Republic of the Philippines National Statistics Office 10_Report... · 2017-09-29 · 2010CENSUS...


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National Statistics OfficeRepublic of the Philippines



CITATION: National Statistics Office, 2010 Census of Population and Housing Report No. 1-M REGION X – NORTHERN MINDANAO Population by Province, City/Municipality, and Barangay April 2012 ISSN 0117-1453

2010 Census of Population and Housing

Report No. 1 – M Population by Province, City/Municipality, and Barangay







Honorable Cayetano W. Paderanga Jr. Chairperson


Carmelita N. Ericta Administrator

Paula Monina G. Collado

Deputy Administrator

Socorro D. Abejo Director III, Household Statistics Department

ISSN 0117-1453


The 2010 Census of Population and Housing (2010 CPH) Report No. 1 is one of several publications designed to disseminate the results of the 2010 CPH. This report presents the population by province, city or municipality and barangay based on the 2010 CPH. This information will be useful for the formulation of the social and economic development policies, plans and programs of the Government. These are also important for purposes of the calculation of Internal Revenue Allocation, determination of number of congressional districts, and creation or conversion of various administrative geographic units.

The 2010 CPH is the 13th census of population and the 6th census of housing that was conducted in the country since the first census undertaken in 1903. It was designed to take an inventory of the total population and housing units in the country and collect information about their characteristics as of the reference period May 1, 2010.

The 2010 CPH data were gathered through house-to-house visit and interview of

a responsible member of every household visited. The data processing of the results of the 2010 CPH utilized a combination of Optical Mark Reader (OMR) technology and data encoding. The 2010 CPH results on population counts underwent careful evaluation for reasonableness and consistency with expected demographic patterns and trends in accordance with evaluation procedures of international standards. Unusual changes and deviations of 2010 CPH population counts and related indicators from expected patterns and trends were field-verified.

The successful completion of the 2010 CPH would not have been possible

without the unwavering support and services rendered by the local and national officials, government and private agencies, media, and non-government organizations. We acknowledge with gratitude the census coordinating boards at the national, regional, provincial, city, and municipal levels in ensuring agency logistic support and assistance, the dedication of teachers from the Department of Education, the hired census personnel, and our very own NSO personnel who acted as census enumerators and supervisors, and the cooperation of the general populace. The NSO extends its deep appreciation of their support to this important undertaking.


Manila, Philippines April 2012

2010 Census of Population and Housing Contents

Foreword v

Proclamation vii

Explanatory Note xi Introduction xi

Content and Coverage of this Report xi Authority to Conduct the 2010 CPH xi

Coordination for the 2010 CPH xii Definition of Terms and Concepts xiii

Method of Enumeration xviii Sampling Scheme xx

Map of Region X – Northern Mindanao xxi Highlights of the Philippine Population xxiii

Highlights of Region X – Northern Mindanao Population xxvi

Summary Table: A. Population and Annual Growth Rates for the Philippines and Its Regions, Provinces,

and Highly Urbanized Cities Based on 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses xxix B. Population and Annual Growth Rates by Province, City, and Municipality

Region X – Northern Mindanao xxxii C. Total Population, Household Population, Number of Households, and Average

Household Size by Region, Province, and Highly Urbanized City: Philippines, 2010 xxxv

Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Barangay: Bukidnon 1

Camiguin 15 Lanao del Norte (excluding Iligan City) 17

Iligan City 30

Misamis Occidental 32 Misamis Oriental 46

Cagayan de Oro City 58

Appendices A Commonwealth Act No. 591 – An Act Creating a Bureau of the Census and Statistics to Consolidate Statistical Activities of the Government Therein 63 B Batas Pambansa Blg 72 – An Act Providing for the Taking of an Integrated Census Every Ten Years Beginning in the Year Nineteen Hundred and Eighty and for Other Purposes 66 C Executive Order No. 121 – Reorganizing and Strengthening the Philippine

Statistical System (PSS) and for Other Purposes 69 D Trainings and Fieldwork for the Conduct of 2010 CPH 78

E Evaluation of Population Counts from the 2010 CPH 81

F List of Report No. 1 – Population by Province, City, Municipality, and

Barangay 83

EXPLANATORY NOTE Introduction The National Statistics Office conducted the 2010 Census of Population and Housing or 2010 CPH in May 2010. This is the 13th census of population and the 6th census of housing undertaken in the country. Like the previous censuses conducted by the office, the 2010 CPH is designed to take an inventory of the total population and housing units in the Philippines and to collect information about their characteristics. Content and Coverage of this Report

In this report, the population counts by province, city/municipality and barangay

are presented. These population counts were declared official for all purposes by His Excellency President Benigno S. Aquino III under Proclamation No. 362 dated March 30, 2012.

Authority to Conduct the 2010 CPH Commonwealth Act (CA) No. 591, approved on August 19, 1940, authorized the

then Bureau of the Census and Statistics (now the National Statistics Office or NSO) to collect by enumeration, sampling or other methods, statistics and other information concerning the population and to conduct, for statistical purposes, investigations and studies of social and economic conditions in the country, among others (Section 2 of CA No. 591).

Batas Pambansa Blg. 72, approved on June 11, 1980, further accorded the NSO

the authority to conduct population censuses every ten years beginning in 1980, without prejudice to the undertaking of special censuses on agriculture, industry, commerce, housing, and other sectors as may be approved by the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA).

Executive Order (EO) No. 121, otherwise known as the Reorganization Act of the

Philippine Statistical System, which was issued on January 30, 1987, declared that the NSO shall be the major statistical agency responsible for generating general purpose statistics and for undertaking such censuses and surveys as may be designated by the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) (Section 9 of EO No. 121).

Presidential Proclamation No. 2028 “Declaring May 2010 as National Census

Month” enjoined all departments and other government agencies, including government-owned and controlled corporations, as well as LGUs, to implement and

Explanatory Note 2010 Census of Population and Housing

xii National Statistics Office

execute the operational plans, directives, and orders of the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB), through the NSO, relative to this Proclamation. Coordination for the 2010 CPH

Batas Pambansa Blg. 72 provides that the National Census Coordinating Board

(NCCB) at the national level, and local boards at the regional, provincial, city, and municipal levels shall be created to ensure the successful conduct of the census. For the 2010 CPH, the NSCB was designated as the NCCB pursuant to NSCB’s mandated function specified in Executive Order No. 121 to establish appropriate mechanisms for statistical coordination at the different geographic levels.

The Director General of NEDA was the Chairperson of the NCCB, and the

Secretaries from other Departments were the Members. The NSO Administrator, who served as the Executive Officer of the NCCB, was mandated to formulate and execute plans for the 2010 CPH.

In the field, the NSO Regional Director (RD) was the Executive Officer of the

Regional Census Coordinating Board (RCCB). He/she was responsible for the coordination, monitoring, and supervision of the census operations in all provinces within the region. The RCCB was chaired by the Regional Director of the NEDA. The Regional Director of the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) served as the Vice Chairperson. The members were the heads of the following: Regional Development Council, National Statistics Coordination Board, Department of Agrarian Reform, Department of Agriculture, Department of Education (DepEd), Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Department of Finance, Department of Foreign Affairs, Department of Justice, Department of Labor and Employment, Department of National Defense, Department of Public Works and Highways, Department of Social Welfare and Development, Department of Trade and Industry, Department of Transportation and Communications, Department of Tourism, Department of Science and Technology, Department of Health, Commission on Population, National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP), and Office of Muslim Affairs. Completing the membership of the RCCB was a representative from the private sector.

At the local government level, Provincial Census Coordinating Boards (PCCB)

and City/Municipality Census Coordinating Boards (C/MCCB) were created. The Provincial Governor was the Chairperson of the PCCB and the Division Superintendent of Schools, the Vice Chairperson. The District Highway Engineer, Provincial Commander (PNP), Provincial Planning and Development Officer, Provincial Assessor, Provincial Agriculturist, Provincial Population Officer, Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Officer, Provincial Social Welfare and Development Officer, Provincial Information Officer, NCIP Development Management Officer V, and three representatives from the private sector served as members. The Provincial Statistics Officer was the Executive Officer. He/she was also responsible for the field census operations in the province.

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The C/MCCB was chaired by the City/Municipal Mayor and co-chaired by the City Superintendent/District Supervisor of Schools by the DepEd. The members were composed of the following: The Station Commanders, City/Municipal Planning and Development Officer, City/Municipal Population Officer, City/Municipal Civil Registrar, City Assessor (for CCCB), Municipal Agriculture Officer (for MCCB), and a representative from the private sector. The District Statistics Officer served as Executive Officer.

Definition of Terms and Concepts The operational definitions and concepts adopted in the 2010 CPH have also been used in past censuses of population and housing. The use of the same operational definitions of terms and concepts in our population and housing censuses ensures comparability of census results. The 2010 CPH enumerators were instructed to adhere strictly to these operational definitions. Barangay A barangay is the smallest political unit in the country. Generally, one enumerator is assigned to enumerate one barangay. For enumeration purposes, a large barangay is usually divided into parts, and each part is called an enumeration area (EA). The official list of barangays of the DILG in the Philippine Standard Geographic Code as of March 2010 was used for the 2010 CPH. Enumeration Area

An enumeration area (EA) is a delineated geographic area usually consisting of about 350 to 500 households. It could be an entire barangay or part of a barangay. It is assigned to one enumerator.

Usual Place of Residence All persons were enumerated in their usual place of residence which refers to the geographic place (street, barangay, city/municipality or province) where the person usually resides. As a rule, a person’s usual place of residence is the place where that person sleeps most of the time. Hence, it may be the same as or different from the place where he/she was found at the time of the census. Household

A household is a social unit consisting of a person living alone or a group of

person who sleep in the same housing unit and have a common arrangement in the preparation and consumption of food.

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In most cases, a household consists of persons who are related by kinship ties, like parents and their children. In some instances, several generations of familial ties are represented in one household while, still in others, even more distant relatives are members of the household. Household helpers, boarders, and nonrelatives are considered as members of the household provided they sleep in the same housing unit and have common arrangement for the preparation and consumption of food and do not usually go home to their family at least once a week. A person who shares a housing unit with a household but separately cooks his/her meals or consumes his/her food elsewhere is not considered a member of the household he/she shares the housing unit with. This person is listed as a separate household. Household Membership

In determining household membership, the basic criterion is the usual place of residence or the place where the person usually resides. This may be the same or different from the place where he/she is found at the time of the census. As a rule, it is the place where he/she usually sleeps. Household Population Household population refers to all persons who are members of the household. Institutional Living Quarter An institutional living quarter (ILQ) is a structurally separate and independent place of abode intended for habitation by large groups of individuals (10 or more). Such quarter usually has certain common facilities such as kitchen and dining rooms, toilet and bath, and lounging areas, which are shared by the occupants. Institutional Population An institutional population comprises of persons who are found living in ILQs. They may have their own families or households elsewhere but at the time of census, they are committed or confined in institutions, or they live in ILQs and are usually subject to a common authority or management, or are bound by either a common public objective or a common personal interest. Whom to Enumerate As in past population and housing censuses, enumerators of 2010 CPH were provided with guidelines on whom to list as members of a household and institutional population. This will ensure uniformity in determining household membership,

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institutional population, and in identifying persons to be included in the enumeration or excluded from it. Furthermore, this will ensure that there is no omission or duplication in the enumeration of persons and households during census-taking. The following are the guidelines in determining household membership and institutional population:

Persons enumerated as members of the household 1. Those who are present at the time of visit and whose usual place of residence

is the housing unit where the household lives.

2. Family members who are overseas workers and who have been away at the time of the census for not more than five years from the date of departure and are expected to be back within five years from the date of last departure.

An overseas worker is a household member who is currently out of the

country due to overseas employment. He/she may or may not have a specific work contract or may be presently at home on vacation but has an existing overseas employment to return to. Undocumented overseas workers, or TNT for Tago Nang Tago, are considered as overseas workers for as long as they are still considered members of the household and had been away for less than five years. However, immigrants are excluded from the census.

3. Those whose usual place of residence is the place where the household lives

but are temporarily away at the time of the census for any of the following reasons:

a. on vacation, business/pleasure trip, or training somewhere in the

Philippines and are expected to be back within six months from the date of departure. An example is a person on training with the Armed Forces of the Philippines for not more than six months;

b. on vacation, business/pleasure trip, or studying/training abroad and are expected to be back within a year from the date of departure;

c. working or attending school in some other place but usually comes home at least once a week;

d. confined in hospitals for a period of not more than six months as of May 1, 2010, except when they are confined as patients in mental hospitals, leprosaria or leper colonies, or drug rehabilitation centers, regardless of the duration of confinement;

e. detained in national/provincial/city/municipal jails or in military camps for a period of not more than six months as of May 1, 2010, except when their sentence or detention is expected to exceed six months;

f. on board coastal, interisland, or fishing vessels within Philippine territories; and

g. on board in oceangoing vessels but are expected to be back within five years from the date of departure.

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4. Boarders/lodgers of the household or employees of household-operated businesses who do not usually return/go to their respective homes weekly.

5. Citizens of foreign countries who have resided or are expected to reside in the Philippines for at least a year from their arrival, except members of diplomatic missions and non-Filipino members of international organizations.

6. Filipino balikbayans with usual place of residence in a foreign country but

have resided or are expected to reside in the Philippines for at least a year from their arrival.

7. Persons temporarily staying with the household who have no usual place of

residence or who are not certain to be enumerated elsewhere. Persons enumerated as members of the institutional population 1. Permanent lodgers in boarding houses;

2. Dormitory residents who do not usually go home to their respective

households at least once a week; 3. Hotel residents who have stayed in the hotel for more than six months at the

time of the census; 4. Boarders in residential houses provided that their number is 10 or more.

Otherwise, they will be considered as members of regular households; 5. Patients in hospitals who are confined for more than six months; 6. Patients confined in mental hospitals, leprosaria or leper colonies, and drug

rehabilitation centers, regardless of the length of confinement; 7. Wards in orphanages; 8. Inmates of penal colonies or prison cells; 9. Seminarians, nuns in convents, and monks; and 10. Workers in mining and similar camps. The following persons are not considered as members of the institutional population and should be included in the households to which they belong:

1. Military officials/enlisted men or draftees (and members of their households) who have housing units within military installations or camps;

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2. Managers (and members of their households) of refugee camps, dormitories, hotels, hospitals, and others, who occupy and regularly use as their place of abode a living quarter in the institution that they manage; and

3. Priests, who together with their relatives and/or household help, occupy and

regularly use as their place of abode a living quarter in the church or seminary.

Persons Included in the Census Enumeration

Included in the enumeration were those who were alive as of the census reference date, that is, 12:01 a.m. of May 1, 2010. Specifically they are the following:

1. Filipino nationals permanently residing in the Philippines;

2. Filipino nationals who, as of May 1, 2010, were temporarily at Philippine sea,

or were temporarily on vacation, business/pleasure trip or studying/training abroad and were expected to be back within a year from the date of departure;

3. Filipino overseas workers, including those on board in oceangoing vessels, who were away as of May 1, 2010 but were expected to be back within five years;

4. Philippine government officials, both military and civilian, including Philippine diplomatic personnel and their families, assigned abroad; and

5. Civilian citizens of foreign countries who have their usual residence in the Philippines, or foreign visitors who had stayed or are expected to stay for at least a year from the date of their arrival in this country.

Persons Excluded in the Census Enumeration

Excluded from the enumeration are the following persons, although they happened to be within the territorial jurisdiction of the Philippines at the time of the census enumeration: 1. Foreign ambassadors, ministers, consuls, or other diplomatic representatives,

and members of their families (except Filipino and non-Filipino employees who have been residents of the Philippines prior to said employment);

2. Citizens of foreign countries living within the premises of an embassy, legation, chancellery, or consulate;

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3. Citizens of foreign countries who are chiefs or officials of international organizations, such as United Nations (UN), International Labor Organization (ILO), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), or the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), as they may be subject to reassignment to other countries after their tour of duty in the Philippines, and members of their families;

4. Citizens of foreign countries, together with non-Filipino members of their

families, who are students, or who are employed or have business in the Philippines, but who have stayed or are expected to stay in the country for less than a year from arrival;

5. Citizens of foreign countries and Filipinos with usual place of residence in a

foreign country, who are visiting the Philippines and who have stayed or are expected to stay in the country for less than a year from arrival (for instance, a balikbayan who will return to his/her usual place of residence abroad after a short vacation or visit in the Philippines);

6. Citizens of foreign countries in refugee camps/vessels; and 7. Residents of the Philippines on vacation, pleasure or business trip, study or

training abroad who have been away or expected to be away from the Philippines for more than one year from departure.

Method of Enumeration The gathering of population and housing data was performed by census enumerators through house-to-house visits and interview of a responsible member of each household. Self-Administered Questionnaires (SAQ) were provided to households living in special areas such as exclusive subdivisions/villages, condominiums, and others, and institutions where personal interview was not possible. A complete listing of buildings which contain living quarters, including vacant ones, as well as housing units and institutional living quarters was also done. A combination of complete enumeration and sampling of households was done to obtain population count and data on basic characteristics of the household population and housing units. For institutional population, a complete enumeration was done. The non-sample households were interviewed using the Common Household Questionnaire (CPH Form 2) while the sample households were interviewed using the Sample Household Questionnaire (CPH Form 3). Institutional population in institutional living quarters was enumerated using the Institutional Population Questionnaire (CPH Form 4). These questionnaires were used to gather information on the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the population, as well as the characteristics of households and housing units.

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CPH Form 2 contains questions on the following items:

Population Housing relationship to household head sex date of birth age birth registration marital status religion ethnicity citizenship disability functional difficulty highest grade/year completed residence 5 years ago overseas worker

the type of building/house construction materials of the roof

and outer walls state of repair of the building/house year building/house was built floor area of the housing unit tenure status of the lot

CPH Form 3 contains all the questions found in CPH Form 2, and also questions

on the following items: Population Housing Household literacy school attendance place of school usual occupation kind of business or

industry class of worker place of work fertility

fuel for lighting and cooking source of water supply for

drinking and/or cooking and for laundry, and for bathing tenure status of the housing

unit acquisition of the housing unit source of financing of the

housing unit monthly rental of the housing

unit usual manner of garbage

disposal kind of toilet facility

land ownership language/dialect

generally spoken at home residence five years

from now presence of household

conveniences/availability of information and communications technology devices access to internet

CPH Form 4 contains questions on the following population items: residence status sex age date of birth birth registration marital status

religious affiliation citizenship ethnicity disability functional difficulty highest grade/year completed

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Information about households of Filipinos working in Philippine embassies in foreign countries, as well as those of homeless population were also gathered and included in the total population of the country. Sampling Scheme

As mentioned earlier, the 2010 CPH was carried out by using a combination of complete enumeration and sampling. The sampling rate or the proportion of households selected as sample households was either 100 percent or 20 percent, depending on the size of the city/municipality, as follows:

The sampling rate for the city/municipality is applied to all EAs in the

city/municipality. Each city/municipality was treated as a domain to obtain efficient and accurate estimates of population and housing at the city/municipality level.

For a city/municipality with 100 percent sampling rate, all households in all the EAs within this city/municipality were selected as sample households. For municipalities with a 20 percent sampling rate, systematic cluster sampling was adopted to minimize the enumerator’s selection bias. In this sampling scheme, an EA was divided into clusters composed of five households each. Clusters were formed by grouping five households that had been assigned consecutive numbers as they were listed in CPH Form 1. A sample selection of one in every five clusters of households was carried out with the first cluster selected at random. Random start was pre-determined for each EA. The following municipalities in some provinces of CAR, Region I, Region II, and Region IV-B had been identified as having a population size of 500 persons or less, hence assigned a 100 percent sampling rate:

CAR Abra Bucloc Daguioman

Region I Ilocos Norte Adams Carasi Dumalneg

Ilocos Sur Sigay

Region II Batanes Ivana Mahatao Sabtang Uyugan

Region IV-B Palawan Kalayaan

Estimated Number of Households in the City/Municipality Sampling Rate

1 – 500 100 percent 501 and above 20 percent

Map of Region X - Northern Mindanao


Misamis OrientalMisamis



Lanao del Norte


Cagayan de Oro CityIligan City

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2010 Census of Population and Housing Highlights

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The total population of the Philippines as of May 1, 2010 was 92,337,852, based on the 2010 Census of Population and Housing.

The 2010 population is higher by 15.83 million compared to the 2000 population of 76.51 million. In 1990, the total population was 60.70 million.

Table 1. Population Count based on 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses: Philippines

Census Year Census Reference Date Total Population (in millions)

2010 May 1, 2010 92.34 2000 May 1, 2000 76.51 1990 May 1, 1990 60.70

The Philippine population increased, on average, at the annual rate of 1.90 percent

during the period 2000 to 2010. By comparison, the rate at which the country’s population was growing in the period 1990 to 2000 was higher at 2.34 percent.

Table 2. Annual Population Growth Rate

Based on 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses: Philippines Reference Period Population Growth Rate

2000-2010 1.90 1990-2000 2.34

Among the 17 administrative regions, Region IVA had the largest population with

12.61 million, followed by NCR with 11.86 million and Region III with 10.14 million. The population of these three regions together comprised about 37.47 percent of the Philippine population.

Five of the 17 administrative regions had an average annual population growth rate (PGR) which is higher than the national average for the period 2000 to 2010. These are Region IVA (3.07 percent), Region XII (2.46 percent), Region III (2.14 percent), Region X (2.06 percent), and Region XI (1.97 percent). Twelve regions had lower PGR than the national average.

Among the provinces, Cavite had the largest population with 3.09 million. Bulacan

had the second largest with 2.92 million and Pangasinan had the third largest with 2.78 million.

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In addition to Cavite, Bulacan, and Pangasinan, six other provinces surpassed the two million mark: Laguna had 2.67 million; Cebu (excluding its three highly urbanized cities Cebu City, Lapu-Lapu City, and Mandaue City) had 2.62 million; Rizal had 2.48 million; Negros Occidental (excluding Bacolod City) had 2.40 million; Batangas had 2.38 million; and Pampanga (excluding Angeles City) had 2.01 million.

The provinces with a population of less than 100,000 persons were Batanes

(16,604), Camiguin (83,807), and Siquijor (91,066). Of the 33 highly urbanized cities (HUC), four surpassed the one million mark. Three

of such HUCs are in NCR: Quezon City (2.76 million), City of Manila (1.65 million), and Caloocan City (1.49 million). Outside NCR, only Davao City has a population of more than one million (1.45 million).

