RESA Standards 2015 Revised Standards for District and School Effectiveness


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RESA Standards

2015 Revised Standards for District

and School Effectiveness

Old Standards and Review Process

Why revise the standards and review process?

• Standards and process were outdated

• Standards no longer reflected the full scope of RESA work

• Standards document not aligned to current statewide standards documents

• Burdensome process

Revision Process

• RESA representatives began meeting in August 2014 • Discussed what gave us pause about

standards and process

• Suggested changes to the content and format

• Sought input from RESA directors based on new content and format

• Developed suggested guidance for a new approach to standards review

Revised Format


Sample Indicators


Additional Evidence

The criteria that define score points 4 and 3 are identical. This is intentional. What distinguishes a 4 from a 3 is not the presence or absence of a particular element or strategy. Rather, it is the overall quality of execution .

~Sally Hampton, Using Rubrics to Improve Student Writing


Understanding the Standards

• Each table group has been assigned a standard.

• Each group reviews the assigned standard, indicators, rubrics, and guiding questions.

• Each group works together to define the standard by developing a possible scenario that represents the standard in practice.  

• Email your SIP to

Standard 10 Standard in Practice

Standard in Practice

• School Example: ABS School has developed a school improvement plan that is focused on implementation of formative instructional practices. School leadership has conducted observations which indicate that teachers are not providing students with timely, descriptive feedback. The principal contacts the local RESA to provide support by training classroom teachers. The RESA specialist agrees to the sessions, and requests a meeting with the leadership team following the training. Following the training, the RESA specialist meets with the leadership team and uses a protocol to collaboratively determine implementation expectations as a result of the training. The team identifies evidence of effective implementation and establishes a process to provide support to teachers with implementation and over time to assess the effectiveness of implementation.

The Quick Guide

The Review Process

• Unique to each RESA

• Focused on improving the effectiveness of RESA work

• Cycle of Continuous Improvement

• More to come from your RESA Director
