RESURRECTION CATHOLIC SCHOOL - St Edwards 36... · expert, Brett Lee, ... forensic, internet...


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RESURRECTION CATHOLIC SCHOOL 51 Gum Road, Kings Park 3021 Telephone: (03) 9366 7022 Fax: (03) 9366 6154 website: email:


This coming Sunday the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy comes to an end. Throughout this Year of Mercy, Pope Francis has encouraged us to walk the path of Mercy through the Corporal Works of Mercy, which are acts of kindness by which we help others with their material and physical needs, and the Spiritual Works of Mercy, which are acts of compassion by which we help others with their spiritual needs. We come to you, O Merciful God, knowing that you ar e with us. May our hearts embrace the people of our world who are suffering and in need. May we be mercy-makers and signs of God’s everlasti ng mercy. We make this prayer through Christ, our Lord. Amen

Thursday November 17 th, 2016 UPCOMING EVENTS – NOVEMBER 18th November Friday 6.30pm-9.00pm Bush dance in Nungurra (or in the Hall in bad weather)

21st November Monday 2.30pm School Assembly

25th November Friday 8.30am Whole School Mass led by Rooms 11 & 13

26th November Saturday 8.30am – 1pm Working Bee

28th November Monday Prep Swimming commences

UPCOMING EVENTS – DECEMBER 2nd December Friday 8.30am Whole School Mass led by Rooms 12 & 17

Year 1 & 2 Out & About 5th December Monday 2.30pm Assembly

6th December Tuesday 9.45 – 10.45am Whole School Orientation Day


Cyber-Safety Talk – The Yr 5/6 were entertained and challenged by the presentation from Cyber-Safety expert, Brett Lee, on Tuesday morning. Brett was able to show the students the dangers of being online from his experience as an undercover, forensic, internet detective. We have provided further information in this newsletter for your perusal.

Friday Morning Mass – Each week, a different class, or group of classes, hosts the 8:30am Mass. This is a great time for all in the community to celebrate together. We ask your cooperation in encouraging your child to be here on time to attend Mass with us. School starts at the regular time, so this is not an opportunity to be late!

Working Bee – The final working bee for 2016 is approaching. Saturday 26th November, 8:30am-1:00pm. There are many things to be done around the place so your help is much appreciated. If you haven’t attended a working bee yet this year, here is your opportunity. Please return the attendance slip below ASAP so we can cater for those attending.

May God bless you,

John Connors PRINCIPAL

Be Like


show mercy

Dear Mr. Connors, The __________________________ family are able to attend the working bee on Saturday 26th November. Number of adults ___________ Eldest child’s name _____________ Year ____ Room ___

ICT and Cyber Issues….what you should know!

Each week in the Newsletter we will endeavour to give some helpful tips

and websites to help and encourage parents to discuss, interact and

understand what your children are doing in the cyber world.

This week we have the top 10 hints from eSmart for safer use of social

media. eSmart’s top 10 cyber safety tips - By eSmart in News

1. Care about the Share Social media wants you to share as much as you can bear! But the share should be rare. NEVER share: passwords, private/personal information, personal photos, and your location.

2. Privacy Matters If you care about the share, you’ll protect your privacy, no matter what. Regularly check your privacy settings on social media, and always think before you post. It’s amazing where data ends up – usually all over the internet.

3. Respect the Privacy of Others Treat others’ privacy as you would your own. Ask for your friends’ permission before uploading photos and videos of them. It’s not all about you, am I right?

4. Keep Everything Updated Any idea what causes the most security breaches on the internet? Software that isn’t up-to-date. Seems crazy simple, but it’s true! Be vigilant about updating software, including apps, anti-virus and even the humble browser.

5. Spam, Spam, Spam, Spammidy-spam Even with the best anti-spam and malware software – that’s up-to-date – spam is the modern version of junk mail. It’s everywhere! Learn how to tell the difference between real emails and messages, and dodgy things with dodgy links. Sometimes they don’t look so dodgy...always be suspicious of hyperlinks in emails.

6. Control the Troll Within There be trolls out there – beware! Don’t feed them; don’t give them what they want: an angry response. Block/Report the trolls. But also: resist the inner troll. If you’re not adding something to the debate online, don’t bother. Don’t be part of the problem.

7. Cyberbullying and Harassment If you’re being targeted by this kind of behaviour, know what you can do, and where you can get help. Visit the National Centre Against Bullying website and the Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner website.

8. Keep Your Friends Close and Strangers at Arm’s Length Do you know how many true friends most people have? Three. Yup, those four thousand and fifty-two Facebook ‘friends’ are a combination of acquaintances, people-you-met-once, people-you-can’t-remember-meeting-once, and probably, some ‘randoms’. They don’t need to know what you had for breakfast, or what concert you went to last night, do they?

9. Feel the Flow – Keep Your Life in Balance Technology is incredible. Gaming, networking, apps…online shopping! But make sure you take time out and find the right balance for you. Too long on tech can put the world out of whack.

10. Have Fun, Friend Always remember to chill out and keep things in perspective. There’s too much information online to take it all in! Focus on each moment, and enjoy.

Please take the time to read and discuss these with your children….it’s

important to develop these understandings early.


As Lucas in 5/6 has made it through to Nationals in his athletics event we as a school would like to help him and his family raise as much money as we can to help with the plane ticket to Sydney and the accommodation. The SRC have organised for there to be a Casual Day Fundraiser tomorrow . A gold coin donation is all that is required. We hope that the Resurrection School community get behind Lucas and support his wonderful effort making it through to National Level.

Many thanks from the SRC, Yolanda Mammarella and Matt Galea


Penance, Confession, or Reconciliation?

Confession was the popular name for one of the Church’s seven Sacraments prior to the Second Vatican

Council (1962-65). It was and is the Sacrament where God’s love and mercy are experienced in the

forgiveness of sins. Sin alienates us from God and one another. Penance is the official name of the

Sacrament, however the most commonly used name now is Reconciliation.

Reconciliation probably best captures the full richness of this healing Sacrament. To experience God’s love

and forgiveness within this Sacrament is always a blessing. To be reconciled with God or another person is

pure grace.

The Year of Mercy concludes this Sunday 20 November, the feast of Christ the King. Fr Noel will be in our

church Reconciliation Room on that day between 3pm and 9pm should anyone wish avail them self of this

opportunity to seek God’s forgiveness. It is an opportunity also for anyone struggling with an issue or

perhaps as St John of the Cross expressed the “Dark Night of the Soul”, that time in our lives when we have

questions or doubts about our faith.

Working Bee

Please try to come to our final working bee for the year this Saturday 26 November between 8.30 and

1pm. Generally working bees finish at with a B-B-Q at noon however the Maintenance group requests that

parishioners try to stay until 1pm this time because of the amount of work to be completed.

If you have never been to one of our working bees or not been for some time, this is your opportunity.

Clergy Retreat

Fr Noel will be at a retreat for Melbourne priests next week. Therefore Mass will not be celebrated on

Monday 21 November, Tuesday 22 November, or Thursday 24 November. There will be a Communion

Service on Tuesday morning at 9.20am and Mass will be celebrated on Friday morning at 8.30 as per usual.

Pilgrim Walk

“Out in sunshine out in rain

Still they sing to old refrain”

Last Sunday’s pilgrim walk from St Patrick’s was indeed in both sunshine and rain (2 squalls). However the

good nature of the pilgrims was unrestrained. Yes they were wet, tired and sore but their spirits were

unbowed. Photos on our Facebook and in our November Big Bulletin.
