Respiratory System Quiz 2005 RULES 1.Write your name at top of a sheet of paper 2.For each question...


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Respiratory System Quiz 2005


1. Write your name at top of a sheet of paper

2. For each question only one answer is correct

3. Circle correct answer. If you change your mind, cross out wrong answer and circle the other.

4. Any unclear answers are incorrect

5. Questions about accuracy or clarity of answers will not be entertained!

Question 2

In a healthy person a typical value for PCO2 in pulmonary venous blood is:

a) 4.0 kPa

b) 5.3 kPa

c) 6.1 kPa

d) 13.3 kPa

Question 3

The rate of alveolar ventilation is equal to:

a) Respiratory rate x (dead space volume - tidal volume)

b) Respiratory rate x (tidal volume - dead space volume)

c) (Respiratory rate x tidal volume) - dead space volume

d) (Respiratory rate x dead space volume) - tidal volume

Question 4

In a healthy subject, breathing 100% oxygen will more than double :

a) arterial oxyhaemoglobin concentration

b) arterial oxygen content

c) arterial oxygen saturation

d) arterial oxygen partial pressure

Question 5

Clara cells:

a) are another name for Goblet cells

b) ingest inhaled foreign particles

c) produce antiproteases

d) sequester inflammatory cells by release of chemotactic agents

Question 6

Type 2 pneumocytes:

a) secrete surfactant

b) secrete mucous

c) are ciliated

d) are found predominantly in small bronchioles

Question 7

Emphysema is :

a) an abscess within the lungs

b) an obstructive lung disease

c) a restrictive lung disease

d) an allergic lung disease

Question 8

Functional residual capacity (FRC) is the volume of the lungs:

a) at the end of a maximal expiration

b) at the beginning of a quiet expiration

c) at the end of a quiet expiration

d) when intrapleural pressure is zero

Question 9

The phrenic nerve is formed from branches of the:

a) cranial nerves

b) cervical nerves

c) thoracic nerves

d) lumbar nerves

Question 10

When you fall asleep your:

a) ventilation will increase

b) upper airways resistance will decrease

c) arterial PCO2 will increase

d) fairy godmother will tidy your room

Question 11

In the pulmonary circulation, resistance to blood flow:

a) increases during exercise

b) is about the same as in the systemic circulation

c) is less than in the systemic circulation

d) is decreased during hypoxia

Question 12

Which of the following does not directly cause pulmonary oedema:

a) decreased plasma colloidal osmotic pressure

b) left heart failure

c) right heart failure

d) increased capillary permeability

Question 13

At a normal level of alveolar ventilation, ventilation-perfusion mismatching will

most likely lead to the following composition of arterial blood:

a) A low PO2 and a raised PCO2

b) A low PO2 and a normal PCO2

c) A normal PO2 and a raised PCO2

d) A low PO2 and a low PCO2

Question 14

Pulmonary surfactant:

a) reduces surface tension at the liquid-air interface within alveoli

b) production in the foetus is depressed by treatment with steroids

c) is a polypeptide

d) reduces lung compliance

Question 15

The apnoeic threshold:

a) If the level of oxygen rises above this threshold breathing will stop

b) If the level of oxygen falls below this threshold breathing will stop

c) If the level of carbon dioxide rises above this threshold breathing will stop

d) If the level of carbon dioxide falls below this threshold breathing will stop

Question 16

On histological examination a squamous cell carcinomia of the

lungs will typically display:

a) glandular differentiation

b) Langhans’ giant cells

c) granulomatous tissue

d) keratinisation

Question 17

In an asthmatic patient atopy:

a) is more common in adults than children

b) can be assessed using skin prick tests

c) is another term for bronchial hyper-reactivity

d) can be cured with a course of inhaled steroids

Question 18

Inflammation in allergic asthma does NOT involve:

a) IgE

b) IL4

c) T2 lymphocytes

d) degranulation of alveolar macrophages

Question 19

The most common cause of community acquired pneumonia is:

a) streptococcus pneumoniae

b) mycoplasma pneumoniae

c) legionella pneumophilia

d) haemophilius influenzae

Question 20

Which of the following cannot be measured by simple spirometry:

a) Residual volume

b) Inspiratory capacity

c) Vital capacity

d) Tidal volume

Question 21

The FEV1/FVC ratio:

a) Is dependent on the subject’s effort

b) Estimates the severity of restrictive lung disease

c) Can be measured with a peak flow meter

d) Is lower than average in people who row for Imperial College

Question 22
