure to Bisphenol A

(BPA) and decreased Antral follicle count,

which suggested that BPA may affect

human ovarian function. [23]

Another study indicated that BPA

plays a main role in the pathophysiology of

PCOS, by comparing 51 samples of PCOS-

confirmed patients and the control group,

which showed significantly elevated levels

in PCOS group when compared to that of

controls. This was further strengthened by

the application of logistic regression

analysis method which further conveyed

BPA to be significantly associated with

PCOS. [24]

In women diagnosed with PCOS and

exposed to BPA, the quantity of BPA was

significantly higher than those of healthy

women exposed to BPA. This may be the

reason for significant differences in the

cholesterol, triglyceride, TSH levels and

also in the LH:FSH ratio. These

observations further confirm the potent role

of BPA in the pathogenicity of PCOS. [25]


Caucasian PCOS patients, significantly

higher levels of BPA were observed in

PCOS-to-control ratio and study. This

further point outs that serum BPA can be

positively linked to PCOS diagnosed

women and also involved in

hyperandrogenism and the insulin-resistance

of PCOS. [25]


Phthalates are a category of

synthetic material derived from phthalic

acid. These are termed based on the varying

lengths of their alkyl chains, and act as

environmental toxicants to humans who are

exposed to it on a day-to-day basis. [27]

These are most commonly used as

softener in polyvinyl chloride consumer,

medical, and building products to confer

flexibility, as excipients in dietary

supplements and medications, and as

solvents and matrices in products of

personal care. As softeners, phthalates are

available in regularly used products such as

shower curtains, flooring, carpeting,

roofing, packaging equipment, automotive

parts, food and beverage packaging, and

even in children’s toys. Another form of

phthalate is present in commonly used

medical devices as such blood bags and

intravenous bags, tubing, dialysis

equipment, and also in the manufacture of

disposable and surgical gloves. [28]

As solvents and matrices, phthalates

are usually found in cosmetic and consumer

products varying from perfumes and

hairsprays to wood finishes and pesticides.

Further, they are mostly used as lubricants,

defoaming agents, and adhesives. [29]


are also present in the enteric coating of oral

pills and also in dietary supplements ranging

from probiotics to certain fish oils, in

excipient form. [30,31]

The presence of

phthalate in some prescribed medication

preparations of omeprazole, didanosine and

theophylline, were found to be significantly

high in those taking medications than those

of reference population, as per the findings

of Hernandez-Diaz et al., in 2009.

Therefore, some medications can be a

source of high exposure to some phthalates,

thereby raising concern about potential

human health risks with result to these

exposures. [32]

Once consumed, phthalates rapidly

metabolize in the stomach, liver, and blood

stream by the action of esterases and lipases.

Initially, phthalates induce toxicity by

cleaving to its specific hydrolytic monoester

where only one alkyl chain is remained on

the phthalic acid. Depending on the size of

the remaining monoester metabolite, the

alkyl chain further undergoes oxidative

metabolism and ultimately glucuronidation

depending on species. [33,34]

EDCs can target follicles at various

stages of folliculogenesis and exert ovarian

toxicity. Chemicals can specifically target

the primeval, preantral, antral, or primary

population of follicles, or even target

corpora lutea. Once a specific population is

directed, the chemicals can provoke atresia

and exhaust the follicles within that stage,

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and can seize follicles under that stage, or

can even promote accelerated development

from that stage. Every single possible

outcome can have adverse effects on non-

reproductive health and/or fertility. EDCs

that accelerate or deplete the growth of

primordial follicles may result in permanent

infertility which are mostly premature

menopause induced, or premature ovarian

failure induced. [35-38]

As per the analysis of Davis et al.

1994a, 1994b; and the analysis by

Lovekamp and Davis in 2001, the

experimental evidences suggests that DEHP

inhibits the transcription of the enzyme

aromatase and suppresses estradiol

production in the ovaries of adult females. [39]

Due to their ubiquitous production,

presence, and extensive use in the habitat,

phthalates have the possibility to fix on the

ovary at every stage of development and in

adulthood. These detrimental effects can

result in premature ovarian failure,

decreased steroidogenesis and anovulation,

infertility. [40-43]

Thus, disruptions of standard

ovarian function by various different

mechanisms, resulting in bothnon-

reproductive and reproductive abnormalities

are sequences of phthalate exposure. With

reference to all these evidences, the current

review suggests that both women and

children, exposed to environmental

phthalate and phenol are at high risk of

developing hormonal abnormalities which

might positively be related to social class.

