Required Data File Formats for - GerstcoGerstco DVAAPBase File Formats (7/20/2018) Page 2 of 41...


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Gerstco DVAAPBase File Formats (7/20/2018) Page 1 of 41

Required Data File Formats for DVAAPBase Data Import Files

Import File Overview This document identifies the files that may be imported into DVAAPBase and their

required fields.

Each file specification includes a brief description of the file and a table listing the valid

fields. Only those fields which cannot be empty (identified in the “Mandatory” column)

are REQUIRED to be populated in the corresponding file. Any records in the file where

one or more of the “Mandatory” fields is missing data will be rejected.

Files must be in CSV format, quotes (ASCII character 34) surrounding text fields, fields

delimited (separated) with the comma character: | (ASCII character 44), lines separated

by carriage return and linefeed (ASCII characters 13 and 10).

The first line of the file must be a header line identifying the fields and their order on all

of the subsequent lines in the file. The field names in the header line must match those

shown in the file specifications. This allows quick validation of the file format. The only

exceptions are the optional “ANUM”, “NUM” and “DATE” fields. Custom field names

may be given to these optional fields, however the custom field names must be

specified in the DVAAPBase settings for the dataset before importing any files that use

the custom field names.

Fields may not be duplicated. For example, there may not be two fields named

“JOB_TITLE” in the file. The use of field names different from those shown will cause

the file to be rejected.

Every import file includes an “internal ID” field of some kind that uniquely identifies

every record. In the workforce file, the EMP_ID field performs this duty. All other files

have a field that is named INTERNAL_ID. This field should contain a specific, unique

value for each activity in the file. “Unique” means that no two records in the file share

the same ID. That ID number must not change. If a file must be modified or corrected

or have additional records added to it, the internal ID numbers must remain associated

with exactly the same records in every iteration of the file. In the activity files, the

INTERNAL_ID field is optional, however, if there is any chance that corrections and

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additions will be made to the data, it is strongly recommended that the INTERNAL_ID

field be included and properly coded since it is REQUIRED in order to perform re-

imports and updates to data. The INTERNAL_ID field is the only reliable way to identify

every record in the file so that changes and additions to the file can be correctly

incorporated into the existing data.

The expected types of data in the fields are indicated in the field description:

alphanumeric – may contain upper and lower case alphabetic characters,

standard punctuation, spaces, and numbers

alpha – may only contain alphabetic characters, standard punctuation, and


numeric – may only contain numbers, decimal point, and leading minus sign to

indicate negative numbers

date – may only contain a date using the following format: dd/mm/yyyy

coded – may only contain one of the indicated, predefined values

Import File Formats


The workforce file must include all employees in the workforce on the effective date.

This is a point-in-time snapshot of the workforce. The Prior Year Workforce import

file requirements are exactly the same as the current year workforce.

Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory


Employee ID – alphanumeric - uniquely identifies each employee. Typically a number or code assigned to the employee when they are hired by the company.

20 “8237”


Internal ID – alphanumeric – uniquely identifies the employee. Typically an alternative, internal ID number or code assigned to the employee. This is not the “employee ID”.

30 “2738127”


Employee name – alpha - full name of the employee. May be in any format or order desired, however, most common is last name, comma, first name middle initial.

80 “Smith, John”

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Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory


Employee race – coded - one of the following standard race codes:

WHT (white)

BLK (black)

HSP (Hispanic)

AMI (American Indian)

ASN (Asian)

NHI (Native Hawaiian)

TWO (Two or more races)

OTH (Other/Unknown/Chose not to state)

3 “HSP”


Employee sex – coded – one of the following standard sex codes:

M (male)

F (female)

U (Other/Unknown/Chose not to state)

1 “F”


Date of birth – date – employee’s date of birth. Used to calculate employee’s age for use in age-based analyses.

10 “03/27/1971”


AAP establishment name – alphanumeric – name of the establishment in which the employee is analyzed for AAP purposes

100 “WidgetCo,



AAP establishment city state and zip code – alphanumeric – geographic location of the establishment in which the employee is analyzed for AAP purposes. Also called the “analysis location.”

100 “San

Francisco, CA 94101”


EEO1 and VETS reporting location – alphanumeric – the physical location in which the employee will be counted in EEO1 and VETS reporting

100 “Sacramento

, CA”


Work location – alphanumeric – name of location where the employee works and is physically located. Also called the “physical location.”

100 “River Road


DUTY_LOC Duty location – alphanumeric – name of location where the employee is assigned

100 “Atlanta Center”

FUNC_AREA Functional area – alphanumeric – the company function that the employee is assigned to

100 “Printers”

JOB_GROUP Job group – alphanumeric – the job group in which the employee is analyzed for AAP purposes

100 “Technicians

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Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory

JOB_TITLE Job title name – alphanumeric – name of employee’s job title

100 “Software Eng. 2”


Occupation code – alphanumeric – the four-digit Census occupation code corresponding to the employee’s job title.

4 “0350”


EEO Category – coded – one of the following standard EEO category codes:

OM1 (1.1 Sr. Managers)

OM2 (1.2 Mid-Level Mgrs.)

PROF (2 Professionals)

TECH (3 Technicians)

SALES (4 Sales Workers)

ADMIN (5 Admin Support)

CW (6 Craft Workers)

OPER (7 Operatives)

LABOR (8 Laborers/Helpers)

SERV (9 Service Workers)

15 “ADMIN”

DEPT Department name – alphanumeric – name of the department in which the employee works

100 “Human



Organizational unit name – alphanumeric – name of the organizational unit to which the employee is assigned

100 “Administrati


SUPV_NAME Supervisor name – alphanumeric – full name of employee’s supervisor

80 “Jones, Cynthia”

SUPV_ID Supervisor employee ID – alphanumeric – ID of the employee’s supervisor

20 “7234”


Full time indicator – coded – indicates whether the employee is a full time employee or not using one of the following values:

Y (yes, full time emp.)

