Renaissance, Reformation, First Global Age Unit Review 43 terms Part I: 1 – 21 Part II: 22 - 43


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World History VocabularyRenaissance,

Reformation, First Global Age

Unit Review

43 termsPart I: 1 – 21Part II: 22 - 43

“rebirth”; following the Middle Ages, a movement that centered on the revival of interest in the classical learning of

Greece and Rome; 1300 – 1650 CE.


an intellectual movement during the Renaissance that focused on the

study of worldly subjects, such as poetry and philosophy, and on

human potential and achievements.


study of subjects such as grammar, rhetoric, poetry, and

history, that were taught in ancient Greece and Rome.


a city in the Tuscany region of northern Italy that was the center

of the Italian Renaissance.


a person who provides financial support for the arts.


artistic technique used to give paintings and drawings a three-dimensional effect.


(1452 – 1519) Italian painter, sculptor, architect, musician, engineer, and scientist; his interests and talents

spanned numerous disciplines; painted the Mona Lisa.

Leonardo da Vinci

(1475 – 1564) Italian Renaissance sculptor, architect, painter and poet; he sculpted the Pieta and the David, and he painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

Michelangelo Buonarroti

(1483 – 1520) Italian Renaissance painter; he painted frescos, his most famous being The School of Athens.


(1386 – 1466) Master of sculpture in both marble and bronze; one of the greatest of

all Renaissance artists.


(1469 – 1527) Italian political philosopher and statesman; he wrote The Prince, which

advised rulers to separate morals from politics. He insisted that a ruler do

whatever is necessary to succeed and that the ends would justify the means.

Niccolo Machiavelli

(1479 – 1529) Italian diplomat and writer; he wrote The Courtier, one of the most important books of the

Renaissance, in which in delineates the rules and correct behaviors for a courtier to adopt in order to win favor from

a ruler.

Baldassare Castiglione

(c. 1397 – 1468) German inventor and printer; he invented movable type. His first printed publication was a 1,282-page Bible.

Johann Gutenberg

(1471 – 1528) German painter, engraver, and theoretician; he combined Italian

Renaissance techniques of realism and perspective with elements unique to the northern Renaissance, such as the use of

oils in his painting.

Albrecht Durer

(1564 – 1616) English dramatist and poet; he is considered one of the greatest dramatists of all time and wrote such

works as Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

William Shakespeare

everyday language of ordinary people.


(1483 – 1546) German monk whose protests against the Catholic Church in 1517 (the Ninety-Five Theses) led

to calls for reform and to the movement known as the


Martin Luther

an opinion that goes against the teachings of a



a dissenter from established dogma.


pardons issued by the pope of the Roman Catholic Church that could reduce a soul’s time in purgatory; from the 1100s to the 1500s, indulgences could be purchased,

which led to corruption.


a religious movement in the 1500s that split the Christian church in western

Europe and led to the establishment of a number of new churches.

Protestant Reformation

title given to the head of the Roman Catholic Church.


Pope Benedict XVI

(1491 – 1547) King of England from 1509 to 1547; his desire to annul his marriage led to a conflict with the pope, England’s break with the Roman

Catholic Church, and its embrace of Protestantism. Henry established the Church of England ( aka the

Anglican Church) in 1532.

Henry VIII

a transformation in European thought in the 1500s and 1600s that called for

scientific observation, experimentation, and the questioning of traditional opinions.

Scientific Revolution

a method of inquiry that promotes observing, measuring, explaining,

and verifying as a way to gain scientific knowledge.

Scientific Method

(1642 – 1727) English mathematician and natural philosopher; he

discovered the law of gravity as well as laws on the physics of objects.

Isaac Newton

(1564 – 1642) Italian astronomer, mathematician, and physicist; he

discovered the law of motion of falling objects and invented the first working telescope; his discoveries put him into

conflict with the Roman Catholic Church.

Galileo Galilei

1473 – 1543) Polish astronomer; he proposed the heliocentric, or sun-centered, theory of the universe.

Nicolaus Copernicus

scientific theory that has the sun as the center of the universe with the earth rotating around the sun

Heliocentric theory

members of a Catholic religious order, the Society of Jesus, founded by Ignatius

Loyola in 1534.


institution of the Roman Catholic Church that sought to eliminate heresy by seeking

out and punishing heretics; especially active in Spain in the later 1400s and



First Global Age Mapmaker Cartographer

HONORS World History

A group of islands in eastern Indonesia; was the center of the spice trade in the 1500s and 1600s.




circumnavigateTo proceed completely around

HONORSWorld History

Prince of Portugal and patron of exploration; he made no voyages himself but spent his life directing voyages of discovery along the African coast

Prince Henry aka Henry the Navigator



HonorsWorld History

Italian explorer, sailing for Spain, who reached the Americas in 1492 while searching for a western sea route from Europe to Asia

Christopher Columbus

First Global Age

HONORSWorld History

The transfer of plants, animals, and diseases between the Americas and Europe, Asia, and Africa beginning with the voyages of Columbus.

Columbian Exchange



HONORS World History

A scattering of people




Honors World History



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Spanish explorer who claimed lands in the Americas for Spain in the 1500s and 1600s


PlantationLarge estate run by an owner or overseer and worked by

laborers who live there.

HONORSWorld History

Members of the highest class in Spain’s colonies in the Americas; colonists who were born in Spain or Portugal




HONORS World History

Person in Spain’s colonies in the Americas who was an American- born descendent of Spanish settlers.




HONORSWorld History

Person in Spain’s colonies in the Americas who was of Native American and European descent.


FirstGlobal Age

HONORS World History

In Spain’s colonies in the Americas, a person who was of African and European descent.




HONORSWorld History

Someone sent to do religious work in a territory or foreign country