A study was carried to assess the

function of polychlorinated biphenyls

(PCBs), environmental estrogens and

phthalate esters (PEs) as probable

environmental threat in decline of the semen

parameters in men with infertility without

any obvious etiology. The results revealed

xenoestrogens as inversely proportional to

absolute motile sperm count in infertile men

and were remarkably lower than controls

respectively. PEs and PCBs may be

significant to deteriorate the semen

standards in men with infertility without any

obvious etiology. [44]

53 males were evaluated and the

potential role of PCBs as an environmental

hazard in the retrogression of male fertility

was observed. It was found that the sperm

quality and quantity were remarkably lower

in men with infertility when compared to

that of controls. The maximum average

PCB concentration was observed in the fish-

eating urban habitants, followed by fish-

eating rural habitants, non-fish-eating urban

habitants and non-fish-eating rural

habitants. The absolute motile sperm counts

and the PCB concentration were contrary to

each other and was significantly low than

those of controls respectively. PCBs may be

significant in the retrogression of sperm

quality and quantity, as contaminated fish in

diet was observed to be the main source of

exposure. [45]

Nickel and Chromium.

Majority of the heavy metals

inclusive of chromium, cadmium, and

nickel are harmful industrial chemicals with

a risk of exposure in both environmental

and occupational settings that may lead to

detrimental outcomes.

Both unique and similar genes and

their pathways responded to oxidative stress

induced by nickel, cadmium, chromium.

Although all these three metals are observed

to be genotoxic, the significance for damage

of DNA in a study existed only with

response to chromium. A hypoxic response

was induced by nickel in addition to genes

inducing response intricated in the structure

of chromatin, perhaps by replacement of

iron in main proteins. Cadmium markedly

unsettles the genes linked with endoplasmic

reticulum stress and invoke the response of

unfolded protein which results in apoptosis.

With these studies, a first gene expression

for the comparative analysis of chromium,

nickel, and cadmium in the H4-II-E-C3 cell

type have been completed. [46]


findings indicate a relationship between

PCOS and increased copper concentration. [47]

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High serum copper and nickel with

low Zinc levels are associated with PCOS in

our study. Chronic copper overload may

have exaggerated insulin resistance that is

associated with PCOS and deficiency of

Zinc cause oxidative stress to act on PCOS

by affecting the hormone levels; these

results provide indication to observe the

mechanism of PCOS and counsel for detail

treatments in PCOS patients in clinically

conducted trials associated to antioxidant

supplementing in PCOS. Additional studies

are needed for the evaluation of the effects

copper and Zinc in PCOS’ patients affiliated

to insulin resistance and oxidative stress. [47]

Further abnormal features were

discovered in the spermatic fluid of the

workers exposed. Seminal fluid

abnormalities were correlated with the total

of years susceptible to welding fumes,

holding chromium and nickel. [49]


Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels, an

Oxidative Stress (OS) attribute, were

discovered to be certainly correlated with

Micronucleus (MN) in PCOS’ patients and

not the healthy. [50]

Additionally, DNA copy

numbers of the mitochondria was

unfavorably correlated with indicators as

such triglyceride levels, waist

circumference, and insulin resistance and

were positively correlated with globulin

level binding sex hormones. [51]


correlations were observed among DNA

strand breakage and free testosterone

including damage to DNA induced by H2O2.


As mentioned above, there are deep-

seated interactions between and oxidative

stress, obesity and insulin resistance. It

gives the impression that the oxidative stress

which is altered in PCOS, has enhanced the

gene instability and also the risk of DNA

mutation which may probably contribute in

the gynecological cancers’ pathogenesis.

Lead (Pb)

Lead is the common element

available in low quantity on the Earth’s

crust. It is used widely in industries,

especially in products like paint, piping,

materials of construction, and batteries. It

causes many health problems as such

toxicity of the kidneys, liver, nervous

system and the hematopoietic system. IARC

classified the inorganic lead products to be

likely carcinogenic to humans as found with

the risks of carcinogenicity. [53]

Major symptoms in adults include

stomachache, headache, abnormal sexual

function, and decreased sensation in limbs,

loss of memory, renal failure, and the early

phase symptoms which are non-specific

like, decrease in appetite, depression,

intermittent stomachache, diarrhea,

constipation, and nausea may be manifested. [54]

Lead, including multitude

environmental toxic agents may cause

infertility and other alterations. This toxic

environmental pollutant is widely spread

and affects both female and male

reproductive systems of humans [55]

and in

the experimental animals. [56]

Most of the

common effects reported in women includes

increase in the time to conceive, infertility,

miscarriage, pregnancy associated

hypertension, preeclampsia, premature

delivery, [57-59]

hypermenorrhea, abnormal

and prolonged menstruations,

polymenorrhea, and an increase in the

prevalence of spontaneous abortions. [60]


fact, as early as in 1965, Gilfillan [61]

suggested that the declining birth rate in

Rome’s ruling class, which may have been

at the root of the empire’s dissolution, was a

consequence of exposure to lead in food and


It has been demonstrated that lead

and Cadmium exert endocrine disrupting

properties. The possible role of these metals

in endometriosis is not yet known. In 119

patients, urinary excretion of cadmium

(CdU), and concentration of lead in blood

(PbB) and cadmium (CdB) was compared

with endometriosis of peritoneum and or

deep endometrial nodules of 25 controls and

the rectovaginal septum. Among the groups,

there was no difference among the average

levels of cadmium in urine and blood. Low

amount of PbB was observed in women

affected with endometrial diseases than that

Roya Rozati Etiological Role of Environmental Toxicants in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

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of controls. Their data could not support the

role of cadmium in the initiation or

development of endometriotic condition but

suggested a possible lead relationship. [62]

Lead (Pb) is a toxic metal found

ubiquitously. Workers of secondary Pb

recovery unit are susceptible to occupational

lead exposure. The exposed workers were

observed with increased levels of damage to

DNA, which justified the genotoxic effects

of Pb in exposed humans. [63]


The hormonal function in females

may be interfered by the use of some

pesticides, leading to adverse effects on the

system of reproduction by the disruption of

hormonal balance which is necessary for its

proper functioning. [64]


pesticides which are used to eliminate

insects are the persistent chemicals which

and have now been banned in the U.S.

