Revelation of the War: Phantoms Babiy Yar Book PR Campaign by Talan Group



Situation This sensational book was interesting for aged but something out-of-the-box for the young – the TA of the campaign

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Revelation of the War: Phantoms

Babiy Yar Book PR Campaignby Talan Group


The book Babiy Yar is a historic novel unveiling unknown dramatic facts about Nazi occupation of Kiev

SituationThis sensational book was interesting for aged but something out-of-the-box for the young – the TA of the campaign


Attract attention of selfish Kiev youth to a serious historical book


Recreate the same experiences among modern Kiev youth that their wartime peers had

Execution in social networks

In popular social networks profiles of fake people were created. During the month they actively chatted, made friends and behaved quite commonly

Execution in social networks

On September 29 – the (the anniversary day of a massacre) all fictional mates were “killed”

Mourning stripes appeared on their avatars All the mate’s friends received a message that today their friend was shot in Babiy Yar

Execution in social networks

The message contained a link to the book’s website

Results1. EVERY (100%) recipient

responded to the message of his “executed” social-network friend

2. 98% of recipients visited the book’s website

3. Wide response in blogosphere (203 posts in 54 blogs)

4. The campaign generated high buzz among the TA, which allowed the book to get to TOP-10 bestsellers list

Other elements of the campaign

1. Imitation of original posters announcing the “match of death”

2. Stickers on mirrors, telling that during the war every 2nd Kyiv citizen died

3. Leaflets with original Nazi agitation texts

4. Press-conference with opinion leaders

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