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"Rev. Mr. Sage's


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By SYLVESTER SAGE, A. M.P':JIOr of the jVfl Church in J1T!flmi'!fler.

WESTMINSTER,.I ' ".. ~ • , ...

A~TJ~ ~y _~,..,-tt~.


OB:o~~ 11th., 18°3.'



. ,~

In GENERA~ ASSEMBL,Y"O?t•. I4th.. 1,803..... ~. . (~. . .. _...... .

Refol~ed, irhat ~~CDm.m/ttee ~f three be ~p­p~i".tedto on th~ R~~. Mr. SAGE~ an.d ref-'peel/ufly prtftni him with 0 the 'thaitlu of the Gen­tra/ Affim!JIJ, {or' hz's Eletlion Sermon, deliveredy¢erdlJ}, and rtfJuefJ a Copy thereof fir the-prefi.'

Members -~ho(en~ - " - ,- ... ./ .

. Mcff'r~. L"EALAN'O: BUTLER and OLD5.

E~tralJ·f':'011Z'the Jou;'izall~ , ~ ", '.... /

Atteft, ANTHONY HASWE~L,Clerl.






. -.'AN.

ELECTION SERlvfO/'{..... ~ • ; .' _. II> ,

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;."': - . -< PllOACH TO' ANT PItOP·Llt. ' ,

THE p~nman ofth~(e words was jufi­.y repUted, the' wifell: king who-ever fat On thetbrone of Ifrael. .·~is· perceptions of thingS'wereclear; 'hi.s o~fervatio'O$ juLi. on every fuPject; andhis maxims, co~cerning CW'jJ go~efnment, (orrett.,He wei. knew; ,tbn, as civil government-was adivine· appointment, righteou(nH~,or the praCticeof true religion and ~irtue;,was every way calcu':'hted to pr0f1.1a~a natlon's digJ:lity al~d hll:ppine[s~

He confid-ered religioR l as the 'greateft nationalfecuTity and brighteft ornament : as laying themoft fu re -bafis for peace. at home and harmony,with otae, -nations: and one ()f the molt im­pregnable bulwarks 'of a people. ;

, IN'contraft: with this', he viewed' fin, as havingadirelt and certain tendency to rui!"J" The prev':'alence of vice and irreligion among any peopleWat, in l1is'eftimation, their lhame'; and, wouldeventually prove their deftruchon: that,' by I hepr.aaice of fin, GOD was provoked to, anger a­gainft. them; and that they might re:lfollablytear hIs frown.s, and expect to be vi{i~ed. with the

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~ t-t7l""U.1 (?'1 v ?a~4nt/-tif ->Ul.liS'c.J t~1,~-tNI(-d 1; ,,~r/ 'c,yt-4tA{~ ~ lit dh~ ,-~7li4;4c-f:i:.~ f



•" # '" ~

dire tokens of his juft di1plea[ure. The profane-:nefs. dilhonefty. inju~ice. idolatry. infidelity an~

blafphe~3 of.3 , .t.he4~ewo~c~. 3n<lwhat would expo(e ~h.e~·,o t1.l.~ n;i:oft bitter ca...lamities. .

; '" ; . -SOLOMON:. being a wife and an underllanding.

"dng. had, no. 40~qtl cr~~ica!ly AA~~ved what wa~for th,e a.dva,ntage. of meI;l: as individuals and as:(Q~~ jnto"Jg>~~i~s.;~Q~,wbjlt <WP9.W !~ i9~·their diIad.van~g~. ~~h~~.~roRrP.Fedopp01:tuni­ties. to obJervc:; the differentcondi~ionsof nationsaround hirn~ as well as, that of h:is OWl). ..{Ie notic~~(t.h~~~n;~~ 'Pf~'~tY:. ;@lfo in fea-.,Jo"scpt ,eljffi~~lt.y AJ,ld. !~~rad~,~on.. •Pop'~~ll=( ex~~,'lle.d inrto,t~,~~~leBpi thip'~; ,-fl!1.d,•. ~$.~ll.:y:[~,~~d-il)il~iqn~ll·tq~ re(uJt .o~ b~~r~f~1j~1)~eSt wr. ~~~t.o ,he. l~QeQ;Ji,g~~~OAfQ~fs,. j\lJtlc~d:~QUitY'1~Q~ a.,ftri~ ~d~e~c.(MP,thel~~ ~b,.e~VT"~~ '~c;r~ ,wili~t~·ll11d ,aql~g ~1\~I~),.·~~y>~p~ifu"r~~!. [~d.;wefe .\>1e.~4 w~tb tJiiJ.nq,uj.J~ty ~t bqllM:~ndf~Rr~d.:~b\l.~ WP~~ lu~uryJ ~pj~lti~, pr~'"~n~~~ ~9dlineHgiop. p~e,vailed, tIDPY ;~~:~ ~f~_jjeted ..~ith gr.iMVO~~ ·t;iltls !ln~ ~i(~~~il:c;~.. 9p· obf.C!f;'{i~g7t~~{e .~~ing~.lh~ ,YVaJi i~•.t\\l~e~,.J~Y Yle fpir.~tIPl ~, ·co !~c:ite ~ pr.01"".verbial laying ~~f=h}i, QPr .tel(t. .'

I:r., ptten happens,. Vlcit~. people., i~ s\~is wodd•.~cq:)fding to thc;k,~atiqQ~llch!U"atler.. If J~e:Yl~~~iJ;tuou$~(ld piol1~.,the(miles of ~iv~pe\ptQvj~~qce.

Attet1d ~h~m:. b~t jf th~y J>e.vicious flnplung~ly •..~hey .exp~ri~nce an H-"profp,e{~us J~te,9f'his is .nQl an i~le <he~m; it is a .~rllth -AA1.Jght.~ b<?th,. in tlcred and profane :tli~ory. .

'Eaa reign of. iufticc -and -equity. in' a>nati<;)D, .





imakes it refpetled and Bonared by'others:' A­wifeadmin;Llration ofthe govemment;~im'~:­tial- equity between man and man i-the {upportof religion ;-"the univerfal prattite of. h~>Deftyand virtue i-the protetl:ion and approbation ofvirtuous-men and meafures ;, or univer­fal benevolence and'campaffion ;-thefe «!xalta,na"tion ;-uphold govetnment ;-elevate the mind.,of people,.and qualify them for the favour ofGOD.

VICE triumphant, in any commUnity, tendersit reproachful. Sin fs a reproach to' any people~

It makes them' defpfcable, in the view of fur­tounding nations'. The people ollfrael were of..;ten inltaoce-s of both Pat'tS of tne text. Theywere great and ,exalted, when they were right..;CallS :~--but. when they forfook their GOD, andturned afide afrer idols,- their'neighbors trampledon and infulted them., .IN the proverb before· us, we are taught whatis out greatefi: or~ament; happinefs and fecurity. ,as a people. We are alfo inftrud:ed. what is our'greareft fbame ami difgrace; md what will fX­

pore us,- as individuals and as a nation, to the jua:judgments of heaven. '

U PO'N thefe two general ideas contained inthe teXt, it may not be nnfuitable, on this anni­verfary occafion, fot a few moments to fil our at­tention. And if upon thefe common topicks Ican fUlgefi rrothing that is new, yet, may I notho~e, ~Y the bldIing ef GOD. to encourage thatwhich IS right as well as excite to a reformationof what is amif~•

• THERE are various interpretation's of the wort!nzhttoufntft, as it is uft!d, in the facred fcrjpture-.

8. ..

