Research - Dr. Marina Stock MacIsaac



Research Discussion by Dr. MacIsaac

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  • Conducting Research:A Proposal for ActionDr. Marina Stock McIsaacArizona State UniversityPrepared for workshop at Wenzao Ursuline College of LanguagesKaohsiung, TaiwanJune 11, 2008

  • PedagogyCommunities of practiceComputer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL, Collis)Social Network Knowledge Construction (SNKC, Dawley)Formal vs nonformal learning

  • Action Research is a process in which participants examine their own educational practice systematically and carefully, uses techniques of research in order to improve a teachers own practice. In most of its forms it requires investigator participation is usually qualitative in design.

  • Action ResearchIncludes research methodologies which look for action (or change) and research (or understanding) at the same time. In most of its forms it does this byusing a cyclic or spiral process which alternates between action and critical reflection andrefining methods, data and interpretation in the light of the understanding developed in the earlier cycles.Dick, Bob (1999) What is action research?Available on line at

  • Action Research ProcessAn emerging process which takes shape as understanding increases; A repetitive process which leads towards a better understanding of what happens.From Martin Ryder University of Colorado at Denver School of Education

  • Action Research Cycle1. Think about the problem 2. What is the question you want to answer?3. Plan ways to get the answers - involve questioners, those questioned 4. Do fieldwork to get answers and improve your understanding of the problem5. From the answers generate an imaginative idea of what to do to change and improve6. New actions. put ideas into practice (stop, reflect, is question answered, if no repeat)

  • The cycleFrom: Yoland Wadsworth *What is Participatory Action Research?November 1998

  • Some applied research questionsWhy are students doing poorly?How can I make this more interesting?How can I teach this more effectively?What would help this lesson?What class management systems would help?

  • Review the cycle againFrom: Yoland Wadsworth *What is Participatory Action Research?November 1998

  • MethodologiesChoose the correct method to answer your questionDo you seek quantitative, measurable, mathematical, answers?qualitative answers to questions governing human behavior?

  • MethodologiesAction Research is a process with diverse methodologiesQuantitativeExperimental controlManipulation of variablesQualitativeParticipant observationIn-depth interviewsContent analysisMixed methodsMost Action Research is primarily qualitative

  • Triangulate qualitative dataInterviewsPortfoliosDiariesAudio tapesSurveysCase studiesParticipant observationLAB Action Research

  • 5 Phases of InquiryE.Ferrance, LAB

  • Research proposalChoose a topic that will help improve your teaching practiceIdentify the steps needed (see the cycle fig.)Write a brief outline for a proposal following guidelines

  • Improve your proposalsGood topicWorkable planConcrete informationStructured research methodGood theoretical foundationPlanning-action-reflection-changeEvidence of good writing

  • Reasons for proposal rejectionNot action research, belongs in general researchMethods and procedures not action researchMissing cycle: planning-action-reflection-changeProblem not clearly statedQuestions, purposes, methods, data collection unclearUses old data (last semester)Doesnt follow guidelines for research ethicsDoesnt suggest changes to improve teaching

  • Models Examples of successful proposals can be provided to you by the Faculty Development Center

  • Designing General ResearchSelect a topicIdentify the research problemConduct a literature searchState the research questionsDetermine research methodsIdentify data analysis procedures

  • Writing for publicationIntroductionThe problem, the literature reviewConclude introduction with purpose of studyMethodParticipants, research design, materialsProcedure, analysesResultsDiscussion

  • Action Research linksLAB Action Research (PDF excellent, includes how to) Research Resources (very comprehensive list ,Bob Dick thru 2004) Research articles and resources from CU Denver (Martin Ryder) 2001 Action Research Papers (3 papers accepted at the American Educational Research Association)

  • More LinksAction Research (short article about) Research, Strategy (very simple, includes one link and other refs.) Research Net (online journal that promotes sharing)

  • Hsieh Hsieh