N (no, not full time emp)

1 “Y”

HRS_PER_WK Hours per week – numeric – number of hours employee works each week

6 30.5

HRS_LAST_YR Hours last year – numeric – number of hours employee worked last year

9 1580.5

EMP_TYPE Employee type – alphanumeric – company designated employee classification

50 “Intern”

PAY Annual base pay – numeric – employee’s annual base pay rounded to nearest dollar

10 64298

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Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory

PAY_GRADE Pay grade – alphanumeric – employees pay grade

20 “E10”


Wages reported on W2 – numeric – employee’s annual wages reported on W2 form rounded to nearest dollar

10 64298

HIRE_DATE Hire date – date – employee’s most recent hire date

10 06/23/2008

EDUCATION Education, degrees, certifications – alphanumeric – degrees and certifications earned by employee

100 “BS, MSCE”


Number of years of prior experience – numeric – how many years of prior applicable experience the employee had before hiring

5 5.5

LAST_PERF_RATING Last performance rating – alphanumeric – employee’s most recent performance rating result

100 “MEETS”

CUR_JOB_START_DATE Current job start date – date – first day of employee performing functions of current job title

10 05/23/2011

LAST_MERIT_AMT Last merit increase amount – numeric – the amount, in USD, of the employee’s last merit increase

10 2000

LAST_MERIT_DATE Last merit increase date – date – date of the employee’s last merit increase

10 03/04/2012

TOT_BONUS_PAY Total bonus pay – numeric – total amount of all bonuses received by the employee over the activity period

10 4500


Total commission pay – numeric – total amount of all commissions received by the employee over the activity period

10 0


Total overtime pay – numeric – total amount of all overtime pay received by the employee over the activity period

10 0


Locality pay – coded – whether or not the employee is receiving any locality pay, that is, additional pay due to their work location:

Y (yes, receiving locality pay)

N (no, not receiving locality pay)

1 “N”


Union status – coded – whether or not the employee belongs to a union:

Y (yes,union member)

N (no, not union member)

1 “N”

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Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory

UNION_NAME Union name – alphanumeric – if the employee is a union member, the name of the union



Veteran self-id date – date – date on which the employee submitted their Protected Veteran Self-ID form (post-offer)

10 06/27/2008


Veteran self-if response – coded – the employee’s basic Protected Veteran Self-ID response:

VET (protected Vet)

NOT (not a protected Vet)

REF (chose not to state)

UNK (unknown/chose not to state)

3 “VET”


Disabled Veteran – coded – whether the employee indicated they are a disabled Veteran:

Y (yes, disabled Vet)

N (no, not disabled Vet)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “N”


Recently Separated Veteran – coded – whether the employee indicated they are a recently separated Veteran:

Y (yes, rec. sep. Vet)

N (no, not rec. sep. Vet)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “Y”


Discharge Date – date – date on which employee was discharged from military service for those identifying as Recently Separated

10 04/18/2004


Active Duty/Campaign Badge Veteran – coded – whether the employee indicate they are an active duty or campaign badge Veteran:

Y (yes, act. duty/CB)

N (no, not act. duty/CB)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “N”


Service Medal Veteran – coded – whether the employee indicated they are a Service Medal Veteran:

Y (yes, svc. medal Vet)

N (no, not medal Vet)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “Y”

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Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory


Disabled Self-ID date – date – date on which employee submitted their Individuals with Disabilities Self-ID form

10 06/14/2010


Disabled self-if response – coded – the employee’s basic Individuals with Disabilities Self-ID response:

DIS (Disabled)

NOT (not disabled)

REF (chose not to state)

UNK (unknown/chose not to state)

3 “NOT”




Optional additional employee information fields (10) – alphanumeric – may be used to provide ten additional elements of information for each employee.

1000 “Overseas”




Optional additional numeric employee information fields (15) 12 8292.23




Optional additional date employee information fields (10) 10 12/1/1012

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The applicant file must contain one record for each application submitted in the

activity period. This might include internal applicants.

Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory


Internal ID – alphanumeric – uniquely identifies the application itself. Typically a number or code assigned to the application. This is not the “applicant ID” as that is identifying the individual, not the application activity.

30 “A827382”


Applicant ID – alphanumeric - uniquely identifies each applicant. Typically a number or code assigned to the applicant when they submit their application for employment.

20 “10291”

EMP_ID Employee ID – alphanumeric – if the applicant is hired or an employee, their employee ID

20 “88292”

APP_DATE Application date – date – date on which the application was submitted by the applicant.

10 12/07/2013

APP_CAT Applicant Category – alphanumeric – category of applicant. May be used to distinguish different sorts of applicants

20 “Internal”


Applicant name – alpha - full name of the applicant. May be in any format or order desired, however, most common is last name, comma, first name middle initial.

80 “Smith, John”


Applicant race – coded - one of the following standard race codes:

WHT (white)

BLK (black)

HSP (Hispanic)

AMI (American Indian)

ASN (Asian)

NHI (Native Hawaiian)

TWO (Two or more races)

OTH (Other/Unknown/Chose not to state)

3 “HSP”


Applicant sex – coded – one of the following standard sex codes:

M (male)

F (female)

U (Other/Unknown/Chose not to state)

1 “F”

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Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory


AAP establishment name – alphanumeric – name of the establishment in which the applicant is analyzed for AAP purposes

100 “WidgetCo,



AAP establishment city state and zip code – alphanumeric – geographic location of the establishment in which the applicant is analyzed for AAP purposes

100 “San

Francisco, CA 94101”


EEO1 and VETS reporting location – alphanumeric – the physical location in which the applicant will be counted in EEO1 and VETS reporting

100 “Sacramento

, CA”

APP_LOC Application location – alphanumeric – name of location where the application was submitted

100 “River Road


JOB_GROUP Job group – alphanumeric – the job group in which the application is analyzed for AAP purposes

100 “Technicians

JOB_TITLE Job title name – alphanumeric – name of employee’s job title

100 “Software Eng. 2”


EEO Category – coded – one of the following standard EEO category codes:

OM1 (1.1 Sr. Managers)

OM2 (1.2 Mid-Level Mgrs.)

PROF (2 Professionals)

TECH (3 Technicians)

SALES (4 Sales Workers)

ADMIN (5 Admin Support)

CW (6 Craft Workers)

OPER (7 Operatives)

LABOR (8 Laborers/Helpers)

SERV (9 Service Workers)

15 “ADMIN”

REQ_NUM Requisition number – alphanumeric – requisition associated with the job applied to

40 “C9283”

REQ_OPENINGS Requisition openings – numeric – the number of openings available for the requisition being applied to.

