

Citation preview

Brittany Butler

Business Communications II

November 14, 2014


It is extremely important to develop successful and strong relationships in the workplace.

Communication competence is “your ability to develop and sustain relationships at work”

(Downing, et. al., 2014, p. 275). This is important in building a successful career because

relationships at work will help reputation and focus on the tasks at hand.

Developing a successful relationship in the workplace comes with five strategies. The

first strategy is initiating the relationship. The effectiveness from this strategy is “providing the

social framework for what can become meaningful friendship over time” (Downing, et. al., 2014,

p. 279). The second strategy is communicating respect. This is effective to show coworkers their

“importance to you and to the task” (Downing, et. al., 2014, p. 279). The third strategy is to

develop trust. Trust is effective because “when people trust someone, it means they believe they

are honest and reliable” (Downing, et. al., 2014, p. 280). The next strategy is being careful what

is revealed. This is effective because what is said could help or hinder a reputation in the

workplace. The final strategy is confirming or praising others. This is effective because when

people get praised, they “feel validated and have a greater sense of well-being and self-worth”

(Downing, et. al., 2014, p. 281).

Having strong relationships in the workplace is very important to have a successful

career. Relationship development includes these five strategies of initiating the relationship,

communicating respect, developing trust, being careful on what is being revealed, and

confirming or praising others. Using these five strategies in the workplace will make a successful

work environment.

Initiating the Relationship

Communicating Respect

Developing Trust

Being Careful what is


Confirming or Praising Others
