REPRINT OF SASO · REPRINT OF SASO NEWSLETTER Vol 5 No.3 Nov/DEc 75 30.ts DiI'ribuledby:...


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Vol 5 No.3Nov/DEc 7530.ts

DiI'ribuled by: Inlft1Ultional

University Exchanae fund.

P.O. Box 348

t 211 GeIM!\" 11




CONTENTSEtII,."., - $= N.II _ _ ~ ~ _ _ _ _ 3... ••·d. __lil". iM""'A' """/ft.,;,,l ~ •

e-tpwr;r·lirr_ ~ ..•. 7'_1. n..CIfC Ubow _ •• __ •••• _.F,." !#W)', 'I' ,f'. o.t _ _ .... __ .... .. 10h:1loa" ._•• /tHa:r/tW "... II'- ... .,.Edi _ •• __ •• r:J....... 600It ......... _ .. 13Mr ",*,,"_di.,of'" n 'c:n __ .. _ _ _ ""-' •• 17

I'rrwd F,." __ •• __ ,•... .s.. MMIfwro •. ~ C_

r " 'I' If:' SOUTH AFRICANORGANISATION.86 8cauicc Stlftt.P,O. Boll 2346DURBAN•SOUTH AFRICA."'-No. 3,n~"'.... ~ :

Ollie, :Sul""1."'" Floo,.A,m. Hou"20:2 G..., Stt"'OUAIAN

T., :...",


Work. :n 0 • .,11 Aold


EAapt Itlled. mmmcnt in lhi. Ncw,lt.llcr docsnot ncc:aMrily rdkc1 the opinion of SASO

All cGP)'I'lfht In thb Newslott.,llvlctly ........ed.Arty person or perwns wtlhlrtt to ,,,,rlnt IIItldespublllhe<1 In ttlll ... requested to MIlkpermlilion I,om the Editor.


ThI _ '175 is : ncM.. lrr end. ... 1IIy..-.. no_ ...... d..... thII tIIis hlllIIIn ...., stilt is ... _I........Oil .... Southn"n -' 01 Atric:Io -* likl dIIIt\. _• "" toN. "I _ hill.., ...., ....ilY IIOiIt ....... be.- ...INth out. "'is ...-_ 01 _ .. coiI'IId for _...... _ .....w.lCI. cnornOllcl thoufI_ .. __ 111._ dit-ft.-$ still I4Ik -.aul h • If In ......Ii",..__.

",,-• .., is~ it! th. _tho 01 ....., -*' In.... -'<i. 1M ....... h.,.-n. _ .. """' "" di¥1slools;mon; "" _1oIW., "0 , ,11 it!.......,... On;_

cI;r; ....... this ....,....1 not "am ......"""tian 01 i'itIid> 110M'" • lMtIiftd Idl iII_....t. 1M w.......~ mor4l"","'-;;I

SUClIlQ'110 .... FNLA-UN1TA COIIitioft - •• 01--0.._tid in_ ...... """*'Il .. "" ~111 of .......,.....'" I. _-.l••e fGnlIn In n ....lI, _ -..u_...., .. la1 b4nian In 1M Afric8n _'--t. Sou1hAfrica. Oil 1M OCIM< ....., Dr "-clfIO',"'LA •_ Mel b'I' Soci;li'" _11. Ilk; A~ ...., 'Cub;_ ...e~

1M lion _ ...... ""'"' hn eft; "'_ of.......,... poopl... 11.-1 b;e, II • 1InMod.-.

Ate til; ..... 01 """'" ,.....Me1 it!_tlnulfttlof;Oen• ....,. dolmInetion b'I' 11M capil4lill w.u In 1M 01'-i.. ;0".11 '-" 1Ibou' i'/ cb'ni.,.;o., In 1.A.l Nlbl"" CUI NfIote1Mf;ct 1hIt11M W.e __ '... •.... .......,...~' in.·"II dIfpi_ "" pn;ICl;i.m;d do'-"'" 01 "" __• INI-...Oh 1M o.t-....., .t;t\III 10 .... tditor of A1rica .......zln; No. &3 ;1. "1 _ 1M'" Of"'Wwt-.au1A••'", 0 OW_ lCI in ""'toIIo wh4te It __ :

NA.... ;nd 0"",, --'.1 c__• h_

lIIIn Africl{ ItMnds I..... tl.., 1 app..-.lon WId "'- _l1iOutld. Ioe \0 1IChiw;-"""10110 ' I t "",framcoiOOli4liU'n.-

1'1'Iis IndIMII is " 01 =1 hUy ""'*'__10 1Ms1GfY w "" _ I , in Afrb"- t.fl capi..iIIic .. -"I.tIc.

F,_ .... Ibow _e 't •d_ tNot ... ow bPI'" •tlmpl; • let ... OAU. "'1_ "". '¥ll._ Iry N.,.t; ;nd T....... in ,•• oW", -Dr ....10• 1M ......... tId __1 of ... ""'eal" ""-11 ....,

000'1olo. ;nd "" "'LA • 1M ......... ; alll'_........N lAW. It I 'In; No. &3.1


ApartheidAND THE

Anti-Imperialist StruggleIn eo. IN_ to chedl __"".11, '"ilt 8lKk ...,.ioAIII MPi,.u_ d>e SVI'"" is II<Dlil"""",. _ el'nI't'f'.""t'-l ",11111" .. ith u.. In"'l~ ••pedio~ 01 erN'­inO' '11M"''' 01 IIinOtY .".1 J...~,"" ..til...m..........10\..- In Sou_,n ... lrlc.a. The IKI" ttltl 1..-. till....,...., "__" 01 _ ••uom iI ... _ .... of

lelM OCIPOI'NfI;I;'" to "'- bllck. who aQi.. 10 bout·

fIJO" _bi~ Uollil ... ,...."" of _ tIe'""'~'Nl>iu.,; ... .-~ i1Mlf 10 _ ey. 01 _..... 01

_tel< IIIKIPI.. .". '_ill lie of "~I IIOQ"""(' I.. __rill ....~,..;U _ 10 til m..

Anothet 1.,_ tllel ,_os ltl. colillbot.tion of e.".npori........ indi"ld blacks iI , tMlnftl wi., ....odl

frOUlllI i.. _ '_t od t..o........".Mel... d ., 01 IN a.d< tiI."IOtV IUV .

P..tkul.,ty "'_ POliticlil O<lIit"'iMliom ""1 ,,_ nol ...mti...............1 __..- 81lC1< "_ I•• -..mon,..... IIHI Irotlt eM til .ft..,Nd ....., _ onsl ' of_.lhelo. And '- ..., di......"" of 1tl.ltI' C til eI••Il·"'Old .....n ItK:M __ ffTWTlI<lIalll p oa:_tlon IINfOI'm"" poIlticlil ............ inllNd of clttined cn.....

T". lin, conditiorl _ IIIloo.oId __ it 1"-1 t"- ~beI

~";P It •~_ IIi.. IIo1Il __ Mod _..;r;e.All itt POIitiQI .-en _ "om ... fudli Iconom,or frOIOl impIrillill in_.......'" AIId III bolh lheM con·UOIU... I.._ft" lilt .". _'.ilOl' 11_ jIitCICII. who COO>­

"lbu_ po_,,",,_nlw. ThiI __ ".11.~ ... 10 ....1 fOtcnombI f•.- Ihw IWKifl wncl Irnpwtilllitl wbIH. _~........ lribwl ...... to blI WI lIMo....,;.,w of _ I_I'I..-d1"'llOWrillitl ;,,_to; Iftd ......1\1 lei on _ t9t"C'l' ....AM ........a to tnw con• ..., mlf'il no fur....... COftIIdott".tIon. ~Icl Mo blot"~ b'I' tnw _<I. All IhWl ittwtdMl _ if ......,.,Iioonwr. And ...tdiflllln.

I.. Ihw nc. of ..~ 1ol tMo for t/IwN coIll1bor'w-lionl'II !twif .tllCll nllO lhw ""n....... 0"HI:f'>wd_ wboolu•. T1'Iot<w -. bw no _ f,om __'*11_

",,_a Iftd Mll-out JunitiQtioN 01 1IIwI, ..lIClion...,,olw. 1"'- IO-CIoltecl twlidw.... li.weI on bwcomin, petlof • ruling cl.. In ,1Iwl, bundu ",_" . AI soc>.~ricII pw.l-. TlMo fl. of _I. _witnlV _...... wbow tnw '-ell of Ihw Gtlaha luthllwlit. lIMo

hI.un""". lIMo hlll'llOPft, lIMo PNludii. W. k_"'_lOt .....WI"'.,. ... colllborWlO'I wilt! tnw o~~r'IIO'.

TIIoutIft ...... II e>Jldlli'" """'I Vo......, ~bundu....." lIMo fIc:_ lnIlIMo dolo' D tNy .... oul.......1 Ihw oppr-.:ll it lNl, t..... of .Iicutllion.

Thw in_"'!1V of IhI dr"IDI it ........11 b'I' "- .tic...1.1. udI .. ...".,... ill" wpporl 01 _Ihwlll. TIl. mort1'1icu1." II'Id lII'Olotitl , ... ··twlidwr'· is, lIMo....- dwnr·... 1.. S-... Ihwir _r .... on Ihw i...c 10 dowt lIIwor juli,ticWllon 01 coillbor.lion trOW.

wtwl iI -.1 01 _ ••ticulWlion II "OW "'" ...... ",,,,,"wll.. _idt MlI·u.ric...... _ 01 1M m">d. ''',aidIhtv en- PIIIwdocl.IICIl c_OMiM w •.,. 11>1 11*'1'...Icl pl!llooapIow; II'Id _k c.....,...;or", ttlWl uplih I"';' 10'

c.Iol '1&1 ... _ .. , ..... T"iI I" '1M ",,11111 01. lIo...dIVdtlrldiKl Block _IIV.

I" "" Ii......""'.., ttl..... , ..tit"".,... __•01 _lI.eI.. KOfl__ lOon CII'I only _ .It.. ....;0. POIi·licII II'Id KOflam.c chIf\9I. we ,,_ .., W'I__

I'" _""•• oJ _ poI1liQl ""gdom 11_". ,.It ttle ,n·d!IPI. d. lCI 01 ...001 AI"cll'l _ ..... ," lOCI" d1_.Whv _k _lilion 01 ttle 1_1

Thw _Wlil'lMllY 1Ij. II obIM_ oJ til. "jUSt! PDl£"1Ilillnl1l'ld 'Pd- ...... ollh. v.1 urbIn II'Id ...... "'-

A" ••"""""," of """ ...._IIV __'1"_ 0.,

ttle 1Oou1· " ollht Cot-w~ '.IV. Dtop;le 11'1

_.-1 ''''' in "" CRC ..... c_c*", pi.,.......... 10 Iht BIIdI' !CI> indict.. "'" lOme 01 til. Col-........ .tilt, clli"" 10 be B.own AI.I"-,, "-fUffttd ...."'1 Afric..-n. I .., I....., fI01 Alrictnl.

