Renaissance History Artworks. Gentile Bellini, Miracle at the Bridge of San Lorenzo, 1500


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Renaissance History


Gentile Bellini, Miracle at the Bridge of San Lorenzo, 1500.

Vittore Carpaccio, The healing of the possessed man, c1500.

Jacopo deBarbari, Map of Venice, 1500.

Jacopo deBarbari, Map of Venice (detail), 1500.

Paolo Veronese, Juno lavishing her gifts on Venice, 1553-1554.

Ceiling painting in the hall of the council of ten, Ducal Palace.

Juno was a Roman Goddess, both the sister and wife of Jupiter. She was worshipped as the protectress of women

Vittore Carpaccio,The Lion of St Mark, 1516.

Gentile Bellini,Procession in Piazza San Marco, 1496.

Canaletto,The stonemason’s yard, 1726-30

Paolo Veronese,Triumph of Venice, 1583.

Antonio Gambello, The Arsenal Gateway, 1460

Bartomomeo Bon, The Porta Della Carta, 1438-1442

Antonio Rizzo, Scala dei Giganti, The Giant’s Staircase also known as The Doge’s Staircase, 1485-1521

Bonifazio de Pitati (Bonifazio Veronese), God the Father above the Piazza San Marco, after 1540

Francesco Bassano, Consignment of

the sword, 1584-87

Canaletto, Return of the Bucintoro on Ascension Day, 1726-27

Paolo Veronese, The Battle of Lepanto, 1571

Paolo Veronese, Allegory of the Battle of Lepanto, 1571

Jacopo and Domenico Tintoretto, S. Guistina and the Treasurers, 1580

Carpaccio, detail from the Leavetaking of the Betrothed Pair, 1495