Remarks by the Hon. Robert Montague Minister of State with responsibility for Local Government in...


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Remarks by Remarks by the the

Hon. Robert Montague Hon. Robert Montague Minister of State Minister of State

with responsibility for Local Government with responsibility for Local Government in the Office of the Prime Minister, in the Office of the Prime Minister,


The Commonwealth Vision for The Commonwealth Vision for Local GovernmentLocal Government

********************Commonwealth Local Government Commonwealth Local Government

Conference,Conference,Our Lucaya Conference Grand Bahama, Our Lucaya Conference Grand Bahama,

Freeport, BahamasFreeport, Bahamas

May 12, 2009May 12, 2009


• Bahamian Government & People

• Delegates of the Americas

• Commonwealth Delegates

• Ladies & Gentlemen

Presentation Presentation

• Introduce key themes

• Highlight key issues for discussion

• Set out likely outcomes

• Cite Caribbean experience

The Vision to LeadThe Vision to Lead

• Leaders must be visionary

• Organisation serious about succeeding

• “Without vision the people perish” if policy makers and practitioners in local government cannot translate vision to communities

Economic Crisis our OpportunityEconomic Crisis our Opportunity

• Global economic crisis

• Do not allow crisis to erode gains made in local government

• Despite budget cuts

• See the opportunity in the crisis

Business Unusual ApproachBusiness Unusual Approach

• Be not fearful of the storm

• Learn to dance in the rain

• Employ a Paradigm shift in doing business

• Cultivate attitudinal shift which recognizes the multiplier effect

Business Unusual RequiresBusiness Unusual Requires

• Improving revenue streams

• Improving customer service delivery

• Increasing community dialogue

• Identifying funding by finding new & deepening old partnerships

• Adopting involved management approach

Business Unusual RequiresBusiness Unusual Requires

• Leading from the front

• Articulating your vision well

• Being innovative & creative

• Sharing a common regional vision for local governance


• Regional vision

• Sense of shared vision

• Achieving collectively

• United front

Guiding PrinciplesGuiding Principles

Aberdeen Agenda & Auckland Accord


• Capacity building

• Transparency

• Autonomy

• Accountability

• Citizens participation

Applying the Principles in JamaicaApplying the Principles in Jamaica

• Citizens involvement – town hall meetings, open budgeting

• Autonomy- Central government returning functions

• Transparency- local public accounts committee set up

• Legal framework – Revision of strategic laws for entrenchment of local government in Constitution

Ja’s International ApplicationJa’s International Application

• CFLGM Chair• Regional Policy & Cooperation Framework

developed• Policy articulates strategies and

interventions to be pursued for effective regional governance

• Regional and Int’l conferences serve to solidify implementation within national boundaries

Regional CommitmentRegional Commitment

• Committed to system that is citizen-centred

• Confident in security of resources

• Hosting of RIAD conference later this year to provide greater networking benefits

• Provide opportunity for information sharing

• Fosters move towards regional shared vision for local democracy

Conference Background Paper Conference Background Paper

Themes include:

• Increasing role of local government and public expectations

• Challenges of financing for local government

• Importance of sound local democratic practices

Conference Background Paper Conference Background Paper cont’dcont’d

• Role of partnerships with private sector/NGOs

• Challenge of measuring the progress that is being made at local level in terms of service delivery

• Assessing local democracy and governance

Conference OutcomesConference Outcomes

• Develop Conference Declaration • Recommendations to be forwarded to

Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in November in Trinidad & Tobago

• Encourage Prime Ministers & other Heads to draw attention to role of local government in the main discussion at CHOGM

The ChargeThe Charge

• As visionary practitioners need to share recommendations arrived at

• Commit to implementing recommendations arising out of conference

• Each visionary practitioner to utilise conference tools to help local governance process at home

CLGF’s CommitmentCLGF’s Commitment

• To move agenda forward

• Designing leadership training intervention programmes

• Supporting partnerships

• Share skills under good practice scheme

• Enhance collaborative effort between CALGA, CIDA, CLGF to strengthen partnership

Supporting the VisionSupporting the Vision

• Using network effectively

• Maximising benefits of event

• Supporting improvement of local government across Commonwealth


• Embrace vision

• Embrace principles of Aberdeen Agenda and Auckland Accord

• Success of conference relies heavily on your participation

• Bahamas the right choice for CLGC Conference 2009 !!

• A Successful Conference to us All!

• Thank You!
