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NO. 009


NO. 010




BOX 0001

te-ealIIJUadip• IUna W•


Gu1l t,. eaept Yeethe ......'~b7 con­trlltuUq tothet..tU otAll1ed prieoa..era ot -.r'Jet '\lie exeep.-t." -.or'. NotIuU,,. .

Guilt)' .xce»' le.the ..ora '11_..erou' J 01 ..heGcepta" w:l1'4

. .No.. GuiU,.

c.. It. ,

Mioh1 SCke1ll0'to40 )appraimaUa).....I.teJl. Ktta 'l'ekUi Gull, Mort,.. aua..*4JIIr.r1e4. two chl~1l

Not shownBQ't shownAr11J7 P.O.w. Cem,p 0

18 lSar8 in the 18'.PIl~• .lI'1Q' 8. an ellUaw4_n and .ttl1eel'..

YokoAallal•• J'a.tmlld lUG l!146

\,1',",", .

BIdClUAMIRS IIGBm .utIltthlU... vtatu I.rc7

Ofll1oe ot tile halt 1•• .6d'9'OO__"PO ~,


Jauo1.1 '-a.other Ba1acUOD.EAucMloaVooati.serv1ce

Spec. 1-. lUatl'8..1ie4 an4 toriulld .Pto•. TOIl N..G.!loll.Bt, at P.O.Jf._ Ceap Number 1: b, beat-ing w1th -. __ 1Jl DlcembP l~~.

Spao. 21: JUnra..",. n4 torture4 BUMl'OU II.G.AUi84 M.W.·a at Cut}? ... 1 b7 etrlk-ins tbe. w1tll ftrlou 1Ut:ru-.ata and ,hareb)' contr1but!D& "0 the dntu ot -DJ' ...._ ..1 lanU1U7 194' en4 .30 lue 1945

Char... •..... 1 luu~ ~.3 .. 1 R.a.Se15U'" 194,5 at B~. Ceq. Jfuaber lit,Fukuoka and "'beI' 2,. 111,.... Ma.l" lapaa.,.oou.84, • _liar .~ t ae 1m.IJeria1 lapa...

-A1:7zrt aad.~ Ometer ot u14 oampa,ee-s.t"e4&r:1l4pe1'111t" ..lJer. et his eom­muu! to 0 -.1t crue1 aD4 U'u"-l atrocitie•••1Ut AlU P.O bioa OOJlt:r1lJu",,,to Il",OU "etU 1Jl TlHaUoll ot the 1••aD" cut_ ot _1'.-

1. !he ..taa." _0.01"4 ot ~ trial '''IIU4.-, CeDIII:1aaiOD" .ppdaWiT puqaoapla 2. 8..0 .. 36..Bed~ lilll_ .lra7 elated. , leWu81"11.946 ad........ ~7 JlIIRtIlQ1l ,. 8.1).. 40,.~... :81__ A7:tq _'eiU. r....'

<> 19.\6.. JanU& .n refirlod .. ta. _" 1••u.... tId••new ot the1'8.'" witll .. opb1OJl u4 no__t!oll nlaUlla "t. 18 8.'III1t..& tor ~tu "u1__i1011 of the o..D4b& Ceura:n of the ti&lla.A1'JQ' et the 'O'a1te4'statu..

ee) ..... 11....,.l94' an' 30 loe 1'" 5.0. 0..__ fit lata .........., a.-r.. Am..P,O". '•.wt. Tan- 1JIa1Il'UaIJl.....




OUlt1, except ...'the 1101''' '.4oloth1aS u4pr-lIP" .aniU1'7oontiUon.·,.i the ....'nlmN'oua', .t'\ilLe eaePie4wor" .5otQuilt,

GaiU7 ex_pt ,.. ,tlae wor•..4 tllro'd,a.hia w1tll the... at 3.Jl".·~.t the ....;pW-'$ In QuUt,

)I Q••

SEW 11' "tUUM'..8••• ,. 1II1awhU711nla4 ~.41atl-i1N.. N.G•.... C!'elI••,»lies •• ·P.!) .." .. c:ap; ""ZO 11___ 11aJm.a7 ~, -:;0 ;rue l.~ ..'Uaal'wb.7 oontriba.t1Jl& to the _th. or....... Allie. P..O.I' ••••.

