Resettlement Planning Document · to determine the remedial measure. Resettlement being a complex...


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Resettlement Planning Document ______________________________________________

The resettlement plan is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

Resettlement Plan Document Stage: Final Project Number: 35242 November 2005

BAN: Gas Transmission and Development Project

Prepared by the Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL) for the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

Prepared by the Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL) for the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

Resettlement Planning Document ______________________________________________

The resettlement plan is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

Resettlement Plan of Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Transmission Pipeline Project

© BETS-Executive Summary Page-i

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Project Scope This Resettlement Plan (RP) relates to the construction of 50 km Bonpara-Rajshahi gas transmission pipeline project (BRGTP) under the Gas Transmission and Development Project. The Project, which is proposed for financing by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), comprises three components: (i) gas transmission, (ii) field appraisal (iii) gas distribution and (iv) institutional strengthening. The gas transmission component includes (i) Ashuganj-Jamuna Bridge East Gas Transmission Pipeline, (ii) Hatikumrul-Bheramara Gas Transmission Pipeline, (iii) Bheramara-Khulna Gas Transmission Pipeline, and (iv) Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Transmission Pipeline. The transmission pipelines will be constructed by the Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL) a Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL) the project. GTCL is a company of Petrobangla under the Energy and Mineral Resources Division of the Ministry of Power Energy and Mineral Resources. The primary purpose of the Project is to expand the natural gas network to less developed regions of the country to promote overall economic development. GTCL has assigned BETS Ltd to prepare RP report to fulfill the requirement of ADB. GTCL has conducted route survey by survey contractor and determined the pipeline route that have minimum resettlement impacts by avoiding major settlements and dense populations. The pipelines will be constructed within government-owned lands wherever possible. Care has been taken to avoid homestead, business areas and squatters in most cases. The RP report has been prepared following the guidelines of ADB and within the framework of the regulations of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. According to these guidelines, the project affected persons (PAPs) would be given all supports in regaining their previous socio economic conditions as early as possible The BRGTP will involve land acquisition (permanent acquisition) of 46.125 hectare (ha) and land requisition (temporary acquisition) of 75 ha for the construction of a 24’’ dia 50 km gas transmission pipeline from Bonpara to Rajshahi.1 This will be a strip alignment. Most of the acquisition will be on paddy field. In some places, there are very few trees on the land to be acquired. The total affected households will be 141; of this, 86 households will be temporarily loser and 55 permanent loser. The total number of affected household population will be 846, considering 6 persons per household. Of this, temporarily affected household population will be 516, while 330 populations will be permanently affected. The nature of impact in the project area is of two types; temporary and permanent, i.e. one that is very temporary in nature occurring during construction, and the other impact is on long-term basis. Efforts have been made to look into the interest of squatter, vulnerable groups and tribal and indigenous community. However, no indigenous groups have been found to be affected. Implementation strategy The RP has all viable scope in compensating the PAPs. Displaced persons would be i) compensated for their losses, ii) assisted with the resettlement, and iii) assisted in their efforts to regain or improve their socio economic conditions. Land is an alternative source of income, so skill training, housing, infrastructure and other compensation to the eligible PAPs have been considered. The policy matrix makes the entitlement more precise and includes operational aspects such as implementation issues and responsible agencies. For land losers cash compensation under the law (CCL) for land will be determined and paid by the concerned Deputy Commissioner (DC) using funds provided by the project executing agencies. Further, as per the existing law, the DC of the respective area shall consider 50% 1 Land acquisition means permanent acquisition and land requisition means temporary acquisition

Resettlement Plan of Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Transmission Pipeline Project

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premium on CCL. Additional grants will be provided up to the maximum allowable replacement value (MARV). Separate market survey of land will be needed during the period implementation for determination of MARV. A joint inventory verification team (JIVT) has been proposed for determining the price of PAPs’ assets lost to the pipeline, as well as for redressing the grievances that may arise during implementation. Video filming will be needed as a precaution to check against fake structures on the proposed alignment before serving notices for land acquisition. Adequate information campaign will be carried out for ensuring participation of the PAPs / beneficiaries in the implementation of RP. Organizational Responsibilities The project management is responsible for the implementation of RP. A resettlement unit (RU) headed by a Project Manager will be formed. The RU will be responsible for the overall implementation, management and monitoring of RP. The project management fully recognizes the very complex nature of the resettlement work and the limited availability of personnel with relevant expertise. It would, therefore, consider delegating resettlement work to a specialized organization or a nongovernmental organization (NGO) experienced in resettlement. The NGO will be selected through bidding process. In addition, project management will seek cooperation and participation of other government agencies such as district administration, forest department, agriculture department etc. as well as lending institutions in the implementation of RP. Forest department and agriculture department will support DC administration in CCL price determination of trees and crops respectively. Lending institution will be provided revolving fund from GTCL during implementation period. Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring and Evaluation is an important task for measuring the periodic progress of activities under the resettlement program. This helps to identify the constraints in the progress as well as to determine the remedial measure. Resettlement being a complex task needs development and establishment of Computerized Management Information System (CMIS). The CMIS will provide information for better planning and proper decision-making on resettlement issues. Time Schedule for RP Management The RP provides a series of resettlement activities. Of these, a number of activities have to be executed simultaneously for smooth implementation of the RP. As such, a time schedule for starting and finishing of each of the activities has been planned. RP implementation is a series of continuous work directly dependent on CCL payment. Primarily 6 months contract will be needed for NGO activities and for completing all sorts activities including external monitoring and evaluation it will take up to June, 2008. .

Resettlement Plan of Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Transmission Pipeline Project

© BETS-Abbreviation Page-i


ADB Asian Development Bank BP Bank Procedures BRGTP Bonpara Rajshahi Gas Transmission Project CG Construction Grant CCL Cash Compensation under the Law EP Entitled Person GSDP Gas Sector Development Project GTCL Gas Transmission Company Ltd LAO Land Acquisition Officer LA Section Land Acquisition Section of Deputy Commissioner MARV Maximum Allowable Replacement Value OP Operation Plan PCP Project Concept Paper PVAT Property Valuation Advisory Team PAPs Project Affected Persons RAC Resettlement Advisory Committee RAP Resettlement Action Plan RP Resettlement Policy SA State Acquisition SDE Sub Divisional Engineer SES Socio Economic Survey SDU Social Development Unit

Resettlement Plan of Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Transmission Pipeline Project

© BETS-Chapter-1: Introduction, Project Background and Impacts Page-1


1.1 Background This report outlines the Resettlement Plan (RP) for the proposed Bonpara-Rajshahi (50km) Gas Transmission Pipe Line (BRGTP), which forms part of the gas transmission component of the Gas Transmission and Development Project. The Project will be undertaken by the Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL), a company of Petrobangla under Power, Energy and Mineral Resource Ministry of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The pipeline will help establish a sustainable natural gas grid that would meet projected gas demands in less developed western regions of the country. The Project, which is proposed for financing by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), comprises four components including (i) gas transmission, (ii) field appraisal, (iii) gas distribution and (iv) institutional strengthening. The gas transmission projects will involve the construction 353 km of gas transmission pipeline for transporting 330-360 million cubic feet per day of natural gas supply network from the eastern zone to the less developed regions of the country. The gas transmission component also includes (i) Ashuganj-Jamuna Bridge East Gas Transmission Pipeline (51 km), (ii) Hatikumrul-Bheramara Gas Transmission Pipeline (87 km), (iii) Bheramara-Khulna Gas Transmission Pipeline (165 km), and (iii) Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Transmission Pipeline (50 km). The pipeline design includes elements that minimize resettlement impacts avoiding major settlements and dense populations. The pipeline will be located within government-owned lands wherever possible. Care has been taken to avoid homestead, business areas and squatters in most cases. This RP has been prepared for understanding the resettlement and rehabilitation issues relating to the construction of the BRGTP and incorporates the mitigation measures for the persons affected by the acquisition and requisition of land and other development activities. This project would involve acquisition & requisition of a strip alignment. Average breadth of the alignment is 23 meter of which 8 meter is for acquisition and 15 meter is for requisition. The report has been prepared on the basis of various pertinent documents, findings of field survey, land acquisition and involuntary resettlement policies of the Government, the ADB’s operational policies on involuntary resettlement, and experiences on similar projects in the country 1.2 Scope of Land Acquisition and Resettlement The Project will involve land acquisition for the construction of the BRGTP. An estimated 46.125 hectares (ha) will be permanently acquired; 75 ha, temporarily acquired for 50 kilometers (km) of pipeline of 8-meter final width within a 23-meter width during construction. Apart from the pipeline alignment, some of the acquisitioned land will be used for construction of different ancillary facilities and stations. The report will deal with the two basic issues, one is land acquisition and another is resettlement. As a requiring body GTCL will take initiative to solve all issues of land acquisition and resettlement. But legally GTCL directly can do nothing in land acquisition except allocating fund in favor of district administration i.e. DC. After allocating fund DC will do all out action for land acquisition on behalf of requiring body. Similarly resettlement work will be carried out by an experienced non-government organization on behalf of requiring body. GTCL in all cases will act as a catalyst. Based on socio-economic survey with 203 respondents and cadastral maps, an estimated 141 households will be affected by the Project. Of the affected household, 55 will be permanently affected, and 86 households will be affected through the temporary acquisition of land for the May 2007- May 2008 time of construction. Based on an average household size of 6, the estimated number of significantly affected persons (AP) is 330 out of 846 total affected persons.

Resettlement Plan of Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Transmission Pipeline Project

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One 13,200 square-foot pond will also be affected by the project. The socio-economic survey shows that for 69% of households affected, the Project will affect more that 10% of total productive assets. Further, 6 households will be displaced from housing. 1.3 Project Data and Impacts The possible resettlement impacts under the BRGTP due to implementation of different development activities include permanent and temporary loss of land and structures of different types of stakeholders along with some temporary loss of income. In case of requisition, some land will be temporarily used in the project area. Most of the landowners are farmers. As this is a strip acquisition, no major adverse effect is expected to occur in the project area. The summary impacts of the project are given in the following table.

Table-1.1: Types of affected Households Type of Affected households Total Households Temporarily

Affected Permanently

Affected Total Affected Households 141 86 55 Land loser Households 129 79 50 Homestead Loser 9 6 3 Housing Loser 6 4 2 Tree Loser 61 37 24 Female Headed Households 2 1 1

1.4 Objectives of the RP Objectives of the Resettlement Plan are as follows and this is derived as per involuntary policy of ADB:

1) Involuntary resettlement should be avoided where feasible. If population displacement is unavoidable it should be minimum

2) Since some displacement is unavoidable, resettlement plans should be developed as a planned change. Any involuntary resettlement should, as far as possible, be conceived and executed as development programs with appropriate time bound actions and budgets. Resettled persons should be provided with sufficient resources and opportunities to reestablish their homes and livelihoods as soon as possible, and to share in project benefits.

3) The adversely affected persons should be (i) compensated for their losses at full replacement cost.(ii) assisted with the move and supported during the transition period of relocation;(iii) assisted in their efforts to improve their former living standards, income earning capacity, and production level, or at least to restore them. The adversely affected population should also include indigenous group, ethnic minorities and pastoralist who may have usufruct or customary rights to the land or other resources taken from the project. Particular attention should be given to the needs of the poorest affected person, female-headed households and other vulnerable groups to be resettled.

4) Community participation in planning and implementing resettlement program should be encouraged. The affected people should be fully informed and closely consulted on resettlement and compensation options.

5) Land, alternative source of income, skill training, housing, infrastructure and other compensation should be provided to the adversely affected population who have usufruct or customary rights to the land or other resources taken for the project. Absence of legal title to land should not be a bar to compensate those depriving an income from the land or living on the land.

Resettlement Plan of Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Transmission Pipeline Project

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Involuntary displaces should not be worse off in terms of their socio economic condition. Attempts will be made to make the PAPs better off after relocation through both direct compensation and remedial measures. To achieve the above the RP has the following specific objectives:

i) Develop a compensation and resettlement policy by clearly defining various types of losses or impacts, entitled persons and entitlement to compensation and resettlement, and specifying the implementation issues and actors;

ii) Asses the socio economic status of the PAPs prior to land acquisition and resettlement cost of land and other assets, which should be serve as benchmark for implementation of RP, and consult the affected people and host community on various resettlement issues at the inception stage;

iii) Determine the losses and entitlement of each EP (entitlement Person) under the adopted policy framework and an ID card of each EP;

iv) Develop an appropriate implementation strategy and sound organization structure to carry out the resettlement program;

v) Prepare a development oriented resettlement budget; and vi) Develop implementation schedule, monitoring and evaluation and

management information system for implementation of RP.

Resettlement Plan of Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Transmission Pipeline Project

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2.1 Methodology

A field study has been carried out to assess the exact situation of the probable affected persons and the people adjacent to the pipeline alignment. About 4 questionnaires were filled up for every kilometer of the route. All available structures, trees and land losers were interviewed. The rest were randomly selected besides the alignment. Fifteen experienced investigators were collected the data by structured questionnaire and the socio economic condition of the alignment was thoroughly reviewed by structured questionnaire. All available and probable affected persons were interviewed. Other respondents were interviewed besides the alignment for knowing socio economic condition, as this is a strip acquisition and respondent other than affected randomly selected. The affected persons are not randomly surveyed. This is the total figure of all available affected persons. In total, 203 questionnaires were filled up along the proposed 50Km alignment of the project. This is the tentative amount of affected persons. The authority will update the figure at the time of detailed design period during implementation. The major portion of gas pipeline will cross the paddy field. The required land will involve (i) temporary acquisition and (ii) permanent acquisition. Till today, land demarcation for acquisition and requisition of gas pipeline in the field is not fully completed except some key identification marks and map. So, it is difficult to say what land and structures will be on temporary and permanent acquisition. For analysis, on the basis of land proportion and field experience, an estimated figure of temporary and permanently affected households has been identified. 2.2 Objectives of the Survey

The socio economic survey for BRGTP is intended to provide basic socio economic information of the people going to be affected, temporarily or permanently, due to the requisition and acquisition of land and property for this project. 2.3 General

The pipeline will cross four districts at different locations. The districts are, Natore and Rajshahi. During survey, consultation and field visits it was found that, among different losses for the development interventions, the mainly involved ones are temporary and permanent impacts and loss of agricultural land, structures and trees. In some places the alignment will cross some commercial places too. The temporary and permanently loss has been derived based on proportionately and this is a tentative figure. Exact figure will be collected by DC’s joint verification survey. However, a list of mouza wise affected person is given here. Table-2.1: List of Mouza wise Affected Person

Sl. No.

Name of Mouza Name of Thana District Affected Households

Affected Persons

1 Bagatipara Bagatipara Natore 1 6 2 Bhitorbag Bagatipara Natore 3 18 3 Bojrapur Bagatipara Natore 1 6 4 Bil Gopalhati Bagatipara Natore 3 18 5 Hat Gobindapur Bagatipara Natore 5 30 6 Hizle Bagatipara Natore 2 12 7 Kalikapur Bagatipara Natore 17 102 8 Kamar Bojrapur Bagatipara Natore 3 18

Resettlement Plan of Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Transmission Pipeline Project

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9 Kuthi Bashbaria Bagatipara Natore 3 18 10 Noorpur Bagatipara Natore 1 6 11 Panchuria Bagatipara Natore 3 18 12 Rahimanpur Bagatipara Natore 4 24 13 Salkona Bagatipara Natore 2 12 14 Shakpara Bagatipara Natore 5 30 15 Chakpara Bonpara Natore 1 6 16 Kamardah Boraigram Natore 2 12 17 Kumulla Boraigram Natore 10 60 18 Teroyl Boraigram Natore 2 12 19 Maria Charghat Rajshahi 8 48 20 Mougachi Charghat Rajshahi 1 6 21 Shibpur Charghat Rajshahi 5 30 22 Biharipara Charghat Rajshahi 1 6 23 Solowa Charghat Rajshahi 1 6 24 Arazi Paikpara Natore Natore 3 18 25 Barobaria Natore Natore 4 24 26 Joyrampur Natore Natore 2 12 27 Kafuria Natore Natore 1 6 28 Horian Paba Rajshahi 2 12 29 Zagir Paba Rajshahi 11 66 30 Sorup Nagor Puthia Rajshahi 3 18 31 Dhadas Puthia Rajshahi 2 12 32 Baroipara Puthia Rajshahi 12 72 33 Jamira Puthia Rajshahi 2 12 34 Kandra Puthia Rajshahi 5 30 35 Mohandra Puthia Rajshahi 5 30 36 Voruapara Puthia Rajshahi 5 30

Total: 141 846 As per existing development design, 9 homestead losing households will be relocated and 6 permanent structures will be dismantled in the project site. At the same time trees on the alignment should be shifted. Whenever the contractor requires any working space and temporary requisition of land is needed, shifting of structure and trees are to be carried out on payment of proper compensation. After completion of the gas pipeline, most of the owners are likely to cultivate their land again. Requisition land is only procured through renting of cropland. The requiring body will request the concerned DC to take proper step for acquisition of proposed land. Then demarcation, joint verification, cost estimation and serving legal notice will be done by the DC’s administration. Funds for the direct payment involved in land acquisition for the structures, land, trees and crop losses would be placed at their disposal by GTCL on request. Video Filming on the proposed alignment is also important to check fake structures erected after the issue of the legal notice. After fund placement to the district administration, the DC’s office makes payment to PAPs. The relocation and extra payment from resettlement program will start thereafter. This in brief is the current legal procedure of any acquisition/requisition process. Working in the PAPs’ land, cutting of trees and demolition of any structures will require payment of compensation to, and resettlement of, the owners. These resettlement facilities are likely to be provided to the PAPs by the requiring body (GTCL), or through any NGO engaged by it. 2.4 Findings of the Survey: An Overview In this section, some of the major findings of the survey from consultation and field observation are given. As stated above, the total affected households are 141, of these 86 are temporary loser and 55 are permanent loser. Temporarily affected population numbers 516, while

Resettlement Plan of Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Transmission Pipeline Project

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permanently affected population are 330 only. No affected business is available in the project area. Except some marginal income loser, there are no vulnerable groups such as squatters in the project area. At the implementation period there will be some vulnerable affected persons i.e. elderly, minorities, tenant farmers etc. In the next chapter income restoration strategy for the vulnerable are discussed. So, the authority should take care all necessary measures, if needed. Among the affected households, land losers are 129, homestead loser-9, housing structure loser-6, tree loser-61 and other structure loser 2. Out of 141, female-headed households are only 2. One pond is likely to be directly affected in the project area. The proposed alignment has crossed the right bank of the identified ponds. The area of each pond is about 13,200 sq. ft. So, gas pipeline should avoid the ponds as found on the alignment. No archeological site and worship places are found in the alignment. The affected trees are Date, Mehgani, Plantain, Cocoanut, Mango, Jackfruit, and Betel Nut etc. Most of the affected land is mainly paddy fields. At least 90% of total affected land is productive one. 2.5 General Socio-Economic Condition of the affected Area The socio economic survey shows that households in the subproject area are larger, averaging 6 compared with the national average of 4.8. Most households are male headed (female headed households comprise 1% of households surveyed). Literacy is generally high at 86% with 77% population having attended some form of education. Occupation wise, 59% of respondents was engaged in agriculture either as farmer, fisherman or agriculture laborers. About 50% of respondents reported average monthly households incomes of Tk. 5000 or less. 2.5.1 Ownership of Affected Land With regard to the ownership of affected land it was found that the land losers are of three categories. These are sharecroppers, owners cum sharecroppers and absentee landowners. Of these, owners cum sharecroppers are highest (72%). On the other hand, 6 housing structures and 2 other structure losers have been identified. Table-2.2: Land Ownership Pattern of Affected Farmer

Type Household

No. %

Share Cropper 3 3

Owner cum Share Cropper 84 72

Others 29 25

Total 116 100 Table-2.3: Land Ownership Pattern for Permanent and Temporary affected Farmer Type Household

No. % Temporary Affected

Permanent Affected

Share Cropper 3 3 2 1 Owner cum Share Cropper 84 72 52 32 Others 29 25 18 11 Total 116 100 72 44

Table-2.4: Land Ownership and Land Loss

Level of land owned & loss No. of Land owner % % No. of land

loser %

0-10 decimal 4 3 29 21

Land Ownership Pattern of affected farmer



Share Cropper Owner cum Share Cropper Others

Resettlement Plan of Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Transmission Pipeline Project

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11-30 decimal 8 6 29 21 31-50 decimal 8 6 35 25 51-above 118 86 45 33

Total 138 100 138 100 Table-2.4 shows a relation between land owned by the affected person and land loss in the different categories of landowner. 2.5.2 Ownership Status of land and Structures by the Users

The ownership of land and structure likely to be affected due to the project is stated under above subsection. In fact, the land and structures occupied by the users in different ways are the major concern of this report. The survey shows that the possessors of those land and structures are mainly farmers. 2.5.3 Land Holding Pattern of the Households: Land holding pattern of the project area is

as follows. Table- 2.5: Land Holding Pattern of the Households Size of Land Households

No. %

001-050 decimal 57 27 051-100 decimal 18 9 101-150 decimal 20 10 151-250 decimal 30 15 251-500 decimal 46 23 501-above 32 16 Total 203 100

The table shows that the land holding pattern is highest between 1- 50 decimal groups. 2.5.4. Land Ownership and Land Tenure Table-2.6: Land Ownership and Land Tenure Type of Tenure Households

No %

Owner Farmer 145 71 Land Owner 7 3 Owner Cum Tenant 16 8 Pure Tenant 10 5 No Agriculture Land 25 12 Total 203 100

The above table show that most of the farmers are cultivating his or her own land (71%) in the project area. 2.5.5 Occupational Pattern

Land Ownership and Land Tennure





Owner FarmerLand OwnerOwner Cum TenantPure TenantNo Agriculture Land

Land Holding Pattern of the Households











Size of Land



ld N


Households %

Resettlement Plan of Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Transmission Pipeline Project

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Table-2.7: Occupational Pattern Type Household

No. %

Farmer 121 59 Fisherman 0 0 Agriculture labor 10 5 Non Agriculture Labor 4 2 Service 23 11 Business 24 12 Small Business 8 4 House Work 4 2 Student 0 0 Retired 5 2 0ther 4 2 Total 203 100

The above table shows that the area is mainly agro based. Here 59% occupation is agro based 2.5.6 Number of Project Affected Households Table-2.8: Area wise Project Affected Household

Upazila HouseholdNo %

Boraigram 18 13 Bagatipara 48 34 Natore 11 8 Charghat 16 11 Puthia 37 26 Paba 11 8 Total 203 100

The above table shows area wise affected person. Most of the affected persons are in the Bagatipara Upazila. Secondly affected Upazila is Puthia. 2.5.7 Women Affected household Out of 141-affected households, female-headed households are only 2 in the project area. However, no special loss is identified for the women. Women are most vulnerable in the society. Female-headed households will be provided with specialized livelihood and skills training accorded to vulnerable groups as cited in the entitlement matrix. Members of female-headed households will also be provided preference for project related employment. Special care is to be taken from the project authorities in receiving compensation primarily from GTCL and at the project period from the implementing NGO. The resettlement policy of ADB has special emphasis on the issue. Specialized information dissemination will also be undertaken for female-headed households as described in Chapter 3. In both the female-headed households senior female member play dominant role in the family and its economic activities. For one case all members of the household are female. Female head of the house is totally dependent on agriculture. The household head works as non-agriculture labor also. She owns 1.02 acres of land. She has secondary education. In the other case, husband works outside the village and wife has secondary level of education. The family owns 3.46 acres of land. As the senior female member is educated, in absence of her husband she acts as a household head.

