Reverend Fielder Transcript



This document was posted at and described as a transcript to an interview with Meridian resident Steven Fielder. The interview, which was posted at, does not match the transcript, however. Fielder says he lied in the interview when he said a member of Thad Cochran's campaign asked him to pay people to vote for the incumbent. Fielder told the attorney general's office that Noel Fritsch, spokesman for Chris McDaniel's campaign, paid him.

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FIELDER: Actually I wanted to hear it b/c I don’t even know chris mcdaniel, you know. All we’ve ever got was negative things from tea party. So we’ve not really had anybody you know in the community … race was ah … dishing out some information about each other and and all of that but um I’ve been in politics I know about 40 some years since I was yay high. My dad raised me up, first black guy running for sheriff, constable and all of that in the late sixties & seventies, you know. So I know all about how politics is. And he once said years ago, you know, that if you add some black with some white and you have a pretty unbeatable machine. And um, you know as it relates to you all, I didn’t just do the call b/c I saw a lot of people unhappy about the result. I was like this now you know, I worked very hard for thad, and I got close to some people that in trouble in the loop and were doing some things that I witnessed and know about and threw money to people for it, that I know that’s against ethics and all of that, and ah, I’m supposed to get paid on the back end and I didn’t and then I said how many times do I have to get burned by people in politics that um you know say after the votes counted say “hey” and it don’t come, this is what they do, so, You all had your reasons for not liking what happened, I had my reason that was the pay, and um, like [ Knowing what it would take to hand the district to him because he couldn’t stand up behind the allegations of proof that I would put out, um he would have to turn the district loose. I mean That’s all there is to it. You know I mean you don’t just throwin things out there that I don’t think nobody would frown if a person paid black people 15 dollars a vote to vote, you know what I’m saying. You know I, you let me know what you feel about it as we discuss it. INTERVIEWER: you said you DON’T think that anybody would frown on it? FIELDER: I said I DO think. INTERVIEWER : I do too. I don’t think that that’s right. FIELDER: I don’t think at all. I believe that that was out and had somebody substantiate… that’s just one part. I just don’t see how he could stand up behind such as that. INTERVIEWER so were there, did you see? Did you see um? FIELDER: What’s his name now look, like I told him, I don’t mind talking in person. I, we all have our reasons for doing what we doin. Now me? It’s very simple. I mean, I could provide certain things.

INTERVIEWER: So when you say 15 dollars per person to vote, how does that happen? What does that look like? (Fielder shows interviewer email received from saleem baird) Fielder : That’s just a text from one of the workers to me. Just scroll down now. Have to go through some things. ____ back up. And that was carried out numerous times. That’s basically 20 people times 15, that’s 300 dollars, a small scale they needed 10,000 votes, black votes, to make sure, that ah, that they would have enough to beat, ah, Chris. With me. It’s like the guy from California, who it was, Charles Johnson, you know the story, I don’t mind doing what I got to do. But I’m not you know I know you know once I do it and turn it over and chris gets his chair, you know, I know where that leaves me. You know, It’s either I get something, or I’m a good Samaritan, you know, and I don’t think in these days and times too many people work in the good Samaritan thing, so I want to meet face to face, that I have proof, you know I have definitely did what is highly illegal for him to do. They put us in that situation. And so um, The thing is if chris want his seat, and if he want to deal with me for it for whatever I need to do, I don’t mind doin it, so the problem is you know if he think, if he think what I got will benefit him, then long as I done did it, and not out there stuck out high, INTERVIEWER – so you need to be protected. Fielder : Yeah that and you know taken care of. Cause see they beat me out of like 15,000 dollars for work that I did. I was supposed to get paid right at 2,000 a day from Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday and Tuesday. So these names like that he’s askin for was done over and over and over and over until Chris McDaniel didn’t have a chance. Who is saleem? FIELDER: He worked for uh, Thad, on his main campaign. INTERVIEWER: Did you know him? Fielder The funny thing about it? I didn’t’ really know him, but uh his mother, his cousin or whatever she is, really holds a high position in the Democrat party. And how… So what, there would um, he said he would have cash divided up into envelopes?

