Rev. Fr. Bryan Babick, SL.L. Administrator


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Growing our Catholic Faith -- at Folly Beach”

P.O. Box 1257 · 56 Center Street

Folly Beach, South Carolina 29439

Fr. Kelly Hall: 105 West Hudson Avenue

Phone/Office-Rectory: 843-588-2336



Thirty-Second Sunday in the Liturgical Year

November 7, 2021

Rev. Fr. Bryan Babick, SL.L. Administrator

Nicole DeNeane

Administrative Assistant MISSION STATEMENT: To give honor and glory to God, by loving one another as He has commanded, and by reaching out with love and compassion to those in need.


Saturday (Anticipated Sunday Mass)...5:00pm

Sunday……………...7:00am (Latin), 9:00am, 11:00am

Mon, Tues, Wed & Friday ....... 9:00am

Holy Day of Obligation….according to daily schedule

The Church will be open on Weekdays for prayer.


Confession ....... Saturday 4:00-4:45pm

Sunday, 8:00-8:45am

Marriage ....... Six Months Prior to Date

Baptism…... .... Call Parish Office prior

Office hours: M 9a-2p, W 11a-4p, F 9a-2p Mass Intentions: A Mass can be offered for your loved ones, living or deceased or for yourself, by calling or emailing the Office (843-588-2336). There are also envelopes in the back of the Church to fill out information and drop in the Offertory. To Place Flowers in the Church: Those that wish to place flowers in the Church in memory of or in honor of a loved one, please call the parish office. Bulletin Submissions must be turned into the parish office by the end of business on Mondays. The publisher requires the completed bulletin be sent to them by the end of business on Tuesdays. Parish business is given preference on a first-come, first-serve basis. Parishioner Registration Forms are located in the rear of the church.

Our Lady of Good Counsel Sunday, November 7, 2021

Mass Intentions Thirty-Second Sunday in the Liturgical Year Saturday, 11/6 Anticipated Sunday Mass 5pm George Newman † Sunday, 11/7 7am Pro Populo (Latin Mass) 9am Mike Giovingo 11am William T. Palyo † Monday, 11/8 9am NO MASS Tuesday, 11/9 9am NO MASS Wednesday, 11/10 9am NO MASS Friday, 11/12 9am NO MASS Thirty-Third Sunday in the Liturgical Year Saturday, 11/13 Anticipated Sunday Mass 5pm Carl Snipes, Jr. † Sunday, 11/14 7am Pro Populo (Latin Mass) 9am Kate Wilckens McDonald 11am Patricia Skipper Monday, 11/15 9am Anthony Nearman Tuesday, 11/16 9am Carl Snipes, Jr. † Wednesday, 11/17 9am Jason Valencia Friday, 11/19 9am President Joe Biden

Upcoming Events Sunday, November 7

10:05am PSR, Hall

Thursday, November 11

8:30am Christian Meditation, Hall

6:00pm Men’s Club Meeting, Hall

Sunday, November 14

10:05am PSR, Hall

Sunday, November 21

10:05am PSR, Hall

St. Theodore—November 11 Theodore was born at Constantinople and nephew of Abbot St. Pla-to of Symboleon on Mount Olympus in Bithynia. He became a novice at a monastery established by his father on his estate at Sac-cudium near Constantinople, where he was sent to study by Plato, who had become abbot of Saccudium. Theodore was ordained in 787 at Constantinople, returned to Saccudium, and in 794, succeeded Plato as abbot. He and Plato denounced the action of Emperor Constantine VI in leaving his wife and marrying Theodota, and in 796, Theodore and his monks were exiled to Thessalonica. He returned a few months later when Constantine's mother, Irene, seized power, dethroned, and then blinded her son. Theodore reopened Saccudium but moved to Constantino-ple to escape Saracen raids, was named abbot of the famous Studi-os monastery, founded in 463 but now neglected and rundown, built it from a dozen monks to a thousand, and made it the center of eastern monastic life. He encouraged learning in the arts, founded a school of calligraphy, and wrote a rule for the monastery that was adopted in Russia, Bulgaria, Serbia, and even on Mount Athos. When he opposed the appointment of a layman, Nicepho-rus, (namesake of Emperor Nicephorus I) to succeed Tarasius, who had died in 806 as patriarch of Constantinople by Emperor Niceph-orus I, Theodore was imprisoned by the emperor. When in 809, Nicephorus the patriarch, and a synod of bishops reinstated the priest, Joseph, who had married Constantine and Theodota and de-clared their marriage valid, Theodore's denunciations of the deci-sion caused him to be exiled to Princes' Island with Plato and Arch-bishop Joseph of Thessalonica, Theodore's brother, and the monks of Studios were dispersed. Theodore returned on the emperor's death in 811 and was reconciled to Patriarch Nicephorus in a common fight against the iconoclasm of Emperor Leo V the Armenian. When Nicephorus was banished, Theodore became the leader of the Orthodox and was himself banished in 813 to Mysia by Leo. When Theodore's correspondence (among it, letters to Pope St. Paschal I emphasiz-ing the primacy of the Bishop of Rome) was discovered, he was removed to Bonita in Anatolia. He endured great hardships the three years he was in prison there and he was transferred to Smyrna and put in the custody of an iconoclast bishop who wanted him beheaded and treated him with great harshness. Released on the murder of Leo in 820, he was again faced with a renewed iconoclasm under Emperor Michael the Stammerer, who refused to restore him as abbot or to restore any of the ortho-dox bishops to their Sees. Theodore left Constantinople and visited monasteries in Bithynia, founded a monastery on Akrita for many of his monks who had followed him, and died there on November 11. Many of his letters, treatises, sermons, and hymns are still existent. His feast day is November 11.