The household population of the Philippines in 2010 was 92,097,978 persons, higher

by 15.78 million from the household population of 76.31 million in 2000 and 31.54 million from the household population of 60.56 million in 1990.

Meanwhile, the total number of households in the country in 2010 was recorded at

20.17 million, higher by 4.90 million compared with the 15.28 million posted in 2000. In 1990, the total number of household was 11.41 million.

The country’s average household size in 2010 was 4.6 persons, lower than the average household size of 5.0 persons in 2000. In 1990, the average household size was 5.3 persons.

Among the 17 regions, ARMM had the highest average household size of 6.0 persons followed by Region V with 4.9 persons and Caraga with 4.8 persons. The average household size in Region VIII, Region IX, and Region X was 4.7 persons; Region VI, Region VII, and CAR was 4.6 persons; Region I, Region III, Region IVB, and Region XII was 4.5 persons; and Region II, Region IVA, and Region XI was 4.4 persons. The National Capital Region had the lowest average household size of 4.3 persons.

Table 3. Household Population, Number of Households, and Average Household Size based on 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses: Philippines

Census Year Household Population (in millions)

Number of Households (in millions)

Average Household Size

2010 92.10 20.17 4.6 2000 76.31 15.28 5.0 1990 60.56 11.41 5.3

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Table 4. Household Population, Number of Households, and Average Household Size by Region: Philippines, 2010

Region Household Population

(in thousands)

Number of Households

(in thousands)

Average Household

Size National Capital Region 11,797 2,760 4.3 Cordillera Autonomous Region 1,612 352 4.6 Region I – Ilocos Region 4,743 1,051 4.5 Region II – Cagayan Valley 3,226 727 4.4 Region III – Central Luzon 10,118 2,239 4.5 Region IVA – CALABARZON 12,583 2,834 4.4 Region IVB – MIMAROPA 2,732 602 4.5 Region V – Bicol Region 5,412 1,112 4.9 Region VI – Western Visayas 7,090 1,527 4.6 Region VII – Central Visayas 6,785 1,488 4.6 Region VIII – Eastern Visayas 4,090 866 4.7 Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula 3,398 726 4.7 Region X – Northern Mindanao 4,285 918 4.7 Region XI – Davao Region 4,453 1,012 4.4 Region XII – SOCCSKSARGEN 4,103 916 4.5 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao 3,249 539 6.0 Caraga 2,425 504 4.8

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The total population of Northern Mindanao as of May 1, 2010 was 4,297,323 based on the 2010 Census of Population and Housing.

The 2010 population of Northern Mindanao is higher by 791,615 compared to the

2000 population of 3.51 million. In 1990, the total population of this region was 2.81 million.

Table 1. Population Count Based on 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses: Northern Mindanao

Census Year Census Reference Date Total Population (in millions)

2010 May 1, 2010 4.30 2000 May 1, 2000 3.51 1990 May 1, 1990 2.81

The population of Northern Mindanao grew at an average annual population growth

rate (PGR) of 2.06 percent during the period 2000 to 2010. By comparison, the rate at which the region’s population was growing in the period 1990 to 2000 was higher at 2.23 percent.

Table 2. Annual Population Growth Rate Based on 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses: Northern Mindanao

Census Year Population Growth Rate 2000-2010 2.06 1990-2000 2.23

If the average annual PGR continues at 2.06 percent, the population of Northern

Mindanao will double in 34 years. Among the five provinces in Northern Mindanao, Bukidnon had the largest

population with 1.30 million, followed by Misamis Oriental (excluding Cagayan de Oro City) with 814 thousand. Camiguin, meanwhile, had the least population of 84 thousand.

Table 3. Population Count by Province and Highly Urbanized City Based on 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses: Northern Mindanao

Province/Highly Urbanized City Total Population (in thousands) 1990 2000 2010

Bukidnon 844 1,060 1,299 Camiguin 64 74 84 Lanao del Norte (excluding Iligan City) 388 473 608

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Table 3. Population Count by Province and Highly Urbanized City

Based on 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses: Northern Mindanao – concluded

Province/Highly Urbanized City Total Population (in thousands) 1990 2000 2010

Iligan City 227 285 323 Misamis Occidental 424 487 568 Misamis Oriental (excluding Cagayan de Oro City) 525 664 814 Cagayan de Oro City 340 462 602

In terms of PGR, Cagayan de Oro City, a highly urbanized city in the region, was the

fastest growing area with an average annual PGR of 2.69 percent for the period 2000 to 2010 while Camiguin was the slowest with 1.22 percent.

Table 4. Annual Population Growth Rate by Province and Highly Urbanized City Based on 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses: Northern Mindanao

Province/Highly Urbanized City Population Growth Rate 1990-2000 2000-2010

Bukidnon 2.31 2.05 Camiguin 1.45 1.22 Lanao del Norte (excluding Iligan City) 2.01 2.54 Iligan City 2.32 1.25 Misamis Occidental 1.38 1.55 Misamis Oriental (excluding Cagayan de Oro City) 2.37 2.05 Cagayan de Oro City 3.12 2.69

The household population of Northern Mindanao in 2010 was 4,284,594 persons,

higher by 784 thousand from the household population of 3.50 million in 2000 and 1.48 million from the household population of 2.81 million in 1990.

Meanwhile, the total number of households in Northern Mindanao in 2010 was

recorded at 918 thousand, higher by 228 thousand compared with the 689 thousand posted in 2000. In 1990, the total number of households was 516 thousand.

The region’s average household size in 2010 was 4.7 persons, lower than the average household size of 5.1 persons in 2000 and 5.4 persons in 1990.

Table 5. Household Population, Number of Households, and Average Household Size Based on 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses: Northern Mindanao

Census Year Household Population (in thousands)

Number of Households (in thousands)

Average Household Size

2010 4,285 918 4.7 2000 3,501 689 5.1 1990 2,806 516 5.4

Highlights 2010 Census of Population and Housing

xxviii National Statistics Office

Among the five provinces in Northern Mindanao, Bukidnon had the largest number

of households with 273 thousand, followed by Misamis Oriental (excluding Cagayan de Oro City) with 173 thousand. Camiguin had the least number of households at 18 thousand.

Lanao del Norte (excluding Iligan City) had the highest average household size of

4.9 persons, followed by Bukidnon, Iligan City, and Misamis Oriental (excluding Cagayan de Oro City) with 4.7 persons each. Cagayan de Oro City had the lowest average household size of 4.4 persons.

Table 6. Household Population, Number of Households, and Average Household Size by Province and Highly Urbanized City: Northern Mindanao, 2010

Province/Highly Urbanized City Household Population

(in thousands)

Number of Households

(in thousands)

Average Household

Size Bukidnon 1,295 273 4.7 Camiguin 84 18 4.6 Lanao del Norte (excl. Iligan City) 607 123 4.9 Iligan City 321 68 4.7 Misamis Occidental 566 125 4.5 Misamis Oriental (excl. Cagayan de Oro City) 813 173 4.7 Cagayan de Oro City 599 137 4.4

2010 Census of Population and Housing Summary Table




Philippines 60,703,810 a 76,506,928 b 92,337,852 c 2.34 1.90 2.12

National Capital Region 7,948,392 9,932,560 11,855,975 2.25 1.78 2.02Caloocan City 763,415 1,177,604 1,489,040 4.43 2.37 3.39City of Las Piñas 297,102 472,780 552,573 4.75 1.57 3.15City of Makati 453,170 471,379 529,039 0.39 1.16 0.78City of Malabon 280,027 338,855 353,337 1.92 0.42 1.17City of Mandaluyong 248,143 278,474 328,699 1.16 1.67 1.41City of Manila 1,601,234 1,581,082 1,652,171 -0.13 0.44 0.16City of Marikina 310,227 391,170 424,150 2.34 0.81 1.58City of Muntinlupa 278,411 379,310 459,941 3.14 1.95 2.54City of Navotas 187,479 230,403 249,131 2.08 0.78 1.43City of Parañaque 308,236 449,811 588,126 3.85 2.72 3.28Pasay City 368,366 354,908 392,869 -0.37 1.02 0.32City of Pasig 397,679 505,058 669,773 2.42 2.86 2.64Pateros 51,409 57,407 64,147 1.11 1.12 1.11Quezon City 1,669,776 2,173,831 2,761,720 2.67 2.42 2.55City of San Juan 126,854 117,680 121,430 -0.75 0.31 -0.22Taguig City 266,637 467,375 644,473 5.77 3.26 4.51City of Valenzuela 340,227 485,433 575,356 3.62 1.71 2.66

Cordillera Administrative Region 1,146,191 1,365,412 1,616,867 1.76 1.70 1.73Abra 184,743 209,491 234,733 1.26 1.14 1.20Apayao 74,720 97,129 112,636 2.66 1.49 2.07Benguet (excluding Baguio City) 302,715 330,129 403,944 0.87 2.04 1.45Baguio City 183,142 252,386 318,676 3.26 2.36 2.81Ifugao 147,281 161,623 191,078 0.93 1.69 1.31Kalinga 137,055 174,023 201,613 2.41 1.48 1.95Mountain Province 116,535 140,631 154,187 1.90 0.92 1.41

Region I – Ilocos Region 3,550,642 4,200,478 4,748,372 1.69 1.23 1.46Ilocos Norte 461,661 514,241 568,017 1.08 1.00 1.04Ilocos Sur 519,966 594,206 658,587 1.34 1.03 1.19La Union 548,742 657,945 741,906 1.83 1.21 1.52Pangasinan 2,020,273 2,434,086 2,779,862 1.88 1.34 1.61

Region II – Cagayan Valley 2,340,545 2,813,159 3,229,163 1.85 1.39 1.62Batanes 15,026 16,467 16,604 0.92 0.08 0.50Cagayan 829,867 993,580 1,124,773 1.82 1.25 1.53Isabela 1,080,341 1,287,575 1,489,645 1.77 1.47 1.62Nueva Vizcaya 301,179 366,962 421,355 1.99 1.39 1.69Quirino 114,132 148,575 176,786 2.67 1.75 2.21

Region III – Central Luzon 6,338,590 8,204,742 10,137,737 2.61 2.14 2.37Aurora 139,573 173,797 201,233 2.22 1.48 1.84Bataan 425,803 557,659 687,482 2.73 2.11 2.42Bulacan 1,505,219 2,234,088 2,924,433 4.02 2.73 3.37Nueva Ecija 1,312,680 1,659,883 1,955,373 2.37 1.65 2.01Pampanga (excluding Angeles City) 1,295,929 1,618,759 2,014,019 2.25 2.21 2.23Angeles City 236,686 263,971 326,336 1.10 2.14 1.62Tarlac 859,708 1,068,783 1,273,240 2.20 1.76 1.98Zambales (excluding Olongapo City) 369,665 433,542 534,443 1.61 2.11 1.86Olongapo City 193,327 194,260 221,178 0.05 1.31 0.67

A. Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinces, and Highly Urbanized Cities

Based on 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses

Region/Province/Highly Urbanized CityPopulation Growth RateTotal Population

1-May-90 1-May-00 1-May-10

National Statistics Office xxix

Summary Table 2010 Census of Population and Housing




A. Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinces, and Highly Urbanized Cities

Based on 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses -- continued

Region/Province/Highly Urbanized CityPopulation Growth RateTotal Population

1-May-90 1-May-00 1-May-10

Region IV-A – CALABARZON 6,349,452 9,320,629 12,609,803 3.91 3.07 3.49Batangas 1,476,783 1,905,348 2,377,395 2.58 2.24 2.41Cavite 1,152,534 2,063,161 3,090,691 5.99 4.12 5.05Laguna 1,370,232 1,965,872 2,669,847 3.67 3.11 3.39Quezon (excluding Lucena City) 1,221,831 1,482,955 1,740,638 1.95 1.61 1.78Lucena City 150,624 196,075 246,392 2.67 2.31 2.49Rizal 977,448 1,707,218 2,484,840 5.73 3.82 4.77

Region IV-B – MIMAROPA 1,774,074 2,299,229 2,744,671 2.62 1.79 2.20Marinduque 185,524 217,392 227,828 1.60 0.47 1.03Occidental Mindoro 282,593 380,250 452,971 3.01 1.76 2.39Oriental Mindoro 550,049 681,818 785,602 2.17 1.43 1.80Palawan (excluding Puerto Princesa City) 436,140 593,500 771,667 3.13 2.66 2.89Puerto Princesa City 92,147 161,912 222,673 5.79 3.24 4.51Romblon 227,621 264,357 283,930 1.51 0.72 1.11

Region V – Bicol Region 3,910,001 4,686,669 5,420,411 1.83 1.46 1.65Albay 903,785 1,090,907 1,233,432 1.90 1.23 1.57Camarines Norte 390,982 470,654 542,915 1.87 1.44 1.65Camarines Sur 1,305,919 1,551,549 1,822,371 1.74 1.62 1.68Catanduanes 187,000 215,356 246,300 1.42 1.35 1.39Masbate 599,355 707,668 834,650 1.67 1.66 1.67Sorsogon 522,960 650,535 740,743 2.21 1.31 1.75

Region VI – Western Visayas 5,393,333 6,211,038 7,102,438 1.42 1.35 1.38Aklan 380,497 451,314 535,725 1.72 1.73 1.72Antique 406,361 472,822 546,031 1.53 1.45 1.49Capiz 584,091 654,156 719,685 1.14 0.96 1.05Guimaras 117,990 141,450 162,943 1.83 1.42 1.63Iloilo (excluding Iloilo City) 1,337,981 1,559,182 1,805,576 1.54 1.48 1.51Iloilo City 309,505 366,391 424,619 1.70 1.49 1.59Negros Occidental (excluding Bacolod City) 1,892,728 2,136,647 2,396,039 1.22 1.15 1.19Bacolod City 364,180 429,076 511,820 1.65 1.78 1.71

Region VII – Central Visayas 4,594,124 5,706,953 6,800,180 2.19 1.77 1.98Bohol 948,403 1,139,130 1,255,128 1.85 0.97 1.41Cebu (excluding Cebu City, Lapu-Lapu City and Mandaue City) 1,709,621 2,160,569 2,619,362 2.37 1.94 2.15Cebu City 610,417 718,821 866,171 1.65 1.88 1.76Lapu-lapu City 146,194 217,019 350,467 4.03 4.91 4.47Mandaue City 180,285 259,728 331,320 3.72 2.46 3.09Negros Oriental 925,272 1,130,088 1,286,666 2.02 1.31 1.66Siquijor 73,932 81,598 91,066 0.99 1.10 1.05

Region VIII – Eastern Visayas 3,054,490 3,610,355 4,101,322 1.68 1.28 1.48Biliran 118,012 140,274 161,760 1.74 1.43 1.59Eastern Samar 329,335 375,822 428,877 1.33 1.33 1.33Leyte (excluding Tacloban City) 1,230,925 1,413,697 1,567,984 1.39 1.04 1.22

Tacloban City 1 136,891 178,639 221,174 2.70 2.16 2.43Northern Samar 383,654 500,639 589,013 2.69 1.64 2.17Samar (Western Samar) 533,733 641,124 733,377 1.85 1.35 1.60Southern Leyte 321,940 360,160 399,137 1.13 1.03 1.08

Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula 2,281,064 2,831,412 3,407,353 2.18 1.87 2.03City of Isabela 59,078 73,032 97,857 2.14 2.97 2.55Zamboanga del Norte 676,862 823,130 957,997 1.97 1.53 1.75Zamboanga del Sur (excluding Zamboanga City) 695,741 836,217 959,685 1.85 1.39 1.62Zamboanga City 442,345 601,794 807,129 3.12 2.98 3.05Zamboanga Sibugay 407,038 497,239 584,685 2.02 1.63 1.83

xxx National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Summary Table




A. Population and Annual Growth Rates for The Philippines and Its Regions, Provinces, and Highly Urbanized Cities

Based on 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses -- concluded

Region/Province/Highly Urbanized CityPopulation Growth RateTotal Population

1-May-90 1-May-00 1-May-10

Region X – Northern Mindanao 2,811,646 3,505,708 4,297,323 2.23 2.06 2.14Bukidnon 843,891 1,060,415 1,299,192 2.31 2.05 2.18Camiguin 64,247 74,232 83,807 1.45 1.22 1.34Lanao del Norte (excluding Iligan City) 387,524 473,062 607,917 2.01 2.54 2.28Iligan City 226,568 285,061 322,821 2.32 1.25 1.78Misamis Occidental 424,365 486,723 567,642 1.38 1.55 1.46Misamis Oriental (excluding Cagayan de Oro City) 525,453 664,338 813,856 2.37 2.05 2.21Cagayan de Oro City 339,598 461,877 602,088 3.12 2.69 2.90

Region XI – Davao Region 2,933,743 3,676,163 4,468,563 2.28 1.97 2.12Compostela Valley 466,286 580,244 687,195 2.21 1.71 1.96Davao del Norte 590,015 743,811 945,764 2.34 2.43 2.39Davao del Sur (excluding Davao City) 632,798 758,801 868,690 1.83 1.36 1.60Davao City 849,947 1,147,116 1,449,296 3.04 2.36 2.70Davao Oriental 394,697 446,191 517,618 1.23 1.50 1.36

Region XII – SOCCSKSARGEN 2,399,953 3,222,169 4,109,571 2.99 2.46 2.72Cotabato City 127,065 163,849 271,786 2.57 5.19 3.87Cotabato (North Cotabato) 763,995 958,643 1,226,508 2.29 2.49 2.39Sarangani 283,141 410,622 498,904 3.78 1.97 2.87South Cotabato (excluding General Santos City) 539,458 690,728 827,200 2.50 1.82 2.16General Santos City (Dadiangas) 250,389 411,822 538,086 5.10 2.71 3.90Sultan Kudarat 435,905 586,505 747,087 3.01 2.45 2.73

Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao 2,108,061 2,803,045 3,256,140 2.89 1.51 2.20Basilan (excluding City of Isabela) 179,230 259,796 293,322 3.78 1.22 2.49Lanao del Sur 599,982 800,162 933,260 2.92 1.55 2.23Maguindanao (excluding Cotabato City) 630,674 801,102 944,718 2.42 1.66 2.04Sulu 469,971 619,668 718,290 2.80 1.49 2.14Tawi-Tawi 228,204 322,317 366,550 3.51 1.29 2.40

CARAGA 1,764,297 2,095,367 2,429,224 1.73 1.49 1.61Agusan del Norte (excluding Butuan City) 237,629 285,570 332,487 1.85 1.53 1.69Butuan City 227,829 267,279 309,709 1.61 1.48 1.55Agusan del Sur 420,763 559,294 656,418 2.88 1.61 2.25Dinagat Islands 98,865 106,951 126,803 0.79 1.72 1.25Surigao del Norte 327,113 374,465 442,588 1.36 1.68 1.52Surigao del Sur 452,098 501,808 561,219 1.05 1.12 1.09

Sources:National Statistics Office, 1990 Census of Population and HousingNational Statistics Office, 2000 Census of Population and Housing National Statistics Office, 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Notes:a Population counts for the regions do not add up to the national total. Includes 2,876 homeless population and 2,336 Filipinos in

Philippine Embassies, Consulates and Mission Abroad.b Population counts for the regions do not add up to the national total. Includes 18,989 persons residing in the areas disputed by the

City of Pasig (NCR) and the province of Rizal (Region IVA); and 2,851 Filipinos in Philippine Embassies, Consulates and Mission Abroad.c Population counts for the regions do not add up to the national total. Includes 2,739 Filipinos in Philippine Embassies, Consulates

and Mission Abroad.1 Converted into a a highly urbanized city under Presidential Proclamation No. 1637; ratified on December 18, 2008.

