Residual Stress on Components of Manufacturing Process


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  • 8/3/2019 Residual Stress on Components of Manufacturing Process





    .* Student 2nd

    year, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Kongu Engineering

    College, Erode.


    .** Student 2nd year, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Kongu EngineeringCollege, Erode.
  • 8/3/2019 Residual Stress on Components of Manufacturing Process



    Any manufacturing process that changes the shape of a solid, or where

    severe temperature gradient exists during the process, causes residual

    stresses. By their very nature, process that change the shape of a solid

    cause non uniform plastic deformation in the solid, which leads to residual

    stress. Also, process that produce high thermal gradients in a solid often

    lead to residual stress. Furthermore, process that induces localized phase

    changes produce residual stresses. The residual stresses caused by

    manufacturing process usually show very steep residual stress to distance

    gradients. Compressive residual stress has a beneficial effect on fatigue

    life, crack propagation and stress corrosion of materials. This thesis work

    is to study the residual stresses on components of manufacturing (bending

    and welding) processes.


    A state of stress that may exist in the bulk of the material without application of an

    external load (including gravity) or other sources of stress, such as thermal gradient, is

    called a residual or internal stress. Residual stresses can be classified into three kinds

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    according to the distance or range over which they can be observed. The first type of

    residual stress, termed macroscopic, is long-range in nature, extending over at leastseveral grains of the materials, and many more. The second kind of residual stress, often

    called structural micro stress, covers a distance of one grain or a part of a grain. It can

    occur between different phases and have different physical characteristics, or between

    embedded particles, such as inclusions, and the matrix. The third kind of residual stressranges over several atomic distances within the grain, and is equilibrated over a small

    part of the grain.

    Figure1:Macrostresses ( 1),Mesostresses( 11), Microstresses( 111).

    Residual stresses are a consequence of interactions among time, temperature,

    deformation, and microstructure. Material or material-related characteristics that

    influence the development of residual stress include Thermal conductivity, Elasticmodulus, Poissons ratio, Plasticity, Thermodynamics and kinematics of transformations,Mechanisms of transformations, and Transformation plasticity. Residual stresses can be

    developed in materials and engineering components during manufacturing by differentprocesses. Some of these processes are Plastic deformation or forming, including rolling,

    drawing, bending, forging, pressing, spinning, shot-penning, laser shock, welding,

    brazing sprayed coating, cladding, electro deposition, machining, grinding and duringthermo chemical heat treatment including quenching, laser and plasma heat treatment,

    carburizing, case hardening, ion platting and a combination of these treatments. Casting

    and during cooling of a multiphase materials such as metal matrix composite.

    Compressive residual stress has a benificial effect on fatigue life, crack propagation and

    stress corrosion of materials; where as tensile residual stress can reduce their performancecapacity. The difference between macro and micro stresses is shown in figure

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    Figure 2. Descriptions of Macro and Micro Stresses

    There are three types of methods/procedures of Residual-Stress Measurement The destructive procedures of residual-stress measurement --These procedures all

    are based on sectioning or removal of material to cause a redistribution of residual

    stress. This is measured as a strain change.

    The semi destructive methods of residual stress measurement -- These methodsare based on the same principle as the destructive based on the same principle asthe destructive methods or the perturbation of the residual-stress field by other


    The non destructive methods of residual --Stress measurement: these methods donot permanently disturb the residual-stress field, but directly measure the atomiclattice strain caused by the stress or measure some physical property perturbed by

    the lattice strain.



    The major reasons that residual stresses are of concern are:

    Failures that are suspected as being caused by fatigue, stress corrosion, corrosionfatigue, or hydrogen embrittlement.

    Assessment for the continued serviceability of a component, for example, lifeassessment; this is usually focused on a concern for insevice failure.

    Distortion occurring during processing of a component. Distortion of components during service.

    Manufacturing processing or repair procedures induces most cases of suspected harmful

    residual-stress fields, although sometimes abusive service conditions or an accident mayhave caused them. When manufacturing process or sometimes repair procedures are

    judged the most likely source of the residual stresses. it is often possible to predict the

    magnitude and distribution of the residual stresses.

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    Residual stresses are the inevitable consequence of thermo mechanical processingof steel. The resulting stress fields usually are nonuniform and show high stress gradients.