Sometime"s, it is expreffive of that equity" w~idi

Chrift Jefus obferveth in all his.managements ; _c~ parricularly bis complete fulfilment of the pre­cepts. aDd fatlsfatlion of the penalty. of the.brok..en covenant in our fread." Sometimes, is ufed{"Ir the di\'ine attribute. of Jlljiice. alfo ex-"preffive of thatjuftice. and' hfJnej/y which individ.,uais of: mankind are bound to obferveltowardi~ch other" in. all their intercourfe.. By right­c.oufnef~, is expre{fed~ the Wh9le.of religion. .Ittflcludes fupre~e love, te? .GoP, and univer:.fal be.n~voience to men.· Without tbef,e, a nation ora.n ind~ri.d~al,. car:ulot ,be can~d righteo~s~' .

. ,T~ u~ teligion confifteth, in that inward pietyof tQc heart, by, which ,GoD is truly ackr.owl;~dged;· feared and loved; .and. which, inclintthperrons, to perform ,all duties of charity and J>e~

nevolence to their fdlow creatures,' according totheir al)ilities and opportunities." ." ; .

.TH E, righteoufnef~ of a nation confi6~th, ill;~ts being .,honeft, juft, and religious'; .or, in theimprdfive langu;lge of the holy fcriptures. in ren....~ering. to.all, . their dues :7"""to GODj·tlIatrever.­enee, love and obedience which he requires :-:.t~::t•.,equity an~ benevol~nce which ,i~ isb9UnJ :to el(~lclletowatds others; and ir. obfecvf.

; iog that tt.'_uiperance and [obriety it owes to' ~tfe1f.:

INSTEAD of finding indi.viduals of mankind~r nations generally 'd~fpofed.,to ,aa up to thefclimportant rules. we Cannot but fee'them a different line of conduct. 'And when w~

confider mankind" as beings who have re'noun~~dtheir allegiance ;to 9o~;. re~el1e4 agai~ft ,;; re·{lolled ob::dience to his law; we are not furprifed at

-,~rdirobedicn~to b~manlaws. ThisrebeJl!ou~di(pc»filiolt."as exhibited itfelf, among mankmd,il! every pttion. .~ in every age ?f the world."he,,,n&9v~n.ccll\11\8~Ikl the uilbndled 'paillonspi.~p; h'Yt; hurried them to the commJ1I~onof

~ cfy iq.~e6'.. ". .I' -·To·opiratC:.~~ teftraint ~poil'the{~ lufts .and~OIJ~. whkh are·native re6d~~s in the human~artJ and:to reoder "eni Cerhceable to one an­ptJle~ 'in this .or~ci, OOD. w~s 'pleafed to in~itUte~i"i1 per~an~t; withoQt which,' in fome onefol'lQ 91'.8flo~•.! every age'of the world,.wpuid have PlIrfu;.d t~~ 'injury.and dtO:ruClion of~.~her;, :. NQ.:~eablc intCrc~urfe or (ociery.JOr. any c~li4~bIc 1engt.h of time, could :h~ve

exU\c¢;ticnv.up.thtm~ The .more feeble mu~ f~~mitte~. t.o. the: a(~itrary ¢)andates of ~be . \ ­it qqmt:~4 ~plete:aDafc~~would been,be; cqn~1!eP.c~. :~~,. liberty and property~01Jt4'M": ~J't_~he difPQfal of f~mepowerful.~4 ~ti9qs tYr~,.. Men., free from the re;.{II • t .t.. "W'.' .aiqg the. p~rt C?f unrighteousCalli- W~~d.pfe.·:Ji~ murderous ruffians. and~rF~~~vq~a~dDaugluer among oneanother.

~...-:t!o~dCk·~be{e. cYit.s, and promotC the betternt! a~' _nd tempe~l bappinef$ of manki~d.~-Ippointeacivil gowrnment. To promote80\'.." '~ejr temperal, but eternal good. he gavelawl to:hi. people, for their rule of proceedure.Got> was t~eir king. Altho' MoCes was ~alled

ling in Jelhurun, he had no powe'r any furtherthan t? ~ec~te the la",:s which GOD ha~ given~~Y Unm' aud Thummtm: by prophets and viC­JODI, Wall JhcdiVinc JDind. at that ~ar.yperiod. made



be­~ or



it is(en;:tfelf.,

lkind.~hefcurfu..n w~


~, Ill:th.


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1,0 .

lCl,lQwn to. Mo{es,i ,a~~ ij~~ a.t-ai~t.u.l, (¢ry~_it~4i1igently. exe~uted t~c; \v,ijl' ~t ~eay~.. : ." I, . .

TH E forms..a,f oi~) government .whiCh lh.vee"iftcd ill ancie·nt· and -moJ6f.h times, h8\ie' b~ii'nrious :' b.....h9WeYeri dtYerfmed; none' eflhemafford fatisfaCtion to thofe lawlefs, reftle6( d'ifOr';ga.oizjA~ fRici,~ wb~ lwoW ~9. ba?Pi:"cUi.~~pt ..tlat ~hlCQ .arifea. Jrplll' c(Jl)tlf~~al. i~w>l)lt'0nat!

~·o.nfQfiQ~ ~qlDe:cl13r?4tertS -pi)th~t de{(u:i ption.,arc; founq j~ QVer.y M~iQn-;.. a(li1. it would :b~ well!t the~ num~r were·d~rej(~d . O{~bate\le.rfomi~ove.rnment 4lCl.Y be, it is d\ac none:. With~

(~ijt. any go;v~r,nm~nt-i tin: .}\\:Q.Jld, wQwfl be.fille<fwith confuf~ ~nd wrtC~<;heiipef'$ Ifjl1l:Y' gOM..·trnmenJ; b~ duly; adsnjni(l~e~iit9:' pi:a£e.alHe.,.{ulJ.;..ieCts,m.ay el~jQY ag~~ de&f" oli. happincf~-=Udtranquilli.~y. '. I ., ,- t.:. . ...

WfT1WuT.'3!tem~tlng:,?~1CIe~!, 'ili&f~~(pent and ammdbatiOnDtelvll governm'eJl~~J)er4

it me to .obferve! tha-t, ~.o&ririHu~l.~ e~i~?~r. we are permuted to }lYel(m~er.dt1'e·~~tI~mJld and gentle. Tht·nattonalaftclf\ate'C "nftiy_u~ioils w.ere ffA;med by'. the;:umfe4' ',~ift(~m V(

OVl:' moll: able F.Q!ir.icians., Our· gover'n'mebniW~ee.n and ftill is..amninjL\er~'i .b¥, m;en- ot;~t;Q.wn:diooung._ To fuppofe ~b.ey arc p' to ~.el1. tha~ whiJftl dQes, not~·b.elDlftt

~o .iliort fight~d cre~tufi(S .<?f a dayll Y{.h.Qfe kwJlda~{Ion IS in.tjlc; dlJ1t: butfrpm Ih~t proc,;:rit)e·.•·~ave many years enj9yed.. w~li\l"a~·.be,aifur;Ji<tWt,he admiqiftration ha,s b!=cn wife" "(~e"Un-jted

Slates of Am¢rlc.a now hold aVe. ilJJpQ{J~i.t ranlt!ib. the f€;a,le of nations. ,Fl;om -the dQpr~~f:n,

tjonal p.Qvcr:tyt and w.he.n the; feeds,ofd.\fcj>rd W-fftl


Fr-~"'! ~bc~Jpr-illgillgupwjiih <I he dire tymptomsotciv~J waf ; fbi$. ~at.wn hath rikn. ·in rhe fuortpenod ofabo~ l f~rtecn .Y~,,", tQaQ exalted ·pitchPi~B.t.wea1~b. ~d .-bappine{s. No hift~r-yoJlf~nh can I'if~rd a pafilJe1 ~here any'natldn~h ~ bus fuddeDly riltm. trom dte -depths of\Y.t1?-=hedocfs•.~ {h~ ver:y pinhacle of:profperity.~ ~t is, greaalyi.mpo~tan-t, tbat, by ..nion andv~r~~~ongGu1felves, and by honefty ana right­e~~ tqwards. all other nations, we carefuJly~ai9.~ ()~:acqui~ dign~ty. '..:VA~lo'O'~~ng$-mnft:concur, to pf(~mote this"PRaM' tmd deitablc()1>jea. ·No goternniedtqri~xiA withoUt lawl. Laws, without annex~ed ,.rtal(;iers, i8'te"blWa~ead letter. fftltey bothesi4. aJ&tt 'fher~f~e'i1dt a dUe e"ectuisn 'of them,~bey,u,e.'a '81ere:oo-1lity; and.the grCit purpores.~lwove;hment· wilt he fruftrated. '