National Statistics Office xxxi

Summary Table 2010 Census of Population and Housing




Philippines 60,703,810 a 76,506,928 b 92,337,852 c 2.34 1.90 2.12

Region X – Northern Mindanao 2,811,646 3,505,708 4,297,323 2.23 2.06 2.14

Bukidnon 843,891 1,060,415 1,299,192 2.31 2.05 2.18Baungon 19,774 26,695 32,868 3.04 2.10 2.57Damulog 13,595 20,332 25,538 4.10 2.30 3.20Dangcagan 14,823 18,857 22,448 2.43 1.76 2.10Don Carlos 45,815 55,495 64,334 1.93 1.49 1.71Impasug-ong 22,629 31,173 43,587 3.25 3.41 3.33Kadingilan 23,911 25,858 31,756 0.79 2.07 1.43Kalilangan 23,923 30,592 39,847 2.49 2.68 2.58Kibawe 28,608 32,955 35,767 1.42 0.82 1.12Kitaotao 34,472 37,733 49,488 0.91 2.75 1.82Lantapan 33,581 42,383 55,934 2.35 2.81 2.58Libona 29,652 33,273 39,393 1.16 1.70 1.43City of Malaybalay (Capital) 94,722 123,672 153,085 2.70 2.16 2.43Malitbog 14,934 19,465 22,880 2.68 1.63 2.15Manolo Fortich 61,329 74,252 91,026 1.93 2.06 1.99Maramag 55,394 75,233 90,901 3.11 1.91 2.51Pangantucan 35,777 43,202 48,775 1.90 1.22 1.56Quezon 70,566 82,567 94,584 1.58 1.37 1.47San Fernando 29,052 40,165 50,207 3.29 2.26 2.77Sumilao 13,494 17,958 25,668 2.90 3.63 3.26Talakag 35,379 48,326 67,123 3.17 3.34 3.25City of Valencia1 116,110 147,924 181,556 2.45 2.07 2.26Cabanglasan 26,351 32,305 32,427 2.06 0.04 1.04

Camiguin 64,247 74,232 83,807 1.45 1.22 1.34Catarman 13,892 15,386 16,388 1.03 0.63 0.83Guinsiliban 4,341 5,092 5,580 1.61 0.92 1.26Mahinog 11,313 12,592 13,531 1.08 0.72 0.90Mambajao (Capital) 25,207 30,806 36,435 2.02 1.69 1.86Sagay 9,494 10,356 11,873 0.87 1.38 1.12

Lanao del Norte (excluding Iligan City) 387,524 473,062 607,917 2.01 2.54 2.28Bacolod 14,637 17,020 21,818 1.52 2.51 2.01Baloi 27,512 38,534 50,387 3.42 2.72 3.07Baroy 18,897 20,392 20,948 0.76 0.27 0.52Kapatagan 33,397 42,783 53,916 2.51 2.34 2.42Sultan Naga Dimaporo (Karomatan) 27,492 41,865 52,430 4.29 2.27 3.28Kauswagan 16,961 15,364 24,006 -0.98 4.56 1.75Kolambugan 22,533 24,180 26,445 0.71 0.90 0.80Lala 50,100 56,447 65,355 1.20 1.48 1.34Linamon 13,449 14,959 17,484 1.07 1.57 1.32Magsaysay 8,841 11,218 16,442 2.41 3.90 3.15Maigo 14,613 17,826 20,131 2.01 1.22 1.61Matungao 7,264 9,266 12,217 2.46 2.80 2.63Munai 12,006 15,972 27,600 2.89 5.62 4.25Nunungan 9,631 12,205 16,304 2.39 2.94 2.67Pantao Ragat 12,530 16,474 23,122 2.77 3.45 3.11Poona Piagapo 13,356 16,092 23,451 1.88 3.84 2.85Salvador 13,576 17,055 27,348 2.31 4.83 3.56Sapad 13,206 15,167 19,479 1.39 2.53 1.96Tagoloan 6,853 8,233 11,674 1.85 3.55 2.70Tangcal 4,439 6,117 12,588 3.26 7.48 5.35Tubod (Capital) 36,083 43,067 46,332 1.78 0.73 1.26Pantar 10,148 12,826 18,440 2.37 3.70 3.03

B. Population and Annual Growth Rates by Province, City, and MunicipalityRegion X - Northern Mindanao: 1990, 2000, and 2010

Population Growth RateTotal PopulationRegion/Province/City/Municipality

1-May-001-May-90 1-May-10

xxxii National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Summary Table




B. Population and Annual Growth Rates by Province, City, and MunicipalityRegion X - Northern Mindanao: 1990, 2000, and 2010 -- continued

Population Growth RateTotal PopulationRegion/Province/City/Municipality

1-May-001-May-90 1-May-10

Iligan City 226,568 285,061 322,821 2.32 1.25 1.78

Misamis Occidental 424,365 486,723 567,642 1.38 1.55 1.46Aloran 20,812 23,127 26,630 1.06 1.42 1.24Baliangao 13,562 14,552 16,155 0.71 1.05 0.88Bonifacio 24,439 27,810 30,904 1.30 1.06 1.18Calamba 15,111 17,594 21,005 1.53 1.79 1.66Clarin 23,802 29,712 35,573 2.24 1.82 2.03Concepcion 3,877 6,900 7,410 5.93 0.72 3.29Jimenez 20,589 23,212 25,234 1.21 0.84 1.02Lopez Jaena 19,912 20,948 23,767 0.51 1.27 0.89Oroquieta City (Capital) 52,500 59,843 68,945 1.32 1.43 1.37Ozamis City 91,503 110,420 131,527 1.90 1.76 1.83Panaon 8,844 7,441 10,176 -1.71 3.18 0.70Plaridel 28,824 29,279 35,251 0.16 1.87 1.01Sapang Dalaga 17,945 17,794 19,431 -0.08 0.88 0.40Sinacaban 14,846 16,030 18,597 0.77 1.50 1.13Tangub City 42,926 49,695 59,892 1.47 1.88 1.68Tudela 19,070 23,047 27,371 1.91 1.73 1.82Don Victoriano Chiongbian (Don Mariano Marcos) 5,803 9,319 9,774 4.85 0.48 2.64

Misamis Oriental (excluding Cagayan de Oro City) 525,453 664,338 813,856 2.37 2.05 2.21Alubijid 19,531 23,397 26,648 1.82 1.31 1.56Balingasag 41,506 51,782 65,876 2.23 2.44 2.33Balingoan 6,689 8,197 10,175 2.05 2.18 2.12Binuangan 5,090 5,924 6,765 1.53 1.34 1.43Claveria 31,130 41,109 44,544 2.82 0.81 1.81City of El Salvador2 26,721 34,650 44,848 2.63 2.61 2.62Gingoog City 82,582 102,379 117,908 2.17 1.42 1.80Gitagum 10,994 13,522 16,098 2.09 1.76 1.92Initao 23,113 27,035 29,331 1.58 0.82 1.20Jasaan 29,146 39,969 50,121 3.21 2.29 2.75Kinoguitan 8,795 10,519 12,761 1.80 1.95 1.88Lagonglong 12,705 16,882 19,303 2.88 1.35 2.11Laguindingan 15,503 18,451 21,822 1.75 1.69 1.72Libertad 8,487 10,231 11,586 1.88 1.25 1.57Lugait 11,973 14,704 18,639 2.07 2.40 2.24Magsaysay (Linugos) 22,099 24,550 33,047 1.06 3.02 2.03Manticao 21,443 24,072 26,786 1.16 1.07 1.12Medina 21,796 25,810 31,154 1.70 1.90 1.80Naawan 13,345 16,173 18,895 1.94 1.57 1.75Opol 20,473 36,389 52,108 5.92 3.65 4.78Salay 18,101 19,664 27,591 0.83 3.44 2.13Sugbongcogon 6,175 7,362 8,745 1.77 1.74 1.75Tagoloan 33,919 46,649 63,850 3.24 3.19 3.21Talisayan 17,015 19,959 23,289 1.61 1.55 1.58Villanueva 17,122 24,959 31,966 3.84 2.50 3.17

Cagayan de Oro City 339,598 461,877 602,088 3.12 2.69 2.90

Sources:National Statistics Office, 1990 Census of Population and HousingNational Statistics Office, 2000 Census of Population and Housing National Statistics Office, 2010 Census of Population and Housing

National Statistics Office xxxiii

Summary Table 2010 Census of Population and Housing




B. Population and Annual Growth Rates by Province, City, and MunicipalityRegion X - Northern Mindanao: 1990, 2000, and 2010 -- concluded

Population Growth RateTotal PopulationRegion/Province/City/Municipality

1-May-001-May-90 1-May-10

Notes:a Population counts for the regions do not add up to the national total. Includes 2,876 homeless population and 2,336 Filipinos in

Philippine Embassies, Consulates and Mission Abroad.b Population counts for the regions do not add up to the national total. Includes 18,989 persons residing in the areas disputed by the

City of Pasig (NCR) and the province of Rizal (Region IVA); and 2,851 Filipinos in Philippine Embassies, Consulates and Mission Abroad.c Population counts for the regions do not add up to the national total. Includes 2,739 Filipinos in Philippine Embassies, Consulates

and Mission Abroad.

xxxiv National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Summary Table

Philippines 92,337,852 a 92,097,978 20,171,899 4.6

National Capital Region 11,855,975 11,796,873 2,759,829 4.3Caloocan City 1,489,040 1,487,245 345,444 4.3City of Las Piñas 552,573 551,886 127,723 4.3City of Makati 529,039 526,952 126,457 4.2City of Malabon 353,337 352,890 82,546 4.3City of Mandaluyong 328,699 323,372 79,935 4.0City of Manila 1,652,171 1,642,743 386,835 4.2City of Marikina 424,150 424,150 91,414 4.6City of Muntinlupa 459,941 438,843 103,949 4.2City of Navotas 249,131 248,831 59,296 4.2City of Parañaque 588,126 586,322 137,405 4.3Pasay City 392,869 391,456 97,966 4.0City of Pasig 669,773 668,569 154,970 4.3Pateros 64,147 64,020 14,629 4.4Quezon City 2,761,720 2,751,579 634,346 4.3City of San Juan 121,430 120,898 28,890 4.2Taguig City 644,473 642,277 150,190 4.3City of Valenzuela 575,356 574,840 137,834 4.2

Cordillera Administrative Region 1,616,867 1,611,669 352,403 4.6Abra 234,733 234,000 49,144 4.8Apayao 112,636 112,523 23,337 4.8Benguet (excluding Baguio City) 403,944 403,129 90,440 4.5Baguio City 318,676 315,800 78,313 4.0Ifugao 191,078 190,948 39,479 4.8Kalinga 201,613 201,206 38,642 5.2Mountain Province 154,187 154,063 33,048 4.7

Region I – Ilocos Region 4,748,372 4,743,067 1,050,605 4.5Ilocos Norte 568,017 567,006 128,558 4.4Ilocos Sur 658,587 657,902 145,674 4.5La Union 741,906 740,710 163,820 4.5Pangasinan 2,779,862 2,777,449 612,553 4.5

Region II – Cagayan Valley 3,229,163 3,225,761 727,327 4.4Batanes 16,604 16,530 4,270 3.9Cagayan 1,124,773 1,123,570 250,465 4.5Isabela 1,489,645 1,488,518 336,823 4.4Nueva Vizcaya 421,355 420,676 95,999 4.4Quirino 176,786 176,467 39,770 4.4

Region III – Central Luzon 10,137,737 10,118,478 2,239,011 4.5Aurora 201,233 200,799 44,740 4.5Bataan 687,482 685,167 150,090 4.6Bulacan 2,924,433 2,919,370 659,158 4.4Nueva Ecija 1,955,373 1,953,716 439,460 4.4Pampanga (excluding Angeles City) 2,014,019 2,010,219 416,271 4.8Angeles City 326,336 324,510 74,510 4.4Tarlac 1,273,240 1,271,743 280,382 4.5Zambales (excluding Olongapo City) 534,443 532,836 122,158 4.4Olongapo City 221,178 220,118 52,242 4.2

Total PopulationHousehold Population

Number of Households

Average Household Size

C. Total Population, Household Population, Number of Households, and Average Household Size by Region, Province, and Highly Urbanized City: Philippines, 2010

Region/Province/Highly Urbanized City

National Statistics Office xxxv

Summary Table 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Total PopulationHousehold Population

Number of Households

Average Household Size

C. Total Population, Household Population, Number of Households, and Average Household Size by Region, Province, and Highly Urbanized City: Philippines, 2010 -- continued

Region/Province/Highly Urbanized City

Region IV-A – CALABARZON 12,609,803 12,583,009 2,833,595 4.4Batangas 2,377,395 2,374,327 511,530 4.6Cavite 3,090,691 3,078,727 703,841 4.4Laguna 2,669,847 2,665,732 623,707 4.3Quezon (excluding Lucena City) 1,740,638 1,738,015 384,455 4.5Lucena City 246,392 245,242 54,488 4.5Rizal 2,484,840 2,480,966 555,574 4.5

Region IV-B – MIMAROPA 2,744,671 2,731,928 602,131 4.5Marinduque 227,828 227,582 51,648 4.4Occidental Mindoro 452,971 450,779 98,872 4.6Oriental Mindoro 785,602 784,375 172,956 4.5Palawan (excluding Puerto Princesa City) 771,667 768,800 165,272 4.7Puerto Princesa City 222,673 216,910 50,669 4.3Romblon 283,930 283,482 62,714 4.5

Region V – Bicol Region 5,420,411 5,411,521 1,111,753 4.9Albay 1,233,432 1,231,607 255,672 4.8Camarines Norte 542,915 542,315 116,728 4.6Camarines Sur 1,822,371 1,818,699 364,472 5.0Catanduanes 246,300 245,574 49,368 5.0Masbate 834,650 833,638 171,644 4.9Sorsogon 740,743 739,688 153,869 4.8

Region VI – Western Visayas 7,102,438 7,089,739 1,526,587 4.6Aklan 535,725 533,573 116,123 4.6Antique 546,031 545,204 115,818 4.7Capiz 719,685 718,961 159,061 4.5Guimaras 162,943 162,734 35,462 4.6Iloilo (excluding Iloilo City) 1,805,576 1,803,710 378,856 4.8Iloilo City 424,619 421,976 90,681 4.7Negros Occidental (excluding Bacolod City) 2,396,039 2,393,087 513,995 4.7Bacolod City 511,820 510,494 116,591 4.4

Region VII – Central Visayas 6,800,180 6,784,538 1,487,710 4.6Bohol 1,255,128 1,252,793 261,408 4.8Cebu (excluding Cebu City, Lapu-Lapu City and Mandaue City) 2,619,362 2,613,842 565,583 4.6Cebu City 866,171 860,942 195,461 4.4Lapu-lapu City 350,467 350,422 80,913 4.3Mandaue City 331,320 331,213 78,394 4.2Negros Oriental 1,286,666 1,284,351 284,740 4.5Siquijor 91,066 90,975 21,211 4.3

Region VIII – Eastern Visayas 4,101,322 4,089,734 865,657 4.7Biliran 161,760 161,250 34,224 4.7Eastern Samar 428,877 427,974 90,041 4.8Leyte (excluding Tacloban City) 1,567,984 1,563,364 346,346 4.5Tacloban City 1 221,174 219,314 45,478 4.8Northern Samar 589,013 587,586 113,980 5.2Samar (Western Samar) 733,377 731,669 145,916 5.0Southern Leyte 399,137 398,577 89,672 4.4

Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula 3,407,353 3,397,838 726,272 4.7City of Isabela 97,857 97,690 20,294 4.8Zamboanga del Norte 957,997 955,668 205,338 4.7Zamboanga del Sur (excluding Zamboanga City) 959,685 957,499 203,402 4.7Zamboanga City 807,129 803,282 175,050 4.6Zamboanga Sibugay 584,685 583,699 122,188 4.8

xxxvi National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Summary Table

Total PopulationHousehold Population

Number of Households

Average Household Size

C. Total Population, Household Population, Number of Households, and Average Household Size by Region, Province, and Highly Urbanized City: Philippines, 2010 -- concluded

Region/Province/Highly Urbanized City

Region X – Northern Mindanao 4,297,323 4,284,594 917,840 4.7Bukidnon 1,299,192 1,294,877 272,884 4.7Camiguin 83,807 83,676 18,183 4.6Lanao del Norte (excluding Iligan City) 607,917 607,116 122,868 4.9Iligan City 322,821 321,156 67,965 4.7Misamis Occidental 567,642 566,340 125,244 4.5Misamis Oriental (excluding Cagayan de Oro City) 813,856 812,626 173,231 4.7Cagayan de Oro City 602,088 598,803 137,465 4.4

Region XI – Davao Region 4,468,563 4,452,549 1,011,943 4.4Compostela Valley 687,195 686,704 151,821 4.5Davao del Norte 945,764 937,785 211,099 4.4Davao del Sur (excluding Davao City) 868,690 867,695 200,987 4.3Davao City 1,449,296 1,443,890 334,473 4.3Davao Oriental 517,618 516,475 113,563 4.5

Region XII – SOCCSKSARGEN 4,109,571 4,103,105 916,038 4.5Cotabato City 271,786 271,609 55,171 4.9Cotabato (North Cotabato) 1,226,508 1,224,279 271,784 4.5Sarangani 498,904 498,459 108,622 4.6South Cotabato (excluding General Santos City) 827,200 825,816 186,184 4.4General Santos City (Dadiangas) 538,086 536,566 125,368 4.3Sultan Kudarat 747,087 746,376 168,909 4.4

Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao 3,256,140 3,248,787 538,941 6.0Basilan (excluding City of Isabela) 293,322 293,204 51,552 5.7Lanao del Sur 933,260 928,384 143,786 6.5Maguindanao (excluding Cotabato City) 944,718 943,486 157,715 6.0Sulu 718,290 718,277 122,001 5.9Tawi-Tawi 366,550 365,436 63,887 5.7

CARAGA 2,429,224 2,424,788 504,257 4.8Agusan del Norte (excluding Butuan City) 332,487 332,189 68,051 4.9Butuan City 309,709 308,600 65,642 4.7Agusan del Sur 656,418 655,331 133,985 4.9Dinagat Islands 126,803 126,699 27,460 4.6Surigao del Norte 442,588 441,829 94,150 4.7Surigao del Sur 561,219 560,140 114,969 4.9

Source:National Statistics Office, 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Notes:a Total population counts for the regions do not add up to the national total. Includes 2,739 Filipinos in Philippine Embassies, Consulates

and Mission Abroad.1 Converted into a a highly urbanized city under Presidential Proclamation No. 1637; ratified on December 18, 2008.

National Statistics Office xxxvii

2010 Census of Population and Housing Bukidnon

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

BUKIDNON 1,299,192 1,294,877 272,884

BAUNGON 32,868 32,868 7,453Balintad 660 660 146Buenavista 1,072 1,072 241Danatag 2,585 2,585 536Kalilangan 883 883 183Lacolac 685 685 179Langaon 1,044 1,044 249Liboran 3,094 3,094 711Lingating 4,726 4,726 1,075Mabuhay 1,628 1,628 340Mabunga 1,162 1,162 253Nicdao 1,938 1,938 419Imbatug (Pob.) 5,231 5,231 1,209Pualas 2,065 2,065 541Salimbalan 2,915 2,915 640San Vicente 2,143 2,143 481San Miguel 1,037 1,037 250

DAMULOG 25,538 25,538 5,526Aludas 471 471 111Angga-an 1,320 1,320 291Tangkulan (Jose Rizal) 2,040 2,040 402Kinapat 550 550 132Kiraon 586 586 122Kitingting 726 726 172Lagandang 1,060 1,060 232Macapari 1,255 1,255 257Maican 989 989 214Migcawayan 1,389 1,389 281New Compostela 1,066 1,066 243Old Damulog 1,546 1,546 330Omonay 4,549 4,549 970Poblacion (New Damulog) 4,349 4,349 942Pocopoco 880 880 199Sampagar 2,019 2,019 469San Isidro 743 743 159

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

National Statistics Office 1

Bukidnon 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

DANGCAGAN 22,448 22,445 4,817Barongcot 2,006 2,006 438Bugwak 596 596 128Dolorosa 1,015 1,015 223Kapalaran 1,458 1,458 313Kianggat 1,527 1,527 335Lourdes 749 749 150Macarthur 802 802 180Miaray 3,268 3,268 703Migcuya 1,075 1,075 219New Visayas 977 977 190Osmeña 1,383 1,383 293Poblacion 5,782 5,779 1,265Sagbayan 1,019 1,019 208San Vicente 791 791 172

DON CARLOS 64,334 64,309 13,635Cabadiangan 460 460 97Bocboc 2,668 2,668 550Buyot 1,038 1,038 213Calaocalao 2,720 2,720 622Don Carlos Norte 5,889 5,883 1,253Embayao 1,099 1,099 238Kalubihon 1,207 1,207 255Kasigkot 1,193 1,193 271Kawilihan 1,053 1,053 226Kiara 2,684 2,684 585Kibatang 2,147 2,147 442Mahayahay 833 833 168Manlamonay 1,556 1,556 338Maraymaray 3,593 3,593 743Mauswagon 1,081 1,081 228Minsalagan 817 817 170New Nongnongan (Masimag) 1,909 1,902 402New Visayas 1,055 1,055 204Old Nongnongan 1,748 1,748 351Pinamaloy 2,596 2,596 556Don Carlos Sur (Pob.) 11,069 11,057 2,355Pualas 2,342 2,342 538

2 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Bukidnon

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

San Antonio East 820 820 176San Antonio West 1,479 1,479 301San Francisco 545 545 126San Nicolas (Banban) 4,438 4,438 930San Roque 831 831 168Sinangguyan 3,796 3,796 780Bismartz 1,668 1,668 349

IMPASUG-ONG 43,587 43,045 8,677Bontongon 750 750 141Bulonay 1,344 1,344 236Capitan Bayong 2,788 2,733 546Cawayan 1,761 1,698 369Dumalaguing 2,391 2,391 446Guihean 1,837 1,837 340Hagpa 2,573 2,573 531Impalutao 6,078 5,895 1,212Kalabugao 4,882 4,880 1,010Kibenton 3,670 3,641 726La Fortuna 4,081 3,987 813Poblacion 10,116 10,000 2,040Sayawan 1,316 1,316 267

KADINGILAN 31,756 31,754 6,853Bagongbayan 1,314 1,314 279Bagor 1,811 1,811 384Balaoro 2,185 2,185 477Baroy 1,510 1,510 330Cabadiangan 4,521 4,521 941Husayan 507 507 112Kibalagon 1,037 1,037 216Mabuhay 764 764 170Malinao 1,008 1,008 223Matampay 1,199 1,199 250Sibonga 1,286 1,286 286Pay-as 1,863 1,863 410Pinamanguhan 1,663 1,663 373Poblacion 5,993 5,991 1,287Salvacion 1,465 1,465 316

National Statistics Office 3

Bukidnon 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

San Andres 2,270 2,270 516Kibogtok 1,360 1,360 283

KALILANGAN 39,847 39,781 8,248Bangbang 1,227 1,227 269Baborawon 1,033 1,033 200Canituan 1,354 1,354 295Kibaning 849 849 179Kinura 2,060 2,060 425Lampanusan 3,120 3,120 672Maca-opao 2,897 2,897 631Malinao 6,038 6,038 1,228Pamotolon (Pamotdon) 1,256 1,256 232Poblacion 6,874 6,822 1,407Public 2,058 2,058 425Ninoy Aquino 3,279 3,279 646San Vicente Ferrer 3,535 3,535 707West Poblacion 4,267 4,253 932

KIBAWE 35,767 35,740 7,775Balintawak 735 735 161Cagawasan 911 911 178East Kibawe (Pob.) 2,777 2,777 598Gutapol 1,715 1,715 385Pinamula 1,133 1,133 225Kiorao 685 685 142Kisawa 750 750 162Labuagon 1,890 1,890 386Magsaysay 1,541 1,541 373Marapangi 2,037 2,037 420Mascariñas 567 567 123Natulongan 2,716 2,716 616New Kidapawan 1,185 1,185 317Old Kibawe 2,108 2,108 469Romagooc 2,132 2,132 485Sampaguita 1,216 1,216 252Sanipon 669 669 128Spring 1,458 1,458 319Talahiron 2,929 2,929 658

4 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Bukidnon

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Tumaras 670 670 145West Kibawe (Pob.) 3,004 2,988 635Bukang Liwayway 1,037 1,037 192Palma 1,902 1,891 406