Lt~na",. "'''ildGill.,___ ..............-, ....VllnlUq ..

tU ..tal ofnuarou prb­onere ot -.zo'.ot the excepi­.4 worill a.tGuil.,

Spec.4_ ti• .....-4.n4 1mId11ated .a.nea. N.G. N.G.prt-.n ., P.OJt~Cut.P JJaal.,er 11 or ~~lI'lllJ)4.5 b, ""1q ~UII.. att.Jl4 .4enlartau .,t • JRt7 oe1eb1'8'ba tu ....of ~al4eJl' .......1'.

Bp... 6. • .... 1l1•.., ~, ad '0 J"anel.~ d no."" Cup Baabu JJ x-rmttea.1lel'8 ot _1....... t. cauait a follow-lJl.& .troci'U.a.

(a) In 1anuer, or Fe.l:lrt18l7l9J1S BIIju. !lonae· N.G. Gtorture4 IIJlQ kill... «:»1. lf11118. 0.. Imacm\), beatina 04 k1Ubt..

(b) &a 4 1144 Baj1me Honda 111... 8.<1 B.G.tnaW.4t:noturea~Aarlca.ed oneJ:luto 1»..0....'. t1leJ"lrby cau1nl the ae._.ot twe ot ,Ma

Spec. 5. ~1ea to tura18h .00ga1e medical N"G.tare. to04, Glothiaa u4 801.7 tac~l1\1••at P"O.... 0eQ.~1._ .... 11enauzo7194' •• 30 luae ~. tileftb, c-.trtbutil\Sto th4l ..... of a,-reM• .All1e. P..o.'....

(0) ..,_. 1 1.~,l,", 1 1Il,1945 N.G.M .. "'to ..a1~_"aaa ••ViMte4to tilt __ of .-rou .ick P.O.W..•• It,beaU......buiJaa tbu. u4 ".J1JlI th..• 41.1 • ll.P»1iu•.

(cl) III IdB8Z7l.'" ......t ."'.U\tBoaWli be.' U4 )&#••4 1Jlllli_ AHenllen" .. ;p•.O".

O\tUi1. "xcept Te.the worD·w1th various1naVwaent8tha"by con­tr1butiDs to'l11e "sia otTa1'1oua ,pri,-onere ot war";ot the exce1't-e4 W0$ NotGul1.t)r

Motion fortlnd1n& otNot Guilt1gan'tet

ContinemeDt tor l1.te •.


(aeT1a. 01 the ••tt lud_ Advocate" coat'd)

8~ 7- 11'_ 1. JUT JJJ4S io 1 Sepiet4ber !l.G.l~ at P.C..w.. c.p"bar 9 aCClUaed. brutal.17 1IDIrOU Al11... llt"1ao~. .1thnriOll. in.t:ru.m....

Bpee.81: 0Ja 18 Auaust 1.94.5 ..c.uaaA pal1llii- N.G..tea, seraeant Xio.hio Kui1ba.1'a to beat an4abue outsu P•.o.W.:"

:3. !he :recar".' t~la1 1Il ~1. ca.. come. to '\hi. beadq.uarte1'llS>.1'aplltl1ate mTi••, the pr1mlr,. tuactloa ot which 18 to 8S8ure that 'beaeauNa. bu be.. aecor_4 the ri»~ end protecUoD to whioh he 18 entitled.. a n1' erimial _ t~1al bat.ore a military cCIlmiesion•.