These chemicals can bioaccumulate in fish,

and diet is the main route of exposure for

humans. [65]

Women with low levels of

education, low levels of pesticide use safety

awareness, [66]

poor access to personal

protective equipment, and limited training

on proper use of pesticides might be at

higher risk of exposure to pesticides and the

resulting adverse health effects. As shown

by Jors et al [67]

lower levels of education

are also associated with less knowledge of

pesticides and with risky behavior when

pesticides are being handled.

In the recent years, use of pesticides

had been increasing, which resulted in the

need for increased production of pesticides.

However, some of the pesticides may also

represent as danger to human health,

especially by causing cancer. Genotoxicity

tests perform an essential role in the cancer

research and also in assessing the risk of

potential carcinogens. The workers exposed

had a significantly high mean than controls.

Smokers had a significantly high mean than

that of non-smokers. Covariance analysis

conveyed that both smoking and

occupational exposure had significantly

high effects on the mean tail lengths,

whereas gender and age had no effect on

damage to DNA. It was suggested by their

study that exposure to smoking and

pesticides occupationally can result in

damage to DNA which further confirms the

susceptivity of the Comet assay. [68]

Two studies were carried out, which

discovered a significant association among

two different OCPs and endometriosis. [69]

Drugs including Phyto-estrogens and


Drugs like digitoxin and digoxin

have extensive clinical use to treat atrial

dysrhythmias and heart failure. [70]

In male

patients taking cardiac glycosides for the

cardiovascular diseases, decrease in the

excitement and sexual desire are the

primarily reported sexual problems. [71]

In the root to endometriosis, as

multiple factors are involved, it has been

indicated that exposure to dioxin may

contribute to alteration in growth factors and

immune response or imbalance of sex

hormones. [72]

This further alters tissue

specific responses to hormones via

transition of steroid receptor expression. [73]

Thereby, genetic background or

cellular changes may predispose an

exposure, resulting in infiltration and

adherence of cells of the endometrium in the

peritoneum. [74]

As PCOS is believed to be having a

higher incidence in women with epilepsy

and possibly bipolar disorder, multiple

theories have been proposed to explain its

higher prevalence and various disorders of

reproductive system in these patient

populations. This included the effects of

itself the disease and of antiepileptic drugs,

mainly valproate, which may directly lead

to PCOS or indirectly result in the disorder

by causing weight gain which further

triggers insulin resistance, elevated

testosterone levels, and other reproductive

abnormalities. As there are no definite

studies confirming the association between

PCOS and anti-epileptics, medical

practitioners need to be aware of the

possibility in women of reproductive age to

develop symptoms of PCOS, when treated

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with antiepileptics. Therefore, the choice of

antiepileptic drug for women with epilepsy/

bipolar disorder must be based on the most

effective agent for the control of neurologic

symptoms. [75]

As indicated by several studies,

digitalis like drugs have the capability of

attaching to the estrogen receptors, although

it has lacking affinity than that of estrogen

itself [76,77]

It was also observed that

occurrence of PCOS was also higher in

patients with valproate compared to other

anti-epileptics, untreated women with

epilepsy, and the normal population. [78]



As assisted by immense data being

derived from various scientific prototypes,

broad exposure to toxins in environment as

well as their part in PCOS’ pathophysiology

are assisted by strong recommendations and

protective strategies. This initially includes

exploration of environmental risk factors

related to PCOS and their consequences,

which have significant public health

implications. Taking into consideration to

the lifestyle factors found to be linked with

PCOS including: Diet and nutrition, and

suggested factors which include health care

utilization and obesity. Modifying those

behaviors can prevent or mitigate excess

disease in such populations and should be

taken for consideration in order to reduce

human exposure to protect current and

future generations from their adverse health

effects, which eventually mitigate or prevent

the severe metabolic consequences of


Authors Contribution

All authors Dr. Roya Rozati and Dr. Sumaya Fatima contributed equally to this work. Dr.

Roya Rozati along with Dr. Sumaya Fatima

discussed and participated in the preparation of

manuscript at all stages. Conflict of interest: There are no conflicts of

interest in this study.


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How to cite this article: Rozati R, Fatima S. Etiological role of environmental toxicants in

polycystic ovarian syndrome. International Journal of Research and Review. 2019; 6(8):533-544.
