report on safety - Euro Disney...


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report on safety


On 17 July 1955, Walt Disney opened Disneyland® inCalifornia, with the sincere goal of creating a park in which“parents and children could have fun together”. In 1992,Europeans were given the chance to experience the Disney®

magic with the opening of Disneyland Resort Paris, whichrapidly became the leading tourist destination on the continent.

In keeping with Walt's values and his vision of a magicalworld dedicated to entertainment and dreams, the DisneyParks throughout the world all place the highest priority onthe safety of both Guests and Cast Members. This enduringcommitment, reaffirmed daily, always comes first among thefour quality standards that guide all our operational deci-sions: safety, courtesy, show and efficiency.

The safety of those who work and play at our resorts isour single most important responsibility as a theme parkoperator. That is why we are so pleased to present theDisneyland Resort Paris Safety Report, the first edition of apublication developed specifically to provide a betterunderstanding of our ongoing efforts to make our propertiessafe for the millions of people who visit them each year.

We are extremely proud of the engineers, maintenancetechnicians and operators who comprise our extendedsafety team, and most of this report is dedicated to descri-bing their tireless, concerted efforts to keep our propertiessafe.

Our commitment to safety is as much a part of our cul-ture as our dedication to creating magical and unforgettableexperiences for the whole family.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about ourcommitment to safety, and we hope to see you atDisneyland Resort Paris soon.

2-3 P R E V E N T I V E S A F E T Y


A systematic approach 7

Engineering safety technology 7

High manufacturing standards 8

Installation, testing and adjustments 8

Operational safety 9

Maintenance 13

Guest safety in the attractions 14


Event management 19

Parades 20

Fireworks 20









Fire Prevention & Rescue Department 37

First Aid Department 37

Experiencing the Magic…

Every year, millions of visi-

tors from around the world come to

Disneyland® Resort Paris. They share the fun

and fantasy we have always taken such pride in offe-

ring our Guests through a broad range of activities, from

experiencing attractions to dining, shopping and enjoying

live entertainment. Each of these activities is a source of enjoy-

ment and fond memories for all, and, as the leading tourist desti-

nation in Europe, we have made the safety of our Guests, our Cast

Members and our property a priority. In fact, in addition to the two

Disney® Theme Parks (Disneyland® Park and Walt Disney Studios®

Park), seven Disney Hotels, an entertainment centre (Disney

Village) and the Disneyland Golf course, the site also includes

25,000 m² of warehouses, a garage, a service station,

stables, an energy plant and even a fire station. The

combined efforts of the many different Disneyland

Resort Paris teams are all aimed at ensuring

that our Guests have an unforget-

table stay.

… and ensuring safety

Disneyland Resort Paris deve-

loped its Safety Management System,

which is aimed at ensuring the safety of both

Guests and Cast Members and protecting the Resort's

physical assets and the environment. The implementation of

this system involves several stages : An initial, long-term diagno-

sis, which results from the identification and evaluation of the risks

inherent in an infrastructure or an activity. An action plan for impro-

vement through prevention and protection. Performance measure-

ment and monitoring, through audits conducted by Disneyland

Resort Paris staff and accredited experts. Continuous improve-

ment via the ongoing re-evaluation of diagnoses and action

plans in keeping with the lessons learned from performan-

ce analysis audits. The Safety Management System's

effectiveness results from its adaptability and

its objective of continuous


ContentsP R E V E N T I V E S A F E T Y


The information contained in this document reflects the state of the safety programme atDisneyland Resort Paris at the time of publication. Certain measures described here maychange in compliance with continuous improvement of our safety policy.

4 - 5


Due to the specific nature of riding attractions, control of all safety para-meters is required over their entire development and operational cycle.

A SYSTEMATIC APPROACHIn addition to observing high standards and using advanced technology,the project teams of Disneyland® Resort Paris follow a formal require-ment-based engineering process to incorporate appropriate safetymeasures into the design and development of new attractions.

Key elements in this process include:A systematic assessment of how effectively vehicles and their

restraint systems contain and restrain Guests.A comprehensive safety analysis in which a variety of operating sce-

narios are analyzed to help designers anticipate and mitigate possiblehazards.