8 5

SOURCE Applicant source – alphanumeric – source from which the application was received

100 “Recruiter”

DISPO Applicant disposition – alphanumeric – ultimate disposition of the application

80 “Not


VET_SID_DATE Veteran self-id date – date – date on which the applicant submitted their pre-offer Protected Veteran Self-ID form

10 06/27/2008

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Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory


Veteran self-if response – coded – the applicant’s basic Protected Veteran Self-ID response:

VET (protected Vet)

NOT (not a protected Vet)

REF (chose not to state)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

3 “VET”


Disabled Veteran – coded – whether the applicant indicated they are a disabled Veteran:

Y (yes, disabled Vet)

N (no, not disabled Vet)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “N”


Recently Separated Veteran – coded – whether the applicant indicated they are a recently separated Veteran:

Y (yes, rec. sep. Vet)

N (no, not rec. sep. Vet)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “Y”


Discharge Date – date – date on which applicant was discharged from military service for those identifying as Recently Separated

10 04/18/2004


Active Duty/Campaign Badge Veteran – coded – whether the applicant indicated they are an active duty or campaign badge Veteran:

Y (yes, act. duty/CB)

N (no, not act. duty/CB)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “N”


Service Medal Veteran – coded – whether the applicant indicated they are a Service Medal Veteran:

Y (yes, svc. medal Vet)

N (no, not medal Vet)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “Y”

DIS_SID_DATE Disabled Self-ID date – date – date on which applicant submitted their Individuals with Disabilities Self-ID form

10 06/14/2010

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Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory


Disabled self-if response – coded – the applicant’s basic Individuals with Disabilities Self-ID response:

DIS (Disabled)

NOT (not disabled)

REF (chose not to state)

UNK (unknown/chose not to state)

3 “NOT”

VET_SID_DATE_POST Veteran self-id date – date – date on which the applicant submitted their pre-offer Protected Veteran Self-ID form

10 06/27/2008


Post-offer Veteran self-if response – coded – the applicant’s basic Protected Veteran Self-ID response:

VET (protected Vet)

NOT (not a protected Vet)

REF (chose not to state)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

3 “VET”


Post-offer Disabled Veteran – coded – whether the applicant indicated they are a disabled Veteran:

Y (yes, disabled Vet)

N (no, not disabled Vet)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “N”


Post-offer recently Separated Veteran – coded – whether the applicant indicated they are a recently separated Veteran:

Y (yes, rec. sep. Vet)

N (no, not rec. sep. Vet)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “Y”


Discharge Date – date – date on which applicant was discharged from military service for those identifying as Recently Separated

10 04/18/2004


Post-offer Active Duty/Campaign Badge Veteran – coded – whether the applicant indicated they are an active duty or campaign badge Veteran:

Y (yes, act. duty/CB)

N (no, not act. duty/CB)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “N”

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Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory


Post-offer Service Medal Veteran – coded – whether the applicant indicated they are a Service Medal Veteran:

Y (yes, svc. medal Vet)

N (no, not medal Vet)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “Y”

DIS_SID_DATE_POST Post-offer Disabled Self-ID date – date – date on which applicant submitted their Individuals with Disabilities Self-ID form

10 06/14/2010


Post-offer Disabled self-if response – coded – the applicant’s basic Individuals with Disabilities Self-ID response:

DIS (Disabled)

NOT (not disabled)

REF (chose not to state)

UNK (unknown/chose not to state)

3 “NOT”




Optional additional applicant information fields (10) – alphanumeric – may be used to provide ten additional elements of information for each applicant.

1000 “Walk-in”

NUM_1* Optional additional numeric applicant information field #1

12 8292.23

NUM_2* Optional additional numeric applicant information field #2

12 21

DATE_1* Optional additional date applicant information field #1

10 12/1/1012

DATE_2* Optional additional date applicant information field #2

10 03/19/1953

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The hire file must contain one record for each hire that occurred in the activity period.

Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory


Internal ID – alphanumeric – uniquely identifies the hire activity itself. Typically a number or code assigned to the hire. This is not the “employee ID” as that is identifying the individual, not the hire activity.

30 “H827382”


Employee ID – alphanumeric - uniquely identifies each employee. Typically a number or code assigned to the employee when they are hired.

20 “6635”

HIRE_DATE Hire date – date – date on which the hire took place. First day in the workforce.

10 02/23/2012

HIRE_CAT Hire Category – alphanumeric – category of hire. May be used to distinguish different sorts of hires

20 “Acquisition”


Employee name – alpha - full name of the employee. May be in any format or order desired, however, most common is last name, comma, first name middle initial.

80 “Smith, John”


Employee race – coded - one of the following standard race codes:

WHT (white)

BLK (black)

HSP (Hispanic)

AMI (American Indian)

ASN (Asian)

NHI (Native Hawaiian)

TWO (Two or more races)

OTH (Other/Unknown/Chose not to state)

3 “HSP”


Employee sex – coded – one of the following standard sex codes:

M (male)

F (female)

U (Other/Unknown/Chose not to state)

1 “F”

ESTAB_NAME AAP establishment name – alphanumeric – name of the establishment in which the hire is analyzed for AAP purposes

100 “WidgetCo,



AAP establishment city state and zip code – alphanumeric – geographic location of the establishment in which the hire is analyzed for AAP purposes

100 “San

Francisco, CA 94101”


EEO1 and VETS reporting location – alphanumeric – the physical location in which the hire will be counted in EEO1 and VETS reporting

100 “Sacramento,


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Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory

WORK_LOC Work location – alphanumeric – name of location where the employee worked at time of hire

100 “River Road


DEPT Department name – alphanumeric – name of the department in which the employee worked at time of hire

100 “Information Technology”

ORG_UNIT Organizational unit name – alphanumeric – name of the organizational unit to which the employee was assigned at time of hire

100 “RAD”

REQ_NUM Requisition number – alphanumeric – requisition associated with the hire

30 “T928”

REQ_OPENINGS Requisition openings – numeric – the number of openings available for the requisition being applied to.

8 5

JOB_GROUP Job group – alphanumeric – the job group in which the hire is analyzed for AAP purposes

100 “Technicians”

JOB_TITLE Job title name – alphanumeric – name of employee’s job title at hire

100 “Software Eng.



EEO Category – coded – one of the following standard EEO category codes:

OM1 (1.1 Sr. Managers)

OM2 (1.2 Mid-Level Mgrs.)

PROF (2 Professionals)

TECH (3 Technicians)

SALES (4 Sales Workers)

ADMIN (5 Admin Support)

CW (6 Craft Workers)

OPER (7 Operatives)

LABOR (8 Laborers/Helpers)

SERV (9 Service Workers)

15 “ADMIN”

PAY_AT_HIRE Annual base pay – numeric – employee’s annual base pay at hire

10 45000

PAY_GRADE Pay grade – alphanumeric – employees pay grade at hire

20 “E08”

SUPV_NAME Supervisor name – alphanumeric – full name of employee’s supervisor

80 “Larsen, Bob”

SUPV_ID Supervisor employee ID – alphanumeric – ID of the employee’s supervisor

20 “27328”

VET_SID_DATE Veteran self-id date – date – date on which the employee submitted their pre-offer Protected Veteran Self-ID form

10 06/27/2008


Veteran self-if response – coded – the employee’s basic Protected Veteran Self-ID response:

VET (protected Vet)

NOT (not a protected Vet)

REF (chose not to state)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

3 “VET”

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Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory


Disabled Veteran – coded – whether the employee indicated they are a disabled Veteran:

Y (yes, disabled Vet)

N (no, not disabled Vet)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “N”


Recently Separated Veteran – coded – whether the employee indicated they are a recently separated Veteran:

Y (yes, rec. sep. Vet)

N (no, not rec. sep. Vet)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “Y”


Discharge Date – date – date on which employee was discharged from military service for those identifying as Recently Separated

10 04/18/2004


Active Duty/Campaign Badge Veteran – coded – whether the employee indicated they are an active duty or campaign badge Veteran:

Y (yes, act. duty/CB)

N (no, not act. duty/CB)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “N”


Service Medal Veteran – coded – whether the employee indicated they are a Service Medal Veteran:

Y (yes, svc. medal Vet)

N (no, not medal Vet)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “Y”

DIS_SID_DATE Disabled Self-ID date – date – date on which employee submitted their Individuals with Disabilities Self-ID form

10 06/14/2010


Disabled self-if response – coded – the employee’s basic Individuals with Disabilities Self-ID response:

DIS (Disabled)

NOT (not disabled)

REF (chose not to state)

UNK (unknown/chose not to state)

3 “NOT”




Optional additional hire information fields (10) – alphanumeric – may be used to provide ten additional elements of information for each hire.

1000 “Overseas”

NUM_1* Optional additional numeric employee information field #1

12 8292.23

NUM_2* Optional additional numeric employee information field #2

12 21

DATE_1* Optional additional date employee information field #1

10 12/1/1012

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Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory

DATE_2* Optional additional date employee information field #2

10 03/19/1953

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The promotion file must contain one record for each promotion that occurred in the

activity period.

Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory


Internal ID – alphanumeric – uniquely identifies the promotion itself. Typically a number or code assigned to the promotion. This is not the “employee ID” as that is identifying the individual, not the promotion activity.

30 “P283722”


Employee ID – alphanumeric - uniquely identifies each employee. Typically a number or code assigned to the employee when they are hired.

20 “6635”

PROMO_DATE Promotion date – date – date on which the promotion took place. First day in new position.

10 06/08/2013

PROMO_CAT Promotion category – alphanumeric – category of promotion. May be used to distinguish different sorts of promotions

50 “Non-compete”


Employee name – alpha - full name of the employee. May be in any format or order desired, however, most common is last name, comma, first name middle initial.

80 “Smith, John”


Employee race – coded - one of the following standard race codes:

WHT (white)

BLK (black)

HSP (Hispanic)

AMI (American Indian)

ASN (Asian)

NHI (Native Hawaiian)

TWO (Two or more races)

OTH (Other/Unknown/Chose not to state)

3 “HSP”


Employee sex – coded – one of the following standard sex codes:

M (male)

F (female)

U (Other/Unknown/Chose not to state)

1 “F”


AAP establishment name – alphanumeric – name of the establishment in which the promotion is analyzed for AAP purposes

100 “WidgetCo,


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Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory


AAP establishment city state and zip code – alphanumeric – geographic location of the establishment in which the promotion is analyzed for AAP purposes

100 “San

Francisco, CA 94101”


EEO1 and VETS reporting location – alphanumeric – the physical location in which the promotion will be counted in EEO1 and VETS reporting

100 “Sacramento,


WORK_LOC Work location – alphanumeric – name of location where the employee worked at time of promotion

100 “River Road


DEPT Department name – alphanumeric – name of the department in which the employee worked at time of promotion

100 “Information Technology”


Organizational unit name – alphanumeric – name of the organizational unit to which the employee was assigned at time of promotion

100 “RAD”

REQ_NUM Requisition number – alphanumeric – requisition associated with the promotion

20 “T928”

REQ_OPENINGS Requisition openings – numeric – the number of openings available for the requisition being applied to.

8 5


Job group – alphanumeric – the job group in which the promotion is analyzed for AAP purposes. If promotion resulted in a change in job group, the new job group.

100 “Technicians”

FROM_JOB_GROUP Job group promoted from – alphanumeric

100 “Technicians”


Job title name – alphanumeric – name of employee’s job title at promotion. If promotion resulted in a change in job title, the new job title.

100 “Software Eng.


FROM_JOB_TITLE Job title name promoted from – alphanumeric

100 “Software Eng.



EEO Category – coded – one of the following standard EEO category codes:

OM1 (1.1 Sr. Managers)

OM2 (1.2 Mid-Level Mgrs.)

PROF (2 Professionals)

TECH (3 Technicians)

SALES (4 Sales Workers)

ADMIN (5 Admin Support)

CW (6 Craft Workers)

OPER (7 Operatives)

LABOR (8 Laborers/Helpers)

SERV (9 Service Workers)

15 “ADMIN”

FROM_EEO_CAT EEO Category promoted from – coded

15 “PROF”

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Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory

PAY Annual base pay – numeric – employee’s annual base pay at promotion

12 45000

PAY_GRADE Pay grade – alphanumeric – employees pay grade at promotion

20 “E08”

SUPV_NAME Supervisor name – alphanumeric – full name of employee’s supervisor

80 “Larsen, Bob”

SUPV_ID Supervisor employee ID – alphanumeric – ID of the employee’s supervisor

20 “27328”

VET_SID_DATE Veteran self-id date – date – date on which the employee submitted their pre-offer Protected Veteran Self-ID form

10 06/27/2008


Veteran self-if response – coded – the employee’s basic Protected Veteran Self-ID response:

VET (protected Vet)

NOT (not a protected Vet)

REF (chose not to state)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

3 “VET”


Disabled Veteran – coded – whether the employee indicated they are a disabled Veteran:

Y (yes, disabled Vet)

N (no, not disabled Vet)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “N”


Recently Separated Veteran – coded – whether the employee indicated they are a recently separated Veteran:

Y (yes, rec. sep. Vet)

N (no, not rec. sep. Vet)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “Y”


Discharge Date – date – date on which employee was discharged from military service for those identifying as Recently Separated

10 04/18/2004


Active Duty/Campaign Badge Veteran – coded – whether the employee indicated they are an active duty or campaign badge Veteran:

Y (yes, act. duty/CB)

N (no, not act. duty/CB)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “N”

Gerstco DVAAPBase File Formats (7/20/2018) Page 20 of 41

Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory


Service Medal Veteran – coded – whether the employee indicated they are a Service Medal Veteran:

Y (yes, svc. medal Vet)

N (no, not medal Vet)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “Y”

DIS_SID_DATE Disabled Self-ID date – date – date on which employee submitted their Individuals with Disabilities Self-ID form

10 06/14/2010


Disabled self-if response – coded – the employee’s basic Individuals with Disabilities Self-ID response:

DIS (Disabled)

NOT (not disabled)

REF (chose not to state)

UNK (unknown/chose not to state)

3 “NOT”




Optional additional promotion information fields (10) – alphanumeric – may be used to provide ten additional elements of information for each promotion.