, -~~'t'N anali~~)s ~leYated in .tbe ellimatiofl~.o~~~t·tu'ti9ns s, when her conftitution o¥ gOY"';'

cmmentalid !rer-laws arc confidered as excellent,iIlla the 'is under t . C( Sdminiftration Of wife and11J04 .inen; nothin:1{ is w:anting to mainiain her(fjg~i(y arid ieput811pn, in the yie,,! of others,'an a facred regard tooooWR welfare, and a ftria:oDtervance of honelly. j~lt'ice and 114elity to allwitb whQm the is in any way connetled or alli­ell. To obram,this impbrtant and defirable ob­je&, as we have-juft hitued, {everai things are re­qnifite. Good laws ;..-.their due or proper ex-'~ution; aDd a fuitable difpofition ofbbedience"JIi all°'the members of the community: Ali thefe~uft conenr and be united, that a nation may belliglm:ous. dignified and happy". .

• ."..i




IF laws be not good. but are, unjuA: and tt-'ta.nnical, 'the mOre rigol"ouUy they 'are:executed;the lefs will they advance the dignity'and happi;"nels of the community. Their ~ffetls :will bedireCl:ly the revetfe~' For this; reafoii, at well a.'others which might be mlntioned', were it' ne-'ce1fary. it is ofincakulablc'inip<irtaDCe~ tha~ .laWs;framed for the well ordering'o~ lociety t be co.a.formtble to the law of the 'Sopreirle LegUlator.AU human ·Iaws, whidl. in their' own 'oatu'rf: ofin their operation,- are inrolififtent with, oreon;:'tradiClory to the· law of. GOD, ate ',wrong, amiought to have no bin'ding -force-e' .. Mankind.arcfufficiently ind' oed to v~o1ate l·he rul'C~'of right...·4oufners, without eftablilhing: ini'luity. t>y:law.­It i~ univerfaIlY'and' uudel1ial>ly true, ·where taws;In any community; are with- ·tbc-'di.,vine law~ infi:ead o( .promoting, ·,be" "iii co~rl..·bute to the deltruCtion of .pu~1ic bappiliefs.~

Laws; calculated :to infurc: itillice. ~equit1 and:tighteoufnefs towards all accOrding 'to ule.ii-reJa':'tions. approxitn"3te' towards rhe .ivioe rule';. andin 'their execution wit! n:3tii f

oally 'pr~ut'e order

and happine1s. Without' la~s~. 10' foine gooct~.eafur'e conformable to the ntles- of rig~t~ur..nefs•.in vain, will a nation look for aliy coiilidcr~able degree bf peace 'and pl'ofperity. .:. '..

. To the righteoufueis and happin~'fs ofa natiQlla.another thing equally imp()rt~l)t, is; good andvirtuous rulers..H~~ever weI.1 adapt~d laws~ibe, to promote IndiVldual and pubhc good, Jr.:~y wicked, and unprincipled rulers, t~cy be pe~yerted and mifapplied, the good they w()~ld 011\­eOrwifc prod.uce. ~uA: be prevented. We read.

~~-'n t\lat book ~ which all men ofc.very, rank a~~condition arc folemnly bound to pay an un~evia.­

JiDg rcgar~. ~. IJe who ruletb ~~e,r men muft h,e.j~~.~~lipg io:*fcar of GOD. _ Although our,rul • be of our 'owa choofing. and t:le¥aled ,tolcais of 'eminence and power, by the fulfrages of.t~c ~pJ~,:s :y~.t, they ale c~~r t~' re~~~.t~eir,i1i~~~,ty l;S.derlvecl (roa:n h,lm,~~o 1$ g~e~ter di~,lilt lOng. '~'the carib... Mag\ftracy 16 an ordl­D~~ Q(-~;D • and qaigiftratcs are Gp:D·~'mini~­feri for 'goOd to m~Ii:, If to be ~ terror ~o, eVil,c1bCr.s;':andaptaifc'C6thofe who do weIJ.'~.· '.. . . i. ~ : \. .' . i .: ." l

WUEJI .oar rulers are wife and rigbteous; feeltheir accc;untabilityto GOD as king OVef lllI the~c81't'b, andfro'm whom they have received 'theirtutbority. 'their dtfitc inuil: be in all' their olfie'ialduties, to promote the glory of 001:) and the heft',good'·of the community over which they prefide~

Whea thefe a~e their .g.ove,rning l)bieas~ theirfil6jcds Will experience the' happifying frllits oftheir adminiftration~ Rulers. govcme4 by a 1a­-ered'regard 10 the law' of GO&. ana having ate8lizing belief that 'th~ are his civil miniftersfpr goOd-to their people. will alway'S, endeavor toIte faithful 'to their Lord and beneficial to theirconftit1ients. Such virtuous charaaers will bediligent in enforcing all the falutary laws of thecommonwealth; in doing which their wife andjudidous adminiftration will prom()te Ihe peace·a!,d happinefs of all thofe citizens who arc good,'Vtrtuou"~ and amicably difpofed. In the faithful­~ wifeexecurion t)ftheir refpetl:ive duties, good;ru.lers. u!1derthe bteffing of the KING of kings~willlJe mftrumcntal of ,promoting the virtue.








~4J-:..¥J~~RP~ft~fspnhe'~rnmqnltyin V1thof~(~r:~~·£b~y are empl~ed. . . ',. , .. .ANoTHER thing in'which' 'ibe' rig1itetSUnlet~and drgnity .of a natiol'l d~s fcotdjft. i.~:.· fuiG!~caifpoiition to obed~encl(il1~'tbe ~e~rsijfth~commlltii(y:~ . :' • /.,: .... 'J- .~" r;, ') " ....

, I~ is'ah ldlt (Jrta whiEh 1t~als 'iii ~~lie' 3i(or­dered '~a~a:tioii .of ce~tain' cparalt~~s, 'tli~~" t~e.leiS 're~r'arnC?d-1ne'n ire•.b'y:Jtaws" t!ie:s;n:~r~ .per~fe~ will 'be "their, eni9Yqten'rs~ For't'h'is u.n~~~~r~ineti.frt~dd~ to gra~ityt~:Hr corru.~,p'r0J.'~~'-:6tles cont'l'!ry to the la:ws of ~OD: and [oclet,.~h:y W:ill often,plead:; 4.!ld ~re it ill theirrpo.w-·cr,_ w()~14!educe civ.iI-i~.ed c~mmu,llities to favage~r?ar!tV,; and t~ ~he[u,ll indutgence ofall theit'Vlile lulls: an,d paJfiol1s But t~is 'i~ nottbe.,, genuipe liberty ·aI).d, The iciea tha~