Rigorous peer reviews of design engineering.Strict compliance with current standards.

ENGINEERING SAFETY TECHNOLOGYDisney® teams are particularly proud that Disneyland Resort Paris’attractions are equipped with a broad range of advanced safety tech-nologies - many of which we have developed internally. While eachattraction has a unique combination of safety systems and show ele-ments, some of the safety technologies found in our rides include:

Redundant brakes that are designed to safely stop ride vehicleseven if the primary brake system fails.

Dual ride control systems that allow certain attractions to operateonly if both systems "agree" that monitored conditions for safe rideoperation have been satisfied.

Redundant track sensors that monitor vehicle speed and location.Monitored seat belts, in certain attractions, that help identify restrai-

ning devices that may not be properly secured.Automated barriers - such as station gates on certain attractions -

that provide a barrier for Guests attempting to board vehicles or ente-ring the ride path prematurely.

Anti-rollback mechanisms in tracks and cars, designed to stopvehicles on steep inclines from sliding backwards.

Multi-screen video monitoring that provides ride operators assignedto the station with various views of ride vehicles, and Guests, in certainattractions.

Computerized messaging systems that provide ride information tooperations, maintenance and engineering teams for troubleshooting.

Motor controller overspeed detection that tracks the speed of drivemotors and automatically shuts them down in the event that they exceedacceptable velocities.

Backup power in case of power failure.

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8 - 9

HIGH MANUFACTURING STANDARDSDuring the manufacturing and production stages, Disneyland®

Resort Paris conducts rigorous inspections for the purpose ofmonitoring the quality of materials used and to guarantee themechanical integrity of the attractions in its parks. The materialsand processes used in building our attractions are specified byengineering and industry standards. When contracting forattractions we work closely with vendors to verify that theirmanufacturing is consistent with our own high standards.

INSTALLATION, TESTING AND ADJUSTMENTOnce an attraction has been installed, the entire ride systemundergoes rigorous acceptance-test procedures that include theverification of system responses, failure modes and performanceunder loaded conditions.Every attraction we install undergoes hundreds of hours ofreview and testing before the first guest ever climbs aboard. Ourcommitment to safety does not stop with installation andtesting, however; it continues throughout the life of the attraction.

OPERATIONAL SAFETYDay-to-day safetyIt is important that a ride be mechanically and structurallysound. That is why our rigorous maintenance efforts - whichinclude thousands of hours of maintenance and inspectioneach year - are an integral part of our daily routine.

The night shiftEvery night once the Disney® Parks are closed, maintenanceteams inspect each attraction. Rides are not authorized foroperation the next day until scheduled preventive and correctivemaintenance procedures have been performed.In addition to these nightly inspections, ride vehicles are regu-larly taken out of operation for scheduled service, where partsare inspected, tested, and replaced as needed.This entire attraction-maintenance programme is managedthrough a computer-based system (CAMM – Computer-AidedMaintenance Management) that tracks daily, weekly, monthlyand yearly maintenance requirements for all our attractions andgenerates such work-management tools as work orders andchecklists. This system is an important resource designed to

facilitate the completion of maintenance activities on a timelybasis.

Partnership with engineers and techniciansAt Disney Parks, engineers play a very important role in themaintenance programme. These technicians have specializedbackgrounds in various fields, such as mechanical, electricaland command and control engineering.Engineers and ride technicians develop maintenance plans forall of our attractions through careful review of relevant drawings,systematic analysis of design documentation and extensive fieldexperience. Engineers are also responsible for updating main-tenance plans as the engineering configuration of each ride isupgraded and modified. Thanks to our in-house testing capa-city, our engineers are able to troubleshoot systems with thehelp of specially designed diagnostic tools and to determinehow strain, acceleration, impact and temperature may affectthe performance of component parts.Our engineers and maintenance technicians work together on adaily basis to refurbish ride vehicles and cycle-in new parts asneeded, all in an effort to confirm that the equipment we opera-te consistently satisfies predetermined standard.


10 - 11

Before opening,technicians carry out

a final checkon selectedattractions.


Once the keyshave been

turned and the badgenumbers shown,the attraction may open.


