Renewal for Life Poster



Sept 9-12 events featuring Dr. James Lamb, Lutherans for Life director. Focus on Life issues of abortion and euthanasia.

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September 9-12thImmanuel and Peace Lutheran Churches, Scranton, PA


Renewal for Life!

Speaker Rev. Dr. James LambDirector, Lutherans for Life

+ Be equipped to speak of God's Gift of Life!

+ Be encouraged to share that same message with all!

+ Be informed on how you can make a real difference toward building a Culture of Life!

7 PM THURSDAY: "End of Life Issues"Peace Lutheran Church 2506 N. Main Ave.

7 PM FRIDAY: "Abortion Issues"Peace Lutheran Church 2506 N. Main Ave.

3-5 PM SAT. KEYNOTE AND POT LUCK DINNERImmanuel Lutheran Church 238 Reese St.

Bring a dish to share for the dinner.5:30 Worship Dr. Lamb Preaching

10 AM SUN. WORSHIP, Dr. Lamb PreachingImmanuel Lutheran Church 238 Reese

“You are valuable to God

because He made you and He

loved what He made so much

that He was conceived in a

womb, born in a stable, suffered

on a cross, buried in a tomb.

Then He rose again to say ‘Yes’

to it all, to say ‘Yes’ to you, to

give you His victory over death

and the grave. That’s love!”

- Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb

FOR MORE INFORMATION:Please call 342-3374 or 343-9828