Occupational Pattern

Far mer

Fi sher man

Agr i cul tur e l abor

Non Agr i cul tur e Labor

Ser vi ce

Busi ness

Smal l Busi ness

House Wor k


Ret i r ed


Area wise Project Affected Person






Boraigram Bagat ipara Nat ore Charghat Put hia Paba




d No


Household No. %

Area wise Project Affected

Resettlement Plan of Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Transmission Pipeline Project

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2.5.8 Income level of household Table-2.9 : Income Level of House Hold

Income Level Household

No. %

< Tk 3000 33 16 Tk. 3001-5000 71 35 Tk. 5001-10000 61 30 Tk. 10001-25000 34 17 Tk. 25000-50000 4 2

Total 203 100 Above table shows the monthly income condition of the affected area. Low income affected households will be considered as a vulnerable group and will be accorded additional assistance including livelihood and skills training and preference for project-related employment. 2.5.9 Demographic Position of the Affected Area The following tables show the demographic condition of the area. Table- 2.10: Household Surveyed

Household Surveyed HouseholdNo. %

Male Headed Household 200 99 Female Headed Household 3 1 Total No Household 203 100

It can be seen in the table that male-headed household is 99%. But on the other hand female-headed hold is 1%. Table-2.11 : Male Female Population & Family Size

Type HouseholdNo. %

Male 601 52.44

Female 545 47.55

Total Population 1146 100.00

Household Size 6 N.A

Here family size of the population has been identified as 6 per household. Table-2.12: Age Structure of the Population

Age Group Total % Below 14years 273 24 14 to 60 years 809 71 Above 60 years 64 6 Total 1146 100

Household Surveyed



Male H/ H Female H/ H

Male-Female Population




Male Female Total Population

Age Structure of the Population






1 000

1 200

1 400

Bel ow 1 4year s 1 4 to 60 year s Above 60 year s T otal

Age Group


l Total


Income Level of Household




<Tk. 3000

Tk. 3001-5000

Tk. 50001-10000

Tk. 10001-25000

Tk. 25001-50000 above

Resettlement Plan of Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Transmission Pipeline Project

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Active population of the area is found to be 71% See Table-2.12. Table-2.13: Religious Character of the Affected Area Religion Household

No. %

Muslim 199 98.02 Hindu 4 1.97 Christian 0 0 Buddhist 0 0 Other 0 0 Total 203 100

Religious breakdown of the area are given in the Table-2.13. It is found that Muslim is the main religious community and second position of the religion is Hindu. Table-2.14: Level of Education of the populations Level of Literacy No. % Can’t read & write 142 14 Can read write only 94 9 Primary 257 26 Secondary 305 30 SSC 87 9 HSC 58 6 Graduate and above 60 6 Total 1003 100

Literacy rate is 86% and is comparatively high. It means better social awareness of the people of the area. 2.5.9 Housing Condition of the affected Area 2.5.10 Housing pattern of the affected area is given in the following Table-2.15. It is observed that most of the housing structures in the area are found to be thatched households (47.78%). Table-2.15: Housing Pattern of the affected areas Type Household

No. %

Thatched 97 47.78 Semi Pucca/Tin 56 27.5 Pucca 46 22.66 Others 4 1.97 Total 203 100

2.5.11 Access to Health Facilities The existing health facilities have been shown in the Table-2.16

Religious Character of the affected area



Muslim Hindu Christ ian Buddhist Ot her Tot al




d No

. (%


Household No. %

Level of Education of the population



4%3% 3%


Can’t read & writeCan read write onlyPrimarySecondarySSCHSCGraduate and aboveTotal

Housing pattern of the affected areas



Thatched Semi Pucca/Tin Pucca Others





Household %

Resettlement Plan of Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Transmission Pipeline Project

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Table-2.16: Access to Health Facilities Source Households

Coverage %

Facilities from Govt Hospital 67 27.8 Facilities from Private Hospital 6 2.49 Union Health Clinic 53 21.99 NGO Clinic 1 0.41 Private Doctor 37 15.35 Pharmacy 77 31.95 Total 241 100

The above table clearly identifies that the frequency of the members of the families of each household going to Pharmacy is highest 31.95% times followed by government hospital 27.8% times and from Union Health Clinic 21.99%. Here one or more from any of the households may go more than one time to doctors in different places. So it doesn’t need that the total number to be same as surveyed household’s number. 2.5.12 Sources of Drinking Water Table-2.17: Sources of Drinking Water

Source of Drinking Water

Household No


Tube well 187 92 Deep Tube well 16 8 Supply Water 0 0 Well 0 0 Pond 0 0 River/Canal 0 0 Total 203 100

Here, drinking water access of the household is satisfactory i.e 92% from tube well. 2.5.13 Access to Sanitary Latrine Table-2.18: Access to Sanitary Latrine

Type of Latrine Households No %

Sanitary 134 66 Pit 58 29 Hanging 5 2 Open Place 6 3 Total 203 100

The table mentioned above has shown a brief picture of the sanitary access of the people in the affected area. 2.5.14 Cleaning After Toilet Use

Households Coverage





Facilit ies from GovtHospitalFacilit ies fromPrivate HospitalUnion Health Clinic

NGO Clinic

Private Doctor


Sources of Drinking Water



Tube well Deep Tubewell


Well Pond River/Canal




d No

Household No %

Access to Sanitary Latrine



2% 3%

Sanitar y

Pi t


Open Place

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Table-2.19: Type of Cleaning After Toilet Use Cleaning Item Household

No %

Only Water 21 10 Soap 109 54 Ash 35 17 Soil 36 18 Others 2 1 Total 203 100

Survey figure provides data that most of the households use soap (54%) after toilet and that is a good sign. So it can be said that awareness regarding health is high. 2.5.15 Crops and Production Table-2.20 : Crops and Production

Name of the Crop

Production Per Acre (Ton) Remarks

Ropa Aman HYV 1.43 Bona Aman HYV 1.26 Boro HYV 1.68 Jute 1.24 Pulse 0.63 Onion 3.30 Garlic 1.92 Sugarcane 21.06 not processed Mustard 3.19 Potato 5.55 Sweet Potato 10.10

The above table has a clear picture of different types of crops and crops production in the affected area. 2.5.16 Wage Labor In the survey it is found that the average rate of wage labor is Tk 80/- per day. So it has been proposed Tk 100/- in case of wage loss per day. 2.5.17 Average Land Price Per Acre Land price has also been calculated in the primary investigation. The average per acre land price is found to be Tk. 5,15,743 in the concerned area and this figure has been used in calculating the budget. 2.4.18 Indigenous People In the project area no indigenous people are identified. Some Santal communities are living out side of the alignment. In Natore district there are some Santal but none of them is affected in the project. Santals is an ethnic group living in Bangladesh. They are living mainly in Rajshahi division. The settlement of Santals is also found in the district of Pabna, Jessore, Khulna and even in Chittagong. As the communities are not affected, so there is no need for any Indigenous People’s Development Plan.

Crops and Production Ropa Aman HYV

Bona Aman HYV

Bor o HYV




Gar l ic

Sugar cane

Mustar d


Sweet Potato





Only WaterSoapAshSoilOthers

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2.5.19 Community Area Community area means school ground, school, mosque, club, playground, river etc. In the project area, except the rivers no private or government community areas are affected. Since a small perpendicular strip of river and its bank will be temporarily used during the project activities no community support is needed from the project in this connection. 2.6 Possible Impact of the Project Though the amount of land acquisition is relatively small, yet the impact will be, in general, positive. Total affected households will be 141. The number of all sorts of affected trees is 2485 (1181, large, 565 medium and 739 small). The total market value of these trees is Tk. 26,40,050 as per respondent’s claim. On the other hand, gas transmission pipeline will improve the socio economic scenario of the region, resulting in employment generation, environment friendly fuel supply, enhanced electricity generation and industrial production. The proposed resettlement program will enable the affected persons to regain economic condition to their previous state. Most of the affected persons hold a positive view regarding construction of gas transmission line. Following Table will show the people’s perception about the gas pipeline. The resettlement impacts of the Project and the mitigation measures are summarized in Table 2.22. Table-2.21 : People’s Perception about Gas Pipeline Comments Household

No %

Positive 192 95 Negative 11 5 Total 203 100

Accordingly, in preparation of the report, consideration of the resettlement issues has been taken into account for all the affected persons to mitigate these negative impacts of the project. In other words, necessary mitigation program has been proposed in solving the resettlement issues and the income related measures. These are as per the resettlement policy of the ADB. The mitigation measures will be applicable considering the respective nature of impacts and as such, GTCL has taken proper attempt in minimizing income related issues by pragmatic plan and on site relocation. Table-2.22: Impact, Risks and Mitigation Measures

Type of impacts Impacts & Risks Mitigation Measures 1. Acquisition of different

types of land due to implementation of the project

May cause disruptions in existing land holdings and resource use

Loss of income from the acquired land

May cause negative impact due to income loss

Payment of compensation at the replacement/market value on DC’s payment. This will be decided by PVAT(Property Valuation Advisory Team). Stamp duty will be refunded @20% increase on market price of acquired land. Income restoration assistance where applicable. Three months income restoration grant at the rate of Tk.100.00 per day.

2. Homestead Loser Lack of Housing Facilities Payment of compensation at the replacement/market value on DC’s payment. This will be decided by PVAT. Stamp duty will be refunded @20% increase on market price of

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Type of impacts Impacts & Risks Mitigation Measures acquired land.

3. Acquisition of commercial structures

Loss of income from commercial activities

Cash compensation at market value. Here on site relocation may provided in the project sites.

4. To discontinue employment for the persons employed in shops and business due to the project.

Loss of income due to loosing job

May affect level of living and sustenance

Income restoration grant for certain period. At present no business loss is identified. If such loss is identified, three months income restoration grant will be given. PVAT will decide the fact.

5. Tree Loss Loss of income from fruits and fuel wood

Income Restoration Grant, Market value paid for the acquired trees, but on the other hand tree will be taken by the affected person.

6. Crop Loss Loss of income from crop Price of existing crop will be refunded. Three months income restoration grant for farmer and sharecropper.

7. Structure Loss Disruption of housing Affected person will take salvageable materials, he will get dismantling and re-construction grant, PVAT will decide extra payment on DC’s payment.

8. Water body loss Disruption of income Payment of compensation at the replacement/market value on DC’s payment. This will be decided by PVAT. Stamp duty will be refunded @20% increase on market price of acquired land. Three months income restoration grant @Tk100 per day

9. Temporary Requisition land

Income Loss Rental Value is to be paid to the affected person

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3.0 Policy Objectives and Implementation Strategy This chapter describes the policy objectives derived from the ADB guidelines and adjusted to the specific circumstances for the Bonpara-Rajshahi (50Km) Gas Transmission Pipeline Project. 3.1 Objectives (a) Involuntary resettlement should be minimized where feasible, exploring all viable

alternative project designs. (b) All involuntary resettlement should be conceived and executed as development

programs with the settlers provided sufficient investment sources and opportunities to share in project benefits. Displaced persons should be (i) compensated for their losses at full replacement cost; (ii) assisted with the move and (iii) assisted in their efforts to improve their socio-economic condition through income earning capacity, and production levels, or at least to restore their previous condition. Particular attention should be given to the needs of the vulnerable groups for sustainable development. For achieving the previous condition DC will be liable for the compulsory payments i.e CCL but NGO will pay the additional payments to restore previous socio economic condition.

iii) Community participation in planning, implementation and monitoring & evaluation of the resettlement program is essential. (Land, alternative sources of income through skill training, housing, infrastructure and other compensation should be provided to the adversely affected population who has usufruct or customary rights to the land or other resources taken for the project. Absence of (legal) title to land should not be a bar to compensation to those deriving an income from the land or living on the land. 3.2 Framework of Operation Objectives

(a) During the planning and design of all components of the project such as location, alignment, layout etc. of the pipeline, the effects on homestead, agricultural land and other income losses have been taken into account. Land acquisition boundaries required for engineering purposes have been demarcated to meet field resettlement constraints.

(b) The purpose of this RP is to ensure that the PAPs are not adversely affected. Field visits and surveys have shown that there is a strong demand to have the gas pipeline even among the PAPs. Most of them perceive that the gas pipeline will contribute to economic development in the area and that they will ultimately benefit from it.

The entitlement packages ensure that the PAPs benefit from the project. The entitlement packages allow replacement value to compensate the loss and incentives. It also allows the PAP to have benefits beyond the replacement value. To mitigate system failures not covered, if any, corrective mechanisms are built in, such as, the monitoring and review mechanism; appeal and grievance redress mechanism etc. This RAP determines assistance during the move and support during transition in cash. PAPs will disperse and not move to a predetermined resettlement site.

(c) The socio-economic survey undertaken in the project-affected area has reflected sufficient base to identify the social patterns.

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It also indicates that PAPs expect to benefit from the project because of general economic improvement in the area due to improved infrastructure, etc. Field checks indicate that people are not at all concerned about the loss of the land and other assets but about payment of entitlements in full and in time.

With a view to avoiding any fraudulent activity from the PAP’s end (structure construction etc.), the people of the affected area have been informed of the land acquisition only without mentioning the actual alignment. Appropriate information campaigns to inform the PAPs of the proposed alignment will be executed in the project areas allowing the villagers to express their concerns, hopes and suggestions only when the Deputy Commissioners will serve acquisition notice under Section 3. Entitlement packages are devised and will be checked at village level during the information campaign. The resettlement strategy is based on encouraging PAPs to resettle on their own initiative and according to their choice, by providing necessary financial and institutional support. Participation of people is in-built in this strategy.

During the implementation of the RAP, there will be an active interaction with the PAPs through the information campaigns, resettlement workers and Joint Inventory Verification Team (JIVT). In case of any grievances, there will have the scope for appeal to the JIVT directly or via village leaders or NGOs. Next to routine monitoring and remedial action, post monitoring/evaluation survey is planned to assess fulfillment of the expectations of PAPs in order to determine further remedial action, if any.

(d) The PAP groups have been identified and entitlement packages have been

designed to accommodate their specific requirements. Categories eligible for entitlement also include tenant/farm workers and/or wage earners. Economically weaker categories are likely to benefit more.

3.3 Entitlement Policy and Implementation Strategy 3.3.1 Entitlement Policy The project-affected households depend on a variety of sources such as farmland, tenant farming, wage labor, trading etc. for their livelihood. One household may rely on more than one means of livelihood. Number of households may suffer different kinds of losses. The entitlement policy takes this into consideration by linking the entitlement to the types of losses rather than to the category of project-affected person. In the end, however, individuals and households do get entitlement proportionate to their losses. The policy matrix makes entitlement more precise and includes operational aspects such as implementation issues and actors. Basic concepts and principles of the entitlement policy are described in the following paragraphs: a) Definitions A Project Affected Person (PAP) is defined as a person who lives and/or earns a living in the project affected area at the time of section 3 notification under the land acquisition law or at the time of socio economic survey (whichever is later) and whose property, place of residence or means of livelihood is affected by the project. A Household is defined as all persons living and eating together (sharing the same kitchen and cooking food together as a single-family unit). There may be one or more person in a household who are entitled to a resettlement benefit.

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Entitlement to Replacement Land or cash grants & credits in lieu of replacement land is based on the legal ownership, which is ascertained according to the title deed of land (recipient of compensation under the law). In the case of joint title deed, the replacement land or cash grants & credits in lieu of replacement land will be given to the joint holders (i.e. joint holders will be treated as one unit). In the case of house/building construction grants, the entitled person is the legal owner of the structure (one who receives the compensation under the law). Maintenance Grant and Vocational Training is provided to persons affected by loss of wage earning opportunities or rented in/share cropped land. This entitlement is eligible to the individual so affected and the criteria of entitlement are loss of primary occupation/primary source of income. If more than one adult in a household is affected by loss of their primary source of income, each such person is entitled to maintenance grant and vocational training. Domestic help, casual employees and person not usually residing with or dependent upon the PAP household, however, are not eligible for resettlement benefits. The indirectly affected persons are those, whose primary source of income was dependent on areas acquired for the project, but do not own any property in those areas and are not normally residing in those areas. Their eligibility status will be determined through (i) joint verification by JIVT and /or (ii) an affidavit confirming their status jointly signed by the PAP, his/her employer and the Union Parishad Member. Disputes and grievances arising out of the definition of household or entitled person will be resolved through a mechanism of formal verification and or through JIVT. b) Entitlement Package Loss of Farmland: All PAPs affected by loss of farmland are entitled for a compensation package adequate to buy an equal area of replacement land. This package includes, in addition to the compensation under the land acquisition Act, a cash grant to meet the difference between the compensation and the replacement value of an equivalent area of land.2 Land losing PAPs are also eligible for credit up to 50 percent of the total compensation for purchase of land. This facility is provided for safeguarding those PAPs who are, for any genuine reasons, unable to bear their share of money (compensation money received earlier). This provision will not be applicable to those PAPs whose per capita residual holding is more than 33 decimals (1 decimal is equal to 40 square meter). For temporary loss of land, as in case of requisition, the entitlement for compensation is for rental charges and compensation for crop loss as determined by the JIVT, and cash grants for income restoration, in accordance with ARIPO provisions. In addition, contractors will be bound to restore land to its original state, including restoration of common property resources affected. Loss of Homestead: All PAPs who have lost their place of residence (land and structures owned or otherwise occupied) to the project are entitled to an equivalent replacement homestead land. Such PAPs will not be evicted from their place of residence until they arrange their replacement homesteads. The scale of homestead plots to be provided for different categories of homestead losers are:

2 The replacement value will be determined by the JIVT and is further elaborated in Section 3.3.2. The cash grant will be provided by the RU to PAPs at the same time as the compensation for land is provided and prior to displacement.

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Households which lose 100 sq. meters (2.5 dec) or more homestead land are eligible for a cash grant adequate to make up the difference between the compensation and the replacement cost of an equal area of homestead. Households, which own less than 100 sq. meters of homestead and lose all or most of the homestead area will be provided with a minimum size homestead of 100 sq. meters through private land purchase. The difference between the total compensation money received for homestead and the cost of replacement homestead plot of 100 sq. meters will be considered as a grant. Loss of Residential and Commercial Structures: PAPs affected by loss of residential structures are entitled to a transfer grant of Tk. 3,000 and house construction grant equivalent to 1/8th of the CCL+ 50% premium subject to minimum of Tk 2000. This will be paid in two installments, Tk. 3,000 at the time of relocation and the construction grant after the PAP has identified a homestead land. In addition, they are allowed to take away all salvageable materials from their old structure(s). PAPs who are displaced from a rented/occupied commercial premise are entitled for a moving transfer grant of Tk 3,000. . Household which owns less than 100 sq. meters of homestead and loses all or most of the homestead area will be provided with a minimum size homestead of 100 sq. meters through private land purchase. The difference between the total compensation money received for homestead and the cost of replacement homestead plot of 100 sq. meters will be considered as a grant. Loss of Wage Labor/Employment: Persons affected by such losses are entitled to one time maintenance grant of Tk. 9,000 (Tk. 100 x 90 days ) and eligible for vocational training at project cost. After the vocational training, they would be helped to find employment or to obtain institutional credit for starting a suitable income earning activity. Preference should also be given to the able PAPs in engaging laborers/ workers for the project activities. Vulnerable PAPs: Income restoration of the vulnerable groups is an important objective of the resettlement work. Vulnerable APs means, squatter, poor, elderly, minorities, female-headed households and indigenous people. No indigenous people has so far identified in the project. Here wage loser is a poor group. There is an income restoration grant for wage losers, tenants, elderly and female-headed households and people affected of marginal income group. Also they will get training for skill development as per market demand. After the training one vulnerable and poor APs can get micro credit from the NGO and revolving fund will be provided by GTCL. In addition, all vulnerable people can get employment and can sale wages for construction work on priority basis. Project authority will do all necessary support for them. In case of elderly and female headed, the APs can nominate their awards for training and other facilities. 3.3.2 Implementation Strategy Entitlement Data Management System Before the present entitlement policy can be applied, it is necessary to determine who the entitled person is and what his/her entitlement is. The entitlements against different types of losses have been defined according to categories. A final verification will, be made during joint investigation by the DC and the GTCL staff to ascertain the accurate amount of land under acquisition and requisition as well as other assets lost to the project. The fact that more than one person in a household will be eligible for one or more entitlement under the resettlement policy, makes this all the more difficult. For efficient management of information related to entitlement and its implementation a fully computerized data management system will be developed. This will have the following two basic components: All relevant information on each individual household that is required for implementation of the RAP and its monitoring and subsequent evaluation will be maintained at RU (head quarters and field). It would also be used to produce individual “Household file” and periodic monitoring

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reports. The computer facility and the programs will be designed and managed by the project management. Household profiles would be prepared for each household recording details of loss and entitlement, and other basic information regarding the families’ resettlement as well. If a person loses lands or other assets in more than one Mauza (land administration unit), the person will be counted once, and his/her entitlements will be paid together. The information will be periodically updated to reflect the progress and the updated information will be passed on to the central computer facilities. Field workers will be trained to prepare and maintain the household files. Copies of these files will be maintained at the field RU. The above system will be integrated with the overall management information system for resettlement. Information Campaign The implementation of the resettlement program will start with a public campaign to explain the resettlement policy and plan to PAPs, and to solicit their cooperation. The following actions will be carried out for the information campaign: A booklet explaining the resettlement entitlement policy, procedures and the program in simple language will be prepared by Project Management and widely distributed in the areas affected by the project. The booklet will also explain what the PAPs are expected to do to avail their entitlement. They will also be asked to register their names with RU. Field workers (NGO) will hold meetings in affected villages to explain the policy and plan to PAPs. JIVT and/or NGO workers attached to RU will hold series of meetings in the affected villages to explain the resettlement program and to answer people’s queries regarding the program. Required number of field workers will be recruited by implementing NGO associated for implementing the resettlement program and will be trained in resettlement related activities. They would contact every affected household to provide information regarding specific entitlement to each household, to distribute “Household file” and to verify the correctness of information contained in the household files. Each affected household will be given a “Household file” containing details of their entitlement. Project Management will seek the assistance of village leaders, religious leaders and other influential persons for participation of the PAPs. Making Replacement Farm/Homestead Lands Available The strategy is based on providing additional financial assistance to PAPs to purchase replacement farm and homestead lands of their choice. The field RUs and the NGOs will facilitate this process by providing all necessary institutional support to PAPs. The important measures in this regard are described below: Replacement Value: The market price for three or four standard types of farm/household land will be finalized by the JIVT and this value would be used as “maximum allowable replacement value” (MARV). A PAP can opt for a larger area of lower priced land or smaller area of higher priced land. Identification of Replacement Land: PAPs will be asked, through an information campaign, to identify lands of their choice and to enter into provisional agreement with willing landowners. PAPs will convey to RU the details of the land they have identified.

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The RU will use all possible formal and informal communication channels to transfer information and to bring PAPs and prospective sellers together. It would include measures such as (i) periodic posting of information on available lands at public places in affected areas; (ii) public announcements after Friday prayer gatherings and (iii) regular visits by field workers. Special Feature This RAP has addressed ADB’s policy objectives and guideline for the improvement of PAP’s socio-economic conditions. But implementation of some of the options, such as land for land, developing resettlement site etc. may not be feasible due to acquisition of very insignificant amount of land from the private landowners. Procedure for Payment against Privately Purchased Lands The cost for the replacement farm/homestead lands comes from the following sources:

i) Compensation under the law: The amount of compensation received by the PAP is the PAP’s share of the cost of replacement land. They are expected to make a down payment of this amount at the time of land transaction.

ii) Additional cash grant to cover the difference between compensation and the official price fixed for the replacement farm/homestead land will be made available by the Project Management.

Computerized PAP household file will have, among other things, exact information on the amount of funds a person is entitled to from different sources and the amount of down payment he has to make in order to receive the other payments. Money Transfer System: The PAP will be asked to open an escrow account at the designated financial institution and to deposit at least 50% of the compensation money in the account (in case there is any compensation due to the PAP that will be deposited directly to this account). Project Management will credit the additional grant (to reach replacement value) due to the PAP to this account immediately. The money will be released to the land seller after Project Management certifies the land transaction between the PAP and the land seller. Land Transaction - Verification and Registration As soon as a land deal is provisionally finalized between the PAP and the land seller, the JIVT will verify all legal requirements of the deal regarding ownership rights, encumbrances, measurements and all other legal matters related to the land. It would also advise the PAP whether the price agreed is reasonable. The JIVT will accordingly approve the deal or in the event of any legal ambiguities, advise the PAP to identify another parcel of land. Additional Measures In principle, Project Management cannot guarantee to provide replacement land to PAPs affected by loss of farmland, but only to provide financial assistance to purchase land. One or more JIVT will be formed for affected areas. The three members committee will include representatives of RU, selected NGO, and the Union Parishad (local elected body). The JIVT would also act as a grievance redress body and the decisions will be made through majority vote. Project Management will form the JIVT.

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Evacuation and Relocation The acquired lands need to be evacuated in order to make the land available for pipeline installation. The following incentives are proposed to encourage PAP households to vacate the lands: PAPs are allowed to take away all salvageable materials of the houses and other structures free of cost. PAPs will be given a lump sum grant of Tk. 3,000 towards dismantling and transportation cost. This grant is paid only after the PAPs have vacated the affected areas. All PAPs affected by loss of house are given a house building assistance @ 1/8th of the CCL + 50% premium, subject to a minimum of Tk. 2,000. 3.3.3 Redressing Grievances Given the time that has elapsed between the acquisition of land & other properties and resettlement, a number of grievances and disputes about inclusion in the PAP list and category of entitlement may arise. The following mechanisms will be established to address and resolve grievances that arise during the implementation. Aps can appeal against the decision of the GRC in the appropriate court of law in case of dissatisfaction. Preliminary Verification The preliminary list of PAPs and their entitlement will be prepared on the basis of land acquisition records. PAPs will be asked to bring any discrepancies to the notice of RU through field workers. Persons who feel that they have been excluded from the list of PAPs and hence not received Household File would also be asked during the information campaign to bring their complaints to RU. They would also be asked to submit relevant records as proof of their claims. The proofs would include:

i) Copies of title deeds (Khatian), compensation awards or mortgage deeds in the case of disputes related to legally owned land;

ii) In case of share cropped or rented land, documentary evidence of the understanding between land owner and the tenant if there are any or an affidavit signed by the land owner and the tenant;

iii) Rent receipts in case of rented commercial premises; iv) In the case of squatters, voter list, community witness or any other official membership

records with cooperatives or Grameen Bank etc. v) In the case of wage employment, wage records if there are any; or an affidavit signed by

the employee and the employer. The RU will review and verity the claims/complaints on the basis of existing records such as land acquisition records and the proofs submitted in support of the claim. Joint Inventory Verification Team (JIVT) The JIVT will act, apart from providing the necessary institutional assistance for purchase of land, as a dispute/grievance resolving body. The JIVT will have one member representing the Project Management, one representing the NGO and one representing the Union Parishad (union member of the respective ward). Two representatives of PAPs will be invited as observers.