a. 101' 1;H RD"AUiat

Oep:ta1n Yah1eh1 Sele moto ot the ImPllrla·l Ja,pan8llle'J\rmy cOIl"lrnended&1eoner ot 'lar C&m.Pa Numller 1 and. Jfwaber ., located reapeoUveJlJ et FukuokallDd. JU,.t8 _1IJl1.. 17uA1I. 18,Pen. trQll 1 IanusT l$4.3 to 1 Se1't••r 191t5(R 9. 10, Stipulation). 1>ur1ll& hia 28...llODth ,Per!04 ot a.uty at Ce.m.» Number1,< which terulnate. -OIl 8., .194.5. JI!01"O ~tI1 133 A1U.4 &180n81"8 ot wartiet ot .. total 0'1 900 tlww1. ocmt1U4.. while .. 1Wl8oer.1ne4 Dumber otdeatha occurret 8£.t Cup Number , bet_ea .7 _d December VJ4.5 (R 113" .Ex. 46) •.

" i, IpM11iHiiD 1l.! la ntceber l.944 a,t Oop Bum-..JL, !&arine pte.. 'l'om.Bo11a.Cl •• nvue1l7 beaa ..Uh a aber b7 eCOllee4 tor e11ee;ed1Jr at...Jl1n&1'.41••'." autter1naujUrl.. renlt1D& 111 hia 1JIabU1t1 to walk far aeTe1'81da18 foUOlfing 1ibe lIe.tuS (Ez•. ,). .

... to Sple1tiyUoa " fr. l::__1 l~ to about 30 June 194.5 at Cam»~ 1" aceu..' .at maD:y pr!oaoara .Uh clube, p1cu ••her8 anil other1nstl'\UD8Dta ia ord,Jr to tor. them 1D 1fOrk harar or because of their refusalto anewer Me ,.,...tlou (R 109 .. Bx.. U, 12. 35). Sf n»nte41Jl struck 0J:le_r1an who aOmU'k4 a theft __ 1.1 prlao_re ha.. bee. CDnfinel tOIl 24hour. without too4 atUJ the .. coat....a (R 77. 78). .. kioke4 8114elU'bliet anotber sr-p et """D 1Ib.0 l"8J81"iedlr retu.a. to work (R 79) whileab: pr1e~. -.cOUNt, ot bla&1ma rice 1Jl .. ..arb,. Kore. vUl_...erabea.... nth a bamboo cblb and cOlltine4 tor t.-r 4a7a OD halt rat10u (R 94).

Aa tl 'MlitiRUa 3, Jr. AprU~ to lua 19J15 Reel Crue bo••u.T1T1Jaa at (l,up Jbaber 11 Rft 1"81'811' 41atributecl ..4 ...,en 'the re.. octuel.1l;yreceived b,. the pr1aoHre ..ere atripPlcl fit 400t, "41c1Jle and cl.-hilI&(Kz. 10. 12.13. 16" 42). Our.. anA 1nterp:tatera traq"Mntllr a. oloth1na to tMir panoaal un ..hUe _tica1 8\tPpUee ••re~a" dUtrillutettlld --.4 1. MrG'1l,.~a tor U8 1D the ."••t ~.air 1"814 ..a.lite. afJ14 Mft!' ... avai1.4lb1e to p;-!8OMre ot _1' (R- 96,100. 10:;).

~ 4. iGlilRh Brlaf~ 8llJlarlsed the ccawetent eTldel::ca 18 to the- tollowing atteet 11