The Maintenance TeamLeader turns the ride over

to the operator.


«The pre-opening checklist �

Even after the maintenance team has com-pleted its inspections, our attractions cannot beopened to the public without a final review andapproval from the operations team. Once they havereceived confirmation from maintenance techniciansthat the nightly maintenance routine has been com-pleted, ride operators use a detailed checklist takenfrom each attraction's operating guide to performpre-opening checks of key safety equipment, suchas seating restraints, video monitors and ridecontrol systems. In order to have sufficient timeto complete this important process, rideoperators typically begin their shiftsseveral hours before the first

guest is invited to boardthe attraction.

The maintenancetechniciansperform daily

scheduledinspections of key ride





Team Leaderorganizes and

assigns the scheduledand known correctivemaintenance tasks.


A day in thelife of theattraction


The technician carries outthe corrective

maintenance taskson the vehicles.


Technicians enter datarelative to the night

maintenance in the daybookand into the CAMM(Computer-AidedMaintenanceManagement).


12 - 13

inspections of all attractions, an operation that consists of avisual examination, which may be more in-depth as the situa-tion requires.

The Quality Control department works hand-in-hand with themaintenance departments responsible for servicing our attrac-tions so that Disneyland Resort Paris can assure personal safe-ty and ensure the protection of property.

Internal operations auditInternal audits are conducted by engineers from theMaintenance, Quality Assurance and Quality Control teams, aswell as the training department. These audits focus on keyelements relating to the operation of our attractions.

MAINTENANCERegulations, standards and testingAs a result of the diversity of its activities, Disneyland® ResortParis is subject to a whole range of decrees, regulations andstandards that clearly establish the line of conduct required for thesafety of our Guests and Cast Members. The standards ensu-ring the safety of our attractions are just as stringent. TheQuality Control department makes certain that parts manufactu-red both in Disney workshops and by subcontractors complywith all standards. Several types of tests are performed on eachpart, including visual, dimensional and non-destructive testingthat requires COFREND certification.

The Quality Control department also performs regular on-site

The quality guideDefines the overall structure that has been set up atDisneyland Resort Paris to ensure an optimum level of

quality and operational safety for all activities.



Some ISO standards((iinntteerrnnaattiioonnaall oorrggaanniissaattiioonn ffoorr

ssttaannddaarrddiissaattiioonn)),, ssuucchh aass NNFF EENN IISSOO 22556600ffoorr wweellddiinngg ccoonnssuummaabblleess..

Specificstandards: DIN 4112 for rides(mechanical integrity); EN 13814

European standards for amusementparks.

Standardsand specific regulationsapply to each activity.


Regulations: on swimming pools or playgrounds

equipment safety, for instance.

Which allows usto create our internal operating documents:



Certifications:for welders, for instance.

Regulatory manuals: such as theHygiene & Safety file of a facility.

Operationalor maintenance procedures.

Their proper use and implementation being guaranteed

on the field by:


Audits and checks to makesure procedures are followed.

Quality controls: to ensure the quality of parts

and materials used.


14 - 15


Preventive safety for attractionsJust like engineers and maintenance technicians, the Gueststhemselves have a critical role to play in preventing accidents thatcan occur when posted rules in Disney® Parks are not followed.Only Guests know their own physical limitations and special health conditions.

Before they even arrive on our property, Guests can consultsafety information such as height requirements and health war-nings for individual theme park attractions. There is also infor-mation to help disabled Guests prepare for a safe, enjoyablevisit. The Disneyland® Park and the Walt Disney Studios® Parkare the only two theme parks in France that have received theTourism and Handicap Label, which incorporates icons thatcertify optimal accessibility for the four major categories ofdisability (physical, visual, auditory and mental). Most of ourParks’ attractions are therefore accessible to all, regardless ofdisabilities.

This information is provided in the sales brochure, on ourwebsite ( and in several sources of infor-mation available to Guests.

In our Parks, safety rules are not only indicated on guide mapsbut also via approximately 1450 signs, which are posted at theentrance to individual attractions, alongside queues andaboard ride vehicles. Each of these signs follows a standardinternational format, with clear language and intuitive instructio-nal symbols to convey key safety messages across languagebarriers. Ground markings are also an integral part of the safe-ty system: standardized yellow and black warning stripes onloading platforms, for instance, show Guests where to waitbefore boarding vehicles.