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The JIVT will review cases referred to it by RU in the light of evidences submitted to it and then hold hearing of the case, normally in the village itself. JIVT would also consult village leaders while taking a decision on matters referred to it. Under normal circumstances, the decision of JIVT will be final and binding upon all parties. If an affected person is still dissatisfied with decision, he/she may appeal to the regular institutions entrusted with grievance redress such as DC’s office or the court of law. So Aps can appeal against the decision of the GRC in the appropriate court of law in case of dissatisfaction. 3.3.4 Vocational Training Target Groups The PAPs who do not have definite means of livelihood are eligible for vocational training. However, the program will be more specifically aimed at those individuals and households who are landless and those who were earlier dependent on wage labor or tenant farming/share cropping, but may not be able to continue with the same activity after relocation. Special focus group would be women, educated youths and traditional artisans. Broad Training Modules Skills/trades expected to provide full time employment after the training: These are new skills that would require relatively long period of training (2-6 months) and need to be carried out at an existing or specially created facility. The most suitable skills are identified as:

Motor mechanics; Driving; Rickshaw assembling and repairing; Secretarial skills/word processing; Plumbing, electrician, metal works; Manufacture of rural sanitary equipments.

Some of these skills like metal works and manufacture of sanitary equipments can lead to establishment of small-scale enterprises. In such cases the trainees would need additional training to start small enterprise either individually or collectively. Training in these skills will be mainly organized at existing training facilities such as industrial training institutes, existing workshops or through informal apprenticeship with master mechanics. The target group would be young men and women with required basic level of education. Improvement of existing skills: There are some technical labors, whose incomes are constrained due to low level of skill, engaged in the following activities:

Fisheries; Poultry; Vegetable cultivation/crop diversification; Low cost house construction; Animal husbandry/dairy; Carpentry (boat building and repair); Hand looms.

A comprehensive training program will be designed and implemented for upgrading the skill of those labors. The primary target group would be those who are currently engaged in similar kind of activity. The training would be of short duration (3 to 15 days) and in most cases would be conducted at

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a central village. Specific training inputs required for each group are identified by NGOs. The NGOs also assess and provide extension services at required level.

Supplementary income generating activities: These are specifically aimed to provide additional income. The following areas are considered as suitable; these are the outline of the probable trainings. The training demand will be confined between one and two as per market demand of the area. At the implementation period the authority will decide in this connection. After training the RU will provide some seed money for small business for income restoration to the trained APs. The authority will give market oriented ideas and awareness and will create access with the local bank for getting better performance of the APs. The training of large number of APs may not be what is required but a focus on marginal, vulnerable and female-headed households will be confirmed: The supplementary training issues are as follows:

Plant nurseries; Tailoring and handicrafts; Bee keeping; Homestead gardening.

The primary target group would be women. They would be trained through brief training camps (3 to 7 days) organized at the village level. Credit and equipments would be arranged. The NGOs/Project Management would also arrange tie-ups with other agencies for marketing of the products. For example, Forest Dept/Project Management under the affore station program can buy saplings from these village nurseries. Training in handicrafts products would be conditional to effective marketing tie-ups with concerned agencies.

Skills aimed at improving general quality of life: These skills are not expected to bring any direct economic benefits but can have significant impact on the life of PAPs, particularly women. This is a awareness program only. The areas of training would be:

Community health-hygiene, MCH, family welfare; This program will be exclusively for women and will be conducted at villages. The initial training would be of about three-day duration and will be followed by one-day refresher sessions after one to three months. Some of the trained women will be employed later as trainers. Overall Management of the Training Program The entire vocational training package will be contracted out to NGO(s) who have experience and capacity to organize and to manage large-scale vocational training programs. In case more than one NGO is contracted their areas of operation (geographically or activity-wise) will be clearly delineated. This NGO(s) in turn may sub contract some of the training programs to other smaller specialized NGOs or appropriate training institutions. • The contracted NGOs are responsible for designing specific training modules, selecting the

eligible trainees, and organizing and managing the training program according to a time schedule and budget agreed beforehand with the Project Management. They are also responsible to liaise with credit institutions, arranging loans and developing tie-ups for supply of inputs and marketing wherever necessary. They would also follow up and monitor the post training performance of the trained persons at least for one year. The full operational plan of vocational training and the implementation schedule will be prepared by NGO’s.

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3.4 Resettlement Experience in Bangladesh For economic development large project and land acquisition is a must. Like other countries Bangladesh also needs large project to implement. In most cases development project require land for their implementation. Compulsory acquisition of land becomes inevitable. As a result some one either be benefited or affected from the development project. The number of affected person on account of land acquisition varies depending on the size of the development project. A major dam (Kaptai hydro –electric project in Bangladesh), a large flood protection /irrigation scheme (Teesta project in Bangladesh) or projects involving development of communication (highways, airports, railways etc) usually displace large number of families and persons. But a small project may also seriously affect a large number of people if the project site is in thickly populated. In past no major project had resettlement option. In 60s Kamlapur railway station had option resettlement option. Normally pre and post liberation period no resettlement program for development projects in Bangladesh. Even now a days there is no resettlement program for local funded project. This is true for all project financed by local fund viz. Public Works Department, Road and Highways Department etc So the affected persons are worst sufferer regarding land price and livelihood etc. The last decade is the implementation period of some large projects where resettlement was the preconditions of project financing by the donors. These are the Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge project, the Jamuna Bridge Rail Link Project, The Rupsha Bridge Project, The Lalon Bridge project, The Jamuna Bridge Access Road Project, The Bhairab Bridge Project, The Dhaka Urban Transport Project financed by World Bank of the Dhaka City Corporation implemented by the Road and Highways Department. Presently on going project of RHD is the Bridge replacement project where roughly 1000 households will be affected financed by DFID. The Jamuna Bridge Project had roughly 100,000 indirect affected people. Direct affected persons were roughly 10,000. The projects had successful resettlement work. There is a resettlement site in the east bank of the project. Land for land was the successful option with some limitations. Land price is now increased considerably in the area. Income generating traning and compensation was not utilized fully. Getting money from DC office was not satisfactorily paid and was harassing and time consuming process. NGO service was so far satisfactorily completed. Jamuna Bridge rail line was also a successful resettlement project was roughly 100km from Joydevpur to Sirajganj. This is totally a new line except 5 km on the bridge. About 10,000 persons were directly affected in the project. This is also a successful project. But sufferings from DC office are also same regarding land payment. The project was financed by ADB. So far our knowledge some affected persons were unable to collect their CCL money due to non co-operation of DC’s LA section. This is the common practice of DC’s payment System. Here is no resettlement site. Rupsha Bridge resettlement program was successfully implemented. About 1000 were affected persons directly and the project was financed by Japan. Bangladesh is a densely populated area of 140 million people with an area of 147,570 sq. km. So land is a scarce resource and average per capita income is also low in the country. From the above experience government will make a National resettlement policy and all land related sufferings should be minimized regarding CCL payment. Responsible NGO will be an alternative for CCL payment but this is subjecting to the parliament. So affected persons of national project are to be properly compensated and government will do proper measures to the interest of the affected persons. 3.5 Policy Framework and Entitlements The policy framework and entitlements for the Project are based on national law(Acquisition and Requisition of Immoveable Property Ordinance of 1982) and ADB’s Policy on Involuntary Resettlement(1995).At present in donor financed project no major difference in resettling the

Resettlement Plan of Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Transmission Pipeline Project

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affected person. . Payment of CCL and premium money government is legally bound. But not legally but by administrative instance government is doing all recognized efforts in regaining affected persons socio economic position and special attention have been made for vulnerable, indigenous people and female headed households. Acquisition and Requisition of Immoveable Property Ordinance (ARIPO)-of 1982 its subsequent amendments in 1993 and 1994. It covers all cases of acquisition and requisition (temporary acquisition) by the government for public purpose and interest. The legal processes are initiated by the deputy commissioner (DC) of the concerned district with a detailed map of the area and a land acquisition plan. The DC is empowered to permanently acquire or temporarily requisition of property and legal owners of compensation. The DC assesses the level of compensation, taking into consideration factors such as, land transaction in the locality over the past twelve months and the present market rate.. The amendments to the ARIPO in 1993 increased the amount of the premium (to reflect market or replacement values) for compulsory acquisition from 25 to 50% on the assessed value of the property. The 1994 amendment provides provision for payment of crop compensation to tenants. The ARIPO does not cover compensation for loss of wage income and displacement transport; it also doesn’t cover losses of non-titled persons (squatters, encroachers, etc) aside from crop losses to tenants. ADB policy requires:

i) Avoiding or minimizing adverse project impacts where possible ii) Consulting with affected people (AP) in project planning and implementation,

including iii) Disclosure of RP and project related information iv) Payment of compensation for acquired assets at the market/replacement value v) Resettlement assistance to APs, including non titled persons (informal

dwellers/squatters and encroachers); vi) Income restoration and rehabilitation program; and vii) Special attention for vulnerable groups

Consistent with the ADB policy, this framework and resettlement procedural guidelines will apply for the concerned projects. This will ensure that persons affected by land acquisition will be eligible for appropriate compensation and rehabilitation assistance. The framework reflects the governments land acquisition and regulation as well as ADB’s policy on Involuntary Resettlement (1995) and other social safeguard guidelines. It stipulates eligibility and provisions for all types of losses (land, crops/trees, structures, business/employment, and workdays/wages). If land for land is not feasible option, APs will be compensated at full replacement costs. In addition Aps will receive additional grants to match replacement cost for lost assets (land and houses), transaction costs such as documentary stamps and registration costs (in case of purchase of replacements land), other cash grants and resettlement assistance such as shifting allowances, compensation for loss of workdays/income due to dislocation. Female –headed households, indigenous peoples households, other vulnerable households will be eligible for further cash assistance for relocation and house construction. 3.6 Resettlement and Rehabilitation Requirements The existing policy relating to resettlement of PAPs in connection with acquisition of land and properties both for the directly and indirectly affected persons is a much more equitable approach than it was the case in the past. So, it is obvious to assess the number of PAPs, who are required to be compensated and resettled as per policy set forth by the GOB and the Donors Agencies. A total of 121.125 hectares of affected land area will require payment of compensation. On the other hand, so far as the affected structures are concerned; a few structures will also be affected due to the implementation of the project. So, there will be a minimum requirement of payment of compensation for stakeholders in the present project.

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3.7 Land Requisition Requisition of land required for the pipeline construction will be undertaken in accordance with the above-mentioned ordinance that sets out the procedures and requirements for the purpose. With prior approval of the Government, the DC can decide on the requisition of any property requested by the concerned agency (GTCL) for a period of two years, which will be extended if necessary. The amount of compensation for such temporary loss of land will be equal to the estimated rent that would have been payable for the use and occupation if it had been taken on lease for that period plus compensation for estimated expenses for vacating and reoccupying the property. The contractors will be asked to restore the requisition land to their original status. 3.8 Income Restoration Strategy As per ADB’s policy of resettlement, the livelihood of the affected persons should be better, at least previous economic status is to be maintained. So RP has been designed in such a way that the affected person’s economic condition will be much better. Three months income restoration grant will be provided for income loser on the other hand scope for training and micro-credit will be provided by NGO. The authority will engage affected persons in the construction work, if possible. The concerned NGO will make plans for awareness program and market-oriented training for economic development of the affected persons. The authority will provide a revolving fund in the support of commercial bank in the area for credit program. So, it may be expected that their economic condition will not be deteriorated. Compensation for land acquisition and resettlement assistance for affected persons is covered by the Acquisition and Requisition of Immovable Property Ordinance (AIRPO) of 1982 and its subsequent amendments in 1993 and 1994. It covers all cases of acquisition and requisition (temporary acquisition) by the Government for public purposes or interest. The DC is empowered to permanently acquire or temporarily requisition property and legal owners are eligible for compensation. The DC assesses the level of compensation, taking into consideration factors such as: land transactions in the locality over the past 12 months. The amendments to the ARIPO in 1993 increased the amount of the premium for compulsory acquisition from 25 to 50% on the assessed value of the property. The 1994 amendment provides provision for payment of crop compensation to tenants. To pay the affected person up to present market price 50% premium was not found adequate in practice, so in resettlement policy this practice in different resettlement projects including Jamuna Bridge resettlement project an additional land market survey was carried out on the basis of administrative decision from government. So replacement Market Value means, Maximum Allowable Replacement Value from Land Market Survey i.e. present market price of acquired land from a land market survey- (CCL+50%Premium). So affected Person will get subtraction value of land from implementing NGO as replacement grant provided by GTCL. However, affected person will get CCL+50% premium from district administration. The affected person will get land replacement grant from NGO after land purchase or not, which is suitable to the authority. But the payment will be after DC’s payment of CCL as per present practice. Loss of land will be compensated at replacement cost. A cash grant will be provided to account for the difference between the compensation provided under the Acquisition and Requisition of Immovable Property Ordinance (ARIPO) and the replacement value. The replacement value will be based on the market value determined through a land market survey by the Joint Inventory Verification Team. Loss of structures will be compensated in accordance with the compensation provided under the ARIPO plus a house construction grant OF Tk. 2,000 OR 1/8th the value of the ARIPO compensation, whichever is higher. Households owning less than 100 square meter homesteads and losing all or more of their homesteads will be provided with a minimum of 100 square meters of land through private land purchase. APs losing wage labor or employment will

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be provided a one-time maintenance grant of Tk. 100 per day for 90 days and will be provided vocational training. Preference will also be provided to APs in engaging labor for subproject activities. Compensation for other categories of losses are identified in the entitlement matrix. APs without a definite means of livelihood are entitled to vocational training. The program are specifically aimed at landless households, wage laborers and sharecroppers affected by the project. Long-term training (2-6 months) will be provided on motor mechanics, diving, rickshaw assembly and repair, secretarial skills/word processing, plumbing, electrical and metal works, and manufacturing of rural sanitary equipment. Short-term (3-5days) skills training for those engaged in low-skill activities will be provided in fisheries, animal husbandry, vegetable raising and crop diversification, low-cost house supplementary income generating activities will also be provided to target groups such as women on plant nurseries, tailoring and handicrafts, bee keeping, and homestead gardening. Skills training will also be provided for women on community health and hygiene, family welfare to improve their quality of life. Vocational training packages will be contracted out to nongovernmental organizations (NGO). 3.9 Legal Framework The policy framework and entitlements for the Projects for the Project are based on national law (Acquisition and Requisition of Immovable Property Ordinance of 1982) and ADB’s Policy on Involuntary Resettlement (1985). The DC is empowered to permanently acquire or temporarily requisition property and legal owners are eligible for compensation. The DC assesses the level of compensation, taking into consideration factors such as: land transactions in the locality over the past 12 months. The amendments to the ARIPO in 1993 increased the amount of the premium for compulsory acquisition from 25 to 50% on the assessed value of the property. The 1994 amendment provides provision for payment of crop compensation to tenants. The ARIPO does not cover compensation for loss of wage income and displacement transport; it also does not cover losses of non-titled persons (squatters, encroachers, etc.) aside from crop losses to tenants. For the purpose of acquisition and requisition of immovable properties in Bangladesh, the government, taking into consideration all previous Acts, Rules, Ordinances etc., have prepared ‘Acquisition of Immovable Properties Manual-1997’. This manual guides all acquisition and requisition of immovable properties, for the purposes whatsoever as well as payment of compensation for all sorts of losses. For ready reference in connection with the proposed acquisition and requisition, one set of the ‘Acquisition of Immovable Properties Manual-1997’ is furnished herewith (Annex-1). 3.10 Legal Adviser The Project Management will seek advice of GTCL’s legal department whenever necessary. If necessary, it will appoint a legal advisor as a retainer for all legal matters including resettlement. 3.11 Management Information System The resettlement exercise is complex and cumbersome. Administrative measures and financial control is mandatory. A Management Information System will be designed and Manager and Accountants in the field will be trained on how to operate the system. 3.12 ADB Policy requirement Consistent with ADB policy, this framework and resettlement procedural guidelines will apply to all projects under the sector loan. This will ensure that persons affected by land acquisition will be eligible for appropriate compensation and rehabilitation assistance.

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The framework reflects the borrower’s land acquisition laws and regulations as well as ADB’s policy on Involuntary Resettlement (1995) and other social safeguard guidelines. It stipulates eligibility and provisions for all types of losses (land, crops/trees, structures, business/employment, and workdays/wages). If land-for-land is not a feasible option, APs will be compensated at full replacement costs. In addition APs will receive additional grants to match replacement costs for lost assets (land and house), transaction costs such as documentary stamps and registration costs (in case of purchase of replacement land), and other cash grants and resettlement assistance such as shifting allowance, compensation for loss of workday/income due to dislocation. Female-headed households, indigenous people’s households, and other vulnerable households will be eligible for further cash assistance for relocation and house reconstruction. 3.12 Comparison of National Compensation Law with ADB’s resettlement policy Incase of acquisition only CCL +50% premium is given to the legal owners of the land. For structure, tress and crops actual prices with premium are given to the legal owners. No payment for the squatters and wage losers for regaining the economic condition is allowed incase of the owners of acquisition and requisition land. But ADB resettlement policy is where no option for “land for land” compensation is to be paid at replacement market value. Squatter, wage loser, business loss, loss of indigenous people and women should be specially handled, so their economic condition will not be deteriorated. Wage loser should be given special training and support in regaining previous socio-economic condition. . In case of valuation of the standing crops is determined by DC with the assistance from the Agriculture Marketing Extension Services. ADB’s Involuntary Resettlement and Rehabilitation Policy, which requires that the displaced persons should be (i) compensated for their losses at replacement costs; (ii) assisted with the move, during the transition period at the relocation site; and (iii) enabled to reconstruct a land-based productive existence; and (iv) assisted in their efforts to improve their former level of living standards, income earning capacity, and productive levels, or at least to restore them. The absence of legal titles to land should not be a bar to compensation. In other words, all PAPs should be benefited from the Project, irrespective of their legal status as landowners or users of project acquired land. The Policy also requires that population displacement should be avoided or minimized whenever possible and that the PAPs and host population should be involved in resettlement planning and implementation. 3.12.1 DC’s Role in CCL Payment DC is the main role player in CCL payment in the existing law. But due to bureaucratic problem, land law related limitations and people’s unconsciousness in many cases land document is not up-to-date. DC is the only authority in CCL payment and primary identification of APs. In absence of DC’s primary identification, no additional payment is possible for vulnerable and untitled owners. So project delay is a regular phenomenon, and non-payment of CCl in some cases for illiterate and vulnerable. NGO payment can accelerate the CCL payment with necessary legal support from the government. At present the requiring body may accelerate the work by giving logistic support regarding human resource and awareness build up and helping guideline in updating land documents GTCL will give necessary support in this connection both from GTCL and implementing NGO. 3.13 Role of Resettlement Project Manager The concerned project Manager will be responsible for supervision and authority for guidance in implementing RP efficiently by proper mobilizing his staff. DC plays a key role for the requiring body in land acquisition and payment of CCL. Project Manager will appoint a responsible officer to liaise with the DC’s Land Acquisition section for time-to-time progress monitoring and identification of problems and solution.

Resettlement Plan of Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Transmission Pipeline Project

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4.1 General The project will affect four categories of people. They are mainly the owners of the land, the owners of the structures, the tree losers and the crop losers. 4.2 Resettlement Needs and Choices The scope of resettlement, particularly relocation and rehabilitation of affected persons due to the project is limited to only 9 homestead loser and 6 housing structure loser and other structures 2. At this stage 141 affected persons are identified. The land and structure owners require payment of their compensation at replacement market value. The Property Valuation Advisory Committee (PVAT) will suggest the real price as per market price and additional allowance i.e. dismantling and construction cost that should be provided to the respective affected persons. Resettlement zone is not necessary for the pipeline as this involves a narrow alignment and will require strip acquisition. The pipeline alignment will mainly pass through the paddy land .Most of the Land losers are farmers. So, no resettlement zone has been suggested in the RP preparation 4.2.1 Income Restoration Grant The income loser APs will be given 90 days income restoration grant @ Tk 100 per day. This period is considered sufficient for the APs to regain their previous position and income, as per previous experience on other projects. The pipeline construction will be undertaken in segments, and income disruption will not be for the whole construction period, but will also be in segments based on the section of pipe being laid. . So the APs ultimately get more time in regaining income restoration. Further, the APs can take recourse to grievance procedures if period of income loss is more. 4.2.2 Skill Identified in the Training Courses In the field observation the following training items have been identified for income restoration. These are new skills that would require typically 2-3 months of training and would need to be carried out at an existing or specially created facility. The most suitable skills are identified as:

Motor mechanics; Driving; Rickshaw assembling and repairing; Secretarial skills/word processing; Plumbing, electrician, metal works; Manufacture of rural sanitary equipments.

There are some technical labors, whose incomes are constrained due to low level of skill, engaged in the following activities:

Fisheries; Poultry; Vegetable cultivation/crop diversification; Low cost house construction; Animal husbandry/dairy; Carpentry (boat building and repair); Hand looms

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These are specifically aimed to provide additional income. The following areas are considered as suitable:

Plant nurseries; Tailoring and handicrafts; Bee keeping; Homestead gardening.

The above trainings are the tentative outline but during implementation the RU will choice one or two priority basis market oriented trade and that trainings will given for income restoration. 4.2.3. Loss of common Property As earlier discussed, no loss of common property has been identified except some ponds that have access to most people, and some under pisciculture. Compensation for this will be the replacement cost of the pond including the cost of land and digging. 4.2.4 Resettlement Zone Resettlement zone means a planned resettlement site where involuntary affected person are resettled for the housing a structures. Resettlement zone is not necessary for the pipeline as this involves a narrow alignment and will require strip acquisition. The pipeline alignment will mainly pass through the paddy land and it is a strip acquisition. Most of the Land losers are farmers. So, no resettlement zone has been suggested in the RP preparation 4.2.5 Mode of Payment People’s response regarding mode of payment are given as follows. Most of the identified stakeholders prefer payment from NGO. But DC office has some mandatory role in legal payment of it. There is no scope to change that role. Public also have choice of payment from bank and not in cash. Cash payment too, is against the resettlement ideas for various reasons. Table-4.1 : Mode of Payment

Organization Households No.


NGO 55 39

DC office 37 26

Others 49 35

Total 141 100

Table-4.2: Type of Loss

Item Quantity/ Amount

Housing structure (No.) 6 Loss of homestead (No.) 9 Loss of land: i) Acquisition (Hectare) 46.125 ii) Requisition (Hectare) 75 Loss of trees (No.) 61 Loss of income (Crop loss estimated) (Tk.) 34,36,215

Mode of Payment





NGO DC office Others




ld N


Households %

Resettlement Plan of Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Transmission Pipeline Project

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4.3 Further Community Consultation Community Consultation is a Continuous process in the implementation of the RP. It will ensure the smooth completion of the project. The implementing NGO will do routine consultation meeting with the local stakeholders. At the meeting local elites and public representative is to be included. The suggestions and identified will be monitored to the higher authorities for proper solution. The grievance redress committee will arrange the meeting with the affected persons 4.4 Community Consultation during Survey and Design In order to identify vulnerable groups, which will be adversely affected by the project and to formulate measures in consultation with them to avoid sufferings and to mitigate or compensate them for any adverse effects, consultation with the stakeholders and PAP’s began in January 2005 with the survey and consultation of the project. Several meetings were held during survey and consultation with the stakeholders at different locations along the proposed route of the pipeline from Bonpara to Rajshahi. They were provided with the information about the project and its possible impacts in terms of land acquisition and relocation (See photographs-Annex-2). In general, the possible project affected persons (PAP’s) depicted very positive views towards the gas sector development of the country in general and execution of this particular project along their localities in particular. It has been revealed through consultations with the stakeholders and the affected groups that, they are willing to participate in the assessment process with best of their Co-operation. In fact, the following tasks were performed to complete the aforementioned consultation process: Identification of the key stakeholders and close consultation with them on their views about the project and resettlement effects; Identification of the vulnerable groups and local NGOs; Dissemination of information through distribution of leaflets (See sample Annex-3) Applying appropriate communications strategies through group discussion with the field and supervising staff to ensure effective communication of information; A formal consultation with the affected groups and PAP’s while filling in the pre-set questionnaires (See sample Annex-3); particular Taking views of affected groups and local NGOs fully into account. Community consultation is a continuous process in successful project completion. The GRC and resettlement field staff will be in close contact with the affected persons. They will arrange weekly, fortnightly or monthly meeting with the affected when necessary. The minutes will be preserved and will be sent to the authority. 4.4.1 Mechanisms for stakeholder participation in planning, management, monitoring

and evaluation: Community participation should be started from the socio economic survey. The affected person’s view, idea, resettlement choice, compensation policy is usually revealed from this survey findings.

