Response to Intervention (RtI): A Realistic Approach Presented By: Lisa Harrod Lisa Harrod


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Response to Intervention (RtI): A Realistic Approach

Response to Intervention (RtI): A Realistic Approach

Presented By: Lisa Harrod

Are You Open to Ideas???

• Response to Intervention can open up doors and provide access for students unlike anything we have ever seen before….

• Do not become the other RtI…RESISTANT TO IDEAS!

Please note that the presentation and supplemental materials are the property of Lisa M. Harrod and should not be copied, modified, or used in any way without the permission of the presenter.

Who is Coming to Your Class?

• Students with Learning Disabilities• Cognitive Disabilities• Autism• Speech and Language Impairments• Emotional Disorders• Slow Learners• Gifted and Talented

What Is Response to Intervention ?

A general education initiative

Matching instructional design/interventions to increase student success in the curriculum and basic skills

A system for both academic and behavioral interventions

Using data to make instructional decisions

A problem-solving method

Using the Problem-Solving Method

• Determine the problem• Analyze the problem• Develop the plan• Evaluate the plan

Problem-solving is a critical component of Response to Intervention…….

(This is where the paperwork and documentation come in)

Why is Data Collection Essential?

• It helps us make accurate decisions about our interventions using the general education curriculum.

• Helps us respond to academic and behavioral needs appropriately

• May be used to help decide eligibility for special programs.

• Helps to evaluate special education services already in place for students.

Why RtI Now???

• Special Education has been looked at as a place not a service

• General and special education have been working in isolation

• Overrepresentation of minority students in special education programs

• Lack of research based curriculum and instruction

• Not enough scientifically based instruction and interventions currently in place.

Three Essential Components of RtI:

• High Quality Instruction/Intervention based on scientific research and practice.

• Learning rate and level of performance: refers to a student’s growth in academics over time compared with prior levels and peer growth rates.

• Important Educational Decisions: Based on response to instruction over the tiers.

RtI and the Law


• IDEA 2004

• National Reading Panel Report

What do Successful RtI Programs in Different

Districts look like?• The multiple layers and tiers• Implementation or plan for using

Curriculum Differentiation with all students.

• Instruction by multiple staff members• Varied duration, frequency and time of


We Should Not Forget…Ruling out the following factors:• Lack of consistent instruction in

reading and math• Limited English Proficiency• Other disabilities such as health or

sensory impairments

The Three Tier Model of Service Delivery

• Each tier contains supports to help teachers implement research based curriculum aimed at helping all students be successful. Each tier must be assessed in an on-going fashion.

• Decisions to continue the interventions are based on data collected by the educators.

Essential Components of Early Reading

Instruction• Phonemic Awareness• Phonics Instruction• Reading Fluency• Vocabulary• Reading ComprehensionNational Reading Panel, 2000

Scientific Based Research

• Research that involves the application of rigorous, systematic, and objective procedures to obtain reliable and valid knowledge relevant to educational activities and programs.

• Provides evidence that the program or curriculum plan is effective.

• Used in Reading First, IDEA 2004, NCLB• Draws on research, data and observations to make

decisions.• Has been accepted by a peer-reviewed journal or

approved through a panel of experts.No Child Left Behind, 2001

Tier One• Core instructional interventions

• For all students

• Preventative and proactive

Examples of Tier 1 Activities

School district provides a research-based curriculum

Includes support and professional development for teachers

Differentiated InstructionStudent Skill matched with course

contentBenchmark Assessments(20 percent monitoring…)

Tier Two• Targeted group interventions

• For students considered at-risk

• Highly efficient

• Students show rapid response to programming.

Tier Three

• Intensive, individualized interventions

• Assessment-based

• High intensity

• Longer duration

CBM and AssessmentAccording to NASDSE (2006), to be

useful in a three-tier system, assessment procedures selected for the types of decisions described in the tiers and problem-solving method must have 9 characteristics…

CBM (continued)• Directly assess the specific skills

embodied in state and local academic standards

• Assess variables that have been determined to lead to the ultimate instructional target. (example: reading fluency)

• 21

CBM (continued2)• Are sensitive to small increments of growth

over time.• Can be administered efficiently over short

periods of time.• May be administered repeatedly.• Are summarized in teacher-friendly formats.• Can be used to make comparisons across

students.• Monitors a students progress over time.• Has relevance to the development of

instructional strategies matched with an area of need.

The District 194 RtI Plan: Goals

• Break the failure cycle• Give parents and students hope• Support teachers• Streamline communication and supports

• Above all else…Ensure all students achieve at high levels.

• All stakeholders remain committed to this goal.

Do We Need to Call it RtI ??

• Look at these programs as a way to increase student achievement

• Based on research and data.

• Best for kids/Best for teachers

Timeline of RtI Implementation

2006• September: Teacher Resources• October: Professional

Development• November: First RtI Training• December: First Team Formed

Timeline (continued)2007• Professional development and team meetings• Paperwork• Proposal for Intervention Specialist• Creation/Revision of roles• Assessments/Programs/Technology chosen for

each tier• RtI boxes and curriculum differentiation

strategies out to all district staff members• Expectations and policies/procedures set

The Places You Will Go..Where are we now?• Exchanged DIBELS for AIMSweb• Changed local assessment • Infused technology and resources in district• Review and reflect on middle school• Add parent component• Advanced professional development• Reform gifted and talented services

The Role of the Intervention Specialist

• Student services

• Collaboration and consultation

• SBAT meetings

• Direct services

• Progress monitoring and reporting

• Professional development provider

The Role of the School Board in Implementing RtI• Approve research-based supplemental curriculum and


• Approve personnel needed for implementation of RtI plan

• Review data to monitor effectiveness of RtI plan and services

• Continue to engage in professional development for understanding at-risk and exceptional learners.

• Approve and Submit RtI plan to Illinois State Board of Education

Thank you for your time!

• Questions…Do not hesitate to contact me!


We are all in this together!

Reference MaterialsPresident’s Commission on Excellence in Special

Education. (2002). Washington, DC. United States Department of Education

National Association of State Directors of Special Education, Response to Intervention: Policy Considerations and Implementation. (2006). Alexandria, VA.

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001The Individuals with Disabilities Act of 2004(IDEA 2004)
