Released 2018 Assessment:


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EQAO, 2 Carlton Street, Suite 1200, Toronto, ON M5B 2M9 • 1-888-327-7377 • Web site: • © 2011 Queen’s Printer for Ontario

EQAO, 2 Carlton Street, Suite 1200, Toronto, ON M5B 2M9 • 1-888-327-7377 • Web site: • © 2011 Queen’s Printer for Ontario

Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics:

Junior Division

Released 2018 Assessment: Mathematics

Item-Specific Rubrics and Sample

Student Responses with Annotations

EQAO, 2 Carlton Street, Suite 1200, Toronto, ON M5B 2M9 • 1-888-327-7377 • Web site: • © 2018 Queen’s Printer for Ontario

Scoring Guide for Junior Mathematics Open-Response (2018)

Question 8

Code Descriptor

B Blank: nothing written or drawn in response to the question


Illegible: cannot be read; completely crossed out/erased; not written in English

Irrelevant content: does not attempt assigned question (e.g., comment on the task, drawings,

“?”, “!”, “I don’t know”)

Off topic: no relationship of written work to the question


Application of knowledge and skills to plot and label points on a number line and determine a

possible value for Point E shows limited effectiveness due to

misunderstanding of concepts

incorrect selection or misuse of procedures


Application of knowledge and skills to plot and label points on a number line and determine a

possible value for Point E shows some effectiveness due to

partial understanding of the concepts

errors and/or omissions in the application of the procedures


Application of knowledge and skills to plot and label points on a number line and determine a

possible value for Point E shows considerable effectiveness due to

an understanding of most of the concepts

minor errors and/or omissions in the application of the procedures


Application of knowledge and skills to plot and label points on a number line and determine a

possible value for Point E shows a high degree of effectiveness due to

a thorough understanding of the concepts

an accurate application of the procedures (any minor errors and/or omissions do not detract

from the demonstration of a thorough understanding)

Scoring Guide for Junior Mathematics Open-Response (2018)

Question 8

Code 10


Response demonstrates misunderstanding of concepts; 0 to 1 points in the table plotted correctly

(Point D is correct) and even though Point E is plotted between Point C and Point D, the value

determined does not correspond with the point.

Scoring Guide for Junior Mathematics Open-Response (2018)

Question 8

Code 20


Response demonstrates partial understanding of the concepts; 2 points in the table plotted

correctly [Point B (7/10) and Point C (2 ½)] and Point E is plotted between Point C and Point D,

but the value determined does not correspond with the point. Note: label or value on the number

line will be considered as the location of the point and it must be within 0.05.

Scoring Guide for Junior Mathematics Open-Response (2018)

Question 8

Code 30


Response demonstrates a minor error in the application of the procedures; 2 or 3 points in the

table plotted correctly (Point B, Point C and Point D are correct), Point E plotted between Point

C and Point D and the value determined corresponds with the point.

Scoring Guide for Junior Mathematics Open-Response (2018)

Question 8

Code 40


Response demonstrates a thorough understanding of the concepts; 4 points in the table plotted

correctly, Point E plotted between Point C and Point D and the value determined corresponds

with the point. Note: value of Point E can be a decimal or a fraction.

Scoring Guide for Junior Mathematics Open-Response (2018)

Question 9

Code Descriptor

B Blank: nothing written or drawn in response to the question


Illegible: cannot be read; completely crossed out/erased; not written in English

Irrelevant content: does not attempt assigned question (e.g., comment on the task, drawings, “?”, “!”,

“I don’t know”)

Off topic: no relationship of written work to the question


Thinking process to draw a line of reflection, plot a point of rotation and name and describe

transformations shows limited effectiveness due to

minimal evidence of a solution process

limited identification of important elements of the problem

too much emphasis on unimportant elements of the problem

no conclusions presented

conclusion presented without supporting evidence


Thinking process to draw a line of reflection, plot a point of rotation and name and describe

transformations shows some effectiveness due to

an incomplete solution process

identification of some of the important elements of the problem

some understanding of the relationships between important elements of the problem

simple conclusions with little supporting evidence


Thinking process to draw a line of reflection, plot a point of rotation and name and describe

transformations shows considerable effectiveness due to

a solution process that is nearly complete

identification of most of the important elements of the problem

a considerable understanding of the relationships between important elements of the problem

appropriate conclusions with supporting evidence


Thinking process to draw a line of reflection, plot a point of rotation and name and describe

transformations shows a high degree of effectiveness due to

a complete solution process

identification of all important elements of the problem

a thorough understanding of the relationships between all of the important elements of the problem

appropriate conclusions with thorough and insightful supporting evidence

Scoring Guide for Junior Mathematics Open-Response (2018)

Question 9

Code 10


Response demonstrates limited identification of important elements of the problem; 0 to 2 (2) of

the 9 components correct: 2 types correct (reflection, rotation).

Scoring Guide for Junior Mathematics Open-Response (2018)

Question 9

Code 20


Response demonstrates some understanding of the relationships between important elements of

the problem; 3 to 5 (4) of the 9 components correct: 3 types correct (flip, rotation, slid) and 1

description correct (slit 2 right).

Scoring Guide for Junior Mathematics Open-Response (2018)

Question 9

Code 30


Response demonstrates identification of most of the important elements of the problem; 6 to 8

(6) of the 9 components correct: line of reflection, point of rotation, 3 types (reflection, rotation,

translation) and 1 part of description for the rotation (90° clockwise) are correct. Note:

description of reflection must reference the line of reflection to be considered correct.