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Land market survey for compensation package is another participation of the affected stakeholders in case of payment compensation. Identification of Eps and issuance of ID cards is another recognition of people’s participation where public representative will certify the real affected persons. Participation of Grievance Redress committee is another recognition of the affected ones. Computer based entitlement record by NGO is also another means which identifies one’s participation. 4.4.2 Mechanisms for resolution of conflicts and appeals procedures A grievance redress committee will be formed. Concerned Project Manger of the of NGO will be from NGO and a public representative i.e. chairman of the concerned Union parishad of the local government will be from the affected person’s representative headed by a officer of RU of GTCL equivalent to Manager (RU). The committee will receive the application from the affected stakeholders about their grievances and they will solve the grievances every month. Other than disputes relating to ownership rights under the court of law, the GRC will review grievances involving all resettlement benefits, relocation, and other assistance forwarded by the RU or APs. Grievances will be redressed within 2-4 weeks from the date of lodging the complaints. The APs can appeal the decision of the GRC in the appropriate court of law or to DC, depending on the nature of the grievance.

4.4.3 Information Dissemination Process For information dissemination, GTCL and Concerned NGO will publish a booklet by mentioning the project’s aim, compensation matrix etc for the affected stakeholders and will arrange meeting, group discuss etc for peoples’ awareness. Regarding cost of the information campaign NGO will get a lump sump budget from the incidental cost as per TOR of the NGO activities. Information campaigns will be held for APs to provide inputs to the RP. A resettlement information leaflet containing information on compensation and resettlement options will be made available in local language(s) and distributed to APs. The Project Management Office (PMO) through staff of its resettlement unit (RU) will conduct consultations in affected villages to explain the resettlement plan in coordination with village and religious leaders. Each AP will be provided information regarding specific entitlements. Disputes on entitlements can be forwarded to the RU for appropriate action. The summary RP will be disclosed on the ADB website, and information dissemination and consultation will continue throughout the project implementation period. 4.4.4 Key Stakeholders /Local NGO Identification Process and Time for Resettlement Consultation with the key stakeholders was held at the time of field survey. It is a continuous process till the completion of the project. GTCL and NGO will do that job and also Deputy Commissioner (DC) will arrange meeting, at the survey time, schoolteachers, village leaders and local government’s member and Chairman are etc. contacted in-group and individually and with particular attention to female headed household interviews. Total implementation period of resettlement work has been identified for six month on the basis earlier experiences. For example, Rupsha bridge resettlement project was only for six months. In this period major work was done. Present work only small no of affected person. On the other hand civil work will start in 2007., If proper measure s taken most of the entitlement will paid as CCL from DC office. Normally due to DC’s payment is delayed due to legal causes. As here, more time is available for Dc’s payment. That’s why NGO work needs less time. So the work will be likely to be finished within the stipulated time. Otherwise in time of necessity authority may sanction more time for resettlement.

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4.4.5 Information Dissemination to Female Headed Households Female headed households is to be handled carefully. NGO will hire some female field workers for information dissemination ion. Focus group and personal contact are important for information campaign to the female. 4.4.6 Summary of Consultation Consultations of the key stakeholders were held at the time of field survey. It is a continuous process till the completion of the project. GTCL and NGO will do that job and the Deputy Commissioner will arrange meeting (DC), at the survey time, School teacher, village leaders and local government’s member and Chairman were contacted in group and individually and female headed household were also interviewed through focus group meeting with the help of the villagers. At implementation period the implementation NGO will do the job. Also local NGO representative were interviewed. Some important highlights of public consultation are given below: (See Annex-2) Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Summary: - To affected should be given employment scope during construction period - To ensure tree loss - Proper compensation - Community and religious sites are to be saved - Scope of gas consumption facilities to the villagers - Unemployed youths are to be given scope of training and employment.

Key Informant Interview (KII) Summary Report: - To take care about the public safety as well as that of pipelines at critical locations In order

to remove any fear of explosion the authority should exercise adequate care in construction & maintenance of pipeline

- Pipeline should be laid & buried properly after welding construction is over. - Works should be faster lessening the loss of production of crops. - The gas should be cheap and available to the limited income group at the earliest possible

opportunity and consideration of any subsidy/discount at the initial stage would be highly appreciated.

- To use of quality material & best workmanship for safe and durable pipeline system, and to provide uninterrupted supply to the consumers.

- To prompt placement of fund by the requiring bodies for quick completion of acquisition and requisition process.

- The executing agency should follow all rules, regulations and standing in construction and of the gas system in-terms of public safety and well being.

- Care should be taken for ensuring the least possible damage to LGED built roads & structures during construction of pipeline and informing them well ahead in crossing such roads.

- Emergency response plan should be taken to meet any eventual accident thereafter. - Steps should be taken for the efficient & selective use of natural gas & particularly to

encourage CNG for all sorts of land & river transports to save foreign exchange and favoring the environment from use of lead & sulphur prone imported petroleum products.

4.4.7 Ensure Community Participation It has been observed through the foregoing exercise that the reason behind their affirmative views is due to the fact that the project activities will progress along a strip alignment only and BRGTP would cause no major impacts regarding resettlement to concerned persons for livelihood and income. Further, the PAP’s will be duly compensated as per the law of the land. Further more, it is most likely that after completion of the project, most of the land will be used for agriculture. However, their only concern was the timely and uninterrupted payment for the

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affected homestead, trees, structures and the cultivated lands. They seemed to be happy to note that GTCL has, while passing their pipeline route, has avoided most of their homesteads, trees and structures and aligned it through fellow land in general. This feeling has been enhanced by the assurance that GTCL has taken Resettlement and Rehabilitation option as to ensure PAPs’ socio economic interest. It should be mentioned here, in the implementation period; there are no restrictions of use will be applied beyond the ROW width. In addition, another important point is clarified here that the value of the standing crops will be determined DC with the assistance from the Agriculture Marketing Extension Services and any additional valuation by JIVT for compensation will be paid by the project. At the implementation period contracted NGO will implement CRP (Contracted Resettlement Plan) as per above legal framework and this will be included in the bidding document and section-15 of the matrix will be duly replaced.

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5.1 Land Acquisition and Compensation Policy Matrix The Matrix presented earlier outlined various losses, methods of identification of entitled persons (EPs), compensation benefits etc. in terms of restoration of income and livelihood of the affected people in the Project where applicable. The Resettlement Matrix presented below identified income or livelihood loss and the compensation payment mechanism. In future, if needed concern Grievance Redress Committee (GRC) and Property Valuation Advisory Team (PVAT) will solve the problems. In addition it is mentioned that no restrictions of use will be applied beyond the ROW width. Table-5.1: Entitlement Policy Matrix

Type of Losses

Definition of APs Entitlement Implementation Issue Agency

Responsible 1. Loss of agricultural land

Owner(s) of a plot as recorded in title deeds

a. CCL+50% premium b. Cash grant to cover the difference between CCL+5O% premium and cost of equivalent replacement land c. Cash compensation for losses of profits and income due to the loss of property or access d. Stamp duties on purchase of land

a. Replacement value will be determined by the JIVT. The maximum amount of cash grant Will be the difference between the total CCL+50% premium and the replacement value determined.

a. DC b. Cash grants-Protect c. Refund-Project

2. Loss of commercial land (rural and urban)

Owner(s) of plot as recorded in title deeds

a. CCL+50% premium b. Cash grant to cover the difference between the CCL+5O% premium and the cost of equivalent replacement land c. Cash compensation for losses of profits and income due to the loss of property or access d. Stamp duties on purchase of land

a. Replacement value will be determined by the JIVT. The maximum amount of cash grant will be the difference between the total CCL+50% premium and the replacement value determined.

a. DC b. Cash grants-Project c. Refund-Project

3. Loss of homestead land (rural and urban)

Owner(s) of homestead plot as recorded in title deeds

a. CCL+50% premium b. Cash grant to cover the difference between the CCL+50% premium and the cost of equivalent replacement land c. Stamp duty refund

a. APs opting for purchase should Identify the homestead land. b. Project will explore the possibility of staggering the evacuation of APs to ease the resettlement process. If homestead Is less than 100 sqm, land-for-land will be prioritized.

a. DC b. Cash grants -Project c. Refund-Project,

4. Loss of homestead (rural and urban)

Households living as squatters on public/private land

a. Cash grant equivalent to the market price of a 100 sqm land .

a. List of eligible persons will be finalized by JIVT. b. APs opting for purchase should identify the homestead land. c. Project Management Will explore the possibility of staggering the evacuation of

a. DC b. Cash grants-Project c. Refund Project

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Type of Losses

Definition of APs Entitlement Implementation Issue Agency

Responsible APs to ease the resettlement process.

5.Temporary loss of land regardless of use

Titled and untitled APs

a. CCL+50% premium b. Cash grant to cover the difference between the CCL and the JIVT assessed rental value or income/profit lost c. Cash grant to reflect expenses of vacating land, reoccupying land and damages, in accordance with ARIPO

a. The maximum amount of cash grant will be the difference between the total CCL+50% premium and the rent of land or income & profit lost determined by JIVT. b. EA will ensure contractors reinstate land and affected common resources to pre-project levels upon project completion. Contractors will also maintain common infrastructure during construction Including irrigation and drainage.

a. DC b. Cash grants-Project c. DC d. EA/ Contract

6. Loss of Ponds and fish stock

Legal owner of pond to get compensation for land while usufruct right holder, legal or socially recognized, APs to get compensation for fish stock

a. CCL+50% premium b. Cash grant to cover the difference between CCL+50% premium and the replacement cost of pond, including cost of land and digging c. Cash compensation for losses of profits and Income due to the loss of property d. Training

a. Replacement value will be determined by JIVT. b. If pond is on public land and not under lease from Government, AP is entitled to compensation for 25% of the existing fish stock, and allowed to retain the entire fish stock.

a. DC b. Cash grant-Project

7. Loss of houses! structures used for living and commercial activities (rural and urban areas)

Legal owner of structure

a. CCL+5O% premium b. Transfer grant of Tk. 3,000 c. House construction grant at 1/8 of CCL+50% premium subject to minimum of Tk. 2,000 d. AP permitted to retain salvageable building materials e. Cash compensation for losses of profits and income due to the loss of property

JIVT to find out realistic construction costs of the most common types of houses/structures. The costs determined will be used in cases of disputes/grievances regarding compensation rates for structures.

a. DC b. Cash grants-Project c. Refund-Project

8. Loss of houses/ structures used for living and commercial activities (rural and urban areas)

Untitled APs (squatters on public/private lands)

a. CCL+50% premium b. Transfer grant of Tk. 3,000 c. House construction grant at 1/8th of CCL+50% premium subject to minimum of Tk. 2.000 d. AP permitted to retain salvageable building materials e. Cash compensation for losses of Income due to loss of property

JIVT to find out realistic construction costs of the most common types of houses/structures. The costs determined will be used in cases of disputes/grievances regarding compensation rates for structures.

a. DC b. Cash grants-Project c. Refund-Project

9. Loss of timber and fruit trees, bamboo and banana groves

Legal owners determined by DC and untitled users of land

a. CCL+50% premium b. Cash grant to cover the difference between the CCL+50% premium and current market value c. AP to be permitted to cut and take away the trees and fruits

a. Government will issue executive orders allowing the APs to cut and take away the tree and fruits.

a. DC b. Cash grant-project

10. Loss of standing

Cultivator (see definition)

a. CCL+50% premium b. Cash grant to cover the

a. Market value at harvest determined by JIVT

a. DC b. Cash grant-

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Type of Losses

Definition of APs Entitlement Implementation Issue Agency

Responsible crops difference between

CCL+50% premium and the market value c. Minimum two crops and multiple crops in case protracted implementation.

b. Verify whether or not crops are In existence at the time of handover


11. Loss of wage income

Affected wage laborer in agriculture or non-agriculture sectors,

a. One time cash grant of Tk 9,000 (Tk 100x90 days) b. Livelihood and skills training

APs to be trained in productive activity, trade or skill. NGOs to develop suitable training and credit modules and provide training. Cost of training facilities and training will be borne by Project. Special scheme will be developed for women APs. Local branches of commercial bank will be Instructed by the Government to provide loans to trained persons on a priority basis.

a. Cash grant-Project. b. Training-NGO/Project c. Loan-Financial Institutions.

13. loss of business Income from displaced commercial premises (rural and urban)

1. Any business person operating on the premises as tenant at the time of notification 2. Owner of the rented out premises

a. CCL (1/4 of yearly income) +50% premium b. One time moving assistance of Tk. 3000 c. 3 month’s rent to owner of the premise on private land d. Cash grant to cover the difference the CCL+ 50% premium and the actual income loss for three monthse. Training

1. Compensation for loss of business income determined by JJVT. 2. Rent of premises determined by JIVT through verification. 3. Potential trainees selected by JIVT.

a. DC b. Cash grant-Project c. Moving assistance-Project d. Training NGO/Project.

14. Loss of usufruct right on mortgaged. Leased, and Khai-Khalasi land.

1. Persons with legal agreement 2. Persons with verbal agreement

a. CCL (1/4 of yearly in come) +50% premium b. Cash grant to cover difference between CCL +50% premium and replacement value

1. Legal agreement Legal owner and mortgage/leaseholder will be paid CCL+60% premium by DC. 2. Verbal agreement Legal owner will pay the outstanding liabilities upon receipt of CCL. 3. If the CCL is smaller than replacement value, legal owner will get top up as grant: if i) all liabilities are already paid up, ii) if not, the legal owner will get residual. If liabilities exceed the amount of grant, the landowner will pay. 4. In case of any dispute, J1VT will verity and decide.


15. Disruption of private or common property

Titled owner, tenant, untitled user, community

Restoration to original status 1. Prior to disruption verify existing crops or structures to be restored after project completion


16. Vulnerable APs

Female headed, (AP. and households with less than Tk 3,000

Assistance to mitigate negative Impacts on vulnerable groups

1. Livelihood and skills training 2. Preference for project related employment

1. NGOs 2.Project

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Type of Losses

Definition of APs Entitlement Implementation Issue Agency

Responsible monthly Income

17.Unforeseen loss

Person affected adversely by Project other than the above categories.

Assistance to mitigate impacts

Mitigation measures to be proposed by RU. Project will closely coordinate activities, monitor, and mitigate adverse Impacts.

Mitigation Assistance-Project

5.2 Budget Budget is calculated on the following type of loss and RP management principles as applicable:


(a) Payment of Compensation Land √ House sites √ Houses √ Wells √ Trees/crops √ Other immovable properties ×

(b) Resettlement Purchase and development of resettlement

sites ×

Civil amenities × Social infrastructure × Movement of PAPs √ Transportation of household goods, cattle etc × Transit camps including temporary shelters,

provision of health care ×

Potable water, food, firewood, fodder etc. × Resettlement Allowance √

(c) Rehabilitation Resettlement package including land-for-land,

productive assets for income restoration, linkage with Government schemes


Resettlement allowance, training etc. √ (d) Project Management Socio-economic studies and RAPs √ Training of R&R staff × Monitoring and Evaluation √

(e) Project Administration Capital including building, equipment, furniture and vehicles

Recurring including salaries, stationary, postage, fuel, maintenance of equipment and vehicles etc.

Contingencies √

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Though the resettlement budget has been estimated on the above principles yet in future, it will be rearranged on the basis of the changed needs. So a tentative budget (Table-5.2) has been produced on available data. Details of the estimated amount are presented in Annex-5 as Resettlement Census Data. The resettlement cost estimate includes all costs regarding resettlement preparation, compensation for land and structures including relocation. GTCL will allocate necessary funds for the implementation of the plan. Table-5.2: Estimated Budget

Payment Cost Item Amount

(Tk.) DC Project

1. Replacement value of land (46.125ha ) (46.125x2.47x@Tk 5,15,7431/Acre) budget for acquisition 58,757,955



Rest as grant

2. Compensation for affected structure (6 Structure) 528,000 i) Cost of structure (@ 50,000+50% premium=75000): 450,000 ii) Transfer Grant & Dismantling Cost @ 3,000/structure: 18,000 iv) Construction Grant @ 10,000/structure: 60,000



Rest as grant

3. Compensation for trees (2485 trees)+50% premium 4,356,083 i) 1181 trees : 1,372,200 ii) 565 trees : 993,20 iii) 739 trees : 274,650 iv) Income loss for fruit@10%as grant lump sum amount: 396,008



Rest as grant

4.1 Compensation for Standing crops (land under acquisition). Total land : 46.125 Acre. (40mdx46.125x2.47xTk300 ): 2,050,721 6,496,721

4.2 Renting of requisition land-40mdx2x75x2.47xTk300 : 4,446,0004

Budget for requisition land



Rest as grant

5. Compensation for loss of wage income (141 persons x daily wage x 90 days. 1,269,000 NGO- Grant

One time cash grant : (141x100x90) assuming APs = 141 6.Stamp & additional grant @ 20% on land price 4,114,300 NGO Grant 7. Incidental charge (to be deposited with DC) 8,493,871 - - i) 10% on estimated cost : 8493871 8.Training cost Tk 5000x200 (lump sum amount) 1,000,000 NGO Grant

9. Cost of NGO Services 1,160,000 - -

Grand Total 86,175,930

Note: 1. Average land price from field survey per Acre, the average price of land is multiplied by total acquisition land. This will be total replacement value

2. Assuming per acre production 40 Maund (37.5 Kg = 1 maund) & Tk 300 per Maund Paddy price 3. Land related conflicts may cause delay in payment of compensation for land 4. Temporary Requisition budget is estimated as two seasons crop i.e. rice production @

40md(1md=37.5kg approx) per acre production in a single season as rental value 5. Administrative cost will be managed by GTCL internally and DC’s administrative cost will be managed

from incidental charges

Resettlement Plan of Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Transmission Pipeline Project



6.1 Organizational Responsibilities Clear definition is essential for presenting this chapter. Institutional or organizational responsibilities means the clear picture of responsibilities are to be done by different manpower involved in implementation of RP in different phases of work and also responsibilities assigned on the organization involved in performing the resettlement work. The requiring body will play various roles for implementation of RP. However on behalf of requiring body someone or some persons will do the job. So all responsibilities should be clearly identified. This chapter will show the clear idea in this regard. 6.1.1 Organizational Framework The Project Management is responsible for the resettlement of the people affected by the project. For efficient implementation and management of the resettlement activities, a Resettlement Unit (RU) headed by Manager (Resettlement) is to be established. The RU will be responsible for the implementation, management and monitoring of the RP for the BRGTP. The Project Coordination Unit (PCU) to be set up in GTCL for monitoring implementation of the Gas Transmission Component. This will provide overall coordination on land acquisition and resettlement activities for all subcomponents. The Project Management fully recognizes the very complex nature of the resettlement operation and the limited availability of personnel with relevant expertise. It will be neither practical nor feasible for the Project Management to develop all necessary in house expertise and capacity within reasonable period. It is therefore, necessary to delegate specific areas of work to specialized agencies such as experienced NGOs and similar other organization. The NGO’s experience with carrying out various socio-economic development programs and their ability to work closely with beneficiary population will be of great advantage in the implementation of the RP. In addition, Project Management will seek cooperation and participation of other government agencies such as District Administration, Forest Department, Agriculture Department as well as Lending Institutions in the implementation of the resettlement program. Project management will make arrangement for its entire staff of resettlement unit so that proper orientation is provided to them regarding resettlement activities. This would help the project implementation smooth. For women’s interest, ADB resettlement policy has strong recommendation to recruit female staff for better resettlement of woman stakeholders. So the project management should be dealing with this issue accordingly. The Project Management is responsible for:

Overall implementation of the Resettlement Plan within the policy guidelines of GOB including those of ADB.

Timely release of funds to the District Administration and to the resettlement unit is necessary to implement the resettlement program according to the approved implementation schedule.

Delegating appropriate responsibility and power to the Project Manager (Resettlement) as required for smooth implementation of the RP.

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Figure-6.1: Organizational Arrangement for Resettlement




Ministry of land




Land Acquisition Cell

Project Manager

RU (Rajshahi/Natore

Manager (RU)

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6.1.2 Resettlement Unit Tasks The main tasks of the Resettlement Unit (RU) are:

Overall planning, implementation and monitoring of the resettlement program. Design and set up necessary computer facilities. Ensure that all APs are identified and provided with their respective entitlement

according to the resettlement policy. Ensure timely acquisition of lands by the district administration, and payment of

compensation prior to construction. Form JIVTs and make those operational. Monitor the effectiveness of entitlement packages and propose modification, to Project

Management, when necessary. Prepare Term of Reference for NGOs/other agencies that are to execute specified

components of resettlement program. Select and appoint NGO/agencies and monitor their progress. Prepare and submit monthly and quarterly progress report to Project Management. Study and monitor unforeseen adverse impacts during and after construction works. Liaise with other governmental and non-governmental agencies in the country on

matters of mutual interest related to resettlement. Staff Organogram of the RU is shown at Figure-6.2. During the period of resettlement implementation, most of the staff will be deployed in the field. One Manager will be based in the field for the full duration of the resettlement works. Liaison between the field and Head Quarters i.e. Dhaka will be through bi-weekly visit of the Deputy Manager to the field office. Field workers will be recruited from the project area to assist in village level implementation of RP. The RP recommends that the field workers will be recruited by the implementing NGO. Logistics One field office will be established at Natore and made operational. The field staff will be provided with necessary vehicles and other transport facilities. The Project Management will set up the field office. Recruitment Recruitment, training and deployment of RU staff will be materialized soon with specific job description. And it would be done by internal arrangement of the GTCL.

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Figure-6.2 : Manpower Organogram

Figure-6.2: Manpower Organogram

Social Development Specialist

Sub-Asstt. Engineers (5) Admin/Accts/ Finance/Estate

Officers (4) Computer Operator (2) Attendant/Helper (2) Security Guard/Ansar (3)

Asstt. Manager (ADMIN.) (1)

Deputy Manager (Engineering) (1)

Manager (RU)


Resettlement Plan of Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Transmission Pipeline Project

© BETS-Chapter-6: Institutional and Implementation Framework Page-44 Job Description Function of Project Manager Project Manager (RU) will be the head of the Resettlement Unit and he/she will work under the overall guidance and supervision of the Project Management. The Project Manager will be directly responsible for executing all tasks assigned to the Resettlement Unit and any other tasks assigned to him by the Project Management from time to time. Project Manager, as the head of the Resettlement Unit, will: • Prepare job descriptions for Deputy Manager, delegate tasks, responsibilities and powers to

them, and supervise their work. • Plan, organize and manage the implementation of RP in consultation with other participating

agencies and in accordance with the time schedule. • Identify and bring to the notice of the Project Management any policy and the administrative

or financial actions that are necessary at the governmental level for smooth implementation of RP.

• Submit comprehensive periodic progress reports to Project Management and other concerned agencies.

(e) Appointing and guidance any officer to liaise with Dc office (f) Manage documentation prior and post payments to construction

Project Manger will also exercise the power in establishment matters including the following: Project Manger will arrange appointment of project staff with prior sanction of the posts. In cases of recruitment, promotion, transfer and disciplinary action against the staff, normal rules of the Government/GTCL will be followed. There will be administrative control over all officers and staff of the resettlement unit including sanction of leave. Functions of Manager The Manger will be the field -level implementing official of the Resettlement Unit. He will be stationed at field and will be responsible for the overall implementation of all field level operation related to resettlement. This would include:

a) Ensure timely payment of entitlements to PAPs. b) Develop a system of verification of all transactions. c) Keep close contact with PAPs, inform them about entitlement and resettlement

program, verify claims and grievances and accordingly take necessary actions. d) Ensure that all legal and administrative formalities necessary for giving

entitlement to PAPs are completed. e) Submit regular progress report.