100 100000v. For 10 "'v Airiel it 10 I'" s.or.l'....101 ........1 And 10 ."W 11&11 illO bw , ...._ 10 ttle...., 1_ driwl_~Blidli 01 til rtctlloptl'l-.. I" It>tl _ 10....,;. ··_kliP~. T... Col_tiltI•• il ClUi"I be_ .IMN ,_I"';IY wncl A">ctn tiber·.Iion on conli_l. _I... IO ....V brim bill" 10dotnV F....... tnw iclI, 01 Ilr ....... Alti"- Otl...... i" ttle e-. W!'&tI il N.lIl·1 ~tdI_Ide 10U111 Iht....._ "'own En_liM TIlt CRe c..ic...... """I,,__ .._ 10 '_1.

I" Iht llet 01 mil roM'" .~Ii _ .....1 _ c_ to

...... wi'" ttle tlCl IhI1 Iht poIiliclllnllllutianltrOd !lie ...n- . ,"": lCa •• produca 01 I'" •• illi...IICO_I'" ~Iont. lilt Ih«tto.. "'-IbM 10 •IIInd ....if Oti'" ..... Otvti_1 II*'t Itom ttle _orroi:c t.k.

StnNlI.. .-.. dtliblr lOme wlm crimi .... IfI.....1ion of_~ _ ttle """lifiall..... 01 ..,i...oriIl 1'_111'__. iftduItri.. izllion 01 !lie IOCIIltd,,"0.. III KIIIftd poIiticli power 10 dupI!IIe ..fltrI ... SlICk

SASO NEwsunER - NOV/DEC 1915

_ who l'''C1101d In ......,._ 01

till 1 WI lui. 11ft nm fl. 1IllG'll!I' ""CliO!! of .....ltl!!d " !Dd!y ... cri.;O!! of~.:_ ... eWor""';an Of -.ian of... ....Id .....rr.y" people lib Cl\itt Kti_ MtUfl~'" t11Q1ty tt1k­inl the .. I ... 0110'" Idnolnio••1iO!! 01 1111 "'IUI"".......... till !'rime Mirtisw 01 """'i. Sou", ..trice will II'.....'" the ..ecvli¥l di,ectClt' i'" IIVs • ......moI 01 '-.:in

-""",,11ft.Til. upl_OOl'l 0' • dll.f MM..II__ IlO1 """'_-,JiooIIv ....."fy _lhetd _ Its flrfICliol'l wi.. in ...

_io '~I oomic di............. of die "11-~1tl.1"""'"

_ 'b"k I.....MOOl'l. Socio KOl'lOfl'lilc~,." 11M bY10 11M _Ntd OiKoufM, AltO 11M _ttl_1 of_;.n;..............1__• fKtclrI " boufld 10 P'_

....c -.. 10 "'- d ........ ~1iO!!."'t'" t"'"_.II " .... _-.. 0' !he .....lillliO!! 01 ..... hell _• _ "Kit~ • fir' -"'to 11" .. -.._ of'" '.ilI'UflI, ••iCltL

T.kI", _ ... I__t 01 ........nil.

van 01 u ... lKlI. _ fi"ll .." v"iaIlOf1 01 SouthA',iu', -..olic " ...ani....... II. _...., • !':':I!'.!."!!","llIiri'.'''om 'I it ..,-...ldtl'lt"'lt ",-1_..

_ 10 .oopIoil ltbou,. """'N:tl it d\IMcl. And they

.110 , 10 tUlboI p.,.., COIIII."'" bel... "lhln

Sou "t"e."'" aOld by ••pendi", "'odl.ictiOl'lto"';l.

111.. 'Oim 0' "';-...:1 "","'.....,1 it me .....t ,*","OU'lorm o' neo-coIanltlitl p.,''''ltian by l_iIft itrvtI1Of'I.ltv~... i_...."1 apitll Iht privll. Of_

blilc c";'" i" .... oo-ctIlld "-' IOi' Ifldi.. or Col-"""'" .._I. e.toPitll from 11\1 loaol i... " .....tiont!l-"'" lAd UlrK"" OUI. _'" from Ill. public llOinIfil of... ....... TIl " in ...,'" crt•• "-" butdoIn an ....btI_ 01 _ ts 01 ..,., of m- 1OCIII1ed"n-"': if'

"" Pr_ cIr _ .... ..-_I 0' tIM ..-....-..., Prolits f,om "'"' tIKIlltd Iloo......

ThI-";..._1y _ -..-1I1nt_1tI condiliON

'" .....1 u.;", AfTw'lc,., _"'Ir" lID ci ......1m- can1follld by ~""'I.will .. Ih Of·

.... 0' _ •• ,.wdoo.• In Sou..........a. For.I.. In­__I it tOf N'" _luMian ot 1M ",,-1tl"1 elM­olOfl O' ........N, 11 .. "_1IIIIlWd In. lot_lin I ~i" .fId.................

No __ !Ill!ll.IOQ _111M 01. Chltf .........

.1 or • 0. PNIludi..... InIrh "'" :~" '-dIt-tI'Ilp it • fW9In... .tIlll • 10 I •••id Sourh AIrict·,

,..Itf"ld!dl....,. _ ,wce 1rIbtllterIIm __

wl¥w 11'1 impIrial For II'IIt ...... "- 10 t:iJII10 E _ IfId """"b 11> _k lor.I.. I" ICtI•••t.

There .....M .. no IftCl 10 ••ploiuticl<llfld undIt de..l~_1 "";Ihi", ... " ....._k 01 ... I,""""""" IYI_ .For.Itp'I i tclrI ..1flil:1 • it It, ..- .-.d __ t.Ik:

....1Iiri r.... poi.....,. lIftd lIC~ ~" PrOIIIoc1I.dwtp 11ibou' IfId toeitI -..fort OUI of !hi,_Iry. ""ll

1ft ..t"'" ....v ... _i... 1M WlCI 1M. W,,",t an ...0_ Mnd "" South Alfie.> _-v ""ft.. I"flttian:tnd lll_illred 1Iltd<' PlY ..- IfId ..- for """""tecturIId IfIOdit. South ..1ric:t·1 lOiN... _ .. In .'II :'_.omic qo'l.nill. ThtfIIt no ...,;... out. hClPlthr......Iid< I_Mian.

T..... CMI bIo no IOCIIil for....... to ...~ b¥ ...lribtl .........;P 0loI1 0' palltlclt In_O!!Iiblll..... ThIlrinp .,.li. bIi... • ... bt IIltd< IIi .....10""" II Ml'llilt 10 _ 1 To....... black cornmwni wha IttIdI h. to1ofIi.. ~_tI lAd lOfIiIn futIClI klf .~. I tdI/•ProilCtt leIy..."odWr palltlci-. To """'''euf.-..r tfIId -,,'on.lMI. So 1tIel de II~ _erIy _=i~ _ end -... tIboul ItIelr ......, _.1...,d-. COI'nl_ ....... 01 -..,;... Iibout__ awn­..,;_..Ofliciloldom het p: 1hlI .""P IilMCIII to Pilldtfan.ThI f100di ... 01 lOkI RIAd "'to 11M pubHc .......t by0. OOIdiIfidll _ paliliclil ..ptdMoncy. kl. SoulllA"ice het ..... Ii"" .- for _ ..". ,...... In­--,FOfIi.. 1__,1" SOu1h .."let lAd wI"'l", tIM "Stent'__'lid lor .... ' ... Iowii... otM__ :.

Itl 10 fifld for.,;.. i__flt for .... fIr",..-...mIt­.......1 of Of.. n _omIa I" SoutII"frlct·, dam­'..tic palici.. ..,.flIt lOcI. dItnat:

121 1O'1lfIIIi'Id !Ill de .In~ •••t 01 Sou1l'I ""... Dol,.._ I............. }n~h .......... de'-.......... nc.;

131 10 ' _......... ,.,okr..1dt ~ WlCI -... tho 0 "" ..... -.dSAlOL. frvlt end ""'" "'__ .,,01111 IIItIltT__1~tId:

141 .. "-It !Ill oomic ..- of till l-r:i... _tCIf IfOfli.. lAd Ioctll by~ .llwrMl,___i" 0"" ........ w!'lillt bin .......

.,. poIitioll _ of.,. ",-"",. ""lit·....,."_1lIi.. ,........ ,will ... :

151 .. cutb tIM _ jIOIIIltllil of tilt 1I'1O'I"7._fIltdI • 0 I" ntIlonlilltid Indutrn- IIldl ..$.A. ' ....... erll ~

... __ 'I'fIctio..~ of ...


far';II"lI"-I~' ,. f'CM • llI_n, TO Il-.=kl, <:e<uinIv....1 .1 1ft.. I",," olllrVlll" It is white 1'O~lic" ••1M6­_.1t;1 ltlfO\ll\ll thil '..,;:ill-rype upodiency m.lln 1'" BIn,...•__ lind it:·

lei thrlb•• il public ..... 01 commun" fundi;

fbI tile, , <Ielibaft_ milC8lcut.liG'l 01 teonomic bI..·'il TO .... b111Ck com ity II irwol_; .....

lei thM tht<. is IlOli1icel e. ow. ,'" leG -.ic:otlIbitlty DIrt. "'-.cI ..POd<.lltIft..•.

II It politio;ally ... imifI....... rnor.ny ""iullil~l* 10 con·tin.. Mill "s.-.. o.wlOPlN'f\t" ...._ ;11 _i~K_omic: l.lunI '- bKomI to _dill'''', Tile i~ilCitl

01 lh_ unbl.1bIll -.di~ f-. '9'if..,.,...TO IN .....v_ of .,Iion, 10 til....., 01 __OK". ,,,

IN rMlintion 01 Blld< llOlilic:1l -.pirllllionl, 10 ,'" "".-,iowO! _ li••tor'I' ItIVIlJIe ........ common ....",10 bI 8doptld.

.... ...10...... C-'u.ion i' ioI _op< 10 Ilk jf Soulh"ha is 1'101 gjr....... cou...kln 10 , taun bot _1111.-+1 '''III If"" lllo48 _ ... ,...,ti"... peOP ·...,. - until ... _'\1 MiOdIe hi' (;<;••• O' Ill. Ikl ..WId ........_'"1 palic... Ihu .... to II. K,_", -.l0tl.

TtoI _ it Sou'" "lrial', Whi.. ","'10C~ ...~ti.......0Nl ".iI_ of .",,-r.. .lgI'ltl. 1,...1 is doi,..10 the "..tin .A<_...., mn. "'. impIrialitl.....,'- of , II .--lble bath , ... UnO 01

$00.1'" AIm. Act the 1111< .wbIittl...... ' of ite·

.ullod ...blie undtr 0. V• ..........s. R-...•• UOI hi._ie "=;••1 bul -' of lilt _ 01 .-ooI....~..Ii.... tnd 1_,.i.1 ....""" 10 QUiI ,'''''''1' li-.. '".For IIItI ....nar Vitlnlm _ no ..cepti 10 Ill.......

It -.ld w lhe ...ou d!Mtl_ 01 ",riontl ..II dIotil'110i.... .,.lheid "om inllll<i.IIi..... TIIt._ 01 lhePAiGe i .. Gu......e;_ ...., FRELIMO in MoItmbiouI


iI. IItriUoglol "I Sltcll. who"...............Iul e ....lhi. conti l. The FRELIMO A"I.,. .''''11 _ ...ti... conf lion 01 tllil.

