responding to children's need and demand



its about a parents' roles for their children development. it's important to learn how to manage your own children for their sake.

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1. Avoid comparing a childs development with other kids.2. When a child is struggling with a developmental task , do not give her/him more help than she/he requires.3. Breastfeed your child for at least the first two years.5. Encourage the child to experiment with the novel and unusual. -listen to her/his question and comments about her/his observation.4. Relax and enjoy the creative process with your child.6. Respect the child s efforts and let them know that you have confidence in their ability to do well.7. Let the child have both freedom and responsibility to deal with the consequences of their thinking

8. Do not unwittingly develop mistrust when taking care of babies.9. Provide activities and opportunities for the children to be autonomous/independent.-do not discourage them or make them feel guilty.10. Provide opportunities for them to acquire skills .- Make sure do not embarrass them if they are slow or make mistakes when learning this skills.11. Expose children to the basic islamic knowledge and ways of life as well as the basic learning of Al-Quran.12. Begin teaching with kalimah tayyibah La ilaha illa Allah Muhammad al-rasul Allah as early as possible.13. Introduce them what is permissible (halal) and forbidden(haram) as early as when the child is able to discern (mumayyiz) about the two.

14. Clothe them in the modest way and protect them from inappropriate clothing, hairstyles and movements.15. Avoid extravagance , luxury , laziness and idleness.16. Spending time reading together even your child is able to read well.17.Noticing when she/he learn a new skills not only with words but with eye contact and interest .18. Giving plenty of time for free play.

7 essential life skills every child needs and how parents can encourage them1 Focus and self-control.2 Perspective taking. 3 Communicating.4 Making connections. 5 Critical thinking. 6 Taking on challenges.7 Self-directed, engaged learning.


Here are some of the ways that children are affected through play :

COGNITIVELY - Play enables children to discover things about the world around them. -example : play a house games, puzzle games , musical chairs, arts like drawing and colouring learn about responsibilities learn essential concept such as counting, colors and problem solving. develop thinking and reasoning skills. this require them to engage their imagination in order to gain that skills.

EMOTIONALLY -while at play, the children are in control of the environment around them which fosters good self-esteem. -feel new emotions when taking part in different activities. win and lose allow them to explore their feelings.


SOCIALLY -playing with other children is the best way to learn and practice social skills. -example : playing football, millionare games, learn how to relate to one another and form ideas about how to negotiate roles, follow the rules, and observe group dynamics. learn about teamwork, and help cultivate friendships

PHYSICALLY -provide an outlet for all of the energy that children have. -example: participating in sports and outdoor games it strengthens their smaller and larger motor skills also can build stamina and strength. maintaining a healthy lifestyle


1.Provide more than one object for babies to stretch out and grasp.

2.Providing treasure baskets for babies who are able to pick up .

3.Make sure that the range of activities for toddlers and older pre-school children from which the children can choose is interesting and inviting.

4. Playing cards and boards game together

5.Sharing creative activities like woodwork, gardening, sewing, arts and crafts .

6.Providing puppets, dressing up clothes and other props as we know that children love to create their own plays.

7.Providing traditional toys like skipping ropes, balls, dolls, toy cars, and construction toys.

8. Creating plenty of opportunity for physical exercise, team games, and outdoor activities.