Functions of GRC Committee GRC will solve any sorts of logical problem, which may arise in the implementation period of RP within legal framework for the Aps. If anyone is not satisfied with the any decision of the GRC he may appeal to the respective court. 6.1.3 Non Government Organization Non-Government Organizations will act as intermediaries between the population and the government and in particular the Project Management. The Project Management has an objective that the PAPs should be treated in a fair manner and hopes that NGOs can, on the one hand, contribute to the implementation of a fair resettlement program and on the other hand

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participate in monitoring implementation to ensure that the principles are applied uniformly and the programs are leading to restoration of PAPs’ social and economic well being. NGO will recruit the following Staff for 6 (six) months time period. i) Team Leader ii) Project Manager iii) Field Staff-5 The recruitment will be as per Budget Provision. 6.1.4 About Budget Provision Cost Estimate in the Chapter-8 is exclusively for DC’s land payment and NGO activities. Resettlement activities and RP implementation has two aspects, one from the requiring body and second from the NGO activities. The requiring body will coordinate and supervise the resettlement program through its Resettlement Unit(RU).The contracted NGO will implement the RP. All sorts of resettlement work will be done by the NGO on behalf of the requiring body including information campaign. The proposed budget is given in the relevant section. No separate budget is needed for information dissemination. Administrative cost is purely involved with the requiring body. Salary, administrative cost of the requiring body will be borne by the permanent budget provision of the GTCL 6.2 Time Schedule for RP Implementation The RP provides a series of resettlement activities. Of these, a number of activities have to be executed simultaneously for smooth implementation of the RP. As such, a time schedule for starting and finishing of each of the activities has been planned. Figure-6.3 shows the schedule of different resettlement activities with their starting and finishing dates. Tentative day for resettlement work will be finished within September 2006. But due to unavoidable causes, work will be delayed. In addition DC’s CCL payment may need more time due to legal procedure. So a cut off date for finishing the resettlement work will be suggested up to December 2007. Proposed date of construction work will be from July 2007. It may be mentioned here that the itemized activities of the Resettlement Plan (RP) will be scheduled to meet the legal time frame and timely implementation of the Project work. Land acquisition is an essential part of project implementation. A project having sufficient lead-time between fixing project alignment and actual start of construction does not face any difficulty in acquiring land. There exists a well-defined procedure of land acquisition as well as resettlement in Bangladesh. However, there are few pre-requisites to be completed before going into the process of land acquisition. These Pre-requisites are:

Approval of project document like TAPP/PCP/PP Approval of project plan Approval of land plan and land schedule Administrative approval of land requirement from the ministry, and Budget provision for land acquisition.

6.2.1 The timeframe of the civil works For reference, it will be mentioned here that the time schedule of construction of the gas pipeline. Tender floating, selection of contractor will start from January 2007. Construction work will start from July 2007 and will be completed by May 2008. 6.3 Step-wise land acquisition as well as resettlement process When the aforementioned pre-requisites are fulfilled, the step-wise activities of land acquisition

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process to be followed are presented below: Submission of land acquisition proposal by the requiring body to the Deputy

Commissioner. Holding District Land Acquisition meeting and providing land allocation. Serving Notice under Section 3 to the affected persons. Joint verification. Final approval of land to be acquired by the Deputy Commissioner (for area of land 50

bighas or less) or the Land Ministry (for area of land over 50 bighas) on the basis of land area requirement.

Serving notice under Section 6 to settle any dispute Estimation of jointly verified property for cost compensation and informing requiring body. Acceptance of estimate of cost compensation and placement of fund to the Deputy

Commissioner by the requiring body. Serving Notice 7 by the Deputy Commissioner to the affected land owners for

disbursement of compensation. Disbursement of compensation as per estimate to the affected persons. Giving possession of land to the requiring body. CCL Payment by DC

DC will complete the payment within the year 2006 and will make major payments within the middle of 2006. The GTCL and implementing agency will give the proper support to the affected persons and will help the APs in collecting legal documents for CCL

Land acquisition is a continuous process. Within the year 2006 major acquisition activities will be carried out. If the requiring body is serious, fund is available and continuous liaise with the DC office acquisition will be earlier completed 6.4 Valuation of structures and trees Payment of compensation for structure is calculated according to DC’s joint verification record. Normally Public Works Department (PWD) calculates the price of the structure and on the basis of which the DC makes payment. Extra payment is usually decided by Property Valuation Advisory Team (PVAT), a joint committee formed by GTCL, DC and NGO’s representative. Similarly payment for trees is also calculated on the basis of DC’s joint verification document (a joint record by GTCL and DC’s representative). Then it is sent to concerned forest office of the government. They decide the price of trees. DC pays the amount. PVAT Committee will decide about additional price of trees from resettlement viewpoint. 6.4.1 RP Implementation It has been pointed out earlier that the implementation of the proposed project will require a minimum acquisition land for the construction of gas pipeline. As a result, timely payment of compensation relating to land acquisition will be needed. As this is a strip acquisition, compensation and impacts will be relatively low in comparison with other projects involving major land acquisition. The time allocated for land acquisition could be shorter if the requiring body is serious, fund is available and continuous liaison with the DC office is maintained. NGO hiring is set at three months consistent with other projects. The process will be through competitive bidding system; selection of NGO, analyzing their proposal both technical and financial and contract arrangement needs sufficient time. Information Campaign will commence July 2005 and will continue throughout implementation period. PAPs identification needs more time. As without DC’s payment no one legally will be

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declared as affected person or entitled person. For receiving payments from DC office, one should have a lot of legal documents chronologically, but in Bangladesh it is difficult to show all the chronological documents, as most have no valid chronological documents. In the rural areas people are poor and illiterate. They have little knowledge about land related legal matters. In fact most land documents are not up-to-date in the rural areas. So legally PAPs identification by the DC office will take time. In this connection CCL payment needs more time. So, acquisition and PAPs identifications will not be same. After DC’s payment of reasonable number of affected person’s CCL, the implementing NGO can start identification of APs for further RP related payment and activities. In this case DC’s identification and NGO identification of APs has some difference in resettlement activities. One will have to understand the basic differences of DC’s identification and NGO identification of PAPs. Basically DC is not the part of resettlement. Relating ID cards, earlier activities will give better result. As discussed above, due to legal cause DC’s CCL payment takes time. Without DC’s identification of PAPs, making ID card is not possible. If earlier payment can be ensured by DC ID cards and subsequent activities will be started earlier. Regarding payment of compensation hand-to-hand payment is not possible. In present system confirming legal documents of affected persons, a cross-cheque will be issued in favor of APs. Cash money may be lost, snatched or will be consumed by the poor APs, it is proved in earlier project. So, account payee cheque for compensation is a safety for the APs. Same situation is also applicable in case of training and micro-credit. The APs who are not directly depends on DC’s payment for identification. All the resettlement activities will be started earlier. Finally it can be suggested; if possible; all resettlement activities for income restoration will be started earlier and should be completed before the construction of civil work. RP implementation is very important in case of resettlement. Without proper RP implementation smooth work of the project will not be completed. That is why a time bound RP implementation is needed. As here a small proportion of people are affected, six months resettlement work is suggested. An experienced Non Government Organization will do the job. The starting of NGO activity will be from the serving of Section–3 notice from the DC office up to six month. GTCL will safeguard the interest of the affected persons before deploying NGO. On the other hand at the implementation period, GTCL and concerned NGO will verify the necessity of the income generating training. The cost will be from the project fund for major income loser due to the project. Care is to be confirmed that no affected persons will be shifted at least without paying transfer grant especially for business and structure loser and crop loser without providing income restoration grant. The EA for the project is the Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL). A Project Management Office (PMO) is responsible for processing, coordinating, and supervising all such projects. The PMO through its RU will have overall coordination, planning implementation, management and monitoring and financing responsibilities for the RP. The EA will ensure that key institutions including the local government are involved in RP implementation. Further, experienced NGOs will be hired for RP implementation with clearly defined tasks, including training and community-based social development programs as appropriate.

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Figure-6.3 : Activities Schedule for RP Implementation Figure-6.3: Activities Schedule for RP Implementation







































1.0 Pre-Implementation:

1.1 Preparation of detailed design

1.2 Land Acquisition Activities

1.3 Setup RU of GTCL

1.4 Strengthening and recruitment for RU

1.5 Fund placing to DC

1.6 DC's CCL Payment

2.0 Implementation Period

2.1 NGO recruitment

2.2 Information Campaign

2.3 PAPS identification

2.4 Relocation of PAPS

2.5 Issuance of ID card

2.6 Payment & grants

2.7 Mid tern evaluation

2.8 Training program

2.9 Micro-credit etc.

2.10 Internal monitoring (CMIS)

3.0 Post Implementation

3.1 Final report Internal

3.2 Post evaluation activities

4.0 Construction

4.1 Tender processing and selection of contructor

4.2 Construction

5.0 External Evualation

Activities 20082005 2006 2007

Resettlement Plan of Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Transmission Pipeline Project



7.1 Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring & Evaluation is an important task for measuring the periodic progress of activities under resettlement program. This helps to identify the constrains/bottlenecks in the progress as well as to determine remedial measures. Resettlement being a complex nature of task needs development and establishment of Computerized Management Information System (CMIS). The main objective of the CMIS is to provide the management of the project with an efficient tool for better planning and control of different project tasks. The major input in to the system will be:

• Affected household data • Land acquisition data • Data on losses • Resettlement entitlement and delivery data • Resettlement monitoring and evaluation data • Other management related data • Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) are critical for ensuring effective

implementation of the RP and achievement of the set targets. Resettlement monitoring is a continuous process of data collection, dialogue with the various stakeholders, analysis and reporting and feedback to management to enable timely adjustment of implementation procedures and entitlements, if required.

• The monitoring will commence with the commencement of the Project implementation and shall continue throughout the implementation of the Project.

• A format for resettlement implementation monitoring has been devised for monthly monitoring and data collection by field officials (Table-7.1). GTCL will prepare a post-resettlement evaluation report at the end of the Project activity. The report should provide evidence whether adverse effects of the project have been mitigated adequately or at least pre-project standard of living and income have been restored as a result of the RP.

Some monitoring indicators are given below. This will be proper guideline for implementation and monitoring of RP. The GRC, implementing agency, GTCL RU and Accounts section will develop standard reporting formats will be submitted on a monthly basis highlighting constraints and suggestion for implementing of RP. GTCL RU will arrange monthly review meeting with assistance of implementing agency for identifying the problems and proper suggestions will be given to the implementing NGO and minutes will be sent to the concerned persons and higher authority. For smooth implementation of the affected person’s problem GRC will have a direct contact with the field. He will make monthly report for higher authority and will suggest the higher authority for both IA and GTCL.

Resettlement Plan of Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Transmission Pipeline Project


The NGO/agencies executing by the program will monitor APs participating in the vocational training and other economic rehabilitation program. Records will be kept of attendance and maintenance paid. Post resettlement socio economic survey for evaluation will be carried out in the beginning of 2007and TOR will be developed by a resettlement expert engaged by the GTCL. The survey document will be the final project document. Computerized Management Monitoring System will be developed by the implementing NGO and will be supplied to the GTCL and implementing NGO and GTCL will preserve data. 7.2 Internal and External Monitoring Implementation of the RP will be monitored regularly. A Computerized Management Information System (CMIS) will be established to provide: Integrity of data records, better planning and decision making, improved resettlement services, problem detection on resettlement issues, and project expenses and implementation within limits and schedules. The CMIS will provide: household files for APs containing losses and entitlement, scheduled monitoring reports, progress reports, and financial reports. The PMO will establish a quarterly monitoring system involving staff of the IAs and implementing NGO staff. The PMO will prepare progress reports on all aspects of land acquisition and resettlement activities. The report contains progress made in RP implementation with particular attention to compliance with the principles and matrix set out in the plan. Independent audit teams/monitoring agency/experts will be hired by the GTCL with ADB concurrence to carry out external monitoring of the resettlement operations. The External monitor’s report should be submitted simultaneously to the GTCL and ADB. The monitoring consultant will be selected within three months of loan approval. Monitoring will be carried out every year during project implementation. For efficient implementation and management of the RP, some review work is needed. This will be internal and external. The authority will produce monthly and quarterly report for monitoring the progress. From out side GTCL will engage efficient consultant for total review of the project after the implementation period. At the same time ADB and other stakeholders may arrange separate study to monitor the implementation of RP. A mid term internal evaluation is suggested for the affected person at the implementation period. Table-7.1: Monthly Progress Report Format for Resettlement Monitoring

Component Unit Total

Completed %

Cumulative Achievement Completed

Progress During

Reporting Month

Status & Remarks

1. Resettlement Preparation: Identification of APs, Group meeting with APs, Distribution of compensation for structures compensation for crop/tree

2. Payment of Compensation: Land:

Resettlement Plan of Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Transmission Pipeline Project


Component Unit Total

Completed %

Cumulative Achievement Completed

Progress During

Reporting Month

Status & Remarks

(agriculture/homestead) Compensation for structures Compensation for crop/tree

3. Relocation/Income: Restoration Activity Relocation of Households

Payment of transfer grant Income restoration grant

7.3 Conclusion As per resettlement guidelines, any involuntary resettlement should have all viable scope in compensating the project-affected persons. Displaced persons should be i) compensated for their losses ii) assisted with the move iii) assisted in their efforts to improve their socio economic condition. In fact, all problems should be solved amicably and from resettlement viewpoint. So, the sufferer should be given all supports in regaining their previous socio economic condition as early as possible. With a view to mitigating the adverse impact of the land acquisition according to the ADB’s safeguard requirements of the project affected persons GTCL, has to include resettlement component in the project designs. It is observed from the field response data that the possible project affected persons (PAP’s) and the general public depicted very positive views towards the gas sector development of the country in general and execution of this particular project along their localities in particular. The stakeholders and the affected groups have participated in the field assessment and consultation process with best of their co-operation. It is recognized that land is alternative sources of income, so through skill training, housing, infrastructure and other compensation should be provided, wherever applicable, to the project affected persons (PAPs) who had usufruct or customary right to the land or other resources of the project. Accordingly, it has been presumed that all components of the project such as location, alignment, layout etc. of the pipeline, the effects on the homestead, agricultural land and other social factors shall be taken into account during planning and design stage of the project. Similarly the policy matrix would make the entitlement more precise and include operational aspects such as implementation issues and actors. Monitoring and evaluation is an important task for measuring the periodic progress of activities under resettlement program. This helps to identify the constraints in the progress as well as determine remedial measure. Resettlement being a complex task needs development and establishment of computerized management information system (CMIS). The CMIS will provide information for better planning and proper decision-making on resettlement issues. If a single RU is established for 2 concurrent & adjacent projects for example, West Bank of Jamuna Bridge-Nalka, Hatikumrul-Bonpara-Ishwardi-Bheramara (101 km) and this Bonpara-Rajshahi (50Km) gas transmission pipeline project, such single unit may

Resettlement Plan of Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Transmission Pipeline Project


reduce the overhead cost to the extent of 20%-25% of administrative cost thereby and the budget for same will be recasted accordingly.

Annex 1


f~wg gš¿Yvjq

¯’vei m¤úwË AwaMÖnY g¨vby‡qj


Annex 1


`ywU K_v AwaMÖnY msµvš— Aa¨v‡`k, wewagvjv Ges wewfbœ `¶

............................... †_‡K ¯’vei m¤úwË AwaMÖnY g¨vby‡qj cÖKvkbvi †h c`‡¶c .............................. cÖksmbxq| G D‡`¨vM‡K Avwg ¯^vMZ RvbvB

2. GK_v ejvi A‡c¶v iv‡Lbv †h, RvZxq Dbœqb Kg©Kv‡Û m¤úwË AwaMÖnY Ab¨Zg ¸i“Z¡c~Y GKUv K_v| h_vmg‡q f~wg cÖvwß Dbœqb Kg©KvÛ myôz ev¯—evq‡b AZ¨š— mnvqK f~wgKv cvjb K‡i _v‡K| wKš‘ m¤úwË AwaMÖnY Aa¨v‡`‡k †m me wewa weavb cÖPwjZ wQj Zv‡Z `xN©m~wµZvi AeKvk _vKvq Zv AbymiYµ‡g AwaMÖnY KvR m¤úbœ K‡i cÖ‡qvRbxq f~wg cÖvwß wbwðZ Ki‡Z cvq †¶‡ÎB wejw¤^Z n‡q‡Q Ges Gi d‡j Dbœqb Kg©KvÛ A‡bK‡¶‡ÎB e¨nZ n‡q‡Q| ¯^fveZB m¤úwË AwaMÖn‡Y `xN©m~wÎZv Avgv‡`i gZ Dbœqbkxj †`‡ki Rb¨ †Kvb µ‡gB Kvg¨ n‡Z cv‡i bv| G ms‡kva‡bi gva¨‡g m¤úwË AwaMÖnY Aa¨v‡`k‡K mg‡qvc‡hvMx I ev¯—eg~Lx Kiv n‡q‡Q| d‡j m¤úwË AwaMÖn‡Y .............. AeKvk wQj Zvi Aemvb&µ‡g AwaMÖnY Kvhµg Z¡ivwš^Z KiY wbwðZ Kiv n‡q‡Q| ZvQvov AwaMªn‡Yi d‡j ¶wZMÖ¯— gvwjK Ges eM©v`viMY hv‡Z h_vmg‡q h‡_vchy³ ¶wZc~iY †c‡Z cv‡ib ZvI wbwðZ Kiv n‡q‡Q|

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AvjnvR¡ iv‡k` †gvkvid

cÖwZgš¿x f~wg gš¿Yvjq


Annex 1



(Ordinance No. II of 1982)

(13th March, 1982) An Ordinance to consolidate and amend the law relating in acquisition and requisition of immovable property. Where it is expedient to consolidate and amend the law relating to acquisition and requisition of immovable property and to provide for matters connected therewith and ancillary thereto: Now, therefore, in pursuance of the proclamation of the twenty fourth day of March, 1982 and in exercise of all powers enabling him in that behalf, the Chief Martial Law Administrator is pleased to make and promulgate the following Ordinance: PART I Preliminary 1. Short title : This Ordinance may be called the Acquisition and Requisition of

Immovable Property Ordinance, 1982.

2. Definitions : In this Ordinance, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context, —

(a) “Arbitrator” means an Arbitrator appointed under section 27; (b) “Deputy Commissioner” includes an additional Deputy Commissioner and any

other officer authorized by the Deputy Commissioner to exercise any power conferred, or to perform any duty imposed, on the Deputy Commissioner by or under this Ordinance : (Substituted by Ordinance no XL of 1984)

(c) “Owner” Includes the Occupier. (d) “Person interested” in relation to any property includes all persons claiming or

entitled to claim an interest in the compensation payable on account of the acquisition or requisition of that property under this Ordinance:

(e) “Prescribed” means prescribed by rules made under this Ordinance: (f) “Property” means immovable property and includes any right in or over such

property: and (g) “Requiring person” means any person for whom any Property is, or is

proposed to be, acquired under this Ordinance. PART II Acquisition 3. Publication of preliminary notice of acquisition of property : Whenever it

appears to the Deputy Commissioner that any property in any locality is needed or is likely to be needed for any public purpose or in the public interest, he shall cause a notice to he published at convenient places on or near the property in the prescribed form and manner stating that the property is proposal to be acquired;

Provided that no property used by the public for the purpose of religious worship,

Annex 1


graveyard and cremation ground shall be acquired. 4. Objection against acquisition: (1) Any person interested in any property which

has been notified under section 3 as being needed or likely to be needed for a public purpose or in the public interest may, within fifteen days after the publication of the notice, object to the acquisition of the property.

(2) Every objection under sub-section (1) shall be made to the Deputy

Commissioner in writing, and the Deputy Commissioner shall, give the objector an opportunity of being heard either in person or by an agent and shall after hearing all such objections and after making such further enquiries, if any, as he thinks necessary, prepare a report within thirty days following the expiry of the period specified under sub-section (1) containing his opinion on the objections (Amended by Act XX of 1994)

(3) The Deputy Commissioner shall then:

(a) If the property exceeds fifty standard bighas of land, submit the record of the proceedings held by him, together with his report for the decision of the Government ; and

(b) If the property does not exceed fifty standard bighas of land, submit the

record of the proceedings held by him, together with his report, for the decision of the Divisional Commissioner: (Amended by Ord. No. XV of 1983. Ord. No. XXX of 1983 and Act No. XX of 1994).

Provided that if no objection is raised within the period specified in sub section (1),

the Deputy Commissioner shall, instead of submitting the records of proceedings to the Divisional Commissioner, make a decision within ten days of the expiry of the aforesaid period or within such further period but not exceeding thirty days, as the Divisional Commissioner permits oil the request of the Deputy Commissioner in writing, about the acquisition of the property and such decision of the Deputy Commissioner shall be final. (Amended by Ord. XXX of 1983 and Act No. XX of 1994).

5. Final Decision regarding acquisition : (1) The Government, or as the case may

be, the Divisional Commissioner, after considering the report submitted by the Deputy Commissioner under section 4 (3) shall make a decision about the acquisition of the property and such decision of the Government, or. as the case may be, the Divisional Commissioner shall be final (Amended by Ord. No. XV of 1983).

Provided that — (a) Where the decision is to be made by the Divisional Commissioner, it shall be

made within fifteen days from the date of submission of the report, or within such further time but not exceeding one month, as he may think fit for reasons to be recorded by him in this behalf : (Amended by Act XX of 1994).

(b) Where decision is to be made by the Government. it shall be made within a period not exceeding ninety days from the date of submission of the report. (Amended by Act. XX of 1994).

Annex 1


(2) When the Government, the Divisional Commissioner or the Deputy

Commissioner, as the case may be makes a decision for acquisition of the property under sub-section (1) of the provision to section 4 (3) (b) as time case many be, such decision shall be conclusive evidence that the property is needed for a public purpose or in the public interest. (Sub. by Ord. XXX of 1983).

6. Notice to persons interested : (1) ‘When the Government, tire Divisional

Commissioner or the Deputy commissioner, as the ease may be, has made a decision for acquisition of any property under section 5 or the proviso to section 4 (3) (b), as the ease may be, the Deputy Commissioner shall cause public notice to be given in the prescribed manner at convenient places on or near such property stating that the Government, the Divisional Commissioner or the Deputy Commissioner, as the case may be, has decided to acquire the property and intends to take possession thereof and that claims to compensation for all interests in such property may be made to him (Amended by Ord. XXX of 1983).

(2) such notice shall state the particulars of the property to be acquired and

taken possession of and shall require all persons interested in the property to appear personally or by agent before the Deputy Commissioner at a time, not being earlier than fifteen days after the date of publication of the notice, amid place mentioned therein and to state the nature of their respective interests in the property and the amount and particulars of their claims to compensation for such interests.

(3) The Deputy Commissioner shall also serve notice to the same effect in the prescribed form on the occupier. If any of such property and on all person known or believed to be interested therein.

(4) The Deputy Commissioner may also, by notice, require any such person to

make or deliver to him at a time, not being earlier than fifteen days after the date of service of the notice, and place mentioned therein a statement containing, so far as may be practicable the name of every other person possessing any interest in the property or any part thereof as co-sharer mortgagee or otherwise, and e the nature of such interest and profits. If any, received or receivable on account thereof.

(5) Every person required to make or deliver a statement under this section shall

be deemed to be legally bound to do so within the meaning of sections 175 and 176 of the penal Code (XLV of 1960).

7. Award of Compensation by Deputy Commissioner:

(1) On the date so fixed, or on any other date to which the enquiry has been adjourned, the Deputy Commissioner shall proceed to enquire into the statement, if any, which the person has made pursuant to a notice given under section 6 and into the value of the property at the date of the publication of the notice under section 3 and into the respective interest, of the persons claiming the compensation and shall make an award of :

(a) The compensation which, in his opinion shall be allowed for the pro-

Annex 1


perty : and (b) The apportionment of the said compensation among all the persons

known or believed to be interested in the property, of whom, or of whose claims, he has information.

(2) The award made by tire Deputy Commissioner shall, except hereinafter

provided, be final.

(3) The Deputy Commissioner shall, within seven days from the date of making award of compensation: (a) give notice of his award to the person interested; (b) send the estimate of the award of compensation to the requiring

person. (Amended by Act. No. XX of 1994).

(4) The requiring person shall deposit the estimated amount of tire award of compensation with the Commissioner in the prescribed manner within sixty days from the date of receipt of the estimate. (Amended by Act. XX of 1994).

8. Matters to be considered in determining Compensation : (1) In determining the

amount of compensation to be awarded for any property to be acquired under this part, the Deputy Commissioner shall take into consideration—

(a) The market value of the property at the date of publication of the notice under

section 3 :

Provided that in determining such market value, the Deputy Commissioner shall take into account the average value, to be calculated in the prescribed manner, of the properties of similar description and with similar advantages in the vicinity during the twelve months preceding the date of publication of the notice under Section 3; (b) The damage that may be sustained by the person interested, by reason of

the taking of any standing crops or trees which may be on time property at the time of taking possession thereof by the Deputy Commissioner;

(c) The damage that may be sustained by t lie person interested, at the time of

taking possession of the property by the Deputy Commissioner, by reason of severing such property from his other property;

(d) The damage that may be sustained by the person interested, at the time of

taking possession of the property by the Deputy Commissioner, by reason of the acquisition injuriously affecting his other properties, movable or immovable, in any other manner, or his earnings;

(e) If in consequence of the acquisition of the property, the person interested is

likely to be compelled to change his residence or place of business, the reasonable expenses if any, incidental to such change; and

(f) The damage that may be resulting from diminution of the profits of tire

property between tire date of service of notice under secttion-6 and the date

Annex 1


of taking possession of the property by the Deputy commissioner; (2) In addition to the market value of the property as provided in sub-section (1).

the Deputy Commissioner shall in every case award a sum of “fifty per cent” on such market value in consideration of the compulsory nature of the acquisition (Amended by Ord. VIII of 1993).