    For example fig. 2 illustrates the residual-stress magnitudes and distributions typical of

    steel with 650 Mpa yield strength. Because of the high stress gradients, tens to hundredsof residual stress measurements with resolution on the order of 1mm may be required toidentify precisely the maximum stress and its location.

    The characteristically nonuniform, high stress gradient nature of residual stresses

    require that either the induced stress field is well understood and predictable, or manyresidual-stress measurements must be performed on one or more components in order to

    reveal the nature of the stress fields.


    A number of procedures and methods have been applied to determine the residualstresses extant in a metallic component, usually as a result of manufacturing processing.

    However stress is never the quantity measured because a stress is a quantity that isapplied to a metal and can only be measured to determine residual stress is elastic strain-

    either the elastic strain resulting directly from the existing residual stress in the metal or

    the elastic strain change resulting from relief of some portion, or all,of the existingresidual stress. The stress that is causing, or has caused. The strain is then calculated

    using the applicable elastic constants for the metal.

    STRAIN MEASUREMENT METHODSAll residual-stress determination methods measure elastic strain, not stress, and the

    residual stress is calculated from the strain values. Several methods for the measurementof strain have been applied in residual-stress studies, these methods include

    Mechanical gages Electrical-resistance gages Optical gages Birefringent methods Diffraction methods (X-ray & Neutron) Ultrasonic methods Magnetic methods


    Destructive methods of residual-stress measurement are fundamentally stress-

    relaxation procedures; that are the information is obtained by relaxing the residual stressin some finite-volume element of the component and measuring the resulting strain


    The strain change is then used, along with applicable assumptions about the nature of the

    stress field, to reconstruct the original stress field. Assumptions about the nature of thestress field include the magnitudes and gradients in the stress field and whether it is

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    sufficient to assume that the gradients are one-, two-, and three-dimensional. In

    particular, the gradients that exist will dictate the size of the element that is to be isolatedand made stress-free; that is, the higher the stress gradient is, the higher the stress

    gradient is , the smaller the finite element must be in the direction of that gradient. It must

    be emphasized that the larger the element and the higher the stress gradient, the less

    quantitive and more qualitative are the measurement results. Electrical-resistance strain-gage technologies are emphasized as the dominant method of strain measurement due to

    their economic, procedural, and procession advantages over other methods. However,

    modern XRD equipment when available has all of these advantages as well can be usedto measure the stresses existing before and after sectioning.


    Nondestructive methods of residual-stress measurement are characterized as a methodthat is no way affect the serviceability or reduce the mechanical strength or other

    properties of the component in which stresses are measured. Between the nondestructive

    and destructive methods, which have a severe effect on the serviceability, strength, andproperties, are the semidestructive methods. These are methods that have a small to

    negligible effect on the components in which stresses are measured, or methods in which

    the components may be repaired after the measurement.

    These methods that are considered semidestructive are those that requiresmall holes to be drilled or rings to be trepanned in the component or indentations to be

    made in the surface. The first two methods provide quantitative data and the third only

    qualitative data. These methods include

    Blind hole Drilling and Ring coring Indentation methods Spot annealing


    In Strain Measurement Methods all measure the change in some direction (strain) of

    the component produced by the removal of a finite volume of stressed metal from thatcomponent. Thus, they measure the strain induced by removing material so as to

    perturb the residual-stress field. On the other hand, nondestructive procedures measure

    a dimension in the crystal lattice of the metal or some physical parameter affected bythe crystal lattice dimension. Whenever a mechanical force, resulting in stress that is

    less than the yield strength, is placed on a solid metal component, that component

    distorts and strains elastically. That elastic strain results in a change in the atomic lattice

    dimension, and this dimension, or change, is measured by the nondestructive stress-measurement procedures. For example, the diffraction methods (X-ray & Neutron)

    measure an actual crystal dimension, and this dimension can be related to the

    magnitude and direction of the stress that the metal is subjected to, whether that stressis residual or applied. Some of these methods include

    X-ray diffraction Neutron diffraction Ultrasonic velocity Magnetic Barkhausen noise