KITAOTAO 49,488 49,457 10,519Balangigay 989 989 235Balukbukan 1,592 1,592 345Bershiba 884 884 200Bobong 948 948 204Bolocaon 656 656 150Cabalantian 560 560 114Calapaton 776 776 166Sinaysayan (Dalurong) 785 785 161Kahusayan 1,415 1,415 297Kalumihan 474 474 108Kauyonan 1,118 1,118 254Kimolong 948 948 227Kitaihon 550 550 127Kitobo 2,371 2,371 492Magsaysay 499 499 113Malobalo 605 605 151Metebagao 788 788 164Sagundanon 1,262 1,262 243Pagan 1,274 1,274 269Panganan 1,216 1,216 267Poblacion 4,927 4,920 1,141San Isidro 1,064 1,064 257San Lorenzo 681 681 161Santo Rosario 703 703 165Sinuda (Simod) 8,725 8,725 1,657Tandong 864 864 182Tawas 2,274 2,274 482White Kulaman 2,260 2,260 476Napalico 587 563 119Digongan 1,505 1,505 289Kiulom 626 626 127Binoongan 506 506 105Kipilas 1,379 1,379 265

National Statistics Office 5

Bukidnon 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

East Dalurong 1,814 1,814 421West Dalurong 1,863 1,863 385

LANTAPAN 55,934 55,777 11,361Alanib 5,811 5,769 1,245Baclayon 1,734 1,734 357Balila 3,633 3,630 731Bantuanon 5,671 5,671 1,159Basak 3,052 3,052 613Bugcaon 5,182 5,158 1,073Ka-atoan (Kaatuan) 1,624 1,624 368Capitan Juan 1,805 1,738 344Cawayan 2,631 2,631 528Kulasihan 5,565 5,565 1,196Kibangay 7,107 7,107 1,313Poblacion 7,142 7,142 1,467Songco 3,236 3,215 600Victory 1,741 1,741 367

LIBONA 39,393 39,210 8,710Capihan 2,067 2,067 466Crossing 4,369 4,345 907Gango 4,884 4,884 1,079Kiliog 1,440 1,440 375Kinawe 3,815 3,803 835Laturan 2,921 2,921 574Maambong 1,917 1,917 411Nangka 1,515 1,515 363Palabucan 1,333 1,291 292Poblacion 3,113 3,113 708Pongol 3,485 3,416 822San Jose 3,387 3,387 786Santa Fe 2,506 2,506 482Sil-ipon 2,641 2,605 610

CITY OF MALAYBALAY (Capital) 153,085 151,600 32,029Aglayan 6,205 6,205 1,308Bangcud 4,952 4,936 1,133Busdi 1,921 1,921 418

6 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Bukidnon

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Cabangahan 2,775 2,775 586Caburacanan 1,057 1,032 218Canayan 4,176 4,136 918Capitan Angel 1,108 1,108 195Casisang 22,230 22,170 4,637Dalwangan 6,112 5,902 1,238Imbayao 1,562 1,422 277Indalaza 1,453 1,453 320Kalasungay 7,456 7,456 1,535Kabalabag 1,026 1,026 172Kulaman 1,064 1,064 185Laguitas 2,658 2,658 553Patpat (Lapu-lapu) 3,200 2,771 586Linabo 6,193 6,185 1,381Apo Macote 4,186 4,186 887Miglamin 2,709 2,709 581Magsaysay 2,241 2,241 529Maligaya 1,963 1,963 403Managok 6,719 6,705 1,379Manalog 727 727 111Mapayag 970 970 197Mapulo 1,106 1,106 220Barangay 1 (Pob.) 4,992 4,992 1,020Barangay 2 (Pob.) 856 856 179Barangay 3 (Pob.) 461 461 115Barangay 4 (Pob.) 515 515 95Barangay 5 (Pob.) 234 222 58Barangay 6 (Pob.) 873 863 171Barangay 7 (Pob.) 2,221 2,197 474Barangay 8 (Pob.) 642 642 150Barangay 9 (Pob.) 7,817 7,384 1,595Barangay 10 (Pob.) 2,806 2,780 616Barangay 11 (Pob.) 2,783 2,777 638Saint Peter 2,288 2,288 445San Jose 5,640 5,621 1,154San Martin 2,863 2,863 604Santo Niño 1,614 1,614 355Silae 2,099 2,099 425Simaya 3,774 3,774 842

National Statistics Office 7

Bukidnon 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Sinanglanan 2,885 2,885 585Sumpong 8,355 8,342 1,805Violeta 2,066 2,066 434Zamboanguita 1,532 1,532 302

MALITBOG a 22,880 22,874 4,860Kalingking 1,491 1,491 317Kiabo 2,214 2,214 491Mindagat 1,888 1,888 418Omagling 801 801 191Patpat 1,362 1,362 305Poblacion 3,269 3,264 728Sampiano 1,262 1,262 292San Luis 6,104 6,103 1,187Santa Ines 1,319 1,319 287Silo-o 2,379 2,379 472Sumalsag 791 791 172

MANOLO FORTICH 91,026 90,536 19,113Agusan Canyon 9,850 9,839 1,967Alae 8,552 8,392 1,859Dahilayan 1,527 1,520 304Dalirig 3,541 3,518 787Damilag 11,385 11,385 2,362Diclum 3,731 3,731 813Guilang-guilang 1,152 1,144 175Kalugmanan 2,986 2,986 643Lindaban 2,017 1,955 445Lingion 5,496 5,496 1,171Lunocan 6,341 6,341 1,350Maluko 3,871 3,842 808Mambatangan 3,248 3,217 658Mampayag 1,312 1,312 295Minsuro 870 870 191Mantibugao 2,678 2,678 576Tankulan (Pob.) 7,907 7,778 1,700San Miguel 4,524 4,499 933Sankanan 3,287 3,287 722Santiago 2,066 2,066 346

8 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Bukidnon

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Santo Niño 3,445 3,440 742Ticala 1,240 1,240 266

MARAMAG 90,901 90,779 19,258Anahawon 2,350 2,350 514Base Camp 6,905 6,905 1,540Bayabason (Spring) 2,370 2,370 514Camp I 4,416 4,416 928Colambugan 1,761 1,761 382Dagumba-an 7,134 7,134 1,553Danggawan 1,587 1,587 352Dologon 11,747 11,737 2,444Kisanday 2,620 2,612 577Kuya 4,294 4,294 904La Roxas 2,191 2,191 462Panadtalan 3,983 3,983 864Panalsalan 2,194 2,194 441North Poblacion 12,352 12,251 2,565South Poblacion 11,408 11,405 2,394San Miguel 5,942 5,942 1,217San Roque 2,952 2,952 622Tubigon 1,902 1,902 399Bagongsilang 1,041 1,041 234Kiharong 1,752 1,752 352

PANGANTUCAN 48,775 48,746 10,329Adtuyon 3,670 3,670 743Bacusanon 4,182 4,182 867Bangahan 2,674 2,674 557Barandias 2,126 2,126 450Concepcion 658 658 145Gandingan 1,907 1,907 374Kimanait 3,557 3,557 744Kipadukan 1,784 1,784 384Langcataon 2,122 2,122 475Lantay 2,131 2,109 446Madaya 1,294 1,294 275Malipayon 3,203 3,203 711Mendis 1,278 1,278 267

National Statistics Office 9

Bukidnon 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Nabaliwa 1,780 1,780 378New Eden 1,112 1,112 246Payad 1,239 1,239 244Pigtauranan 2,445 2,445 499Poblacion 10,339 10,332 2,258Portulin 1,274 1,274 266

QUEZON 94,584 94,476 19,943Butong 12,455 12,433 2,568Cebole 1,386 1,386 312Delapa 2,904 2,904 565Dumalama 974 974 183C-Handumanan 893 893 198Cawayan 1,108 1,108 226Kiburiao 4,560 4,551 922Kipaypayon 1,308 1,308 269Libertad 2,725 2,725 598Linabo 1,845 1,845 360Lipa 1,106 1,106 226Lumintao 3,584 3,547 749Magsaysay 1,857 1,857 404Mahayag 1,352 1,352 270Manuto 2,271 2,271 514Merangerang 3,902 3,902 821Mibantang 2,178 2,178 493Minongan 1,822 1,822 370Minsamongan 804 804 171Paitan 4,050 4,050 870Palacapao 2,982 2,982 607Pinilayan 987 987 192Poblacion (Kiokong) 13,284 13,244 2,883Puntian 2,542 2,542 537Salawagan 7,105 7,105 1,579San Isidro 779 779 181San Jose 6,881 6,881 1,410San Roque 1,370 1,370 273Santa Cruz 2,159 2,159 458Santa Filomena 1,947 1,947 415Minsalirak 1,464 1,464 319

10 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Bukidnon

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

SAN FERNANDO 50,207 50,150 10,339Bonacao 1,812 1,812 351Cabuling 665 665 149Kawayan 1,704 1,704 351Cayaga 1,246 1,246 235Dao 1,111 1,111 218Durian 939 939 202Iglugsad 1,495 1,495 306Kalagangan 5,188 5,179 1,069Kibongcog 1,654 1,654 263Little Baguio 4,441 4,441 942Nacabuklad 1,091 1,091 241Namnam 3,512 3,510 710Palacpacan 1,230 1,230 235Halapitan (Pob.) 9,280 9,242 1,957San Jose 758 758 155Santo Domingo 1,324 1,324 257Tugop 1,866 1,866 397Matupe 1,643 1,643 348Bulalang 529 529 113Candelaria 815 815 164Mabuhay 2,791 2,791 580Magkalungay 1,965 1,965 411Malayanan 1,443 1,443 300Sacramento Valley 1,705 1,697 385

SUMILAO 25,668 25,282 5,093Kisolon 10,584 10,474 2,062Culasi 560 544 110Licoan 848 813 154Lupiagan 840 840 168Ocasion 632 617 133Puntian 1,575 1,467 306San Roque 1,124 1,095 210San Vicente 2,593 2,520 502Poblacion 4,464 4,464 941Vista Villa 2,448 2,448 507

National Statistics Office 11

Bukidnon 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

TALAKAG 67,123 67,123 13,001Basak 1,322 1,322 213Baylanan 1,354 1,354 231Cacaon 2,273 2,273 456Colawingon 1,091 1,091 180Cosina 3,191 3,191 595Dagumbaan 2,285 2,285 453Dagundalahon 1,529 1,529 270Dominorog 5,392 5,392 1,106Lapok 1,671 1,671 348Indulang 3,936 3,936 654Lantud 2,472 2,472 407Liguron 1,325 1,325 269Lingi-on 1,161 1,161 253Lirongan 2,932 2,932 558Santo Niño (Lumbayawa) 2,429 2,429 508Miarayon 2,602 2,602 483Barangay 1 (Pob.) 1,048 1,048 241Barangay 2 (Pob.) 1,158 1,158 271Barangay 3 (Pob.) 1,477 1,477 331Barangay 4 (Pob.) 1,266 1,266 282Barangay 5 (Pob.) 2,310 2,310 454Sagaran 1,450 1,450 267Salucot 1,568 1,568 249San Antonio 4,118 4,118 868San Isidro 5,358 5,358 1,111San Miguel 2,551 2,551 481San Rafael 2,324 2,324 440Tagbak 1,672 1,672 287Tikalaan 3,858 3,858 735

CITY OF VALENCIA 181,556 180,988 39,048Bagontaas 9,408 9,099 1,950Banlag 6,415 6,415 1,342Barobo 2,764 2,764 595Batangan 11,620 11,599 2,595Catumbalon 2,128 2,128 453Colonia 2,885 2,885 610Concepcion 3,490 3,490 730

12 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Bukidnon

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Dagat-Kidavao 4,703 4,703 1,003Guinoyuran 6,059 6,035 1,274Kahapunan 5,768 5,768 1,230Laligan 6,706 6,706 1,487Lilingayon 6,253 6,253 1,298Lourdes 1,572 1,572 354Lumbayao 3,252 3,252 675Lumbo 13,112 13,086 2,790Lurogan 7,736 7,720 1,650Maapag 1,661 1,661 357Mabuhay 3,596 3,596 778Mailag 6,517 6,513 1,423Mt. Nebo 2,471 2,471 523Nabago 2,211 2,211 526Pinatilan 3,007 3,007 646Poblacion 38,584 38,416 8,364San Carlos 3,667 3,667 827San Isidro 2,510 2,510 551Sinabuagan 2,040 2,040 442Sinayawan 6,783 6,783 1,461Sugod 3,766 3,766 781Tongantongan 6,975 6,975 1,479Tugaya 1,991 1,991 409Vintar 1,906 1,906 445

CABANGLASAN 32,427 32,399 6,297Cabulohan 2,121 2,121 407Canangaan 2,943 2,943 575Iba 3,406 3,406 665Imbatug 2,265 2,265 453Lambangan 1,073 1,073 214Mandaing 1,616 1,616 321Paradise 2,331 2,331 458Poblacion 5,710 5,682 1,134Anlogan 1,622 1,622 320Capinonan 2,662 2,662 490Dalacutan 559 559 115Freedom 1,714 1,714 269Mandahikan 1,840 1,840 387

National Statistics Office 13

Bukidnon 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Mauswagon 1,123 1,123 220Jasaan 1,442 1,442 269

a With boundary dispute with the municipality of Claveria, Misamis Oriental.

14 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Camiguin

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

CAMIGUIN 83,807 83,676 18,183

CATARMAN 16,388 16,378 3,727Alga 822 822 176Bonbon 2,434 2,431 540Bura 795 795 190Catibac 878 878 210Compol 1,299 1,299 304Lawigan 939 939 218Liloan 522 522 124Looc 820 820 191Mainit 1,484 1,484 352Manduao 677 677 152Panghiawan 1,012 1,012 239Poblacion 2,344 2,337 550Santo Niño 1,095 1,095 228Tangaro 1,267 1,267 253

GUINSILIBAN 5,580 5,577 1,267Butay 356 356 82Cabuan 1,129 1,129 232Cantaan 382 382 79Liong 1,092 1,092 240Maac 644 644 165North Poblacion 1,142 1,139 269South Poblacion 835 835 200

MAHINOG 13,531 13,495 2,952Benoni 1,651 1,651 326Binatubo (Binaliwan) 1,044 1,044 234Catohugan 985 985 212Hubangon 1,194 1,194 285Owakan 378 378 87Poblacion 2,835 2,832 586Puntod 864 864 192San Isidro 602 602 141San Jose 641 641 155San Miguel 533 533 103San Roque 1,248 1,248 274

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

National Statistics Office 15

Camiguin 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Tubod 306 306 77Tupsan Pequeño 1,250 1,217 280

MAMBAJAO (Capital) 36,435 36,364 7,680Agoho 2,374 2,374 513Anito 1,593 1,593 353Balbagon 2,606 2,606 541Baylao 2,151 2,151 451Benhaan 1,020 1,020 224Bug-ong 1,158 1,158 266Kuguita 1,127 1,127 260Magting 1,980 1,980 441Naasag 1,544 1,544 336Pandan 2,731 2,676 538Poblacion 10,330 10,314 2,123Soro-soro 1,039 1,039 215Tagdo 1,358 1,358 298Tupsan 2,455 2,455 513Yumbing 2,969 2,969 608

SAGAY 11,873 11,862 2,557Alangilan 1,513 1,513 335Bacnit 801 801 179Balite 937 937 183Bonbon 1,611 1,611 375Bugang 949 948 209Cuna 737 737 163Manuyog 1,343 1,343 243Mayana 776 776 162Poblacion 3,206 3,196 708

16 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Lanao del Norte

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

LANAO DEL NORTE * 607,917 607,116 122,868

BACOLOD 21,818 21,790 4,833Alegria 553 553 136Babalaya 510 510 116Babalayan Townsite 683 683 137Binuni 1,586 1,586 367Demologan 1,696 1,696 414Dimarao 839 839 134Esperanza 2,201 2,201 492Kahayag 730 730 162Liangan East 1,960 1,960 497Punod (Maliwanag) 662 662 147Mati 511 511 126Minaulon 719 719 156Pagayawan 1,247 1,247 260Poblacion Bacolod 5,766 5,738 1,217Rupagan 1,652 1,652 385Delabayan West 503 503 87

BALOI 50,387 50,257 8,977Abaga 2,623 2,623 435Adapun-Ali (Dariat) 1,873 1,873 328Angandog (Bulao) 1,216 1,216 195Angayen (Balut) 1,913 1,913 333Bangko 1,659 1,659 269Batolacongan (Basagad) 1,682 1,682 317Buenavista 1,333 1,333 207Cadayonan 1,723 1,723 313Landa (Gadongan) 2,395 2,395 445Lumbac 1,847 1,847 304Mamaanun 2,307 2,307 338Maria-Cristina 6,062 6,062 1,287Matampay 1,940 1,940 400Nangka 3,326 3,326 618Pacalundo 4,582 4,472 666Poblacion East 3,790 3,770 721Poblacion West 4,116 4,116 771Sandor (Daduan) 1,274 1,274 201

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

National Statistics Office 17

Lanao del Norte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Sangcad (Cormatan ) 1,355 1,355 255Sarip-Alawi (Payawan) 2,112 2,112 349Sigayan 1,259 1,259 225

BAROY 20,948 20,926 4,703Andil 312 312 80Bagong Dawis 1,956 1,945 434Baroy Daku 1,323 1,323 286Bato 346 346 80Cabasagan 538 538 130Dalama 1,093 1,093 237Libertad 443 443 105Limwag 398 398 105Lindongan 850 850 183Maliwanag 748 748 187Manan-ao 897 897 194Pange 589 589 151Pindolonan 425 425 90Poblacion 2,810 2,810 624Princesa 841 841 218Rawan Point 1,422 1,422 297Riverside 479 479 115Sagadan (Sagadan Lower) 1,412 1,412 306Salong 881 881 200Tinubdan 338 338 77Sagadan Upper 629 618 136San Juan 1,045 1,045 216Village 1,173 1,173 252

KAPATAGAN 53,916 53,916 11,981Bagong Badian 490 490 100Bagong Silang 1,469 1,469 348Balili 2,327 2,327 540Bansarvil 1,573 1,573 331Belis 755 755 150Buenavista 707 707 144Butadon 3,587 3,587 780Cathedral Falls 750 750 162Concepcion 717 717 148

18 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Lanao del Norte

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Curvada 1,451 1,451 330De Asis 1,028 1,028 242Donggoan 2,332 2,332 515Durano 421 421 80Kahayagan 651 651 126Kidalos 931 931 253La Libertad 655 655 135Lapinig 3,811 3,811 859Mahayahay 1,408 1,408 328Malinas 606 606 130Maranding 2,226 2,226 439Margos 2,760 2,760 538Poblacion 11,254 11,254 2,560Pulang Yuta 537 537 129San Isidro 509 509 130San Vicente 1,301 1,301 281Santa Cruz 1,056 1,056 260Santo Tomas 1,223 1,223 271Suso 556 556 103Taguitic 4,019 4,019 910Tiacongan 775 775 186Tipolo 613 613 135Tulatulahan 475 475 108Waterfalls 943 943 230

SULTAN NAGA DIMAPORO (KAROMATAN) 52,430 52,416 10,552Bangaan 1,750 1,750 329Bangco 1,059 1,059 220Bansarvil II 1,742 1,742 360Bauyan 3,838 3,838 723Cabongbongan 430 430 90Calibao 1,348 1,348 230Calipapa 377 377 85Calube 635 635 150Campo Islam 393 393 77Capocao 265 265 75Dabliston 1,944 1,944 415Dangulaan 2,556 2,556 518Ditago 752 752 150

National Statistics Office 19

Lanao del Norte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Ilian 1,703 1,703 370Kauswagan 609 609 125Kirapan 717 717 155Koreo 1,090 1,090 227Lantawan 296 296 64Mabuhay 542 542 110Maguindanao 1,394 1,394 278Mahayahay 452 452 95Mamagum 1,077 1,077 229Pandanan 2,268 2,268 484Payong 1,430 1,430 254Piraka 1,455 1,455 285Pikalawag 3,096 3,082 625Pikinit 1,704 1,704 328Poblacion 6,887 6,887 1,268Ramain 1,954 1,954 392Rebucon 926 926 257Sigayan 1,626 1,626 340Sugod 764 764 150Tagulo 1,011 1,011 203Tantaon 1,688 1,688 315Topocon (Capocgo) 841 841 205Dalama 1,025 1,025 177Mina 786 786 194

KAUSWAGAN 24,006 24,001 4,898Bagumbayan (Pob.) 3,458 3,458 718Bara-ason 993 993 162Cayontor 948 948 180Delabayan 2,255 2,255 426Inudaran 887 887 175Kawit Occidental 1,096 1,096 264Kawit Oriental 1,347 1,347 273Libertad 3,223 3,223 665Paiton 753 753 165Poblacion 4,102 4,097 864Tacub 2,935 2,935 645Tingintingin 696 696 123Tugar 1,313 1,313 238

20 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Lanao del Norte

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

KOLAMBUGAN 26,445 26,408 5,909Austin Heights 1,176 1,176 265Baybay 3,001 2,970 725Bubong 132 132 26Caromatan 1,348 1,348 294Inudaran 352 352 69Kulasihan 611 611 145Libertad 2,329 2,329 529Lumbac 451 451 91Manga 1,688 1,688 351Matampay 198 198 35Mukas 1,573 1,573 338Muntay 1,704 1,704 355Pagalungan 168 168 35Palao 384 384 93Pantaon 264 264 55Pantar 339 339 83Poblacion 2,072 2,072 475Rebucon 1,028 1,028 263Riverside 1,782 1,776 410San Roque 289 289 65Santo Niño 599 599 127Simbuco 1,422 1,422 310Small Banisilan 179 179 35Sucodan 527 527 108Tabigue 1,282 1,282 292Titunod 1,547 1,547 335

LALA 65,355 65,271 14,502Abaga 3,089 3,089 688Andil 582 582 138Matampay Bucana 905 905 194Darumawang Bucana 1,351 1,351 289Cabasagan 2,610 2,610 607Camalan 938 938 173Darumawang Ilaya 3,429 3,429 712El Salvador 1,312 1,300 284Gumagamot 1,629 1,629 339Lala Proper (Pob.) 3,476 3,476 747

National Statistics Office 21

Lanao del Norte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Lanipao 4,748 4,748 986Magpatao 1,890 1,890 422Maranding 12,596 12,524 2,880Matampay Ilaya 1,379 1,379 269Pacita 1,422 1,422 302Pendolonan 970 970 234Pinoyak 3,298 3,298 696Raw-an 1,974 1,974 437Rebe 4,380 4,380 1,084San Isidro Lower 1,609 1,609 355San Isidro Upper 1,185 1,185 299San Manuel 1,360 1,360 340Santa Cruz Lower 945 945 198Santa Cruz Upper 702 702 169Simpak 3,746 3,746 839Tenazas 2,366 2,366 499Tuna-an 1,464 1,464 322