9. Matters not to be considered in determining compensation : In determining the

amount of compensation to be awarded for any property to be acquired under this part, the Deputy Commissioner shall not take Into consideration: (a) The degree of urgency, which has led to the acquisition; (b) any disinclination of the person interested to part with the property to be

acquired; (c) any damage that may be sustained by him which, if caused by a private

person, would not render such person liable to a suit; (d) any damage which is likely to be caused to the property to be acquired, after

the date of service of notice under section 6. by or in consequence of the use to which it will be put;

(e) any increase to the value of the property to be acquired likely to accrue from the use to which it will be put when acquired; or

(f) any alteration or improvement in or disposal of the property to be acquired, made or effected without the sanction of the Deputy Commissioner after the date of publication of the notice under section 3.

10. Payment of compensation : (1) On making an award under section 7, the Deputy

Commissioner shall, before taking possession of the property, tender payment of the compensation awarded by him to the persons entitled there to according to the award, and shall, unless prevented by some one or more of the contingencies mentioned in sub-section (2), pay it to them within sixty days front the date of deposit by the requiring person of the estimated amount of compensation under section 7(3). (Amended by Act No. XX of 1994).

(2) If the persons entitled to compensation do not consent to receive it, or if there

be no person competent to receive the compensation or if there be any dispute as to the title to receive the compensation or as to the apportionment of it, the Deputy Commissioner shall keep the amount of the compensation in a deposit account in the Public Account of the Republic which shall be deemed payment for the purpose of taking over possession of the property without any prejudice to the claim of the parties to be determined by the Arbitrator:

Provided that any person admitted to be interested may receive such payment

under protest as to the sufficiency of the amount: Provided further that no person who has received the amount otherwise than

under protest shall be entitled to make any application under section 28:

Provided further that nothing herein contained shall affect the liability of any person, who may receive the whole or any part of any compensation awarded under this part, to pay the same to the person lawfully entitled thereto.

Annex 1


10.A. Payment of compensation to bargadar: Notwithstanding any thing contained in this Ordinance, when the property acquired under this part contains standing crops cultivated by bargadar, such portion of the compensation as may be determined by the Deputy Commissioner for the crops shall be paid to the bargader in cash.

Explanation - In this section “bargadar” means a person who under the system

general known as addhi, barga or bhag cultivates the land of another person on condition of delivering a share of produce of such land to that person. (Amended by Act—XX of 1994).

11. Acquisition and possession: (1) When the compensation mentioned in the

award has been paid or is deemed to have been paid in pursuance of section 10, the property shall stand acquired and vest absolutely in the Government free from all encumbrances, and the Deputy Commissioner shall thereupon take possession of the property. (2) Immediately after the acquisition of the property under subsection (1), a

declaration by the Deputy Commissioner in the prescribed form to that effect shall be published in the official gazette.

12. Abatement or revocation of Proceedings:

(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Ordinance where in any ease the

estimated amount of the award of compensation has not been deposited by the requiring person for acquisition of any property under section 5 within the period specified in section 7(4), all proceedings in respect of such acquisition shall, on the expiry of that period, stand abated and a declaration by the Deputy Commissioner to that effect shall be published in the Official Gazette.

(2) The Deputy Commissioner nay, with the prior approval of the Government, by

notification in the Official Gazette, revoke all proceedings in respect of acquisition of any property at any time before the payment of compensation. (Amended by Act No. XX of 1994).

(3) When any proceedings stand abated or are revoked, the Deputy

Commissioner shall make an award determining the amount of compensation due for the damage suffered by the owner in consequence of the notice or of any proceedings there under and the costs reasonably incurred by him in the prosecution of the proceeding under this part relating to the said property and shall pay the compensation accordingly.

13. Acquisition of part of a house or buildings : The provisions of this part shall

not, be applied for the purpose of acquiring a part only of any house, manufactory of other building, if the owner desires that the whole of such house, manufactory or building should be so acquired; Provided that the owner may at any time, before the Deputy Commissioner has made his award under Section 7, by notice in writing withdraw or modify his expressed desire that the whole of such house, manufactory or building should be so acquired. Provided further that, if any question arises as to whether any property proposed

Annex 1


to be taken under this part does or does not form part of a house, manufactory or building within the meaning of this section the decision of the Deputy Commissioner shall be final.

14. Acquisition of property at the cost of a person other than the Government ;

Where the provisions of this part are applied for acquiring any property at the cost of any fund controlled managed by a person other than the Government, the charges of an incidental to such acquisition shall be defrayed from or by such fund or person.

15. Transfer of acquired land to the requiring person other than the Government: (1) When any property is proposed to be acquired for any person other than the Government, such person shall enter into an agreement with time “Government in such form as may be prescribed before a notice under section 3 is published. (2) When the property in respect of which an agreement has been entered into

with a person under sub-section (1) is acquired under section II the Government shall, on the performance by such person of his part of the agreement, transfer the property to the person by executing a deed in such form as may be prescribed and in accordance with the law for the time being in force.

16. Recovery of compensation in certain cases : When any compensation paid in

excess of the amount payable or when any compensation is paid to a person other than the rightful owner, the amount of such excess or wrong payment shall be recoverable as a public demand.

17. Use of acquired property : (1) No Property acquired under this part shall, without

the prior approval of the Government, be used for any purpose other than the purpose for which it is acquired.

(2) if any requiring person uses any acquired property in contravention of provision

of the sub-section (1) or does not use it for the purpose for which it is acquired, he shall be liable to surrender the property to the Deputy Commissioner on being directed by him to do so.

PART - III Requisition 18. Requisition of property: (1) When any property is required temporary for a public

purpose or in the public interest, the Deputy Commissioner may, which prior approval of the Government, by order in whiting. requisition it;

Provided that no such approval shall be necessary hum time case of emergency requirement of any property;

Provided further that save in the case of emergency requirement for the purpose of maintenance of transport or communication system, no property which is bonafide used by the owner thereof as the residence of himself or his family or which is used either for religious worship by the public or as an educational

Annex 1


institution or orphanage or as a hospital, public library, graveyard or cremation ground shall be requisitioned.

(2) Where an order made under sub-section (1) has been served, the Deputy

commissioner may take possession of the requisitioned property— (a) In the case of emergency requirement for the purpose of maintenance of

transport of communication system, at any time of time date of service of the order.

(b) In any other case, after the tire expiry of thirty days from the date of service of

the order and may use the property for the purpose for which It has been requisitioned.

19. Revision : The Government may, of its own motion or on application filed by

aggrieved person, revise any order made under section 18 (1). Provided that no such application shall be entertained unless it is tiled within thirty days from the date of service of the order

20. Award of compensation by the Deputy Commissioner: (1) Where any property

is requisitioned under this part, there shall be paid compensation the amount of which shall be determined in the manner and in accordance with the principles set out in this section. (2) The Deputy Commissioner shall, after giving the persons interested an

opportunity of being heard in respect of their respective interests in the property and the amount and particulars of their claims to compensation for such interests and having regard to the provisions of sub-section (5), make an award of —

(a) the compensation in the manner as may be prescribed; and (b) the apportionment of the said compensation among all the persons

known or believed to be interested in the property, of whom, or of whose claims, he has information.

(3) The award made by the Deputy Commissioner shall, except as here in after

provided, be final. (4) The Deputy Commissioner shall give immediate notice of his award to the

persons interested. (5) The amount of compensation payable for the requisition of any property shall

consist of — (a) a recurring payment, in respect of the period of requisition, of a sum equal

to the rent which would have been payable for the use and occupation of the property. If it had been taken on lease for that period; and

(b) Such sum, if any, as may be found necessary to compensate the persons

Annex 1


interested for all or any of the following matters, namely;- (i) Expenses on account of vacating the requisitioned property: (ii) Expenses on account of reoccupying the property upon release from

requisition, and (iii) damages, other titan normal wear and tear, paused to the property

during the period of requisition, including the expenses that may have to be incurred for restoring the property to the condition in which it was at the time of requisition.

(6) Where any property is kept under requisition for more than two years the

Deputy Commissioner shall revise his award regarding the amount payable as compensation under sub-section 5(a).

21. Payment of compensation: (1) On making an award under section 20, the

Deputy Commissioner shall tender payment of the compensation awarded by him to the persons entitled thereto according to the award and shall pay it to them unless presented by someone or more of the contingencies mentioned in sub-section (2).

(2) If the persons entitled to compensation do not consent to receive it, or if there

be no person competent to receive the compensation, of if there be any dispute as to the title to receive the compensation or as to the apportionment of it, the Deputy commissioner shall keep the amount of the compensation in a deposit account in the Public Account of the Republic which shall be deemed payment of the compensation for the requisitioned property without any prejudice to the claim of the parties to be determined by the Arbitrator;

Provided that any person admitted to be Interested may receive such payment under protest as to the sufficiency of the amount;

Provided further that no person who has received the amount otherwise than under protest shall be entitled to make any application under section 28;

Provided further that nothing herein contained shall affect time liability of any person, who may receive the whole or any part of any compensation awarded under this part, to pay the same to the person lawfully entitled thereto.

22. Recovery of money from allotees of requisitioned Property : Where any requisitioned property is allotted to, and placed in possession of any person, the Deputy Commissioner may recover from such person such amount of money and in such manner as may be prescribed.

23. Repair of requisitioned property: (1) During the period of requisition, the Deputy

Commissioner shall be responsible for the proper maintenance of a requisitioned property.

(2) if the Deputy Commissioner is satisfied that repairs are necessary to prevent

deterioration of the property, he may, after giving the owner an opportunity of making the repairs himself, cause the repairs to be made at a cost not exceeding one-sixth of the compensation payable to the owner and such cost

Annex 1


shall be recovered out of such compensation. 24. Release from requisition : (1) Where any requisitioned property is to be released

from the requisition, the Deputy Commissioner may restore it to the person from whom the property was requisitioned or to his successor-in-interest or to such other person as may appear to the Deputy Commissioner to be entitled to such restoration.

(2) The delivery of possession of the requisitioned property to the person referred

to km sub-section (1) shall be a full discharge of the Deputy Commissioner to in sub-section (1) shall be a full discharge of the Deputy Commissioner from all liability in respect of such delivery, but shall not prejudice any right in respect of the property which any other person may be entitled by the process of law in enforce against the person to whom possession of the property is so delivered.

Provided that when the requisitioned property is to be restored on release from requisition willfully neglects or refuse to take delivery of the requisitioned property on being directed in writing to take possession of such requisitioned property by the Deputy Commissioner, such requisitioned property shall be deemed to have been restored to such person within the meaning of this sub-section with effect from the date and time specified in the aforesaid direction. (3) Where the person to whom possession of any requisitioned property is to be

delivered cannot be found and has no agent or other person empowered to accept delivery on his behalf, the Deputy Commissioner shall cause a notice declaring that the property is released from requisition to be affixed on some conspicuous part of the property and shall also publish the notice in the official Gazette.

(4) When a notice referred to in sub-section (3) is published him the official

gazette, the property specified in such notice shall cease to be subject to requisition from the date of such publication and be deemed to have been delivered to the person entitled to possession thereof, and the Deputy Commissioner shall not be liable for any compensation or other claim in respect of the property for any period alter the said date.

25. Eviction of allotees : Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the

time being in force, If any property under requisition, which has been allotted to any person or is in unauthorized occupation of any person, is required by the deputy commissioner for any other use or purpose during time period of requisition or for restoring the property under section 24 on its release from requisition, or if the allottee of such property has defaulted in payment of any sum due from him in respect of such property, the Deputy Commissioner may, at any time by order in writing, direct such person or allotted to vacate time property by such date as may be specified in such order, and if such person or allottee does not vacate the property by the date so specified, the Deputy Commissioner may evict such person or allottee does not vacate the property by the date so specified, the Deputy Commissioner may evict such person or allottee from such property and may use cause to be used such force for the purpose as may be necessary.

26. Part not to apply to cantonment : Nothing in this part shall apply to any property

Annex 1


within the limits of a cantonment. PART-IV Arbitration 27. Appointment of arbitrator : For the purposes of this ordinance the Government

shall by notification in the official Gazette, appoint mm Judicial Officer, no below the rank of Subordinate Judge, to be Arbitrator for such area as may be specified therein. (For substitution See Ord. No. XV of 1983).

28. Application to Arbitrator : (1) Any person interested who has not accepted any

award made by the Deputy Commissioner under this Act may, within forty-five days from the date of service of notice of the award, make an application to the Arbitrator for revision of the award. (2) The application shall state the grounds on which objection to tine award is

taken. (3) The requiring person shall be made a necessary party in the application

made under Sub-section (1), along with the Deputy Commissioner (Amended by Act. No. XX of 1994).

29. Notice for hearing : The Arbitrator shall on receipt of an application under

Section 28, cause a notice specifying the date on which he will proceed to hear the application, and directing their appearance before him on that day, to be served on the following persons, namely:-

(a) the applicant; (b) all persons interested in the objection

(c) the Deputy Commissioner; and (d) the requiring person.

30. Scope of proceedings : The scope of the enquiry in every proceedings before

the Arbitrator shall be restricted to a consideration of the interests of the persons affected by the objection.

31. Arbitrator to be guided by sections 8. 9 and 20 : In determining the amount of

compensation to be awarded for any property acquired or requisitioned under this Act, time Arbitrator shall he guided by time provisions of section 8 and 9 or 20, as the case may be; Provided that the compensation determined by the Arbitrator in respect of each owner shall not exceed the amount specified in the award of the Deputy Commissioner by more than ten per centum (Amended by Act No920 of 1994).

32. Form of award of Arbitrator : (1) Every award under this part shall he in writing signed by the Arbitrator and shall specify the amounts awarded under different clauses of section 8(1) of section 20(5), as the case may be, together wit in the grounds of awarding each of the said amounts.

(2) Where the amount of compensation determined by an Arbitrator is higher than

Annex 1


the amount specified in the award of the Deputy Commissioner, an additional compensation at the rate of ten percent per annum on such additional amount shall, subject to the decision of an Appellate Arbitration Tribunal, if any, be payable till that amount is paid or offered for payment

(3) Every such award shall be deemed to be a decree and statement of the

grounds of every such award a judgment within the meaning of section 2(2) and section 2(9) respectively of the code of Civil Procedure, 1908(v of 1908).

33. Costs : Every such award shall also state time amount of costs incurred in the

proceedings under this part, and by what persons and in what proportions they are to be paid.

34. Appeal against the award of Arbitrator : (1) An appeal shah lie to hue

Arbitration Appellate Tribunal, constituted under sub-section (2) against an award of the Arbitrator.

(2) The Government shall, by notification in the official gazette, constitute one or

more Arbitration appellate Tribunals for such areas as may he specified therein.

(3) An Arbitration Appellate Tribunal shall consist of a member who shall he

appointed by the Government from among persons who are or have been District Judges.

(4) A decision of the Arbitration Appellate Tribunal shall be final.

(5) Where tire amount of compensation determined by an arbitration Appellate

Tribunal is higher than the amount specified in the award of the Arbitrator, an additional compensation at the rate of ten percent per annum on such additional amount shall be payable till that amount is paid or offered for payment:

Provided that the compensation determined by the Arbitration Appellate Tribunal in respect of each land Owner shall not exceed the amount specified in the award of the Arbitrator by more than ten per centum. 34.A. Payment of additional compensation. Where additional compensation is required to be paid in pursuance of an award under this part, such compensation shall be paid to the persons entitled thereto immediately after time said additional amount is deposited by the requiring person with the Deputy Commissioner: Provided that the requiring person shall deposit the additional amount with the Deputy Commissioner within one month from the date of receipt of notice in this behalf from the Deputy Commissioner: Provided further that the Deputy commissioner shall send the notice to deposit the amount of additional compensation within one month from the date of the award of the Arbitrator or, as the case may be, decision of the Arbitration Appellate Tribunal (Amended by Act, 20 1994).

Annex 1


35. Act z of 1940 not apply : Nothing in the Arbitration Act 1940 (x of 1940) shall apply to arbitrations under this part.

PART-V Miscellaneous 36. Deputy Commissioner and Arbitrator to have certain powers of civil Court :

The Deputy Commissioner and the Arbitrator while holding any enquiry or proceedings under this Act, shall have the same powers as are vested in a Civil Court under the code of Civil procedure, 1908 (V of 1908), for the purpose of—

(a) Summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining him

on oath; (b) Compelling the production of any document or record; (c) Reception of evidence on affidavit; (d) Issuing commission for examination of witnesses; (e) Requisitioning any public record from any court or office.

37. Power to enter and inspect : (1) With a view to acquiring or requisitioning any

property or determining the compensation payable in respect thereof or securing compliance with an order made under this Ordinance, the Deputy Commissioner or any Officer, generally or specially authorized by tine Deputy Commissioner in this behalf, and any of the assistants and workmen may- (a) enter upon survey and take levels of any property; (b) inspect any property or anything therein (e) measure and set out the boundaries and prepare a plan of any property and

the intended line of the work, if any, proposed to be made thereon. (d) make such levels, boundaries and line by placing marks and cutting trenches,

and where otherwise the survey can not be completed amid the levels taken and the boundaries and line marked, cut down and clear away any part of any standing crop, tree or jungle;

Provided that no person shall enter upon any property without the consent of the occupier thereof unless at least twenty-four hours previous notice in writing of his intention to do so has been given.

(2). The Deputy Commissioner or the officer authorized by him under sub-section

(1) shall, at the time of entry upon any property, pay or tender payment for all necessary damage to be done in such property, and in case of dispute as to the sufficiency of the amount so paid or tendered, the decision of the Deputy Commissioner shall be final.

38. Power to obtain information : With a view to acquiring or requisitioning any

property or determining the compensation payable in respect thereof, the Deputy Commissioner may, by order in writing, require any person to furnish to such officer or authority, as may be specified in the order, such information In his possession as may be specified relating to any property which is acquired or requisitioned or intended to be acquired or requisitioned under this Ordinance.

39. Service of notices and orders: (1) Save as otherwise expressly provided in this

Annex 1


Ordinance and subject to rules made there under, every notice or order issued or made under this Ordinance shall be served by delivering or tendering it to the person named therein or tendering it to the person named therein or the person on whom it is required to be served under this Ordinance. (2) When such person can not be found or the notice or order can not be so

delivered or tendered, the service of the notice or order may be made by delivering or tendering it to any officer of such person or to any adult male member of the family of such person residing with him or, if no such officer or member can be found, by affixing a copy thereof on the outer door or on some conspicuous part of the premises in which that person ordinarily resides or carries on business or personally works for gain and also by affixing a copy thereof in some conspicuous place in the office of the authority or officer issuing or making it and, where possible, in some conspicuous part of the property to which if relates.

Provided that, if such authority or officer so directs, the notice or order may be sent by registered post in a letter addressed to the person named therein or on whom it is require to be served, at his last known residence, address or place of business or work.

40. Penalty : Any person who contravenes or attempts to contravene of abets or attempts to abet a contravention of any order made under this Ordinance or who willfully obstructs any person in doing any of the acts authorized or permitted under this Ordinance or nay rule made there under shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which any extend to six months or with fine which may extend to one thousand taka, or with both.

41. Enforcement of Surrender: If the Deputy Commissioner is opposed or impeded

in taking possession of any property under this Ordinance, he shall enforce the surrender of any property to himself, and may use or cause to be used such force for the purpose as may be necessary.

42. Exemption from stamp duty and fees : No award made under this Ordinance shall be chargeable with stamp duty, and no person claiming any interest under any such award shall be liable to pay any fee for a copy of the same.

43. Indemnity : No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall lie against any

person for anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done in pursuance of this Ordinance or any order or rule made there under.

44. Bar to Jurisdiction of Court : Save as otherwise expressly provided In this

Ordinance, no court shall entertain any suit or application against any order passed or any action taken under this Ordinance, and no injunction shall he granted by any Court respect of any action taken or to be taken in pursuance of any power conferred by or under this Ordinance.

45. Delegation of Powers : The Government may by order notified in the official

Gazette, direct that any power conferred or any duty imposed on it by this Ordinance shall, in such circumstances and tinder such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the order, be exercised or discharged also by such officer or

Annex 1


authority as may be so specified.

46. Power to make rules : (1) The Government may by notification in the official Gazette, make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Ordinance.

(2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generally of the foregoing power such

rules may provide for all or any of the following matters:

(a) the procedure to be followed in taking possession of any property acquired or requisitioned under this ordinance;

(b) the procedure to be followed by the Arbitrators and the arbitration Appellate Tribunals;

(c) the manner of enforcement of surrender of any property under section 41; (d) any other matter which has to be or may be prescribed.

47. Special savings relating to expired E. B Act XIII of 1948 : Notwithstanding the censer of the Emergency Requisition of Property Act, 1948 (E.B Act XIII of 1948), on the expiry of the period of its operations, all proceedings and matters, including all notices, notifications and orders, relating and matters, including all notices, notifications and orders, relating to requisition or acquisition of any property or compensation or award in respect of any property requisitioned or acquired and all applications and appeals pending before any authority, arbitrator or court under that Act, shall be continued, enforced, heard or disposed or as if that Act had not ceased to have effect and were continuing in operation.

48. Repeals and savings: (1) The Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Act 1 of 1894) is

hereby repealed. (2) Notwithstanding such repeal, all proceedings and matters, including all notices,

notifications and orders relating to requisition or acquisition of any property or compensation or award in respect of any property requisitioned or acquired and all applications and appeals pending before any authority, arbitration or Court under the said Act shall be continued, enforced, heard or disposed of as if this Ordinance had not been made and promulgated.

(3) Subject to the provisions of sub-section(2), the provisions of the General

clauses Act. 1897 (X of 1897), shall apply to the repeal and re-enactment of the said Act by this Ordinance.

Annex 1


THE ACQUISITION OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY RULES, 1982 NO. S.R.O. 172-L/82 : In exercise of the powers conferred by section 46 of the Acquisition and Requisition of Immovable Property Ordinance. 1982 (Il of 1982), the Government is pleased to make the following rules, namely :-

1. Short title: ‘These rules may be called the Acquisition of Immovable Property Rules, 1982.

2. Definitions: In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or

context. (a) “Form” means a Form appended to these rules; (b) “Ordinance” means the Acquisition and Requisition of Immovable

Property Ordinance, 1982 (II of 1982) ; and (c) “Section” means a section of the Ordinance

3. Proceedings for acquisition : There shall be a separate proceeding for each proposal of acquisition under the Ordinance.

4. Notices under section 3, 6 and 7 : (1) The notices under section 3, 6 and 7

shall be in Forms ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ respectively. (2) The notices under sections 3 and 6 shall be affixed at convenient places on or

near the property sought to be acquired, with copies of such notices displayed in the notice Boards of the Collectorate, Office of the Upazilla Revenue Officer, Tahsil Office and Office of the Local Parishad or Paurashava within the local limits of which such property situates.

5. Declaration of acquisition and possession : The declaration regarding

acquisition and possession of property under section 11 shall be made in Form-D.

6. Declaration of abatement and revocation of proceedings : The declaration

of abatement of acquisition proceedings under sub-section (1) section 12 shall be made in Form-E and the notification required to be issued under sub-section (2) of the said section shall be made in Form-F.

7. Transfer of acquired land: (1) When an acquired hand is proposed to he

transferred to any person other than the Government under subsection (1) of section 15, such person shall, subject to sub-rule (2). enter into an agreement with the Government in Form-G.

(2) A deed of transfer in Form H shall be executed for transfer of the property to

any person other than the Government and such person shall be liable to pay stamp-duty and other charges incidental to such execution in accordance with the existing laws for the time being in force.

8. Assessment of compensation : Subject to time provisions of sections 8 and 9,

in determining the compensation, the following matters and circumstances shall also be considered:

Annex 1


(a) the nature and condition of the property; and (b) the prevailing letting value, if any, of similar property in the locality.

(2) In calculating the market value of any property for the purpose of clause (a) of

sub-section (1) of section 8, in the case of land, the average value per acre of land transferred shall be calculated from the total amount of sale figures divided by the total quantity of hand transferred.

(3) In case of acquisition of any building, including pucca or kutcha, the market

value shall be determined keeping in view the cost of construction cost on development of land including approaches and depreciation of building in consultation with public works department.