~appiners w:ill ipae.1re ill pt.o,portion:as:reftraint~~e ~emovedr, is cODtradiCl:eo by cxperi~. Gbfet:;'v.atioa. and the word of Go)).. We 'haTe exam..pIes recorded of thl fatal efFettB of'unrcarainepaffians.both am~ng angels· and men. And ,by.(ad experiellce, w~' ar~ taQght the difmal: corife­quences of rebellion. It is well know~ by 'ev·ery one acqu~n.tedwith (acred hiftory t rt~at wileR!GOD'S people of old were obedient to the laws 'a('heave~, they were profperous and h~y J bllt,when, t~ey rebelled, tlley. were IQrelyaffi;Cled.---:'rIley could not find calm a'nd rational enjoymell~:inany of th:eir ways ofdifobedience. It has beent,he fa~e, in eyery.age of the world:,· and 'it will'eternally remain the fame. Wher~ l&.ws, in,an,:community, are generally dlfregarded and violated, that fociety muft"expeti.ence the matt

)5". -

b.pp,-dT. "Fhan, is Do foundaiiOlJi.OR_c:h.at1y oatiOB can rationally. expea' J~hJlg'~~ pr.rpv,l'y. Qlwrtofyielding.' obed}en£~'~Q dl~"",.oEG~~an<t tht>, wl:'olefome )aw-S offoaiflY.l And Jel it be rememberu, t.hat ruters~tl~~ p.riV8ttt. GitifleIJs,. ate ame~ble to tb~IalN.;.. Tbey·are.not~bovetbereach· cfla~, how.~tt.a~ tJW:ftalions. Where there is adi{po~;pt{, both illlruJcrS .and,nilcd. '''-pay -an.Ufldcri..ring· r.egw to' all thofe.laws_ae~ ·fortb~ ~lJ:ouJ.iBg of: fOc:ii!ty, ~lch a commtmityIDAlArbc rafp4cfto:lt it wiHkhappy. BUt-in anypftrn~t~ .bem:ruler".in theIr own conceit,1))1•••0 I~., OpeD arid bold tianfg~.e1Tots_o~

thawflf)!·Jawa.they',·ex3mplc will·~tl"uragc;diJobedicQceiri others; and.lhu~, bytioiQ1n,"~ wJrighteou.& cOlldtJtt, they pr~~kan!:,

d,ftt~ ..arkafrdreJr. o)o\'n hands•.WRen they·thUl.teatemn and.tnmple upon t.hei~·owh'laWs.

anditMwtui t!Ky.~ w.ell tU'ppbfo odlers:wiU'~jn.thelr)w~cked·;ae~s.· . ~ ~J~IlS. ~~e n~ j.!1~:'t~dO.cxp«t an_obedieAeelto fh6J~ llWsW'om'~hO~'liious mcmb6l!s..of.· th-ei comtn .amj'~' wberttiM, ~l"es pri6tieaJIy dedare: the laws un"- .wJUib"oflr.egardt. ·.Na.ti~ns wcl1 exiffi"·\lItit' luvs. as'.with, ptovlrled. they i,e nc\'eroItt.fAJ.,~ It is eaetnially·· noceffary.thai all rankiOftpeDp.le.. 'from die higheft to tbC.)owdl~Daex....­aGI~o~oJ>tliien~; tbatthe.dignity:ofthe natjo-.16t..~6Idl they. are rnem.bers.; 0l3~ be'mai~taihed ..~··~~!Y~ llting.: p~ "e.qu~ y~oi'gl~~teli -im..·

pg.r.t~cv ~o.: tbe . J&Q~.uWe!s-~P:d,digoity of a'"~"! J~n .wpfetal1~y. au un­dS~g ¥-u~tion and chec:~f.ulQbedi~eto ~::.Jaws and mfilturions of the {acred fcriptures~


16-. ! ' OUR exiftence, with thofe powers and f.cnl~t~es of which we are polfelfed, was not given u.,merely for o~r. aql~(e~ent ; .but ~or purpof~inore .noble.and Important.! Formed by t~c of. Gel) : -rende.r~d ,capable of'..con­templating him In his, works·and.'in his word~by beif)g .~ndowed with ~he noble fac.ulties.ofQli~d,~rft.aridii1g., tafteand.will :__nvored with a rev­elation ~t .the divine mind, lin which all necefIa­iy,tnith- and: duty,~ clearly.eXhibited.;.we a~~nder every po~blc ()bligation to be, uOlverfally~~dient to all the diClates of this divine .r~veIa-r

!ion~, RcafoD itfelf teaches the prop~iety ot f~~9bccli~i1ce.-~ If ,that. fyft~~ of ~_orals containedit) the facrc:Q f~riptures, were nO~ frolA divine au; :~hority.. luch ii its excellency.aQd reafonab.Jenefs ;~o.bappily c~l~ul~ted t.o pr.oOloi. the glory,~

~,OD ~nd the well being of man; he m\1ft:;ld ..~very .unreafQnabl~ part, who fhould,; refQ'~' o))e­~jenco to.its commands. But when we con6d~':

~ th~ fcriptQres. as ~bey ~re. indeed;' the.'Word .~f G.~~,give~.s • ~ule by .which g~'~

erp ,oqr bciiits and lives ; enforced by di~ioe·8U ..· •ilio.rity ; to. which j~ft and' awful JaJlCl:ion••I'i·8on'eze4.J cQmm~ni~ies; .•s welt &5 indivicluall~":." ., . , . • t •

are fo~mQly bo:und to regar,d Jaem accordin,~tu··

~~-:' .. impOl1ance. ;. This. is their. !Jidifpenf~1)l;.'duJY i. a{til acomplian~e ~ith it woUld -add tp ..:a~d greatly. pr.omote their dignity and ltappineti", .:

, ..SA~iED hi~~ij informs' us. wh~i'GOD~~. tt2 'penfa,tions were ofold. towards nationi ~t'hat_el-tobedient:to his' tliv;i.-and towards tb9fe'thiat:WtoH­difobedlent. It was -unifOnrily true that dioa.·nations, whore adminiftrations oflove~~i .

~ . ... ..

-17-were conformable (0 hIS law, txpenenced his!miles j and thofe t~at difregardtd the diYj~e·a~..,~prity· ab~ w~rrl J:l0t aim at the· promotion ofG<?D'S ki~gd~~ of rj~teoufnefst were. awfully,but julljy:puriiDn:d. .This trurh you may learnfrobl" Go])~. cohc!uGt tOwards ihe:Iflae1ites vn­&tel; rhegovc;rpment .of ;.their fuceeffive kings.­~cn.the 8ovei1;tment ,w~s ildin1niftete~. ~ccord;­lng to th~divi?e ~illt the natio~,tlo.urilh~d:w~~r.I~ was o~cr'Wlfet It' faW days of trouble and grICV­'p.~ perple~ity.~ t~~ fame, was, .the. cafe witho~er:.n~t\onl.'. ,T.~ :. !iew of the mighty..em:­~~~r Chatdri :-loOk at. the Ablmonites :-at~bfl~d Sei~. with.many .ol;hers, and you ~n'!'

Nt~o~ ~bft1r~! the JQdptents' of. ~?I) agamtl:m.. f(fr ~~eu- .~o.~'Uempt· of the: ~tvme law:......

ike. tau(es'generally produ~ like ~1fetb. He.relht'Q.18 a gla.fS held up to· vrew:; and .let it. be~~~elDbe~l ~~ is~he1d in .theqand of qOD .him­r~lf. ~ti ~~~h .al~ ~tlfDan.goVernments may read~d OJ,ltJetftaQd 'theirc~n deftiny; lfthey be_~ !~ql. ,to ~he di,me-law a.nd ~e their. ~n~ea~i.o ·jtr.mdte the cau(e and ktngdom of rtgbt­~DrDeb; they IwaYC reafooable groQnds to expetl:the loteaiJig _ilea. of GOD 'j and that he will~(olb.. to·eap=cuce prof~ity. ahd happi..;• r .: but:ihhqr dif~gardhis word; trample ~ii

. . tbority, and eodeavor to pJcventthe build..~.up:Of his kingd,om :of j>ea~e .and righteouf­••they. may be aB"wed ofJus difpleafute, the power of.hisangcr. 'l;'llatGoD"U: is goverlljJr.Ul9Jlg the natiqns j who lifre tliup and ~utt~th down whom he pleafes, will.

