Review 5 th NBT1 and NBT2. Which as a value 10 times greater than 0.008? A.0.08 B.0.8 C.8 D.80


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5th NBT1 and NBT2

Which as a value 10 times greater than 0.008?

A. 0.08

B. 0.8

C. 8

D. 80

In the decimal 99.999, which is 1/10 the value of the 9 in the tenths place?

a. The 9 in the tens place

b. The 9 in the ones place

c. The 9 in the hundredths place

d. The 9 in the thousandths place

Which as 1/10 the value of 0.01?

a. 0.001

b. 0.1

c. 10

d. 1,000

Randy said that the number 0.03 has a value 10 times greater than 0.003. Is he correct?

How many zeros are in the product of

How many zeros are in the product of

How many places to the left do you move the decimal point in 4.8 to find the quotient of

How many places to the right do you move the decimal point in 21.642 to find the product of