Joyce Aydlett Rose Bomley Ed Boothroyd Malcolm Brennan Leo Brueggeman Barbara Budney Roger Budney Larry Budney Carol & George Clement Rachel Dawn Jake Dvorak Ed Gallagher Ginny Hens Jimmy Laurey Agnes Mahoney

Chris McCarty Geof McLaughlin Rod Pasibe Nancy Pickard Sharon Pitts Donald Pryor George Reeves Paul Rossmann Gregory Russell Marion Russel Bonnie Sigers Paula Spivey Michelle Maureen Taylor Special Intention Jack Williams

Please pray for those who have asked for our prayers.

Thirty-Second Sunday in the Liturgical Year

Please continue to pray for our active duty

Military men and women and their families Msgt. Charles Cook, SCANG Maj. Alec DeCastro, USAFR

Capt. Anthony B. DelaRosa, USA WO2 Armando B. DelaRosa Jr., USA

Lt. Col. Stewart Eyer, USAF Lance Cpl. Joseph Harris, USMC

Sgt. Michael E. Hens, USMC Maj. Brian J. Heslin, USMC

Nava LaBounty. IDF Staff Sgt. Travis LaRue, USAF

Capt. Christopher Lowther, USMC Capt. Mark Matthews, USN

Reggie Sampson, USA 1Lt. Bryan D. Weber

Pvt. Jorden Weir

To set up your Online Giving: ˃ Online Account (in the box titled Online Giving in the lower right corner of the first page) Follow instructions to schedule your recurring and one-time donations.


Offertory & Church Maintenance: 10/24/2021

** Total includes $1,796 online deposits for 10/18-22/21

Offertory & Church Maintenance: 10/24/2021 YTD

# Active Parish Families: 282 # Families Participating this week: 38 # Families participating Online: 45 % of Participation: 29%

Prayer Requests

Pregnant? Need free confidential help anytime? OptionLine. Call (800) 712-4357 or text “HELPLINE” to 313131

BLESSING BOX: Stop by our Blessing Box (between the garden and the post office parking lot) and see what is needed. We appreci-ate any and all contributions to help our brothers & sisters in need.

Envelopes Loose Total

Budget $4,800 $ 950 $5,750

Actual ** $3,544 $1,249 $4,793

Difference $(1,256) $ 299 $(957)

Percent 74% 131% 83%

Budget $81,600 $16,150 $97,750

Actual $78,096 $26,441 $104,537

Difference $(3,504) $10,291 $ 6,787

Percent 96% 164% 107%

MEN’S CLUB MEETING: The next Men’s Club meeting will be held at Father Kelly Hall on Thursday, November 11, 2021. We will gather for a light snack at 6:00 pm. The business meeting will com-mence at 6:30 pm. Due to the ongoing construction at Father Kelly Hall the OLGC Men’s Club will not have a Sunday breakfast in Oc-tober or November. The Club is considering a breakfast in early De-cember if the Hall construction is completed. We will keep you all informed.

OLGC CHOIR: “Come Chris-tians join the song”…Our La-dy of Good Counsel is looking for singers and instrumental-ists to join our choir. We are a group of volunteers who meet weekly on Wednesday eve-nings at 5:30 for practice and fellowship. We need group singers. Being a cantor is op-

tional. No auditions. All are welcome. We would love to have you join us. Please consider coming this Wednesday for more infor-mation or to join our choir. If you can’t make a weekly commitment, come when you can. Saint Augustine said, “Singing is praying twice.” Come and pray twice with us. For more information call Pat Hamway at 513-309-3947.

CATHOLIC AUTHOR TO SPEAK: Holy Spirit Catholic Church is welcoming bestselling Catholic author and former Tampa Bay Rays baseball beat writer Kevin Wells, who will discuss his latest book:: Priest and Beggar - The Heroic Life of Venerable Aloysius Schwartz. Mr. Wells is an award-winning journalist, active public speaker, and bestselling author. He will be speaking at Holy Spirit Catholic Church on Tuesday, Dec. 7th at 2 p.m. in the Holy Spirit Family Life Center. If you are interested in attending this special presentation, please contact: Richard Glasgow at 843-641-7200 or Chuck Acquisto at

RACHEL’S VINEYARD: Come join us for the Rachel's Vineyard Retreat for women and men who have had an abortion experience. This is a confidential, amazing retreat to find mercy and forgiveness for others and ourselves. Dec 3-5,2021, in the Charleston area. For more infor-mation call Christy 8035546088 or Kathy 803 546 6010 or or