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    Welding is the most common cause of significant residual stresses. The cooler parent

    metal restrains contractions of the weld metal up on cooling, leading inevitably large

    residual stresses.Moreover, phase and volumetric changes at the microscopic level also contribute to theresidual stress phenomenon during welding. Being able to predict and model residual

    stresses in different weldment configuration is important in accessing the possibility of

    failure. Modeling of residual stresses is not a simple task; there are many variablesinvolved; weld geometry, temperature, time, thickness, joint restraint, welding process,

    heat input, and deposition

    Figure 3: (a) schematic representations of a single run butt weld and associated (b)

    temperature and (c) stress changes (ASM Handbook Volume 6, 1983)

    -area and there is an abundance of non-uniform temperature profiles (ASM Handbook

    Volume 6, 1983).

    In describing Figure 3(a) the weld is shown by the shaded area. The molten weld poolregion (current position of the arc) is shown by the origin, 0. Figure 3(b) shows thetemperature profiles along different sections with Section B-B bisecting the melted

    region and Section C-C being at a close distance from the weld pool in the solid weld

    metal. As expected the greatest temperature gradient is at the weld pool as shown in

    Section B-B. Figure-3(c)shows the residual stresses as a result of welding. Section A-Aahead of the weld bead on the parent metal shows no residual stresses. In the melted

    region (Section B-B) there are thermal stresses present but they are close to zero because

    the molten metal cannot support any loads. In regions away from the arc (transverse to

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    the direction of welding) where cooling is occurring, the stresses are larger due to the

    lower temperature and restrained contraction. The maximum magnitudes of compressivestresses and tensile stresses occur at Section D-D where the tensile stresses peak in the

    cooled weld metal and compressive stresses peak in the surrounding parent metal. This is

    more clearly shown in Figure-4, where the distribution of stresses in a but-welded joint

    can be seen. Note that in the middle of the weld the residual tensile stresses present arevery close to the yield point of the parent material (Gourd , 1991).

    Figure 4: Distribution of stresses in a single pass butt weld (Gourd , 1991).Since residual stresses exist without external forces, the resultant force and resultant

    moment produced by the residual stresses must disappear:

    On any plane section where dA is area

    Where dM is resultant moment (ASM Handbook Volume 6, 1983)

    The residual stress pattern as indicated in Figure 4 occurs in materials of moderately

    low thicknesses. According to Lancaster (1980), in thick plate there is a contraction stressat right angles to the plate surface and consequently the stress field may intensify

    progressively as the joint is built up with weld runs. Figure shows residual stresses

    measured before a short (15 minutes) and long (40 hours) PWHT, measured by remanent

    magnetisation, along the centre line of a submerged arc weld in a 165 mm thick plate ofMn-Mo steel (650 mm in length). The curves in Figure 2.5 represent residual stresses in

    three directions that is, stress in the longitudinal direction, transverse direction and the

    short transverse direction (perpendicular to the root face). The figure shows that residualstresses can either be compressive or tensile along the thickness of the plate, and that long

    PWHT times result in the redistribution of residual stresses. If it is assumed the three

    residual stresses measured represent principal stresses, the effective residual stress is:

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    Where T is transverse, L is longitudinal, and ST is short transverse (perpendicular to the

    root face)A correlation between the toughness of a weldment and the presence of residual stresses

    has been found experimentally and this is discussed in Section Fracture toughness. From

    a micro structural perspective, if austenite transforms to martensite at low temperatures

    the volume increase will be substantial because of the difference with falling temperaturein thermal contraction curves of the face centered cubic and body centered cubic phases.

    This will lead to a reduction of localized residual stresses in the weldment if the weld

    metal (WM) transforms to martensite. However, this effect is unlikely because the lowcarbon WM transforms at higher temperatures to acicular ferrite, and may only be

    relevant to the heat affected zone (HAZ) of welds, which is a relatively small volume of

    the weldment.

    Figure 5: Distribution of residual stresses along centre-line of narrow gap single veesubmerged arc weld in 165 mm thick Mn-Mo steel plate (a) after 15 minutes of PWHT at

    600C and (b) after 40 hours of PWHT at 600 C (Suzuki et al, 1978, pp 87-112).