LINAMON 17,484 17,484 3,594Busque 1,193 1,193 239Larapan 796 796 165Magoong 1,937 1,937 412Napo 656 656 139Poblacion 6,533 6,533 1,311Purakan 1,062 1,062 216Robocon 2,171 2,171 466Samburon 3,136 3,136 646

MAGSAYSAY 16,442 16,442 3,447Babasalon 654 654 130Baguiguicon 1,003 1,003 226Daan Campo 609 609 130Durianon 458 458 110Ilihan 411 411 83Lamigadato 434 434 99Lemoncret 745 745 224Lubo 947 947 189Lumbac 1,589 1,589 259Malabaogan 570 570 88

22 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Lanao del Norte

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Mapantao 392 392 72Olango 627 627 145Pangao 801 801 146Pelingkingan 742 742 140Lower Caningag (Perimbangan) 288 288 71Poblacion (Bago-A-Ingud) 1,703 1,703 426Rarab 534 534 95Somiorang 422 422 86Upper Caningag (Taguitingan) 206 206 70Talambo 1,020 1,020 170Tambacon 919 919 205Tawinian 582 582 126Tipaan 329 329 86Tombador 457 457 71

MAIGO 20,131 20,093 4,392Balagatasa 4,231 4,231 912Camp 1 389 389 103Claro M. Recto 1,672 1,665 348Inoma 507 507 92Labuay 2,563 2,563 550Liangan West 1,982 1,974 428Mahayahay 519 496 130Maliwanag 530 530 149Mentring 1,080 1,080 236Poblacion 3,015 3,015 651Santa Cruz 845 845 181Sogapod 1,969 1,969 437Kulasihan (Villanueva) 829 829 175

MATUNGAO 12,217 12,217 2,027Bubong Radapan 735 735 140Bangco 810 810 125Batal 1,071 1,071 183Batangan 1,735 1,735 301Cadayonan 1,057 1,057 155Matampay 664 664 120Pangi 643 643 97Pasayanon 1,732 1,732 258

National Statistics Office 23

Lanao del Norte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Poblacion (Matungao) 1,813 1,813 280Puntod 519 519 98Santa Cruz 427 427 95Somiorang 1,011 1,011 175

MUNAI 27,600 27,600 5,233Bacayawan 903 903 165Balabacun 1,054 1,054 204Balintad 527 527 110Kadayonan 629 629 109Dalama 968 968 210Lindongan 933 933 181Lingco-an 806 806 149Lininding 1,369 1,369 260Lumba-Bayabao 1,297 1,297 215Madaya 626 626 110Maganding 588 588 123Matampay 1,164 1,164 215Old Poblacion 2,823 2,823 587North Cadulawan 829 829 150Panggao 1,923 1,923 340Pantao 600 600 120Pantao-A-Munai 770 770 147Pantaon 468 468 92Pindolonan 1,743 1,743 305Punong 610 610 119Ramain 1,301 1,301 244Sandigamunai 795 795 164Tagoranao 369 369 80Tambo 2,156 2,156 414Tamparan (Mandaya) 1,380 1,380 256Taporog 969 969 164

NUNUNGAN 16,304 16,304 2,965Abaga 420 420 83Bangco 647 647 108Canibongan 472 472 83Karcum 933 933 140Dimayon 598 598 95

24 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Lanao del Norte

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Inayawan 707 707 139Kaludan 1,149 1,149 176Katubuan 721 721 112Cabasaran (Laya) 656 656 140Liangan 537 537 117Lupitan 631 631 120Mangan 623 623 136Malaig 511 511 81Masibay 761 761 135Poblacion (Nunungan Proper) 769 769 172Notongan 402 402 84Petadun 897 897 175Panganapan 586 586 100Pantar 719 719 135Paridi 446 446 83Rarab 892 892 156Raraban 534 534 111Rebucon 517 517 90Songgod 551 551 79Taraka 625 625 115

PANTAO RAGAT 23,122 23,122 3,426Aloon 1,320 1,320 195Banday 1,528 1,528 237Bobonga Pantao Ragat 1,144 1,144 172Bobonga Radapan 711 711 110Cabasagan 1,399 1,399 202Calawe 843 843 140Culubun 1,082 1,082 170Dilimbayan 1,127 1,127 175Dimayon 1,094 1,094 191Poblacion East 2,154 2,154 330Lomidong 1,165 1,165 167Madaya 888 888 135Maliwanag 1,356 1,356 178Matampay 1,023 1,023 145Natangcopan 1,072 1,072 165Pansor 1,125 1,125 165Pantao Marug 1,048 1,048 134

National Statistics Office 25

Lanao del Norte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Tangcal 976 976 135Tongcopan 1,003 1,003 135Poblacion West 1,064 1,064 145

POONA PIAGAPO 23,451 23,421 4,032Alowin 729 729 135Bubong-Dinaig 918 918 142Caromatan 1,341 1,341 215Daramba 1,160 1,160 205Dinaig 799 799 140Cabasaran 801 801 135Kablangan 617 617 120Cadayonan 936 936 170Linindingan 863 863 135Lumbatan 874 874 131Lupitan 705 705 140Madamba 852 852 135Madaya 1,014 1,014 167Maliwanag 1,140 1,140 205Nunang 940 940 165Nunungan 706 706 120Pantao Raya 1,020 1,020 195Pantaon 884 884 147Pened 1,077 1,077 165Piangamangaan 759 759 135Pendolonan 1,007 1,007 175Poblacion (Lumbacaingud) 1,243 1,243 220Sulo 723 723 120Tagoranao 709 709 128Tangclao 804 774 145Timbangalan 830 830 142

SALVADOR 27,348 27,320 5,610Barandia 480 480 119Bulacon 725 725 106Buntong 1,286 1,286 228Calimodan 963 963 165Camp III 1,023 1,023 245Curva-Miagao 1,818 1,818 387

26 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Lanao del Norte

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Daligdigan 548 548 120Kilala 769 769 113Mabatao 619 619 127Madaya 1,421 1,421 252Mamaanon 809 809 173Mapantao 577 577 145Mindalano 524 524 114Padianan 838 838 195Pagalongan 577 577 128Pagayawan 682 682 101Panaliwad-on 1,006 1,006 245Pangantapan 590 590 120Pansor 1,454 1,454 300Patidon 617 617 117Pawak 784 784 152Poblacion 5,664 5,636 1,228Saumay 456 456 87Sudlon 776 776 164Inasagan 2,342 2,342 479

SAPAD 19,479 19,479 4,030Baning 1,267 1,267 279Buriasan (Pob.) 4,220 4,220 888Dansalan 1,518 1,518 314Gamal 446 446 92Inudaran I 576 576 95Inudaran II 590 590 132Karkum 980 980 170Katipunan 1,043 1,043 214Mabugnao 468 468 95Maito Salug 547 547 110Mala Salug 1,109 1,109 215Mama-anon 488 488 110Mapurog 697 697 140Pancilan 1,126 1,126 271Panoloon 2,412 2,412 525Pili 917 917 165Sapad 1,075 1,075 215

National Statistics Office 27

Lanao del Norte 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

TAGOLOAN 11,674 11,625 2,289Dalamas 1,350 1,348 245Darimbang 1,046 1,046 189Dimayon 2,780 2,748 511Inagongan 2,594 2,579 512Kiazar (Pob.) 1,553 1,553 318Malimbato 944 944 220Panalawan 1,407 1,407 294

TANGCAL 12,588 12,588 2,080Small Banisilon 623 623 113Bayabao 917 917 143Berwar 648 648 100Big Banisilon 1,140 1,140 180Big Meladoc 425 425 65Bubong 645 645 101Lamaosa 565 565 93Linao 581 581 83Lindongan 325 325 55Lingco-an 465 465 83Small Meladoc 287 287 45Papan 389 389 70Pelingkingan 986 986 164Poblacion 2,141 2,141 363Poona Kapatagan 409 409 80Punod 443 443 75Somiorang 547 547 80Tangcal Proper 1,052 1,052 187

TUBOD (Capital) 46,332 45,996 10,274Barakanas 636 636 142Baris (Lumangculob) 326 326 49Bualan 3,118 3,082 699Bulod 1,851 1,851 405Camp V 1,681 1,681 386Candis 1,286 1,286 293Caniogan 2,027 2,027 464Dalama 2,260 2,260 460Kakai Renabor 1,207 1,201 247

28 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Lanao del Norte

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Kalilangan 878 878 223Licapao 895 895 206Malingao 3,527 3,527 812Palao 853 853 206Patudan 1,480 1,480 356Pigcarangan 3,005 2,768 552Pinpin 986 986 226Poblacion 10,915 10,858 2,378Pualas 1,868 1,868 439San Antonio 1,798 1,798 426Santo Niño 624 624 155Taden 778 778 189Tangueguiron 1,664 1,664 344Taguranao 815 815 191Tubaran 1,854 1,854 426

PANTAR 18,440 18,440 3,114Bangcal 824 824 113Bubong Madaya 452 452 65Bowi 641 641 95Cabasaran 826 826 135Cadayonan 703 703 120Campong 656 656 115Dibarosan 591 591 93Kalanganan East 2,416 2,416 439Kalanganan Lower 1,181 1,181 178Kalilangan 417 417 69Pantao-Marug 598 598 88Pantao-Ranao 724 724 135Pantar East 1,254 1,254 220Poblacion 1,174 1,174 210Pitubo 608 608 95Poona-Punod 898 898 144Punod 897 897 144Sundiga-Punod 702 702 110Tawanan 689 689 117West Pantar 817 817 135Lumba-Punod 1,372 1,372 294

* Excludes Iligan City.

National Statistics Office 29

2010 Census of Population and Housing Iligan City

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

ILIGAN CITY 322,821 321,156 67,965Abuno 4,703 4,679 1,029Bonbonon 1,489 1,489 295Bunawan 2,182 2,182 438Buru-un 12,991 12,975 2,773Dalipuga 18,191 18,191 4,046Digkilaan 4,238 4,236 869Hinaplanon 14,340 14,340 3,192Kabacsanan 1,947 1,947 392Kiwalan 5,955 5,922 1,274Mahayhay 8,998 8,998 1,868Mainit 2,480 2,480 478Mandulog 3,103 3,096 616Maria Cristina 10,751 10,751 2,328Palao 9,544 9,445 1,971Poblacion 3,924 3,924 962Puga-an 7,398 7,398 1,508Rogongon 4,870 4,870 991Santa Elena 5,119 5,119 1,033Santa Filomena 7,387 7,368 1,597Suarez 17,544 17,253 3,564Tambacan 16,701 16,701 3,478Saray-Tibanga 10,225 10,214 2,288Tipanoy 12,904 12,606 2,702Tominobo Proper 9,005 9,005 1,853Tominobo Upper 1,625 1,625 353Tubod 32,283 32,206 6,618Bagong Silang 6,152 6,152 1,302Del Carmen 8,305 8,305 1,763Dulag 1,069 1,069 214San Miguel 4,117 3,906 862Santiago 9,211 9,122 2,019Santo Rosario 2,155 2,155 498Tibanga 9,042 8,607 1,799Acmac 5,784 5,784 1,209Ditucalan 3,337 3,314 707Hindang 1,125 1,125 258Kalilangan 1,159 1,159 246Lanipao 2,348 2,348 479

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

National Statistics Office 30

2010 Census of Population and Housing Iligan City

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Luinab 8,114 8,114 1,724Panoroganan 4,035 4,035 657San Roque 3,860 3,860 876Ubaldo Laya 10,961 10,931 2,319Upper Hinaplanon 6,531 6,531 1,320Villa Verde 5,619 5,619 1,197

31 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Misamis Occidental

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL 567,642 566,340 125,244

ALORAN 26,630 26,608 6,074Balintonga 441 441 92 Banisilon 657 657 145 Burgos 490 490 110 Calube 447 447 84 Caputol 913 913 199 Casusan 1,033 1,033 238 Conat 1,191 1,191 281 Culpan 510 510 124 Dalisay 549 541 140 Dullan 1,171 1,165 253 Ibabao 570 570 189 Tubod (Juan Bacayo) 1,183 1,183 249 Labo 985 985 202 Lawa-an 761 761 184 Lobogon 1,112 1,112 233 Lumbayao 583 583 134 Makawa 786 786 187 Manamong 349 349 85 Matipaz 356 356 86 Maular 1,160 1,160 283 Mitazan 616 616 151 Mohon 1 1,479 1,479 321 Monterico 498 498 110 Nabuna 410 410 94 Palayan 1,162 1,162 262 Pelong 1,249 1,241 283 Ospital (Pob.) 579 579 130 Roxas 226 226 50 San Pedro 183 183 38 Santa Ana 507 507 120 Sinampongan 554 554 106 Taguanao 303 303 69 Tawi-tawi 805 805 197 Toril 434 434 94 Tuburan 893 893 217 Zamora 800 800 180

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

National Statistics Office 32

Misamis Occidental 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Macubon (Sina-ad) 276 276 73 Tugaya 409 409 81

BALIANGAO 16,155 16,147 3,727Del Pilar 821 821 201 Landing 1,371 1,371 344 Lumipac 711 711 165 Lusot 1,744 1,744 424 Mabini 1,198 1,198 270 Magsaysay 653 653 162 Misom 1,438 1,438 333 Mitacas 771 771 161 Naburos 371 371 95 Northern Poblacion 936 936 208 Punta Miray 1,516 1,512 329 Punta Sulong 960 960 209 Sinian 1,443 1,443 328 Southern Poblacion 920 916 201 Tugas 1,302 1,302 297

BONIFACIO 30,904 30,900 6,770Bag-ong Anonang 611 611 126 Bagumbang 1,881 1,881 432 Baybay 1,162 1,162 224 Bolinsong 1,469 1,469 312 Buenavista 1,134 1,133 247 Buracan 892 892 196 Calolot 848 848 185 Dimalco 727 727 174 Dullan 603 603 121 Kanaokanao 611 611 130 Liloan 2,241 2,241 476 Linconan 1,396 1,396 297 Lodiong 318 318 81 Lower Usugan 1,269 1,269 289 Mapurog (Migsale) 1,387 1,387 300 Migpange 1,972 1,972 374 Montol 789 789 164 Pisa-an 1,538 1,538 337

33 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Misamis Occidental

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Poblacion (Centro) 1,755 1,752 415 Remedios 534 534 118 Rufino Lumapas 743 743 178 Sibuyon 392 392 90 Tangab 435 435 96 Tiaman 1,562 1,562 348 Tusik 1,058 1,058 268 Upper Usogan 594 594 139 Demetrio Fernan 1,059 1,059 234 Digson 1,924 1,924 419

CALAMBA 21,005 20,594 4,902Bonifacio 734 734 177 Bunawan 1,346 1,345 303 Calaran 1,091 1,091 287 Dapacan Alto 1,005 1,005 235 Dapacan Bajo 604 604 143 Langub 1,437 1,037 235 Libertad 345 345 71 Magcamiguing 1,031 1,031 222 Mamalad 470 470 101 Mauswagon 568 568 126 Northern Poblacion 1,174 1,174 354 Salvador 519 519 143 San Isidro (San Isidro-San Pedro) 441 441 101 Siloy 615 615 134 Singalat 233 233 42 Solinog 2,166 2,158 493 Southwestern Poblacion 2,983 2,981 698 Sulipat 788 788 208 Don Bernardo Nery Pob. (Tres de Mayo) 3,455 3,455 829

CLARIN 35,573 35,508 7,789Bernad 298 298 68 Bito-on 296 296 71 Cabunga-an 500 500 115 Canibungan Daku 604 584 125 Canibungan Putol 466 466 107 Canipacan 1,154 1,154 245

National Statistics Office 34

Misamis Occidental 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Dalingap 1,018 1,018 199 Dela Paz 1,387 1,377 324 Dolores 1,246 1,226 274 Gata Daku 1,642 1,642 355 Gata Diot 630 630 124 Guba (Ozamis) 967 967 206 Kinangay Norte 1,091 1,091 233 Kinangay Sur 1,549 1,549 351 Lapasan 3,907 3,907 865 Lupagan 1,185 1,180 270 Malibangcao 938 938 204 Masabud 864 864 207 Mialen 2,755 2,755 592 Pan-ay 2,100 2,100 493 Penacio 149 149 28 Poblacion I 2,022 2,022 440 Segatic Daku 892 892 198 Segatic Diot 594 594 119 Sebasi 854 854 177 Tinacla-an 1,144 1,144 253 Poblacion II 1,272 1,262 276 Poblacion III 1,640 1,640 337 Poblacion IV 2,409 2,409 533

CONCEPCION 7,410 7,410 1,602Bagong Nayon 865 865 153 Capule 298 298 64 New Casul 337 337 72 Guiban 259 259 59 Laya-an 257 257 55 Lingatongan 242 242 56 Maligubaan 609 609 114 Mantukoy 335 335 74 Marugang 253 253 50 Poblacion 585 585 140 Pogan 855 855 160 Small Potongan 381 381 95 Soso-on 331 331 67 Upper Dapitan 348 348 65

35 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Misamis Occidental

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Upper Dioyo 408 408 132 Upper Potongan 168 168 34 Upper Salimpono 386 386 116 Virayan 493 493 96

JIMENEZ 25,234 25,211 5,804Adorable 259 259 73 Butuay 1,798 1,798 398 Carmen 1,668 1,668 370 Corrales 1,070 1,064 246 Dicoloc 1,230 1,230 316 Gata 464 464 113 Guintomoyan 587 587 138 Malibacsan 398 398 96 Macabayao 1,284 1,284 313 Matugas Alto 597 597 136 Matugas Bajo 612 612 152 Mialem 1,129 1,129 264 Naga (Pob.) 1,152 1,152 266 Palilan 1,910 1,910 409 Nacional (Pob.) 1,277 1,273 287 Rizal (Pob.) 1,153 1,147 258 San Isidro 366 366 83 Santa Cruz (Pob.) 1,511 1,507 351 Sibaroc 818 818 194 Sinara Alto 551 551 141 Sinara Bajo 610 610 145 Seti 504 504 115 Tabo-o 2,997 2,997 651 Taraka (Pob.) 1,289 1,286 289

LOPEZ JAENA 23,767 23,762 5,318Alegria 813 813 193 Bagong Silang 283 283 64 Biasong 910 910 201 Bonifacio 240 240 55 Burgos 446 446 96 Dalacon 286 286 62 Dampalan 584 584 142

National Statistics Office 36

Misamis Occidental 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Estante 296 296 71 Jasa-an 1,007 1,007 244 Katipa 1,407 1,407 299 Luzaran 661 661 145 Macalibre Alto 583 583 130 Macalibre Bajo 208 208 47 Mahayahay 276 276 69 Manguehan 425 425 90 Mansabay Bajo 1,975 1,975 427 Molatuhan Alto 788 788 173 Molatuhan Bajo 779 779 183 Peniel 116 116 26 Eastern Poblacion 2,704 2,704 594 Puntod 2,693 2,693 561 Rizal 913 913 215 Sibugon 1,287 1,287 291 Sibula 1,384 1,379 310 Don Andres Soriano 314 314 73 Mabas 66 66 16 Mansabay Alto 698 698 164 Western Poblacion 1,625 1,625 377

OROQUIETA CITY (Capital) 68,945 68,847 15,397Apil 621 621 151 Binuangan 1,115 1,115 261 Bolibol 741 741 164 Buenavista 904 904 195 Bunga 1,143 1,143 259 Buntawan 445 445 106 Burgos 489 489 111 Canubay 3,072 3,072 747 Clarin Settlement 581 581 123 Dolipos Bajo 991 991 222 Dolipos Alto 589 589 136 Dulapo 799 799 157 Dullan Norte 535 535 125 Dullan Sur 388 388 99 Lamac Lower 3,599 3,599 816 Lamac Upper 1,395 1,395 302

37 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Misamis Occidental

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Langcangan Lower 1,829 1,829 400 Langcangan Proper 1,641 1,641 350 Langcangan Upper 2,688 2,688 558 Layawan 936 935 199 Loboc Lower 2,122 2,122 487 Loboc Upper 1,877 1,877 433 Rizal Lower 323 323 77 Malindang 273 273 68 Mialen 308 308 72 Mobod 5,590 5,500 1,209 Ciriaco C. Pastrano (Nilabo) 316 316 101 Paypayan 334 334 76 Pines 2,965 2,965 684 Poblacion I 2,650 2,643 624 Poblacion II 1,139 1,139 270 San Vicente Alto 1,825 1,825 412 San Vicente Bajo 1,668 1,668 348 Sebucal 231 231 48 Senote 881 881 214 Taboc Norte 3,200 3,200 620 Taboc Sur 2,781 2,781 591 Talairon 3,927 3,927 899 Talic 3,165 3,165 687 Toliyok 849 849 183 Tipan 1,105 1,105 249 Tuyabang Alto 549 549 140 Tuyabang Bajo 477 477 120 Tuyabang Proper 328 328 79 Rizal Upper 415 415 97 Victoria 285 285 62 Villaflor 4,861 4,861 1,066

OZAMIS CITY 131,527 131,006 28,534Aguada (Pob.) 7,196 7,160 1,766 Banadero (Pob.) 8,460 8,455 1,704 Bacolod 1,856 1,856 394 Bagakay 3,511 3,495 743 Balintawak 620 620 160 Baybay Santa Cruz 1,875 1,856 404

National Statistics Office 38

Misamis Occidental 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Baybay Triunfo 2,487 2,466 614 Bongbong 2,030 2,029 445 Calabayan 3,195 3,150 653 Capucao C. 515 515 113 Capucao P. 1,486 1,486 311 Carangan 3,781 3,780 931 Catadman-Manabay 7,075 7,072 1,492 Cavinte 585 585 129 Cogon 1,262 1,262 304 Dalapang 516 516 115 Diguan 1,451 1,451 326 Dimaluna 2,692 2,692 550 Embargo 879 879 198 Gala 859 859 181 Gango 5,097 5,077 1,099 Gotokan Daku 433 433 94 Gotokan Diot 458 458 94 Guimad 528 528 107 Guingona 445 445 85 Kinuman Norte 1,362 1,362 301 Kinuman Sur 1,132 1,132 250 Labinay 1,635 1,635 344 Labo 2,600 2,600 563 Lam-an 3,376 3,358 718 Liposong 749 749 171 Litapan 892 892 186 Malaubang 6,528 6,528 1,413 Manaka 737 737 163 Maningcol 7,518 7,504 1,583 Mentering 352 352 88 Carmen (Misamis Annex) 6,233 6,197 1,465 Molicay 3,076 3,076 689 Stimson Abordo (Montol) 2,192 2,192 387 Pantaon 870 870 180 Pulot 3,514 3,514 799 San Antonio 3,818 3,818 827 Baybay San Roque 3,475 3,475 722 Sangay Daku 809 809 186 Sangay Diot 380 380 87