Scoring Guide for Junior Mathematics Open-Response (2018)

Question 9

Code 40


Response demonstrates identification of all important elements of the problem; all 9 components

correct: line of reflection, point of rotation, 3 types (reflection, rotation, translation) and 3

descriptions with 2 parts for rotation (90° clockwise and reference to point of rotation) are

correct. Note: line of reflection, mirror line and line of symmetry are all considered correct. As

well, the terms flip, turn and slide as types are acceptable.

Scoring Guide for Junior Mathematics Open-Response (2018)

Question 10

Code Descriptor

B Blank: nothing written or drawn in response to the question


Illegible: cannot be read; completely crossed out/erased; not written in English

Irrelevant content: does not attempt assigned question (e.g., comment on the task, drawings,

“?”, “!”, “I don’t know”)

Off topic: no relationship of written work to the question


Application of knowledge and skills to determine the probability of marbles being chosen shows

limited effectiveness due to

misunderstanding of concepts

incorrect selection or misuse of procedures


Application of knowledge and skills to determine the probability of marbles being chosen shows

some effectiveness due to

partial understanding of the concepts

errors and/or omissions in the application of the procedures


Application of knowledge and skills to determine the probability of marbles being chosen shows

considerable effectiveness due to

an understanding of most of the concepts

minor errors and/or omissions in the application of the procedures


Application of knowledge and skills to determine the probability of marbles being chosen shows

a high degree of effectiveness due to

a thorough understanding of the concepts

an accurate application of the procedures (any minor errors and/or omissions do not detract

from the demonstration of a thorough understanding)

Scoring Guide for Junior Mathematics Open-Response (2018)

Question 10

Code 10


Response demonstrates misunderstanding of concepts; correct conclusion (orange), but 0 of the 6

probabilities determined correctly (8% not considered as this is the number of red and purple

marbles (1+7=8) with no attempt at a probability) with incomplete justification for selecting


Scoring Guide for Junior Mathematics Open-Response (2018)

Question 10

Code 20


Response demonstrates partial understanding of the concepts; correct conclusion (orange) with

justification (either shows one quarter of 20 is 5 (20÷4=5) or provides fraction 5/20 or 1/4 or

25%), but probability of selecting either red or purple not determined correctly.

Scoring Guide for Junior Mathematics Open-Response (2018)

Question 10

Code 30


Response demonstrates minor errors in the application of the procedures; 4 to 5 (5) of the 6

probabilities determined correctly (0.5 is incorrect, but 0.85 is correct based on error in

probability determined for red as added red and purple).

Scoring Guide for Junior Mathematics Open-Response (2018)

Question 10

Code 40


Response demonstrates a thorough understanding of the concepts; all 6 probabilities determined

correctly (5%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 35% and 40%) with correct conclusion (orange).

Note: probabilities may be expressed as a fraction, decimal or percent.

Scoring Guide for Junior Mathematics Open-Response (2018)

Question 11

Code Descriptor

B Blank: nothing written or drawn in response to the question


Illegible: cannot be read; completely crossed out/erased; not written in English

Irrelevant content: does not attempt assigned question (e.g., comment on the task, drawings, “?”, “!”,

“I don’t know”)

Off topic: no relationship of written work to the question


Thinking process to determine the total amount Joe will have saved at Week 7 and which week his total

savings will be $68 shows limited effectiveness due to

minimal evidence of a solution process

limited identification of important elements of the problem

too much emphasis on unimportant elements of the problem

no conclusions presented

conclusion presented without supporting evidence


Thinking process to determine the total amount Joe will have saved at Week 7 and which week his total

savings will be $68 shows some effectiveness due to

an incomplete solution process

identification of some of the important elements of the problem

some understanding of the relationships between important elements of the problem

simple conclusions with little supporting evidence


Thinking process to determine the total amount Joe will have saved at Week 7 and which week his total

savings will be $68 shows considerable effectiveness due to

a solution process that is nearly complete

identification of most of the important elements of the problem

a considerable understanding of the relationships between important elements of the problem

appropriate conclusions with supporting evidence


Thinking process to determine the total amount Joe will have saved at Week 7 and which week his total

savings will be $68 shows a high degree of effectiveness due to

a complete solution process

identification of all important elements of the problem

a thorough understanding of the relationships between all of the important elements of the problem

appropriate conclusions with thorough and insightful supporting evidence

Scoring Guide for Junior Mathematics Open-Response (2018)

Question 11

Code 10


Response demonstrates limited identification of important elements of the problem; incorrectly

determines savings at Week 7 with incorrect point for Week 7 [not at (7, 44)] and incorrectly

determines when Joe’s savings will be $68 with no work shown.

Scoring Guide for Junior Mathematics Open-Response (2018)

Question 11

Code 20


Response demonstrates some understanding of the relationships between important elements of

the problem; correctly determines savings at Week 7 ($44), but incorrectly determines when

Joe’s savings will be $68 (Week 12) with no work shown.

Scoring Guide for Junior Mathematics Open-Response (2018)

Question 11

Code 30


Response demonstrates identification of most of the important elements of the problem; uses 8 or

6 as the rate (8), but correctly determines both the savings at Week 7 ($56) and when Joe’s

savings will be $68 (Week 8.5 or 9) with work shown for both, based on this error.

Scoring Guide for Junior Mathematics Open-Response (2018)

Question 11

Code 40


Response demonstrates a thorough understanding of the relationships between all of the

important elements of the problem; correctly determines savings at Week 7 ($44) and when Joe’s

savings will be $68 (Week 11) with work shown for both.
