Respi 2008 (Soal-jawab)


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  • 8/9/2019 Respi 2008 (Soal-jawab)


  • 8/9/2019 Respi 2008 (Soal-jawab)


    d. C$2content of @3Ce. Temperature blood

    11. 8t inspiratory& event yang teradi !a. ;ntraabdominal pressure turunb. 6enous return increase

    c. *@ turund. ;ntrapleural pressure turune. Auscle abdominalis contracts

    12. 8ir in the lung subdivided into

    8. % vol ' capacities

    3. , vol , cap

    C. ' vol ' cap

    :. ' vol , cap

    B. , vol cap

    1%. ;6 lactic acid dapat meningatan pernafasan aibat rangsangan e reseptor di..!

    a. Aedulla oblongatab. Carotid bodyc. Lung parenchymed. 8ortice. Trachea dan large bronchi

    1'. ;n which the following conditions is CO2retentionmost liely occur !a. Climbing high mountainb. 6entilatory failurec. C$d. Lung failuree. *ysterical hyperventilation

    1,. Child 2 y.o.datang e T*T clini dgn eluan hearing loss sea 2 minggu yang lalu. Tanpa otalgia& otorrhea ataupunfebrile. $tosopy menunuan right ear normal& left ear& tympanic membran intact namun terlihat adanya )"%"&e

    sign*di tympanic cavity.a. Bxternal otitisb. 8cute otitis mediac. Chronic otitis mediad. 7erous otitis media

    e. Aalignant external otitis

    1. ?asien dengan buble sign yang sudah ditreatment dengan obat tp tida berhasil. 8pa yg dilauan emudian&&a. Ayringotomyb. Ayringoplastyc. Aastoidectomy

    d. Tympanoplastye. *earing aid

    1/. in the past two wees& an 4 y.o boy suffered from blocage of the nose with purulent rhinorrhea& facial pain& andsometimes epistaxis. from rhinoscopy anterior there was hyperemic nasal mucosa& with mucopurulent discharge$ nomases or anatomi'a& !atho&ogies +ere fo%n. blood clot was found in anterior nasal septum. oropharyngeal examreveal post nasal drip.

    medical management for this condition isa. not freDuently effectiveb. directed toward more resistant bacteriac. usually targeted toward specific bacteria and broad spectrumd. universally effectivee. best provided with ;6 therapy

    14. What muscle actively open the eustachian tube !

  • 8/9/2019 Respi 2008 (Soal-jawab)


    a. A. Tensor veli palatineb. A. Levator veli palatine

    c. A. 7alphyngopheryngeusd. A.lateral pterygoide. A. Aedial pterygoid

    19. :rainage nasolacrimal duct..a. Common meatus

    b. 7uperior meatusc. Aiddle meatusd. ;nferior meatus

    2-. Eiesselbach plexuse& little area tersusun dari superior labial artery dan..a. ?haryngeal artery

    b. 8nterior ethmoidc. ?osterior ethmoidd. :escending palatinee. 7phenopalatine

    21. 21 y.o male pain and difficulty in swallowing since 2 days ago. ?ain mnyebar e left ear&can only eat liDuid. Eesulitan

    dalam mmbua mulut&enlarged le ft tnsil&e(iate %(%&a to right. :iagnosis!

    8. Ludwigs angina

    b. ?arapharyngeal abcess

    c. Tonsillar hypertrophicans

    d. ?eritonsillar abcess

    e. @etropharyngeal abcess

    22. the stra! m%s'&esof nec are enveloped in

    a. deep layer of deep cervical fascia

    b. middle layer of deep cervical fascia

    c. superficial layer of deep cervical fasciad. superficial cervical fascia

    e. carotid sheath

    2%. The lateral pharyngeal space divided into 2 compartment by!

    8. Cranial nerve 2

    3. Carotid artery

    C. :eep larynx of deep cervical fascia

    :. 7tyloid process

    B. >ugular artery

    2'. The most common place of infection of lateral pharyngeal space is from the

    8. 7oft palate d. (ec 3. Aastoid e. Floor of the mouth

    C. Tonsil

    2,. 12 yrs old male has irt# gra# mem"rane on tonsi&s !i&&arsand uvula. @emoval attempts caused bleeding. There is

    positive mared clinically lymphadenopathy. The fluorescent study is positive. What is the diagnosis!