39 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Misamis Occidental

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Sinuza 1,490 1,490 301 Tabid 3,651 3,651 774 Tinago 10,244 10,121 2,175 Trigos 698 698 133 50th District (Pob.) 1,553 1,390 296 Doña Consuelo 3,351 3,351 721

PANAON 10,176 10,168 2,314Baga 424 424 108 Bangko 298 298 70 Camanucan 310 310 61 Dela Paz 615 615 128 Lutao 720 720 161 Magsaysay 227 227 59 Map-an 433 433 101 Mohon 314 314 74 Poblacion 1,585 1,577 358 Punta 1,439 1,439 306 Salimpuno 629 629 155 San Andres 451 451 109 San Juan 711 711 172 San Roque 815 815 186 Sumasap 841 841 187 Villalin 364 364 79

PLARIDEL 35,251 35,250 8,210Agunod 362 362 93 Bato 2,381 2,381 742 Buena Voluntad 384 384 81 Calaca-an 812 812 180 Cartagena Proper 543 543 134 Catarman 615 615 128 Cebulin 1,245 1,245 281 Clarin 1,233 1,233 286 Danao 753 753 166 Deboloc 451 451 102 Divisoria 236 236 59 Eastern Looc 1,674 1,674 379 Ilisan 382 382 89

National Statistics Office 40

Misamis Occidental 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Katipunan 1,025 1,025 232 Kauswagan 1,104 1,104 264 Lao Proper 927 927 200 Lao Santa Cruz 698 698 170 Looc Proper 1,875 1,875 402 Mamanga Daku 1,643 1,643 401 Mamanga Gamay 600 600 141 Mangidkid 955 955 216 New Cartagena 337 337 77 New Look 387 387 96 Northern Poblacion 883 883 212 Panalsalan 2,800 2,800 617 Puntod 519 519 117 Quirino 403 403 102 Santa Cruz 908 908 197 Southern Looc 1,478 1,478 307 Southern Poblacion 1,882 1,881 420 Tipolo 1,741 1,741 384 Unidos 2,206 2,206 531 Usocan 1,809 1,809 404

SAPANG DALAGA 19,431 19,431 4,462Bautista 439 439 94 Bitibut 1,878 1,878 391 Boundary 757 757 165 Caluya 697 697 144 Capundag 363 363 84 Casul 836 836 189 Dasa 383 383 91 Dioyo 559 559 131 Guinabot 1,025 1,025 248 Libertad 891 891 190 Locus 725 725 219 Manla 755 755 160 Masubong 340 340 78 Agapito Yap, Sr. (Napilan) 642 642 168 Poblacion 2,579 2,579 560 Salimpuno 386 386 98 San Agustin 562 562 136

41 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Misamis Occidental

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Sinaad 638 638 133 Sipac 1,037 1,037 246 Sixto Velez, Sr. 320 320 86 Upper Bautista 221 221 44 Ventura 452 452 129 Medallo 742 742 156 Dalumpinas 489 489 121 Disoy 251 251 73 El Paraiso 486 486 106 Macabibo 353 353 84 Sapang Ama 625 625 138

SINACABAN 18,597 18,597 4,013Cagay-anon 1,723 1,723 345 Camanse 518 518 128 Colupan Alto 788 788 170 Colupan Bajo 1,432 1,432 286 Dinas 616 616 134 Estrella 1,005 1,005 218 Katipunan 1,049 1,049 231 Libertad Alto 938 938 201 Libertad Bajo 1,739 1,739 383 Poblacion 2,780 2,780 586 San Isidro Alto 360 360 75 San Isidro Bajo 508 508 100 San Vicente 670 670 153 Señor 730 730 158 Sinonoc 2,808 2,808 622 San Lorenzo Ruiz (Sungan) 277 277 49 Tipan 656 656 174

TANGUB CITY 59,892 59,785 12,288Santa Maria (Baga) 1,504 1,504 331 Balatacan 1,175 1,175 237 Banglay 666 666 121 Mantic 1,938 1,938 366 Migcanaway 2,582 2,582 506 Bintana 1,245 1,245 285 Bocator 1,738 1,738 347

National Statistics Office 42

Misamis Occidental 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Bongabong 724 724 155 Caniangan 1,071 1,071 242 Capalaran 989 989 219 Catagan 634 634 125 Barangay I - City Hall (Pob.) 552 552 124 Barangay II - Marilou Annex (Pob.) 741 741 170 Barangay IV - St. Michael (Pob.) 760 760 155 Isidro D. Tan (Dimaloc-oc) 1,965 1,965 389 Garang 1,539 1,539 287 Guinabot 426 426 98 Guinalaban 975 975 189 Kauswagan 703 703 148 Kimat 522 522 101 Labuyo 1,241 1,241 271 Lorenzo Tan 2,826 2,826 558 Barangay VI - Lower Polao (Pob.) 875 875 178 Lumban 541 541 106 Maloro 2,536 2,536 531 Barangay V - Malubog (Pob.) 919 919 191 Manga 1,436 1,402 332 Maquilao 3,217 3,217 673 Barangay III- Market Kalubian (Pob.) 836 836 172 Minsubong 1,285 1,285 297 Owayan 225 225 52 Paiton 743 743 158 Panalsalan 1,005 1,005 203 Pangabuan 2,772 2,772 572 Prenza 913 913 194 Salimpuno 453 453 86 San Antonio 355 355 79 San Apolinario 1,450 1,450 277 San Vicente 663 663 130 Santa Cruz 1,509 1,436 307 Santo Niño 612 612 121 Silangit 953 953 193 Simasay 778 778 153 Sumirap 1,535 1,535 313 Taguite 439 439 85 Tituron 446 446 84

43 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Misamis Occidental

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Barangay VII - Upper Polao (Pob.) 537 537 107 Villaba 833 833 164 Silanga 1,491 1,491 311 Aquino (Marcos) 1,459 1,459 282 Baluk 470 470 89 Huyohoy 487 487 93 Matugnaw 242 242 52 Sicot 428 428 94 Tugas 933 933 185

TUDELA 27,371 27,342 6,022Balon 894 894 202 Barra 1,290 1,290 271 Basirang 1,181 1,181 287 Bongabong 404 404 98 Buenavista 495 495 119 Cabol-anonan 1,685 1,685 375 Cahayag 487 487 107 Camating 347 347 78 Canibungan Proper 555 555 122 Casilak San Agustin 596 596 140 Centro Hulpa (Pob.) 685 685 177 Centro Napu (Pob.) 1,617 1,605 339 Centro Upper (Pob.) 784 784 163 Calambutan Bajo 779 779 176 Calambutan Settlement 645 645 132 Duanguican 801 801 176 Gala 525 525 104 Gumbil 861 861 193 Locso-on 903 903 200 Maikay 480 474 114 Maribojoc 463 463 95 Mitugas 533 533 107 Nailon 1,200 1,200 246 Namut 1,428 1,417 314 Napurog 960 960 215 Pan-ay Diot 892 892 188 San Nicolas 644 644 156 Sebac 1,443 1,443 277

National Statistics Office 44

Misamis Occidental 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Silongon 727 727 171 Sinuza 661 661 145 Taguima 1,098 1,098 223 Tigdok 721 721 166 Yahong 587 587 146

DON VICTORIANO CHIONGBIAN 9,774 9,774 2,018 (DON MARIANO MARCOS)Bagong Clarin 833 833 151 Gandawan 353 353 70 Lake Duminagat 264 264 51 Lalud 2,156 2,156 448 Lampasan 1,079 1,079 207 Liboron 203 203 40 Maramara 460 460 108 Napangan 931 931 201 Nueva Vista (Masawan) 1,250 1,250 291 Petianan 1,054 1,054 221 Tuno 1,191 1,191 230

1 Renamed barangay from Mahon on May 25, 2009.

45 National Statistics Office

Misamis Oriental 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

MISAMIS ORIENTAL* 813,856 812,626 173,231

ALUBIJID 26,648 26,648 6,201Baybay 1,719 1,719 392Benigwayan a 802 802 185Calatcat 1,359 1,359 320Lagtang 998 998 235Lanao 1,862 1,862 421Loguilo 2,652 2,652 563Lourdes 2,814 2,814 675Lumbo b 1,689 1,689 386Molocboloc c 789 789 197Poblacion 2,939 2,939 740Sampatulog 1,628 1,628 395Sungay 1,991 1,991 437Talaba 1,118 1,118 245Taparak 1,645 1,645 360Tugasnon 1,789 1,789 454Tula 854 854 196

BALINGASAG 65,876 65,868 13,348Balagnan 829 829 180Baliwagan 3,135 3,132 641San Francisco 703 703 151Binitinan 3,285 3,285 664Blanco 2,315 2,315 495Calawag 952 952 202Camuayan 2,402 2,402 475Cogon 6,000 6,000 1,213Dansuli 508 508 110Dumarait 1,945 1,945 404Hermano 2,093 2,093 401Kibanban 1,920 1,920 361Linabu 2,688 2,688 526Linggangao 2,491 2,486 509Mambayaan 2,649 2,649 573Mandangoa 3,524 3,524 749Napaliran 2,396 2,396 535Barangay 1 (Pob.) 2,126 2,126 441Barangay 2 (Pob.) 1,014 1,014 190Barangay 3 (Pob.) 2,348 2,348 474

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

46 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Misamis Oriental

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Barangay 4 (Pob.) 1,184 1,184 214Barangay 5 (Pob.) 985 985 192Barangay 6 (Pob.) 1,997 1,997 393Quezon 1,274 1,274 245Rosario 994 994 213Samay 2,590 2,590 460San Isidro 2,481 2,481 474San Juan 1,896 1,896 411Talusan 2,635 2,635 557Waterfall 4,517 4,517 895

BALINGOAN 10,175 10,130 2,101Dahilig 303 303 64Baukbauk Pob. (G.E. Antonino) 2,230 2,198 533Kabangasan 349 349 70Kabulakan 715 715 133Kauswagan 497 497 111Lapinig (Pob.) 1,933 1,920 374Mantangale 1,338 1,338 261Mapua 1,269 1,269 252San Alonzo 1,541 1,541 303

BINUANGAN 6,765 6,765 1,390Dampias 1,036 1,036 215Kitamban 533 533 105Kitambis 397 397 77Mabini 1,042 1,042 213Mosangot 1,227 1,227 244Nabataan 211 211 45Poblacion 1,805 1,805 394Valdeconcha 514 514 97

CLAVERIA 44,544 44,405 9,459Ani-e 3,083 3,083 664Aposkahoy 2,280 2,280 526Bulahan d 1,179 1,179 251Cabacungan e 1,398 1,398 300Pelaez (Don Gregorio Pelaez) 912 912 191Gumaod 1,384 1,384 341Hinaplanan 2,930 2,930 670Kalawitan 530 514 114

National Statistics Office 47

Misamis Oriental 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Lanise f 2,071 2,071 427Luna 1,506 1,506 299Madaguing 952 952 205Malagana 2,346 2,346 440Minalwang 1,578 1,578 306Mat-i f 3,223 3,223 623Panampawan 678 678 142Pambugas 812 792 154Patrocenio g 2,870 2,852 613Plaridel 1,601 1,574 329Poblacion 8,747 8,689 1,899Punong 598 598 129Rizal 932 932 193Santa Cruz f 1,168 1,168 265Tamboboan 1,129 1,129 232Tipolohon 637 637 146

CITY OF EL SALVADOR 44,848 44,592 10,278Amoros 3,534 3,534 794Bolisong 1,225 1,155 271Bolobolo 3,838 3,730 811Calongonan 1,209 1,209 293Cogon 2,258 2,248 531Himaya 1,660 1,660 376Hinigdaan 1,558 1,558 380Kalabaylabay 1,151 1,151 273Molugan 9,575 9,575 2,169Poblacion 7,596 7,577 1,708Kibonbon 1,552 1,552 382Sambulawan 1,666 1,661 437Sinaloc 3,802 3,758 860Taytay 3,183 3,183 717Ulaliman 1,041 1,041 276

GINGOOG CITY 117,908 117,604 24,702Agay-ayan 3,399 3,383 694Alagatan 425 425 85Anakan 3,428 3,428 738Bagubad 621 621 131Bakidbakid 443 443 116Bal-ason 2,774 2,774 576

48 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Misamis Oriental

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Bantaawan 485 485 125Binakalan 640 640 135Capitulangan 337 337 78Daan-Lungsod 1,659 1,659 370Hindangon 1,083 1,083 223Kalagonoy 636 636 115Kibuging 418 418 105Kipuntos 483 483 98Lawaan 850 850 206Lawit 607 607 154Libertad 975 975 221Libon 578 578 127Lunao 7,201 7,194 1,651Lunotan 1,295 1,295 275Malibud 967 967 210Malinao 3,157 3,157 610Maribucao 577 577 124Mimbuntong 650 650 166Mimbalagon 597 597 138Mimbunga 1,518 1,518 312Minsapinit 1,378 1,378 272Murallon 1,206 1,206 253Odiongan 3,825 3,825 769Pangasihan 1,734 1,734 395Pigsaluhan 1,156 1,110 229Barangay 1 (Pob.) 255 255 53Barangay 10 (Pob.) 77 67 18Barangay 11 (Pob.) 272 272 62Barangay 12 (Pob.) 237 237 49Barangay 13 (Pob.) 718 718 150Barangay 14 (Pob.) 352 352 72Barangay 15 (Pob.) 99 99 20Barangay 16 (Pob.) 1,033 1,033 208Barangay 17 (Pob.) 2,307 2,300 451Barangay 18-A (Pob.) 6,283 6,283 1,224Barangay 19 (Pob.) 4,263 4,263 902Barangay 2 (Pob.) 322 322 79Barangay 20 (Pob.) 2,880 2,880 590Barangay 21 (Pob.) 341 341 68Barangay 22-A (Pob.) 1,718 1,718 361Barangay 23 (Pob.) 3,034 3,034 646

National Statistics Office 49

Misamis Oriental 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Barangay 24 (Pob.) 3,149 3,149 597Barangay 25 (Pob.) 3,543 3,543 731Barangay 26 (Pob.) 4,258 4,073 842Barangay 3 (Pob.) 95 95 27Barangay 4 (Pob.) 223 223 54Barangay 5 (Pob.) 221 221 47Barangay 6 (Pob.) 324 324 68Barangay 7 (Pob.) 251 237 59Barangay 8 (Pob.) 348 348 78Barangay 9 (Pob.) 376 376 81Punong 980 980 244Ricoro 500 500 129Samay 690 690 158San Juan 3,094 3,084 703San Luis 4,168 4,168 914San Miguel 781 781 172Santiago 2,742 2,742 581Talisay 2,842 2,842 560Talon 1,072 1,072 229Tinabalan 678 678 141Tinulongan 341 341 83Barangay 18 (Pob.) 2,072 2,072 438Barangay 22 (Pob.) 500 500 114Barangay 24-A (Pob.) 3,287 3,285 704Dinawehan 628 628 129Eureka 2,245 2,238 363Kalipay 3,238 3,238 583Kamanikan 1,374 1,374 279Kianlagan 631 631 121San Jose 705 705 169Sangalan 1,516 1,516 293Tagpako 1,743 1,743 357

GITAGUM 16,098 16,089 3,658Burnay 1,850 1,850 408Carlos P. Garcia 692 692 138Cogon 1,447 1,447 348Gregorio Pelaez (Lagutay) 1,008 1,006 221Kilangit 576 576 135

50 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Misamis Oriental

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Matangad 3,054 3,054 754Pangayawan 1,071 1,071 234Poblacion 3,112 3,105 662Quezon 1,283 1,283 306Tala-o 1,059 1,059 247Ulab 946 946 205

INITAO 29,331 29,268 6,605Aluna 1,260 1,260 270Andales 802 802 184Apas 1,139 1,139 293Calacapan 1,115 1,115 247Gimangpang 2,455 2,455 566Jampason 1,698 1,698 356Kamelon 1,101 1,093 257Kanitoan 1,407 1,407 333Oguis 980 980 221Pagahan 1,103 1,103 252Poblacion 7,060 7,005 1,563Pontacon 427 427 98San Pedro 2,910 2,910 615Sinalac 1,565 1,565 366Tawantawan 1,733 1,733 384Tubigan 2,576 2,576 600

JASAAN 50,121 50,083 10,419Aplaya 4,811 4,811 1,042Bobontugan 5,221 5,217 1,011Corrales 1,095 1,095 227Danao 3,039 3,039 629Jampason 2,579 2,579 532Kimaya 4,937 4,937 1,009Lower Jasaan (Pob.) 5,578 5,578 1,173Luz Banzon 3,096 3,096 657Natubo 1,883 1,883 423San Antonio 5,552 5,552 1,109San Isidro 2,169 2,169 474San Nicolas 1,387 1,387 291Solana 3,792 3,792 800Upper Jasaan (Pob.) 3,899 3,865 811I. S. Cruz 1,083 1,083 231

National Statistics Office 51

Misamis Oriental 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

KINOGUITAN 12,761 12,750 2,512Beray 597 597 115Bolisong 855 855 172Buko 2,315 2,304 448Kalitian 280 280 63Calubo 1,069 1,069 218Campo 410 410 75Esperanza 1,286 1,286 262Kagumahan 192 192 41Kitotok 282 282 46Panabol 1,033 1,033 203Poblacion 2,071 2,071 410Salicapawan 443 443 83Salubsob 411 411 85Suarez 556 556 114Sumalag 961 961 177

LAGONGLONG 19,303 19,292 3,945Banglay 960 960 204Dampil 2,369 2,369 478Gaston 691 691 138Kabulawan 2,663 2,663 547Kauswagan 2,699 2,699 571Lumbo 2,034 2,034 406Manaol 607 607 131Poblacion 3,593 3,582 741Tabok 2,115 2,115 424Umagos 1,572 1,572 305

LAGUINDINGAN 21,822 21,822 5,106Aromahon 999 999 239Gasi 1,080 1,080 278Kibaghot h 3,614 3,614 918Lapad i 1,148 1,148 274Liberty 1,340 1,340 307Mauswagon 3,238 3,238 662Moog 1,272 1,272 283Poblacion j 3,650 3,650 856Sambulawan 1,312 1,312 299Sinai 1,870 1,870 431Tubajon 2,299 2,299 559

52 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Misamis Oriental

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

LIBERTAD 11,586 11,580 2,446Dulong 1,532 1,532 327Gimaylan 1,921 1,921 421Kimalok 368 368 79Lubluban 758 758 177Poblacion 5,116 5,113 1,027Retablo 513 513 109Santo Niño 280 280 60Tangcub 778 775 171Taytayan 320 320 75

LUGAIT 18,639 18,623 3,974Aya-aya 1,388 1,382 318Betahon 952 952 211Biga 3,156 3,156 656Calangahan 2,312 2,312 476Kaluknayan 815 815 192Lower Talacogon 792 792 190Poblacion 7,973 7,963 1,659Upper Talacogon 1,251 1,251 272

MAGSAYSAY (LINUGOS) 33,047 33,038 6,444Abunda 648 648 126Artadi 1,319 1,319 281Bonifacio Aquino 1,649 1,645 315Cabalawan 717 717 130Cabantian 1,280 1,280 261Cabubuhan 1,531 1,531 322Candiis 2,798 2,798 524Consuelo 3,753 3,753 704Damayuhan 1,306 1,306 232Gumabon 789 789 147Kauswagan 636 636 121Kibungsod 3,021 3,021 623Mahayahay 714 714 132Mindulao 948 948 193Pag-asa 558 558 103Poblacion 1,606 1,601 329San Isidro 2,191 2,191 406San Vicente 1,423 1,423 288Santa Cruz 1,834 1,834 362

National Statistics Office 53

Misamis Oriental 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Tibon-tibon 661 661 160Tulang (Cadena de Amor) 471 471 97Villa Felipa 1,199 1,199 216Katipunan 632 632 103Tama 736 736 135Tinaan 627 627 134

MANTICAO 26,786 26,723 5,786Argayoso 1,016 1,016 237Balintad 530 530 110Cabalantian 3,273 3,273 695Camanga 1,136 1,136 232Digkilaan 454 454 102Mahayahay 657 657 143Pagawan 1,864 1,864 415Paniangan 1,353 1,353 299Patag 1,456 1,456 332Poblacion 7,669 7,622 1,680Punta Silum 3,999 3,999 824Tuod 2,676 2,660 578Upper Malubog 703 703 139

MEDINA 31,154 31,114 6,313Bangbang 894 894 182Bulwa 1,420 1,415 294Cabug 2,922 2,922 620Dig-aguyan 778 778 147Duka 1,344 1,344 259Gasa 572 570 106Maanas 3,927 3,927 813Mananum Bag-o 1,104 1,104 224Mananum Daan 835 835 164North Poblacion 4,763 4,758 963Pahindong 939 939 227Portulin 1,871 1,871 336San Isidro 731 731 151San Jose 957 957 207San Roque 617 617 112San Vicente 917 917 183South Poblacion 3,422 3,394 701Tambagan 1,301 1,301 261

54 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Misamis Oriental

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Tup-on 1,840 1,840 363

NAAWAN 18,895 18,816 4,285Don Pedro 1,025 1,025 265Linangkayan 2,519 2,493 562Lubilan 1,046 1,046 263Mapulog 1,731 1,731 404Maputi 2,767 2,757 604Mat-i 1,724 1,724 410Patag 1,260 1,260 287Poblacion 4,098 4,055 952Tagbalogo 1,928 1,928 368Tuboran 797 797 170

OPOL 52,108 52,024 11,529Awang 1,546 1,546 349Bagocboc 2,247 2,247 528Barra 14,334 14,294 3,074Bonbon 2,698 2,680 611Cauyonan 1,420 1,420 266Igpit 10,123 10,097 2,226Limonda 862 862 174Luyongbonbon 3,491 3,491 739Malanang 3,593 3,593 888Nangcaon 708 708 154Patag 2,737 2,737 626Poblacion 3,690 3,690 814Taboc 2,918 2,918 726Tingalan 1,741 1,741 354