... H _'in_. 5' .At Caap Btmber 1,:; _dio1ne .. ZlOt dUiltu." to .1uPti..... by lap••• CUijl doctora 1Ih11• .llara•• dootol'8 who attQptll.. tealleTia te their ntfW1Jlg .re retu." req..~4 q41eal supplie. (b., 10,12" 36). s.. pr1aOMrll were torced to work 1n _ut....p _~r "un.. 107••tiler (Ex. 10. 36" ,37) ... But rindOt"tl and doora 'ftrtt-bJi ope. durl..winter JIlOnths a.Dd the prisoner. prohiblted fna b\11141q fift_ to obtaiawarmth (Ex. 13 .. 16 .. 31). ror a1nor rule 1Jltrectlcu pri__re were ...,t1ne4 to the -40& 'box". 8 81atte4 .truotuile 1Ja whlol1 the7 are eZpOM4 tothe elements and til'table- to stand ereot, o. AJMr1call d71Jla atter aC, t.w de78ot such continement (b. 14. 26).. Oal.y oat open,. iJaMct-coqrecl latrinewas prortded tor the pri.oMre a·..l1d •• ingle tub turniahet1 the .ole bathinafaolliUes available to 400 I1BJl (b 16, 2L, 37).. IDntfio1ent tood ,"'&.turn18.!led. the pr1"Derft MOst et wha were coaUaaa117 hUJli1'7.. and higlalJJ;!reTalent .m&1Autrit1on, beriberi, pBeWDQIl1e ana. Gyaentary re.ulted illnumerous Qeatha (Ex. 1.6, 36, :;7).. MOJ'etbu fifth ot a group ot 150 pruan­er. die4 f1"Qll preft'ntable cau.ea during a 9C-cla7 period in 6arl~ 1'945 (b.37) • While the .i.,.t ot one prlaOHl" daoliJleU trca ~O to. JQ.5 pounu·during hi. confine_nt (Ex., 40) •.

As 1;0 5l?8c1ficatioa 21. In Je'bruary 19Jf.5 _riDe GQr901"81 WilHs. C.Iveraon, after vJ.olaUna l!l "no emoldAg1 reauletion" was foroed to assumea horlzontal p08t1OAwitll onl.7 hi. fin_a anci tau touchiag the enow­covered gt'OUnd .nd .... aeveft1!y beaten w11l\ clube alld leapu of pi}» and.kicked. 1n the race and te ..tiel.. 'by Hlj1Jlle Boa..... 08Jq) pare, tar Ja01'8'then an hour until. h. l ..t OOIl.cioo.... (Ix., 27-") e. The /Aariean med~ul,

ot1'icer at the camp. who described. Ivareon'8 prior l>h18iael' ooncU:t!cm as"fair' .. treated him after tha beat1ns but he died before he oould behospital1zed(k• .50).

It. to Sl?8Citic,tiOM 6Ja No evidence 8ubm1".cl.41...10 Cpec1'191tien Rsa M ••8l'to Bade, me4iaaJ. orderliYlt Camp JlWl'lbelr'1...~ tore 1Ip pre.orlpt1olll 1••ue4 b7 1apau. doctoR to tlle pri.wen andseveral7 'beat thOl!e who ere 111,. tore1D& ••J to atnnoul, .-rot.. a.hold. bucketa of water OTer their MScIa tor lons perlo«a while ._;odl.;o& 111·~he inm (Ex .. 11,.50). Y.eny of the det dieci .. a re-8ul't 0" thia a1.~.t-

. .tl'len~aJ1d leek ofmediciile (h.. ll) t' sndthe JuDeri08lJ me~lice.l ot:eiClEfr ._torce4 to talsely certity the cauee_ of dea'A (Ex•. .50).. Rada. who 1le&t1t1ed.. a pre.e~t1on witness" adm1tied hie JD1,'tra_Dt f£ pr1aoDers but ••aert­ed 'tbat he ft_ oraered bytle 1a..... toct.. to pullbh thoee whoteipe4Ulne1!l8 or ·are late tor to:n!!'ltionl!J (R 49-52.. 71).

AI to leela.tiAAtion ~d.. In J'anua%7 lJJ44 at Cup Number 1 '11111811 /I.. .bIeri.. prie...,: aut:terins fr_ a. arDl 1ntectioD, •• or4ered f ro.lll hilsbed and beaten b7 8ergaut MI8a1l1'tau Ho8\Ul1, a &UU'4 (h. 111).