    8. 6incent angina



    :. :iphteri

    B. ;nfectious mononucleosis

    2. , years old& pneumonia& alergi penicillin G cephalosporin. $bat yg coco!

    8. 8Hithromycin

    3. 8moxicillin + clavulanate& rn tahan thdp beta

  • 8/9/2019 Respi 2008 (Soal-jawab)


    C. Cefadroxil

    :. Brythromycin& rn efetif melawan gram positif dan immunologic characteristic berbeda dgn beta

  • 8/9/2019 Respi 2008 (Soal-jawab)


    C. 2*@BKB7*@KB'*%@%& C$(T;(MB 8@T

    :. 2*@KB'*@& C$(T;(;B 8@T

    B. 2*@KB'*%@%&C$(T;(MB 8@T

    4am"ar2 #ang gangg%an e(e&o!ment tra'hea/eso!hag%s $

    5$ Be&&a

    %,. Which of the following structure is match with the statement Nthe air canOt pass the gastric and esophagusP!

    %. *

  • 8/9/2019 Respi 2008 (Soal-jawab)


  • 8/9/2019 Respi 2008 (Soal-jawab)


    ,,. which of following situation is caused by in'rease of !CO2 in arteria& "&oo that causes

    'hemore'e!tor stim%&ate the respiratory center!

    a. :ecrease @@ d. hypercapniab. ;ncrease @@ e. *ypoxiac. *ypocapnia

    ,. ,2 yo& smoer male comes to rshs having diff breathing. p$2 ',mmhg. Then his pC$2 become %/mmhg G ph /.'. W$TF most liely condition!

    a. :oesnOt have respi problem

    b. @espiratory acidosisc. *ypoxia& unliely acidosisd. @espiratory alalosise. *ypoxia& alalosis

    ,/. 1/ yo&female& h#!er(enti&ating "freD&deep&sighing respiration to sustained&obvious&rapid&deepbreathing# fell unconscious. 8n attending physician diagnosed her condition as Rh#!er(enti&ation s#nrome:caused by anxiety G mental stress. *e successfully treated her by rebreathing expired C$2 from paper bag G shecompletely recovered. What happened to the acid

  • 8/9/2019 Respi 2008 (Soal-jawab)


    c. @espiratory acidosis

    d. @espiratory alalosis

    e. (o change in blood p*

    %. Why is gas e6'hange at res!irator# mem"raneare efficient!

    a. The difference in partial pressure are substansialb. The gas are lipid soluble

    c. The total surface area is large

    d. The gas are protein soluble

    e. The gas are lipid G protein soluble

    '. For any partial pressure of $2 which of the following statement are correlated with 'onition of 27 BP4 in'rease!

    a. The amount of $2release from *b decrease

    b. The amount of $2release from *b increase "shunt to the right#

    c. The amount of C$2release from *b increase

    d. The amount of C$2carried by *b increase

    e. The amount of $2and *b unaffected

    ;$ M%tiara Retno An

    . Throat specimen from % y.o. boy with !har#ngitis. Throat s+a"sare mostly used for

    8. =roup 8 7treptococcus

    3. (. diphthteria

    C. Coli

    :. 7taphylococcus aureus

    B. ?seudomonas aeruginosa

    ;.$ S%r#o Inah ?$ =soa&n#a ketingga&an i

    4. Bosinofil nai di asus!

    a. Tb d. Aalaria

    b. ?arasit e. 8mobeasis

    c. *epatitis

    9. 8n adult woman patient always complains about ha iffi'%&t# of "reathing$The doctor says that she has asthmati'

    "ron'hitisand need to perform laboratory test to evaluate ventilation status of the lung by blood gas analysis. ;n her

    condition of ventilation disturbance cause of res!irator# a'iosis. The result of 3=8 are

    a. ;ncrease p*& increase pC$2& increase *C$%