BtlCk """""II ...,..,_...."iud ItItI Ill. dlfQl 01 •00'"",_1 poIiliclil prOCftl. or 'l'Ilnolitu"... it ............~,"'...." -'non ""d by lhe l*lI)l•• For !hiI>IOPI. or !Mo' I.-.hip to "'.... miti''''1 IClion .1 •crucitl ........... i. 10 ............ ill 10 i....... deu'ucri .8" 1963, tilt """ 01 _ ..Old peopl. in 111;1!Wid • baIle POI.uon II 10 tilt ........ , poIilic.t! " .ri_ i .. 1""••Inl9QI" For lIIit _ of Ihoom •• 1'"9>'''''i...... "'__ or I;"';", tilt iIol.non 01 """....'''. tI/\d_ ..i.--.wtIen lilt 81ICk ContriOUlMl. M_..t\ld """",...

h'... i' _ no! lit fell ...., 01 lilt total.'.'''' 11.11.,. by

IN S.,....m. For lilt SIIII '_«1 "'" lilt toon" u.",01 "" .i_,," htd ."...ntd.. Tto.. ,.Iu'" I "" ..joel'«I ct"'IC1 rie ..-_1 ..."', 10 POI'I ·...... T ,,, Ion", lCComodItKI .....1 e""·D.m .ncl bhftd 10 ,lit _ ........ ,"" _ POItmie•.TIl , 1on*. _ .... in cr.lic ......

SI "'d 1'" VOUlh 1101 ....0/.«1 i .. eornm""';tv pro-!KII to w11.."i..u _ communoarion __81ICk d.o< lIlit _ lhe ..... btonn;.....

But _ .......1 _ to til ... I'fld 10 il "I. Tilt _ 01 ..•

ploitltion II\tIlI ....... tilt cr"l,on 01 • _IV ... whichlilt oo,....iMd..- 0/ tilt I>IOPI. w.11 h.- i.. 1hIi. I•_ tI/\d "'-i. 1_ prodUCI; """.. lhey e deci" ....Ii.... o._i. producli ; """.. \II.... eI"~ Ior ...... "" diIO...... 01 lilt Ii...... prodUCI.

U........... i......u •. _'",.... II tilt It. brough, 10-"lilt< i.. BlICk loIoG1rilV. _ .....0 peel ...... uni ..... 01e_. PU'POM•• I" .._ Ill" of COft\oI'ft\INil KtiOt\

TtIi. it ......... BlICk ConlCi~.. C<HnI1 '0 "". mtfot.01•.

WI BlICk. 01111 .. eounlrV,...•• '''''II d h".....d ..__..__ ,..;'" tIM eor...lCh..... 1t\d U I 01 "" cj;vide·...d·'ufe cj;elum. Wht__ ;11 ~ "" phllOlOPh 01"",,1••upo.... .,. . _ itt imptritlill upio;uli lII

bI ............u tilt I.,. 01 tilt ... Iriel" eonli..... '.

NEWS IN BRIEFON lUCK 'RESSn. IdN 01 • 81ICk ' .. " D_ .....id1 _ i"l1oduced inten _ to til ....,.;n. '0 f...'lful '''i..lion lldopoclld

bv'" 1>Ild 18110115." Edlndol. u.,. Eeu·.-ictI c...tn1 1.. I'; iUbur.

F,om "'" dIlibtNli..... of III.......Ii'" il e... til ..­NI. 101 01 pound loll ... e_Nd. HitN.". policy of

tilt _ wll "',"'-d oul d ...... ,W<! .t., _ f;lIe.

doW.. II _ WOUld h.- oocN'd. "'11 i .. til 'I _

..- 1Il11 tilt _. "'''I -" to oroiKl ,lit ""-to tnd

.p.,,_ of tilt B1tlCk ...... in 110 .. COU"I..,. \1111 "". PIP'II "'.11 11_ lor • ON _ und;"idId .........; Ill .. \110M.._ .. _.,'" 10 mili"" _",I 1110 i .."p".,. 01 III.motlltrl_ ...d It_ 100' 00' Pt'Iic;p.N i.. III. 1'"9M..ta-


_ot_... , ___; __--.l .... thiIM ....., "'4_'..1_............ _ .. "'=0._ wi --.I~Atriu:o'" bul ..... _ .. __ .. ',-,.eel =, "'". POIollUlly .. o.... "'x t .,", ...Ii ... Sou.. AIriI:.... oj ....c~ ..

~. .... "'.iIfIOI"'''' ""II ... _ _, 10 IIllodl_.SII... _. aho d_ and , eo... o' d' I.

Ill. We _ ..... UfO '"""''' _ ..........Ii ..... _ ..._ ;lft t .. •_ ...... _ "',.,.,.. Thto."PI of_

....... _'1' 11 .... " ...... _ ....",,_

.....1 I.. I" • OL We =_11I, "- iI • fOo"'Ii II Illd

CAMPUSU.l. - For•• tioA 0' • IluchAh.. , ","011 01 _-... , bt-"o ......._ ., IhiI~ T'" 01"" .. _ • .,.._... be·_ •• ' willi _ 100. """"'"__..... __ I-.._al _. T"'_1Ioi-el'l 110 • __ 101 •." and __.. .,..

" .... 1 of _ Otl_.~, ",""••",0.,......... _ ,,__ 10 " ... _Wd ift ,'" '_..N·,_ 01 _ 1_ bt_ n". _ ."'1, __......,tt_.~ ......._...... ,...mblil 11II bt_ -.T... IOCIl 1Ioi_ ., ",_.ltl, fOOl '" • _I' 10 ......."

......._ .. mOl ,no _'... '''10 i, _ lId ~II'"''''

..... _"""" "''''OlOfId ""coo_.An": I ......._ _ ~" lIc1uoItI.a- _.. -,_ "'" - ....."'cal t. 00. _ ""' ......_... a ,._ _ .

0.. 10 C_'__ 0.",,_ of ...

IouiI ~II C_ "'" 1'_ .... N f.C. _ i.. 1' ........'ll.,.".. ......, ""'''0" v.... "'__ tftd I.f.NIlfb;_ 10 .._ II 1.

Rid"flllls I.y Isn.

Tlw IoQt '*__" vndolreoolo I ... 10 ~c11.... for ooa#c __ 5aturdw II.. an-. II'S.'"" __ .. IoN tiI _ ~.. ,.." ....

II...... "............. TIwy .............. '_II__~ _1I"bIc""'~. Tlw palIiclI-.lI.. - ,_II a ""'" .....", _. ""'--'..................... _. ':J. _ •••"_ IfId ~'"' ..til.....oc di" _. Mil. and '-el.......11 _. IodI

ad I...... "''''I and ..... _ ••~ _ followinl day

" _, 10.00 LIOI. On Monday • po_ 'w....", _....., .,., _ ..-11 of ... POliCe loon _wi.. '"

,............. in "'00 _d.. _ -'of of _ .u. 0..01"_libwr___

fREE UI'YERSITY SCHEMEThw f .. ~I'I'~•• /fUSI wI'Oidl 01.....~let to ,NOt..II 42 0 1001. Thit It cIut 10 I ............ O. bili dill. , did , ""fl' ........ wfIidI _ .. xl 14L by iii_I.. of oct.." ...n..w~d " t'.of_ ....OMl...,; i...''''''.'.111 01 ,aodIol. in _It c.,... -.... ...1Iol"""" A_~ _ W'll 10 ...

oct.,., and 10 _ ...t -. -""bIt._~


t11t9Id 11IM tilt •.-.__ """-";... 1lI ..udity, whIdI1tII...., I bla...1 loa.

Thw , 1oolo :Ii_ """""" be ......, o~ '1 _ ....cel'.. T... __

_,. t I..... :n.t On_, "71, It En,' ....e-t, To i/lwtoltl .... "" _........,. I twud __

1lIe,," and W"'....tore to,""coo,.,,,,ctdon 1Iit-Vdrt I'" po~I",_ 1O_11IIdIn" .....0__ po_til II ... COlO" a ~btlbbtllne". 0urilI1'"onlll il _ lIbulldantl.. cit. 1"" "" lI'IIidi officer " ......11 __1....... .... llIPl '-;10 "" ,_ wit-__ill _ "'" IItd 10 _"ly ............. tI._.. T'" tritl_1 on """_ 1fId_

.... ••••,t,1I 10 ... 15'" " oa. ,,15. ~'"

.... dO_II .. con_ pi tM,....._ ..• ..."" 10 _ • OC'I __ Coo.1 it In.............1 _ ...

'"" __ .... U.z. ._.Md ... 1ocII_- 'on. '0"_1 '-od. __ tIw loot;..,. ,trill"- 10I'" lIOIice ... Iun ....,.;......... Till lPril 01 "" ICC­

......I\01l1Jnll and ",,_tlli-. .. fIitht......ilitcl .... WI

"- 11II, il wiI' till ""...... IMIII h •• , -.:I iii... IKI_ .,",dIe, _.,~ .. 0I 1iltdt..-. So_

~ 01 _ '''1 •• _ IlIio _., • _bo'_ _,;on 01 ,_........ 1ft, _ .......,_ , ; "'"'* Nt

........ ftO.Ull~I in .t .. toid-.....itW., .. II£t_ " •• ........- ...... _ ...........1

- _'I· __ btdI"-_YlI-o._1t""1 _"'_on 01 ti'It -VlC' dII..

"'-ilW, on ... 7Jrtl On..... U115, ... nud..... "_tabn • _ution ttl 1",1tua .. An.."" to _ ...

1IwI.......,.... _ wiI'''' llon'OI bot .......... Nnclo.

'''''- II; 10'''1 --.. ".,••, of i ...,.", ....

-. TlIit. , of --. ... efl'lC" of IooMI·... , '.aiott_ 7 ,., ~_....

.....' .. !ted: ..'lip,

1M 111_ -"ori_il__-..__

__ % _ 'ad..., 1Id< .. iIlIlIIirI ......... IN tu TJIOI .........., ...... "..... • .IIdlIJ.· ..___ ' F " .. itble_"' .... ' ....,. 'ei

orril:.......... _ ............

.. '*'" ~ --. ..__ 1"4 QI...... WIt-_. 1M IDcliMI",,,,.__.'".,. •__ ~oi __ 100.."" ..,.. __ of __L WIt 1tI'Od. --.. ....

_ 1ft_ ...... Ie" of ",_1 _ '- IftIO __


'MIM _ MIl" "*' iI booiIdin' lit '""",-11-. 10 ...IlHI.,to.,... .4.'., wioIIoll .-.aiG~

N.S. T/ouOlodo

1Viu-Chel...­' .....-Iloo LouIl


u.., ••••,

S.A.l.o:. _p",," of U"$ omulo _ .1 ....--._ ,.,.. ••__._, IClOt

...... illlO 1. 0. M ...

III ... _ S.A.LO.... _ of ~ bul....._ _'1_ __ I_

-.. .. $ , d" tel _.., _""","*,- 'tt"__ M_ _ ..-"' •di 'dc• T or _ . "'w-.clioi-.... ...........__·Id II' , f ..

""""-' ot. w..ty _ ... , '.__= ....... ...-a Wi. p' _a. TIlouIh IfOOI Yft..~_$.l'II.c. -... C1lII..,.d~... it ........ _

_oIi" .....

II .. _ "" • br "';I!'I .. CIOIiItIt _.w I' il wi....... '1_ ,f_...tll judi••' Ff • III. llw ..u t"" •.-. ....... "_......... Th. iI __, .._ I'>okl to-""'"~or"Yt"~"'"' "01 only ".", bu'.tO_1__-" 01 I .". So f. _ !'old !no,I"'1

._..... " ... cat .



no. It., , C I .........~Coo lCiI_vwr;" • ... n.r-._", ...CRC toy "'" LIiIIIoow '-'v _. _I....... IO ......., _ bodY. n. LIiIIIoow""" It....._ .. iIoN CAC-..... 0... ...... Ii _ -" toy ... LIiIIIoow

PIw1y ..,.. lin _ " 1"1. "'-lad POOl plio, "' CftC. III LIiIIIoow'wty,_....., .....,.--..."' _1 ..

... -.... '" "PIK'•••".'••1 _ ,..• ~ '" bIIdy. II '_ Id.1 dw motion _ 1IIIIlId. .T '- of "" , ..... I'wly ill., I d ...,.,d "~ -dw iIIIli..1ioN be .......~ Colou-.- on _1lIft1I loll lIbUill direct __udoll III ......t1_L WIlM MI RIlbie _ ill *' _vHri_ the1 ...

CoIcMed _"'ry IIIoWd COIIlI..... '""" ... CAC 10fltttl lot' wn.1 ...... __ ... of _ .... IWIiUl of •

__"kl",I,_. ''CoiOIH1di 0II1y" _'4l=_1, the"""'.-i_ IIO" ".".1Ill iii..., iII-'O_t w. I

"'_.-Myo.-_-... ....._ .. toy

.It--. '" ....~ CIII $ _.I._.__ _of _ ...

• •,.""w d _ .. -...01 _ of.. •• '.101 _ -. II _ -.... ........ _ L..Iliou. ,.'" -.old III ....dIed ••_ ... '-of., 'clUn .... p ••,."tu"-......._encl ~ IN '--' _

... ... CAe. The '-- I'w., won ..•~ .....;on., _ C'" NI ~1 _ .1

..... to _ 10 "on. ".. .",.titdIoId"'. The...-'"-IV _ '"' • PQiII. _, il I' , it IIoIIdto .. _, SASO !'old ......,. _ hi 00. i ... CIIlI

OUI of the CAC ..., _oU 1_ 0.."'" II ...."'"1 C lld pltllOf.... III\d 110 0.... Ill.,••__.Ii....11 won NcrioM _ II-. _ "'" ua- "-'Ifdoii pick IIId fnlnl .....,.., ,,,_ !heY _tid


10 __.ootId. w. .... _ $oNly Leon -.ti",doIimwo ip of _ CAC wtIIIe 19fu1i", 10 IMI I......

101 "- ....... :rI"~'. 10""" by tol..- of II I ,1», eh"''''''' 01 ttl. C"C. I.. re}eetl... ttle nilehoylS Leo.. lIeted 1t••1 he cen..ot .flord 10 'i". I..

,,,,eh • ,,,,.,,,.10"" hou h.n thoulISnd. 01 Colour·.. ;n 11-. W. _ ~tiI. tile hi--. ""'""""" 10 ... tile AIU '""lion budiltl tItlIedW:tot. him by "" Fl-.bIicM'l G."........ I.. ri:w 011'11,Ilicll end "*'- _ "'IlOl SlI~ sci.. _ Iva .,,11 tho:bIodpIll'IeIlecl to __1Un. 01 Sonn, L_. chWmen

01 1he CAe. I, ~1It~ll'Wp01 Ihi. it....

bod, Sooon,~ lied u.....k.. to do .... du'" laiddown fI.. h.m by tho 110"""'''*'1. Leon c~, ......r·t100d Il'IeI _ boctv __tid by ow: g end

1heI Von.. __ ""It"" 'trinll in eo N'.... a. • ~ _ "" o..;"""",*,ip 01 IIw CAC " • n_ .... 10 _ 10 _.....-c 01 "" MAnEA.

How 1heI San.... L_ ....... -ud from _ CAC_... l_i.... ,01 01 ;'r-';bIe,_... wh;ch india1e

1IO' • .........mou1 from """."",_ edoptld by L_.•• _ -'- _Id bel...... bul _ -..ill. 10 •

,_ 01 tho: frlUdul.... of tho:l..ebow'lIttY whieh Ion. bee.. cer,"'I, _ cu.... I... , hiddt.. by IN "mill­tan....Ilint".

Sonn, Leon _ ,._ Ill.. hi wilt 1101 "-

• \tilt CAe bec:eu:t 01 1_ 01 .......;... b'I' .....,..........n';

The~ '.Iy i' _tid. MYi.. the,_• Colou.ed-..ld.nlt tor IIOd>intO.... ~SQ­

.... ily,..; ........."';

II "" b:en 'UUd by IIw ....... 01 IIw Lebour,'", IN!'" .,............1. b'I' doilnt .... dooo'I• '0 _ Il.-Ili.. CaoIowed communi"" it """'"int _ c:c..-ed1 inlO en ..I.... with blacllL

Thi , ••".m _ hi wil 1IOI .... 1fle CAC ~"'IO"'- '- illlii._. _..- if. 00'Ii"1t 10 _andle rhii'.-"1 ,..;!tl Ifre ........._.. I ad, Il'IeI _ CRe"" '0 ta dOMd down. It hi will IlOl1_ the CAC thenIIhk ....1'~ 10 _ lIli........1 Mr Jack RebIeISid _ he i..I,..,· tile •••"d".'1 10 _ moIlon b'I' tile L.ebclw """' • '''''6rIt wiltli.. IIw ",Wfl.5 wlI", __I-' .....""'.1I1he1 he_I_ lhi CAC I.. ,.. 01 benn.... Ooee tntt __I

'hi ..... it _ Pl'i1*Sd 10 ton.Iw • prit'lcipli taCII _hi "';11 ta t.wllllP. Hi _ IlOl ..lit 10 PIoIlI OUI 01 tho:CAC eIofte bul "';111 ....~ ""'0 ....idetld hi _whoI. Coloured _iii.... _ il iii 'IN" do 10 1m-..... INI the _1 would ..... "I 1l'leie peopM.n.e -'- _Ill pulled 0111 _IlOl_ ;,Idi~'~ '.1

end _Ill deer demoo."etiGn "'1 1fle....1 l ti....l1_ 01 Itw p .......... end .....Ied _do~ _ .. at _iii w!'Iic:h MUST _, If,... if ga.-

int 10 "'Ie Itw L-.. ,..... I 'hi' __ juet ... w.p.The , ........ i: not I.. 1"-~ '" 10 _ down

,10 _ peaclIle~ ...... du1¥ 10 1he .....1. _10 ••_ ...... e _,,'" "'- 01' Ion:: In ord:r 10 _

""- ""'" 1_ ..~GI...I "'" Ihev rIlIi ..... lhe _-_......The I••""" thM _ ell; ed __ 10 be equel 10"""'l........ clio ta __".oed _I¥oceiIIy. w. ............ rteMd 1heI the lied< peaclIle ... not ...., 10 be""'" 10 """fteI ~II'_ Ihii -.old _ ttIet _ iGIlIpI

theI whOa II tat.... w. '- ..-... 11-' Ihet _~ d'le f~ Ihet ........... beI"II ... _ .. I......,II.. of wtlellw Ihev •• wIIl•. blKll. 'f'Il1Ow• .nort...-clor Iont-.-ed _ 1IIe1 • God o-.tecl bei.... ell the

peopI Id I» ....tecl lhel.......1Ii 10 ""'ieL ....._ _ 10~ 1IIe1 -.II. Thi. _ CGt'IItder 10 be

lhi f"IIds".'" ."", 01 "I ......... beinIt end not •monopol" 01 • minori", 01 willa .,.pre"....~ •• " .teclllw" jMtoiolt I Ill... "-' look onotherh_ beintI- The cen 1ei 01 .. II ••Ied peltoi ..

hood heel 1fle .ff~ 01 in.lMecb dell ............. 1 01'''''''11.. Thieli.....,_ PIQIIle ...10 ta ecr.oeIlO whO...

Coupled"';111 ttn " fsct 1IIe1 _..,...NniI'It. 11'1 ....pr_ of " .......tInt lied< ....., ..._ '0 1he

...." in/wti_ 10 wnlcll hi "diMI" 1Ilbieciicl, __ diff._tiel _"...." 10"_ forml... the _ .... _"lilly. The CoI_edi ..... lIeen tomI 'fel.. _"";111 __lII1 1IIe1_ •••••• 0I CoIoured_....'" 10 _ ",;.WI_ dltfwwll from ....IN I" Thev .. d...':lo •• I01he·_ •....;c 01' 1he """ _. The Lebor.Ir ,'"" _ 10

..... '- 1"10 Ill" triP , tao: _ """ ....._li".ued '0 11K deel 10 _ 0IIfe 01 bod. lite SASO sa""II ..., from MColo<.ndi OnlY' body. How thelSon.... Leon end hti nwn ."beI....:l.e,,", bV _Ita..,.., "'" 1hM _" ..... to jo;.. 1_,..;tII lllec.... Thti Itoulril"t --.urilC'l'l. I .. en .nlel. I.. d'le IMVO ZAIAN­SUNOU of IIw 291h NOlo•••, 1175, Mr o.tei N..flule",.ted:

"I -.old mher !WII ...... bmllo tlde bV 1ids...r1ll.dedic:MSd 1_ riICh:or """ with IIw likei 01 SolIn,Leon. who win .-en "'" 1...0<1"_.... the """'l..01 IIw lend. In _ rridet of d'le bet1te. offw them

i etkIn. '" Iont. hi iii jo;......... In ....' on • -ailionel a..le, then hi Ii ..01: en.......M

TN: .nltudli " ItIe ""'1 01 _ Ndrt ...." ••• by.........SA50 ...... Itw ..., .Iont Ill"'" SID lor llonnv t.- tel

""II out of the CAC .... 10 atoP PWtldpelll", In ""...­............. pali'lk:rll ._d_ Ion.... t.-li .... __

1fIeI tile CHC Ii • _thl_ bIInd)l "'" wltI _ enebleIhe eot<u.... to .."'.. Ihe ......,. Ihev dew. : .. tor. It Iilbundently d.- thet tI'a LeDour """.11 fen II'i.... palltial C'uI de _ """ In the IIOll _ d"-t """"'


__~ '" __ wid of &ann., ~'. Iu... POIlIll·..._.~ __ """'" of IIMoo:;II c..,oou__ "'"'. ._1Ikt<t"- 10 ....... ."., n "1"'" bit ...__• bt...... of _. _ ..Ii........... potOP/II _ Oft ""

__ t.... ....... i"'lllldOll"'b'I'_ $$ ,

...... *"-'11 '•• _I ......or" ...... _ ••

... wiIIiIlt ..... 1_ lID-. _ ""'" '" .11 * .."...~


oiOOl IfId to __ .. ttw punuit ot' 1lUU-. WI ........

......~.... --"'...,; crvfilbt lr_ "" '*'.'l'tIo bIlcIlIt lei

... __ only "".ldi "'- tIliI>II ""'Od! beton; 10

.. by ritIt1 ot'~ Tloe ....... iI ' bIl_

.. IftIl _ v.... _ ..,. of"', I ""IC'''',",""" 1"",,- ... of_ : "_ at. ttw __of_..

FROM THE Prest....., .. DESK .. ,

n._.... of_T'..ui._of_ .... ',_M '.'I""i "lit _ ..-..:I lIItOCIloit I'I"IiftclI• • .""' 1 .._ •• poIiliQl ;0...Tllitio. II .iiICI dit...I-.cI_.__

_ ,.Id t • of ... wto; • .,it- "- ..... 1!'40, ...

