Repurposed Assignment One



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UWRT 1104 - Assignment one Channel � of �1 11

Assignment One

Student: Matthew Schenck


2. Background Information

3. Actors

4. Artifacts

5. Observation One

6. Observation Two

7. Observation Three

8. Interview

9. Analysis

T.V. Guide

Images By: Clipart Lord and

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Background Information

This movie takes place in various locations throughout New Jersey in 1978. Several important sites include Mrs. Goldfarb’s apartment, Harry and Marion’s apartment, and the market when Harry sells the TV.

Every main character in the movie is facing drug addiction and this is a major role in the movie. It is important to know that this movie is based off of a novel by Hubert Selby Jr. The movie is not exactly like the novel so it might

be confusing to first time viewers as to what is going on.

Images By: calvinayre, slideshare, 365filmer

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Hello, I’m Ellen Burstyn but I played Sara Goldfarb in Requiem for a Dream. I was Harries mother and could be part of the reason for his downfall as I was a lenient mother. I was also my own downfall because my lack of self control allowed for me to addicted to weight loss medication.

Hello, I’m Jared Leto but I played Harry Goldfarb, the main character in Requiem for a Dream. I always knows the right thing to do but I was brought into a world that leads me down the wrong path. Every time I suggests the right thing to do I am pressured into something else.

Hello, I’m Jennifer Connelly and I play Marion, Harries girlfriend, in Requiem for a Dream. I have a wealthy background because of my family but never felt love from them. Harry has been the only person I have felt passionate about and it made me weak to fall into drugs.

Hello, my name is Marlon Wayans but I play Tyrone in Requiem for a Dream. I am Harries best friend and partner in crime. I’m a very kind guy and want the best for everyone.

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Images by: dailyfreepsd, tumblr



This show is repetitively playingthroughout the whole show in Mrs.Goldfarb’s house. It relates to herweight loss because it a show aboutweightlossbecauseitisahealthshowand it relates toherneed tobeonTVbecause it is a TV show. As themoviegoesonandherhallucinationsbecomestrongerandstrongertheshowseems

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Time Taken Notes 0:00-ThemovieopensupwithHaroldGoldfarbstealinghismother’s,Mrs.Goldfarb’s,T.V.set.Haroldtry’stoguilthismotherintogivingittohim.Itisobviousthatthisisn’ttheCirsttimehehasdonethisbecausethistimeshehasalockonit.EventhoughshelockeditupthistimeshecannotgothroughwithkeepingtheT.V.andslidesthekeyunderthedoorshelockedherselfbehind.3:00mins- Outside the apartment waiting is Tyrone, Harold’s best friend. Tyrone addresses Harold as Jim and continues to do this throughout the movie. They proceed to wheel the T.V. across New Jersey to a shop that seems to be mart of a flea market. After they get the money for the T.V. they immediately get some heroin and get high. As they are high they make mix music and begin to talk about the idea of cutting and selling heroin. 8:00mins-Mrs.GoldfarbshowsupatthemarketwhereHaroldsoldtheT.V.andaskthesalesmanforherT.V..Theyaddressoneanotherbynameshowingthattheyhaveobviouslybeenthroughthisplentyoftimesbefore.WhenthesalesmanaskMrs.Goldfarbwhyshedoesn’tcallthecopsonHarrysherefusedandsaidtoldhimthatHarryisallshehas.WhenMrs.Goldfarbgetsbacktoherapartmentsheturnsthesetonandthereoccurringshow‘Juice’ison.Thisshowisshownthroughoutthewholemovie.ThenextsceneintroducesHarry’sgirlfriendMarionwhentheyproceedtobreakintoanapartmentcomplexjusttohangoutontherooftop.10:00mins-ThescenecutsbacktoMrs.GoldfarbassheisreceivingaphonecallfromacompanythatchoosescontestantsforT.V.shows.SheisimmediatelyintriguedbytheideaofbeingonT.V.andwantstotryonherfavoriteoutCit.ShegoestoherclosetandtriesonareddressthatsheworetoHarold’sgraduation.ShecannotCitinthedressandaskafriendtohelpherputiton.Herfriendsuggestshedropacoupleofpounds.ThenthescenecutsbackintoHaroldandMarionhavingaconversationaboutherlife.Haroldaskedherwhyshedoeswhatshedoeswhenherparentsgiveherplentyofmoney.Shetellshimthateventhoughtheygivehermaterialitems,theydon’tgiveherlove.19:00mins-AnewsceneopensupwithMrs.GoldfarbeatingherCirstbreakfastonherdiet.ShebeginstowatchT.V.andtheshowJuiceisononceagain.Theshowisaboutdietingandlosingweight.Everytimetheshowmentionssomethingsheshouldn’teat,shewantstoeatitevenmore.Sheisfedupwithitanddecidestogooutsidewithherfriendsonthesidewalk.Theytalkaboutthedietandonefriendmentionshowherdaughterlost50lbsbygoingtothedoctorandgettingsomepills.ThemailmanshowsupandsheapproacheshimaskingifherapplicationfortheT.V.showhascamein.ThenHarryandTyroneCindsomeherointheycancutandsell.

Observation One 0:00 - 25:00 minutes

Quick Summary In the first 25 minutes of

the movie all of the characters are introduced. Harry steals his mom tv with Tyrone for money and she lets him do this. Marion and Harry interact with each other in a very passionate way clearly provoking their feelings for each other. Mrs. Goldfarb gets a call from the T.V. station inviting her to be on T.V. which leads to her need to lose weight.

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Time Taken Notes


Observation Two 25:00 - 66:00 minutes

Quick Summary At first it seems that everything is going great, Harry and Tyrone are making money, Mrs. Goldfarb is losing weight, and Marion is making clothes. It soon changes when Mrs. Goldfarbs addiction becomes stronger and the kingpin heroin dealer is shot. This puts Tyrone in Jail and leaves them with nothing to sell or use.

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Observation Two Cont. 25:00 - 66:00 minutes


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Observation Three 66:00 - 97:00 minutes

Time Taken Notes


Quick SummaryThings get bad very

quickly as they have no drugs to use or sell. They begin going to great lengths to get their fix. Mrs. Goldfarb is extremely addicted and delusional landing her in the psych ward. Harry and Tyrone are thrown in jail. Marion is reaching the depths to get a fix. Conclusion.

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Q&A with Interviewee


Background of Interviewee and

connection Myintervieweewasanaddictwhohadsufferedfromheroinandopiate












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Conventions and Examples


Conventions and Examples

Another convention used throughout the movie was the use of excuses. Every time someone argued about someone using drugs, they always made up an excuse to use them and then every thing was okay. For example: When Harry tried to get his mom to stop taking the weight loss pills she fed him some long excuse and he just let her keep taking them.

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