SALAY 27,591 27,590 5,836Alipuaton 1,188 1,188 300Ampenican 1,303 1,303 262Bunal 311 311 76Dinagsaan 610 610 96Guinalaban 976 976 185Ili-ilihon 1,098 1,098 238Inobulan 2,892 2,892 614Looc 2,924 2,924 622Matampa 479 479 99Membuli 830 830 185

National Statistics Office 55

Misamis Oriental 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Poblacion 5,938 5,937 1,228Salagsag 476 476 101Salay River I 1,631 1,631 332Salay River II 1,446 1,446 296Saray 996 996 231Tinagaan 1,006 1,006 208Yungod 532 532 128Casulog 2,955 2,955 635

SUGBONGCOGON 8,745 8,742 1,710Alicomohan 896 896 175Ampianga 615 615 122Kaulayanan 384 384 72Kidampas 412 412 78Kiraging 551 551 119Mangga 1,420 1,420 283Mimbuahan 513 513 105Poblacion 3,175 3,172 589Santa Cruz (Mabini) 286 286 62Silad 493 493 105

TAGOLOAN 63,850 63,839 13,753Baluarte 9,306 9,306 1,936Casinglot 8,588 8,588 1,843Gracia 1,847 1,847 424Mohon 3,648 3,648 822Natumolan 7,674 7,674 1,630Poblacion 10,258 10,247 2,242Rosario 871 871 174Santa Ana 6,283 6,283 1,414Santa Cruz 11,490 11,490 2,425Sugbongcogon 3,885 3,885 843

TALISAYAN 23,289 23,273 4,842Bugdang 446 446 87Calamcam 1,059 1,054 227Casibole 481 481 119Macopa 696 696 139Magkarila 635 635 133Mahayag 274 274 58Mandahilag 1,634 1,634 393

56 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Misamis Oriental

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Mintabon 1,480 1,480 300Pangpangon 1,149 1,149 246Poblacion 4,730 4,720 999Pook 867 867 201Punta Santiago 1,156 1,156 198Puting Balas 1,006 1,006 188San Jose 3,275 3,275 660Santa Ines 1,801 1,801 370Sibantang 703 702 136Sindangan 614 614 125Tagbocboc 1,283 1,283 263

VILLANUEVA 31,966 31,948 6,589Balacanas 375 375 123Dayawan 5,431 5,431 1,082Katipunan 4,462 4,462 920Kimaya 905 905 189Poblacion 1 2,501 2,501 507San Martin 5,498 5,498 1,138Tambobong 52 52 15Imelda k 3,146 3,146 659Looc 3,859 3,857 821Poblacion 2 2,227 2,227 445Poblacion 3 3,510 3,494 690

* Excludes Cagayan de Oro City.a Includes population count in part of the barangay being disputed by barangay Lapad, municipality of Laguindingan.b Includes population count in part of the barangay being disputed by barangay Poblacion, municipality of Laguindingan.c Includes population count in part of the barangay being disputed by barangay Kibaghot, municipality of Laguindingan.d With boundary dispute with the municipality of Balingasag.e With boundary dispute with the municipality of Jasaan.f With boundary dispute with the municipality of Malitbog, Bukidnon.g With boundary dispute with barangay Imelda, municipality of Villanueva.h With boundary dispute with barangay Molocboloc, municipality of Alubijid.i With boundary dispute with barangay Benigwayan, municipality of Alubijid.j With boundary dispute with barangay Lumbo, municipality of Alubijid.k With boundary dispute with barangay Patrocenio, municipality of Claveria.

National Statistics Office 57

Cagayan de Oro City 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY (Capital) 602,088 598,803 137,465Agusan 14,812 14,812 3,438Baikingon 2,342 2,342 621Bulua 31,345 31,221 7,036Balubal 2,893 2,893 648Balulang 32,531 32,297 7,868Barangay 10 (Pob.) 616 616 139Barangay 11 (Pob.) 342 342 93Barangay 12 (Pob.) 469 446 101Barangay 13 (Pob.) 2,330 2,295 542Barangay 14 (Pob.) 479 432 99Barangay 15 (Pob.) 2,966 2,966 760Barangay 16 (Pob.) 143 143 35Barangay 17 (Pob.) 2,342 2,342 554Barangay 18 (Pob.) 1,496 1,496 350Barangay 19 (Pob.) 419 410 97Barangay 2 (Pob.) 84 84 21Barangay 21 (Pob.) 254 254 82Barangay 22 (Pob.) 1,944 1,944 444Barangay 23 (Pob.) 916 916 215Barangay 24 (Pob.) 929 916 243Barangay 26 (Pob.) 2,383 2,316 574Barangay 27 (Pob.) 1,380 1,129 292Barangay 28 (Pob.) 541 541 125Barangay 3 (Pob.) 177 177 42Barangay 30 (Pob.) 875 875 203Barangay 32 (Pob.) 1,410 1,410 380Barangay 33 (Pob.) 86 86 29Barangay 34 (Pob.) 621 621 148Barangay 38 (Pob.) 94 94 32Barangay 39 (Pob.) 46 32 8Barangay 4 (Pob.) 108 108 29Barangay 40 (Pob.) 830 719 178Barangay 6 (Pob.) 212 161 38Barangay 8 (Pob.) 157 157 40Barangay 9 (Pob.) 132 132 38Barangay 5 (Pob.) 83 83 18Bayabas 12,999 12,979 2,959Bayanga 2,769 2,769 623Besigan 1,404 1,404 257

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

58 National Statistics Office

2010 Census of Population and Housing Cagayan de Oro City

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Bonbon 9,195 9,184 2,093Bugo 27,122 27,081 6,303Camaman-an 24,651 24,312 5,492Canito-an 15,069 15,069 3,343Carmen 67,583 67,471 15,360Consolacion 9,919 9,915 2,435Cugman 20,531 20,523 4,538Dansolihon 4,811 4,811 991F. S. Catanico 1,710 1,710 404Gusa 26,117 26,096 5,773Indahag a 6,235 6,235 1,448Iponan 20,707 20,665 4,838Kauswagan 34,541 34,478 7,598Lapasan 41,903 41,677 9,624Lumbia 14,079 12,915 3,044Macabalan 20,303 20,303 4,470Macasandig b 23,310 23,265 5,203Mambuaya 2,490 2,490 533Nazareth 10,658 10,593 2,526Pagalungan 1,806 1,806 418Pagatpat 5,178 5,178 1,188Patag 17,219 17,207 3,914Pigsag-an 1,256 1,256 214Puerto 11,475 11,464 2,518Puntod 18,399 18,399 4,366San Simon 1,346 1,346 318Tablon 18,608 18,592 4,685Taglimao 1,418 1,418 308Tagpangi 2,684 2,684 618Tignapoloan 4,514 4,514 899Tuburan 1,395 1,395 288Tumpagon 2,232 2,232 476Barangay 1 (Pob.) 453 423 115Barangay 7 (Pob.) 542 526 131Barangay 20 (Pob.) 121 121 32Barangay 25 (Pob.) 1,295 1,240 324Barangay 29 (Pob.) 485 485 131Barangay 31 (Pob.) 1,506 1,501 338Barangay 35 (Pob.) 2,395 2,395 523

National Statistics Office 59

Cagayan de Oro City 2010 Census of Population and Housing

Province, City, Municipality Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

(total population includes institutional population) by Province, City, Municipality and Barangay: as of May 1, 2010

Barangay 36 (Pob.) 791 791 215Barangay 37 (Pob.) 77 77 31

a With boundary dispute with barangay Macasandig.b With boundary dispute with barangay Indahag.

60 National Statistics Office


2010 Census of Population and Housing Appendix A

National Statistics Office 63



Be it enacted by the National Assembly of the Philippines: SECTION 1. Bureau of the Census and Statistics is created.

SECTION 2. The powers, functions, and duties of the Bureau of the Census and Statistics shall be as follows:

(a) To collect by enumeration, sampling or other methods, statistics and other

information concerning population, agricultural conditions, the area and production of crops, the number of livestock, the production of livestock products, exports, imports, commerce, industrial and commercial enterprises, prices, employment, wages, stock of commodities, agricultural and other properties, social and economic institutions, and such other statistics as the President of the Philippines by executive order may direct;

(b) To compile and classify all such statistical data and information and to publish the

same for the use of the Government and the people; (c) To prepare for and undertake all censuses of population, agriculture, industry and


(d) To conduct, for statistical purposes, investigations and studies of social and economic problems and conditions;

(e) To compile and classify statistical and other data for other branches and

dependencies of the government, upon the approval of the President of the Philippines;

(f) To carry out and administer the provisions of Act Numbered Thirty-seven Hundred

and Fifty-three, entitled “An Act to Establish a Civil Register”;

(g) To make and publish, from time to time, estimates of population, agricultural production, income and number of livestock.

SECTION 3. The collection of data and information prescribed in section two may be

secure by the mailing or delivery of the necessary questionnaire or form and explanatory matter to the persons best qualified to furnish such data or information and in which case, the proprietor, official, government official or employee, partner, director or legal representative to whom such questionnaire or form is mailed or delivered, shall be required to accomplish such questionnire, or form personally or cause the same to be accomplished by his duly authorized agent or representative. Any person who fails or refuses to accomplish, mail or deliver such questionnaire or form received by him to the Bureau of Census and Statistics within thirty days of its receipt by him; or any person who, in accomplishing any such questionnaire or form knowingly

Appendix A 2010 Census of Population and Housing

64 National Statistics Office

gives data or information which shall prove to be materially untrue in any particular; or any person who signs such questionnaire or form after it has been accomplished in the knowledge that it is untrue in any particular shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than six hundred pesos or by imprisonment for not more than six months, or by both.

SECTION 4. Data furnished the Bureau of the Census and Statistics by an individual,

corporation, partnership, institution or business enterprise shall not be used as evidence in any court or any public office either as evidence for or against the individual, corporation, association, partnership, institutions; or business enterprise from who such data emanate; nor shall such data or information be divulged to any person except authorized employees of the Bureau of the Census and Statistics, acting in the performance of their duties; nor shall such data be published except in the form of summaries or statistical tables in which no reference to an individual, corporation, association, partnership, institution or business enterprise shall appear. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than six hundred pesos or by imprisonment for not more than six months, or both.

SECTION 5. The Bureau of the Census and Statistics shall be under the executive

direction and supervision of the President of the Philippines. Such personnel as may be necessary for the proper and efficient performance of the duties prescribed by this Act shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines, upon recommendation of the Director of the Bureau of the Census and Statistics, at such rates of salaries as may be fixed in accordance with Commonwealth Act Number Four Hundred and Two, entitled “An Act to Provide for Classification of Civilian Positions and Standardization of Salaries in the Government”.

At anytime after its organization, the President of the Philippines is

authorized to place the Bureau of the Census and Statistics under the direct supervision and control of any of the executive department.

SECTION 6. The Bureau of the Census and Statistics shall have one chief and one

assistant chief, who shall be known respectively, as the Director and Assistant Director of the Bureau of the Census and Statistics. The Director of the Bureau of the Census and Statistics shall receive the same compensation as that received by the directors of bureaus mentioned in sub-paragraph (4), sub-section (a) of section five of Commonwealth Act Number Four Hundred and Two, and the Assistant Director of the Bureau of the Census and Statistics, the same compensation as that received by assistant directors of bureaus mentioned in sub-paragraph (5) of said sub-section (a) of section five of the same Act. The Director and Assistant Director of the Bureau of the Census and Statistics, shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines, with the consent of the Commission on appointments of the National Assembly.

2010 Census of Population and Housing Appendix A

National Statistics Office 65

SECTION 7. The powers, functions, and duties of the Division of Statistics of the Department of Agriculture and Commerce, those of the Director of the National Library under the provision of Act Number Thirty-seven Hundred Fifty-three, and those of the Statistics Division of the Bureau of Customs, are transferred to the Bureau of the Census and Statistics.

SECTION 8. The President of the Philippines is authorized to transfer personnel,

equipment, unexpended appropriations, if any, records, documents, supplies and other property from the Commission of the Census created by Commonwealth Act Number One Hundred and Seventy to the Bureau of Census and Statistics, upon or prior to the completion of the census taken pursuant to the provisions of Commonwealth Act Number One Hundred and Seventy.

SECTION 9. The President of the Philippines is authorized until June Thirty,

Nineteen Hundred and Forty-one, the provisions of existing laws to the contrary notwithstanding, to transfer by executive order the functions, appropriations, equipment, property, records, and personnel of any bureau, office or part thereof, engaged in the collection, compilation, and publication of statistics from the different executive departments, bureaus and offices to the Bureau of Census and Statistics, when in his judgement, greater economy, efficiency and accuracy in the collection, compilation, and publication of statistics can be accomplished thereby.

Any action taken by the President pursuant to this authority shall be

reported by him to the National Assembly at the next regular session thereof and shall be valid and subsisting until the National Assembly shall provide otherwise.

SECTION 10. This Act shall take effect upon its approval. Approved, August 19, 1940.

Appendix B 2010 Census of Population and Housing

66 National Statistics Office



AND EIGHTY AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES Be it enacted by the Batasang Pambansa in session assembled:

SECTION 1. A national census of population and other related data shall be taken every decade beginning in 1980, in accordance with plans prepared by the National Census and Statistics Office, without prejudice to the undertaking of special censuses on agriculture, industry, commerce, housing and other sectors as may be approved by the National Economic and Development Authority.

SECTION 2. There is hereby created the National Census Coordinating Board to be

composed of the Minister of Economic Planning, as Chairman, the Minister of Human Settlements, the Minister of Budget, the Minister of the Justice, the Minister of National Defense, the Minister of Labor, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Education and Culture, the Minister of Public Works, the Minister of Transportation and Communications, the Minister of Public Highways, the Minister of Agriculture, the Minister of Natural Resources, the Minister of Public Information, and the Minister of Local Government and Community Development, as members, with the Executive Director of the National Census and Statistics Office as Executive Officer of the Board.

The censuses shall be under the supervision and coordination of the National Census Coordinating Board which shall issue such rules and regulations as may be necessary for the successful undertaking and completion of the censuses provided in this Act.

SECTION 3. There shall be established a provincial, city and municipal census board in each province, city and municipality, as the case may be, which shall provide such facilities and assistance as may be required by the National Census Coordinating Board. The boards shall be under the supervision and control of the National Census Coordinating Board.

SECTION 4. The Provincial Census Board shall be composed of the Provincial

Governor, as Chairman, and the Division Superintendent of Schools, or in case the of province with more than one school division, the Division Superintendent designated by the National Census Coordinating Board, as Vice Chairman, the District Highway Engineer, or in the case of provinces which have two or more highway engineering districts, the one that may be designated by the National Census Coordinating Board, the Provincial Commander of the Philippine Constabulary, the Provincial Development Officer, the Provincial Assessor, and the Provincial Agriculturist, as members, with the Provincial Statistics Officer as the Executive Officer.

2010 Census of Population and Housing Appendix B

National Statistics Office 67

The City Census Board shall be composed of the City Mayor, as Chairman, and the City Superintendent of Schools, as Vice Chairman, the City Engineer, the City Development Officer, and the City Assessor, as members, with the City Census Officer as the Executive Officer.

The Municipal Census Board shall be composed of the Municipal

Mayor, as Chairman, and the District Supervisor, the Municipal Agriculturist, the Station Commander, the Municipal Treasurer, and the Municipal Development Officer, as members, with the Municipal Census Officer/Census Supervisor as the Executive Officer.

SECTION 5. The National Census Coordinating Board and the local census board

may call upon any ministry, bureau, office, agency or instrumentality of the Government for any assistance in the performance of their duties.

SECTION 6. The first day of May of every regular census year is hereby designated

as the reference date for the census. The collection of data will be by enumeration and the respondent shall be the head or any responsible member of the household.

SECTION 7. Public school teachers shall be employed for enumeration work and for

such service shall be paid an honorarium as may be determined by the National Census Coordinating Board but in no case not less than two hundred-fifty pesos and shall received service credits equivalent to the number of days rendered in census work. Other government employees whose services are engaged for census work shall be entitled to such allowances as shall be prescribed by the National Census Coordinating Board payable from census funds. The census herein taken at the barangay level shall be certified to by the corresponding barangay captain.

SECTION 8. Before the end of the year 1980 and of every census year thereafter, a

count of the population by province, city, municipality and barangay shall be published by the National Census and Statistics Office. The final population count as determined from the processed census returns shall be considered official for all purposes upon proclamation by the President (Prime Minister).

SECTION 9. Data gathered pursuant to this Act shall not be used as evidence in any

court or public office or for or against any person, except in a criminal case for violation of Section 10 of this Act, nor shall such data be divulged to any person except to authorized employees of the National Census and Statistics Office, acting in the performance of their duties; nor shall such data be published except in the form of summaries or statistical tables in which no reference to an individual shall appear. Any person violating any provision of this Section shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred pesos or by imprisonment of not more than six months, or both.

SECTION 10. Any respondent as provided for in Section 6 who unjustifiably refuses to

furnish the information called for in the census questionnaire, or

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knowingly certifies or gives data or information which shall be prove to be materially untrue in any particular, shall be guilty of an offense under this Act and shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred pesos or by imprisonment of not more than three months, or both.

SECTION 11. The amount necessary for the holding of censuses shall be charged to

the appropriations available for the purpose in the corresponding Appropriate Act.

SECTION 12. This Act shall take effect upon its approval. Approved, June 11, 1980.

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RECALLING that the reorganization of the government is mandated expressly in Article II, Section 1 (1), and Article III of the Freedom Constitution;

HAVING IN MIND that, pursuant to Executive Order No. 5 (1986), there is a need to effect the necessary and proper changes in the organizational and functional structures of the government, its agencies and instrumentalities, in order to promote efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of public services;

BELIEVING that the present Philippine Statistical System is too decentralized, being characterized by a single general-purpose statistical agency, a number of agencies in the production of specialized statistics and other instrumentalities involved in statistical activities either as their primary functions or as part of their administrative or regulatory functions;

REALIZING that the absence of a strong coordinating mechanism has given rise to the problems of duplication of activities, conflicting statistics, data gaps as well as unnecessary burden on respondents;

CONSIDERING that the government needs to rationalize the allocation of resources for the collection of statistics;

TAKING NOTE that the quality of statistical services is affected by the limited number of qualified statistical workers;

CONVINCED that there is a need to maintain a decentralized system characterized by independence, objectivity and integrity to make it more responsive to the requirements of national development;

CONVINCED further that there is also a need for a stronger mechanism to coordinate the decentralized government statistical service in order to promote the orderly development of a system capable of providing timely, accurate and useful data for the government and the public, especially for planning and decision-making;

AFFIRMING that there is a need to ensure the development and maintenance of high-level statistical manpower in the government;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, CORAZON C. AQUINO, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the sovereign will of the Filipino People and the Freedom Constitution, do hereby order:

SECTION 1. Title. This Executive Order shall otherwise be known as the Reorganization Act of the Philippine Statistical System.

SECTION 2. Reorganization. The Philippine Statistical System, hereinafter referred to as PSS, is hereby reorganized, structurally and functionally, in accordance with the provisions of this Executive Order.

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SECTION 3. Philippine Statistical System. The PSS shall consist of statistical organizations at all administrative levels, the personnel therein and the national statistical program. This includes a policy-making and coordinating body, a statistical research and training center, a single general-purpose statistical agency, all ministries, bureaus, offices, agencies and instrumentalities of the national and local government and all government-owned or controlled corporations and their subsidiaries that are engaged in statistical activities either as their primary functions or as part of their administrative or regulatory functions. The PSS shall remain decentralized with a strong coordination feature to be achieved through closer linkage between statistical programming and budgeting.

SECTION 4. National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB). There is hereby created National Statistical Coordination Board, hereinafter referred to as NSCB, which shall be the highest policy-making and coordinating body on statistical matters. The NSCB shall be composed of the following: the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) Director-General or his/her designated representative as Chairman; the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Budget and Management (MBM), as Vice-Chairman; one representative each from the remaining Ministries with the rank of Deputy Minister; the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank; the Administrator of the National Statistics Office; the Secretary General of the NSCB; the Director of the Statistical Research and Training Center; the Governor or City Mayor nominated by the League of Governors and City Mayors; and a member from the private sector to be elected by other members of the Board who shall sit in the Board for a period of three years, as members.

The decisions of the NSCB on statistical matters shall be final and executory.

SECTION 5. Powers and Functions. The NSCB shall have the following powers and functions:

1. Promote and maintain an efficient statistical system in the government;

2. Formulate policies on all matters relating to government statistical operations;

3. Recommend executive and legislative measures to enhance the development and efficiency of the system, including the internal structure of statistical agencies;

4. Establish appropriate mechanism for statistical coordination at the regional, provincial and city levels;

5. Approve the Philippine Statistical Development Program;

6. Allocate statistical responsibilities among government agencies by designating the statistics to be collected by them, including their periodicity and content;

7. Review budgetary proposals involving statistical operations and submit an integrated budget for the PSS to the MBM;

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8. Review and clear, prior to release, all funds for statistical operations;

9. Develop, prescribe, and maintain appropriate framework for the improvement of statistical coordination;

10. Prescribe uniform standards and classification systems in government statistics;

The NSCB shall not engage directly in any basic data collection activity.

SECTION 6. NSCB Technical Staff. The NSCB shall have a Technical Staff which shall perform the following functions:

1. Provide technical and secretarial support to the NSCB;

2. Serve as the statistical clearing house and liaison for international statistical matters;

3. Perform other functions as may be assigned by the NSCB and as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Executive Order.

SECTION 7. Secretary General. The NSCB Technical Staff shall be headed by a Secretary General with the rank of Deputy Minister, who shall be appointed by the President, and is of proven competence and recognized stature in the statistical profession.

SECTION 8. Inter-Agency Committee on Statistics. The NSCB may create inter-agency committees (IAC) to assist it in the exercise of its functions.

SECTION 9. The National Statistics Office. The National Census and Statistics Office is hereby renamed the National Statistics Office (NSO). It shall be the major statistical agency responsible for generating general purpose statistics and undertaking such censuses and surveys as may be designated by the NSCB.

The NSO shall be headed by an Administrator with the rank of Deputy Minister, who shall be appointed by the President, and is of recognized stature and proven competence in the field of statistics.