In addition to visual signage, many of our rides are equippedwith audio or audiovisual messages to remind Guests of keysafety rules as they board attractions and as rides depart.



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Training of operatorsRide operators follow rigorous training programmes includinghands-on training as to the particular attraction to which theyare assigned. Attraction-specific training typically lasts severaldays and is supplemented by on-the-job simulation exams.

Hands-on training in all aspects of safe ride operation includes:Controlling vehicle motion through ride systems and uniformdispatch procedures.Monitoring the ride environment.Proper seating configurations where specified.Proper movements and postures.Work safety.Assistance to Guests.Seating restraint systems.Procedures for shutting down attractions.Evacuation procedures.Communication with other personnel monitoring or controllingthe rides. Communication with visitors in multiple languages viapublic-address systems.

At the end of these training programmes, ride operators undergoan on-the-job assessment. Situational exercises and simulationsare conducted on a regular basis to give ride operators practicalexperience.

As changes are made to attraction guidelines and procedures,operators are retrained and their expertise is reassessed.

Operating guidesAs part of our commitment to operational excellence, we havedeveloped comprehensive operating guides for each of ourattractions. These detailed manuals, which serve as the foun-dation for the training programmes, use a standardized formatto consolidate and organize information relevant to the properoperation of attractions, including compliance standards andopening and closing checklists. We systematically monitorthese guides and update them as changes are made in anoperating area.

As well as the training provided to attraction operators, a conti-nuing vocational training programme is scheduled for mainte-


nance technicians, whose objective is to establish policies forsafe operation and to ensure that both preventive and correctivemaintenance activities are continually improved. An engineeringgroup is responsible for maintaining a technological updateand may modify procedures and adapt and/or initiate trainingprogrammes for maintenance technicians. Furthermore, theresources deployed to carry out procedures and activatecorrective actions when necessary are continually analyzedin periodic committee meetings. One of these committeestakes care of expertise management and human resources.Once the necessary information has been collected, thiswork group adapts it for inclusion in the training programmesprovided for maintenance technicians.


Shows & parades

EVENT MANAGEMENTDisney® VillageWith restaurants and bars, cinemas, shops, and a discotheque, DisneyVillage is an entrance-free entertainment center with access controlledby specially trained Cast Members.

Temporary facilities used during special events, such as concerts are ins-pected by both a safety commission and an outside inspection bureau sothat a technical opinion can be obtained before seeking an authorizationfrom the prefecture and providing public access to the facilities.

Some leisure activities such as Davy Crockett’s Adventure treedrop adven-ture trail are managed by outside service providers that are also requiredto comply with all Disney quality standards.

Guest FlowIn both the Disney Parks and Disney Village, dedicated teams areresponsible for guest flow during special events. The Guest Flow unittakes into account the number of people present and the nature ofthe event. It supervises crowd movement and makes sure that allvisitor traffic moves without mishap and as fluidly as possible.

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Shows & parades

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PARADESSpecial care is taken for the safety of our Guests duringparades. The primary objective of our efforts is to ensure thatsafety boundaries are respected.

Cast Members are specially assigned to this task, while othersare responsible for guiding the parade floats and for makingsure that Guests are fully able to enjoy the magic atDisneyland® Resort Paris.

FIREWORKSMore fireworks displays are presented at Disneyland ResortParis than at any other site in France: nearly 150 occasionseach year. The pyrotechnics committee at Disneyland ResortParis is responsible for making sure that firework displays takeplace under optimal conditions and are safe. The safety of afireworks display depends on careful preparation. This group ofexperts prepares technical documentation for each display.This documentation includes information on the productsused, their transport, their packaging, the safety measuresrequired for their use, administrative authorizations, necessaryweather conditions.

Organizers have a wide range of means at their disposal tooptimize the management of fireworks displays, such as:

Two storage bunkers that comply with all current regulations.A network of anemometers (wind-speed indicators) thatfacilitate precise weather forecasting.Highly qualified pyrotechnic specialists, all of whom hold K4certificates.