9. Unutilized Acquired property : Tine Deputy Commissioner will subunit a

statement to the Government annually about the properties acquired for different requiring persons and mode of utilization of the land Such statement shall be submitted by the 15th July of each year.

Annex 2


List of Important Key Informants Consulted and their Comments Suggestion

Date Location Name & Designation Comments Suggestion

27.02.05 Rajshahi Mr. Md. Sirajul Haque Inspector of Explosives Rajshahi Division, Rajshahi

• He would appreciate all information regarding design, construction, testing & commissioning of the pipeline & subsequent maintenance, operations well ahead from the executing agency. In his opinion, this would be the prime requirement for taking appropriate safety and remedial measures. He also stressed on compliance to to all his provisions of gas & mineral safety rules in force & reporting thereof.

27.02.05 Rajshahi Mr. Lutfor Rahman Director, FBCCI & President, CCI Rajshahi

• He assured all possible support and co-operation for fastest possible execution of the project. In this opinion, availability of gas will enhance industrialization in the region and would tremendously benefit the existing and upcoming units. As an example, he cited about the potato processing industries to produce potato flex, the expert oriented one for a competitive place in the world market.

Mr. Nazimuddin DGM, Bangladesh Bank Rajshahi Mr. Golam Mustafa Deputy Manager, Bangladesh Bank Rajshahi Mr. Md. Zahurul Alam Deputy Director, Bangladesh Bank Rajshahi

• The discussion was held in group. In their opinion, gas supply would tremendously benefit the low-income group and for them, any subsidy/discount at the initial stage would be highly appreciated. They also opined that any consumer financing scheme may attract large number of customers in different industrial, commercial and domestic sectors. They also stressed on use of quality material & best workmanship for safe and durable pipeline system and to provide uninterrupted supply to the consumers.

27.02.05 Rajshahi Dr. U.K.F Khairunnessa Medical Officer, Bangladesh Bank Rajshahi

• She is already used to use LPG and presumed that piped gas would be more safe, convenient, economic and environment friendly. She stressed on more alertness and arrangement for prompt action in repairing leakage in the supply network. In reply to question on treatment facilities for construction/operation/accident injury victims, she said, though not so equipped, primary treatment may be provided even for the burn & radiation victims. However, such issues may be looked in to by the respective authorities.

27.02.05 Rajshahi Engr. Shahabuddin XEN, DPHE Rajshahi Division, Rajshahi

• He welcomed the initiative of the proposed gas project but expressed note of caution about the hazard of damaging other utility services and as such, the executing agency should in form DPHE well in advance. In his opinion, except in Chapainawabganj area, arsenic problem is well within the limit of

Annex 2


Date Location Name & Designation Comments Suggestion

0.01-0.02 mg/l. Water supply capacity in Rajshahi is well enough to support the industrial growth consequent to availability of gas and he does not foresee any scarcity even in next 10/15 year

27.02.05 Rajshahi Mr. AKM Rafiqul Islam Additional Commissioner Rajshahi Division, Rajshahi

• He assured all possible support and cooperation from the divisional administration and in factall of them cites dwellers and industrialists are eagerly waiting for gas connection in the city and sub urban area. However, he would like to see that the executing agency would follow all rules, regulations and standards in construction and operation of the gas system in the interest of public safety and well being.

27.02.05 Rajshahi Mr. Serajul Islam Chief Executive Officer Rajshahi City Corporation

• In his Opinion, it is already a commitment to provide gas in the region and the Rajshahi City Corporation would be delighted to coordinate expeditious execution including licensing the gas utilization contractors at the recommendation of the executing agencies and related works. They would also support any community moves of NGOs to help financing the prospective low income group consumers of Gas. He opined that CNG, particularly for all government and autonomous body vehicles would be encouraged which, in turn, would make diesel more available for the irrigation pumps and tubewells.

26.02.05 Natore Mr. Iftekharul Islam Khan ADC, Revenue Natore

• He would offer all out support and co-operation for execution of the project. However, he stressed on efficient & selective use of natural gas & particularly to encourage CNG for all sorts of land & river transports to save for and favoring the environment from use of lead & sulphur prone imported petroleum products. He suggested using and operating machinery & equipment in good condition to avoid undesirable emission and noise during construction activities.

26.02.05 Natore Engr. Golam Kabir XEN, LGED, Natore

• He stressed on least possible damage to LGED built roads & structures during construction of pipeline and informing them well ahead in crossing such roads. He requested for proper reinstatement of the existing roads as well as to take care for the future roads etc. over the pipeline for safety of the public life & property. He also suggested for emergency response plan to meet any eventual accident thereafter.

Annex 2


Date Location Name & Designation Comments Suggestion

26.02.05 Natore Mr. Abdul Hakim Asstt. Station Officer Fire Service & Civil Defence Station Natore

• He opined that no piped gas is available yet in Natore region, they are not so equipped with equipment, transport & chemicals to fight gas related fires & explosions. He suggested a central fire service station at Bonpara which is 20 Km away from Natore. With due approach to higher authorities, he volunteered on fire safety training for the gas authority personnel for the region.

Note (i) : It may be mentioned that while the consultant team was visiting the project area, they had also the opportunity of interviewing the districts authorities & different professionals of Sirajganj, Pabna and Kushtia too, on their way. Considering the value of their suggestions & comments the discussions record of such KII are also placed below.

Date Location Name & Designation Comments Suggestion

26.02.05 Sirajganj Mr. Aminul Bar Chowdhury, Deputy Commissioner, Sirajganj

• He expressed interest about crossings of small rivers, streams and canals along the pipeline route, particularly near the highway bridges and suggested for taking care about the public safety as well as that of pipelines at critical locations.

• He expected that the affect of project activities would be temporary and he would support the executing agency for its expeditions execution in the greater interest of the people and the country.

26.02.05 Sirajganj Engr. Mujibur Rahman XEN, BWDB, Sirajganj

• He opined that Ichamoti and other rivers/streams are not being used for Irrigation but for drainage only and since the project work will be in dry seasons he did not apprehend any problem.

26.02.05 Sirajganj Mr. M. Afazuddin District Training Officer Dept. of Agriculture, Sirajganj Mr. Serajul Haque Jr. Agriculture Officer Sirajganj Mr. Dulal Chandra Ray Upazilla Agriculture Officer, Rayganj, Upazilla, Sirajganj

• During the discussion held in a group, it was presumed that pipeline should be laid & the route is reinstated properly as soon as welding construction is over. They suggested that, since the pipelines would mostly pass through agricultural land the faster is the work, the lesser would be the loss of production of crops. However, the temporary disruption would cause no significant problem for the cultivation.

26.02.05 Sirajganj Mr. Prof. S.M. Moinul Haque (Rtd.) Govt. Michael Madhusudan College, Jessore, Bepari Para, Sirajganj

• He opined that gas is cheap & clean and should be made available to the limited income group at the earliest possible opportunity. He is using gas in Sirajganj for the last 4/5 years and did not see any problem. However, in order to remove any fear of explosion, adequate care in construction & maintenance should be exercised by the authority. He welcomed the Govt. move for initiating the project.

27.02.05 Pabna Mr. Bisnu Podo Podder • He said that they are happy to be using gas

Annex 2


Date Location Name & Designation Comments Suggestion

Associate Cane Breeder, Grade-I, Sugarcane Research Institute

in their institute residential areas. He stressed for emergency response centries in near by locations to save life & property of people. In his opinion provision of single burner for small families and limited income groups would be of much help.

27.02.05 Pabna Begum Afsari Khanam Land Acquisition Officer Pabna

• She expressed her willingness to provide expedious permanent and temporary acquisition process. However, for faster resolving the Resettlement Issues, he waged upon prompt placement of fund by the requiring bodies.

27.02.05 Pabna Mr. Rafiqul Alam Asstt. Engineer Paschimanchal Gas Company Ltd. Pabna

• He observed a good deal of encouragement among the people of Pabna in taking gas connection which has exceeded to 2500 burners as of date, Some commercial & industrial units are also consuming gas now. He predicts similar moves by the other peripheral districts. He assured all possible supports for the proposed project so far as their office is concerned.

27.02.05 Kushtia Md. Azizul Haque Sub-Divisional Engineer, Bheramara Power Station, Kushtia

• They are now generating about 5Z-58 MW on diesel. However, they have provision for duel fuel in the plant. He has learned about setting up of a 450 MW plant based on gas and do not foresee any environmental problem rather presumes than running on gas would be more environment friendly.

Annex 2



Photo-3: Public Consultation at Kazipara Village (14.12.2004)

Photo-2: Public Consultation at Kamardaha Village (16.12.2004)

Photo-1: Public Consultation at Shawruppur Village (14.12.2004)

Annex 2


Photo-4: Consultation with Mr. A.K.M. Rafiqul Islam, Additional

Commissioner, Rajshahi Division, Rajshahi (27.02.2005)

Photo-5: Consultation with Mr. Serajul Islam, Chief Executive

Officer, City Corporation, Rajshahi (27.02.2005)

Photo-6: Consultation with Dr. U.K.F. Khairunnessa, Medical

Officer, Bangladesh Bank, Rajshahi (27.02.2005)

Annex 2


Photo-7: Consultation with Mr. Md. Sirajul Haque, Inspector of

Explosives Rajshahi Division, Rajshahi (27.02.2005)

Photo-9: Consultation with Engr. Golam Kabir, XEN, LGED, Natore


Photo-8: Consultation with Mr. Iftekharul Islam Khan, ADC

Revenue, Natore (26.02.2005)

Annex 3


Annex 4


ebcvov - ivRkvnx (MÖ“c-L)

AÎ GjvKvi M¨vm mÂvj‡bi †¶‡Î M¨vm UªvÝwgkb †Kv¤úvbx wjt Gi cwiKíbv

cUf~wgt cÖvK…wZK M¨v‡mi me©vwaK e¨envi wbwðZKi‡Yi gva¨‡g †`‡ki mvwe©K Av_©-mvgvwRK Dbœq‡bi Dci miKvi we‡kl ¸i“Z¡ Av‡ivc K‡i‡Q| Dchy³ R¡vjvbxi Afv‡e †`‡ki DËi-cwðgvÂj GjvKvq e¨vcK Kj-KviLvbv I we`y¨r †K›`ª M‡o D‡V bvB| hgybv eûgyLx ‡mZz wbwg©Z nIqvq †`‡ki cwðgvÂj, we‡kl K‡i wefvMxq kni ivRkvnx, e¸ov, iscyi I w`bvRcy‡ii mv‡_ ivRavbx XvKv mn cye©v‡ji PgrKvi †hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’v M‡o D‡V‡Q| d‡j †`‡ki DËi-cwðgv‡j bvbvwea wkí KviLvbv M‡o IVvi cwi‡ek m„wó n‡q‡Q| Zrm‡½ hgybv †mZz‡Z ¯’vwcZ M¨vm cvBc jvB‡bi gva¨‡g AÎ GjvKvq M¨vm mÂvjb I weZi‡Yi my‡hvM m„wó n‡q‡Q| msw¶ß eY©bvt Gi cwi‡cªw¶‡Z M¨vm UªvÝwgkb ‡Kv¤úvbx wjt cÖ¯—vweZ ebcvov-ivRkvnx 24″ e¨v‡mi 50 wKtwgt `xN© M¨vm mÂvjb cvBcjvBb wbg©v‡Yi cwiKíbv MÖnY K‡i‡Q| Gi gva¨‡g wefvMxq kni ivRkvnx‡Z ¯’vwcZe¨ we`y¨r †K›`ª, wkí, Kj-KviLvbv, evwbwR¨K I M„n¯’vjx Kv‡R cÖvK…wZK M¨vm mieivn Kiv hv‡e| d‡j wkívqb, A_©‰bwZK AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb, cwi‡ek `~lY‡ivamn kni‡K RvZxq M¨vm †bUIqv‡K©i Aš—f©~w³ Kiv mn †`‡ki DËi-cwðgvÂj Z_v bv‡Uvi, PvucvBbeveMÄ I bIMvuq cieZ©x‡Z M¨vm mieivn m¤¢e n‡e| d‡j †`‡ki DËi-cwðgv‡ji wkí MÖvnKmn RbM‡Yi Av_©-mvgvwRK Dbœqb I ˆe‡`wkK gy`ªvi mvkªq n‡e|

wK ai‡bi Amyweav n‡Z cv‡i ? GB j‡¶¨, Avcbv‡`i Rvbv‡bv †h‡Z cv‡i †h, cÖK‡íi ev¯—e KvR Avcbv‡`i GjvKvq AvMvgx 2006 mv‡j RyjvB gv‡m ïi“ n‡e Ges `ª“Z m¤úv`‡b e¨e¯’v †bIqv n‡e| cÖKí GjvKvi wbg©vY hÎcvwZ I Mvox Avcbvi MÖv‡gi iv¯—v w`‡q hvZvqvZ Ki‡e| GQvov cvBcjvBb emv‡bvi mgq wbg©vY Kgx‡`i A¯’vqx K¨v¤ú ev Avevm¯’j _vK‡e| Z‡e K¨v‡¤úi †Kvb KvwiMi Avcbvi MÖv‡gi †fZ‡i cÖ‡ek Ki‡ebv Ges ïaygvÎ Zv‡`i Kg©¯’‡ji Av‡kcv‡kB Zv‡`i hvZvqvZ mxgve× _vK‡e| hvbevn‡b kã I a~jvevwj‡Z Avcbv‡`i GjvKvq Amyweav n‡e ‰ewK, wKš‘ GUv LyeB mvgwqK †Kbbv KvRwU `ª“Z mgvwßi cÖ‡Póv †bIhv n‡e|

cvBcjvBb emv‡bvi mgq wK myweav n‡Z cv‡i ? AÎ GjvKvi Rbmgwó n‡Z nq‡Zvev A¯’vqx wfwˇZ wKQy msL¨K †jv‡Ki Kv‡Ri my‡hvM n‡Z cv‡i| cÖKíwU ev¯—evwqZ n‡j ‡c‡Uªvevsjvi M¨vm †Kv¤úvbx mg~‡ni AwaKvif~³ GjvKvq we`y¨r †K›`ªmg~n, KjKviLvbv I Ab¨vb¨

Annex 4


MÖvnK‡`i wbKU M¨vm mieiv‡ni gva¨‡g fwel¨‡Z AwZwi³ ivR¯^ Av‡q mnvqK n‡e| M¨vm wfwËK we`y¨r †K›`ª, wkí cÖwZôvb I Dbœqb †K›`ª ¯’vwcZ nIqvi d‡j bZzb Avq I gwnjv Kg©KZ©v/ Kg©Pvixmn †jvKR‡bi Kg© ms¯’v‡bi my‡hvM n‡e| d‡j †`‡ki Avw_©K AeKvVv‡gvMZ Dbœqb NU‡e| cÖKíwU ev¯—evqbKv‡j †gvU 32 Rb †jvKe‡ji cÖ‡qvRb n‡e| cÖK‡íi ev¯—evqKv‡j cÖKí e¨e¯’vcK †cÖl‡Y, Dc-gnve¨e¯’vcK, e¨e¯’vcK, mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx, mnKvix e¨e¯’vcK, Kw¤úDUvi Acv‡iU, K¨vwkqvi, MvoxPvjK, mv‡f©qvi, GgGjGmGm, wbivcËv cÖnix BZ¨vw` Rbej cÖKí/Pzw³wfwËK wb‡qv‡Mi cÖ‡qvRb n‡e| cÖKí mgvwßi ci cwiPvjbKv‡j 36 Rb ‡jvKe‡ji cÖ‡qvRb n‡e|

Annex 4


eebbccvvoovv--iivvRRkkvvnnxx MM¨̈vvmm mmÂÂvvjjbb ccvvBBcc jjvvBBbb ccÖÖKK‡‡ííii

AAvv__©©mmvvggvvwwRRKK II ccwwii‡‡eekk RRwwiicc ccÖÖkkœœccÎÎ

µwgK wPý:

cÖ_g Ask 1.0 mvaviY Lvbv cwiwPwZ :

1.1 DËi `vZvi bvg :

1.2 MÖvg : 1.3 ‡gŠRv :

1.4 BDwbqb :

1.5 Dc‡Rjv : 1.6 ‡Rjv :

1.7 ag© : Bmjvg wn›`y wLªóvb †eŠ× Ab¨vb¨

2.0 Lvbvi m`m¨‡`i Z_¨vejx:

2.1 cwiev‡ii †gvU m`m¨ : cyi“l gwnjv ‡gvU 2.2 Lvbvi Z_¨ (Lvbvi cÖavb †_‡K ïi“), †KvW e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e|

µwgK bs

Lvbvi cÖav‡bi mv‡_ m¤úK©

‰eevwnK Ae¯’v


wj½ wk¶v cÖavb

†ckv ‡MŠY †ckv

cÖavb Kv‡Ri ¯’vb

1. Lvbvi cÖavb









1 2 3 4 5

Annex 4



‡KvwWs c×wZ t m¤úK© ‡ckv


Lvbv cÖavb = 1 K…lK = 1 wbi¶i = 99 ¯^vgx/¯¿x = 2 ‡R‡j = 2 ïaygvÎ co‡Z cv‡i = 91 cyÎ/Kb¨v = 3 K…wl gRyi = 3 co‡Z I wjL‡Z cv‡i =

92 wcZv/gvZv = 4 AK…wl w`b gRyi = 4 wkï (4 eQ‡ii bx‡P =

1 fvB/†evb = 5 PvKix = 5 cÖv_wgK (1g-5g

†kªYx) = 2 cyÎea~/RvgvZv = 6 e¨emv = 6 gva¨wgK (6ô-10g

†kªYx) = 3 k¦ïi/kvïix = 7 ¶z`ª e¨emv = 7 Gm.Gm.wm./mggvb =

4 cvwievwiK mvnvh¨Kvix = 8

Pv evMvb Kg©x = 8 GBP.Gm.wm/mggvb = 5

bvwZ/bvZbx = 9 M„n¯’vjxi KvR = 9 GBP.Gm.wmi Dc‡i = 6

Ab¨vb¨ = 10 QvÎ = 10 mœvZK = 7 wkï (5 eQ‡ii Kg) = 11 gvó©m I Z‡`va© = 8 AemicÖvß/c½y = 12 Ab¨vb¨ = 9 ‡eKvi = 13 we‡`‡k Ae¯’vbiZ = 14 Ab¨vb¨ = 15 cÖavb Kv‡Ri ¯’vb wj½ ‰eevwnK Ae¯’v cyi“l = 1 weevwnZ = 1 MÖvg = 1 gwnjv = 2 AweevwnZ = 2 BDwbqb = 2 weaev = 3 Dc‡Rjv = 3 ‡Rjv = 4

wecZœxK = 4

Ab¨ ‡Rjv = 5 ZvjvKcÖvß = 5 we‡`‡k = 6

wew”Qbœ = 6 Ab¨vb¨ = 7

3.0 Lvbvi m¤ú` Z_¨vejx 3.1 emZ evoxi aiY: wb‡Ri fvov Ab¨vb¨

3.2 emZevoxi cÖKvi: KuvPv AvswkK cvKv cvKv Ab¨vb¨ 3.3 Qv‡`i `ªe¨vw`: Li/Qb UvBjm wUb cvKv 3.4 Lvbvi †gvU Rwgi cwigvb (GKi) emZevwo Rwg ‡gvU

3.5 M„ncvwjZ cï-cw¶ (msL¨v) lvo Mvfx QvMj gwnl ‡fov ‡Nvo KzKzi nuvm ‡gvi KeyZi Ab¨vb

1 2 3

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

Annex 4


v M/ gyiMx


3.6 hvbevnb (msL¨v) ‡bŠK

v wi·v f¨vb ‡VjvMvox Uªjvi mvB‡

Kj Mvo

x evm UªvK

‡gvUi mvB‡Kj


3.7 Lvbvi Ab¨vb¨ wRwbl cÎ (msL¨v)

‡iwWI wUwf wd«R d¨vb UªvKUi

wf wm wc/ wf wm Avi

‡Uc‡iK©Wvi Ab¨vb¨

3.8 ‰e`y¨wZK myweav: Av‡Q ‡bB 3.9 ivbœvi R¡vjvbx: M¨vm cvBc M¨vm wmwjÛvi ‡K‡ivwmb †óªvf we`y¨r jvKox/cvZv/K…wlR Dw”Qó †Mvei Ab¨vb¨ 4. 0 cvwb mieivn Ges cqtwb¯‹vkb: 4.1 cvwbi Drm

e¨env‡ii aiY mvaviY bjK‚c Mfxi bjK‚c cvwbi

mieivn cvZKz

qv cyKzi Lvj/b`x

LvIqv ivbœv ‡avqv ‡MvQj Mi“ QvMj †avqv

4.2 wb‡Ri wK wUDeI‡qj Av‡Q ? n¨v, KvR K‡i: A‡K‡Rv bvB

4.3 hw` wb‡Ri †Kvb wUDeI‡qj bv _v‡K Zvn‡j wbKUeZx© wUDeI‡qj KZ `~‡i? wKt wgt

4.4 Avcwb wK Av‡m©wbK `~l‡bi bvg ï‡b‡Qb? n¨vu bv

4.5 Avcbvi wUDeI‡qj wK KLbI Av‡m©wb‡Ki Rb¨ cix¶v Kwi‡q‡Qb? n¨vu bv

4.6 DËi n¨vu n‡j, Avcbvi wUDeI‡qj wK Av‡m©bwK gy³? n¨vu bv 4.7 Avcwb/Avcbvi cwievi wK ai‡Yi cvqLvbv e¨envi K‡i?

1 m¨vwbUvix 2 wcU 3 Szjš— 4 ‡Lvjv 5 Ab¨v

1 2

1 2 3

4 65 7

1 2

1 2

1 2

Annex 4


RvqMv b¨

4.8 cvqLvbvi ci nvZ †avqv? 1 ‡aŠZ

K‡ib bv 2 ïay cvwb 3 mvev

b 4 QvB 5 gvw

U 6 Ab¨v

b¨ 4.9 Avcbvi cvqLvbvi Ae¯’vb wK Db¥y³ †Kvb Rjvk‡qi av‡i/ Dc‡i? n¨vu bv

5.0 ¯^v¯’¨ Z_¨:

5.1 cÖavb †ivM (MZ `yB eQ‡i Avcbvi cwiev‡ii †Kvb m`m¨ †iv‡M fy‡M _vK‡j) ‡ivM †KvW wPwKrmv †KvW KviY †KvW

[†ivM †KvWt Wvqwiqv-1, UvBd‡qW-2, Avgvkq/†c‡Ui AmyL-3, RwÛm (Kzgwj)-4, Pg©‡ivM (PzjKvwb)-5, Bbd¬‡qÄv/Kd/mw`© R¡i-6, nuvcvbx/k¦vmKó-7, abyósKvi-8, h²v-9, Ab¨vb¨-10, (D‡j-L Ki“b ... .... ... ........)] [wPwKrmv †KvWt MvQ-MvQov/KweivR-1, †nvwgIc¨vw_-2, cxi/dwKi/ZvweR/KeR-3, MÖvg¨ Wv³vi/ dv‡g©mx-4, Gg.we.we.Gm. Wv³vi/ nvmcvZvj-5, wPwKrmv †bBwb-6, Rvwbbv/g‡b †bB-7, Ab¨vb¨-8, (D‡j-L Ki“b .............)] [KviY †KvWt Kg LiP-1, fv‡jv Wv³vi-2, ¸iZ¡ †`Bwb-3, †ekx ¸i“Z¡ w`‡qwQ-4, A_© wQj bv-5, Kv‡Q _v‡K/ZvovZvwo cvIqv hvq-6, GB †iv‡M MÖvg¨ Wv³viB h‡_ó-7, Ab¨vb¨-8, (D‡j-L Ki“b .... ..... ......)]