FIELDER: That was for the people. INTERVIEWER: Can you describe the process for me? Like how does that work? FIELDER: Well I mean you know, it’s a give and take. I don’t want to just go all the way. If y’all are offering something, then I’m offering something. You know, let’s just be realistic. If y’all are offering something then I’m offering something. The process is easy to describe. It’s basically just what it says. If a person wanted to do that, he would just have the 20 envelopes already ready with each one, he just catch the people goin into the polls, folks that you know and folks that you don’t know. And you know 15 dollars that’s what they vote worth, and that’s what y’all got tangled up at the very end, he was scared. And there was some unprofessional things done. INTERVIEWER: So where does that transfer take place? Does it happen right out side of the polling place? FIELDER:: Probably, they pick em up, or they get em right on the edge of the place, not IN the place, you know, but you have to get em very close to what you know they’re going straight to vote. Or either somebody a group of em is sent down there to vote you know with somebody driving a car with four or five of em in there, and two or three of em you get em as you can get ‘em. But you make sure you get em. You know, and it’s no doubt y’all was, you think about the people went to the polls in the black areas it was almost like 10 to 1. So I mean what I’m telling you is not a far stretch, and what I just showed you I have it ready for you. I wasn’t going to say that because I wanted to make sure that, you know like I say, you give something you get something. But you know y’all got caught up in a last minute ditch effort to make sure you were defeated. And it worked with ah.. you know it was unethical I think, very unethical, and I think that, ah he would be, old as he his, and with this, with the right kind of attorney, with the right pressure, I don’t think it would have to go too far to make him step down. INTERVIEWER: At what point do they make the recommendation about who to vote for? Like how do they know who’s going to vote for who when they walk into the polling place? FIELDER:: Well I mean you know, they a lot of time ain’t nobody with em, but you just gave ‘em 15 dollars, and telling them “hey, this is the guy to vote,” it looks like to me by the numbers that they did pretty much did what they were supposed to do. You know, So I don’t think I think for 15 dollars that for us to go on in there, if somebody wanted help, they got help, but pretty much people went in and did what they said they was gonna do.

INTERVIEWER: Who tells them who to vote for? FIELDER: Well I think whoever they give the money to. If it gave me, if it was me had the thousands of dollars at a time 20 or 15 dollars at a person, so I go out and get these people, and hey, I’m doing what I’m told. You know the camp say this, and I realized that’s a ____ of mind. They just used a mean tactic. I remember years ago, in government they used to talk about a dollar a vote in the old days, years ago, they would have a thing already made out. But they want to make sure that, I don’t know how they put the price at 15 dollars, but ah it worked. And and all I know is he sent me you know that text among others to make sure that uh this how we do it, and this is how you pick it up. And he just give me the envelopes, and they go on, and that’s what’s in the envelope, 15 dollars, and all that, as you see it said all names addresses and all, I think they assumed ah, they’re not worried about that, they just had the envelope, just a plain white envelope. INTERVIEWER: And so you would give him the names and addresses? FIELDER: That’s what they was wantin. And I gave em supplied em yeah one time to this guy here. INTERVIEWER: Saleem? FIELDER: Uh huh. And he was high up in there. A guy high up into the thing. INTERVIEWER: So saleem worked for thad Cochran? FIELDER: YEAH! INTERVIEWER: And what’s saleem’s last name? do you know? FIELDER: B-A-I-R-D. INTERVIEWER: Saleem Baird FIELDER: Yeah. [shows me email again] INTERVIEWER: Saleem O. Baird. OK. Um. So um, and they would give you the envelopes, and who would drive around and pick ‘em up at the addresses, you would do that? FIELDER: Well, like I said now, I wanted you to come and let you see I had what we needed, and I know it would help you, but now I think it’s you all, you know it’s Chris’s turn, now that I done showed you that I got something that would help,