AI '0 ~.9it1llUOl 68. Jroa 1..7 18nuar7 1.944 to 5 September ~4.5 aocu.edpermitted lalBnelJl prda81d 11lterl'Ntar. to app1J' juj1uu Vea~llt ...pi.ODerll end beat themwUh ShOTeD. picke" olaba. aDd other 1natrumell9(R .5t.• .52. 107.. F.x. lJ... 71" .35). '1'he beet11laa~ 1Dteu1t1.4and acIz1a1,t­ere" oa 1»he .11pte.t pl!8text follow1Jla ..-r1041o leoture. b7 IIceu.... to theC8J1.», auuda fb.. 1.5" 27).. Cellect!w pm1lhMDt .e tl'eque.nt1J impo••c1. OD1,. &rOU18 err »ri,oaera tor PIU, mi .....haTior b7 one ot them. while groupaot :a:P&l18se Ticiliau were one. 1JlTU." w ridt the caa.P and with.. the'toulb' con4uat ot the ..r4a (~ 16. 18. 35)...117 bntillP and e1Ubb1ll,.were personall, orUm. b7 accm.... aD4 a4JIUiatere4 11l hi. prea'Doe (R 76,92).


(Be.., ot tJ1e SMtt' J'uctall .ldncet.. oont'a)

,la M Ipt'if,.aU. 7. ID. WO Toltnte:q .iatuanv .. to. WU er._·UT••U.... l1I'lorto tutrlal.., accueci ..clare.. t.bat _ at leaat ........dou !le beet pri..... "ben er a1Mr 'fl01.U.. .,nplaUQIl' .t Cap !tlIaber 9.. aC1U1q tUt he ._ hi••cUona .... -.roa.­tlIl aD4 u-T1olat101l ot the tema of the 0...... CoJITe1\U.on (R 37, 38., Ex.,4'). lie n.__ie~olablidtwo])tltoll pr18oaa'a .u,pec'M' of the thtfi of.' pair Of ~.,...t4UlC1Dg 'hGl to 3D 4eJ8 eol1tarrcODt1J&_nt whea0IIe .. rH oal7 ........ tbt. daya (R 37" b. 43) ..

M' " Mo1t'ilQi. I' QIl JJj Aup.t l.~ Ser-u" li.ohio kUhara" •&UI'I1 act c..p ....1' 9•• hesrus r.eporta of tbe J.llItmse IurJ!eAUr oU-•...Ul.... JNU.p .t aUiai pr1...1'II of or and beet .1% ot tAu. (R 37..k .. U).

b. 'or "it DatenD' \

itcc~ after beln8 duly a.bin" ot ~18 rip. a.. w1als t

el.otft4.. ..Ut) 111 .ubatuee that whUe eODllllu141Jl&.IaJa.p.Num1:ler ll.. MaU'U.U:: wl1lA hle flat aBd lIlD _re than 20 pr!eone.ra ot ftr who were .ceu••