1000 “Overseas”

NUM_1* Optional additional numeric employee information field #1

12 8292.23

NUM_2* Optional additional numeric employee information field #2

12 21

DATE_1* Optional additional date employee information field #1

10 12/1/1012

DATE_2* Optional additional date employee information field #2

10 03/19/1953

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The transfer file should include all transfers, reassignments, and other status

changes that occurred during the activity period.

Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory


Employee ID – alphanumeric - uniquely identifies each employee. Typically a number or code assigned to the employee when they are hired by the company.

20 “8237”


Internal ID – alphanumeric – uniquely identifies the transfer itself. Typically a number or code assigned to the transfer. This is not the “employee ID” as that is identifying the individual, not the transfer activity.

30 “P283722”

TRANS_DATE Transfer date – date – date on which the transfer took place. First day with the new designation.

10 02/23/2012

TRANS_CAT Transfer Category – alphanumeric – category of transfer. May be used to distinguish different sorts of transfers

50 “Reassignm



Employee name – alpha - full name of the employee. May be in any format or order desired, however, most common is last name, comma, first name middle initial.

80 “Smith, John”


Employee race – coded - one of the following standard race codes:

WHT (white)

BLK (black)

HSP (Hispanic)

AMI (American Indian)

ASN (Asian)

NHI (Native Hawaiian)

TWO (Two or more races)

OTH (Other/Unknown/Chose not to state)

3 “HSP”


Employee sex – coded – one of the following standard sex codes:

M (male)

F (female)

U (Other/Unknown/Chose not to state)

1 “F”


AAP establishment name after transfer – alphanumeric – name of the establishment in which the employee is analyzed for AAP purposes

100 “WidgetCo,


ESTAB_NAME_FROM AAP establishment name before transfer – alphanumeric

100 “WidgetCo,


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Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory


AAP establishment city state and zip code – alphanumeric – geographic location of the establishment in which the employee is analyzed for AAP purposes

100 “San

Francisco, CA 94101”


AAP establishment city state and zip code – alphanumeric – geographic location of the establishment before the transfer

100 “San

Francisco, CA 94101”


EEO1 and VETS reporting location – alphanumeric – the physical location in which the transfer will be counted in EEO1 and VETS reporting

100 “Sacramento

, CA”


EEO1 and VETS reporting location – alphanumeric – the physical EEO1 and VETS reporting location before the transfer

100 “Sacramento

, CA”

WORK_LOC Work location after transfer – alphanumeric – name of location where the employee works

100 “River Road


WORK_LOC_FROM Work location before transfer – alphanumeric

100 “River Road



Job group after transfer – alphanumeric – the job group in which the employee is analyzed for AAP purposes

100 “Technicians

JOB_GROUP_FROM Job group before transfer – alphanumeric

100 “Technicians

JOB_TITLE Job title name after transfer – alphanumeric – name of employee’s job title

100 “Software Eng. 2”

JOB_TITLE_FROM Job title name before transfer – alphanumeric

100 “Software Eng. 2”


EEO Category after transfer – coded – one of the following standard EEO category codes:

OM1 (1.1 Sr. Managers)

OM2 (1.2 Mid-Level Mgrs.)

PROF (2 Professionals)

TECH (3 Technicians)

SALES (4 Sales Workers)

ADMIN (5 Admin Support)

CW (6 Craft Workers)

OPER (7 Operatives)

LABOR (8 Laborers/Helpers)

SERV (9 Service Workers)

15 “ADMIN”

EEO_CAT_FROM EEO Category before transfer – coded 15 “ADMIN”

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Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory


Department name after transfer – alphanumeric – name of the department in which the employee works

100 “Human


DEPT_FROM Department name before transfer – alphanumeric

100 “Human



Organizational unit name after transfer – alphanumeric – name of the organizational unit to which the employee is assigned

100 “Administrati


ORG_UNIT_FROM Organizational unit name before transfer – alphanumeric

100 “Administrati


SUPV_NAME Supervisor name after transfer – alphanumeric – full name of employee’s supervisor

80 “Jones, Cynthia”

SUPV_NAME_FROM Supervisor name before transfer – alphanumeric

80 “Jones, Cynthia”

SUPV_ID Supervisor employee ID after transfer – alphanumeric – ID of the employee’s supervisor

20 “7234”

SUPV_ID_FROM Supervisor employee ID before transfer – alphanumeric

20 “7234”

PAY Annual base pay – numeric – employee’s annual base pay rounded to nearest dollar

12 64298

PAY_GRADE Pay grade – alphanumeric – employees pay grade

20 “E10”


Veteran self-id date – date – date on which the employee submitted their Protected Veteran Self-ID form (post-offer)

10 06/27/2008


Veteran self-if response – coded – the employee’s basic Protected Veteran Self-ID response:

VET (protected Vet)

NOT (not a protected Vet)

REF (chose not to state)

UNK (unknown/chose not to state)

3 “VET”


Disabled Veteran – coded – whether the employee indicated they are a disabled Veteran:

Y (yes, disabled Vet)

N (no, not disabled Vet)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “N”

Gerstco DVAAPBase File Formats (7/20/2018) Page 24 of 41

Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory


Recently Separated Veteran – coded – whether the employee indicated they are a recently separated Veteran:

Y (yes, rec. sep. Vet)

N (no, not rec. sep. Vet)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “Y”


Discharge Date – date – date on which employee was discharged from military service for those identifying as Recently Separated

10 04/18/2004


Active Duty/Campaign Badge Veteran – coded – whether the employee indicate they are an active duty or campaign badge Veteran:

Y (yes, act. duty/CB)

N (no, not act. duty/CB)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “N”


Service Medal Veteran – coded – whether the employee indicated they are a Service Medal Veteran:

Y (yes, svc. medal Vet)

N (no, not medal Vet)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “Y”

DIS_SID_DATE Disabled Self-ID date – date – date on which employee submitted their Individuals with Disabilities Self-ID form

10 06/14/2010


Disabled self-if response – coded – the employee’s basic Individuals with Disabilities Self-ID response:

DIS (Disabled)

NOT (not disabled)

REF (chose not to state)

UNK (unknown/chose not to state)

3 “NOT”




Optional additional transfer information fields (10) – alphanumeric – may be used to provide ten additional elements of information for each transfer.

1000 “Overseas”

NUM_1* Optional additional numeric employee information field #1

12 8292.23

NUM_2* Optional additional numeric employee information field #2

12 21

DATE_1* Optional additional date employee information field #1

10 12/1/1012

DATE_2* Optional additional date employee information field #2

10 03/19/1953

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The termination file must contain one record for each termination that occurred in the

activity period.

Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory


Internal ID – alphanumeric – uniquely identifies the termination itself. Typically a number or code assigned to the termination. This is not the “employee ID” as that is identifying the individual, not the termination activity.

30 “T923829”


Employee ID – alphanumeric - uniquely identifies each employee. Typically a number or code assigned to the employee when they are hired.

20 “6635”

TERM_DATE Termination date – date – date on which employment was terminated. Last day in the workforce.

10 11/21/2012

TERM_CAT Termination Category – alphanumeric – category of termination. May be used to distinguish different sorts of terminations

30 “Acquisition”

REASON Termination reason – alphanumeric – description of why the employee was terminated.

1000 “Poor



Employee name – alpha - full name of the employee. May be in any format or order desired, however, most common is last name, comma, first name middle initial.

80 “Smith, John”


Employee race – coded - one of the following standard race codes:

WHT (white)

BLK (black)

HSP (Hispanic)

AMI (American Indian)

ASN (Asian)

NHI (Native Hawaiian)

TWO (Two or more races)

OTH (Other/Unknown/Chose not to state)

3 “HSP”


Employee sex – coded – one of the following standard sex codes:

M (male)

F (female)

U (Other/Unknown/Chose not to state)

1 “F”

ESTAB_NAME AAP establishment name – alphanumeric – name of the establishment in which the termination is analyzed for AAP purposes

100 “WidgetCo,


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Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory


AAP establishment city state and zip code – alphanumeric – geographic location of the establishment in which the termination is analyzed for AAP purposes

100 “San

Francisco, CA 94101”


EEO1 and VETS reporting location – alphanumeric – the physical location in which the termination will be counted in EEO1 and VETS reporting

100 “Sacramento,


WORK_LOC Work location – alphanumeric – name of location where the employee worked at time of termination

100 “River Road


DEPT Department name – alphanumeric – name of the department in which the employee worked at time of termination

100 “Information Technology”


Organizational unit name – alphanumeric – name of the organizational unit to which the employee was assigned at time of termination

100 “RAD”

JOB_GROUP Job group – alphanumeric – the job group in which the termination is analyzed for AAP purposes

100 “Technicians”

JOB_TITLE Job title name – alphanumeric – name of employee’s job title at termination

100 “Software Eng.



EEO Category – coded – one of the following standard EEO category codes:

OM1 (1.1 Sr. Managers)

OM2 (1.2 Mid-Level Mgrs.)

PROF (2 Professionals)

TECH (3 Technicians)

SALES (4 Sales Workers)

ADMIN (5 Admin Support)

CW (6 Craft Workers)

OPER (7 Operatives)

LABOR (8 Laborers/Helpers)

SERV (9 Service Workers)

15 “ADMIN”

PAY Annual base pay – numeric – employee’s annual base pay at termination

12 45000

PAY_GRADE Pay grade – alphanumeric – employees pay grade at termination

20 “E08”

SUPV_NAME Supervisor name – alphanumeric – full name of employee’s supervisor

80 “Larsen, Bob”

SUPV_ID Supervisor employee ID – alphanumeric – ID of the employee’s supervisor

20 “27328”

VET_SID_DATE Veteran self-id date – date – date on which the employee submitted their pre-offer Protected Veteran Self-ID form

10 06/27/2008

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Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory


Veteran self-if response – coded – the employee’s basic Protected Veteran Self-ID response:

VET (protected Vet)

NOT (not a protected Vet)

REF (chose not to state)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

3 “VET”


Disabled Veteran – coded – whether the employee indicated they are a disabled Veteran:

Y (yes, disabled Vet)

N (no, not disabled Vet)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “N”


Recently Separated Veteran – coded – whether the employee indicated they are a recently separated Veteran:

Y (yes, rec. sep. Vet)

N (no, not rec. sep. Vet)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “Y”


Discharge Date – date – date on which employee was discharged from military service for those identifying as Recently Separated

10 04/18/2004


Active Duty/Campaign Badge Veteran – coded – whether the employee indicated they are an active duty or campaign badge Veteran:

Y (yes, act. duty/CB)

N (no, not act. duty/CB)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “N”


Service Medal Veteran – coded – whether the employee indicated they are a Service Medal Veteran:

Y (yes, svc. medal Vet)

N (no, not medal Vet)

U (unknown/chose not to state)

1 “Y”

DIS_SID_DATE Disabled Self-ID date – date – date on which employee submitted their Individuals with Disabilities Self-ID form

10 06/14/2010


Disabled self-if response – coded – the employee’s basic Individuals with Disabilities Self-ID response:

DIS (Disabled)

NOT (not disabled)

REF (chose not to state)

UNK (unknown/chose not to state)

3 “NOT”




Optional additional termination information fields (10) – alphanumeric – may be used to provide ten additional elements of information for each termination.

1000 “Overseas”

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Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory

NUM_1* Optional additional numeric employee information field #1

12 8292.23

NUM_2* Optional additional numeric employee information field #2

12 21

DATE_1* Optional additional date employee information field #1

10 12/1/1012

DATE_2* Optional additional date employee information field #2

10 03/19/1953

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EEO/VETS Location Information

The EEO/VETS Location file must include one record for each location in the

company. The location name is the field which links to the Workforce and Activity files

and must match exactly among the files.

Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory


Location Name - alphanumeric – the name of the location. Corresponds to the EEO1_LOC name in all other import files.

100 “Northern California”

COMP_NAME Company Name – alphanumeric – the name of the company to show on EEO-1 and VETS reports.

200 “Widgets,


UNIT_NO Unit Number – numeric – number uniquely identifying the location.

7 “9283611”


North American Industry Classification System code – numeric – code identifying the industry of the location.

6 “331423”

DUN_BS Dun & Bradstreet number – numeric – unique number for each location that has registered for federal grants.

9 “827364661”


Employer Identification Number – numeric – unique number assigned to each location for tax filing purposes.

9 “829943271”


Is Headquarters – coded – whether the location is the headquarters of the company:

Y (yes, is HQ)

N (no, not HQ)

1 “Y”


Is Prime Contractor – coded – whether the location is a prime contractor:

Y (yes, is prime cont.)

N (no, not prime cont.)

1 “N”


Is Sub Contractor – coded – whether the location is a sub contractor:

Y (yes, is sub cont.)

N (no, not sub cont.)

1 “Y”


Is New Location – coded – whether the location is filing EEO-1 for the first time:

Y (yes, is new)

N (no, not new)

1 “N”

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Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory


Business Description – alphanumeric – brief description of the major activity of the location.


“Manufacture of tank engine parts.”