    The most common method of stress relief is by heat treatment. Other methods of stress

    relief are typically mechanical. These include peening, vibrational techniques and

    manipulation of hydrostatic testing (overloading methods). Another alternate techniquethat can be used is temper beading. Temper beading manipulates bead placement and size

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    to reduce residual stresses and it is mainly used in the United States of America, but it is

    gradually becoming more frequently used in Australia.



    Thermal stress relieving involves heating a component to a temperature at which thematerial yield stress has fallen, allowing creep to take effect (Lloyd, 2000). Large

    residual stresses are no longer supported and, if temperatures are high enough, the stress

    distribution will become more uniform across the component. Such heat treatment maylead to tempering or ageing effects and alterations to the microstructure depending on the

    material and combination of temperature and time. In C-Mn steels stress relief heat

    treatment is beneficial in improving fracture toughness of the HAZ, allowing service atlower temperature. In but welds of plate the general rule for satisfactory relief of residual

    stresses is that uniform stress relief heat treatment must be applied over a bandwidth that

    is twice the length of the weld (see Figure 6) (Papazoglou, 1981). Figure also shows the

    heat bandwidth for circumferential but welds.

    Figure 6: Bandwidths for local stress relieving heat treatments in butt-welded (a) plateand (b) pipe.

    In heat treatment it is important to be able to achieve the correct temperature and

    temperature control within specified limits. Uniform heating and cooling rate must beobtained through the heaviest section to be treated, especially where the geometry is

    complex and the thickness is variable.

    Stress relieving heat treatments are generally avoided unless stipulated

    as mandatory by Codes and Standards, due to the costs involved and potential

    consequences of incorrect PWHT procedure.



    Residual stresses can also be reduced by mechanical treatment without the need for heat

    treatment. Mechanical methods do not refine the metallurgical microstructure of the

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    weldment but instead work on the principle of causing localized yielding with the

    combination of applied and residual stresses.


    Overloading techniques involve the relaxation of stresses by permanent yielding via thehydrostatic test or the warm pressure test. Overloading techniques combine loadinggenerated by external pressure together with the presence of residual stresses. A single

    overloading above the yield stress results in a decrease of any residual stresses. The

    overloading technique generates compressive residual stresses around existing defects,with a beneficial effect upon brittle fracture (Nichols, 1968; Okamata et al, 1990, pp199-

    203). During the increase of pressure, external loads are added to the existing residual

    stresses causing localized plastic deformations. As the pressure is released, the elastic

    retention produces residual stresses that play the favorable role of prestressing(International Institute of Welding, 1987). The hydrostatic test is a mandatory test for

    pressure vessels conforming to AS1210 or AS4458. Limitations to the suitability of the

    process for stress relief include:

    The question of compensating pads and attachments receiving adequate stressrelief.

    Reaching the required stress levels for conservatively designed road tankers. (Epselis, 1996)


    Vibrational methods of stress relief involve inducing one or more resonant or sub-

    resonant states in a welded structure using suitable force exciters, resulting in elasticstraining of the treated surface (International Institute of Welding, 1987; Epselis, 1996).

    The success of vibratory stress relief depends on the type, size and complexity of the

    structure, where a balanced stress state is more important than the reduction of residualstresses.

    Disadvantages of vibrational stress relief include (Epselis, 1996):

    Softening of the hardened HAZ does not occur. It is not recommended where brittle fractures a serious risk. No favorable metallurgical changes take place as it a mechanical process. It offers no advantages over overloading techniques such as hydrostatic testing.


    Shot peening is a surface cold working process that is used to minimize the potential forfatigue, stress corrosion cracking and other modes of failure. Peening works on the

    principle of introducing residual compressive stress in the surface layer by bombarding it

    with small high velocity spherical media called shot (Diepart, 1992, pp 517-530). It iswell known that cracks will not initiate or propagate in compressively stressed zones.

    Since numerous failures are initiated at the surface of components, compressive stresses

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    induced by shot peening can considerably enhance the life of a component. Diepart

    (1992, pp 517-530) concludes that shot peening has made considerable advancementsover the years but further work is needed in the area of shot media, shot velocity

    measurements, engineering models and non-destructive tests to measure residual stress

    profiles to avoid such pitfalls as irrelevant applications and inappropriate and incorrect

    peening methods.



