RESULTS, LESSONS AND SUMMARY -€¦ · - Karaganda: dwelling houses, projects in which are...


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of the realization of pilot demonstration projects of the UNDP/GEF in Kazakhstan (Astana, Almaty,


Astana, July 2012



This review presents results of pilot demoprojects of the UNDP/GEF to raise the energy

efficiency in cities:

- Astana: the dwelling house of the CFO “Ainur”, the school-lycee No. 9; - Karaganda: dwelling houses, projects in which are made by the ESKO model; - Almaty: the dwelling house of the CFO «Maksat».

The energy efficiency in pilot buildings is achieved as a result of the modernization of

their engineering systems and building structures. The realization of energy efficiency measures makes it possible to obtain not only the economy of heat energy but also provides the improvement of the heat and water supply quality

In heat consumption systems of buildings the significant energy-efficient effect is

produced by automatic means of heat points allowing to regulate the temperature of heat-

transfer entering the heat consumption by the method of weather compensation (against the

outdoor temperature) on the design temperature chart.

The cumulative effect of the implementation of energy-efficient measures can be divided

into two components:

the cash savings by the installation of the instrument of accounting of heat

consumption and the transition to the payment for the actual heat consumption;

the cash savings by saving of the thermal energy derived from the introduction of

new energy saving technologies (in this case – the reconstruction of the heat point

with the restoration of the equipment of the automation of the heat consumption


The installation of the instrument of heat energy accounting makes it possible to pay for

energy in compliance with the actual consumption, it enables to prevent the overspending

conditioned the practice of accounts on design loads and the standard. In addition the point of

accounting of the heat energy consumption is the basis for determining of saving achieved in

result of the reconstruction of the heat point. In whole on the ground of readings of the instrument

for heat energy accounting we can draw conclusions about the level of the consumption of energy

resources by the residential building.

The level of heat energy savings is determined not only by the actual situation in the heat

supply system but the heating system state of each single building. Thus results obtained when

the reconstruction of heat points of single buildings may significantly differ. For example in

buildings with permanent underheating of living spaces the degree of savings will be considerably

lower because energy-saving technologies which are realized at the project will provide in the

first place the air temperature rise in rooms.

The results of pilot projects are given below.


3 financial-organizational models “The power efficient CFO” (Astana city) “The energy service company” (Karaganda city) “All payments through the CFO” (Almaty city)

In all models the return of investments which are

invested in the EE equipment and technologies is approved by the achieved savings of the heat energy.

Technical aspects Organizational aspects

The monitoring of the results of pilot projects

The monitoring of pilot demoprojects of the UNDP/GEP is performed on the basis of the developed Protocol on the registration of the results. Under the Protocol the analysis of the thermal energy

consumption after the introduction of energy-saving measures;

the analysis of the ecological efficiency of the project; and

the analysis of the economic efficiency of the project

are monitored


The total saving per the heating period for each home - about 344 thousand KZT (compared to the standard value)

The total saving of the heat power for heating and hot water supply - about 123 Gcal for each home (compared to the estimated value)

The reduction of GHG emissions - about 53 tons in the CO2 equivalent for each building per the heating season


KZT per month

The payment for the consumed heat energy, KZT per month

2010, edited

2011, actual

The realization period










January February March Total:

The cash savings on the payment for the consumed HE

The calculation of cash savings on the payment for the consumed heat

energy by the installation of the instrument of heat accounting and the equipment of heat automation in the school-lycee No.9, Astana city

The State Economic lycee No. 9 in Astana. The comparative analysis of the total thermal energy consumption for heating and hot water supply between the consumption in 2010-2011 and the same months in 2011-2012.

The thermal energy consumption in the period from April 2010 to March 2011 inclusive, Gcal per month (edited)* The thermal energy consumption in the period from April 2011 to March 2012 inclusive, Gcal per month


Karaganda – the model “The energy service company” (ESCO)

The pilot project in the CFO “Chingiz” (Karaganda)

ESCO is the company rendering energy services including the finance for projects in buildings

The cash saving of owners for the heating season is about 183.6 thousand KZT The saving of the heat energy is 68.9 Gcal or 14% for the heating season


The results of the monitoring of pilot projects in Karaganda for the heating

season 2011-2012

Md. Stepnoy-4, 8 Str. Mustafin, 26 Str. Abdirov, 9 Mira blvd, 3a Mira blvd, 41/1



It is explained by the existing system of payment for the heating prior to the project realization - at the average urban standard, not taking into account special features of the heat consumption of these buildings


1. The object - Md. Stepnoy-4, 8

2. The object - Str. Mustafin, 26

3. The object -Str. Abdirov, 9

4. The object -Mira blvd, 3a



Note: at the object 4 – the actual heat consumption is bigger than the standard heat consumption according with features of the building construction. Prior to the project realization – for lack of the instrument of accounting and regulation – owners in fact underpaid for the heat energy. Energy saving incentives were also absent.


The pilot project in the dwelling house, Almaty city: The approbation of the model “All payments by the CFO”

4-storey house built in 1969 with 54 apartments the energy audit was conducted, the blocked ATP was set,

the balancing was made, pipelines were made warmer The EE Fund was established, the contract between the

CFO and the heat supplying company!!! Contracts with owners were concluded

Windows in entrances were substituted for EE The CFO is trained how to effectively support the building

to save energy

The comparative analysis of the monthly consumption of the heat energy for the heating between the estimated consumption and the actual consumption


The cash saving in the payment for the consumed heat energy for the heating season 2011-2012 for the pilot house is 412 195.2 KZT (18.3 %)



The information on the UNDP/GEF project:

The UNDP/GEF project - "The elimination of barriers to improve the energy efficiency of the municipal heat supply". The project aims to eliminate the barriers to improve the energy efficiency of the municipal heat supply in Kazakhstan and to create a basis for the sustainable development of such services taking into account the impact on the environment at local and global level.

Expected results:

The creation of the normative legal and regulatory frameworks to promote and to provide

incentives for improvement of the energy efficiency of the municipal heat supply in Kazakhstan, including specific incentives and other mechanisms for the effective realization and the implementation of laws and regulations adopted by the stakeholders;

The introduction of new institutional and financial models to obtain financing for the energy efficiency and to strength the potential of local stakeholders for further implementation and replication;

Data collection, analysis and spreading of results and lessons learned from the project, including the monitoring of GHG emissions for the purpose of the effective replication in Kazakhstan and other CIS countries / municipalities with a comparable situation.

Involved partners:

Agency for Construction, Housing and Utilities «Kazakhstan Housing and Utilities Reform Centre» JSC Ministry of Industry and New Technologies Ministry of Economic Development and Trade

Ministry of Oil and Gas Ministry of Environment Protection

Akimats, including the city of Astana, Almaty and Karaganda Agency of the Republicj of Kazakhstan for Regulation of Natural Monopolies

Local communities and nongovernmental organizations Research Institutions

The heat supply and energy efficiency business companies The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) cooperates with all people of all ranks in society, supporting the state-building countries, so that they can withstand the crisis, and encouraging and supporting the growth leading to improved quality of life for everyone. Working in 177 countries and territories, we offer the global perspective and local solutions to promote a enjoying full rights human life and to improve the vitality of countries.

The Global Environment Facility (GEF), uniting 182 countries, in partnership with international organizations, civil society and private business provides the grants to developing countries and countries in transition for the joint solution of local, national and global environmental issues in order to achieve the sustainable development in the world . Now the GEF, established in 1991, is the largest public donor organization that aims to improve the global environment and have supported more than 2700 projects.