SECTION 10. The Statistical Research and Training Center. There is hereby created a Statistical Research and Training Center, hereinafter referred to as SRTC, which shall have the following functions:

1. Develop a comprehensive and integrated research and training program on the theories, concepts and methodologies for the promotion of the statistical system;

2. Undertake research on statistical concepts, definitions and methods;

3. Promote collaborative research efforts among members of the academic community, data producers and users;

4. Conduct non-degree training programs to upgrade the quality of statistical personnel and expand the statistical manpower base in

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support of the needs of the statistical system;

5. Provide financial and other forms of assistance to enhance statistical research and development.

SECTION 11. SRTC Governing Board. The SRTC shall have a Governing Board that shall formulate policies for its management and operations. The Secretary General of the NSCB shall be the Chairman of the SRTC Governing Board, with the following as members: Administrator of the National Statistics Office; Director of the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics; Dean of the University of the Philippines Statistical Center; Executive Director of the Philippine Social Science Council; a representative of the NEDA and the Director of the SRTC as ex-officio member.

SECTION 12. SRTC Executive Director. The SRTC shall have an Executive Director who shall be appointed by the SRTC Governing Board. He shall receive such salary and remuneration as may be determined by the SRTC Governing Board.

SECTION 13. SRTC Endowment Fund. There is hereby established an SRTC Endowment Fund which shall consist of contributions, donations, bequests, grants and loans from domestic and/or foreign sources, government appropriations and other incomes accruing from the operations of SRTC, which Fund is to finance the carrying out of Subsection (a) to (e) of the preceding Section 10. There is hereby appropriated out of any fund in the National Treasury or other sources not otherwise appropriated the sum of SEVEN MILLION PESOS (P7,000,000.00) as the initial contribution of the government to the Endowment Fund.

SECTION 14. SRTC Initial Operating Fund. There is hereby appropriated and programmed for immediate release out of any unappropriated balances in the National Treasury or other sources the amount of THREE MILLION PESOS (P3,000,000.00) as the initial operating fund of the SRTC.

SECTION 15. Other Statistical Agencies. Unless otherwise provided for in this Executive Order or modified by the NSCB pursuant to its herein authority, all offices, agencies and instrumentalities of the government including government-owned or controlled corporations and their subsidiaries engaged in the production of specialized statistics or otherwise involved in statistical activities either as their primary function or as part of their administrative or regulatory functions, shall continue to discharge such statistical functions in accordance with the provisions of existing laws, rules and regulations.

SECTION 16. Designated Statistics. The NSCB shall designate statistics that should be collected, compiled, processed and disseminated by agencies in accordance with the statistical calendar approved by the NSCB. It shall promulgate and implement the rules and regulations concerning designated statistics and shall periodically review the list of designated statistics as may be required appropriate.

SECTION 17. Access to Data of Government Agencies. Subject to existing laws, rules and regulations on confidentiality of information, any individual, institution or

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instrumentality shall be given access to unpublished data, provided that the cost incurred is assumed by the requesting party, in accordance with existing laws, rules and regulations.

SECTION 18. Timely Release of Statistics. Agencies conducting statistical inquiries shall be responsible for ensuring the timely release of the results thereof to the general public, in compliance with the statistical calendar approved by the NSCB.

SECTION 19. Statistical Standards. All government agencies shall adopt statistical standards prescribed by the NSCB, including standard concepts and definitions, techniques, procedures and classification systems.

SECTION 20. Funds Programming. The NSCB shall be responsible for the review and prioritization of statistical activities in coordination with appropriate government agencies, given the budgetary ceiling provided by the MBM. The NSCB will also be responsible for determining how the available financial resources will be allocated among the prioritized activities. The MBM shall release the funds in accordance with the priorities set by the NSCB.

SECTION 21. Abolition of Existing Government Bodies. The committee on statistical development created under Letter of Instructions No. 601, the Statistical Advisory Board created under Part VI, Chapter II, Article II of the 1972 Integrated Reorganization Plan, and the Statistical Coordination Office of the National Economic and Development Authority are hereby abolished and their appropriations, records and properties, if any, and such personnel as may be necessary shall be transferred to the NSCB.

SECTION 22. Transitory Provisions. In accomplishing the acts of reorganization herein prescribed, the following transitory provisions shall be complied with, unless otherwise provided elsewhere in this Executive Order:

(a) The transfer of a government unit shall include the functions, appropriations, funds, records, equipment, facilities, choses in action, rights, other assets, and liabilities, if any, of the transferred unit as well as the personnel thereof, as may be necessary, who shall, in a hold-over capacity, continue to perform their respective duties and responsibilities and receive the corresponding salaries and benefits unless in the meantime they are separated from government service pursuant to Executive Order No. 17 (1986) or Article III of the Freedom Constitution. Those personnel of the transferred unit whose positions are not included in the Philippine Statistical System's new position structure and staffing pattern approved and prescribed by the NSCB Chairman or who are not reappointed shall be deemed separated from the service and shall be entitled to the benefits provided in the second paragraph of Section 23 hereof.

(b) The transfer of functions which results in the abolition of the government unit that has exercised them shall include the appropriations, funds, records, equipment, facilities, choses in action, rights, other assets and personnel as may be necessary to the proper discharge of the transferred functions. The abolished unit's remaining appropriations and

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funds, if any, shall revert to the General Fund and its remaining assets, if any, shall be allocated to such appropriate units as the Minister shall determine or shall otherwise be disposed in accordance with the Government Auditing Code and other pertinent laws, rules and regulations. Its personnel shall, in a hold-over capacity, continue to perform their duties and responsibilities and receive the corresponding salaries and benefits unless in the meantime they are separated from the service pursuant to Executive Order No. 17 (1986) or Article III of the Freedom Constitution. Its personnel, whose positions are not included in the Philippine Statistical System's new position structure and staffing pattern approved and prescribed by the NSCB Chairman under Section 23 hereof or who are not reappointed, shall be deemed separated from the service and shall be entitled to the benefits provided in the second paragraph of the same Section 23.

(c) The transfer of functions which does not result in the abolition of the government unit that has exercised them shall include the appropriations, funds, records, equipment, facilities, choses in action, rights, other assets and personnel as may be necessary to the proper discharge of the transferred functions. The liabilities, if any, that may have been incurred in connection with the discharge of the transferred functions, shall be treated in accordance with the Government Auditing Code and other pertinent laws, rules and regulations. Such personnel shall, in a hold-over capacity, continue to perform their respective duties and responsibilities and receive the corresponding salaries and benefits unless in the meantime they are separated from the service pursuant to Executive Order No. 17 (1986) or Article III of the Freedom Constitution. Any personnel, whose position, is not included in the Philippine Statistical System's new position structure and staffing pattern approved and prescribed by the NSCB Chairman under Section 23 hereof or who has not been reappointed, shall be deemed separated from the service and shall be entitled to the benefits provided in the second paragraph of the same Section 23.

(d) In case of the abolition of a government unit which does not result in the transfer of its functions to another unit, the appropriations and funds of the abolished unit shall revert to the General Fund, while the records, equipment, facilities, choses in action, rights and other assets, thereof shall be allocated to such appropriate units as the NSCB Chairman shall determine or shall otherwise be disposed in accordance with the Government Auditing Code and other pertinent laws, rules and regulations. The liabilities of the abolished unit shall be treated in accordance with the Government Auditing Code and other pertinent laws, rules and regulations, while the personnel thereof, whose positions are included in the Ministry's new position structure and staffing pattern approved and prescribed by the NSCB Chairman under Section 23 hereof or who have not been reappointed shall be deemed separated from the service and shall be entitled to the benefits provided in the second paragraph of the same Section 23.

(e) In case of merger or consolidation of government units, the new or

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surviving unit shall exercise the functions (subject to the reorganization herein prescribed and the laws, rules and regulations pertinent to the exercise of such functions) and shall acquire the appropriations, funds, records, equipment, facilities, choses in action, rights, other assets, liabilities, if any, and personnel, as may be necessary, of (1) the units that compose the merger unit or (2) the absorbed unit, as the case may be. Such personnel shall, in a hold-over capacity, continue to perform their respective duties and responsibilities and receive the corresponding salaries and benefits unless in the meantime they are separated from the service pursuant to Executive Order No. 17 (1986) or Article III of the Freedom Constitution. Any such personnel, whose position is not included in the Philippine Statistical System's new position structure and staffing pattern approved and prescribed by the NSCB Chairman under Section 23 hereof or who is not reappointed, shall be deemed separated from the service and shall be entitled to the benefits provided in the second paragraph of the same Section 23.

(f) In case of termination of a function which does not result in the abolition of the government unit which has performed such function, the appropriations and funds intended to finance the discharge of such function shall revert to the General Fund, while the records, equipment, facilities, choses in action, rights, and other assets used in connection with the discharge of such function shall be allocated to appropriate units as the NSCB Chairman shall determine or shall otherwise be disposed in accordance with the Government Auditing Code and other pertinent laws, rules and regulations. The liabilities, if any, they may have been incurred in connection with the discharge of such function shall likewise be treated in accordance with the Government Auditing Code and other pertinent laws, rules and regulations. The personnel who have performed such function, whose positions are not included in the Philippine Statistical System's new position structure and staffing pattern approved and prescribed by the NSCB Chairman under Section 23 hereof or who have not been appointed, shall be deemed separated from the service and shall be entitled to the benefits provided in the second paragraph of the same Section 23.

SECTION 23. New Structure and Pattern. Upon approval of this Executive Order, the officers (the term "officer" as used in this Executive Order is intended to be within the meaning of the term "official" as used in the Freedom Constitution) and employees of the abolished entities mentioned in Section 21 hereof shall, in a hold-over capacity, continue to perform their respective duties and responsibilities and receive the corresponding salaries and benefits unless in the meantime they are separated from government service pursuant to Executive Order No. 17 (1986) or Article III of the Freedom Constitution.

The new position structure and staffing pattern of the Philippine Statistical System shall be approved and prescribed by the NSCB Chairman within one hundred twenty (120) days from the approval of this Executive Order and the authorized positions created thereunder shall be filled with regular appointments by him or by the President as they case may be. Those incumbents whose positions are not included therein or who are not

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reappointed shall be deemed separated from the service. Those separated from the service shall receive the retirement benefits to which they may be entitled under the existing laws, rules and regulations. Otherwise, they shall be paid the equivalent of one-month basic salary for every year of service, or the equivalent nearest fraction thereof favorable to them on the basis of highest salary received, but in no case shall such payment exceed the equivalent of 12-month salary.

No court or administrative body shall issue any writ or preliminary injunction or restraining order to enjoin the separation/replacement of any officer or employee effected under this Executive Order.

SECTION 24. Notice of Consent Requirement. If any reorganizational change herein authorized is of such substance or materiality as to prejudice third persons with rights recognized by law or contract such that notice to or consent of creditors are required to be made or obtained pursuant to any agreement entered into with any of such creditors, such notice or consent requirement shall be complied with prior to the implementation of such reorganizational change.

SECTION 25. Periodic Performance Evaluation. The NSCB Chairman is hereby required to formulate and enforce a periodic system of measuring objectively the performance of the NSCB, which shall be submitted semi-annually and annually to the President.

SECTION 26. Prohibition Against Change. No change in the reorganization herein prescribed shall be valid except upon prior approval of the President for the purpose of promoting efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of public services.

SECTION 27. Funding. Funds needed to carry out the reorganization of any agency or office as a result of this Executive Order shall be taken from funds available in said agency or office.

SECTION 28. Implementing Authority of NSCB Chairman. The NSCB Chairman shall issue such rules, regulations and other issuances as may be necessary to ensure the effective implementation of the provisions of this Executive Order.

SECTION 29. Separability. Any portion or provision of this Executive Order that may be declared unconstitutional shall not have the effect of nullifying other portions or provisions hereof, as long as such remaining portions or provisions can still subsist and be given effect in their entirety.

SECTION 30. Repealing Clause. All laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, other issuances, or parts thereof which are inconsistent with this Executive Order, are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

SECTION 31. Effectivity. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately upon its approval.

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APPROVED in the City of Manila, Philippines, this 30th day of January, in the Year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Seven. (SGD.) CORAZON C. AQUINO

By the President:

(SGD.) JOKER P. ARROYO Executive Secretary

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The 2010 Census of Population and Housing (2010 CPH) is designed to take an inventory of the population and housing units in the Philippines and collect information about their characteristics. All information about the population and living quarters were collected as of 12:01 AM of May 1, 2010, the census reference date and time.

The National Statistics Office (NSO) is the agency mandated by law to conduct the 2010

CPH. Section 2 of Commonwealth Act No. 591 (CA 591), Section 9 of Executive Order No. 121 and Batas Pambansa Blg. 72 (BP 72) are the legal bases for the conduct of census. CA 591 and BP 72 explicitly provide the basis for the confidentiality of data collected during the census.

The census-taking was from May 17, 2010 to June 14, 2010, except in highly urbanized

cities such as the cities in the NCR, and large provinces in CALABARZON and Central Luzon where the enumeration period extended beyond 23 days. About 68,146 public school teachers were employed for the census as enumerators, team supervisors, and census area supervisors. Their number was augmented by 19,579 hired personnel who were assigned to enumerate in large and congested areas where enumeration was expected to go beyond 23 days and thus cannot be handled by teachers who were expected to report for the school opening on June 14. An enumerator was assigned to enumerate one enumeration area (EA), which has about 350 households. A ratio of one team supervisor to five enumerators was used during the census operations.

In order to prepare the 84,000 census personnel for enumeration work, four levels of

training were conducted. The first level training for enumeration was participated in by personnel of NSO central office and officials of NSO regional and selected provincial offices, who, in turn acted as trainers in succeeding levels. The second level training was for NSO provincial and regional office officials and staff who served as trainers for the third and fourth level training. The third level training was participated in by public school teachers who were assigned as census area supervisors. The enumerators and team supervisors were trained during the fourth level training. A standard training program covering the concepts, definitions, procedures, as well as duties and responsibilities of enumerators and supervisors was used.

Census-taking involved going around the whole enumeration area to do the required

census procedures, as follows. 1. Courtesy Call. As a matter of protocol, the census personnel made a courtesy call to

the barangay chairperson. The enumerator informed the official that the census would be undertaken in his/her barangay and the enumerators would go around the entire area to ask questions from the residents.

2. Mapping and Canvassing. The enumerator went around the entire EA to familiarize himself with the place and checked the barangay or EA boundaries and landmarks, and reflected these on the barangay/EA map.

3. Listing using CPH Form 1 or the Listing Booklet. The enumerator listed buildings

with living quarters, housing units, households and number of household members, and institutional living quarters, and number of persons staying in institutions. Structures which are occupied or used as living quarters by households, even though

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these are not intended for human habitation were also listed. During the listing, the names of the household heads and their addresses, and the names and addresses of institutions were recorded.

4. Interview and Recording of Answers. For every household or institution listed, the

enumerator administered a questionnaire, that is, CPH Form 2 or Form 3 for a household and CPH Form 4 for an institution. The barangay chairperson or any official was also interviewed by the enumerator or his team supervisor using CPH Form 5 or Barangay Questionnaire.

5. Plotting. The enumerator plotted the building with its assigned serial number on the

EA map. Standard cartographic symbols were used in plotting the buildings of the households and institutions.

6. Posting of sticker. The enumerator posted a sticker on the door, gate or any

conspicuous part of the housing unit or institutional living quarter, to indicate that the household or institution has been listed and/or interviewed.

In addition to the count of the household population and institutional population,

information about selected demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the population were collected using different census questionnaires. These questionnaires were reviewed for completeness and consistency of entries at various phases of the census operations. During data collection, the census supervisors scrutinized questionnaires for completeness and consistency of entries.

Progress monitoring reports were utilized to track the progress of census and field

operations and to evaluate the completeness of census coverage in each EA while enumeration was still ongoing. The provincial, regional and central offices of NSO monitored the progress through the Progress Monitoring System (PMS). The PMS generated reports on number of households, institutions and persons enumerated based on the information sent by area supervisors through SMS (short messaging system or text messaging).

Review of accomplished questionnaires for completeness and consistency of entries

was also carried out at the census headquarters where the census teams met weekly and at the provincial offices during manual processing. Machine processing, which includes scanning and interpretation, key-from-image data entry, completeness and consistency checking, and consolidation of data, were done at the various census processing centers (CPC) in the country. Data files were transmitted from the CPCs to the Central Office for the generation of census counts. Population counts by province, city, municipality and barangay as determined from the processed census questionnaires are official for all purposes as proclaimed by the President of the Philippines.

The 2010 CPH adopted innovations to make the census operations efficient. 1. GPS technology for mapping. For this census round, the use of GPS (Global

Positioning System) was used for mapping selected barangays in five regions of Caraga, Bicol region, Cordillera, Ilocos region except Pangasinan, and in Eastern Visayas. This activity provided the enumerators with more accurate maps with exact boundary information. The use of the GPS technology will be continued by NSO as part of the rolling program for mapping activities.

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2. SMS technology for Progress Monitoring. The NSO made use of the SMS technology in monitoring the progress of enumeration nationwide. Started in the 2007 census, the enhanced version of the Progress Monitoring System or PMS was adopted for the current census round. The Philippines is the first country in the Asia and Pacific to have adopted the SMS technology for progress monitoring.

3. OMR technology for data processing. The use of Optical Mark Reader (OMR)

technology in the Philippine census started in the 2000 CPH. The Philippines is among the countries to have successfully used this technology. The use of OMR shortened the data entry phase as only those items with write-in entries were encoded. Data encoding using the key-from-image was done instead of keying from the questionnaires.

4. Satellite images for validating census coverage. The Central Office downloaded

satellite images and identified structures (buildings) in specific cities and municipalities. Counts of households were estimated based on identified structures. These estimates were used to validate the completeness of census coverage in these areas.

The NSO implemented strategies to enumerate areas which were hard to reach, remote,

upland, with Indigenous Peoples (IP) communities, under military control or with peace and order problem, Chinese communities or exclusive villages with low response rate because of security or other reasons, and areas with boundary disputes. These strategies included the recruitment of enumerators who are from the area; assignment of IP teachers in IP areas; seeking the assistance of IP guides; coordination with the AFP and PNP for transport and escorts; coordination with local officials; and coordination with homeowners associations in exclusive villages, high-rise condominiums and Filipino-Chinese communities.

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Progress monitoring reports were utilized to track the progress of census field operations and to evaluate the completeness of census coverage in each enumeration area while the enumeration was still ongoing. The provincial, regional, and central offices of NSO monitored the progress through the Progress Monitoring System (PMS). It used as inputs the Enumerator’s Accomplishment/PM Reports (CPH Form 10). The evaluation continued after the enumeration period using counts from processed questionnaires from the twelve Census Processing Centers 2010 (CPC 2010) across the country.

Evaluation of Counts at the NSO Field Offices The Regional Office (RO) was responsible for the evaluation of the 2010 CPH counts for

the region while the Provincial Office (PO) was responsible for the province. The computerized reporting through the PMS facilitated the evaluation at the PO and the RO. The PMS generated various reports which include the Enumeration Area (EA) Progress Enumeration Report (PMS Report 3). This report shows the counts of population of males and females and number of households by EA and the status of enumeration in each EA or barangay based on the information from CPH Form 10. Another PMS report generated at the PO is the Barangay Coverage Report (PMS Report 4). This report was used to evaluate the acceptability of the reported counts for the following indicators, computed up to the barangay level:

a. Household and population counts b. Demographic indicators

Annual population growth rate Percent change in the number of households Average household size

c. Difference between 2010 and 2007 institutional population d. Number and percent of EAs completed

The field offices investigated areas with demographically implausible growth rates and

questionable values in any of the cited indicators. Evaluation at the Central Office

Parallel monitoring and evaluation were done at the Central Office particularly at the

Household Statistics Department (HSD). The information used for the evaluation by HSD were: a. 2010 CPH counts up to the barangay level generated through PMS; b. 2010 CPH counts up to the barangay level from the Enumeration Area Reference

File (EARF) filled up with population counts by the Provincial Offices after matching and completeness checking of census questionnaires during the manual processing;

c. 2010 CPH counts up to the barangay level generated by CPCs; d. average annual population growth rates for the provinces and cities/municipalities for

the periods 1990-1995, 1995-2000, 2000-2007, 1990-2000, 1995-2007, 2000-2010

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and for all geographic levels, that is, including barangay level, for the period 2007-2010;

e. sex ratio for the provinces and cities/municipalities for the year 2007, and for all geographic levels for the year 2010;

f. average household size for all geographic levels for the years 2000, 2007, and 2010; g. percent change of population between census years 2000 and 2007, 2000 and 2010,

and 2007 and 2010 for all geographic levels; and h. difference in the total population, household population, and number of households

between census years 2000 and 2007, 2000 and 2010, and 2007 and 2010 for all geographic levels.

Below are other sources of information used as inputs for the extrapolation of population for 2010. Results of extrapolation were compared with the population counts from 2010 CPH, using the balancing equation assumption:

a. vital registration data on annual births and deaths and estimates of levels of registration based on 2000 CPH and POPCEN 2007, for the provinces and cities/municipalities;

b. number of housing units based on satellite images, for selected provinces and cities/municipalities; and

c. administrative records on membership of households in the community water or electric cooperatives, for selected provinces and cities/municipalities.

Acceptable or demographically plausible values for the abovementioned indicators, as

well as the expected direction of their changes over time are specified in the Field Operations Manual of 2010 CPH (pages 133-134). The demographic indicators for each geographic area were evaluated using the procedures also contained in the Field Operations Manual. Explanations were sought if a particular indicator fell outside the acceptable range of values, or if the observed change in the indicator deviates from the expected demographic trend. The RO submitted to the CO the explanations of the POs in his/her region for areas with census results that were considered questionable by the CO based on its independent evaluation.

A more thorough procedure of evaluation was employed for barangays suspected of

having census under-coverage or over-coverage. Careful scrutiny of questionnaires for these barangays was carried out following the procedures discussed in pages 135-136 of the Field Operations Manual. In extreme cases wherein the result of the scrutiny of questionnaires confirmed that under-enumeration or padding or fabrication of population was committed, field verification became necessary. Teams composed of Statisticians from the CO, the PSOs and Statisticians of concerned provinces conducted field verification in areas suspected of having been under-enumerated or over-enumerated.

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List of Report No. 1 – Population by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay



Census publications may be obtained from the Databank andInformation Services Division of the National Statistics Office atRamon Magsaysay Boulevard, Sta. Mesa, Manila with email or from any NSO Provincial/Regional Office.

NSO Website:
