Revengeofthe villains


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Revenge Of the Villains.

Commissioner Max and Adrian locks vacps and Atlas up for committing murder.

We can escape from these bad


Khai and Declan escaped and got revenge.


James and Adrian found a note on James’s door.

We must

take our revenge


James and Adrian get ready for battle.

We must defeat them!


Adrian and James size up there enemies.

James knocks Declan to the floor while Adrian and Khai are still in a ferocious battle.

Declan reaches for his in a final, desperate hope.

Declan reached for his gun and quickly shot James.

Adrian is desperate to save James and slices Khai’s head off.

Adrian lunges for Khai’s gun while Declan is about to shoot James.

Adrian got Khai’s gun in time to shoot Declan in time.

Adrian and James limp away from a horrible Scene


• Adrian P• James M• Max H• Declan R• Khai C