Disneyland Resort Paris has established rigorous proceduresthat are strictly followed for each display.

The head pyrotechnic specialist, firemen, production assistantsand the operations manager meet before the start of the display.Among other things, the number of Guests present and weatherconditions are taken into account.

No unauthorized people are allowed in the firing area, and specialprocedures are followed to ensure that all residue and fallout fromthe display is properly collected.

Disneyland Resort Paris is always looking at new ways toimprove its fireworks :

Decrease the calibre of the pyrotechnics used.Minimize noise pollution by developing quieter fireworksproducts.



The Occupational Safety and Health (HST) department has developed anapproach to occupational risk prevention as part of the implementation ofthe Safety Management System. The latter is based on the principle ofcontinuous improvement, including, among other things, the prevention ofoccupational risks. This system is distinguished by a number of specialmeasures:

Training and the promotion of awareness among employees.The hypothetical analysis and evaluation of risk at workstations.The empirical analysis of accidents. The consideration of safety and risk-reduction concerns prior to thedeployment of projects.Maintaining full regulatory compliance for all facilities and equipment.Evaluation and maintenance of a high degree of safety.

Disneyland® Resort Paris also conducts audits throughout its proper-ties. The objective of these audits is to verify that work procedures andmethods comply with all current regulations. While conducting theseaudits, the HST department works hand-in-hand with the OccupationalHealth department on the various means deployed to improve workingconditions for employees. In keeping with this policy of continuousimprovement and anticipation of regulatory measures, several company-wide technical committees have been created to optimize the manage-ment of risks related to noise, back strain, transport and logistics flows.

Occupational safety and health training programmes are provided forstaff at all levels. Certain skilled trades require specific training pro-grammes in such areas as:

Hoisting and lifting machinery.Personal protective equipment.Chemical-related risks.Appropriate movements and postures for the workplace.Electrical hazards.

The role of this department is to identify and evaluate risks in order toeliminate them at the source – in other words, to take preventivemeasures by ensuring that everything has been done for a quickresponse to risk situations.

22 - 23 P R E V E N T I V E S A F E T Y

Public placesDisneyland® Resort Paris includes a complex of buildings for public assembly,such as restaurants, shops, bars, a discotheque and hotels. Their constructionand operation must meet a certain number of legal requirements. Prior to theconstruction of these establishments, the fire prevention bureau of DisneylandResort Paris defined the applicable fire-safety measures and adaptations, ifany, which need to be made to meet regulatory changes. The operation ofthese public-assembly buildings is subject to the approval of the RegionalSub-Committee for Control of Fire Safety and Panic in Public Places andHigh-Rise Buildings. This subcommittee, comprised of firemen, police offi-cers, municipal representatives and representatives of organizations for disa-bled people, authorizes the operation of public-assembly buildings and mayrequire modifications to the building so that it can safely receive the public.Once authorization for operation has been granted, the fire preventionbureau of Disneyland Resort Paris remains in constant contact with theaccredited fire safety bureaus and prefectural departments that ensurecompliance with regulations concerning lifts, fire sprinkler stations, stand-pipe systems, electricity mains and natural gas installations. In this way,Disneyland Resort Paris assures optimal safety conditions for its Guestsand Cast Members.

Swimming poolsFive out of the seven Disney ® Hotels are equipped with indoor or out-door swimming pools, wading pools and jacuzzis. While public swim-ming pools are frequented throughout the day, the Disney Hotel poolsare primarily used between 5 pm and 10 pm due to their proximity tothe Disney Parks. That is why the minimum freshwater supply rate,which is set by government regulation at 30 litres per day and perswimmer, is exceeded by a wide margin in all our pools.

Disney teams analyze water quality (chlorine content and pH rate)several times per day. Such analyses are also made each month by theDDASS (the regional health and social affairs department).

The water discharge system allows water to be removed by overflowor forced to flow back from the bottom according to the principle ofreverse hydrolicity. The grates at the bottom of the pools are checkeddaily. All tiling on pool decks has a non-slip coating. Also, as requiredby the French legislation, all our outdoor pools are equipped with safe-ty barriers.

All lifeguards responsible for monitoring the pools at Disneyland ResortParis have either BNSSA (national water safety and rescue) or BESAN(sports and swimming instruction) certification, which fully qualifies them torescue swimmers in difficulty. A certificate of advanced training in first aidwith equipment (AFCPSAM) and a certificate of training in first aid teams(CFAPSE) are prerequisites to obtaining BNSSA or BESAN certification. Asa result of these training programmes, our lifeguards are able to provide firstaid and resuscitate individuals via cardiac massage and oxygen therapy(bottles of oxygen and resuscitation equipment are available at each pool).Furthermore, all of our lifeguards have now completed training in using semi-automated external defibrillators, and are thus fully trained emergency pro-fessionals ready to confront all types of situations.

Along with these training programmes, in which Cast Members must bere-certified every five years, the Disneyland Resort Paris medical depart-ment organizes regular simulations at each pool to assess the lifeguards'competency regarding rescue techniques, their knowledge of proceduresand their use of the equipment. These training sessions are supplementedby rescue simulations in the pools.

P R E V E N T I V E S A F E T Y24 - 25

Security-Prevention & Assistance

The Security, Prevention, and Assistance department’s mission is theday-to-day security of people and property at Disneyland® Resort Paris.It includes :

– Security of Guests and their property during their stay. – Security and safety of Cast Members on our properties.– Contributing to the protection of the Company's brand image.

In order to achieve these objectives, the Security, Prevention andAssistance department has implemented a security and safety strategybased on three main activities:

Regulatory prevention, through risk-analysis measures, regula-tions monitoring, and collaboration with local and state authorities.Operational prevention, through surveillance measures, physicalpresence on property, central security management system, andboth systematic and conditional prevention exercises adapted tospecific contexts and operational needs. Security events management, including operational managementand Guests support.

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Food safety

A team entirely dedicated to food safety supervises the 68 food-serviceoutlets located throughout Disneyland® Resort Paris. It is responsible formonitoring compliance with French and European regulations.

The entire supply chain and the kitchens of Disneyland Resort Paris aremeticulously inspected to ensure that they are observing the generalprinciples of food safety. All suppliers must comply with our conditions,specifications and a sanitary audit. In addition, all products delivered toour parks are regularly subjected to microbiological and physicochemicalanalyses. Additional inspections are conducted during acceptanceprocedures at warehouses as well as directly within kitchens and at allstages of food preparation. These inspections concern product quantityand quality, as well as compliance with temperature requirements and“best before” dates. The cleaning of equipment and the completion ofdaily tasks are also subject to sanitary audits. Our vigilant measures arerounded out with staff training in the principles of food safety.

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Disneyland® Resort Paris has set up a management system to control the impact of our activityon the environment.

A chemical product approval committee oversees the use of chemicals everywhere on ourproperties by analysing their toxicity and verifying their compliance with regulations prior touse, and seeks out substitute products where appropriate.

Disneyland Resort Paris also provides for the management of end-of-life products bycomplying with the law in this regard and by taking active measures to control waste.

The environmental management system has provisions for monitoring and controllingwaste water and various other waste products produced by onsite activities. In this regard,Disneyland Resort Paris performs more than 10,000 analyses in its own laboratory and hasthe results corroborated by a certified independent laboratory.

Since Disneyland Resort Paris brings its magic to life 365 days a year, certain activitiesmay cause disturbances or result in noise pollution for the Resort's neighbours. In orderto minimize the impact of noise pollution, Disneyland Resort Paris is always developingnew and quieter fireworks displays.

Disneyland Resort Paris has more than 50 facilities classified for the protection of theenvironment (ICPE) that are subject to specific safety measures due to the activities involved.In this regard, Disneyland Resort Paris ensures rigorous monitoring of such facilities,including its Parks central energy plant and paint shop services.

Disneyland Resort Paris has also introduced an in-house awareness programme for itsCast Members, with open house days and special campaigns designed to allow each staffmember to demonstrate his or her commitment to the concept of “Environmentality” assummed up in the words of Jiminy Cricket in the animated film Pinocchio: “Every little bitmakes a difference!”

