retrovision-system RV4.pps




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Proposal to sustitute Mirrors with Retro-Cámaras y Displays LCD / RV.4

Weiss Design / Spain · 2011

Las cámaras, por su tamaño pequeño y discreto, son poco expuestas a roturas e interferencias climáticas. Las tres imágenes de retro-visión sobre el volante hace al conductor más consciente del entorno y le permite, casi sin desviar la mirada, averiguar si puede hacer un cambio de carril

The small-sized cameras are less eposed to fracture and mal function. The three images combinedIn a monitor gives the driver a good feeling of what is happening behind.

Here another example of an aplicaction in a kind of electrical urban car. 

The experts tell you about the future of automotive design

In the future, designers will embrace new technologies to make cars smoother still. For example, large wind-catching exterior rearview mirrors will most probaby be replaced with miniature rear-facing cameras that have no aerodynamic drag. These cameras will display what's behind you on interior monitors.

Automotive displays see continuous growth Written by Christoph Hammerschmidt

Despite the ongoing recession in the automotive market, the market for automotive displays remains hot, featuring high growth rates over the next years, says DisplaySearch. In its current Automotive Display Report, the Austin, Texas, based market researcher predicts that in 2009, about 175 million displays will be built, representing a value of $1,77 billion. In 2015, the market researchers believe the industry will achieve revenues of $2.4 billion on a production of 231 million units. The strongest growth will be seen in the segment of automotive monitors —active-matrix LCDs and typically featuring sizes larger than 15 centimeters (6 inches). These displays will be used predominantly for navigation applications. For 2009, about 41 percent of these displays will have touch screens.


For this part of the market, DisplaySearch forecasts the market volume to grow to 34.4 million units in from 16.6 million units in 2009. The value of these shipments will increase by 51 percent to $1.56 billion in 2015. Driving forces in this market segment are demand for in-console displays for navigation and entertainment purposes. While DisplaySearch sees rising demand for fixed in-car monitors, the experts believe the demand for portable navigation devices will shrink at a CAGR of 3.9 percent during the time frame in question.

Another major market segment are displays used as indicator, dials and gauges. While this segment is predicted to grow from about 160 million units in 2009 to about 200 million units in 2015, the value of these displays will be almost constant at $800 million over the next six years.

Among the vendors, TMDisplay is the 500-pound gorilla with a market share of 38 percent, followed by Sharp with 31.4 percent. Other large vendors are AUO (9.7 percent), Epson (7.3 percent) and Optrex with 4.9 percent market share. Optrex and Epson have dramatically increased their shipments in 2008, notes DisplaySearch. The market is divided among relatively few buyers, with Panasonic, Continental, Pioneer, Fujitsu-TEN and Alpine accounting for more than half the units in recent quarters, the market researchers noted.

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