Research Proposal Structure



This Presentation is the best source of basic information for making the Proposal of a Dissertation.Good Luck

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Master’s DissertationThe Research Proposal

An introduction to writing the research proposal

Dr Tony Bennett

Structure of the Proposal

• Title page• Background/Introduction• Literature• Research question and objectives• Research method• Timescale• Resources• Access to the study population• References

Structure of the Proposal

• Title page• Background• Literature• Research question and

objectives• Research method• Timescale• Resources• Access to the study

population• References

• A working title, and ideally should reflect the content of the document

• The title may change

Structure of the Proposal• Title page• Background• Literature• Research question and

objectives• Research method• Timescale• Resources• Access to the study

population• References

• This section describes the problem or situation you want to investigate, and why – prove - understand

Structure of the Proposal• Title page• Background• Literature• Research question and

objectives• Research method• Timescale• Resources• Access to the study

population• References

• Discuss the area of management theory that provides the context for your study.

• Who are the leading authors, experts, leaders in their field

Structure of the Proposal• Title page• Background• Literature• Research question and

objectives• Research method• Timescale• Resources• Access to the study

population• References

• Explain exactly what it is that you want to find out, and why:

• Add to theory,• Add to practice,• Change practice,• Change theory,• Build knowledge,• Develop people.......

Structure of the Proposal

• Title page• Background• Literature• Research question and

objectives• Research method• Timescale• Resources• Access to the study

population• References

• Positivistic?• Quantitative• Phenomenological?• Qualitative• Research bias?• Ethics?• How are you going to

get your data for analysis (sampling)

Structure of the Proposal• Title page• Background• Literature• Research question and

objectives• Research method• Timescale• Resources• Access to the study

population• References

• Write about how long the study will take to:

• Set objectives,• Plan the project,• Carry out the research,• Collect, analyse and

evaluate data,• Discuss your findings

and write up, check,• Complete and give in

Structure of the Proposal• Title page• Background• Literature• Research question and

objectives• Research method• Timescale• Resources• Access to the study

population• References

• What resources do you need to plan, carry out data collection, analyse your data, write it up, and finish the Dissertation – people, time, IT/computing, questionnaire preparation, envelopes, stamps....

Structure of the Proposal

• Title page• Background• Literature• Research question and

objectives• Research method• Timescale• Resources• Access to the study

population• References

• How will you collect your data, from whom, and what methods will you use to make sure that your data can be analysed and reported in a sound way?

Structure of the Proposal• Title page• Background• Literature• Research question and

objectives• Research method• Timescale• Resources• Access to the study

population• References

• You should indicate the general subject area of management with at least 10 references, plus 2 or 3 research methods references.

• Always use the Harvard system of referencing

Structure of the Proposal

• Title page• Background/Introduction• Literature• Research question and

objectives• Research method• Timescale• Resources• Access to the study

population• References

• Front cover page,• This can be your

contents page at the beginning of the assignment,

• 4,000 words long,• Diagrams,• References,• Pass mark 40%

Where do I begin?

Find a management subject that needs exploring in areas of:• People, leadership, human resource management, teams,

management of people,• Change management, marketing, packaging, service,• Business strategy, vision, mission, aims, objectives, business

planning,• Risk, project management and planning, costs, productivity,• Competitive forces, innovation, technology,• Customer service, consumerism, public accountability, governance,• Taxation, finance, investment planning, corporate accountability,

corporate communications, • Sustainability, environment, ethics and ethical issues,


And then?

Write the Background or Introduction to your research topic on one side of A4 paper.

What is the research issue?

Why is it an issue?

Why is it an issue now?

What could your research throw light on or find out?

Who are the leading theorists in your subject area?

And what then?

Go over what you have written with your supervisor.

Discuss the research problem or issue.

Think about your research approach or method for data collection.

Meet your supervisor and talk it through.

You do the work, NOT your supervisor.