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The Disneyland® Park includes two outdoor playgrounds: PocahontasIndian Village in Frontierland® and Pirates' Beach in Adventureland®.

These facilities comply with all European standards and are inspectedeach year by an independent control bureau and our in-house QualityControl department. Standards and inspection procedures changefrequently. Such inspections ensure that equipment complies with allstandards.

Outdoor playground equipment experiences wear and tear inflictednot only by children but also – and primarily – by weather conditions(heat, wind, rain and frost). A daily visual inspection is conducted byDisney® Parks operators in accordance with a detailed list of criteria.In addition to this daily inspection, a monthly examination is conductedfor preventive maintenance purposes during which visible anomaliesare inventoried for corrective action.

All playgrounds are created around themes. The challenge confrontedby Disney teams is to select flexible materials (resins, wood, paint, andmetal parts) that are easy to customize yet strong enough to stand upto frequent use by children and present no health hazards.

Each playground is equipped with signage indicating the appropriateage group for use and advising parents not to leave their childrenunsupervised.

Several different official bodies and authorities make regular inspectionsof the entire resort. During these inspections, playgrounds are evaluatedfor compliance with regulations.

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Safety teamsDisneyland® Resort Paris stays in constant touch with local, national and internationalauthorities and pays close attention to their recommendations, as well as continuallyre-evaluating security measures and adapting them to current situations.

The Operational Security department works with local security agencies to adapt thenumber of security agents to fluctuations in Guest attendance. It also maintains a closerelationship with local authorities, police and constabulary as well as with train and subway(RATP and SNCF) security services. As a result of this cooperation, there are securitypersonnel permanently stationed throughout the resort.

A number of special units are always available to back up the Operational Securityteam, including equestrian, canine, explosives, VIP security and anti-fraud units as wellas other specialized teams. In addition to these specialized units, other selectresources are also available. A logistics vehicle loaded with emergency equipment,for example, is always ready to intervene and/or cordon off a risk-prone area.

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Assistanceto personsFIRE PREVENTION AND RESCUEThe firefighting unit constitutes the first link in the emergency responsechain. Its mission is to prevent fire and panic hazards and to providephysical first aid. The firefighters of Disneyland® Resort Paris belong tothe Fire Prevention and Rescue department, which maintains a constantpresence throughout the resort. This department comprises 100 menand women divided into four fire-fighting forces ready to intervene24 hours per day.

The Fire Prevention and Rescue department has all of the technicalmeans and equipment required to handle the various types of operationit may be called upon to tackle. These resources and equipment are ona par with the resources used in the public sector, making it possible forthe Fire Prevention and Rescue department to handle the same widevariety of accidents and disasters that are dealt with by their colleaguesin the public fire and emergency response departments.

The Fire Prevention and Rescue department also includes an elite unit:the GRIMP (Groupement d'Intervention en Milieu Périlleux – the responseunit for perilous situations). This unit's mission is to respond to emer-gency situations involving such attractions as Space Mountain: Mission 2,Indiana Jones™ and the Temple of Peril or the Rock 'n' Roller Coasterstarring Aerosmith, all of which require special knowledge and excep-tional physical capabilities.

Furthermore, the Fire Prevention and Rescue department cooperatesclosely with local authorities in conducting full-scale simulation exercises,which allow the firemen of Disneyland Resort Paris to coordinate theiroperational procedures with those of outside forces and to optimize suchcoordination in the event of a real disaster. These simulations also helpthe Fire Prevention and Rescue department to verify that its responsemeasures are effective and reliable.


Our nurses constitute the second link in the emergency response chain.Qualified medical personnel provide emergency first aid services andintermediate care for Guests and Cast Members.

Following the example of our firefighters, the nurses of Disneyland ResortParis maintain a presence throughout the resort. Their number variesdepending on the number of guests visiting the Disney Parks. The First Aiddepartment includes a complete team of nurses, group manager assistantsand an emergency physician to provide coverage for the entire Resort. It isoutfitted with the resources needed to respond to a variety of situations.In addition to four infirmaries with 20 beds, it is also equipped with multi-purpose medical monitors, semi-automated external defibrillators and amanual defibrillator.

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