QIIii. 100>d 1 """ ~C '" __ Ii.. me;. 11,; ...,1of M_ ,. 101M10 _ T'-";, He__

~ _ liu ......., ""- _ coifItd Iftd-.:l

bY __ like'.... MM_ "" boolt:-a.lULTlSTAH :

" ..........11 01 "" Sou,," A,I._ D~,,,wi"'· "

_nell ""'" _1ic8l -. ,......... he .0 01_.," "MIClomI bul ",lwell iI ill i_II nothi", new. bull"

Uo'liwcl '''''1. "01"-'''' Aelofrn ,.'" ....... ,Oon di.... iM. 8.n.he el'l,_ 01 P. MaI_F

, _lion to ....ll'iW;1 to .. Iound III _ , of ",. _ In~ hi .....,. ·'e..l if _ ;. 01 Whi.. Sout" A!r;'_" _ d" pnlll~••t-.ld _ bKJDrN'OD lo.1 10 ..

___ -....s~M "ICW'."" _,.,;.., ..,c'-w~_.- Ift .....1.', M rt>o inho.book_,,"ltIeC ...._ ... IIIU ,=>1 __ OM ~. '" __ ;",.

____ ill _ """'.It 01 iN?: ' ... _•• _ pli... -I_,to

'""'" II '"'"" "t*_ 01 _ IIh'"''W''' ...poi..... -.called ._. ' d I I ." __ lind _

._.. dIe_ _ .. IUdtol__ "''''

......... _ , roc 0...11 IyJIiceI 01 _' ..AuIYM '"'' __ N_ oi UlId I'Ioetudi ,okI , Pt__.1 ;,.L-. _ -theY.. r 1 Sou.... AIriu'1..., 1'aIIiqo., ,', ;".WIOI, , • .oM I ,. tof IRelId DoOty Meit NJSn41, ,..... ....... 001 the

ott- """ IC..D. ........,._;r-' doooice be._ .... ,. the 10 wiled 4"d; idC.....- 01_ T........~ ..;cd 001 ....... '"' _ S.A. Goooo.. , 1OlIj

_ m dIoo'>llot. __ ;,..101 polite.! end I ~I _

01 $oulll Alrice •• """* - 101 op'" tor -ioIdo!~"',..0 _ """ , 001 _ill, _I il _1cI_"-,, ,. Me, -.Id _ to """'1 the 10106-_ioy 01 1101 01'* ";11I __ QIIoted II "-WIt ..d'hee. "'Ile,. ooi....1..... 10 _ IIlIi. SoutIl Atriall bi•.,..'~I lot tile douOIM ..... 'its 01 i_itIltod ....Iuner.indo. dl >01; ,Ill' ,ta,. _I ...a'" i _11ll end__ 01 '101 .."n counlry" Cs......,. n &l1f1lS1.'TIla1'............. at.lId, ,Ile binll~u 01 mini....ot' Black hopIe In ,Ilh _ ..try by PI"~ In ""f100lII .-n,,*,11 II 111I mooiolI;iI' 01''''' .!kII. Mal_

...... _cnMIod.po t 1C--, ..... they_1 ,.....if ..., abftor d ·f .... __II d, "ap_..........~ _ '" _ "'_~ _lIrieIiliC UlId............ -.II: :. binlw1ttIl... beif41Ok1 1

F._ lhe __1Cf to at. Wonl 0111 end ffouo_alledlfOlo,oQ..,o "'to _, T_ t.-tIIka_

~ be,. _ ......,iw! to eIIow _, bt I!'IId lik. 11M, __ "N hi D1id I. -diplw,.y__"If' ioIl'ftlOiie to bt , 10 ............ ·.a"'"'101 T....hi'.;. dIP I ida .

~ 11II dell .... been - On_. 2~d, 11111. The•.....~.;" 11M,. ".ned, FOIei., i.._ur-I;" llIio1, i",ited

lett "(lIl1 end ""'.... Till aIlooof ", Men practicel_'10M .. 11M,. ....tld: ..... _ 101",10 _n I....:_ ...... 10 _ io'I _ 0111 of "" T kIi 1 'athelk...,..n..r.. Why .. lliCOll/Ie 1ilIdi,. " d 10 beHw 1 IIn becevoI lilly k_ '- .....,. _ 101... to ..lido ....._ 1 At. !Ny pett';1 10 -.. _ de'..,...IIlock _ llIe ... tt-t IC 11 ieti_ 'ormell~

ill Octobef. lIn 1

Sonw IPIOCIIiJ ...-..., A I.... dO ""_bod< end IUb _ 'Ile I d _ bltl -., .

.... too: 1IliI i1... ',...,-.,__ - -.

........ -. .-'0 __ ....I " 4w_"'" 10 __ of 1..:4 "'10---",---.No- ia .... _ 10 lWOod ItIt end f' ' : _......,;1 __ ......, .. to- if_1IO _ ""'" __

oO...... _...-..-_ T' i.:: I

__ ...... _ _ _lOi'atI .... _

1_10:Tile ........... III __ 'Till IelId iI__ Its P=OO*I... _ - lilly .. dJ_,_.• 01_ ..... - NTV •

A' ''''" poi.., il be_hili , 10 _ tt.._'_I Whel;" "" T'_ H.....,.H _ 1 WI>oII ;"'ec1 io'I ca.,. of .... _m,.. 00..... Ii , .. It _ k_, ....... is ... _dolio of 01..... Coillol. Iiefor. ClI' al_!J'octoQIled Hi..."'........H 01 tile T....kIl. ..........,. itIfained in 'imeo 01 _ 10 dllend 1101 _ .. tty ......,

.,..... ...-ui00l IftIl -In; thlil thIi T'......:I is en i.


1lInlr ..,a.A.. It"T~ ..1 S SA ....... lot ................ " octIa _-e... is • _ .. T•• bif dtfwocl budo.. 01 SoutII",nc. _ tlHdiftoHl __.l ..i..,...,k ••· .. sov.. "friQ no. I ..oI .. T....... _ _;" _..cI .. $ C..................._ NIi _ ...."..... __lid 1"1 I ICI WId NI ia _ IIitdt -"".. ..... ..., '0 !lutll'_ WId CJllnIOI'" 1M ulttiftllclt-

"__ it oIl1&ai1 ThI-v fin1fCI is lit to "liii Iis .....1l'1li -. hi 1l'1li tint iU __ 1l'1li _ or doiIofa

"""- fMMn .. W.. t,. .. MOd ..bciftII 1l'1li...- __ 1l'1li: : ......~ U.lIWoI ............ ;.,..-- 01 :11" _ •• 1\ :: OCliOlllWOOdDc

- .... "" IIOiWl .,.. tninod.1 iii. T.--.,·iI d PO __' ....... Owl.. ..-. 1Ni._Ufl_.


Black Peoplen.. he or I de;M .....1..,..,........... V 01 the _,,;Iy AlICI eli".·.............. _ 01_.;; : •••& :Iis_·_1Jr .,.. 1 111 IhM •• Ii__•• -"I110'" 1ltloIt, wid~ :1 he 11M bIM cllirNdby _ .. _on 01 IN COIIW'lIlftIy d\M IdroIfJi_nll

....:... _ .0 .....i....... pIG"" of ............fIeN'..


I... .,.1I0Io1• ...o.1y 1Ih.. 1ii , lid 00 in".....CIt~ TN I 1'\IIll1Id by Id-

"""..... "'10 buyi ..-,,,- _ ••• 1d',*, n. Id-_:i_. _ Mod~ of

f.... IftIl II_~_. NoM IhoIIId ......... ""I1_' '$, !htoI _11eI _ can oNy • bouthl ..;,,"--':1........ ~"_••,, hltI'I;;r1 !hi* ... " ............ 01:".*. "' _ ~......uf..-'. "';1 io _ 01 ... .,.... : _

TJooia 1eI... li , po • i INllf!hl _ bvy-.

IN 1Uit. ,. It,.. d· idltntifild • WI .fll....1~buol_~ 'Thia IVPI ol 1i_I...1cr." difcI..

d:IfI', bourllloi" "• .- ." !hi nds of !hi i»O$ISot. SIc·ond.... , _ __ .net .~ploi1ld _'Ot 01 u. _ .....blic: •• loo....1eI 'noo opIfMlont ,hlri. "'0 -... I ·.....'" fIOCIdI. N _ •__ •• olf.1eI bf' 1dIIIt·

liMrllO '0:: 1 I 1Iw ......:- _ .0.-,................. ....,.,. OM r_ ulltOdltd bf' __ 1IIlwrI·... it "I IN _ IIIIblic ......, Ie Inloo .. _1tlou1 "_,., flil!l Oftllw~ I.. " oNiori,., 01-. ... PIOPII •• ....... WId lind I'" "'" __"" ..- 01 i,,"'" "-;Iy "'"' IN __..... dilllll ..... lei 01 '-"eli , !hi IIc_ he... ....,. •_~ 0<0I'it. TJooia flnMiOft 01._... _iii_ ••_;W : I ... 10 .._ibte--.

A. SW'-' __ kllftl... __ 01 "" .... tlI I idI

..... !hi li"'I" , _ .. 111>1 to. llw C_'I-.:'.Id-~ "'Iido • PO_I ;...."'...... of ooOo-lCllIIomi~

1",,_. In ••lelll ..... c.epi~ticooclIlV.1IIC1o _ S.......",...,........11 ....WIll 10 _lorn "" .J<piol.Ji.... IIId

Mod : ..on 01 WICk Pi : 1ft 1'I t. _ -.u.ty __CC'i"""" .Il1o I 4 ~ ..blot tOt ..cri....Nrion ill s.A.. TIwetOt. _ Ii"'" .Ii .......WICk~ ..........JCIlIoo_ ......... c'- ........"'111 Inc '1101 !hi""". clIIi"'tn. _"""""" In s.A.. _ -* IJr .". rvJi ...~, n-. ... Incl ew.. lnld= I'IklN Dll'I"'Oft 01~PlOPII. ~Ii.....,.. I...'1. 1_". I<Id IIleIlI"'ri....lllldl • Or l ....1>idI dll'lClId .1 IIllCk i»O$ISot pIKIemphcll 00011 11In.c. Till todll ....._omic 1__ 01. ponon II cc:rilled 10 thllII .'lilildprodllCl. :.. _, __ -.... proOwc1i ... """

;;rtWll.... Mod ..... I.....,_~cr_ WI --.f....find"" i.. IlMifl'" -w ••_10--'...... 1_ __ 10 c-. IIMif ,.." ':.

~_"••_a. TIIia , WI In,-*i1Y _ I IN~...,. II IJIiI KI, III _ d """ cc:i a •__ by- ......... _ ill "" CIrI:el ..docNo dl .. 1II .. 1i .It, : loll., fOtbIecU. :"...,... ino_ <TWW!KIuNtI c , __dot!IIa __ In """*icI Ot oftIJ ImpIrioIiI'

n••: Thul i0oi;", PIOPlL n...~ IsoerN. WI Indi¥id llc .niNd:l in 11'11 bilck TIliI.....:111.. u.. bllek no 1m....~..n1n, "'mallf 111.11.............. 10_ ditnllY,!lu1 r.u- "'110 .1tIri ofhi, II1II.,;••1\11..... _II ........... of......, 11Ieu.