'.tu~h.l~pJ.Ous cOJ:ltempt of his aurhority; c..':~tuaJly Ilve them over to. dcftruCli9o.



I '


," ~N.A:T.iONs,-ljke all die produai6nsln !"he n~ ­PJa~ ~orld•.have 'thtir ~eg~~ningl't.Jleir glo:w'i~~thetr decline" and thell; end. fr0!U fm~U a~'\ve:ak ~eginnings,.t~eY h~ve ati.~~. 1:0\ ~1~~t.neTsand {plendor. tfnder the kUla a~~ fofferlngcare of divine Previdence. th~y' h~ve, 6eet! .iaifedto renown, tq weal1h, and todlgnitj :. 'but ~heawaxen fat§ Qnder-the ~ultiplied bI~ngs of in­<lu .gen)t b~~ye.n, .l~Tie~ Jelliuru~ of ala. they't(jive&~ne'ralIy,Kjcked" Whena nat.ion.lor any lengthof time, has enjoyed the lertilizing ,breezei titn-ninrerrupted profJ¥rity. it haa been ~pt 'tQ f.9!­get and neglelt that Beil!g ,trorl:l \,Ybofe lienjg~r».its·afHuence was derived~ . Ip Imo·1ern~ime5 ..A':­~ti~ns h~ve b'"een difp¥ed :t~ aaQpt the )~a~guigoffome In former g~n~ratlons; cc Our own haridtJtave gotten us thj's wealtb~" III pro·por~ion asi?en.igna.tlt heave~ ~~s proj>ered them j t~~y h~vc:~en regar.d~efs of .th.eir )~i~d ~enefaao.ft S;~keir practice, they hi\'ff (a1d to GOD, as the 1(­raelites'did t.o Aaron. atthe ~cot ofS~nars ~o~(,·Ie As for thIs 'Mores, we wot Dot what hath ne-'~ome of him:" . 'J


" STHn criminal forgetfuln~&.'q{ Go> D; frOtD-whom all nationillls well' .iodividu. proTpc...,:ity is' derived, is-an unreafonidlle Violation ofJris'

"'Commands', an open "Contempt cf his -autbo~,-and will ripen a nati'on for d:dHuBien. ~~:(amples-reCorded in facmd hi£tOry. we ate afiin'­red~ tb"tf moft "Ce~tain Oieth'Od rof-maiinaiDing--o,ur(lignitY'and happillefs, is, 1>y beillg-obedierit·"tO flll~.",'~ precepts' of· the tglifpel•. 'AMONG 'the various lriftitutidfts of the golpiJI;there is'no one'~mote'favoriibleto a::good civIl-go

~,~'eroment. thap t]le SabbatJl. He~~};en as ~'e!l~¢1:,tHze~r natiq~s. ~Ye ~a(r thoroog}1 c~~vJ~l~o',hfit they COl1~ D9t IQng be' \lnit~4 by clvll ties!.wftep all' ideas of futuri~ wei£dif'Car~cd~an~.a~l~~:9'mOraJobJigatiQij o,b~ter~!ed .. To mfltn­tfilil"3 (olemn fenfc;" of ~.oral ob~l~at)pn. and t?~rtitiit;uriq,ns of e,terllity. no inftitution is {i) h~p­

J?!I(c:alfD~at~~,~st~at of t~~S~b~ath.' FOE thismRftdtron" (ci WJ~ty ~~ap~ed to p'~omote~tJonalgovernment a.a genume Ii!lerty among the greatbmlyof peoptl componog a communi'ty. we are~tl,iD~bttd to him who is Lord of the Sab­tadJ It lV84 not deftgned to promote the fpir~

itual gooct of men,' exdufiveJy ;. but to aid and,remote .their civil antJ political go,oo. Tho(e,therefOre, who difr.cgard and COOleU1n the Sab­llath, are--blind to thW Q'N1l intercrft. both in ~

Ntilious and po~ca! point ofvic1'{. And it iswo,thy Of the feriQus conflderati9Jl. of our Legilatori, wJaether·lhe 'cxifting laWs. are a fufficicRCiddi:na: of tIiiJ lacfcd inftitution. ' ., 0 Jt own Qb(ervatio~ ~u~d ex~rien.ce teach

that in dtok fucietiet and nations where th~

b fh is r~8~rded,in the o:,dinan~es '?f l?~bE~plely, ther~,1S m~ true-freedom al)~ ,happl~F.f~fbtdng ~he great body of the peo~. 'In ruS~places people, are t~ught the adorable perfetlio~sof GOD» the obligations they are under to loveaD" ~bey him; he duties they owe to their fel­low-men aDd thcmfelve,; they are taught fub:-·erdiRation to GOD as their lidt duty. anCi obedi­~e -to ci~il magiftracy of his appoiruing. it be­lAg pecoltarly favorable to individual and national_"incfs. We~ it notEor the jnltitutionofthe


S~bbath, and the advantages r:e(ulting from t~..{criptures 'of(li"vine truth; we"lliould, at this tim.;~as polit~cany and mo~al~y ~H~d,as t~c; numc~ious hordes of lavages 'are who·roam the' weftero',wild'S. ~ri~ 'piy thei~ wodhip to ~evil~.- . All wh~tire their lOftuence to dellroy this wife and uCefutinftitution. arc doing that which is direCl:ly oppci.{ .led>.to'the peace o~ the human' ~nd~ ~h~ PlJihtto be confidered as dangerous cha,racters. .~

R'ELlvI'~N and.civil,govern.rte~t ~ere not ,in­ftituted. as forne have' imagined. merely for: th':temporal good 'of men. ·11'1 their:appointmenttGOD had a higher objeCt: in yiew,'and One -of in;.;i;.nitely greatec importance. 'Btthem', 'he 'will,promctte his own' glory, in the confu-mmate hap.';pine[s of his mQ(ai kingdGm;~ For, thM e{f~ntially"nc:ee{fary,: every:·member of ·­CQmmunity '{hould ,feel himfelf bound not tG

eounter-a?\ oroppofe-, in any way, thole wife 'and'important'inftitutions. :,If an obedience- te, tho'eomm~nda of -G,OD ~e for-the pol,itical, and; fp~it-,aal.good 0.£ men. aQd none·will d:eny,it who'~any jufl: {el,lf~'of ,mo.ral'-Obligalion~f.he)l govun..'ment,~ o~ght to be cQuformed,. in.~e neareftpoffibleJl\an'nertQ tho[~ coin~ands; and e~ery meaJm~er of the community ihauld fe:el hiaif~lf b1:>oqfo"univer(dl and perlevering obedience. '. _.... t>N6 ~atiJn' can long maintain 'her djg~ity andhappiBef~ when reli'gionaod the' law of GoD.,thrl:lft intoacorner. by the triumph ofvice andimmorality.: " the unbridled 'lufts ot· men, 'withoaany immediate agency of Goo.'.wouid {OOIl d~roy.themoft happy and flourithingfoci~ty .•- .aothlOg.lhort of fupernatural energy, woUld ha


~f-jllcJ1 a~appy t~nd~ncy, ~o c!1rl> *e hiu!ist? ~a~-:liOns and render men. peaceable and ufeful CU1­~e~s, as .thofe inftruction~ which are given unde~

goYer~in~n'l~ founde4. on, and ~dmin~l\ered ac~cording to, the immutable law of GOD."- When~ gov~meqtis f:o~nded on t~i~ u~~a~~m ~a~s,~n·ics general p~inciples, and IS ad.mlnt~~re4 ~~.D upright and wife manner, magi1l:ralcs. them-(elves ~g e~~p'lei ~f ~ri~ ~bedie~~ to th~Jaws, we may rationa,llyexp:~lts pfofp(ruy. In{~a~a~.. a n~ti~~s dilnity and bappi~ers,wil.~e promoted, fo far as IS .:.:onfifteqt with thatjmperfc~ion ~o w~ch thi~ worl~'is' fubjetled.. ~ikE "the'pr9dull:ions of nature, the .rife an4faJi o( empires have been vario~s.· 'Some haveezperie~C\C4 a rapid iro'w~b to maturity, decay~cd ana come to di1Tolution in a few generations~

Othca"s, ofa m9re gradual increafe, have rifen to~aturity',and'~ori~in~d ~nal~ 'i~eirqignityJplen-'aor aD.d g'ory. {Qr inantag~ •. ; founded on thelmm t~ i: b.~s of r~hteo\llnefs:and thier gov.;trn ~nt a~iniJii(tered on the fame wife princi-

ea nations are li~eJy to remain firm and unim­~~_ wEIllt thofe, founded 'on injuftice andcur. cit w{t~ an iniquitous adminiftration, will'foon crumble into their.' merited infignificanceand deftlualont· '. ...

.~pw.a~.~ good a ~onfti~~ti'on ofgoyern:mentmay: be. if in its adminiftrati9.D, no regar:d be paidto ~or~l ~~l~~tion,aJiation will quickly lofe itS:~efll4!a:abilUy . and become contemptible. T~phtaiQ.aod VCl'petuate national dignity, govern­JDent muil be adminiftered by men, not only of&oowled&e and difcernmenr, but of unfhaken in-



-r.egrity and found wifdom. When rulers hav.ejuLt ieiife. :0£ mor~I'obligation, and govern ~it rea~imhgi fenfe of their :teco~otaJiility to tilgrea,t 'KjlJg of nations, tl,1e comm~nities' Oft~

yihich they prefide' are· ftgnal(y favored: b.U1when thech~ratler of rulers 18th\: re\'etfe, nation.bav.e canfeto lament, "Wheo'.the,righteouslU1ifn a,,~ohrit', .the peOple rejoice: but wlien tfi4'~:Ck.~d. ~eareth fa.le; J.h(:people monrn.", If~a..gJl1:rn~ feel. above law,land are regat.dlefs of th·rules'Bf mOr'al [eaitude~ in thelr'adminiftrationi),f goyernment. thenat~on will foon f~l1 int() ·C:iif.order and ru!n.. ',.:' '. I '

.. .. ."T~E fame unh;appy etfeas woul~ ar~r~, fro.

.. r~fltcfs, d1,(Organ~n~fpirit in the members ofacornmW1~ty, if perQliued

ji' f"l1.,an~ 'an Ut:lcoo­

t~()lded exerci(e. Sll.ell is th~ natu~I difpofi~~

e,f de~e~era~e men th.u .r~fuaint of any 'kind ~!rkf~. Ti>. give up any part of liberty andj>ro~ity, fo~ vublic.g9Qd. to many is very ~n­pleafant; and (ubmipioo ~o conftiruted authorl.tfis a letton ha.rd for lJ1eo fO learD, and. {till ~ar~etopracli(e, altho' it be one the molt falutar)' ill:i.ts qat·ure. No community can t~.njoy~~

:When i,ts member.s are generally oppo(ed tP.@>~prdination. ,nd deterOl~d to do. th~~ wJUCfli Y.l:ight in thei.r own eyes. For na.tiPJJ.s to enjoltranquillity,_ be obedience to the lawsand af~brriiffion to the authority placed ovec them.

''INa free republican govern~ent-)ike()Dr~~.uo:­ion among the gr.~a·t body of the pe<>ple is velimpor:tant : bllt when one is politically for Paul,and one for ApoUos, and one for Cephas•.~cbein£ inflexiBle in his attachment to the obJ .


Ijthi~ qefu'e, anti defti~le o(1ahy Condtfc~nfio~cannot btre-xpec1'ed 'bUt~ iIllt muc.h ri11rchltf winenfue. A iliveifity of fen't:rments on ptr~trr~aJfUHjeds.efpd:ia11y in e)ctlive go"ern~ents,'js al­ways tobt'eip-edect 11r!~ illvHion, if kepfwith.­In its 'pro~r ~imj[s, ,inftea'd ofb:ing det~rnental~r. 'gftfatJy' advart"tagt6'os. l·~t 'wdJ cpe~a~e as acheck upOn, and have a:f~ridtnc1to ptomo.te cir­tum1peaion in, the rulersofa'nafion. But ~henIt 'arl~t'tb p1trryra'ge, a.nd· 'be:come's 11 war of 'Wi!!fot ·itJth anti not for 'Fight.. cairn' and lober. reafont>ei!1a~d aiftde i. u:n~efs die f~ul lpirit call,;,lttb ~, 8ra~1eaft. ·Iulled 'fo .reft', evils ofa dlre­lUI tote mttn be··th-e.r~{utt. . .. ' I~STEA~ ofap<Jing fuel a~ blcwingt~e,{park.of. pOli~ical dirren~ion. which already are Coo.act:·~ve a;non.g us. wifdom diCl:ates tha'[ we'ufe·alilawful endqvors to fQlOlhcf, or at lea11 to keepihem wi,l~I~~pei\- p~per bounds. 1"_0 ~oilcjJiate~d..~ II!-~!ie :p~ns ofmeo, and in~uce .t~e~toth ~~ty, c;pnverfe ~nd aCt ut-l0naJJy onfor iea ~~Bt .aiclorindlvidual and pobhcad-~an~ ~ .~.~nd,lt IS a ~Ut1 we owe t~e ...D~tio& of~ ~~ mem~~s.. ~!l converfatlon on·po-'ltl . tijetts, f9i'.per{ons'to be irritated, and en­deavor. to. pl.'OVoke :eac1l oilier, is a fiJi reprOaclifUllQ ., people.. .. .' .

Iw,.ll,ptihlic batfies the majority muft .govern.Set ali4le thit:roJe. 8ftd it, will be -ilJ)pQIli~le to

~~,:~~e~ confuion Which mu~:~ ,.Vil~b]Y·

.p)Ut~y -~taclmJel\lfs JfJ\un'tdti .fhonglyvettkl'lR .h~ miner.: left ~~ey bre~ clie .'pf'ac;e f

fIltitty, Iud; ~ro*'the' f!eftr-tilaon i of that 'hippi-

2+-neCs which otber.wife might be enjoyed. _ Thent-~s ~o.calculating t~e.~Vils,which ,will at~ff f!~,a virulent, par~y fpint. If allowed togoyer~ in.the human brealt. lit will render its poff~ff9rsun..~appY'.. Its baneful influence will befch il1 fa~~lieS':'"7"jll.~Dci~iies~in. towns ;·:a'~d. i~s petl:ifet,o,US effluvia WI}; dartJiketheele~r)c fluId, fpreaa.;·~ng u~~appineG ,thro~ tP~ .'commo.nweaitJi., .1~in, any n~ti0!l' reafon ~~~ c~,ndid. inquiry are the liat~~es. and ~arty f~ir,lt is on ~ec~~Dd at. helm; mftrad ot, keeplOg the:intddl~1Vay.-.the .nat ional balIi.will cjther ~ ~ti\!en QIl~~e roclis~ o~ ~lit~d tf~dition3~Y : ~orrI;1S .. or)l:'c.ere4l,tlto the.whl~lpooI.of:bold ·.expef1mcrn~: :and,~~theoret~c f~culauon., When ieJfiflj am.b~uOAb~s.a ~o\re~niri'g inftu~ce over the I~~d,ing chC~j

iff.~r:s'·in. ~ !,at.ion. hav~ng ~iffe~ent ~n~~refi:s..8~~<?bJ~~s' In V1e~. no"lef,t una~tf~p~­~d to a~~oinpltfh thelt V~~lOu,S purpofes atl~ ,de..,~griS. 'The great body of the peop~.not havin

