Remember…… 1917- US sent troops to fight for the allies By 1918 Germany was significantly...


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Remember……1917- US sent troops to fight for the allies

By 1918 Germany was significantly weakened and asked for an armistice (peace agreement)

On 11/11 at 11 am. This was officially signed (Veteran's Day in the US)

Prior to 11/11On November 5th Germany had accepted Wilson's 14 points as the basis for peace and an armistice (signed 6 days later on 11/11)

However, when the final treaty was signed the 14 points were largely forgotten.

Paris Peace Conference:Russia and the Central Powers were not allowed to participate

Wilson wanted peace without punishing other countriesFrance wanted to punish Germany, Britain wanted prosperity

A rise in nationalism caused many groups who had been ruled by Russia, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman empire to want independence

When the new states were created, ethnic groups were often divided into separate states

The League of Nations was created, which was a group of nations who came together to work for world peace

The League of Nations40 nations joined in hopes of allying for peace

The US Congress felt adding to their alliances could pull them into a future war (remember the “A” in MAIN after all) so CONGRESS REJECTED THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS & THE US NEVER JOINED.

The Treaty of VersaillesThe Big 3- US, Great Britain, and France

made a lot of decisions at the peace conference without Germany who was not allowed to attend and defend the decisions that would directly affect their country= GERMANY MAD

The Treaty of Versailles was not about keeping peace, but instead about seeking revenge- some people say this led to WWII because of German anger

Treaty of Versailles- land lossTerritory and colonies were taken from Germany – forced many Germans to move

Austria-Hungarian and Ottoman empires broke up

The mandate system is created

(Middle East)

Treaty of Versailles (B.A.R.)

Blame=Germany was forced to assume responsibility for the war

(dis)Armament Germany’s military was limited

Repartitions (money)Germany was forced to pay reparations for destruction and dead soldiers