. ot 'theft or 4iaobeti.Jloe of er.r. (R 187" zio) and alao beet four ,pr:l...:oaaev.l'a1 i188 ... wUh duellll8 aUcke ,nd bemboo poles (R 187 .. 214. 2Jl1,)"fh1. form 01' pmi8hDDt ft. 'lbe pneral practice iJl the ;Tep.... a1"JD1 wh••minor br..we ot d1.c1pllne oceurrtRi,.4 1t wee his beli,t "bet ••imilerouatom pr.....U. ill o'Uler and... (R 186, 187., Ex.. B). He did Dot oberveguerdl Uluier hie e ~Jld btUI'tlng ..,. pr1.onara IDd 11l :feet hed lenUli.~Qitl.. 1Dnruotlon. forbIdding ,\1ch 8ct1o.u CR 188 .. 1.89 .. :206. 211). ee.ppara HonD. Ba. &114 Boll1.lJll mi.tra,te4 BO prl".lll to 1118 bowled81 (R 222) •.'lirel.... or th1rieaa priao.aara .re ,hell .olU'17 cont'inemut but only oneplacet OA ••,.rel¥ 1'84ue.d rcUonll (R 189. 190,. 207). CODsiderable tplntU­iea of Rea er•••upp).1a.. _re etore. 1Jl the UIQ :l!or' U88. ••AoiI to tre pr1••er.. by or.r of .ccuse4'. superior ott,1cer(R 192). QIe 1a"1ldl"e4 a.1JIr.t,.-.. pi'laoner. 1"8..1,...4 a .er4r 1945 .reall U1.. •• ia ...4 ot aed!oel cere" lUny a/*h_ betas UIl8.\lle 1;0 walk(ft 195) .. BlflJllll1tlllU ot .oGtlR4 tor JIliICUoel 8I1Ppllu w.~ untilledcd hi,.,,-.,pia to pu'ohaa••decwate quenUties et nearby drug 8tCD."el!lWero oDl,.paniall7 auo....ful (R 195, 20!J.). Pri soner. were liven the dall.y to04ratioD speolt1ad ill :a18nose Army RegulaUoJ:l.S and BDra 1'8t10Jl.8 .e1'0 11811841to the.. who .re 111 (JllCJ6. 197,. 208).. leny were lnadequate4r clothedOil their arriTal bat _re .ubsequently issued ble.nke'te. clot.b.11li and shoe.(R 202. 20', 2(9). AJIple 11'1'1118 space 1188 proTide" 1n barrecb. n4s1z latrl_ ltulld1nS' _re eftlleble to prieoDera (R 2(3) •...

III • wUten statement introduced 111 0,.14en08 durina the pro...SHe. of ~ tl'ia:l aecm..4 reiteratea hill 1:lel1et tbet the cuet-.rymetho4of Ptn1ahlD& Vl'fial oftene. cm the pert of military ~r8onnel _sb)'be.tag the .tfe_re (R 197, I:z•. 13). The Jepllll8ae P1'll'8fl, pUbl1c,an4D'l1l1ta1:7 .utilorit1Ala .... ext.re_l,. :-.r:ltieal 01' any tr.etmeDt of. warpriacmer. that bordered OB leniency an4 U n. eTClD D8ces.ary £01' accus.clto crm..l t.r~ Gtiook1Bg J'.pneaa tbe .ctu.l .mouau o.t toad baued top-1acmer. (R 197., 199. Ex. B).

Three other ..fene uts.t la .ubatanoebtonly two or three prt.onere were treated bl tbe camp doctor .t Camp Jlul1ler1 betwe.n 7 May 1944 and 2.5 revruery 1.9JI..5 who oho1l8d dIU ot ha";!D8 or clubbed (R 1.58,. 162). The C••PI ...der eomnul 01' .·0.....4 reoaly­e4 their 'proportlone.te ahar•• of Rea Oree. nppU.... dtboqb .veUableuaaUtta 'Are 1Anttld...... 1lb11e oerla<1n medical eup,plus l':eJll(,)v.ad1D4 or4azed a1:ClI:"d. br hi_r authori1:y tor future emir_Del UH (R 143.17].,).

... 5 ...



)ReTie. of the Staff J'udee .ldt'ocate. cont'd).'--'-.,-

ell tile 4e7 of. PJ:oeaic1eIl' Roe.felt's de.t.b. 11 hre.U part)'tor a cu,p &U8l'a had beenplam:ae4 (R 62" 63) a4 the Japenese. believing'that 'the ,Pr1eaners were not in po8eudoll ot ~ new... btor.4 tbnl thatthey cG1ll4 gi... a 'ooncert' at the 'party (R 124). The eccU,Nd was Jl81tberpresent llor bad knowledge of the incident and the Ja,Peneae a.PQloa1_d tethe prisoners w};leJl they letlrned that they w"e aware or the .P.resident'.Qeath (R la) •. ' ,