5.2 Avcwb wK aygcvb K‡ib? n¨vu bv

5.3 GjvKvi cÖavb ¯^v¯’¨ †mev 1 miKvix

nvmcvZvj 3 BDwbqb

¯^v¯’¨ wK¬wbK

5 fvj Wv³vi

2 cÖvB‡fU wK¬wbK

4 GbwRI wK¬wbK 6 fvj Jly‡ai †`vKvb

6.0 K…wl msµvš— Z_¨vejx 6.1 MZ eQ‡i djv‡bv dmj

µwgK bs

dm‡ji bvg

Rwgi cwigv

b (kZvs


dm‡ji cwigv

b (†KwR


µwgK bs dm‡ji bvg

Rwgi cwigv

b (kZvs


dm‡ji cwigv

b (†Kw

R) 1. ‡ivcv Avgb 10. imyb 2. ‡evbv Avgb 11. gwiP

1 2

1 2

Annex 4


3. AvDk 12. awbqv 4. Ddkx †ev‡iv 13. njy` 5. cvU 14. Av`v 6. ‡MvjAvjy 15. AvL 7. wgwó Avjy 16. mwilv 8. Wvj 17. ev`vg 9. wcquvR 18. Ab¨vb¨

6.2 Avcwb wK MZ eQi km¨ web¨v‡mi †Kvb cwieZ©b †`‡L‡Qb? n¨vu bv 6.3 GKB Rwg‡Z †Kvb dm‡ji ci †Kvb dmj Drcv`b K‡ib? 6.4 MZ eQ‡i mvi e¨envi K‡i‡Qb wK bv? n¨vu bv

hw` n¨vu nq,


1 wU.Gm.wc (dm‡dU)

2 Gg.wc. (cUvm)

3 wRcmvg

4 Ab¨vb¨


6.5 MZ eQ‡i †Kvb †cvKv gvivi Jla e¨envi K‡i‡Qb? n¨vu bv

hw` n¨vu nq bvg D‡j-L Ki“b

6.6 MZ eQi Avcwb wK ˆRe mvi e¨envi K‡i‡Qb? n¨vu bv

6.7 K…l‡Ki aiYt wbR Rwg‡Z Pvl wbR I A‡b¨i Rwg‡Z ïay Rwgi gvwjK eM©v Pvlx

7.0 MvQcvjv/ evMvb 7.1 evwo‡Z wK wK dj MvQ Av‡Q?

1. Kjv 7. wcqviv 13.

eoB 19.


2. KuvVvj 8. KvjRvg 14.

‡mv‡d`v 20.


3. Avg 9. Rvgeyiv


AvgjwK 21.


4. wjPz 10.

‡ej 16.

Wvwjg 22.


5. ‡c‡cu 11.

K`‡ej 17.


6. bvwi‡Kj


AvZv 18.


7.2 _vK‡j, msL¨v¸‡jv ejyb: d‡ji MvQ Kv‡Vi MvQ Jly‡ai MvQ 7.3 Avcwb wK MZ eQi MvQ KZ©b K‡i‡Qb? n¨vu bv hw` n¨vu, msL¨v 7.4 Avcwb wK MZ eQi ‡Kvb MvQ jvwM‡q‡Qb? n¨vu bv hw` n¨vu msL¨v

1 2

1 2

1 2

1 2

1 2

1 2

1 2 3 4

1 2

Annex 4


7.5 Avcwb wK emZevwoi Pvicv‡k kvKmâx Pvl K‡i‡Qb? n¨vu bv 7.6 MZ GK eQ‡i wK wK ai‡Yi mwâ/dj Pvl K‡iwQ‡jb?

1. jvD 9. wPwP½v


kmv 25. kvjMg

2. Kzgov 10.

ay›`j 18.

wkg 26. Kpzu

3. wgwó Kzgov


cyuB kvK


eiewU 27. Kij-v

4 WvUv 12.

jvj kvK 20.

KvKi“j 28. Ab¨vb¨ (D‡j-L Ki“b ---)

5. gyjv 13.

mwRbv 21.


6. ‡e¸b 14.

Aoni 22.


7. cUj 15.

†Xuok 23.


8. wS½v 16.

IjKwc 24.


7.7 Avcbvi cwiev‡i Jla wnmv‡e †Kvb MvQ ev Mv‡Qi Ask we‡kl wK e¨eüZ nq? n¨vu bv

7.8 DËi n¨vu n‡j, †Kvb¸‡jv e¨eüZ nq Zv wPwüZ Ki“b |


1 A‡kvK

2 Abš— gyj

3 AvMi 4 AvgjwK

5 &IjUK¤^j

6 Kvj‡gN



8 Wygyi

9 Zzjwm



11 Wbg 12 bv‡Mk¦i

13 wbwm›`v






evmK 17

kZg~jx 18 mc©MÜv

19 nwiZwK

20 21

Ab¨vb¨ (D‡j-L Ki“b)

8.0 A_©‡bwZK Z_¨

8.1 Avcbvi cwiev‡i DcvR©bKvixi msL¨v: cyi“l gwnjv ‡gvU

8.2 cwiev‡ei Mo gvwmK Avq: UvKv

8.3 cwiev‡ei Mo gvwmK e¨q: UvKv

8.4 MZ eQi wK Avcbvi F‡Yi cÖ‡qvRb n‡qwQj? n¨vu bv

8.5 hw` DËi n¨vu nq, Z‡e we¯—vwiZ eY©bv w`b F‡Yi Drm cwigv D‡Ïk¨ my‡`i nvi cÖ`Ë cwi‡kv cwi‡kva

1 2

1 2

Annex 4


b (UvK


(†KvW) gvwm







‡ai cwigvb (UvKv)

bv Kivi KviY


K. cÖvwZôvwbK

- evwYwR¨K e¨vsK

- K…wl e¨vsK/MÖvgxb e¨vsK

- mgevq/ weAviwWwe

- (GbwRI)

L. AcÖvwZôvwbK

- gnvRb - e¨emvqx - eÜz, AvZ¥xq ‡KvW m¤úwK©Z wb‡`©kvejx

FY †bqvi D‡Ïk¨ RvgvbZ

cwi‡kva bv Kivi KviYt

1 = km¨ Pv‡l cÖ‡qvRbxq Dcv`vb (exR/Pvl/Pviv/mvi/KxUbvkK/†mP) µq

1 = wKQyB †`qv nqwb

1 = †gqv` DËxY© nqwb

2 = gvQ Pvl 2 = Rwg 2 = km¨ nqwb 3 = nuvm gyiMx cvjb 3 = AjsKvi 3 = UvKv Ab¨ Kv‡R LiP

n‡q‡Q 4 = Mi“, gwnl, QvMj cvjb 4 = km¨ 4 = cwi‡kva Ki‡Z A¶g 5 = M„n wbg©vY 5 = Ab¨vb¨ (D‡j-L

Ki“b) 5 = cwi‡kva Ki‡Z

AvMÖnx bq 6 = Rwg, wi·v, f¨vb BZ¨vw` µq 6 = Ab¨vb¨ (D‡j-L Ki“b) 7 = wPwKrmv 8 = ‡fvM¨e¯‘y µq 9 = ‡hŠZzK cÖ`vb 10

= FY cwi‡kva


= e¨emv


= hš¿cvwZ µq

9.0 mvaviY Z_¨vejx:

9.1 Avcwb MZ eQ‡i eb¨cÖvYx wkKvi K‡i wQ‡jb? n¨vu bv

9.2 n¨vu n‡j (√) w`b, GKvwaK DËi n‡Z cv‡i 1 AwZw_ 2 †`kx cvLx 3 mvc 4 ¸Bmvc 5 e¨vO

1 2

Annex 4





2 1

2 1

cvLx 6 wkqvj 7 ‡LK wkqvj 8 ebweovj 9 evbi 1

0 †eRx

11 KvV weovjx 12 ‡Lv¯—vk 13

Lo‡Mvk 14


9.3 wkKv‡ii KviY (GKvwaK n‡Z cv‡i)

eb¨ cÖvYxi (†KvW)

wkKv‡ii KviY (†KvW)

mgq ‡Kv_v †_‡K gš—e¨

‡KvW eb¨ cÖvYx t AwZw_cvLx-1, †`kx cvLx-2, mvc-3, ¸uBmvc-4, e¨vuO-5, wkqvj/LvUvm-6, †ewR-7, Ab¨vb¨-8

wkKv‡ii KviY †KvW t wbivcËvi Rb¨-1, wewµq Rb¨-2, Lvev‡ii Rb¨-3, kL-ekZ-4, Awb”QvK…Z fv‡e-5, Ab¨vb¨-6

9.4 Avcwb wK cwi‡ek `~lY ev cwi‡ek bó nevi K_v ï‡b‡Qb? n¨vu bv

9.5 ‡h †Kvb mswk-ó mgm¨v mgvav‡b Avcwb wK mn‡hvwMZv cÖ`vb Ki‡eb? n¨vu bv

10.0 HwZnvwmK wb`k©b/cyivKxwZ©/ms¯‹…wZ t 10.1 Avcbvi GjvKvq †Kvb Avw`evmx †kªYx Av‡Q t nu¨v bv

10.2 nu¨v n‡j Avw`evmx †kªbxi bvg I AvbygvwbK msL¨v t 10.3 GjvKvq †Kvb HwZnvwmK wb`k©b A_ev cyivKxwZ© Av‡Q& nu¨v bv 10.4 nu¨v n‡j Zvi bvg I Ae¯’vb __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 10.5 GjvKvq †Kvb cyivbv gmwR`, gw›`i, c¨v‡MvWv, †eŠ×wenvi, MxR©v, †Mvi¯’vb Av‡Q nu¨v bv 10.6 _vK‡j Zvi msL¨v/bvg/Ae¯’vb

11.0 cÖKí msµvš—

11.1 Avcwb wK Rv‡bb G GjvKvi Dci w`‡q M¨vm cvBc jvBb hv‡e?

nu¨v bv 11.2 Avcbvi GjvKv w`‡q M¨vm cvBc jvBb †M‡j Zv wK fvj n‡e e‡j g‡b K‡ib?

nu¨v bv

1 2

1 2

Annex 4


2 1

2 1

2 1

2 1

2 1

2 1

2 1

2 1

2 1

2 1

2 1

2 1

2 1 3




2 1

11.3 cvBc jvBb emv‡bvi KvR wKfv‡e K‡i, †m m¤ú‡K© Avcbvi wK †Kvb avibv Av‡Q?

nu¨v bv

11.4 Avcwb wK g‡b K‡ib GB cÖ‡R± Gi Kvi‡Y cwi‡e‡ki Dci †Kvb ¶wZ cÖfve co‡e?

nu¨v bv

11.5 ¶wZi aiY :

11.5.1 K…wli Dci nu¨v bv

11.5.2 MvQcvjvi Dci nu¨v bv

11.5.3 gv‡Qi Dci nu¨v bv

11.5.4 ebv‡ji Dci nu¨v bv

11.5.5 Mevw`cïi Dci nu¨v bv

11.5.6 eb¨ cÖvbxi Dci nu¨v bv

11.5.7 Avq †ivRMv‡ii Dci nu¨v bv

11.5.8 gvby‡li PjvP‡ji Dci nu¨v bv

11.5.9 hvbevn‡bi Dci nu¨v bv

11.5.10 evwo N‡ii Dci nu¨v bv

12.0 Avcbvi Rwgi Dci w`‡q ev evwoi Kv‡Q w`‡q cÖ‡R‡±i KvR cwiPvwjZ n‡j Avcwb wK Zv Ki‡Z †`‡eb?

nu¨v bv kZ©mv‡c‡¶ 12.1 kZ©mv‡c‡¶ n‡j wK ai‡bi kZ©:

Dchy³ ¶wZc~ib †c‡j

Aí mg‡qi Rb¨ n‡j evwoN‡ii ¶wZ bv Ki‡j

13.0 ¶wZc~i‡b Rb¨ Avcbvi †Kvb gZvgZ Av‡Q?

nu¨v bv 13.1 _vK‡j Zv wK-------------------------------------------------------------

Annex 4


2 1

2 1

14.0 cÖ‡R‡±i Kvi‡Yi cwi‡e‡ki Dci ¶wZKi cÖfve Kgv‡bvi/`~i Kivi Avcbvi †Kvb civgk© wK Av‡Q?

nu¨v bv 14.1 civgk© _vK‡j Zv wK?



14.1.2 Avcwb wK M¨vm UªvÝwgkb †Kv¤úvbx (wRwUwmGj) †K mn‡hvwMZv †`‡eb?

nu¨v bv

14.1.3 nu¨v n‡j, Zv wKfv‡e?

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

wØZxq Ask

(ïaygvÎ ¶wZMÖ¯’ e¨w³‡`i Rb¨)

¶wZMÖ¯’ e¨w³i aiY (√) w`b

(1) Rwgi ¶wZ (2) evoxi ¶wZ (3) Mv‡Qi ¶wZ

(4) AeKvVv‡gvi ¶wZ (5) e¨emvi ¶wZ

Annex 4


15.0 ¶wZMÖ¯’ e¨w³i Rwgi †gvU cwigvb kZvsk

15.1 ¶wZMÖ¯’ e¨w³i gvwmK Avq UvKv

16.0 ¶wZMÖ¯’ Rwgi cwigvb kZvsk

17.0 ¶wZMÖ¯’ Rwgi aiY : (√ w`b)

(1) Avev`x (2) Abvev`x (3) cwiZ¨v³

18.0 ¶wZMÖ¯’ Rwgi `vg GKi cÖwZ 19.0 ¶wZMÖ¯’ AeKvVv‡gv _vK‡j (aiY): (1) †g‡S (2) †`qvj (3) Qv` ‡KvW t (1) KvuPv (2) wUb (3) cvKv ‰`N¨ cÖ¯’ D”PZv wdU 19.1 AeKvVv‡gv ˆZix n‡qwQj K‡e ? mb 20.0 dmj ¶wZMÖ¯’ n‡q _vK‡j aiY: 20.1 (1) avb (2) Mg (3) Wvj (4) mewR (5) Ab¨vb¨ (1) ¶wZMÖ¯’ dmj (2) kZvsk cÖwZ Drcv`b (3) gb cÖwZ g~j¨ 20.2 ¶wZi cwigvb UvKv 21.0 e¨emv ¶wZMÖ¯’ n‡j e¨emvi aiY : 21.1 ‰`wbK ¶wZ ‡gvU g~jab 22.0 ¶wZMÖ¯’ Rjvkq _vK‡j 22.1 ‡¶Îdj : ‰`N¨© cÖ¯’ 22.2 RjvkqwU‡Z gv‡Qi Pvl Kiv n‡j weeiY : 23.0 ¶wZMÖ¯’ e„¶ bvg : eo gvSvix ‡QvU msL¨v : `vg : 24.0 ¶wZc~iY wn‡m‡e wK Pvb ? (K) Rwg (L) mwVK g~j¨ (M) Ab¨vb¨

25.0 ¶wZc~iY cÖ`vb m¤ú©‡K gZvgZ : (√ w`b) (K) cÖ`v‡bi Rb¨ Gb.wR.I `iKvi

Annex 4


(L) mivmwi †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki Kvh©vjq †_‡K (M) Ab¨vb¨ 26.0 M¨vm cvBcjvBb m¤ú©‡K gZvgZ :

26.1 cÖ¯—vweK cÖ‡R±i mvgvwRK, A_©‰bwZK myweav n¨vu bv

weeiY :

A_©‰bwZK cÖwZK~jZv n¨vu bv weeiY

27.0 ¶wZMÖ¯’ KwgDwbwUi aiY: (1) eb (2) cvK© (3) Ab¨vb¨ AvqZb :

28.0 Ab¨vb¨ ¶wZMÖ¯’ m¤ú` : (msL¨v)

(1) K~c (2) wUDeI‡qj (3) Lvm Rwg

29.0 AwaMÖnYK…Z Rwgi †Kvb AvBwb RwUjZv Av‡Q wK?

(1) nu¨v (2) bv

30.0 AwaMÖnYK…Z Rwg‡Z †Kvb fvmgvb †jvK _vK‡j Zvi msL¨v

30.1 weeiY w`b

32.0 ¶wZMÖ¯’ e¨w³ K…lK n‡j (√ w`b)

(K) eM©vPvlx

(L) eM©vPvlx + Rwgi gvwjK

(M) Ab¨vb¨

33.0 Rwg AwaMÖn‡Yi c~‡e© Rwgi gvwj‡Ki mv‡_ Av‡jvPbvi `iKvi Av‡Q wK ?

nu¨v bv

34.0 ‡Kvb gmwR`, mvs¯‹…wZK ¯’vb AwaMÖnY n‡j weeiY w`b ?

35.0 ‡gŠRvi †Kvb Avw`evmx GjvKv ¶wZMÖ¯’ n‡q‡Q n¨vu bv

msL¨v Rwgi cwigvb

36.0 kªwg‡Ki ˆ`wbK gRyix UvKv

37.0 Z_¨ msMÖnKvixi gZvgZ

Annex 4


__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

Z_¨ msMÖnKvixi bvg t ___________________________________________

Z_¨ msMÖ‡ni ZvwiL t ___________________________________________

¯^v¶i t ________________________ ZvwiL t __________________

-t ab¨ev` t-

Annex 4


Bonpara-Rajshahi (Group-B)


Background: The Government of Bangladesh (GOB) has given priority to the overall socio-economic development of the country by ensuring the optimum use of natural gas. Due to lack of fuel supply, sufficient growth of industries and power stations has not been developed in the north-west parts of the country. Construction of Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge has produced an excellent road communication system to the western part of the country, especially to the divisional towns Rajshahi, Bogra, Rangpur and Dinajpur with the capital Dhaka and eastern part. Hence, proper environment of various types of industrial development has been created in the north-west and south-west parts of the country. Moreover, opportunities have been created to transmit and distribute gas to those areas through the installed gas pipe line over the Jamuna Bridge. Brief Description: In the light of the stated background and as per the proposal of GTCL, it has been planned to construct the gas transmission pipe lines of 24inches diameter and 50km in length from Bonpara to Rajshahi. With these lines, natural gas can be supplied to the power station of divisional city Rajshahi and north-western parts of the country for industrial, commercial and domestic uses. Therefore, the divisional city and district of towns Rajshahi, Bogra, Rangpur and Dinajpur can be brought into the national gas network for industrialization, growth of mills and factories, development of economic infrastructure and prevention of environmental pollution and further extension of gas supply to the north-west part of the country, such as Natore, Chapai Nawabganj and Naogaon, can be possible in future. Thus socio-economic development of the industrial consumers and general peoples of north-west part of the country and the reserves of foreign currency can be enhanced. Disadvantages: In this regard, it can be informed to you that, the implementation of the project will be started in your locality in forthcoming July of 2006 and necessary steps shall be taken for quick completion. Construction equipment and vehicles of the project area shall move within the road networks of your villages. Besides, temporary residences or camps will be made for the construction workers during the laying of pipe line. But no worker will enter into your village and the movement of the workers will be limited around their working places. Although the vehicle sound and dusts will create problems in your area but that will be very temporary, as necessary attempts will be made to complete the works as quickly as possible. Advantages: Temporary job opportunities can be created for some peoples of these areas. After the implementation of the project, more revenue can be earned in future by supplying natural gas to the power stations, industries and other consumers under the franchise areas of gas companies of Petrobangla. New income and employment opportunities for the female officers/staffs and other peoples will be created due to the establishment of gas based power stations, industrial organizations and development centers. Thus the economic infrastructure of the country will be developed. Total manpower of 32 staffs will be needed during the implementation of the project with the Project Manager on deputation. Project/contract based appointments shall be required for the manpower of the project viz: Deputy General Manager, Manager, Assistant Engineer, Assistant

Annex 4


Manager, Computer Operator, Cashier, Driver, Surveyor, MLSS, Security Guard etc. After the completion of the project, total manpower of 36 staffs will be needed during the operation phase.

Annex 5
























































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Page 1

Bonpara-Rajshahl Gas Transmission Pipeline Project__a -. ~ T,.. Size No. of

Affected Person Thana Mouza (Code) (Code) A:dMd. Abul Kalam Bagatipara Bitorbagh 1 1 3Md. Abdul Salam Pramanik Bagatipara Bitorbagh 1 1 7

MOUD Total 10

Md. Julmat All Bagatipara Hat Goblndapur 1 2 20Afouza Total 20Dr. Md. Nafir Uddin Bagatipara Kamar Bojrapur 8 1 103Md. Khablr Uddin Bagatipara Kamar Bojrapur 1 2 5Afouza Total 108Md. Shohidullslam Bhulu Bagatipara Kuthi Bashbana 1 2 40

Moksed Ali Bagatipara Kuthl Bashbarla 1 2 20

Afouza Total 80

Md. Alam Bagatipara Shakpara 4, 8, 10 1 30

Md. Shaban Bagatipara Shakpara 1,4, 10 1 24Md. Shamlul Alam Bagatipara Shakpara 1 3 23

Afouza Total 77

Mr. Ansarullslam Boraigram Kalikapur 1 2 50

Momtaz Hossain Boraigram Kalikapur 1 3 6

Monowara Begum Boralgram Kalikapur 3 2 16

Nayeemuddin Fakir Boraigram Kalikapur 8 1 125MOUD Total 187

Akram Hossain Boraigram Kamardah 8 1,2,3 170

Md. Azahar Ali Mondal Boraigram Kamardah 1,9,10 1 73AloUD Total 2G

Md. Ruhul Amin Boraigram Kumulla 9 1 85

Md. Shohldullslam Boralgram Kumulla 1 3 14

Md. Dulal Uddin Sheikh Boraigram Kumulla 1.2,3,8 1 223Md. Bulbul Ahmed Senter Boraigram Kurnulla 10 1 200Rabeya Khatun Boralgram Kumulla 8 1 51Miraj Pramanik Boraigram Kumulla 4 1 40Md. Slraj Pramanlk Boraigram Kumulla 10 1 120Afouza Total 733Md. Jamshed Ali Charghat Maria 1 2 4AIouza Total 4Md. Matin Mia Charghat Mougachi 1 1,2,3 35AfouD Total 35

Ashraf Ali Charghat Shibpur 1 3 10Md. Shohidullslam Charghat Shibpur 1 2 8Md. Shohrab All Charghat Shibpur 1 1,2,3 45Md. Momtaz Ali Charghat Shibpur 1 1.2,3 28Afouza Total 81Md. Mohsin Ali Pramanik Charghat Solowa 1 2 4Afouza Total 4Md. Abu' Hossain Natore Arajl 1 2 3Afouza Total 3Md. Abu Taher Mia Natore Barobarla 1,2,5.9 1 67

AloUD Total 87

Md. Abul Hossain Natore Joyrampur 1 2 3

AloUD Total 3

Md. Abu Bakkar Siddique Natore KafurIa 3 1 34Afouza Total M

Md. Hatem Ali Paba zaglr 1,2 2 4

Md. Eiadullah Paba zagir 3,5 2 8




Bagatipara Bitorbagh

Bagatipara Hat Gobindapur 2




Kamar BojrapurKamar Bojrapur





1138Boraigram Kalikapur















1 2








Page 1 T_k.-'

Bonpara-Rajshahl Gas Transmission Pipeline Project

List of Affected TreesT,.. Size No. of

Affected Person Thana Mouza (Code) (Code) A~

Md. Jahanglr Hossain Paba Zaglr 3 2 10Md. Alarngir Hossain Paba Zagir 7 1 10Md. Sadek Paba Zaglr 1 3 11Md.YousufAli Paba Zagir 1,10 1 6

Al-Haj Hazrat Ali Paba Zagir 10 1 75

Mouza Total 124

Julmat Ali Paba Horian 1,9 2 11Mouza Total 11Md. Abdus Sarnand Puthia Voruapara 1,2 2 6Mouza Total 8Md. Jamshed AJi Sarkar Puthia Sorup Nagor 2,3 2 15Md. Manjur Rahman Puthla Sorup Nagor 1,7 2 12Mouza Total 27Md. Kalimuddin Mondal Puthia Dhadas 1 2 6Mouza Total 8

A Jahangir Alam Puthla Dhadas 1 2 5

Mouza Total 5Al-Haj Mukshed AJi Puthia Baroipara 1 2,3 250Md. Abul Bashar Puthia Baroipara 3 1 5Md. Nurullslam Puthia Baroipara 1 2 7Md. Kasem AJI Puthia Baroipara 3,4,9 2 10

Mouza Total 272Md. Arafat Hossain Puthia Jamira 1 3 45Md. Bulbul Ahmed Puthia Jamira 9 2 10

Md. Abdus Sattar Mandol Puthia Jamlra 1 3 10Mouza Total 85Md. Yousuf Molla Puthia Kandra 1 1 22Md. Majid Puthia Kandra 4 1 5Md. Hossain Ali Puthia Kandra 1 2 8

Ahmed Mustafa Puthla Kandra 1 3 16Afouza Total 51Md. Shaon Puthia Mahendra 1,2 2 13Abdul Kader Puthia Mahendra 8 1 150Mouza Total 183Md. Polan Sar1<.er Puthla Voruapara 1 2 30Mouza Total 30

Name of Tree ~

Mango 1

Jackfruit 2Mehgani 3Coconut 4lichi 5Korai 6Betel Nut 7

Bamboo 8

Date 9

Banana 10

J.!H. ~

Big 1

Medium 2

Small 3

Page 2T_~

Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Transmission Pipeline ProjectPond Acquisition Area

Bl'88dth ArH Dag.Affected Person Th.n. Mouza Length (f) (f) (8ft.) No.

Pulak Datta Puthi8 Baroloar8 120 110 13200

Bonpara-Rajshahl Ga. Transmission Pipeline ProjectAffected Tubewell

Affected Person MOUD No. Tube Dag.

Well No.

Mira' Pramanlk Koovul 1 110

Page 1 Pwl6-T.-m.