T,. ...._ Jy1 011. tl'1Iftl bet _10 1Ublidi. IocoII for bled< I _CIa It. 11"-1'" _ ia _ IePIC1 of Iha ...plcwlbll 0'0 1e0l10"1Ic ..a.tion ;" IJIiI _....... no...._ .... ndio 1II... Ii•••,. llU I II'Id io 1 .It.._INpeO$IIIi",o: "'''... _11'11_..."",110.01 Iiq.__ IN ,•.....ci_* of • __ Thla Ii ........._ IJr IN iIcIlhM onlY by~__ :;q.IIOf i1 110 bIIl+d -=,"0. Mod 0_ '-dIlli_ for,,. people. no- ....... ,.............., lO'PP Nil 01 """"ionIIial Goor1.1 _kelllt prof;. tr04ft ItIll r,omm. T1'III.._Ii.... ond IUIIQI ....lNc1IOft II fl.w'u.. ..........1­

lei by I" "10'......_··,.. IIw CaPl- Till b1Kk ''"'' _k-


.,. .. Ii'" clIti'" ,1Ml_ 01~ ..,;,. • ~ 01 .

....... '"'"" ... few of "" Mroci_ eriIMo b.'·

.. b,o IN CiPtIliU.

'n tIw ~I"t of IN'OC- Iflt_iofI. It it "';clInt d'lel"-m--m plrf ..~...t PI'" in ......,..ti<l, ""


.....,...., b'IdI __ .. ;.,.... 10 """-. TN ........... ""I ...~__ it ted Oft butrint

............... "'"., ..... 10 ...._.-. lIit ....len of _1 1__"'*_e.k Ihould.k hi...... ' ..uift _lion ,1AlIIi,.. eci ".,"" produc1l lid.. f1ld W. II'oOUId u ..piall';••;.n mil imJloIiriot> 01 cut..... i".: ill .

Len... Ie 'M Editor

Or! U. I2ttl kf*mbe<. 1815,0"';"'''' in_ heldb'I' otliciM 01 the or "'" -'" tn. ,-elell 01 1M Un..__tv of fon H Prof. J,t.!. de Wet. I _ h..dKl.11_ by "'it _. """twill of whld'I ••,.." it the ou-'te" POlICY 01 SMO 10 _Iro~ ..........rtity for~..." ....... of in 01w__licipeOon in t"- 1813 .........1 .1 ttw1 .",...._tot WId NI you .. prohObo'" ',om ...... Fon H..~ without my upr_ PH.......011."

8IeckIlt0Ple"'_'" _ ..... _Iorot ..."'••d ......";••001 of ttwM Dit./ i"liN'ioIlI WId ttl., thIv I*IV.-.d ..._tion 01 D ."'...Ii.... One _Id ••_, the.._ 101' tfooiI reiecti_ co"-~~ \gMj

b'I' _ b'I' kret'ildi. '.0 I ,...t of _1M: .....

'U-"'l ..... ill ItW _ ..... IMn.... lor ......lioI'I-

......ion """ 1.. ,*-Iic.Don bill edualliOfl tIIIt ...61 rN milli_ of _",odd"" ~ ........., ".. toom IN~ It..... _ntld by

... '_1__1of Soutll "trice. 0"..... ""' I~~ , 1;0" ... no 10'1.... W limi1ed 10 .........-" K1M 11 __ ''''11* "*' NI. h __

lI.nint'"Ie>. doiaw-"a'Id """ _'; I ~a'Id 1..... CM>­I,. _ of chal cl _h '0 ...... aqui_", '<I .......

.. ,.. COf'dIi:>ooo 01 _ paopIe. ." 011* -.fI II II .._liOOlIhaI ~baf1l"bt' _ki a'Id~ of ttw_... __-'<wI. AIICl II MoId\ hot·

riVIa ooroclili_ Wi _ of I" 5MMili_ In"" 01 lhit__......... 1*>_ bu1 dlli 'iOOI i" d'lil _"'W............WlIOIi~. I bal IlWIW lllacke do.NI • ~....L~ .!2.. -.dolo" !Of' IMII a'IdI _.... IhM no _Ihould to. "10""'", pi-.

MW ~mi_ '" 1ha1~ for'1NlII, II 1IIe \l'cw_...... 'w•••, it i_al, cw w 1IIiaolcw IIIn- or uPIiv1'man _ 1NolHI • able Ie> "'" ""'1IIouI i"rimidll\ollCWt.,'_I,!,,'t. n.~IGf1N"""'~"',F",_

1nlW. _ ........ -"' il ....*~ '" lhl. _"for 1f\ltll daIh """" fiIII "'__ 01 _ .OM ....,_ 11WI _ w-... ,_ ...II'" nudan_ MIt '* blecI< STVOEHn. TlId ........... _1tla,_ ...__ IN'_" 8 -.

01 1'" COI'l\MUni'w bab. _ ... n..cla"lL AI " ••obI< I 01.... IIId! -"""';1'1' _ "- • duIV '0 ....1_I'IIiIV.

T" ....bIl....w-.;1iaI do "01 .....,., ..... of 1.........'~ioNb61c:. ""'* _.. lew. T'- iMliNIHlotS .. IIIid 10ba lor Il.d.s VII '1' b'l' hi.. _ of....nom hold ....... Iwtll , '" 11<1 ~libotw:l cifd... Wit ••lo1d 10 uPlift bIIoc.k PI(IPII.

Wit •• lold tlwl I'" .- ......,. few I"'" '""- _ .. t ....... 1'10I ""our tlKkl_ c:on caa up __ ~,,-. ~ ~ ... -0011I 1;0.

T...... "*'Y 8 _. and 11._• eatl ...

up pari_ I" I iMri'''lionl. T.. lI<obIIm ""' ....1U1har11ilt oj __~,.. ;. II'lIy •• buoy 1_•

.... Icw _ ""'" lom1 !ha' '1' CM.",.. .. ~... "om• "'-....... 110 "'1 ltibal __rift eatl _Ii ............tint 811d<s A"i~ N.rionaIiS! linn. The_ricW of _ iwnllial .. no, lor Ih. "'...., oj

1hI Bleek 11.....1. r ....y .........1 10 doIows'icaM 1,,"

8l.c:k INeII'" 10 I"",, "" CM lie • bll.. tool Icw ... b'l'.... """__'IV. uc-. optflIy "". II in .... lee,,,,•,_ ....1 11_.._ .....11 _'ll .....-_ 110 .....

m., WI ba of 10 lhIi' _,,.. IIornellflCll. n.e.."""...... !hilt !ltIte IIornelMCll _ u._bt' IhIm ' .....,..1 ..... lor I"",, in _U. Till .....i...ueduca1.H Bf_k. i .. '""" In"i",,,- flO! bee-. IIley_I ....mloba of lhI;, _ dtIti..... bul blOI_IhIw _ ... lhI ~lria1ed•• No .... 0111I_ meclli_.

TI!I ".ie1 peld _ '<1ft If ....mbIn of tt-. ..".....Iill I\ItIltw' ditc'imi IOI'y "",III IlKu IItri'" I.-

1_ "*' 1hI1' wtIi. aNfI........ '"'" tl~~1 .,i" ~w Bf.c:. ""';-.iIV. Whtft It*l CM _ fi"l:l

....-.tplI of 1qUIl·P81'·lor_. 10k --0" 1 F..,.Itwn .. ww ............ '" lIriri I.,.:;:;• .-BfH... It is """ ditcri iOOI 1 __ 81edt1

.."- II> .kI up lIOIl,,- in ;w,.1iM. Some•__ IOi"I 10 oIhIr _" !hey c:on be' II....- _ i"'lIllelM 01 <;:Olow or f8OI.

E_ ""'III !hlI1n,,;o,- liOOI """" 01>110 1... _"ill liftdI 1hI1 me ani1Udl 01 IhI ......... I«tu_ II 10 teifI ..... muc:f'l • .-ibll. TNI is"" ..~ of rileerllfld KIIeme 10 _,,01 "'" "urnbI'r of "_lid" lledu


"-1_0011 all ...........-. .",. 1110 ..= ..U. I. 1'-1~ .. _ POOlO ""- ..._,aII..-_ ...........",. _of ......_...,_.. :: d u • ' .. ' _._ illI_oooto0flI00II- POkY "* __ .... iOII~..,*" do __

..ift_ of 1Iw8lodo _'0''''''';'''' t ...... IN .........

.....", .-.;, _, of I'- IU ''''''''''

....Iy -.d _ ,_ i1.ffi0.41 if _ i,,: "11 10 .....

I" .1UIIIft, '""" IN _"''''_ ~.'~I _ ••........ all dw wi _";Iy I,;....., """'. WIll• dw ..'" 01 ou.. I 10 ....._ I!'Io _ of• _ •• _ of .1.... II _ ~_. """" to boo_ 1<NoI* iii I'- POIiriclll. _OOmOC _ ...... dnooI­

___" of ,,.. IlIoo:Il peopr•." II i<l doin, IIott : '­tr_II:.11 an tho 1_ 01 ••__ ...lri,,- Norionollill


.... : _ oft.- ...., : :,.,. I"'"" ....... dOlt 10 !NoidMIl be M Fan More.

• 1 _ .._ ~buI _i:....1lr.oikI Iy ~ of Iift; , ",.... QUOIilltd * SO .6 ... lui __ .

GENE.....LS; ; ...", "'"'"~ .....iii..... 0I-..li1y of .. __

F _ fiOIdIo h W "-, ,1\odIOfI. Ir_ AU ....""* fri ,1UIIIft1 ....._ "'to Fan H-. .... 0Cl'I0t oibll I- =....,_ bto"""' m.... n. " IoIiCIlI-el 0ll II ttIot Fan loW. _ othw

..... -. 10 _a. of I'o:doool _ Of

S••lellbolcft .....__'"'" I~ • "'i, oDtol......snoll _rift"" NiKti", I oibe! .....n.n;1ia.


..... 10.. Obi a ,. _ """'#1 _ of h ,_ ailed T '1 Oour__ ... .,. ;._of "'" N~.'I _I "0"_", .,.-.".;.... ""Mi...... Wi. Yo l'oIv _ ....icII ,.. .....Oo_ri_ , bY e.. • collocli of............Ioll (_Of 0' s... __ o'lt>e ,_

_111<1»1: a ••"OJ .... 8Ioctt il'OMt Mo....."" i ... L........- th.. _rtv .,01 1"10' '1,11Ie tt_ '" the-- - -.. Oh. _:, th8l·. !tit -... II "'- • _~"'_IIO.." ...

.",. ......,. of _ "'-0 i:o ••_

'"'''''' - ....... __ boy. 0,.. Ii......,... .... - ~ of _ •••NmbIoII _ • II'ioI torr............. ...., officafIlO _ ...__ no_, to .."_L He. _doed _ • _ _ "':m ...ot,;,.." _1 'Of ,.c;o... _ ..........i _ 10 .. _.'=6 _ "._ odlot 011••• _ _ .. h .. _ , ...

A";"" , Milo ". hoI •• ut Uoof...,_........ IiIu 0.. • 1--..:1 c..,. "'"" .. __",,'do '-III _ ..-.cI the _I oIIItm of""plOI _ '.~C1i... ..., _. Sooiht.,...t ou. ""OOIH Ot CO'"II _II " --'torUKvIell ..8'by • II"""",,,1_ hoIt lluca '.1 _Ilnl cowolily of ~_,·~I.,_.

