Renaissance and Reformation Review - Edl · 22. define sect group within a religion that...


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16. define heresy an opinion that contradicts church beliefs

17. define humanities Collectively, areas of study that focus onhuman life and culture, such as history,literature, and ethics

18. define inquisition A church court set up for peopleaccused of heresy

19. define missionary a person who teaches his/her religiousbeliefs to others

20. Definepredestination

idea that God decided fate of peoplessouls before birth

21. define republic A government in which citizens rule byelecting representatives

22. define sect group within a religion that distinguishesitself by one or more unique beliefs

23. define secular non-religious

24. DesideriusErasmus

best known Christian Humanists

25. Final decrees ofthe Council ofTrent

reaffirms traditional catholic teaching inopposition to protestant beliefs

26. French and Romanchurch leadersdisagreement wascalled what?

The Great Schism

27. High Renaissance Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, andMichelangelo

28. How did Europeancolonies in SouthAmerica becomeCatholic?

The Peace of Westphalia grantedcolonies the religion of their colonistsfather country. Spain and Portugal wereCatholic.

29. How did MartinLuther say peopleachievedsalvation?

Through faith in Jesus

30. Humanistmovement

had a profound effect on education

31. If a renaissanceperson were to#tbt, what wouldthey throwback to?Greek Culture

classical culture

1. 95 Thesis attacked the abuse of indulgeses,beginning the protestant reformation

2. 1350 The Italian Renaissance Begins

3. 1434 The Medici family Takes control ofFlorence

4. According to manyreformers, whatwas the ultimatesource of religiousauthority?

The Bible

5. According to theCatholic church,how does oneachieve salvation?

belief in God, sacraments, and goodworks

6. After Luther,where didEuropean leaderstake a stand thatdivided theChristian church?


7. BaldassareCastiglione

the Book of the Courtier

8. The Book of theCourtier

described the characteristics of a perfectRenaissance noble

9. Calvin agreed withLuther on mostdoctrines except:


10. The CanterburyTales

Chaucer used the English vernacular wasimportant in making his dialect the chiefancestor of the modern English language

11. Catholics andProtestantsconsidered ______to be dangerousradicals


12. Chaucer wrote? The Canterbury Tales

13. Christine de Pizan works written in defense of women

14. The country knownas Italy today wasreally made up ofmany ________________,Florence beingone, which helpedkick start theRenaissance


15. define doctrine religious teaching

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32. "If you want to buildthe Iron Man suit,you can do that..."is an example ofwhat belief system?


33. Ignatius of Loyola founded the Society of Jesus/ theJesuits

34. Lutheranism 1st protestant faith

35. Nearby Santa ClaraUniversity is anexample of whichCatholic order?


36. Observation was thefirst step in whatkind of discoveries?


37. Peace of Augsburg accepted the division of Christianity inGermany

38. Protesters ofcorruption in thechurch were called


39. The purchase of aticket to heaven iscalled

an indulgence

40. Renaissance ItalianParents

often arranged marriages for security

41. The westernhemisphere wasexplored underwhich two Europeanmonarchs?

Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Isabella

42. What did JohnCalvin think was aclear sign of God'sfavor?

success in business

43. What didRenaissancearchitecture inFlorenceresemble?

Greek and Roman architecture

44. What didRenaissance artresemble?

classical art

45. What events ledto greaterinfluence fromthe east inEurope?

The Crusades

46. What greatlyimprovedliteracy inRenaissanceEurope?

The printing press

47. What is a moneybased economy?

Goods and services are purchased withcurrency.

48. What is atrademark of ademocraticgovernment?

elected leaders

49. What istheocracy?

government run by religious leaders

50. What is the roleof a patron?

funding art

51. What kind ofgovernment didJohn Calvinsupport?


52. What makes yourschool day verysimilar to aRenaissanceeducation?

You study many different subjects.Renaissance study liberal arts as youdo.

53. What role didtrade play in thedevelopment of theRenaissance?

traders brought classical ideas to Europe

54. What special kindof business didFlorence becomeknown for?


55. What was a maingoal of theReformation?

To reform (or purify) the church

56. What was theCatholic church'spractice thatpromisedsalvation to peoplewho gave moneyto the church?

The selling of indulgences

57. Which area ofEurope was mostsuited to do a lotof trade and why?

Italy, because of its location near water;easy access for trade

58. Which monarchdid not want toshare power withthe Catholicchurch?

England's King Henry VIII

59. Which reformerattacked churchcorruption in abook "The Praiseof Folly"

Desiderius Erasmus

60. Which reformersaid good worksand money havenothing to do withsalvation?

Martin Luther

61. Who defended theEnglishreformation?

William Tyndale

62. Who discoveredJupiter's moons?Used the telescope

Galileo Galilei

63. Who made mapsfrom a bird's-eyeview?

Leonardo da Vinci

64. Who painted theceiling of theSistine Chapel?


65. Who participatedin the Council ofTrent?

Catholic Church leaders who wanted tocorrect abuses in the church

66. Who sculpted"David"?


67. Who was a big fan ofWilliam Shakespeare'splays?

Queen Elizabeth I

68. Who was the Englishking who split from theCatholic church andformed the Anglicanchurch?

King Henry VIII

69. Who were the"godfathers" ofRenaissance Europe?

The Medici family

70. Who wrote "The DivineComedy"?

Dante Alighieri

71. Who wrote "The Prince"?

Niccolo Machiavelli

72. Why were more people reading in the Renaissance than in Medievaltimes?

More books were available in people's own language(vernacular).