ADDR1 Address line 1 – alphanumeric – Street address of location.

80 “23 Main St.”

ADDR2 Address line 2 – alphanumeric – Second line of address of location.

80 “Suite 101”

CITY City – alphanumeric – City where location is located.

50 “Los


STATE State – alphanumeric – State where location is located.

2 “CA”

ZIP Zip code – alphanumeric – Zip code of location.

5 “92837”

COUNTY County – alphanumeric – County in which location is located.

40 “Santa Clara”

PAY_FROM Payroll From Date – date – start of the payroll period in which EEO-1 headcounts were collected.

10 “10/01/2015”

PAY_THRU Payroll Thru Date – date – end of the payroll period in which EEO-1 headcounts were collected.

10 “10/14/2015”


Question answer – coded – whether an EEO-1 was filed for the location last year:

Y (yes, was filed)

N (no, not filed)

1 “Y”


Question answer – coded – whether the location had 100 employees in the payroll period:

Y (yes, 100+)

N (no, less than 100)

1 “Y”


Question answer – coded – whether location is affiliated with a location with 100 employees:

Y (yes, affiliated)

N (no, not affiliated)

1 “Y”


Question answer – coded – whether the location is required to have an Affirmative Action Program:

Y (yes, AAP required)

N (no, not required)

1 “Y”

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Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory















Employee counts – numeric – number of employees in the location for each race and gender.

10 23

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EEO/VETS Consolidated Information

The EEO/VETS Consolidated file must include exactly ONE record. The data applies

to the company as a whole and is shown on the EEO-1 Consolidated (Type 2)


Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory

COMP_NAME Company Name – alphanumeric – the name of the company to show on EEO-1 and VETS reports.

200 “Widgets,


UNIT_NO Unit Number – numeric – number uniquely identifying the company.

7 “9283611”


North American Industry Classification System code – numeric – code identifying the industry of the company.

6 “331423”

DUN_BS Dun & Bradstreet number – numeric – unique number for each location that has registered for federal grants.

9 “827364661”


Employer Identification Number – numeric – unique number assigned to the company for tax filing purposes.

9 “829943271”


Business Description – alphanumeric – brief description of the major activity of the company.


“Manufacture of tank engine parts.”

ADDR1 Address line 1 – alphanumeric – Street address of company.

80 “23 Main St.”

ADDR2 Address line 2 – alphanumeric – Second line of address of company.

80 “Suite 101”

CITY City – alphanumeric – City where company is located.

50 “Los


STATE State – alphanumeric – State where company is located.

2 “CA”

ZIP Zip code – alphanumeric – Zip code of company location.

5 “92837”

COUNTY County – alphanumeric – County in which company is located.

40 “Santa Clara”

PAY_FROM Payroll From Date – date – start of the payroll period in which EEO-1 headcounts were collected.

10 “10/01/2015”

PAY_THRU Payroll Thru Date – date – end of the payroll period in which EEO-1 headcounts were collected.

10 “10/14/2015”


Question answer – coded – whether an EEO-1 was filed for the company last year:

Y (yes, was filed)

N (no, not filed)

1 “Y”

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Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory


Question answer – coded – whether an company had 100 employees in the payroll period:

Y (yes, 100+)

N (no, less than 100)

1 “Y”


Question answer – coded – whether company is affiliated with a location with 100 employees:

Y (yes, affiliated)

N (no, not affiliated)

1 “Y”


Question answer – coded – whether the company is required to have an Affirmative Action Program:

Y (yes, AAP required)

N (no, not required)

1 “Y”















Employee counts – numeric – number of employees in the location for each race and gender.

10 23

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EEO/VETS Officials

The EEO/VETS Officials file includes records for each employee who is responsible

for certifying EEO-1 and VETS reporting data or is a contact person for the reporting


Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory

FULL_NAME Person Name – alphanumeric – the full name of the employee.

100 “Lucas


JOB_TITLE Job Title – alphanumeric – the job title of the employee. 100

“Sr. Human Resources Manager”

ADDR Address – alphanumeric – street address at which the employee may be contacted.

80 “23 W. Milbrae Way”

CITY City – alphanumeric – city at which the employee may be contacted.

50 “San Jose”

STATE State – alphanumeric –state at which the employee may be contacted.

2 “CA”

ZIP Zip code – alphanumeric – zip code at which the employee may be contacted.

5 “97263”

PHONE Phone number – alphanumeric – phone number at which the employee may be contacted.

20 “408973136


EMAIL Email address – alphanumeric – email address at which the employee may be contacted.

80 “Gloria.Brown@ourcomp.


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The accommodations file must contain one record for each accommodation

requested by applicants or employees during the activity period.

Exact Field Name Description

Max Length

Sample Mandatory


Internal ID – alphanumeric – uniquely identifies the accommodation itself. Typically a number or code assigned to the accommodation. This is not the “applicant ID” or “employee ID” as that is identifying the individual, not the accommodation activity.

30 “A9348724”


Applicant ID – alphanumeric – if accommodation request was from an applicant, the applicant ID of the individual requesting the accommodation. Typically a number or code assigned to the applicant when they submit their application for employment.

20 “8237”


Employee ID – alphanumeric – if the accommodation request was from an employee, the employee ID of the individual requesting the accommodation . Typically a number or code assigned to the employee when they are hired.

20 “6635”


Accommodation Category – alphanumeric – category of accommodation. May be used to distinguish different sorts of accommodations.

20 “Interview”


Applicant or employee name – alpha - full name of the employee or applicant requesting an accommodation. May be in any format or order desired, however, most common is last name, comma, first name middle initial.

80 “Doe, Jane”


Employee race – coded - one of the following standard race codes:

WHT (white)

BLK (black)

HSP (Hispanic)

AMI (American Indian)

ASN (Asian)

NHI (Native Hawaiian)

TWO (Two or more races)

OTH (Other/Unknown/Chose not to state)

3 “HSP”

Gerstco DVAAPBase File Formats (7/20/2018) Page 37 of 41

Exact Field Name Description

Max Length

Sample Mandatory


Employee sex – coded – one of the following standard sex codes:

M (male)

F (female)

U (Other/Unknown/Chose not to state)

1 “F”


AAP establishment name – alphanumeric – name of the establishment in which the accommodation is analyzed for AAP purposes

100 “WidgetCo, Intl.”


EEO1 and VETS reporting location – alphanumeric – the physical location in which the termination will be counted in EEO1 and VETS reporting

100 “Sacramento,


WORK_LOC Work location – alphanumeric – name of location where the employee worked at time of accommodation

100 “River Road



Department name – alphanumeric – name of the department in which the employee worked at time of accommodation

100 “Information Technology”


Organizational unit name – alphanumeric – name of the organizational unit to which the employee was assigned at time of accommodation

100 “RAD”

JOB_GROUP Job group – alphanumeric – the job group in which the accommodation is analyzed for AAP purposes

100 “Technicians”

JOB_TITLE Job title name – alphanumeric – name of employee’s job title at accommodation

100 “Software Eng.