and I know it would help you, I’m not stupid. INTERVIEWER: I know that. Clearly not. FIELDER: So if he whatever, if me and him, if me and somebody. Cuz see they want this back ah this evening. They out there, Reverend Thompson, he was the black guy that was on TV with em. Ah At the ah, I could’ve been over there, but I didn’t want to drive. INTERVIEWER: Oh so that’s a burner phone they gave you. FIELDER: Oh No no no no no. They want me to erase everything, and they want to pay me, you know he called last night two three times, and they want to try to get together this evening and all of this, but I had talked to you all, I live up to my word. If it’s nothing that you all want to do with it, fine, I’ll just deal with em and be through. But if you all, I’m still giving you the chance, because I called you. And and and it’s gonna look bad, a guy helping the tea party, but I don’t care cuz the bottom line it was there’s some wrong that’s done. And ah if he’s, willing to ah, you know negotiate with me, I’m fine with helping him get his seat, cuz he I mean, he he was defeated by black people that was allegedly, I’ll say at this point until we deal, paid. Now if you can see where that would help you fine, if you don’t? Just tell me now. Well I mean, you know I told you, I brought some information to the table. And he don’t have a big window, cuz I know at 5, I’m supposed to meet ah, them, some of em was claiming from out of town some kind of way. I don’t know a johnny barbour, some barbour guy, you know em? OK well I don’t know em. I just know the one that used to be the governor. INTERVIEWER: Haley? FIELDER: Haley yeah. So this guy is telling me that this guy is the main person and he’ll straighten it out. I, I, again, I called you all, so if they want me to help ‘em, I’ll let the next move be with them financially what they feel like they can do to assist me and trying to recover what I missed, what they beat me out of. But the way I see it is like this, if they can give me something to show, that hey, you all are up. Let’s deal, I’m there with ‘em. Ain’t got to be everything right then. Cuz this is gonna take some workin out. Something this big of magnitude with us. But if I stuck my head out from under my shell to let you know, hey, if they can do something today to let me know hey don’t deal with ‘em this evening, I’m the man, we gonna get together, this is what I want, I got now, and we gonna deal

this and next week, Then that’s what I’m looking for. And we’ll be good to go. And I can wait. This will be here. Um anything they need that what I witnessed and done, I’ll go further detail then, you know what I’m sayin’, because I don’t want to just, cuz the guy want to get interviews, I don’t mind doing anything I need to do as long as we work. You know when they put something out, I’m out with em. Well just know today I, and this ain’t no pressure that I’m trying to put on you, well it had to be today, because I got to have a good reason why this evening, and me knowing them, if they said five they’ll be here at three. But um, and that’s ah, Cuz like I said, you ask him who some barbour, johnny bar--, I don’t know, this is what the preacher is telling me the pastor at 31st the black guy who is up there sam Thompson he knows sam Thompson too, that was up there with him, and he said that ah, he guarantee that if we just hold it we would get it straight today, and I wouldn’t be out of nothing, but I had already talked to you all, I’m not a back stabber, I will do what I said, but if they do something and let me know that they’re sincere, then I’ll wait, and we’ll and ah, we’ll worry about that with them, and we’ll go ahead on. But other than that, you know anybody, these days as bad as things is, you not gonna turn down something. Now you might say, well if you do something, what make you think he gonna. I’m not fooling with ‘em. Just as long as we got a good understanding and they put something out. But if they don’t, then I mean, who can turn down the money that they’re owed. But I’m not gonna take it if y’all are willing to show me that y’all will put out until we can get together over at his office, or whatever, cuz I’m not scared to meet anywhere. The truth is you know the truth is what I got on my side. And the truth is what will put him [thad] out of his seat and ah he’ll [chris] have his chair. I don’t care what no other folk get mad about. I got things, and know what things are that could easily have done… cause to me, who’s running it? Is the old man running the chair? Or is it a bunch of young, you know I ain’t got nothing against no young guys, but now if young people running it that’s gonna back stab people, nuh uh. I ain’t got nothing against young people, but just, don’t back stab, and that’s what they did, and I reached out, and I been upfront with ya. You know what I’m expecting if he can do something today, hey, we got a good relationship until we take all the way to get his seat out, we’ll work together on whatever else, but I just need them now to show me that they’re interested in going forward. [END]