Lack of __II _n.... liIoI'" 10 0"-

IlOOCIII". "'~I ..., POCltlllOl'u - po hh:h ItoouIct

_;" • _ lIO'..... Ni~ _ .. _ ......

__ of thillC d .....t.·n.. tH.f ......".too 0'__ .....*- fWrtliW_1 ot _"".... Mi........ T '- """ "WIY _ otW:tU..._I·ic........doii' _Ill;'" of h1h offic:....; ,,_ .........

""'. lI"i-' ifill ..ollilA'll -*-...... of Alllko·._"-00', i.... E-""""I ,-,lonoto,lf>ouPI. -.. 10 lie11M bIe<IdO oj lOti-. _ 11M .... of~t to ""'-'~'

tho "..,tyl 'Ia. 0: btl... _ ........... toe.!....-.....ii.,. _rood 10. '"" 1,,_.,.. MOd la:k of IIfKrioOI...."" ... N;ltri•• 01: itIl1ictlon1 bY ......_ fOI .IICloll 10 otIJca bY _ of _ tot..........-. litO'?' Oroo " .-,

~Tlwrlltoo" 1.. _ .. _ •

Ii'" ... _ ....... to "'" .....cR........"R.I of dw'IoI. ta _." l'ld bY'"lIIioOIio II., _-.11.,.t..tti ~ .liil i:o • Til c T.."..,. C Sho... ". COtf'lIPC t...... _. ll"OtI'II .. _ 1M.... it "" dOll', c:toMIII ,,,,,., btMk

Iocwe. Hot , Kotilo oil "". -... • tho h,,_1IowIoof. -'!Y, Si'a;, i_ :Idtorr ... t.!hI("'Ioo.oth_ - "hi.. r_ ..,;'" M...-'-l • ~oIumpti_ b1onc1omio"- CU<ftflIty di•• ldI....ted lIl h .......... _ ..... _,_ bKoIo lM III iIoI. stIe

...........c.... ' '=.1•• "P,........... P 11= I .. ,cedl·......... 'p _c. ......'......,..... Ill.

,..... fifIdt .......... !!!l' ... ov_, of _.'S.'"...........-d GOllilty """'- _ '-'" uwthl uriNIiftt""" _ 01 Ml__, "_. C .., _ ...__ 10 11II ,'"'" IIbouI ol ..._ ... "•.~. "" :Ihi.,.,. be........... 10 ._ "'1 GOllilty .. ft • '. """ ................. ......u __ ....... _ ..... _ _01 __ __. .tu." _ ,_ ...

__ eli Goooho_ ~._.............- - ......•_ .... _ n.. _ __.. "" lil" _lOlH>O'l .-.d. 011 ' ..... l>It

',' lQI -.-... ....... """"' , ... _1oowI C_ 10"' ,tv .... , I". _, '- hit no __r"", IO~. T"" __ 001'0". t1...-. ............ _1fl pd'Iooo to .-.-. ' S d. _ GOllilty_.-1_ ... Altt.._I_.. _ of.v=_ .... ~ -..~ '----_.._- ............-----_ ...._...--.-'--,-.......... 1i""' ...... III* ..1" I .....0.,_ , ...............---01 I 1III ... GooMwo.-

....f. B....•• JlI4Iru....... .....,. --.t~ of ' -., ....~ I fift. _ ill _ ... """" c Gt!h!r"'".... "'.0-' ill A9!e... of !owpl. _ fin.~""",

..... Atnun Wri.',s._ 'AWS) lin.

...-fl .,,....._ ..-........... ' _ -"....All .. t -.,., ....

~ 1i.ef_ - __ ~I_ ....._ .- ,"'- , .." ,,, _t 01 • ,-.. .""'_1_~-

ctwit C ', - -.wit. ",I•• a , 1 - eo'Id of... Moll .-... i - btlo .10' '*" 01 ....= $ till w.._ • ...,.[.... 11 ..


~c ............~

n.. .. a .;. _ _ It......... --.... , ........ :an , ".;'T ie._ .. -.·· ......IaN __, wol __.. "- ioI..,_ MHliot _. "ie 0fIIy_ _ ....t¥1Oow-. __ I CIf\ .., "'- - - "-., ,..............._ ......_.. ' .........,• •• _. __ _. "OI __~

-. ., " __ .. 5_ ...~ _" ~............... ,.,..100 1'10ooo CCltoIlCI Godc __ 01 _Ill f Sonw..- to 'OC", _ 10_. ~COOIId"--..110: boo'" 01"-" .............;...1 ,...1 "'lot: __ yet __1tt"'10

____ _"" .._of " .,..._ .'*" idIt II:Ik" _ "Iot: ....,. ,-,_ • .--roI 01 __ 10\'_ ,......_'Y._ IN _ _._.

_" _CMI ..........._.,., h" ;cf.. f-

......_., oroblo<ft •. I ...., ....... "'" .._ ofGod' c_ 10 ...., 'f

""'" by ...,IMIt·...... $iIOd .....

1' ....._ .....

.. _ •• -. "'''"''', _. of .. " ..or .,_•,udIct:, ............. __ .'010 ... ..-.. .. ,-

...... 01 ,_"- tJool or_' "*"'.,..,

...110 ... coloof< 01 ,_ __• 01 ,-

.....,.,. -,.

e-. _ WofltI = , _ ......' .,.,..,. = ••_ .. _ - t _._ .. , r t .-.- _ f~ -..-.- alOrId ,..- • -.....,__A"-......, _._....,....." __ N ..,

_ _ It •• w Nna -.Id.tiII - lit

....1,...., __ n.' .. _ _·, ....- U..lort_-"'" ''''''''.''. _, .ae" •••011___ -.. "- _ 01 ..... _ .

Ho.'·... "' '-, 01 - ...r... _.w.'" WY•• _ ac_t '" - - -


"1I"r,. 10ft ...: ..... 80_ theY ..... ' Zebl•• LIorc.,,,!f"on tnd ,....-.. lift I.. lhe KIIIeh8tI OewL" ""..of~ pus i.. n ...k ",i.l It\e ,.,1 ttl" , ...• 0UPId t...... will'l iMeI.. 1rId. 10 hti1lh ."._ IIIId !he pi_I II of IN .."ioII" iou.tN , c.en _ at ..1Il at Icon--'YIupulsi "om 1ht ......, llibe , _, ....f\D1 ..

Met,,-I. who _ ,""",,' of htt _II•••h_ bel....

could "0' _ill _. "'" _ ",""I end """'I !he_li.. -....ri DuIMl__ -.d to be. "'NI""",il ;,. "'" ""i ill b1Kk IrId __ it """'I _ i ..to_

_ltdO ••• Ill" htt ......1 ' end .,on... ........-d" ••", "- di~1 _ _. boy. _ of httIll !he 1dIDDI••k«l. "T.Il Sinoo _ I.

• IlIlI\ MKf>I>I' ~ .. tnelltwn I'" "" 01 It\e cl_ lOOk

up !he """"oed _I.......ou .... lush...........ou .....lush.........

_I _" ... "' ot htt bei.....d cfte<K" i."' _ • I.",,1as E _I IrId could "-_.1 -" ...Col_....· _. "'""" ol ",i.«I_L"lid • ·0C0t-..t· ill 80._~d" ".1 be for......lor IIw u .... "',n.b of hot cr..ri bu. "'Ii","'... IIDI.~ S.. w.. _""""'" of beill•• "'""-.tnd .hol P<idlt _ or m,," KaP'_ ole f." .... 110_. to eh..". ..w i.."modll_ """,,. _ I'" ....__hi", 1l')pUI idoIl.

Moleb. • wi''''' p1eytlDy • _ k,lId of ...._l\i...... _iMCl _ .. d,-. I"" .. ,t ill lowe withMer....1 bul he "- f\D _ at _oecIl;", htt: IrId

~". who cy-.Hv Dtdlt<t "'" IIw bed ..... hid .....i_ with be • __ it _d .'i",!\it .it... Diu·

"Iedi. "I doII'l lik vbody to be wlMr m... INN lIboul

...... tIC1I_ I doll', _dwt "'"" .... tM herd,'- lor !he ...1 of _ lile but I "'" ""'" to meny

••,... dol"" The"'-_of "'""" ""d MoMU ....." lint. 10 simi_. bu' tIwn rhr""'" _ ....... of (end 1Mmytl!icet '-~I ~"""__ '- thDtDuIhI ...ditolmiler theM no.v __ _ friMdo bon

bur,.;.,...." ... illt\e 1 _liDo, _ ... CIIII .... ' comi... of this U III _ .110...... ... PUt .......be_ IhIm. T.. lIowl. 1"". wllil••n ••_ 01 of,odia. ;,..1_ .torY of ...1_. wilhIhe wri., IIiII.1>Inel1 iJI ....,__I _I of

the '*'"'...., d ki 01 the milld: I..... of "_,""URI ~n h "IIlID d tt, the men J'f'tyIIic ~..

_ .... to be • .-- 01 the "".INI fOIl, Tledil:

IrId the hi" -..Ie "'.1 bro to !he lore by !he~~... 01 ...". the Pti peI. Morn. settl ...., RMko _who _ iIIo'edibl... II d.

~: IIowI tIMIl "M tUY for_I iJI,,1 i...........

,.".",*" -. " ..... "'1tfIded _ 01.... ..d,_'. _. d ..... 10 _ ...., 1Idt tIMI ~WnOllol the DPP<_ • "tribu1lOll lot of ••plClitMloll_ --"OIl. II 10 • -' tIMI'l UI~..t ..... ill

Soulh ...lric.f of t" ~le of the boot the ""i'" ~ Ie'.man pr"'lie IrIIl _ic _ Ihe nowl it ......- ...ulelldecl.pic -... - wMn .... dedelfl :

..f'ltopIe ~ke the Iloto-. _ did "01 u.-"'II'" wil'Ml ol f'NdDm hIid Ioho ,_ '0Ml people 01the~ ... tribe. __ in II.........~u..P"

riM bem_ i' _Ill be 110 """"" __bill 10-.I" Mill"", I"OPM ill ......._ ...... withoul,.nill, kWMd v_..I1.-


I ....", _I 10 ..... \11 _I I .......Iend. II _Of" dil"'. he .. "liberty to do 10.

....... beet. trW k"'l 1'l1li 01 It_ T DlalrY _ •

..... It\e ino.idti of. _. e.., the .trW~_ _ ........., 011 bY_~ .. "'~......•• I .... Chrion.... IrIIl ..... 11>10 ......0IIIiII ....... of 11>

the ....._1rIIl bInd"i" ..... the..-n_. "rfChrIn'_he.. _ ...... iI _ 11'1;'" he --'d _ be •• 0Wl0......I 0 de,. _. if there IN'" lll"'t. 11_

11""'..... upr~ by ..'_.. _ '-it hi the chwdoof his-. Ii.... hid Ion _ ..ttl -vile........;_...d....~ _ I,om "" ....... ,,"II ''''''''111 011_•.... ..." 01 _ ..-.... lH dl oil_v~

...... lotic ril It\e P<KlICaIi'" of i' _ Ike1id'oed in •

"10l'CfW\t _ "" po t. 55! ...

_. -:I_ lIfror "IhM _• wtIl_ .., ; or ChI _. of ,. .