!tae GODanMr ot all prise camps iD ~e .Muoks area 'ksUtWthat thl ally ,pria_r fcod ration ns determined Qy J,rury Re$UlaUona aM.WU Dot Il1b,1ect to the 4iacreUcn ot accused or other ind.i:vidual CaJI,pOOII'8JlGere (R 140). li'ieoners 1n contine1llel '\ received S Cl:lnsidere'bl)'redu.eed ration tuuler thoee replaUou (R 141). The general food shona.1n J'spall during the W1" re4uce4 the cpply available tar prisoners of wer. (R 1.5.3).. -

five hundred sick prisooers. moet ot tbem unable to .n andbadly weakened by • lODe sea voj'llg8 from the Fhilippines in the course ot1Ih1ch four ships qre aunt undltr thell by a1rplane and snblllar1J1. &tte~ •• re sent to Camp J1wIber 1 in early 194.5 (R 144. 152. 160" 164, 177). .Virtually all suffered sevarely from fatiaue and ,.lnutrlUOJl and mD:l!8 '~.,

fifty died trClll d18.... Qd wounds ahortl.y after their lU'l"1'fal (11 152.. 164.177). Me4io&l suppl10 were. reW.tillitioned by both aCC1Used .-134 'tbe caa,pdoctor at Camp Number 1 but insufficient quantities were received (R 160.166" 167). Camp funds were used to pruchase lOOcUc1ne at neerby civiliandrug IJtoree (R 161). .


Beni tel'J' fac.1.11ti•• atCemp NWllber 1 were unMtt.rectory butwre the Dest that oould be provided undAlr con41t1ou eXisUng 1J1 the COlP(B 163). Accused DlIlde eerteln 1Dlproveman" at ~ 81&i8$UOJl ot the oam,pdoctor (R 16,) who 'eaUtl•• tbit 1li hie op1nicm'a·ecua.' 414 D~ln8 '\hatcaused or contribd'" to the .ath ot any J)raoDel" ot W81! (R 1.74).. Onlyll!t1enta dee.Cl phJSieally tU by the J'sf81'ltse and A.IJllI1"ios!l camp Mnt out for celisthen1es and e.rereiee perioda (R 162)., Private Haaa.medieel crder17. ~414 1\ot 'Mer up FesoriptiollB or beat or othen1" mis­traat pr1801lE'~. of "'1'" according to the J'8pene.. cemp doctor (R 172) ..

Accueed stands conVicte4 ot the beatina, tortulle end mistreatmentot sl11ed prisoners ot war aad the unlawful f811~e to d18Ch8rse hi. duty86 8D army COm:JEllder by permitting members of hie COJlllWld tp commit cruel.aDd brutal stroeities 881l1nst pr1eonere of _.1"" which actioDs result ed i1\the death of nWDerOUIl pr1aonere Ullder his controJJ.._

&k8moto, as cOJXllDaD41De; otticer ot Prisoner of War Camps Number 1and NUmb.. 9 dur1ng'the peri04s alleeJId, with author!ty to oontrol t~activitie. or his subordinates, beere correepoading responsibility tor their111.sal aCU0I18. While uilrelated, isolated iJ1atanC8s of brutelJl t7 or ms­'treatment ot pr18)DIlI'II ot war b7 auHTdlDate" without the kllow1edge orcona••t ot their e...acJer do not briDS the .tter wi ihill the scope ot thedocirine of comaJKl resPQu1bi.idty, the mu11;1pl1oety of such 1nc1dentllm4t.boir almoai daily recur:rence in the present cas. no doubt thata~cuaed lautw or Rould ha". known oft.bem and De~h41esa tdled to 1akIlste..,. t or their pr.vantloa. '!'be parole test~7 of two 81l&ra.twanty .~!ld1n1. aDd. .. 1lIl"M atau-at. ot t~, ot .1"" and I

• aU1as101l11 ot aecuaet oonclualwl¥· ..'\altJ.1sh tbe 87Ste.-t1c blBt't1na.oluDb1D&, lr:lok1Da aIl4 e\baJ' a1a....nt ot lar8IJ number. of prisonerswithOllt jusUt1.UQll. 01. A:mIrica, Corpore! Iwar.on.\lnqu.ut1on.~

died Pia cUre'" ruult of 8 brutal lIeatina, and .imUar m1stre.etlOOnt 008­-tribub4'" the ••tU of M.Dl otbe.n who were alread7 .e.kened b1 41.......1rOU.U48 ft ad -.lIlutri tiClD.