EEO Category – coded – one of the following standard EEO category codes:

OM1 (1.1 Sr. Managers)

OM2 (1.2 Mid-Level Mgrs.)

PROF (2 Professionals)

TECH (3 Technicians)

SALES (4 Sales Workers)

ADMIN (5 Admin Support)

CW (6 Craft Workers)

OPER (7 Operatives)

LABOR (8 Laborers/Helpers)

SERV (9 Service Workers)

15 “PROF”

SUPV_NAME Supervisor name – alphanumeric – full name of employee’s supervisor

80 “Doe, Jane”

SUPV_ID Supervisor employee ID – alphanumeric – ID of the employee’s supervisor

20 “A82372”

REQ_DATE Request date – date – date on which the accommodation request was made.

10 11/08/2012

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Exact Field Name Description

Max Length

Sample Mandatory

RECIP_NAME Recipient name – alphanumeric – name of employee who received the request.

80 “More, Mary”

ACCOM_DET Accommodation details – alphanumeric – description of the accommodation request.


“ASL interpreter

requested for interview.”


Accommodation Disposition – coded – whether or not an accommodation was granted in response to the request:

G (granted, accom. made)

D (denied, none made)

P (pending, request is still pending)

1 “G”

ACCOM_AUTH Accommodation authority – alphanumeric – job title of the employee granting or denying the accommodation

100 “VP of


RESP_DATE Response date – date – date on which the requester was given a response to their request

10 09/14/2012


Response details – alphanumeric – details of the response including what specific accommodations were made, if any.


“ASL interpreter hired from

service agency for interview.”




Optional additional accommodation information fields (10) – alphanumeric – may be used to provide ten additional elements of information for each accommodation.

1000 “Overseas”

NUM_1* Optional additional numeric employee information field #1

12 8292.23

NUM_2* Optional additional numeric employee information field #2

12 21

DATE_1* Optional additional date employee information field #1

10 12/1/1012

DATE_2* Optional additional date employee information field #2

10 03/19/1953

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Good Faith Efforts/Outreach

The GFE/Outreach file must contain one record for each outreach activity or event

that occurred during the activity period.

Exact Field Name Description Max

Length Sample Mandatory


Internal ID – alphanumeric – uniquely identifies the activity or effort itself. Typically a number or code assigned to the event.

30 “A9348724”

EVENT_DATE Event/outreach date – date – the date on which the event or outreach activity took place.

10 “7/1/2015”

OR_TYPE Outreach Type – alphanumeric – what type of outreach was done. Short description of the activity.

50 “Seminar”

ORG_NAME Organization Name – alphanumeric – name of the organization with which or for which the outreach was done.

100 “Veterans United”


Activity – alphanumeric – description of the activity or event.


“Seminar to educate recently

discharged Veterans on employment

opportunities in Chicago area.”

TARGET_GROUP Targeted Group – alphanumeric – people group targeted by the outreach event.

50 “Veterans”

DESCRIPTION Description – alphanumeric – details on the outreach/good faith effort and its goals.


LOCATION Location – alphanumeric – where the outreach activity took place. 100

“VA Center, 231 Mills Ave.,

Chicago, IL”

CONT_NAME Name of Contact – alphanumeric – full name of contact person at the organization involved in the outreach event.

80 “Cromwell,


CONT_PHONE Contact Phone – alphanumeric – phone number of contact person.

30 “555-923-2039”

CONT_EMAIL Contact Email – alphanumeric – email address of contact person.

80 c.cromwell@va.


NOTES Notes – alphanumeric – any extra details or notes about the event.


Gerstco DVAAPBase File Formats (7/20/2018) Page 40 of 41


The availability file must contain one record for each availability factor for each group

within each analysis structure. Normally the analysis structure is by establishment

and the grouping is by job group. Most groups have one internal factor and at least

one external factor.

Exact Field Name Description

Max Length

Sample Mandatory


Key Field – alphanumeric – the name of the field in the workforce and activity files by which availability analysis will be done. This is normally the AAP Site field such as EstabName, but can be any text field present in the workforce and activities including custom fields.

100 “EstabName”


Key Field Value – alphanumeric – which key the data belongs to. For example, if the key field is EstabName, which establishment the data belongs to.

none “Headquarters”


Grouping Field – alphanumeric – the name of the field in the workforce and activity files that the availability data will be grouped by. JobGroup is the usual grouping field name.

100 “JobGroup”

GRP_FLD_VALUE Grouping Value – alphanumeric – which group the data belongs to. For example, which Job Group.

none “Professionals”


Internal or External – coded – one of the following codes indicating whether the data is for an internal or external factor: :

I (internal)

E (external)

1 “E”


Sort Order – numeric – if multiple factors of one type are being provided for a single group, the preferred order to display them on screen and in reports.

9 “1”


Factor Weight – numeric – the percentage weight to give the factor for the job group. For any one group, the weights for the factors should add up to exactly 100.

9 “45.7”


Rationale for Factor – alphanumeric – description of the rationale for the provided population counts in the factor.


“2010 Census for recruiting

areas in Santa Clara County.”

SOURCE_INFO Source Details – alphanumeric –detailed information on the source of the population data.

100 “Sacramento,


MAL_POP Male Population – numeric – number of male employees in the availability factor.

9 “23”

Gerstco DVAAPBase File Formats (7/20/2018) Page 41 of 41

Exact Field Name Description

Max Length

Sample Mandatory

FEM_POP Female Population – numeric – number of female employees in the availability factor.

9 “23”

WHT_POP White Population – numeric – number of white employees in the availability factor.

9 “23”

HSP_POP Hispanic Population – numeric – number of Hispanic employees in the availability factor.

9 “23”

BLK_POP Black Population – numeric – number of black employees in the availability factor.

9 “23”


Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Population – numeric – number of native Hawaiian employees in the availability factor.

9 “23”

ASN_POP Asian Population – numeric – number of Asian employees in the availability factor.

9 “23”

AMI_POP American Indian Population – numeric – number of American Indian employees in the availability factor.

9 “23”

TWO_POP Two or More Races Population – numeric – number of employees with two or more races in the availability factor.

9 “23”

TOT_POP Total Population – numeric – total number of employees in the availability factor.

9 “23”

* Optional “ANUM”, “NUM” and “DATE” fields may be given custom field names. Custom field names

must be specified in the DVAAPBase settings for the dataset.