, ~ difiiria knowledge of their defigns, 3!t. di.yideinto patties. and _take fides' with the, di1Ferenleaders. -: When th.e gr~ body ,of the p.eol>I~ imade the. dOpes of a,mbitious and unpriA~ip\

l~ders, the. community caitnC!t'd~ peace. The pdncip)e~ ap'd ·.~~Ii.'fonable divifions which exift o-pen a door; and Ifac,ura.l1y inv!te fo~e enterprifing ne~~~! 'r~:eAdeaVor ttf ru1)Jugat)~n.. S~ long:as ~}j6re ~s analjC?UBding inattention and difregtl!d to the laws :and -i

.ftitutionS ofGOD, ~ndia hberalizingipirit 8mOftmen, end~vors will n9t be wanting to fptead ~

.fatal fe-~ds~of4iforgCJn\zatiqn ~ntO" other·~om~riities... Men .will ~ndeaV9r: t. blp\!.ithe ftame,~"'lT~p'~nJ t~ tbat hei,ht wqich will: b.- .fav '

25-.bte to their wifhes, an~ th~n bring the divided ri.~

tion under fevere ~d c~e1. va{f~age .., . .FI.O¥ t~c .e~~le: Qf.o~r n~io~s, fQrn. by

(,tUoDs~nvuJj,~~ bJ unfQundc;d JedQuues­dii~ by: ainbjti~o$ and UAPfincip~edd~ma­

log~ lhiv:ing for ppw~r, a~d fQiDcd by wick~d~<t u,nt;dtrained .p;ylions.; ~t Q~o~c;th :Amen..cap&, ferioufiy to noti~t~e rc(ulf, ~nd take a Queand fea1ori~ble, W41"ning~.. ; .. ; .....:,.\ lit we ~ouW maiat.m our acquirtd dignityand bappinef~ as Clfree a~d ~n indepencl~Dt. nation,.it th~,united cndeavor.ofalJ, .to extin~,

iuifh~ as far as· poffib~e: t·hat fa~c~rou. party,fpirit,. .hicll~ for •. confiderable time. has be~n

unhappily. working apIOng ou~ fellow-citizens,Jltd froJJl which, pemap•• we .ar' nQt altog~thet:#ftc. .W.c; lhoold guacd .againft undue prejljdicesand atJ,"hm~nt8 ; for :di~1' alwaJs lead allray"and.pIlIPF inen. iDto ~idr~ffing pirplexities.; ,As,,here·paI lJ. biaQ"cs give way. all~ th~ir violence~fid.. "'0 true l'Q3d .of;!:al duty will;more_I,. appear.. The Ploft e~~ual meaD, underProvidtnu. of jeuri..g t~ ourfelves the c.ontinu~

anee of p~iQqal dignity! i~, fOJ cyeIj. o~e. ~o ad\,ptq the cllarad:eJ: ofan bone1l.JD"il, and never!¥#,u c)le j~dg~cnt to be uncJ,Jly b·~(f::d. nor ~nj~~r~a.'l4il:d gscafQres tp be accom­plilh f~)4ib pprpPks. .Wh~n du,y req~ires,pri':¥.atc: adval?ta~e. '!Vill ~e. facr.aficed f~i ,PR~Jic good~~~en 9J1f citizens fuall becom~ .1~(s felfith, and~ore attac4ed t.o. t}le fmb'ic in iere4; we may ~f­

lure o~r~eIves of ~l~~tt:'r domd1:ic an4. p~tiona~tra!lqutlh.,y.. It. cc:rtamJy copccrns ~~, to..gjYe up.pal ty preJudiCes; and make the puJli, ;oid theP .


,great Pole Star by which all cur political COD.dua (hall be direCted. Int'tead of being t a ·ri..gid and fanguine in oQr pal ticular notions'ofcivilgo.v~rnment. ev~ry?ne ought to" be inoQlged theP~lvl.1ege ~f thlnktn~, (peaking, and aCting forhim/elf; If by fo doing he do not difturb and in­jure the general peace. If there be a differencein political opinions, it is effemially wrong for

. each party to attribute to the other vile motivesand iniquitous defigns.: tor th's will have a di­rea'tendency to ktep up and increafe difunioniand lead on ta confufion and every vii \lI.olk........The peace, happinefs and dign;ty of a communi~ty cannot long continue, when the opiDi~nlf'

words and attions of its members arc attnbuteclto the worlt of motives. "

JT fo happens, under the wife government ofa holy Providence, that we live in a day whcftpolitical charity is very little known or exer cifCd :­but the contrary vice abounds. Where thegrowing evil will ftop. it is impoffib!e to for~tell.

Ifeach perfon would be governed by that lovewhich think.eth no ill of otber:S, it, would readerthe mind calm, and fociety harmonious.

THE mott fure way to prevent thoLe evils whjc&a rancorous party fpirit would pr~du~e,. is', foreveryone to imbibe that gentle and peaceabletemper fo abundantly inculcated in the gofpelol

. Jefus Chrift. This would 'prevent mUlb bitter­

. nefs, clamour and evil fpeaking.A CR IMINAL departure from the l,ws ofchrif­

tianity. both among rulers and the great body ofthe people, is the fruitful {ouree of thole politic­al diffenfions wliich have, for a few years patt"

ft.n ..'viIthefor10­neeforves<Ji-ni



ed :­rhedl.DveJet


27. -

cHllraEted our nation. GOD arrears fro b~ giv-Ing us up, to WOI k our own n2~i()n!l1 ddl a juft punithment for our abl1fe ot his good.nef.~" as he did nations in tormer times': and.Jell we {hare the fame tate, it becomes us to re­memb~r, with penitence. hom whence \'t'e havefallen., '

IF. we lhould took at other nations, who'fe~haraaers are recorded in facred fcrioture, for ourwarning, we might lee what we have to expect,jf we tread in thdr fteps. They forfcok··1 heJaw of 90D, and wue dell,loyed.: ~nd if we, asa n~i~n, or as a {late, <to the (arne, we {haH ex­perience a fimiJar fate. Loo~ a.t So-do.m. and Go.­morrah. and the'cities about them, well' watC:ledevery where, even as the garden ot the Lord.­That f1U:tfuI land is made barren. andthoie pop­ulous cities are turned into alhei, tor the COil­

~empt their inhabifanti manifeftcd towards GOD

and hi~ la w :---For which thing's fak~ the wrdd~

of GOD hath not only come, in former ages, .butwill frill come on the children of dirob~ditnce.

Pafs over to Babylon, that magnificentcitv whchfet calamity at defiance: how is the fallen !--_fwept with rhe berom of de!hudion, there is nota trace or footftep of her ~ncientglory to be feen.Th~{e things are recorded for our adm.oni\ion.By them we are taught ~hat national fins provokeGOD to inflict national calamities.