    Temper beading is another technique that can be used as a form of stress relief. In effect,

    the strategic sequencing and placement of the weld beads provides localized PWHT of

    preceding passes, thus achieving substantial tempering of the total weldment. Preheating

    and/or maintenance of interpass temperature during multi-pass welding also provide aform of dynamic or auto-PWHT.



    A number of different techniques can be used to measure residual stresses in metals and

    weldments. The American Welding Institute classifies these techniques into three groups

    as shown in Table 2.2. The techniques for measuring residual stresses are classified intostress relaxation, x-ray diffraction/neutron scattering and cracking categories (AWS,


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    Table1: Classification techniques for measuring residual stresses (AWS, 2000)


    In stress relaxation techniques residual stresses are measured by measuring the

    elastic strain release with the use of electric or mechanical strain gauges. The residual

    stresses are released by cutting the specimen into pieces or by removing a section fromthe material and hence the strain gauge is used for measuring the strain release. Thistechnique can be successfully used on plates, cylinders or tubes (AWS, 2000).

    Additionally, strain release during stress relaxation can be measured using a grid

    system, brittle coating or photo elastic coatings. These techniques are used for measuringsurface residual stresses in weldments as they provide reliable quantitative data. These

    techniques are based on the fact that strains taking place during unloading are elastic even

    though the material has undergone plastic deformation.

    Therefore it is possible to determine residual stresses without knowledge of the

    history of the material. A common technique for measuring residual stresses by stress

    relaxation is the hole drilling technique (AWS, 2000; Lloyd, 2000). This method was firstproposed by Mathar and further developed by Soete (1949, pp354-364). In this technique,

    a small circular hole is drilled in a plate (which may or may not be a weldment)

    containing residual stresses. Those stresses in areas outside the hole are partially relaxed

    by drilling of the hole. It is possible to determine residual stresses that exist outside thedrill hole (Soete, 1949, pp354-364). Figure-7shows that a common way to measure

    residual stresses is to place strain gauges at 120 from each other and drill a hole in the

    centre. The magnitude and direction of the principal stresses are determined bycalculating the strain changes at the three gauges.

    Figure-7: Hole drilling technique (AWS, 2000)

    Limitations of the Hole drilling method include (Ruud, 1981, pp35-40):

    destructive method of measuring residual stresses; holes must be at least eight times the diameter apart; accessibility to drill holes; thickness of the specimen has to be at least four times the hole diameter; and

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    areas where stress exceed 0.3 times the yield stress may give erroneous resultsdue to

    local plastic strain during metal removal (drilling).



    Diffraction techniques rely on measuring the elastic strains in metals throughlattice parameter variations. As the lattice parameter of a metal in the unstressed state is

    known, elastic strain in the metal/component can be determined. The technique is based

    on movement of the detector (x-ray or neutron) over a range of angles to measure theangles of diffraction, ( ) which satisfy the Bragg condition of constructive interference.

    When the Bragg condition is satisfied, sharp increases in the scattered intensity

    are observed (Lloyd, 2000). The precise determination of ( ) yields d (interplanar

    spacing) directly. In the presence of residual stresses the measured interplanar spacing

    will be changed by an amount, . This change provides an internal strain gauge andhence the strains can be related to residual stresses using the elastic constant (Lloyd,




    Cracks induced by hydrogen or stress corrosion may provide qualitative data on residual

    stresses in complex structural components that have complicated residual stress

    distributions. The crack pattern in Figure shows there are major tensile residual stresses

    present in that weld.

    Figure-8: Crack pattern implying the presence of tensile residual stresses (AWS, 2000).


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    These techniques are used for measuring surface residual stresses in weldments as

    they provide reliable quantitative data. These techniques are based on the fact that strainstaking place during unloading are elastic even though the material has undergone plastic

    deformation. Therefore it is possible to determine residual stresses without knowledge of

    the history of the material. A common technique for measuring residual stresses by stress

    relaxation is the hole drilling technique. This method was first proposed by Mathar andfurther developed by Soete. In this technique, a small circular hole is drilled in a plate

    (which may or may not be a weldment) containing residual stresses. Those stresses in

    areas outside the hole are partially relaxed by drilling of the hole.