... 6 ...

The woot ROWS that aeouee4:. bears JIl.Oft than a ' .....4 _QeU1lJU­1t)'" tor the k'utal1U_ oecurr1'r1g 111 the t\UlP8. Be .&1t. dinet _actlTe- partic1pation Ut nUIDerct11J beatings tmdi o1a'bldJl&8t. al'ihoqll .,tellpt­1JI& to JI1n1Dd.. the lIIevar1'iy of hie trea:bJan. P.l'1>aouUoa teetimcD7,Iww-.r.. cont.ra4ic:ts 111. tu.t1Inon;y ia this reSlll'd .. u.nns.:lret\l1ent1utu.~ ot ~1 '_« 1nhU1l8n O1l4uct 011 1118 per'. '!be "hrt1on ot• __d'"ta:Iat. be1Uw4 suob. treatment to be the pectic. in otu:r and"•... lt~neTd....... Jlet coa8'Utu'le • _11d detenie but is merel'ya._ .. to be oou14ared la m1t1plloJl of pun1ahmeat•.

.u thoup the alligatloDAl ot refusal to proyide adeq\Wte-tcod acl...teal aupp,11.. tarsus Uil prisoners to • ork aad to u_go at.reauouean1aea u4 tile withho1d1q tit Bec1 Croa8~8uP.»11.s are ~m\)~ct fieooafllet1ng eVidence, tile Cenaie$1on" .e the vior of tac",••• ill17.1'lal1f1e:4 in its eon'o'lue!Ol3 or gnllt. 'ftte t1ndln81 of ao, au.Uiy •• toapoiti_UoDS 11" cb an4 e .re likewi.. _.-r.... ~y the eyiauoe •.

Althcugb. 0Jle meaber ot the cGlUii1s&-1on rec_.eel re.f.ucUoa ot thea.tenQe, U 1s nevertheless deemed legal 89 8Pj;ll'Opr~;_ ..~ off.lifts.Th18 ott1ce ia tbezlej!Ct:re conet:l:aine4 t 0 recODIIEld that c1",01 be n~enen4ed•.

It is a-ocr.ortiI1lJ.l7 lI-8oQlmlended tluJ.'l the aen__ ~ ooDt1nemetlttor Uta 'te 8' Pl'l"ov.ed 8.':<Jld O1"dqred exeeuted.. A fom ot eotion designed 100&1T1 the forea.e1ns rec011lllllndaUon into ettect ia hereto attaohed h" yourconslderatl'on.

/e/ JAM18 A.. ~moM3'/1M!S A• BYRtJII1st Lieut8:D8J1", 3'..A .G'»..,Assla.·nt strati 1ud. Advocate..

I Oonour ..

le/ AWN i. R9HAWN R.. BROONEL·~ •. Colon.lI,- ;r.A .G..D•. "S'I,aff J'ud&e AdVtOoate ..


~ lC!QtP,fJI .lfiMYUaUe4~ Amy

AR> ,343

Yokol1ama. 1.paDlUll. 1946

eapte1D ot the Imperial 1st-'8110ae ArlDJ' the sentence 1s

approved and wm. ch1er executed. The f'ugemo Pri,on.

Tokyo" l!euhu.. J'eren. 18 das1&11£1hd •• the place of con-

.Al118d Po..-ra., or other :pro~r author': ty, 'tIJI!J7 direc.t•.

/e/..Jj.. l... iIQIliI.fml8R•. L•. EICBELElRaaR

Lieutenaut Generel" USA,Commed1ng. .