...., '-.w_e.l_to!Gin __ 5M Aftll -.&.-..... HAAG.,.... ..... two'."..... .,.. _ 10M thil"""" ,f He _.bIKlI_ ,.""".t: ....1 -.atTN.P',•• 11 ::ic'll,.-"clMrQlI_.""_' "0'_.... II ...• _ ill ... _ wi__'....00._' ....T,.. IIedo TIe ' ii _nlOdIoto, .At.. -., tn· ct>. ,""fU ........... _ ""_... of _ cUion of.",. _ -Slhl'li..••• _ "'~

'_tlwOlolic.' "'.............'"1_itl~~1rill __ lot, _ dooonll'oddt", "" u_....;,,~.1IW CIIoc:'i .......-. p_ , 'ecll* ",,- di.,itvaIld Ic*Ility _ bHo'I ,ed by ..... lWoIogiet.. ......

Mod 10 be, IfIouth hi "" ;1 oh... '''''''''''-d .1rhI •.- of 0Ihtf ~. I*'"c.......... no_v.cIC....,>cl T",,"-~ • .,&06",-.IIl- ~ 1*1ie: t¥ _,. o'ed bY _ GcIoI*."""'dI it --. cIofte. Thill _ if ..pit:

cetHI .... a..d<n 7 "5ThOo "'1M of--..r,.., a'l to ............. 1IIoIr·..........,. _0ItII0IIl • .."....... '199'. """'do __bItcI<I- p.d ...thoul 11"; .,-..........,

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iii. '....1 Iflto ..-Mot _ 1011_.......ti.uI, a_nic:. t-..d .....:1 whicfl lleek TIwoIOW _II'101....11'." C_1.

Ileck T'*ol.ft _ ..... "1lItIl~ -., 011Iri 1m";", _ ani", ....., or 01 lleek"- It ""Po ---. __!I"IIl'>iI~ -.....; __• bul -...

_""1 .--.-.01 ......

It_. I . K.III -. , if> _ ....dill 01

I bleck _". dlr~ 01 '1 it ,.,,"'10-'''_ '01Jqlloi1 ~....._ I'.......... I .'. tr_1ibIr. IllO _w. 1IbI.... '._ tr_ ... til"......; I .. i1_ ,," I ilOod by _lIIiato 1'1 .... IfliI'Idi"••, bo1tl bIId<s 1nIl""",- _ d.' '1Id_10 _ h. h.__ or _"'*. 111_ i1l_

1fl.0UIh. Until II ,ndlld _ .... .,.. -... I .-nilw II_.8la:k TtlIoIogy Ifift to mIIII_ 01 !he _'ieu'" b1KkuPlri..m 01 """-ti,,, ..-d -'_001. I,om '_1whI. OICI-. if'I "'" Ilwhl 01 God'. "-",Iool ill ........


h". """1" 0I"'1tion. T.....o., olIN I I '.11.' _ " tol_ II II"d_.God'i of 10 --. II _ tlIId.I..... _ 11". b uil-. 11_ _',.... _ _ 1 Golf"L II ....".,IIy__"" _ 00Ih0d! 0C'lIy __ .

..._ bIIdo W-" I of t

;1Or: r .: t ,••.• , ; ... __0'_ .1.w,..... aw,,!. • God'. ch oohodl _ I , •......."' ._ _. iL II .......

,,'. 0 , ....._ ...aoc __ "'" ........... II'w '-I_ d'i ~I • 1I'w __... oIliIICk.-d __ _ ...... Itw ~itjn 01 ..... Iw-. II ..INlilIck __ ..- I.. God'. _ i....... 1I 1lIaI.i" MIl •• lIIIclr..... tl'>oorld Ilur Gocf. C8lI "";111.

M "'...It......'111 "*' tllOUld ...... nolh .... 10 '-II lie""VO _I is_ "'.. 111110 __ • -....i,;"' i_.. !he b1eek ......,Ih '-.....i. ,,*, ...111 "'­doM I.... ,-••~ boltl "'10 II'w ._ 01 oociIIIe. IfICl _ ....... cl\IntI. II ul'libo. It-. ....., 0111

"- ........ C>"USIW>$ IOId 01 _. i_ Mel _ ......IoNI of .....,.;.

I, __ 1loIt " .. _ Gocr'........ bIIcI<I bit ......... __ .. 1 •• II __ no IIOul to.odlld...., .lfatdt ........._ 01 ~1WiI __0C'1 ,_

"'" ...... - ._ ." _ 11 IurldI 01

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8IICIIT~ .1 ;"'bCI _ or_~", 1 M I ..~ '"_ -..... __• I oooIIld doubt it C/v,"_1eIbot 10 idIfllll. "'-I ... tIl """.,.Iw.. dill.- of1IIOllI'. il "" __ is en kIl. ..... HI ~', til..1rCuletilllC .._. HI __ lei Iwdl" H .....Iiu... ".10 "" _ ....... Wl'wil. 1M! 1"'''1 10 iftoootoI God 1"10 "Iil..... oj _ , .... To~~ in Gocf. _1II'Cl01'_. To" U _ Gocl.._ ........ ~. ill .... _

01 .. I' I... ....... it .. not. God i".o•• ill _

....... "".-i1"_·. "- __ ill ..... " ....-

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- ........ - - CIlrin. _ I""'~. Go:I.......-~ ;otilial " is !hi." oj. ~ .....I' iI .... '--'_ -wl .....~ ..... V_ """' ...._piraorioft _ II.Idt n.ofO$¥ "';;1 _ .., N/lil ......" ....... 11 ,0ficMl-'c! ftCHluttll. T...1ll1o ...Irl_,~t of :tliI IlI.Idt "u T,,,,,",, In llidt$i•.._ bit lIO"iliold It-. doIoIt 01 prOMltytic.llon

WId oiItistlc .........1i idl dilCOII'" COf"IOoII.lIl1o ofcoornIc 101'011.





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..n..ilPIOouctI , '. '.,.....V..... 10 _. ' 01"-_,- 111t. _of IIWId.Adula "-~ , ... -.II • INU .. y-.,iftl.,riIe b¥ IfooefIll '" .... 01 \li'oiDl "t.... $ _bill TN 'iN"'*ity of , ..1tI. iI ... Wll'lCM....""""" theldull ..... lO,.. owIl-l ' OI~·.


- 'To,*, wi... _ ocieomfic .........,;"'•• Fr..k 101_.......... n...__r-. tJw8fti _dlw.T"'" ;" ••_ ....,..... of... _. 1Ioey ...__ • _ "'-ica.-'~I. ,..,... 'A .......... .....,


I. I" '1IlI1od~ of lIlilMl•• ....r oIlif.:

2. III Mlie I• ..., III 11la,1. BIK'-m..m~ rcjcI;I.11,...1••,oI.nlI, ,,,,,Ioftk 10 _h h.... ........, I. I._.try 0111.. "'nll.ftd tcdlltt 1I.. lIIIooc h_.dl""

'r-l. 01 _ptift .........-. by lhe IlK': peopIr 0I11w~ lhey _odd ... rmup. hoIh llIIdpot;!oUy."" Iw,," a:-'coh........ ftd "'*d.rlly •••,mportllM fllC'd. of 11K': C :

t. TIw IllKl_. mllll build u, h...........luu)'SU'mO._ h"lIwlf ......K«fined.1Id rocM defiMcl b) 0It.en:

'.IlK': C .. ,Il.IW3yolx ......1OUd ""'heIIIlI.III) .... I.,oknncnl oIlhe opoprhM'd"""'. __lhe _p: 0I1l\ad. Ccu.scoo .. ..."..... 10 'PIcM ...rncll.U .c-n_ 0I11w MlKl C__rmr... L,WnI_ oIlhe 1I1Kl_1I berM rnl h llhe",·I_'_,.yc~ll~~rt _ IIIh.......•• u.1nlllfJlr _plc JIII llmedly ,_d.. phY"Ol_llUnKIIf _ ... I" I....hok ....... _WI)':J. IUM:l fICOI'lc.K IlIooc ..IIo.K by 1I.. (If l..ocI .._pol"ICllI~. "","",II)· ..... _.all) d"':lUlIIUltd.p,1bt ........., '.. 11te Soulh Afne.. -"""Iw,,...,....,-..

It is the endeavour of SASO to make

the newsletter a semi·independent organ,•

in regard to financial backing and

expression of opinion reflected in the


Your assistance, dear black readers,

would be most welcome. Assist SASO in

making the newsletter an organ that will

be borne by the black community.

Articlesand/or donations to be sent to ...

The Editor,SASD Newsletter,86 a_trice Streit,Durbin.


WI, dMI SbIl6t11t1 of SolIdi: Atriel. ltel""i.. tM1 tIM Blick Min COlli ItO1"11f lNf",it... tMt "'" ...... "'0_ ll1tO.. him by .n .,.nt WhittworW ce his Iii" .,.; .. is "iny ... tIIIlllIt Blick Student ..... Iftolll.....tiDlI to .rt.1ttI die MId. 1M ..iratiom of tIM Bilek Community her"V.11,. tlllt:

A. WI Blilc:k SblthnU Ire;

1. All int.-I ,.-t of dtt ••• 'H'tsaeCI C.",,,,unity Hlor. we If.

StllNntsCOtni" aut of.~ ltlWyi....IMIIII' I'" oppr'" !lIlrietions ofI rlCiit .1ICIt"n,

2. com.mlMl to • ",.r, d.ipli.... ifMttmMnt in thl intillilc:tlJll .M",ysicll .....Il •• to tit. consistnt of tIM IIKII Truth.

3. comlllinld to work tDWIrd. tht lluiWi.. of our , ...It 1M to th,win." of tIM It"" for li.....ltion .nd lUidH by the c.ntlll,II'".of ..wicl to dM Bile' C.flIlnUnity on "'y teehniCIl ,,",socill IIdI.

B. W••....,01•• rtject til. wttolt .".' of rKist eduCitiGn .nd commitCMl,.eI to:1. The intlU.tu.I.!MI phylicll IIft,Iotl_"t of our community .nd to th.

,.Iimien of lilttrltion tor Blick PfOpt6 of South Afriel.Z. the dlfinition th,tlllucation in Soulh Ahit. is u....mt4ly ,olitiul,,,d

WI th.dor•• IItl... thlt Blacll tdualion is t_IO the liberltion 01 theB_II ptop" 01 the worl4.

C. W. httllliV comlllit ounetfts to:1. tIM .-rticln. mII'IiflSU1ion .nd dtmoINMnt of I ."" of .........

,0IiticlWy. soci8ltv Ind Konomiclllv IMo" the Blick CCHMMInitv.Z. the llllief thlt BlKk Stud.nts shCMIId mimin I ••it of 'rltlfllitv

IMO. th••Iv", ''" from the pfljudic. of wftit. f.lllc:ies by 'Wlu,a' tlte. CDIllIItlIIII o"msion.3. 8ft.ptl.. to ....k ...vfrom tIM tr.ditiOMl orel. of alfllordi...tion

to" in "'-..tio••nd to ,m.1t tI lie utelI fo' th_.4. IllCOlI"'ncI ,"MOtillodllit.It.1I r flt to.r II .i. HIlI,. tNt ••r .catio. win hlft..... tlte ,,..;'.tio ,r.otion

0' willi is "I' r'" i. ou, Qltbln.nII o.r •••,ial.x,.,ilnu.