HOWEVER lightly m~ny may think of nationaland individual impiety: of a tctal neglett andcontempt ~f GOD'S law, and gofpel infiitulions;·and at the mfluence fuch conduct has in pr'ocur­ing jUdgments upon a peopl~; GOD'S conduCt;


towards olher nations gives us demonftrationwhat we'muft exp~itnce 'if we :'walk to tbeit'ways. of"·irrelilion. :. In vain caa '- we look for a~~ti~uahce ofthat.un~mpled'prof~rjtf ~bichGoD.:~hlS aufed our n,atton to· expe~e'lipclth~:declaracion .and acknowl~gemtnt -ot its in­Uependence-, unlefs we· peoitendyremember~·~dmina}.negl~ of his law, arid'ie,~Lir~ toa more~o~e .and'tic'al oliedieilce to' aU 'divirie: inlli­turiOns.. Should we :thus return to the' GOD' otour fathers, with a(uilabIe recoltettion of the, won..;'derful difpeBfations: of his Provid~nce in ;favor ofour' common :ct>uritry,' ill times 'cjf great J n'aliohardanger and ,p~i'plcxity, we :oiight humbly' hope~e wo~ld -yet ~ohtinue to attord ;Iijs liis graciousproteltipn., ~ :The 'only 'wlfln which Cve can ex­peCt: fu:efcape'tbeJudgments of J:teaven which arcthreatened to 'a 1;>ac'knid;ihg 'and~finftil ~pre, is,'"by returning to the ,ptatliceof t~t un'~i1TeriJbled

piety wlii£h ,lhorie,(o coilfpicndufiy ih the ~ives ofour'fathers,'tbe'fi,rft 'planters orour nation.· ~

. As righfeoufnfs eXalteth:a:"nation~ it is of greatlrnportance that :tho[e~ who {oftain .,he charac~ter pf rulers o.ver a pcQple, ,~~ {houl~ be juft" in the fear of GOD:>;' Ifmagilkales' (uftain'the charader of jul};and right~ous':men, they willbe H a terror. to evil dQCrs, and a pr.tife ~o, thofew hO'do well." Their: e~amplcW!ll awe vice,.'andencoU rage virtue: and religiOri.' " They will .Dot,bear thefword in vain; -but:bc the civil miniftersofGOD for good 'to tltcir ,people." LET tanCe.. then, whpare catted by the fuffra­ge3 of the people~ to aCt as leginators, rerne~berthat they do, not, primari,1y, derive their power.



aliontheitfor ..7hich,fipcI~s in-

OUtmor(finlli­if ofon~


11 ex­It arce. is,.~bJede's of






frOlib t~~ ptbp!t~' \t~bm:t~y'~~ tlea~, '~u~tl'oIi GOD J 'atrtl that to ifdn' they are 8CCOUllta­l>Ie for; dnic uAt uf ft•. ~9 lthty ilte 'Clne~ toen'aA;}lavrs fortb'e ,..·tll~~ of fotilety, it i~

tmit iadUpeR'(gble ;41ury ·ro have their iltls eo~~fotmabte;to tlte law of GO]), and eal~t11ated; J1\

tlNit ftriddty,to fSiidmottb1S ;kingd6~ 'ofri~t-'.eom"t\efif ~lBoAg:'ihdn. :Tbofe 'whb fr~me law~~ot;.ll ftlC!n.. &fte fhe'R1ctft itlext(jr~blt', in breaking.them. : The good of 'fociety demands aft -exam-:e1aty co~~ud:. i antf-an obedien~ t{).he ·law of.GOD~ in all ·thofe' who are called to -filhhe .utftftations··in civil lIfe.:' When they aa Up' to the dig...ilit~ of their chara8ers,; t~eir goode~amplctwillhave a powerful influence on thofe ,'t1,ho move inthe more humble, though not in' the Ids ufeful.walks' of fociety. Maj. all who fullaih,impott­ant offices in civil government be enabled toaC\ up to the dig~hy oft~-eir elevated fiatjo~s.and faithfully endeavor fo promote the beft ]D..

teceft and 'bapp~ncfs o~o~r mitio~.": .

, -IT .js of equal 'importance, that all priva~'e cit­izens aid the. 'a~figns of good' iulers, in advan­din~ the common '-benefit Of our Jand. It be­comeS us to yield a eheerf u1 and cordial obedi­ence ·to the whoJefome Jaws' of our wife rulers ;ahd efpeeially to' t'he law of GOD. ,Obedience isa duty· we owe to' magiftr-ates, as thc' civilminifters of Gbb, {or good' to' us: and obedi-''cnee to the divm'c Jaw, we owe to GOD, as kingof natious, and fovereign proprietor of all. ToJove GOD and, kEep his commandmentsj is .ourfirft duty: and when, from the heart, we dbthis, obedience to civil authority will be tafy and




cheedul. When genuine love tQ GQD and tru~

benevolence to me.n, finU take the pb~c,ofhatre~an i ~l1eYolence. In the human h~art, na:hns. a.(u::h.~ill ob~yJEHOV4H tbeirking.and befub­miffive and ~~edient t~ all civil and religious or­4inallce> 01 his app:linting. At wll~t~~er peri­~d of tiq1e thi~ £b.tH be our charaCter, ali a nation,~e may rationlily hope and expett, the Lordwill delight ~o d~ell among us, and Q,lake ~s highas a h~ly nation. '

LET us, my triends and fellow:-'citizen~, wh&hwe affenbleJ 01 this joyful annivedary, en­d :avor to embrace. cultivate and praCtiCe tha~

righteoufnefs which is {J effenti<sl to exalt a na~

lion; and d..:tdl: fill; in every form, wh,ich 'is ll:people's reproach. As, we val.ue the happjllefs and'dignity 'of OUf' common country, it becomes us

. to i at bibe th ~ "fpirit of I he gofpel~ and aCt accor­ding to its divin~ injunct:ions~ He,' w,hp is notf1Lldiou~ to conform his heart and life to the di'­vin~ law, a'ld will not yield al1 obedience to thei:111irution~ and ordioan:ei of the gofpel, butlive~ in an open n~gleft and contempt of them.,wh Hever hjs pr~tences may be, muft be a:l enemy b )th to th~ political and; of {ocfe~y; and a~ {LJch, he,ought tob~ tr~ated. If we tluly love our country, wefh)11 manifell: it, by living in the praCtice of thai,ri~hteouf()ef= which, eXllteth a nation» and w.e111111 ftu·li.mOyav.Jld all th~fe practjce$ w.hichtend to it5deg

GREAT have been. and £liB are,our privilegesan,:! advantages, as a people. We have larg~exp.:riel1c~ of the {miles of divine Pr.:>vldence c'

3', -

and it becomes us to acknowledge thtm with I

gia,jrude and anfwerable obfdience. It is bothour duty and intereft to improve, in a right nlan­ner, all our privileges, civil and religious.

LET rulers and ruled, miniftcrs and people;all be txl'ioned ftudioufiy to exemplify th-- purereligion of t:.e gofpel. This woul, cper'l thefaireft ptofpetts of individual a,d national hap.:.pinefs. amidft :he changes and re.volutions that at·~end all human and terreftrial things. ThiSwould fmooth the afperities of hl1man life, andbe a happy prefag¢ ofa fpeedy intI oduCtigll of the'millenial glory.

I T ought to be ihe immed'iate co"!cern of ev­ery one to potrefs that religion' which the gofpelreveals'; and to Jive in the continual praCtice ofthat ri~hteoufnefswhich leads to immortal hon­()r. As time is ihort, and revolutions of variouskinds are taking place, it is bf eternal confe..quence' to us, as individuals. immediately to (e­cure an' iotereft in that kingdom which 1ha:Ilnever be moved.

MAy the Spirit of GOD dwell and rule in aUeur hearts, arid influence our lives, whilft here00 earth; and when earthly kingdoms fuall beno more, may we all be inhabitants of that king~dom which is eternal: and thine,O EMMANU..

tL'! Ihall be the glory. AMI:'N•

D and tnJ~

:c,of hatredna:i:>ns. a;rod be fub~ligious Qr·te~er peri_lS a nation,the Lord

Ike~, high

)rivilegeshad largevidenct r'

'zen$, whe>:riary, en.'attire that:JCah ana..'vhich'is a~p.lne{s an<fecomes usact accOr..r,hp is notto the di:'Ice to the­~fpeJ, butof viewedrelig,ious,

ought toIntry, wece o-t that.

and w.e,.~ which,


.....J ~.




